Angling International Magazine - January 2010 - 24



Angling International Magazine - January 2010 - 24 Angling International Magazine Angling International was launched in response to demand from the global angling trade for an independent voice, a magazine that reflected not its own views but those of the industry, a magazine that preferred quality and accuracy over sensationalism and controversy. Thanks for reading!

Transcript of Angling International Magazine - January 2010 - 24

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The second annuallures showcase p27







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Essential reading forbuyers in the tackle trade

January 2010 Issue24






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Thenewcarpbusinessespreparing forChinaFish

Essential reading forbuyers in the tackle trade

January 2010 Issue24






EUROPEANBUSINESSKingpinunveilsexpansionplansUK centrepinmaker setssights on Germany, Franceand Japan p12

Bolognashowdoubles insizeItaly’s leading consumerfishing show adds divingto themix p10

Is this the clearest signal yet that theindustry is coming out of recession?To join the trade in Valencia see p51

Versatile baitfrom Carp ZoomIt works everywhere, sayits Hungarianmakers p49

What next for America’sfly fishing show?PLUS

AFFTA splits with FFR owners Nielsen and plans for apossible stand-alone event. Full story p44


Abel reeldealWhy it was chosen to bethe brand’s UK agent p40

EFTTEX bookingsup by30%

Make your choice from the year’s leadinginnovations Pages8-9, 16&27-34

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Imitation. Don’t you just hate it. Unfortunately it iscommon in theangling industry–andnomore sothan the lure sector, the focus for our special featurethismonth. It is verydifficult to combat, and legalrecourse canbeexpensive and timeconsuming.

Butwait aminute, let’s think about this. Itmeansyouhaveagood ideaworth copying. That can’t bebad. It tells you that your competitors are short oftheir own ideas. That’s got to begoodnews too. And itmakesyoufirst–andsecond is nowhere as theysay.That’s got to begreat!

I’mnotmaking light of a seriousbusiness, but fearofwhat your competitor is doing really is a debilitat-ing processandsaps creative energy. On thepositiveside, it confirms that youare topof your game, theinstigator of changeand theenvyof your competitors.Imitation really is thehighest formof flattery andsaysvolumesabout your company’s competitive position.

Timeworrying is better spent focusing onhowyouare going tomoveyour products onstill further. An-gling International is thebest vehicle for helpingyoucommunicate your keypoints of differentiation to theindustry andwearehappy to talk to youabout special

editorial packages that do just that. Giveusa call.*This issuemarks Angling International’ssecondanniversary. That’s not verylong, youmight say. But here at AIwesee it as our biggest asset. Longevity inpublishingdoesn’t necessarily trans-late into a good thing.More often thannot it is quite theopposite: staid ideascompoundedbya reactive culture. Newbusinesseson theother handbringa freshpair of eyesandadifferentperspective. And– ifwe listen to ourgrowing customer base–a refresh-ing, objective andeasy-to-work-withapproach. Alreadyweare setting thepaceandare the victimsof someof that imitation Imentionabove.Whocares? It’s better to befirst andbest thanhangingon to someoneelse’s ideasandplaying catchup. How frustratingwould that be?

Mel Bagnall [email protected]

•Publishing editor:MelBagnall; [email protected] +44(0)1733392977 •Editorial director:RobCarter; [email protected]•Art Director:KeelyDocherty-Lee; [email protected] •Designer:KateHooley; [email protected] •DatabaseManager:GrahamGoor; [email protected]• International Ambassador:Caroline Thomas; [email protected] +44 (0)7952555716 •Colour reproduction: ATGraphicsUKLtd, Peterborough, CambsUK•Printedby:WarnersMidlandsplc, Bourne, CambsUK •Subscription enquiries: [email protected]

Angling Internationalmagazine is publishedby TopCorner Editorial andDesignLimited. 4Milnyard Square, Bakewell Road, OrtonSouthgate, PeterboroughCambridgeshire, UnitedKingdom, PE26GX

• International Commercial Director: Lucie Petrickova; [email protected]; Tel. +447825999230; Fax+441225760249; Skype lpetrickova

•THANKS THIS ISSUEGOTO:GaryBerlin, CarolineBilodeau, LucyBowden, BrunoBroughton, TomChopin, Angela Coe, NateDablock,Milja Findlay, GrahamGoor, PeterHalasz, KateHooley, SophieKummer, Szilvia Jakab, TomLegge, ChristineMa,TeemuMakela, JohnMazurkiewicz, Bennett J.Mintz, Alli Nolland, Fadil Salim, LindaSaunders, Sadie Smith, AndrewSowerby, KathleenSullivan, James Tipping, DanWhitfield.

No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the prior permission of the publisher. The magazine assumes no responsibility for the safety of contributions, although all reasonable care will be taken.


Welcome,Bienvenue,BienvenidaWillkommen, Benvenuto...

Meet themakers of Angling International...

MELBAGNALL,PUBLISHINGEDITORMel’s vast experience in theangling industry includessixyears as thepublisher of UKcompanyEmap’s anglingbusiness. Hebeganhis careeronAngling Timeswherehewasreporter, featurewriter, subeditorandnewseditor, andwasalsoassistanteditorofSeaAngler.Hehasworked inmagazines formore than36years.

PHILBROUGHTON,PUBLISHINGDIRECTORPhil’smedia backgroundstretchesback some15years and includesadvertising sales onsomeoftheUK’s biggest sports andoutdoorsmagazines,managingcontract publishing relationships,sponsorshipmanagement, andhandling commercial operationsonconsumer events, includingtheGoFishing Show.

ROBCARTER,EDITORIALDIRECTORRobbeganhis careerwriting forandediting specialist consumermagazines in theUK (includingMatch footballmagazine, Fore!golfmagazine and Trout Fisher-man)before being appointededitor-in-chief of Emap’s contractpublishingdepartment.He is afounder director of TopCorner,thepublishers of AnglingInternational.

KEELYDOCHERTY-LEE,ARTDIRECTORAs TopCorner’s art director andco-founder, Keelyhas15years’designexperience, andaproventrack recordof producingsuccessful ad campaigns,brochures anddirectmail. Shehasworkedwithmanyanglingclients and today leads thedesignteamonAngling International,managing theeditorial productionof each issue.

ROBERT LANGFORD,EUROPECORRESPONDENTEnglish-bornRobert Langfordis based inGermany,wherehehas forgedahuge reputation asaseaangler and journalist. Hisarticles,which are syndicatedthroughout Europe, are readbyup to500,000 readers. Healsoworks as afishingguide andnever leaveshomewithout hisBalenowaterproofs.

LUCIE PETRICKOVA,INTERNATIONALCOMMERCIALDIRECTORLucie can call uponsevenyears’ experienceof deliveringcommerical solutions for anglingclients. Czech-born, she isalso familiarwith other easternEuropean languages. Call her todiscussyour advertisingneedsand to findoutways topromoteyour products in themagazine.

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AnglingInternational January20106

Quels leurres vont attirer l’attention dumarché en 2010? Nous avons posé laquestion aux entreprises parmi les plusinnovantes du secteur des leurres – etvous trouverez leurs réponses tout au longde ce numéro spécial. Les contributionsdesmarques les plus établies commecelles des inventeurs les plus excitantesont pages 8-9 et 27-34. Ailleurs dansce numéro, une interview exclusive avecla société qui est derrière le prestigieux‘Kingpin Centerpin Reel’’, une vraie “suc-cess story” Européenne (page 12). Aussides nouvelles de l’agrandissement duFishing Show Bologna qui se déroulera enfévrier (page 10). Et pour plus de preuvesd’un retour à la croissance, ne cherchezpas plus loin que EFTTEX, le premier salonprofessionnel Européen. Ce mois-ci, lesorganisateurs font état d’une augmenta-tion de 30% des réservations par rapport àla même période l’an dernier (page 52).

Quepecesartificiales vana capturar laimaginacióndel comercio enel 2010?Hemosestadopidiendoque la cuestióndelos fabricantesmás innovadores aritficiales–yustedencontrará sus respuestas enestenúmeroespecial. Las contribucionesde lasmarcasestablecidas, así comoemocionantesnuevos innovadores estánen las páginas8-9y27-34. En otra parte deeste temaquepresentará unaentrevista exclusiva con lacompañía detrás de los carretesdeprestigioKingpin centrepin, una verdaderahistoriadeéxito europeo (página12). Tambiénhaynoticias del aumentode la capacidaddeespacio enLa feria deBolonia, que tendrálugar en febrero (página10). Y paramásevidencia deun retornoal crecimiento, nobusquemásallá deEFTTEX, númerounodeEuropade feria. Estemes, los organizadoresestán reportandoun incrementodel 30%delas reservas en comparación conelmismoperíododel añopasado (página52).

Welche Kunstköder werden die Fantasie derIndustrie in 2010 fesseln? Habenwir dieinnovativsten Hersteller aus dieser Spartebefragt – ihre Antworten finden Sie buntgestreut in dieser Spezialausgabe. Beiträgevon bekannten Brands sowie aufregendeneue Innovatoren finden Sie auf Seite 8-9,27-34. In dieser Ausgabe habenwir außer-demeinenweiteren Spezialbeitrag; einexklusives Interviewmit der Firma hinterden prestigeträchtigen King Pin Axel-Rollen,wahrhaftig eine europäische Erfolgsges-chichte (Seite 12). Weitere Nachrichten:The Fishing Show in Bologna, die im Februarstattfindet, hat ihre Kapazität erweitert(Seite 10). Undwenn Sie Anzeichen füreinen Aufschwung suchen, dann sollten Siedie EFTTEX beachten, EuropaswichtigsteAusstellung. Die Veranstalter berichtenzurzeit von einem30%igen Buchungszu-wachs im Vergleich zumgleichen Zeitraumletztes Jahr (Seite 52).

Quali delle esche catturerà l’immaginazionedelmercato 2010? E’ la domanda chequestomese poniamo ai produttori piùinnovativi del settore “esche”. Le risposte?Scopritelo in questo numero. Alle pagine8-9 e 27-34 troverete informazioniprovenienti damarchi affermati, nonché dainnovatori non ancora conosciuti. Questonumero offre anche un’intervista esclusivaall’azienda che si cela dietro ai prestigiosimulinelli Kingpin centrepin, una storia divero successo in Europa (pagina 12).Ancora: a pagina 10, tutte le novità sullospazio espositivo de “The Fishing Show” diBologna, (Italia), previsto per febbraio. Apagina 52: la riprova di una nuova crescitaè EFTTEX, l’evento espositivo numero 1in Europa. Questomese gli organizzatoristanno registrando un aumento del 30%nelle prenotazioni rispetto allo stessoperiodo dell’anno scorso. Vi auguriamo unabuona lettura.

Diesenmonat, Cemois,Estemes,Questomese...

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1Multiple connection eyesfor different diving depthsandmovement patterns.

Depending on themodel, there areup to four separate eyes. The topeye createsmore activemovementand deeper diving. The lower eyesgenerate amore subtlemovementand shallower dive.

4The absence of a diving lip createsa very lifelike action. The lackof aggressivemovement is an

intentional trait and one of the keyreasons behind thewobbler’s success.The integrated diving lip alsomeansthewobbler rarely gets snagged. Theaerodynamic design is pioneering theway forward for jointed wobblers, makingcastingmuch easier.


I N S I G H T • A N A LY S I S • T R A D E N E W S


AnglingInternational January2010

In a market sector where imitation is wide-spread, the story behind Biedron wobblers,part of Zebco Sports Europe’s QuantumSpecialist range, is a refreshing example ofinnovation being justly rewarded. Far from

taking on ideas from elsewhere, the Quantum teamworked secretly with celebrated lure designer PeterBiedron to avoid modern trends and develop a lurethat brought something different to the market.Contact between Biedron and Zebco was estab-

lished some years earlier when the German porce-lain artist had invented some innovative prototypeswithout a diving lip.“We had some interest in this project but at the

time we couldn’t bring it to just any manufacturerbecause of the risk of losing the project to othercustomers before we had time to launch it,” recalledZebco’s Marketing and Publicity Manager FrerkPetersen. “So we slowly built up this ambitiousproject with one carefully selected manufacturer toavoid all risk.”In the beginning, Zebco developed just one

pattern – the ‘Original’ – to determine whether the

The German company is pioneering a new style ofaerodynamic wobblers with no diving lips – andreaping rewards throughout Europe. “You will beamazed at the results,” says their designer.

manufacture could meet production and paintingrequirements. The latter was especially difficult asBiedron had some very special ideas that movedaway from the current trends of holo patterns andtranslucent effects, preferring instead to achieve aScandinavian-style finish.Multiple layers of colour are used to create the

shimmer effect that Biedron insisted upon. “Someof the back spray patterns even include an onionsack design and, believe it or not, each year wesend European onion sacks to the manufacturer,”explained Petersen.Since developing the wobbler, Biedron and Zebco

have expanded the range to include some moretraditional patterns with a diving lip, useful for anglersseeking deep diving models, and there are now 16different models in multiple sizes and colour patterns.But the original and unique concept of no diving lip

is what first caught the attention of the market.Zebco has also introduced a two-dimensional

link joining the body parts to create the movementpattern. Some of the joints even have a (patented)diagonal cut – as found in the Belly Dancer, Rim Jimand Tri Burner models – which generates further

variations of movement.On some models like the Power Cast Sea Trout,

Stumpy and Fluffy the trebles are attached to thebottom of the lure rather than the rear end, adecision taken on the basis that many predatorattacks come from beneath the lure and not from theback. Biedron has also introduced multiple eyes for

attaching the reel line to adjustdiving depths and action on theretrieve.With the addition of the Fluffy

and Stumpy models, Biedron hasreturned to his roots by making extremely small wob-blers ideal for trout fishing and also good for chub,asp and other species known to feed on fish fry.Those anglers who prefer aggressive movement

from their wobblers may be surprised by the moresedate action of the Biedron. But Petersen is quick

Revealed! HowQuantum perfectedits Biedronwobblers


?Want to talk to Zebco Sports Europe?Here’s how to find them...Tel:+49418229430 Fax:+494182294322Email: [email protected]

“These lures don’t follow mainstreamtrends, trying to impress with rattles.The natural approach is more effective”

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2 The two-dimensional linkbetween body parts createsan enticingmovement which

mirrors the swimming patternsof real prey fish and is especiallyeffective in flowing water.

3Depending on themodel,up to ten layers of colourare used to create the

all-important shimmer effect.Slight colour differences are asign of quality, proving eachlure is hand finished and givingthe angler the opportunity touse slightly different variantsof wobbler.

5Thewobbler’s rattlingbody creates anunderwater sound

pattern that can attractpredators from long distances. 6Only super sharp

trebles are used inBiedronwobblers.

January2010 AnglingInternational 9


to point out that this trait – designed to imitatethe swimming patterns of real prey fish – is amongthe main reasons it has become a proven predatorcatcher across Europe.“These lures don’t follow mainstream trends,” he

says. “It is far easier to impress the fisherman withlures that rattle a lot and have aggressive actions. Butthe natural approach is sometimes more effective.“The first time I used the Biedron was whilst

trolling in a cod competition in the Baltic Sea. Atfirst I was totally disappointed by the action. I evensuspected a production fault, but I went on fishingthem against another top global brand that I wasusing at the same time. The end result wasamazing. I won the tournament and caughtmore big cod on the day than all the otheranglers together. And most of those fish werecaught on Biedron lures.”

“Thelackofaggressivemovement isanintentional traitandoneofthekey


Ahouseholdname in luredesignacrossEurope, PeterBiedron is aGermanporcelainartist of Polish descent. He isespecially known for his crea-tive, inventive skills regard-ing shape, size andcolourpatterns and is famous for hisvery smallwobbler patterns.Biedronfishesprivately in a

highly populatedareaof Ruhrgebiet. Thefish therehave seenmany luresbefore andsoBiedron recog-

nises theneed for constant design innovation.Biedron is best known for creatingwobblerswith-

out a diving lip. “The strategybehind this is simple,”he explains. “If youare apreyfish, youdonot reallywant tomakeasonganddance topredator fisharoundyouandattract their attention. Therefore,thesewobblers reflect thenaturalmovement ofpreyfish,with their sleekandeffortlessmotionthrough thewater.

“All Biedronwobblers are designedbymeandgothroughvigorous testing in hard-fishedwaters. I amconfident youwill be amazedby the results.”


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Organisers of one of Europe’s bestknown sports fishing events –universally known as The FishingShow and described as “thelandmark event for fishing in Italy”

– anticipate continued growth when the fourthshow takes place from February 12th to 15th, 2010.Their confidence arises not just from the fact that

the show has quickly made its mark as an unmissableinternational event, but that DiVex, Italy’s divingshow, will be run concurrently under the same roof.This important new development means that the

events will occupy a combined 40,000 sqm at theBolognafiera Showground venue, more than doublethe space needed in 2009. The halls will beconnected and a €10 single ticket will provideaccess to both shows.The Fishing Show itself will feature more than

100 exhibitors. Some 30,000 consumers and 2,000trade professionals are expected to attend. Theshow’s successful formula of a dedicated trade dayon the final day will be repeated, as will the newfly fishing section introduced last year.The show is organised on behalf of the Italian

Federation of Sport Fishing Equipment Manufac-turers and Professionals (FIPO) which believes thesynergies between the fishing and diving markets,

By combining with Italy’s premier diving show,organisers are hoping to attract new consumersto fishing stands this year.

FIPO’s Bologna Showdoubles in size for 2010

their innovative philosophies, their stance on theconservation of freshwater and marine habitats andpromotion of tourism will make the partnershipsuccessful and create additional value for visitors.FIPO also believes the alliance meets its objectives

to broaden participation in fishing by exposing themarket to other consumers and professionals and thatthis will help sales for exhibitors.Visitors can expect to find a comprehensive

showcase of European fishing tackle, accesso-ries, boats and services connected to the sportfishing sector. A packed programme of activities,demonstrations and seminars will in 2010include a new dedicated interactive area takingup 1500 sqm in hall 20. Activities alreadyplanned include a photography show.The fly fishing area will once again include

a casting pool for specialist fly companiesto demonstrate equipment and techniques,

demonstrations by expert fly anglers, fly tying anddressing techniques, and rod making.Organisers Expogeo reported a 5% increase in

visitor numbers in 2009, despite tough tradingconditions and the financial caution surroundingthe industry. The fact that Bologna is among theworld’s most beautiful cities and has excellenttravel connections is an added attraction to visitors.

?Want to be at the show?Here’s how to contact the organisers...Tel:+39 02 89 697856 Email: [email protected] [email protected]


10 AnglingInternational January2010


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100% Made in England. Certified to AS9100, the highest possible standard within the Aerospace,

Marine and Defence Industries. For more information please visit:

The King of Centrepins

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AnglingInternational January2010

T radition, heritage, history – call it whatyou will. But one thing’s for sure.You’ve either got it or you haven’t. ForUK company Kingpin, all these traitslie at the very heart of their sublime

centrepin reels. The story begins more than 20 yearsago when Dave Swallow, a celebrated coarse fisher-man based in southern England and regular visitorto the nearby Throop and Royalty fisheries, decidedto design the reel of his dreams.After much consideration, Swallow commissioned

Arnold Engineering, a Dorset company specialisingin ministry of defence work, to undertake thecommission and they began manufacturing theSwallow Centrepin in the early Nineties.The reel quickly became popular in markets like

By combining the precision engineering of theaeronautics industry with the craftmanship of theUK’s foremost anglers, theKingpin has risen to beone of angling’s most sought-after centrepin reels.“Now it’s time to take it further,” say its makers.

until retired surgeon Ron Baxter, an avid centrepinuser, rekindled KW’s enthusiasm in the project.Following some subtle design improvements,manufacture resumed.Now, with Stuart Ward, son of KW owner Keith

Ward, steering the project, there is a full-blownstrategy in place to introduce gentle, organic improve-ments, accelerate manufacture, drive an expansivemarketing plan and increase sales around the world.“The Kingpin story is all about quality, precision

and excellence,” explained Stuart. “These are reels

King of centrepinsall set to go global

Canada and North America where British-made, traditional, high-end products were(and still are) in great demand. After manysuccessful years making the reels under theSwallow brand, Arnold Engineering introducedits own version, calling it the Arnold-Kingpin.Another Dorset company KW Engineering,

specialising in aerospace and military precisionengineering, had been making spools and backplates for Arnold. KW saw the potential for theproduct and, being a much larger organisation,eventually purchased the drawings and the name.And due to Arnold no longer being involved, KW

decided to drop the Arnold name and register thereels under the Kingpin brand.The reel’s manufacture was dormant for a while,


The men that made itThe history of Kingpin is litteredwith revered anglingnames. Hampshire roach aceDave Swallowdesigned the reel in the first place to his own veryhigh specifications and standards. Years laterBob James, famed fisherman and angling jour-nalist, endorsed a special limited edition of the reel, andmore recently Kingpin has beenworking on anotherspecialmodel commissioned by none other thanEdward Barder, traditional angler andconsidered bymany to be themaker of the finestsplit cane rods in theworld.

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that people are proud to ownand take real joy in using. Theyare the result of work by anumber of true craftsmen downthe years, the evolution of 20years of traditional, high-quality workmanship.“We have carefully modernised the Kingpin in

keeping with its legacy and have brought it back tothe marketplace. We are already established in theUK, North America and Canada. As well as growingthese markets, we now plan to expand into othercountries and territories using independent agents,rather than distributors or wholesalers. Anyoneinterested should contact me directly. Holland,Scandinavia, Germany, France, Australia, NewZealand and Japan are of particular interest.“We are aiming for the higher end of the market.

This is a premier, precision product and is pricedaccordingly. Most models retail from £300 to £350,although we have just marketed The Imperial as anentry level, traditional centrepin reel at £225.“We also believe there is potential in the fly sector

and we are in the advanced stages of producing our5/6 fly reel. This will be ready for mar-ket in January 2010. The traditionalmarket for centrepin reels is growingand the fact that Kingpin is the onlyEnglish company building in Englandputs us in a great position.”

?Want to talk to Kingpin?Here’s how to find them...Tel:+44 1202 677990 Email: [email protected]

“Weareaimingforthehigherendofthemarket.This isapremier,precisionproductandispricedaccordingly” –StuartWard, Kingpin

KWEngineering is an AS9100 certified company, thetop aerospace accreditation for themanufacture ofbiometric components and the aerospace, aviationand defence sectors. So it is not surprising that theconstruction and performance of the Kingpin is of thevery highest standard.

Combining the science of its engineers with theexpertise of anglers, Kingpin’smission is to producereels of unrivalled quality and functionality. The resultis unprecedented precision, control and sensitivity inone astounding reel.

Each reel ismachined, precision ground andassembled to exacting tolerances. The consumer isgiven a choice of precision bearings to suit style anduse– greased or oiled, stainless steel or ceramic.

“The unique design retains the bearings, spindleand housing in one sealed unit, so the Kingpin neednever come apart and therefore is largelymainte-nance free,” said Stuart. “Other centrepin reels forceyou to constantly engage and disengage the spindleand bearings, causing unnecessarywear and tear.”

As befits the specialised nature of the product,Kingpin offers a customisation service at specialrequest. Customers have a choice of ten differenthandles including burledwood and faux ivory. Thereis also a choice of three lever positions on the ‘Gold’series, catering for left-hand and right-hand retrieversand also providing the option of positioning the levernear the reel foot.

The reel comes in five standard colours – black,bronze, silver-black, red-black and gunmetal grey– plus themanufacturer will listen to special requestsfor “something a little different.”

Parts and accessories for the Kingpin are of thesame high standard as the reel itself. These include adovetailed gift box handmade from cherry woodwithsolid cast brass fittings and brass Kingpin plaque.Also available is a black, branded thick neoprenepouchwith Velcro strap to afford protection on oroff the rod. Kingpin’s after-sales service includes adedicatedworkshop in North America and another inthe UK to service Europe.

Kingpin’s makers on thepower of ‘unique design’

Main image: technology is at theheart of theKingpin’s success. Belowright: the reel hasprovedpopular in

North America. Below left: the largestreel in the range, the Sovereign.

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AnglingInternational January2010

New Chinese company Holly Kudosplans to cause a storm in theworld’s fishing industry over thenext few years. Formed from analliance between Danyang Holly

Fishing and Dalian Kudos, the OEM companybelieves that it is already set to “rapidly conquer”Europe with its carp and match fishing products.Its confidence stems from deep reserves of

experience and knowledge of the European market– combined with a team of European angling con-sultants from Germany, England and the Netherlands.Danyang Holly Fishing has been producing carp

and match tackle exclusively for selected Europeanbuyers before opening its doors to other customersand hooking up with Dalian Kudos last year. Andalthough the company name is new, the twocompanies together have been active in the tackletrade for more than two decades.While Holly has concentrated on bigger carp and

match fishing products such as bivvies, bedchairs,rod pods, seat boxes and umbrellas, Dalian Kudoshas been more focused on terminal tackle.

By combining two companies specialising in big carpproducts and terminal tackle, newcomer Holly Kudoscan offer the best of everything to the European tackletrade. “We have the edge,” says its president.

Combining the strengths of both companies, HollyKudos aims to provide an unrivalled wide assortmentof quality carp and match products ranging from thesmallest rig ring to luxury two-man bivvies.

While visiting the company’s new office and show-room in Weihai, the centre for the world’s sportfishingindustry, many established companies have taken theopportunity to tour the two Holly Kudos factories inDanyang. As a result, numerous Holly Kudosproducts have already found their way on to theshelves of fishing tackle dealers in Europe.The turnover of both companies together has increased

considerably since the merger and continues to showa steady growth, even in this financially difficult time.“The power of Holly Kudos lies in its knowledge

of the very complex and highly competitive Europeanmarket and its demands,” said Marketing ManagerLucas van der Geest. “It is without a doubt the onlycompany of its kind with no less than four Europeanconsultants, all high profile anglers who have alsoearned their stripes in the tackle trade. They all live

Combined might ofcarp specialists putsHolly Kudosontop

and work in China, either full-time or part-time.”The team of consultants consists of German match

angler Stefan Posselt, English carp angler Mark Gard-ner, a Dutch predator specialist and staff memberGerrit Edelijn, founder of Dalian Kudos.Holly Kudos President Mr Wu Dong said: “These

consultants help us recognise the latest trends andtranslate them quickly into the right new products,preferably a season ahead of our competitors. We notonly understand what these products are used for,but also how they are being used. This enables us toget the quality right and even make improvements. Itgives us that extra edge that can make all the difference.“Because we are so familiar with the European

market, many customers are very comfortable doing

“OurEuropeanconsultantshelpus recognise trendsand translate themquicklyinto the rightnewproducts”


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January2010 AnglingInternational 15


business with us. This is not only because themanagement speaks English very well, but alsobecause the people at Holly Kudos understand whatit is that the buyer needs and expects. We are awareof the concerns of many buyers and any informationis treated with the highest confidentiality. If a productis specially developed for a specific buyer, it canbe for that buyer only. Quite a few costumers haveexpressed their relief after starting to do business withHolly Kudos.“I like to think of Holly Kudos not as a Chinese

dragon, but more of that famous Chinese butterflythat with one flap of its wings can cause a stormon the other side of the world. With the new, bigcustomers that we have secured, along with their very

Main image: theHollyKudos showroomis packedwithhighquality bivvies.Left: thenewHollyKudos catalogue,available fromChinaFish onwards.

attractive products, I think that is exactly what we willachieve in the next two or three years.”Holly Kudos Fishing Tackle Co. Ltd is a subsidiary company

of Jiangsu Holly Corporation, a well-known and respectedpublic listed company in Jiangsu Province, China.The Holly Kudos Fishing Tackle factory covers more

than 30,000 square metres, has a staff of 300 workers andis located in Danyang, an hour’s drive from Nanjing Airportor a three-hour drive from the major city of Shanghai.

Products beginwith the very

smallest leads.

?Want to talk to Holly Kudos?Here’s how to find them...Email: [email protected]

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A commitment to innovation, quality and functionality is behindthe rapid rise of Molix lures in Europe. Now, says InternationalSales Manager Paolo Vannini, America is firmly in its sights.


Japanese Sodick machines, known to be among themost accurate available today.The new products safeguarding that business

philosophy include names like Brugas, Finder Jerk,Kiku and Trago Vib – just to mention a few of theMolix lures that will be found on the shelves ofEuropean dealers in 2010. And there’s further excitingnews for 2010. Molix’s decision to exhibit at ICAST2009 in Orlando – along with the company’s pro

staffer in the US Randy Howell – gave a real boostto the popularity of the product in the States. Sowhat is the next step? “Yes, we are focused on newsales potential in the US market,” confirms Vannini.“We plan to open our own facility there within thenext fewmonths. There is big interest inMolix prod-ucts over there and we cannot miss this opportunity.”Molix continues to welcome enquiries from

dealers and wholesalers worldwide.

W hen Italian company Molixentered the lure market in2006 it knew that it hadto produce something veryspecial to succeed in this most

densely populated sector of the fishing tackle indus-try. The Bologna business had a simple three-pointphilosophy. Only genuine innovation, the highestquality and proven functionality would be enough.Less than four years later and with a coveted

EFTTEX Best New Product Award already in thebag, Molix is enjoying huge success across Europeand is already looking at opening a facility in the US– evidence enough that this young company hascertainly made its mark.“For us, creating a lure means doing something

different from the others. Innovation combinedwith quality is what we are most focused on,” saysInternational Sales Manager Paolo Vannini. “Westrictly follow certain standards and take maximumcare about the final result.”Vannini points to the company’s worldwide

network of experienced and successful lure fisher-men as the source of the ideas captured in Molixlures. Working on the premise that there must alwaysbe a new idea at the root of the creative process or anew solution for an existing lure pattern, Molix is inconstant contact with its consultants in the field.“We receive lots of input from our fishing

partners so we know these ideas stem from realanglers’ needs and therefore will satisfy ourcustomers’ needs,” adds Vannini. “It is teamworkin the true sense. Everyone feels part of the Molixteam. It is all part of the spirit that has been behindMolix products from the very beginning andsomething that the company knows it mustpreserve to continue its success in the market.”Molix quickly learned that a good idea developed

into a detailed mould and poured with the bestmaterials is the key to high quality lures, somethingdemanded by all lure anglers, regardless of theirexperience. It also understood that to compete atthe top end of the market and to deliver consistentlyhigh-level product, it must have top-of-the-rangemoulding machinery, so its factory is equipped with ?Want to talk to Molix?

Here’s how to find them...Tel:+39 051 88 7919 +39 051 690 39 61Email: [email protected]


16 AnglingInternational January2010

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Feria Valencia, Avda. de las Ferias s/n, 46035 Valencia, SpainT: +34.96.386.11.00 F: +34.96.363.61.11E: [email protected] W:

Valencia, Spain11th-13th June 2010


EFTTA, Unit 2i, Berol House, 25 Ashley Road, London, N17 9LJ, UK,T: +44.20.8365.0405 F: +44.20.8493.7220 E: [email protected] W:

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AnglingInternational January2010

In 2007, Indonesian manufacturers PT CentralSarana Pancing decided to head out in adifferent direction and develop a new productrange called Carp LinQ. The company’sphilosophy behind a range aimed at anglers

who pursue carp all across the globe is simple: CarpLinQ is the best link between the angler and thecarp of his dreams. This product range includeseverything: the reel, line, rigs, end tackles, tackleboxes and also the baiting tools.“Carp LinQ seemed a natural direction of growth

for a company which has been manufacturinghigh quality fishing lines and reels since 1994,”explained the company’s brand marketing chiefLieanto Sjafri.

“The facilities and manufacturing know-how todevelop the products were already available. But thecompany first embarked on a journey to learn aboutcarp tackle in order to be able to produce suchproducts properly,” he continued.“An experienced carp fisherman from Holland

was hired and consulted. A team was formed tostudy materials on carp fishing and to learn andunderstand the logic behind existing carp productsavailable in the market. Customers were consultedand involved in every product development. As aresult, Carp LinQ has enjoyed wide acceptance inthe market.”

Best known for its Relix brand, Indonesian companyPT Central Sarana Pancing will head to China Fishwith an exciting new brand – Carp LinQ. “It’s anatural move,” says BrandManager Lieanto Sjafri.“We understand the importance of quality.”

Carp LinQ and Relixbrands raise the barfor China Fish

Carp LinQ offers existing and prospective custom-ers a one-stop solution for carp end tackles. Mostof the essential items are now available within therange, with more new product being continuallyadded. Furthermore, the product range can betailored to suit the need of different marketconditions and fishing styles in differentcountries and regions.“Most of all, we understand the importance

of consistent quality to a carp angler,”concluded Sjafri. “Every single item weproduce follows very strict qualityspecifications and control procedures.“Many discerning customers who have

used Carp LinQ products have com-mented favourably on the quality.”Carp aren’t the only species to

deserve a dedicated product range.For those who pursue the world’smighty catfish species, especiallythe European wels, an extensivearray of essential, extra strong andreliable items falls under the newCat LinQ banner.

PT Central Sarana Pancing will head to China Fish

brands raise the bar


“Customerswere involvedineveryproductdevelopment.Asaresult,CarpLinQhasenjoyedwideacceptance”

Above: theCarp LinQ rangeincludeseverything from reelsto line, and rigs to baiting tools.

?Want to talk to Relix?Here’s how to find them...Tel:+62 21 5961265 Fax:+62 21 5961266Email: [email protected] ChinaFish:M235

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January2010 AnglingInternational 19

Probably the best known brand owned by PT CentralSarana Pancing is Relix. Indeed,many customersknow themby that name first and foremost. Thisis because Relix has been consistently present inmany international exhibitions in recent years, and isdistributed successfully inmany countries.

The Relix product range covers the threemaingroups: reels, lines and tackle boxes. In the reels cat-egory, exciting new products include the high speed7:1 gear ratio Baitcasting reels and a new7000 sizewithin the existing Vi series of all-aluminum reels.Severalmore new front drag reels are still in develop-ment but will be ready for display at China Fish 2010.

All themajor line types are includedwithin the Re-lix range in a host of options to cater for all themany

faces of fresh and saltwater fishing. Tackle bags andboxes, including single and double-sided openingsplus tray storage options, are another strong andextensive part of the Relix brand.

PT Central Sarana Pancing has come a longwaysince it was founded in 1991 in Indonesia to producesimple reels and accessories for the localmarket. In1994 it produced its first front drag spinning reel ofin-house design, and in 1996 fishing linewas addedto the product range. Its customer base subsequentlyexpanded to includemany foreign companies inEurope, Asia and South America.

In 2000, the company added two new factorybuildings of some3,000 squaremetres to accommo-date its hugely expanded operations. Another building

was added a few years later, then in 2005 a braidedline divisionwas set up. Such a steady, sustainablehistory of growth gives PT Central Sarana Pancing’spartners strong confidence in its ability to deliver theright products on time and at the right price.

Lines forall occasions

Astronghistorymeansabright future...

Among Carp LinQ’s many stand-out items, whichare the direct result of investment in research,development and the correct machinery to supportthe entire production process, is the new RemovableSkin hook length braids.Available in Moss Green, Mud Brown and Pitch

Black colour options and supplied on 20m spoolsin 15lb and 25lb breaking strains, they are the idealchoice for constructing a host of effective rigsincluding anti-eject, combi and Withy Pool types.Also new is Snag Proof Hooklink Braid. Again

available in 15lb and 25lb tests, this one comes inSteel Grey, Ocean Blue and Pitch Black colours. SnagLeader, Sink Core, Carp Float, Horizon and BottomLine are also fresh additions to what has alreadybecome a very comprehensive family of Carp LinQlines – and there are more in the pipeline.“We have developed techniques to produce

many highly camouflaged colours for braids as wellas monofilaments. Thin braid with high strength,round and soft braids, high abrasion and sinkingbraids are some of the new products we will beshowing at China Fish 2010,” revealed Lieanto Sjafri.Six new Carp LinQ hooks including the unusually

shaped Hold Tight pattern, plus other productsranging from the ten ball bearing Ranger Bait Leaderreels through to small yet essential items like swivels,rings and tubing, are also sure to interest anybodyserving carp fishing markets.


There aremoreexciting reels tocomeunder theRelix brand.


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Light but with no loss of power, the new Jerkbait Series will delight anglers in2010, says Raffaele Mascaro. And there’s plenty more on offer too…


permit, bonefish, snook and small tarpon in Floridaand all along the Gulf Coast, these rods offer asurprising blend of power and sensitivity.The Pro Green range isn’t meant to replace the

softer, more delicate action of the already popularPopping rod, but rather to add an aggressive fishingoption for wading and boat anglers alike, allowingquick, accurate ‘snap casts’ to visible targets.T here is far more to G.Loomis than

fly fishing, and heads are sure to beturned in 2010 with the launch ofsome exciting new spinning rodsincluding the Jerkbait Series.

G.Loomis Europe’s Raffaele Mascaro explained:“Fishing jerkbaits, whether early in the Spring orlater in the year, requires a lot of confidence in thetechnique. In cold water, it’s a pull, pause, pull,pause technique with lots of emphasis on thepause. Sometimes it’s as long as 30 to 40 secondsof just letting the lure suspend.“This is a deadly technique, especially with

smallmouth early in the season, but you need a rodwith a light, responsive tip to fish the bait properlywithout sacrificing power.“Our Jerkbait Series rods are designed with fast

tips and progressive tapers in the mid-section so theangler can work lures correctly with minimal effort.The tip is light and responsive enough to impart aslight twitch if that’s what it takes to get the fishgoing, but there is plenty of reserve power in thebutt section for getting fish headed your way.”The new Crank Bait Deep Flex is another superb

newcomer, born out of requests for an even softerversion of G.Loomis’s existing Crank Bait range.“For those anglers, we developed our new Deep

Flex (DF) Crank Bait rods. They are a totally newdesign that creates a much slower taper and softerflex. They are incredibly light and provide unbelieva-ble sensitivity and lure control,” continued Mascaro.“Another nice advantage is that the softer action

is very forgiving when the fish runs or jumps so youare less apt to lose them.“It’s time to get excited. Crank bait anglers have

never had it so good!”‘Best in Show’ awards winner of the saltwater

category at ICAST 2009, the G.Loomis Pro GreenSeries is a special set of inshore rods created forfishing small jigs, soft plastics and any number ofartificial baits, including topwater work for myriadsaltwater species.A great choice for school-sized blues and stripers

along the Atlantic Coast as well as redfish, sea trout,

A trio of new fly rod series for 2010 areset to underline once again why theG.Loomis brand is known and trusted asa byword for excellence.

At the finesse end of fly fishing,designed for perfection in the demandingarena of European tournament streamangling, comes the newMAX CzechNymph GLX series.

These four-piece, 10ft, extra fast taperweapons bring the ultimate rod speedand line control when flicking teams ofweighted flies upstreamon light leaders.

Czechnymphing isastyle rapidlygrow-ing in the US too– and as ever G.Loomisis right at the forefront with its new series.Choose from#3 or #4weightmodels,both equippedwith luxury cork handles,Loomis reel seats and top end guides.

G.Loomis has also introduced two newseries of two-hand rods– the StingerGLX and the VersaSpey Two-hand–which look sure to win legions ofdevotees in the comingmonths.

Stinger GLX is an all-new four-piececonfiguration of the original Scandinavian-style three-piece Stingers, complete

with refined handle shapes and vastlyimproved transportability.

The new VersaSpey range comprisesfivemediumactioned two-handersbetween 12ft 6in and 13ft 6in. Blendfibre technology plus high quality yetmoderately priced components combineto offer a truly versatile family of salmonand steelhead rods.

Visually stunning and bearing theG.Loomis logo as a badge of pride,VersaSpey rods have exceeded even thehigh expectations of their own designersand look set for big success in 2010.


From top tobottom: thenewJerkBait,CrankBait andProGreen rods.

?Want to talk to G Loomis?Here’s how to find them...Tel:+1 800 456


20 AnglingInternational January2010

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Sufix Performance Fuse is hotter thanfire. The unique thermal fusion bondingtechnology and higher weave countcreate a rounder braided line withenhanced smoothness and superiorcasting. Unmatched utlra-fine diameter

gives me near zero stretch for instant hook setting powerand confidence. “With Sufix, there’s nothing I can’t catch.”To find out more, visit


Capt. Rick Murphy


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Fourteen years after itslaunch, Salon de laPêche Sportive is backon course to becomeone of the largest and

most important fishing events notjust in France but in Europe. Thecurrent organisers, Loisirs et Sa-lons, sold the show four years agobut, unhappy with the direction

in which it was going, bought it back again in Julyof 2009. And, with the backing of new investors,they are re-focusing the show on the key areas of flyfishing, lure fishing and tourism.“Over the course of the last two years the show

has taken on an orientation of ‘total fishing’ whichwe believe is too broad and doesn’t correspondwith what the market is looking for,” said organiserCharles-Vincent Parachini.“In the future we plan to concentrate on fly, lures

and tourism – both freshwater and sea. We havemoved away from carp and coarse fishing.”The formula appears to be well received as more

than 160 exhibitors have already committed to theshow, covering categories including fishing tackleand accessories, clothing, fisheries, fishing guidesand agencies specialising in fishing destinationsworldwide.The 16,000 expected visitors will also have the

opportunity to become involved in educational andconservation activities, listen to expert advice and

Salon de la Pêche Sportive will once again focuson fly fishing, lure fishing and tourism as it bids toregain its place as a pre-eminent European event.

Former owners breathenew life into Paris show

watch demonstrations of fishing techniques.The organisational team has chosen to stay in the

popular Porte de Versailles venue but will return theshow to Hall 8, which has better lighting and fewerobstructions (posts) to inhibit exhibitors. They be-lieve the layout of the hall will enable them to recreatethe spirit of conviviality previously enjoyed by lureand fly anglers.Further improvements include a new zone dedi-

cated to international fly tiers and a casting pool fordemonstrating rods. A microphone commentaryhas also been reintroduced to keep people informedabout what is happening throughout the three-dayevent. And all this for the same half-price 6 euros pre-registration admission fee as last year.There is similar good news for exhibitors who get

lighting, carpets, partitions and tables and chairsincluded in their costs, which the organisers are

keeping as close to last year as possible. And thoseexhibitors who pay the 50% deposit up front willreceive a discount of 10%. Exhibitors will receive alimited number (in proportion to the size of theirstand) of free invitations for their best customers.The show’s marketing plan has also received an

overhaul. In addition to regular communicationsto the fishing press in the lure, fly and tourismsectors, the organisers are in contact with clubs,associations and federations to help drive morepeople to the new-look event. Beyond this, non-specialised press, including radio and television, isalso being targeted.

Salon de laPêche SportiveParis Expo, Hall 8Porte de Versailles, ParisFebruary12th,13thand14th,2010Opening times: 10am to 7pm

160exhibitors from thefly, lure and tourismsectors.Worldwide destination agencies.Forums and demonstrations by angling experts.Seminars focused on education and conservation.Antique collectibles featuring reels, rods, flies,

engravings and books.‘Family space’ area for children.Special auction to raise funds for bodiesworking to

protect species and the environment.Cinespace – a series of fishing films.Demonstration casting pool.

Organisers are expecting16,000visitors to attend theevent in February.

Organiser Charles-Vincent Parachini.

?Want tobepartofSalonde laPêcheSportive?Here’s how to contact the organisers...Tel:+33 177 13 4481 or +33 614 33 7543 Website:www.salondelapeche.comEmail: [email protected] or [email protected]


22 AnglingInternational January2010

“Theshowhadbecometoobroad,whichisnotwhatthemarket is looking for”

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The ORIGINAL Magic Swimmeris the tournament proven king

of jointed, hard swimbaits.

Fast-sinking models now available,plus sinking and slow sinking

Fast-sinking versions swim on the drop,without any angler action

������� ��� ����� ������ ��� �� ����� ���������� �����������which allows for a wide range of retrieval speeds

8 sizes in all, ranging from 3 1/2” inches to 9”

Preferred swimbait on the BASS Elite Tour,and the key lure in wins by Todd Faircloth,

Kenyon Hill and Jason Williamson

NEW! Magic Swimmer SOFT,with exactly the same look andswimming action of the original

��� ��� �� ����� ���������

Swims exactly like the original Magic Swimmer

Pre-marked rigging holes in nose and bodyfor perfect hook placement

Package includes theSEBILE Soft Weight System

�������� ���� ������� ����� �������

Not just a swimbait, but a very��������� ��������� ���� ������ ���� �����

on Texas, Carolina and Drop-Shot rigs

��� ����� ������� ������ ����and to see all models and colors, visit:

Original Magic Swimmer

Magic Swimmer SOFT

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24 AnglingInternational January2010

Cortland, the leading US line company, isexpanding its reach into Europewith theappointment of new distributors in selectedcountries. Gowen and Bradshawwill handledistribution in Ireland, while Swedishcompany Bios has taken on distribution forScandinavia. Cortland has also appointedMajorastore in Italy.

“Cortland is excited to announce thesenew distributors in Europe,” said CEO BrianWard. “Theywill distribute the full rangeof Cortland quality products to fine tacklestores in those countries and regions.

“Cortland hasmade themove to en-hance its presence in thesemarkets and togrow ourmarket share, as well as broadenthe distribution of our full range of both flyfishing and conventional fishing products.

“Cortland not onlymakes theworld’shighest quality fly lines and related fishingproducts, but also produces theworld’smost superior braid products at its 145,000square feet facility in Cortland, upstateNew York.

“Cortlandwas looking for aggressive,high-quality distributors who have theexpertise, diversity andmarket coverageto grow the Cortland brand across a broadrange of products.

“We are looking forward to solidmarket-place input through our distributionpartners to help us develop productsspecifically designed for their discriminat-ing fishermen andwomen.We are excitedabout the opportunities that these strongdistributors will afford us.”


Spro B.V. and and Spro Deutschland GmbHhave been appointed exclusive distributorsof Dynamite Baits in Benelux and Germanyrespectively. One of Europe’s best knowndistributors, Spro won the contract in

competition with other businesses and believes thatthe addition of the top bait range to the Gamakatsu,Strategy and Spro brands will make it an evenstronger global force.Under the terms of the deal, Spro will be

distributing a wide range of Dynamite productsincluding its carp baits and groundbaits, but theagreement excludes the frozen deadbait rangebecause of logistical issues.Sales and Marketing Director for Dynamite Baits

Peter Chandler commented: “With the exceptionalsales, financial and distribution infrastructure that isalready in place at Spro, we are certain we will see avery positive effect on our sales growth in Beneluxand Germany.”Spro’s Pascal Vermeulen believes the agreement

is good news for dealers in both territories. “We willoffer a package deal with our other products whichmeans that clients have extra credit facilities,” he toldAngling International. “So in addition to offering agreat product we will also facilitate the financing forour dealers. So we definitely think they will welcomethis news as very positive.”Spro will not be increasing its sales force but has

installed additional racking at its warehouse in

Holland to help accommodate the 326 new productsnow added to its range. “We have a great sales teamof ten, we have the logistics in place and we have thefinancial strength necessary to distribute a brand suchas Dynamite,” added Vermeulen.“Dynamite has been building its image in our terri-

tories over the years and its strong marketing machinehas done a great job in creating awareness. Now it isour challenge to take this to the next level. We will

Spro set to distributeDynamiteRight: the Sproheadoffice in

Holland. Below: just someof the326newDynamite products

that Sprowill nowdistribute inBenelux andGermany.

create an association between Dynamite and matchfishing – something that happens in the UK but notyet in Benelux and Germany. By targeting the matchangling sector we can achieve additional sales growthin addition to the increase in the carp market.”Spro B.V. President Takayoshi Fujimoto said he was

confident the agreement would achieve additionalsales growth. “Having the Dynamite Baits brandassociated with Spro, Gamakatsu and Strategy willcertainly result in an even stronger global force inthe market,” he added. Spro BV: Tel: +31 347 320888Fax: +31 347 320270. Spro Deutchland: Tel: +49 364377740 Fax: +49 3643 777420.

Fly fishing and fly tying tool company Dr Slickhas been sold by founder Dr. Kenneth High to anemployee group headed by General Manager SteveFournier. Terms and conditions of the sale havenot beenmade public but do include theMontanacompany’s headquarters and production building,all products, logos and intellectual property.

High, who founded the business in 1989 andwhorecently retired fromhis urologicalmedical practice,has been retained as Product Design Consultant. Hesaid: “I cannot see any other outfit that woulduphold theDr Slick tradition of quality and innovation.I had the idea but Steve Fournier built the company and should continuewith it.”

Fournier anticipates that day-to-day operationswill continue as they have forthe past 15 years. “Wewere the first to develop this niche in the industry,” hesaid. “The products are so labour–intensive that wewere all convinced that noone could continue our tradition of finishing the items here.”

Dr Slick producesmore than 300 fly fishing and tying products includingvariousmodels and sizes of scissors, pliers, nippers, hook files, necklaces, flyfloatants, hair stackers, titanium and ceramic fly-tying bobbins, hackle pliers,tweezers, whip finishers and dubbing tools, as well as growing its OEM andcustommanufacturing division.

Dr Slick sold by founder

Steve FournierGeneral Manager, Dr Slick

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12,13,14février 2010

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february 2010

Fly • Lure • Sea • Beach FishingTourism • Exotic Fish

Fly • Lure • Sea • Beach FishingTourism • Exotic Fish

Page 27: Angling International Magazine - January 2010 - 24


rs in the lure sector

reveal the creations they believe w


drive sales in your territory next ye

ar.reveal the creations they believe w

illreveal the creatio

ns they believe will

drive sales in your territory next ye


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AnglingInternational January201028

Made in Italy, produced and ready for worldwide distribution in January 2010.That’s the new Heron range of lures from well established Italian tacklegiants Carson, who are actively hunting potential distribution partnersand welcome enquiries from all territories. Highlights include theCrack (known as Brevet in USA and Canada) with its uniquescent-carrying capacity thanks to a twist open/close compart-ment. If no scent is used, simply leave this compartmentopen for maximum amplification and attraction on theretrieve. The Mantide range, with built-in steelwire, is another lure certain to grab theimmediate attention of customersseeking reliable anddynamic action withthe larger predatorsacross the globe. A fullHeron catalogue will beready soon, all enquiriesto Carson of Italy.

Carson launches scent-carrying lure and more

ContactTel: +39 011 4501 668Email: [email protected] Web:

Carson is seekingglobal partners forits new range.

With four new distributors in key European territories, plus exciting newlures for all kinds of predator fish in fresh and saltwater, Polish companySalmo has every reason to approach the new year with vast confidence.Hot picks from the lure range include 10cm and 12cm versions of Salmo’sSweeper jerkbait (below), already a big hit with pike hunters in its original17cm size. For sea trout and zander fans, a new Twitchbaitwith speciallycrafted lip is set for success. Further releases for sea bass, asp, ice fishing andbig game shorecasting are also in Salmo’s busy pipeline. Distribution-wise,Germany is now covered by Think Big. Benelux is served by Yaris Sports,Miguel Rodriguez will handle Salmo Spain while BIOS is taking charge of themarket in Sweden. “We are very proud to start cooperation with all thesecompanies and are working hard on more new products and better servicefor all our distributors,” says Salmo boss Piotr Piskorski.

ContactTel/fax: +48 89 5123

New ranges and dealsgive Salmo more bite

Asturie is a top water lure fromXorus, a brand createdby French big fish masters Ultimate Fishing. It comesin two sizes, 110mm and 150mm, with a choice of 14colours. Retaining a perfectly flat profile whether sta-tionary or in motion, the Asturie responds wonderfullyto any retrieve sequence. Whether fast or very slow;‘walking the dog’, tight, or wide and long, this lure willcreate enticing side-slides over 60cm. Asturie can alsobe worked with an underwater swimming action justbelow the surface layer, ideal for days of small chop.Its aerodynamic shape permits extra long casts whileJapanese hooks plus a strengthened Backbone featureare designed to resist the toughest of predators.

Response andstrength fromUltimate Fishing

“Retainingaperfectlyflatprofile, theAsturie respondstoany retrievesequence”

Contact Tel: +33 2 [email protected]:

Buster lures are the latest release fromPoland’s Dragon Tackle, available insix sizes from 7.5cm to 15cm witha variety of colours to entice pike,trout, asp, perch and other predators.Unique construction of the tail finwhich is fixed at less than 90 degreesto the body, plus a series of bumpsalong the dorsal fin area, give thesesoft bodied lures a characteristicaggressive action even during very slowretrieves. Team Dragon consultant Arkadiusz Mackiewicz (above) wasstunned by the results when he first field-tested the largest two Busters at a shallowvenue. “I turned my attention to the big Busters, which theoretically should workbest during aggressive fishing with a jerking technique. It soon became clear thatthey really worked, independent of the technique used. Their tails would bendnicely, flippers move, and sides flash. They worked as well in descents incombination with a size 10 head. In three days of testing I caught 45 fish.”

Contact Tel: +48 52 326 80 16 Web:

Dragon’s ‘aggressivemovers’ are irresistible

L A T E S T R E L E A S E S •• I N N O V A T I O N


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AnglingInternational January201030

L A T E S T R E L E A S E S •• I N N O V A T I O N


Jigwobbler is a world-first innovation from a nation with a rich lure fishingheritage – Finland. Tested in all waters including streaming conditions withexcellent results, this impressive ‘next generation’ hybrid combines thefeatures of a jig and a wobbler in one, thanks to a jointed front end with alead head for extra long casting capabilities plus a crafted lip and body trail-ing behind. With a medium/fast sink rate and a wobbling descent action, aspecial metal ‘wire’ guard protects it from being snapped off by sharp teeth.Use either a steady retrieve or bring it in with a jerk-pause style. A video onthe website makes excellent reference viewing. Inventedand designed by Mikael Brandt, owner and founder of Oy FP Finland Ltd,the pattern-protected Jigwobbler is a hot prospect for potential distributorsworldwide – be first to get in touch!

Contact Tel:+358 403505735 Email: [email protected]:

Jigwobbler offers thebest of both worlds

Hot prospect:the Jigwobbler isstyled asa ‘next

generation’ hybrid.

Livetarget puts faith inits amazing replicasLivetarget lures represent an evolutionary step in the way crank baits arebuilt and painted. From unique fuselages that give accurate profiles withlight-catching surfaces to multi-layered paint processes that allow anglers to‘match the hatch’, these lures surpass ‘imitation’ and provide anglers withprecise live bait replication. The Yellow Perch is available in three colours, foursizes and two diving depths per model, giving anglers tremendous diversity.Other lifelike models in the Livetarget line-up include Bluegill, Pumpkinseed,Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Golden Shiner, Shad, Smelt, Crayfishand Blueback Herring.

ContactTel: + 1 905 468 4448Email: [email protected]

“Multi-layeredpaintprocessesallowanglers tomatch thehatch”

Premium quality always comes at a price. But Russia’sRB Bait has enjoyeda fine trading year – including the ‘Best New Metal Lure’ product award atEFTTEX 2009 in Budapest – because its mostly European market is contentto pay the price for extremely effective and durable fishing lures like RB’sDevons. Produced in Russia, not China, RB’s Devons are made of brass or insome cases lighter alloys, all of which are electro-plated to exceedingly highstandards. Some are even plated with silver for an outstanding long-lastingreflective finish. Devons remain a true classic in the ever-expanding world offishing lures, but there is far more to RB Bait than just this one product line.‘Revolutionary’ new models for the 2010 season are promised, so potentialbusiness partners are urged to get in touch and share the success.

An instant classic –with more to follow!

Contact Tel: +7 495 730 17 09 Fax: +7 495 632 27 95Email: [email protected]

Bighits: ButDevonsare just the start for

Russia’s RBBait.

Powered by saltwater and requiring no batteries, Esca makes any lure or baitcome alive via mimicking natural lights emitted by baitfish in the ocean deepsplus creating a life-like electro-magnetic field. Attached toyour favorite lure or tackle,Esca helps you catch morefish. A combination of MotherNature’s design and advancedmicrochip technology, thisrobust and deadly efficientattractor works for all typesof saltwater fishing includingjigging, trolling and casting.Anglers around the world arealready winning tournamentsand setting personal recordswith Esca. Make your customersone of them! Limiteddistributorships are available.

ContactNorth America: [email protected]; +1 631 928 4433Elsewhere: [email protected]; +47 90 84 04

The attractor that helpslures work better…








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January2010 AnglingInternational 31

Denmark is a nation rich in fine predator fishing opportunities, and thecountry’s innovative lures has rapidly gained a reputation as a producerof massively effective products to tempt toothy fish of all sizes. WitnessNorway’s 2009 Predatortour series, where creations from innovative lureswere on the prize table in the evening, thrilling all the winners. The com-pany’s latest release is the Swim Tail Wobbler, which is set to make seriouswaves in 2010 with its distinctive and super-rapid S-action. This irresistiblemotion is achieved through a unique soft tail section and its attachment tothe lure’s main body. Anglers can choose from 30mm, 45mm, 55mm and110mm+tail models, covering everything from perch through bass, zanderand salmon to the largest of pike.

Contact Tel: +45 3013 9591 Email: [email protected]:

S-action puts SwimTail Wobblers on top

It’s so easy! The newStrike Pro Bandit TailDue for release in Spring 2010, Bandit Tail is the hot new creation of StrikePro and its Swedish design team CWC. Billed as an awesome pike-catchingmachine, this 80g lure is extremely user-friendly and simply can’t be fishedwrongly no matter how you retrieve. Slow sinking with a pronounced side-to-side motion, the added attraction of a soft plastic tail plus the slight rollingof the bait at the end of each glide produces incredible action and belly flash.Upon the pause, the fully replaceable tail continues to flutter generating anirresistible feeding trigger mechanism. Available in 12 colours and equippedwith Owner ST-36 treble hooks, the Strike Pro Bandit Tail measures 220mm(150mm without tail).

“This80g lure isextremelyuser-friendly, it simply


Contact Tel: +46 8 761 0600 Web:

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The Jubarino is the smaller version of the Jubar Smart, one of the mostpopular jerkbaits in the Molix product line. This 50mm, 2.5g slow-sinkinglure features erratic jerking movements that allow the angler to exploresubsurface and medium water depth ranges. It has great balance duringsteady retrieves and a natural swimming action even in fast, strong currents.The lure is intended to imitate a dying or a feeding baitfish. Easy to cast anduse, it’s the perfect lure for predators of any size. Short pauses arerecommended when jerk fishing stillwaters and reservoirs. A faster retrievewith pauses is recommended in heavy current situations in rivers andstreams. The Jubarino is available in more than 12 different colours.

Contact Tel: +39 051 887919 or 6903961Email: [email protected] Web:

Molix unveils theperfect predator lure

2010 heralds the arrival of a new addition toSébile’s acclaimed Magic Swimmer range ofhard bodied jointed lures. The Magic SwimmerFast Sinking series (F-SK) is the perfect blend ofscience and nature. Body sizes and shapes areengineered to create lateral turbulences along thesides, just like real live baitfish do. Internal weighting providesa weight-forward centre of gravity so these lures literally swim ontheir own even when no action is imparted by the angler. Thereare five sizes of fast-sinking Magic Swimmers – 82mm, 110mm,145mm, 190mm and 228mm – ranging from the lightest at 9gto the heaviest at 145g. All feature the finest in hooks andcomponents, together with Sébile’s quality colour finisheswhich are effective in fresh and saltwater alike.

Sébile takes theMagic Swimmerto the next level

“Aweight-forwardcentreofgravitymeans these luresliterallyswimontheir own”

Contact Tel: +852 2703 9009Email: [email protected]

L A T E S T R E L E A S E S •• I N N O V A T I O N


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MOLIX - via Guiccioli, 24 - 40062 Molinella - Bologna - ItalyPhone +39 051 887919 - Fax +39 051 6903961 - www. - e-mail: [email protected]


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Irresistible lures:note the long tailsin bothproductsleft andbelow.

The family resemblance is unmistakeable, but there is something differ-ent about this Rapala lure that gives it its own unique identity. On furtherinspection you notice the distinctive flat sides that you haven’t seen before.And that triangular shaped lip is also new. Yes, there’s certainly somethingspecial about the new balsa Flat Rap from probably the world’s foremostproducer of lures. The Flat Rap’s action is a hard flashing modificationof its maker’s classic ‘wounded minnow’, and it rises slowly in the waterwhen retrieve is paused. That triangle lip enhances the quicker action whiledeflecting off obstacles in its path. Armed with VMC Black Nickel hooks, theFlat Rap has a running depth of 0.6 to 1.5 metres. Each Flat Rap is hand-tuned and tank-tested to ensure it embodies the fish-catching performanceRapala is known for.

ContactTel: +35 89 7562 540Email: [email protected]

New Flat Rap is yetanother Rapala classic

SkippyFISH: “Ourlures drive fish crazy!”

Agat jerkbaits are handmade from 100% beech wood and have a special coatingthat makes them very resistant to predators’ teeth and other damage. Suitable forboth freshwater and sea fishing, they are equipped with Owner hooks and arethoroughly tested in waters across Europe before reaching market. Two of the lead-ing baits in the range are the Agat Perch and Mr Blade Floating models. Mr Blade isa 140mm, 78g glider jerkbait most effective when fished with a short, sharp jerkyretrieve, inducing an alluring side-to-side action and belly flash that tempts strikesfrom the most wary fish. The realistic Agat Perch is a 145mm, 96g slow-sinkinglure that has a stable, consistent action regardless of the speed of retrieve whichproves irresistible to predators. It is the ideal lure for beginners and experts alike.

Contact Tel: +37 126 809 663 Email: [email protected]:

Jerkbaits to tempt bothfresh and saltwater fish

L A T E S T R E L E A S E S •• I N N O V A T I O N


ContactTel: +1 610 906 3114Email: [email protected] Website:

“SkippyFISH lures trigger the genetic instinct in all game fish to attack,” sayscompany CEO and touring pro Lou Consoli. “They can’t resist, they mustfeed. Whether you fish fresh or saltwater, these baits are the most realisticlures ever used, resembling the taste and feel of real baitfish.” Consoli main-tains the key is in the body and long tail. The split in the belly conceals thehook and allows lifelike movement through the water, while the tail and thinfin create lots of vibration. All SkippyFISH lures are injected with a scent to“drive fish crazy”. Consoli recommends skipping the weedless lures acrossthe water to simulate scattering baitfish, under docks and trees or over grass.SkippyFISH lures are already in stores worldwide and Consoli is expectingmore enquiries. “Dealers enjoy very high profit margins,” he says.

Top: the realistic Agat Perch.Left: theMrBlade is a140mmglider jerkbait.

Toworkwith angling’s fastest-growingmedia brand,pleaseemail [email protected] call+44 1733 392970

The catalogue anddesign service fromAngling International

Thebest tacklewritersCreative designersHi-techdigital productionPrint buyingdepartmentExperts in production

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catch ingpassion...

4 T H N A T I O N A L S P O R T S F I S H I N G S H O W


fishingshow2010 - [email protected]

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L eading Chinese manufacturerWeihai Hanhigh is reaping therewards for focusing on high-endproducts at its new factory, GoldStone International, in Weihai.

Owner Wang Qian Gang opened the new3,000 sqm plant in early 2009 to comple-ment his existing 10,000 sqm factory inGushan. And already the move has resultedin significant volumes of new business.“Yes, we are getting a lot more demand

and new orders,” Wang Qian Gang toldAngling International. “It has been particu-larly busy since October when most of ourcustomers came to see the products. Theywere able to try the products and they wereimpressed with what they saw.

“The purpose of setting up theGold Stone factory was to meet theincreasing demand we have experi-enced for high-end fishing rods.“We have invested in new equip-

ment and have employed newengineers and managers with theexperience necessary to meet theneeds of worldwide brands. Re-quests for product differ from onemarket to another. But at Weihai Hanhigh wehave the ability to meet any requirement.”The new facility is equipped with the latest

machinery and has the capacity to generate200,000 rods a year across all fishing sectors.In 2010 Wang Qian Gang anticipates mostgrowth to come from spinning, carp and sea.

Weihai Hanhigh reaps rewardsAnd he fully expects that exhibiting at

China Fish in February (booth number 225)will prompt even more demand for thecompany’s growing range.“We will try to show a full range of our

products in Beijing and we are confident ofgetting more growth when visitors see these

products and understandthe kind of service we areable to provide,” he added.“China Fish is likely toboost our business in the fly,match, feeder, surf and polecategories.”Weihai Hanhigh was

established seven years agoand constant developmenthas led to the setting up ofsystems for company manage-ment, quality control, product

innovation and customer service.The company has established its own

brand on the Chinese domestic marketbut going international with its own brandremains a long-term goal.In the meantime, Weihai Hanhigh will

continue to build its business as an OEMcontractor, enhancing its reputation forquality and service.

Top: thenew factory inWeihai has increasedcapacity for high-endproducts. Above: it hasthe facility to generate200,000 rodsayear.

AnglingInternational January2010

The companywelcomes OEM enquiries to +86 631 538 1858;[email protected]; China Fish Booth No. 225

Richard Taylor has been appointed ManagingDirector of Leeda. The appointment officiallytakes effect from January 1st although Tayloris understood to have already taken on therole day-to-day.

Taylor spent nine years at Hardy & Greysin sales and product development before join-ing Leeda in 2007. As Product Director he hasplayed a leading part in transforming Leedafrom a commodity-driven business to a brand-

led, launch-driven company. He has taken on increasing responsibil-ity since the retirement of CEO Peter Roche in March 2009 and haspledged to continue Leeda’s commitment to raising the levels ofnew product development.

“It’s a case of continuing what we have been doing for the lastfew years,” he told Angling International. “I am not looking for radi-cal change to the business model because it is working well for us.”

Taylor added that Leeda is looking to appoint two new people inWychwood Carp marketing and product roles.


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WEIHAI HANHIGH FISHING TACKLE CO.,LTD.Add: Gushan Industry Zone, Weihai, ChinaTel: 0086-631-5381858 5381861 Fax: 0086-631-5381859Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Http:

Quality at affordable prices

Booth M225

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A bel Reels has appointed Sharpe’s ofAberdeen as its exclusive agent in theUK and Ireland. The Californiacompany, famous for its fly reels andcustomisation service, believes the

move will help it “properly increase” sales withauthorised dealers in the two markets.Sharpe’s will not carry stock of Abel products –

orders will continue to be fulfilled and billed directlyfrom Abel – but it will act as a maintenance and

service base and will carry an extensive range ofspare components.In a communication to UK and Irish dealers,

Abel’s Director of Sales Jeff Patterson explainsthat Sharpe’s personnel will visit shopsregularly, informing them about new productsand providing details of back-up services.

“Sharpe’s will deliver the same excellentservice for Abel dealers as they provide fortheir own line of products,” says Patterson.“They will cover everything except cosmeticalterations or blemishes that can berefurbished at the Abel factory.”

Sharpe’s already has extensiveexperience of the Abel range of productsand Director Don Mackenzie reported a“very strong” response from dealers withina week of the announcement being made.“Abel are seeking more exposure in the UKand Ireland and we can give them that,” he

told Angling International.“Their customers here used to have to send

products back to the US for maintenance andservice, but now we can handle it for them.”Extremely strong in the US, Abel has become

SkippyFISH has relaunched its website in responseto popular demand for more content and informa-tion. The new look incorporates five main categories– news and events, guide talk, bait shop talk, anglerspotlight and anglers’ reviews, where visitorscan display their catches and talk abouttechniques for using SkippyFISH products.The site is targeting anglers, dealers,

media and industry professionals andSkippyFISH owner Lou Consoli hasalso introduced a monthly photo contestwhere anglers can sign up to the Skippyfishemail newsletter, submit their pictures and standthe chance of winning cash prizes.The company’s Affiliate Program invites fishing

clubs and anglers to earn cash promoting

SkippyFISH products. “It’s a way for us to sponsorand reward anglers for their dedication to our brand,”said Consoli. “We even pay $10 just for signing up.”Take a look at the site at

Sharpe’s of Aberdeen securesUK agency deal for Abel Reels

“Sharpe’swill deliver thesameexcellentservice forAbeldealersas theydo fortheir ownproducts”

SkippyFISH relauncheswebsite

know for its custom, hand-painted, limited editionreels and reel restoration service. It has continued togrow its export business and is now looking for furtherexpansion by seeking distribution in Scandinavia.

Additional information is available [email protected], +1 805 484 8789 or fromSharpe’s of Aberdeen 01466 794415.

Abel is known for its hand-paintedreels andexcellent restoration service.

AnglingInternational January2010

Irish Anglermagazine has launched the Irish OpenFly Tying Championships for fly tyers worldwide.The event is split into two sections – the expertcategory, for thosewho havewonmedals or soldflies commercially, and amateurs, covering thosewho have never wonmedals or sold commercially.

The panel of judge comprises Peter Dunne,Mike Shanks and Peter Kealey and prizes includeKeough capes, Partridge hooks, an Ultimate Refer-ence vice, a Hardy Perfect reel, a G.Loomis rod andmanymore. Entry details can be found at or IrishAngler is the biggest-selling anglingmagazine inIreland, covering game, sea and coarse fishing.


Thenewsite allowsanglers to share storiesof their successeswith SkippyFISH lures.

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catch ingpassion...

4 T H N A T I O N A L S P O R T S F I S H I N G S H O W


fishingshow2010 - [email protected]

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China Fish 2010 plans to take a nostal-gic journey back into time as part ofthe special celebrations for the show’s20th anniversary. The organisers ofthe huge event, which takes place in

Beijing’s Jiuhua International Exhibition Centre fromFebruary 23rd to 25th, have introduced a uniquedisplay of commemorative material and old picturesgoing right back to the show’s inaugural year in 1991.A special illustrated album, printed in both

Chinese and English, will also be presented to visitorsas a souvenir when they visit the 288 sqm boothwhere the exhibition is to be hosted.“The centrepiece of the new booth will be a wall

displaying every exhibitor who has ever participatedin China Fish since 1991, the year they first attendedthe show and a personal introduction from them,”

China Fish celebrates its history

explained organiser Li Jiang, who has developedChina Fish into an event acknowledged as among theworld’s biggest fishing showcases.“It is interesting to observe how more and more

young faces are showing up in the industry, the

AnglingInternational January2010

“The centrepiece will bea wall displaying everyexhibitor since 1991”

A new carp show in Budakalasz,Hungary, is to become a regular fixtureon the European calendarfollowing the success of the first eventin November. The Ponty Show (CarpShow) attracted a reported 4-5,000visitors to the Lake Omszki venue onNovember 14th and 15th andorganisers are now considering a biggervenue to accommodate theanticipated extra demand for next year.“We launched the show because

modern carp fishing is becoming moreand more popular in Hungary,” EventDirector Géza Bujaki told AnglingInternational. “It was a great oppor-tunity for companies to build up aninternational network and we hadnumerous visitors from surroundingcountries like Austria, Slovenia,Ukraine and Romania.”Most exhibitors were Hungarian

distributors representing carp brandsincluding Carp Zoom, Hardy & Greys,Energofish, Kryston, Balzer, ESP, SolarTackle, Wychwood, Hayabusa,Shimano, Dynamite Baits, Trakker,Vision Baits, Imperial Baits, EnterpriseTackle, Delkim, Garner and Sufix.

“It was really successful withdistributors reporting a good turnover.Next year we would like to attract moreforeign companies to the show,” addedBujaki, whose fellow organisers includeKrisztina Garami, Attila Csakany andFerenc Kracsal.As well as having the opportunity

to buy top products at good prices,visitors were also treated to demon-strations by a host of top Europeancarp anglers including Frank Warwick.Warwick’s casting demonstration withCentury rods, plus his skills in firinggroundbait ‘canonballs’ were a high-light of the weekend, as were KrisztianJankovich’s feeder rods masterclasses.More details from [email protected] at

Successful debut forHungarian carp show

younger generations of formerindustry leaders who have takenover their family businesses in China.”A further commemorative wall

within the booth picturing over-seas visitors over the last 20 yearsand showing nominations for “themost influential visitors during thepast two decades” is sure to beanother focal point of discussion.Li Jiang will also relate the story

of his childhood dreams for theshow and how he has developed itinto the major event it has becometoday in the face of competitionfrom state-owned enterprises.Other special attractions at the

anniversary show will be a lucky draw for internationalbuyers offering 10,000 RMB cash (about $1,465USD) or a new laptop. The show will host its biggest-ever reception banquet which is anticipated to attractas many as one thousand guests.

Anartist’s impressionofthe special anniversaryboothat China Fish2010.

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T he American Fly Fishing Trade Associa-tion (AFFTA), organisers of the Fly Fish-ing Retailer (FFR) Expo is consideringhosting a stand-alone show orcombining with an existing event

following its split from FFR owner Nielsen BusinessMedia. The Association is looking at its options afterNielsen wrote an open letter to manufacturers andbuyers from the fly fishing and outdoor recreationsectors inviting them to join its Outdoor RetailerSummer Market in August 2010.

In what can only be viewedas a competitive threat toFFR, Nielsen concludes thatthe fly fishing industry can-not sustain its own event inthe marketplace, offering toprovide a new venue and ex-perience for FFR participants,along with an opportunity togrow the fly fishing categoryinto other segments in theoutdoor market.The letter from Kenji

Haroutunian, Group ShowDirector for the FFR andOutdoor Retailer shows,states: “From our 30 years ofexperience producing scoresof specialty-sports tradeshows, including 11 yearsof FFR, it is clear that thefly fishing marketplace willbe better served now and inthe future by expanding itsreach to include the overall

outdoor specialty marketplace.“We are convinced that the best opportunity to

AFFTA considering new show

grow as a market and build on the core strengthinherent in the fly fishing market is to be connectedto a larger collection of relevant businesses at OutdoorRetailer.“Therefore the entire fly fishing industry is invited

to join Outdoor Retailer Show in 2010 as the FFRwill no longer be held in Denver.”Haroutunian goes on to claim that 25% of FFR

companies already exhibit at Outdoor Retailer andthat consistently more than 20,000 professionals areinvolved in the sales process at the show.The current situation has developed following

discussions between Neilsen and AFFTA about howto improve on future shows, but which failed to forma satisfactory conclusion. Nielsen Senior VP DavidLoechner made a proposal to AFFTA’s SeptemberBoard meeting to combine FFR and Outdoor Retailerand in the words of Association Chairman Alan Gnannthis was “initially felt to be a reasonably good fit.”However, when the final floor space proposal was

made clear it was considered to be “grossly insuffi-

AnglingInternational January2010

RodHutchinson Baits are amongthe new exhibitors at the Zwolle CarpShow in Holland on February 6thand 7th, one of themost importantevents on the European carp fishingcalendar.

The consumer show is in its 16thyear and has once again attracted ahost of celebrated companies andbrands from around Europe includingAdvanced Carp Equipment, Delkim,Trakker, Venture Carp, Ultima Inter-national, Sensas, Shimano, Korda,Nash, Pro Line, Spro, JRC, ImperialBaits, Haka Tackle, ESP, Holland Baits,Fox International and Target Baits.

Talks by top names Danny Fair-brass, Rob Hughes and Steve Briggswill be an additional attraction. Carplegend Terry Hearnwill also attend.

Organiser Mick Paine confessedto being pleasantly surprisedwithlast year’s attendance of 9,000 (a17% increase) given the economiccircumstances, and is feelingpositive about this year’s prospects.

“The show is full and there hasbeen somuch interest on all sidesthat there is no reasonwhyweshouldn’t grow again,” he told AnglingInternational. “Peoplemay not bespending on houses, cars and boats

but they are still spending on theirfavourite hobbies.

“Carp is still the singlemostpopular species in this part of Europeand I would think accounts for 70-80% of turnover in the shops. Mostexhibitors are coming back again andwantingmore space.”

Paine limits retailing at the show tosix selected Dutch dealers to “avoida Turkish bazaar”, with some smallerbait companies also allowed to sell.The entry fee has been held at €10(children 12 and under free). Open-ing times are 9am-5pmon Saturdayand 10am-4pmon Sunday.

Zwolle Carp Show “is full!”

cient” and did not meetAFFTA’s expectations for a showwithin a show. In addition, thetiming was considered by manymembers to be unsuitable andthe proposal was subsequentlyrejected.Both parties engaged in

negotiations to allow AFFTAthe opportunity to acquire therights to the FFR Show but thesenegotiations were unsuccessfuland AFFTA demanded thatNielsen either produce a 2010FFR as required by contractor terminate the agreement.Nielsen released AFFTA from its

show production contract as of November 30th,allowing AFFTA to seek alternative venues or partners.However, aware that AFFTA planned to issue a

press release announcing the contract termination thefollowing day, Haroutunian issued his letter just a fewhours earlier declaring that Nielsen was planning tocombine FFR with Outdoor Retailer.“The manner in which this press release was issued

caused a lot of confusion, as members of the flyfishing industry thought AFFTA was a partner to theshow, when that is not the case at all,” said AFFTAPresident Gary Berlin. “When all is said and done,AFFTA and its Board can be proud to say that atevery step of the negotiation process, the interests ofthe fly fishing industry have been at the forefront ofall discussions.”Berlin added that now it is no longer contractually

obligated, the Board is considering multiple optionsfor a 2010 fly fishing industry trade show. Theseinclude hosting a stand-alone show or combiningwith an existing show.

Whatnext for USflyfishingbuyers?“FFRwon’t beheld inDenver.”

Kenji Haroutunian: sentletter proposing fly showwithin Outdoor Retailer.

AFFTA’s Gary Berlin: “Weput the interests of the flyfishing industry first.”

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you needproductsto knowabout

Each month the product editors at Angling

International select themost exciting new

tackle being brought to market. Tohelp you

decide on their appeal to your customers, we

will include insight from the manufacturers so

you can start doing business immediately.

Hi-tech line ideal fortournament fishing

BusinesscontactsFax:+33 478 448 637 Email:[email protected]

2 Spray pumps from UK containerspecialist Measom Freer

MeasomFreer, the packaging and storage specialist, has introduced two completely newpump ranges. Both the spraypumps and the gelpumps are available in polypropylenein natural, white or black (with other colours available to order) and come in a ribbedfinish with clear smooth-over caps. They fit all the company’s bottle ranges.What themakerssay: “The spray pumps are ideal for line lubricants, fly sinking andfloating solutions and boilie flavour and attractant sprays. The gel pumps are suitablefor liquid flavourings, additives and alcohol gel for hand hygiene. We have a vast rangeof other containers and packaging off the shelf to enhance your brand image and shelfpresence. And all manufactured in-house.”

10FHPFluorohybridPro from Advancium is primarily designed for properformance techniques such as Texas rigging, Carolina rigging, flippingand pitching, drop shot rigs and all jig techniques. This EFTTA-approvedline is available as 0.335mm/20lb, 0.375mm/25lb, 0.415mm/30lb and0.455mm/35lb.What themakerssay: “FHP combines all the essential attributes in one line.The line’s low stretch means anglers experience extreme sensitivity and super-effective hook-setting. It is unmatched for strength which, together with nearinvisibility underwater and easy casting qualities, makes it a line that is ideal fortournament fishing. A 100% fluorocarbon core makes FHP totally waterproof,minimising drag in the water.”

BusinesscontactsTel:+44 116 2881588 Email: [email protected]


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AnglingInternational January201048

you needproductsto knowabout

10No Fly Zone is a select new line of sportswear from Simms featuring insect-repellent technology. The trade-marked range includes two long-sleeved shirts,the Fly Away Solid and the Bug Blocker Plaid, each retailing for $89.95, theFly Away Zip-off Pant ($89.95) and three hats ranging from $29.95 to $39.95.There is also a two ounce bottle of insect repellent spray at $7.95.What themakerssay: “No Fly Zone is odourless, water-based andbiodegradable and offers excellent protection from a wide variety of insects.”

Insect-repellent sportswearfrom Simms in the USA

Environmentally-friendlyfleece underwearAquaz, the long established Korean-based brand known for its quality waders,wading shoes, vests and clothing, has added to its expansive range with itsnew EcoFleeceUnderwear. It is sold as a set of pullover and pant.What themakerssay: “This new extremely warm product is made fromenvironmentally-friendly recycled 250g fleece. The elasticated stirrups andwristbands, plus the high neck keep the warmth in and the cold out.”

BusinesscontactsTel:+1 406 585 3557 Email: [email protected]


5The RivermanLeatherCompany produces hand-cut and stitched heirloom-qualityleather products in its factory in Dullstroom, South Africa. The Riverman rangeincludes classic fishing and cartridge bags, rod tubes, gun cases and wine bottleholders, all crafted using durable safari canvas, bovine leather and buffalo leather.What themakerssay: “The rod tubes are unquestionably our signature product.Using a standard 9ft 5wt rod to gauge the carrying capacity, the 50mm diametertakes one rod, 75mm three rods, 90mm four rods and the 110mm up to sevenrods. Rod tubes can be personalised with hand-stamped lettering, or logos canbe computerised onto a solid brass stamp and replicated on the leather.”

Prestige leatherrod tubes from South Africa

Mustad will take its flagship Signature fly hook series to the next levelin 2010 when it unveils new patterns in all categories. There are newdesigns for salmon hooks, a broader range of streamers and nymphsand more hooks with the unique Z-steel coating.What themakerssay: “Every Signature fly hook is designed withconsistent hook gap, bend, wire diameter and shank length for precisescaling of fly patterns. All feature micro-barbs and chemically sharpenedpoints for fast penetration. They provide fly tiers with unparalleledstrength. The Z-steel coating is eight times more corrosion resistantthan stainless steel and will be available in select saltwater patterns.”

Better fly hooks from Mustad

BusinessContactsTel:+47 61 13 7700 Email:[email protected]

BusinesscontactsTel:+82 51 621 6001 Email:[email protected]

BusinesscontactsTel:+27 13 254 0270 Email:[email protected]



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Balazshas added a new winter line to its range of premiumquality lines. Carbotex Ice is designed for fresh and saltwater.Colour options are low-vis carbon grey or clear/transparent.What themakerssay: “Carbotex Ice combines polyamide copolymerwith carbon-texture technology to produce a molecular bonded linewith superior knot strength and remarkable UV stability. The line’s surface istreated to guarantee it is unaffected by low temperatures. There is zero ice build-up and the line remains supple with little stretch and maximum sensitivity.”

A strong line that worksat low, low temperatures

MethodMix is new for 2010 from highly-respected and well-known Hungarianbait company CarpZoom and is available in three types – strawberry fish,sweet spicy carp and tigernut chococaramel.What themakerssay: “Method Mix has been developed after trials by ourtesters at lakes in different countries. We have created a universal mix whichworks in waters everywhere. It contains all those ingredients essential forgood results – fishmeal, protein attractors, stimulants, plus extra Betaineto make it extremely effective. The result is a really sticky mix whichbreaks down easily in the water and which fish find hard to resist.”

Bait that works everywhere

BusinesscontactsTel:+36 34 312496 Fax:+36 34 510496Email:[email protected]

8Further style improvements forthe Cocoons range of eyewearLiveEyewear has expanded its Cocoons range of OveRx(overprescription)sunwear to include a new soft-touch, slate frame finish in all models. Slate framesare available in all six shapes with the option of grey, amber, copper or yellowPolaré polarised scratch-resistant lenses. The suggested retail price is $44.95.What themakerssay: “The addition of the slate frame reinforces our brandreputation, adding an element of style to meet the demands of our expandedconsumer base. Every pair includes a neoprene Cocoons case, large lens clothand the Live Eyewear limited lifetime warranty.”

BusinesscontactsTel:+1 800 834 2563 Email: [email protected]

BusinesscontactsTel:+36 49 540 864 Email: [email protected]

Award-winning footwearwith military technologyRedington’sEcoGripRubberSoleBoot won the resounding endorsement of dealersand retailers when it was awarded the Dealer’s Choice Award at the FFR show inDenver. Borrowing from military technology, the boot features a lugged rubberoutsole designed and engineered for the US Navy Seals for extreme traction.What themakerssay: “The no-felt design won’t move unwelcomed plants andorganisms from one stream to another. Other unique features include high-abrasionTPU uppers, ballistic mesh between the outsole and upper to keep out debris,mesh side panels to aid draining and a water resistant finish.”

10Businesscontacts:Tel:+1 800 253 2538 Email: [email protected]



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The voice of the EuropeanTackleTrade

Exhibiting within the EFTTEX Fly Fishing Villageputs you at the heart of the industry and wins younew business. That’s the message of companiesspecialising in fly fishing equipment who have alreadyrebooked for EFTTEX 2010. They have seen theirbusinesses grow, even in the past 12 months, and areurging their counterparts in the sector to follow theirlead next year.“EFTTEX works for fly companies,” says Per

Westerlund, President of Swedish companyBIOS. “We had a great show in Budapest, meeting

Flyfishingcompaniesputtrust inEFTTEXnew customers but also fellow companies in the flyfishing sector. Of course we hope to see more flyfishing companies in Valencia. Success breedssuccess, so the more exhibiting companies in 2010,the more visitors there will be for all of us.”It’s a view supported by Olli Ojamo, Sales

& Marketing Manager for Finnish companyEumer, specialists in fly tying products andaccessories. “EFTTEX is important for us,” he says.“We come from a small country, so customers don’tfind us easily. At EFTTEX we can see lots of new

customers while also meeting current customers. Itis so cost effective. If I had to see them all any otherway I’d have to travel around world to 30 differentcountries. Financially, that’s just not possible.“In Budapest this year we secured new business in

eastern Europe. In Valencia we will see new customersfrom western Europe, Spain, Portugal, France andmore. Again, we will be saving time and money justgoing to one place.“EFTTEX needs more fly fishing companies

because it is also important to make business

January2010 AnglingInternational 51

EFTTEX bookings are up morethan 30% on this time lastyear, suggesting confidence isreturning to the tackle industryand vindicating EFTTA’sdecision to take EFTTEX toSpain for the first time in itshistory. The floorplan for the2010 show, set for Valenciabetween 11th and 13th June,has just been published. It

shows an increase in space sold to exhibitors of796 sqm over this time last year.Says EFTTEX Exhibition Manager Neena Tailor:

“We have 176 companies booked, compared to 134this time last year. It’s going really well, bookings arecoming in every day right now. I believe this is a strongsign that the economy is slowly picking up. Companiesare once again investing in their marketing andthinking very seriously about increasing their presencewithin the industry. And as the number one tradeshow in Europe, EFTTEX is the natural choice for anycompany looking to expand into new territories.”She added: “This will be the first time EFTTEX has

been held in Spain and it’s proving a popular choice. Itwill open up many exciting and interesting opportunities

EFTTEX stand bookingsup by 30 per cent

Neena Tailor: “Valencia isproving apopular choice.”

thanks to Spain’s strong links, not only withinEurope but worldwide including Latin America.”The increase in stand bookings has been helped

by the number of exhibitors that pre-booked duringEFTTEX 2009 in Budapest. It is a benefit EFTTAoffers to exhibitors at the show every year, and isproving increasingly attractive to businesses. Thisyear 144 companies booked their stand in Budapestfor EFTTEX 2010 in Valencia. At EFTTEX 2008 112companies booked for the 2009 show.Adds Neena Tailor: “The reason for this increase is

that exhibitors attending EFTTEX are seeinghow much the show benefits theirbusiness. It becomes clear withinthe hall, especially to first-timeexhibitors, that this is a must-attend event.“Also booking at

EFTTEX gives exhibi-tors first choice on theirstand locations. When thefloorplan is released laterin the year the stands arebooked on a ‘first come firstserved’ basis because by thenthe floorplan is available to all


TODAY!Book at +44 208 36

5 0405 or

[email protected]

or formore details on the

show visit thewebsite

potential exhibitors.“I would urge all companies

to book sooner rather than later.It means you still have theopportunity to choose yourstand location. If you look atthe floorplan you can see which

companies have already bookedand who are guaranteed exposure to

new buyers around the world.”

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HowhasEFTTEX improveditsservice forflyfishingexhibitors in recentyears?We have built up a spaceinside the show withdifferent coloured standsthat we call the Fly FishingVillage. It’s centred around

the Casting Pool that the companies like to use fordemonstrations. It creates a kind of gathering pointfor all the fly fishing orientated companies insidethe show. It’s a clearly identified area. Space islimited but we try to grow it as demand increases.If the number of companies increased sufficiently itcould become a ‘show within the show’.

WhatsetsEFTTEXaparton theworldstage?If you look at the Denver Fly Fishing Retail Show,it has become a rather small event and it only reallyserves the US market. EFTTEX is the only place togive fly fishing companies international exposure. Itcomplements local shows which, just like EFTTEX,are not purely fly fishing orientated.

EFTTA CEO Jean-Claude Bel explains the increasingimportance of EFTTEX to the fly fishing sector.

Doyouhaveamessage toflyfishingcompaniesthathavestoppedexhibitingorhaveneverexhibitedatEFTTEX?Stopping exhibiting means you are effectivelyturning your back on international business inthe short term. EFTTEX is the only existing placeto secure your European exposure, particularly inthose tough times. Buyers come exepecting to dodeals and if they find your competitors with similarproducts and similar services, they will talk tothem. Of course, EFTTEX is not for free but just acouple of new customers can cover your costs andall the extra ones are additional business.

And for thosecompanies ready tobook?We are ready to find the best solution adaptedto your needs and your budget. All fly fishingcompanies should feel free to contact us. We arehere to make the whole industry bigger and saferfor the future, and fly fishing is an important partof that future. Fly fishing companies fully belong tothe fishing community, so please come and join usin Valencia!

between different manufacturers,” he adds. “We allspecialise in different products so we all add somethingto the development of the sector. It’s good for us allto thrive. More new and successful companies in flyfishing means more new products on the market.”UK fly manufacturer and distributor Turrall has

attended every EFTTEX since the show was firstlaunched. Director Simon Jefferies is certain thatit works to grow Turrall’s international business. SaysJefferies: “EFTTEX has always been an importantshow for Turrall to meet all our European distributors

and agents and to meet with potential distributorsin new countries.“We now sell flies in over 30 different countries.

Over the last few years we have found newdistributors for Norway and Chile and since theshow in Budapest we have signed deals with twonew distributors, Stoxdal in Sweden and AlpineTrade Company in Russia.“The organisation of the show in Budapest was

much improved,” he adds. “We are looking forwardto Valencia 2010 and Amsterdam 2011.”

AnglingInternational January201052


THISMONTHMOUCHESDECHARETTE-JMCFRANCEMouches de Charette-JMC prides itself on being one ofthe few fly fishing companies that can offer a completerange for every country. Fishermen anywhere can kitthemselves out exclusively with JMC products. Thecompany backs up this wide rangewith a powerful salesservice. It can deliver within 24 hours in France andbetween 48 and 72 hours in Europe. It also helps thatGeneral Manager and product developer Jean-MarcChignard is awell known angler with an enviable knowl-edge of fishing techniques and the fly fishingmarket.

Products for 2010 In recent yearsMouches deCharette-JMC has enjoyed great successwith its rods,reels and lines. This year it will also be focusing onwaders andwading boots.

Plans for international growthMouches de Charette-JMC has a large part of the Frenchmarket, thanks to itslarge range and quality service. The company has beenexporting for 15 years, but is now developing a strongerstrategy for international growth for the upcoming year,especially in Europe.

How will EFTTA help The company has consistentlyfollowed a long-term strategy, which has brought itmuch success. Now it aims to use its EFTTAmembershipto accelerate its international growth, especially with theaid of research information andmarket studies.

Contact detailsTel:+33 4 74 24 39 19Fax: +33 4 74 24 30 88email:[email protected]

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54 AnglingInternational January2010

Gish appointed at Redington


On the move...

Far Bank Enterprises hasappointed the widely experi-enced Jennifer Gish (left)as Marketing Manager of itsRedington brand of fly rods,reels and fishing gear. Gishwas previously marketingmanager at Buck Knives andprior to that implemented

branding, marketing and PR strategies at Zak Designs.Her responsibilities will include all aspects ofmarketing, including brand management,communication strategies, advertising, promotionsand marketing research.“Jennifer has the skills to further develop the

Redington brand both internally and externally,” saidDavid Visnack, Marketing Director of Far BankEnterprises. “Her passion for the outdoor lifestyleand her drive to outperform objectives embodies theessence of the Far Bank and Redington culture.”Far Bank is also the parent company of Sage

Manufacturing and RIO Products.Frabill, the Wisonsin company known for its ice

fishing products, has announced the addition ofthree more high-profile anglers to its pro-staff line-up.Tony Roach, a professional guide frequently seenon TV, Jeff Gustafson, a prominent name amongCanadian anglers and ice fishermen across thecontinent, and Tom Neustrom, a 35-year professionalguide and radio broadcaster, have joined the team.Pike fishing legend Barrie Rickards has died at

the age of 71. Rickards was a founder of the PikeAnglers’ Club of Great Britain and past presidentof the Pike Society, the Lure Anglers’ Society andthe Specialist Anglers’ Alliance. He was Emeritusprofessor in palaeontology and biostratigraphy at theDepartment of Earth Sciences, Cambridge University,and life fellow of Emmanuel College. Rickards wasthe author of more than 700 fishing articles andsome 30 books relating to fishing and palaeontology.His funeral was at the Chapel of Emmanuel College,Cambridge, on November 23rd.

TobinTeichgraeber is the new Global Directorof Product Development for Simms Fishing, theUS fly fishing manufacturer. Teichgraeber graduatedfrom Columbia University and went on to becomeGlobal Creative Director of Apparel and Accessoriesat Merrell and Vice-president of Global Products andMarketing at Helly Hansen. His 17 years of experiencein the outdoor market also includes a spell in thesnowboarding arm of Adidas-Salomon.At Simms, Teichgraeber will be responsible for

overseeing all product development and merchandisinginitiatives, including managing a plan to ensurenew products and product updates are delivered tomarket on a timely basis. He will also contribute to

and would welcome communication from companiesthat feel they are not represented well,” said Ford,who begins his new venture from January 2010. Call07769 212762 or email [email protected], the representative body for Western

Australia’s recreational anglers, has re-electedChairman Andrew Matthews for a further two-yearterm. Other Board member appointments at therecent AGM included Fraser Hocks (one-year termas Deputy Chairman), Craig Leatt-Hayter (re-electedfor two years as Chairman of the sports developmentcommittee) and Norman Halse (re-elected for two yearsas Chairman of the policy development committee). Inaddition Jamie Chester and Steven Gill were re-electedfor two years and Lisa Sharp elected for two years.

the company’s strategic direction. “Tobin’s experiencein similar roles at larger outdoor companies will be afantastic asset for us,” said K.C. Walsh, President ofSimms.

Alan Pearce is Zebco Sports Europe’s newrepresentative in the South East region of the UK.He replaces Correy Blanks who recently emigrated toAustralia. Pearce has 25 years’ business-to-businessexperience and beat nearly 40 other interviewees tothe position. His appointment brings the UK salesforce to five. “I have waited a long time for the rightopportunity to return to angling,” he said.Top angler, broadcaster and journalist Matt

Hayes has joined Scandinavian fly fishing companyGuideline in a consultancy role, focusing initially onthe UK. Hayes, who writes for the UK’s leadingfishing publication, Angling Times, spends a goodpart of the year living and fishing in Norway, thehome of Guideline AS, which was sold last year byNordic Outdoor to Woyen Forvaltning AS, owned bythe Myhre family.

Lt Colonel Andy Unwin, father of Fulling Millowner Barry Unwin, has died. Born in 1917, heestablished the fly tying business in Kenya that was toevolve into the UK operation that has become knownthroughout the world.After 12 years in the magazine industry, Martin

Ford (below) has left UK publisher AnglingPublications to set up agency network TradingConnexions. A former editor of Advanced CarpFishing, Carpworld, Carp-Trade and InternationalCarper, Ford has also had books published in thecarp, fly and sea sectors and has appeared in andproduced a number of DVDs. He plans to pursuefreelance writing alongside his agency business, whichwill serve the North East and North West of thecountry. “I have already secured several good clients

“We not only understand what products are usedfor, but also how they are being used.This enablesus to get the quality right and even makeinnovative improvements. It often gives us thatlittle extra edge that can make all the difference.”Holly Kudos PresidentMrWuDong on the importance ofdetail in achieving differentiation. p14

“The Kingpin story is all about quality, precisionand excellence.These are reels that people areproud to own and take real joy in using.They are theresult of work by a number of true craftsmen downthe years, the evolution of 20 years of traditional,high-quality workmanship.”Evidence that heritage and tradition live on in the fishingtackle industry, fromKingpin Project Manager StuartWard. p12

“Over the course of the last two years the show hastaken on an orientation of ‘total fishing’ which webelieve is too broad and doesn’t correspond withwhat the market is looking for. In the future we planto concentrate on fly, lures and tourism – bothfreshwater and sea.”Charles-Vincent Parachini, organiser of the Salon dela Pêche Sportive, on the importance of knowing yourmarket. p22

“At the time we couldn’t bring it to just any manu-facturer because of the risk of losing the project toother customers before we had time to launch it. Sowe slowly built up this ambitious project with onecarefully selected manufacturer to avoid all risk.”Zebco’s Marketing and PublicityManager Frerk Petersenrecalls how patiencewith Quantum’s hugely successfulBiedron lures launch has paid off. p8

Words of wisdom inthis month’s issue...

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