Anesthesia Management and Perioperative Mortality.30[1]

CORRESPONDENCE Anesthesiology 2006; 104:202 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics To the Editor:—Mark Twain may have overstated his distrust of statis- tics, but the issue of interpretation of statistics comes to the forefront in the study by Arbous et al. 1 and the accompanying editorial by Warner. 2 As the results of the study are discussed, Arbous et al. jump from describing associations between outcomes and management factors, to cause-and-effect descriptions: “it was found . . . a checklist decreased the risk,” “the reversal of the effect of opiates and muscle relaxants seems to decrease the risk,” and so on. Warner embraces these ersatz “risks” as showing “anesthetic management processes to dramatically reduce perioperative mortality.” When one looks at baseline characteristics of the study and control groups, there are, as the authors note, huge differences in the catego- ries of urgent/emergent nature, time of day procedure performed, and American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status. In fact, 40% of the study cases were rated American Society of Anesthesiologists V—not expected to survive for 24 h, with or without surgery (regard- less of anesthetic management). If we accept that a large proportion of the study cases carry greater risk by virtue of their physical status and the emergent nature of the injury or disease process, and that urgent/ emergent cases generally account for all the outside working hour cases, differences in anesthetic management processes between the two groups seem more coincidentally associated than causative. Were equipment checks performed less frequently in the study group be- cause of the emergent nature of the cases? Was the lower percentage of two providers at termination of a procedure simply a function of the outside hour the procedure was performed? Was the lower reversal rate of opiates and muscle relaxants due to the fact that the study group was sicker, undergoing more complex procedures, and so re- mained intubated postoperatively? Did the study groups receive fewer narcotics and local anesthetics for postoperative pain because of their moribund (comatose?) or unstable condition? This is not to suggest that anesthesia practice factors do not affect morbidity and mortality; some of the anesthetic practice factors in this study may one day be proven to be causative. But let us appreciate the method of this study for what it is: a tool to identify associations. Those associations then need to be further studied to identify them as caus- ative or coincidental. Cars manufactured on Monday do not have more problems than others because that day of the week starts with the letter M. We need to look for truths, damn truths, and more than associations. Brian C. Robertson, M.D., Marian Medical Center, Santa Maria, California. [email protected] References 1. Arbous MS, Meursing AEE, van Kleef JW, de Lange JJ, Spoormans HHAJM, Touw P, Werner FM, Grobbee DE: Impact of anesthesia management character- istics on severe morbidity and mortality. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:257–68 2. Warner MA: Perioperative mortality. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:251–6 (Accepted for publication June 20, 2005.) Anesthesiology 2006; 104:202–3 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Anesthesia Management and Perioperative Mortality To the Editor:—We read with great interest the recent article by Arbous et al. 1 regarding the effect of anesthesia management on peri- operative morbidity and mortality. We agree with Dr. Mark A. Warner’s observation in the accompanying editorial that this article is remark- able in several ways. 2 In particular, it reassures the reader that there are fundamental anesthetic management practices that may be a part of their practice or are readily introduced into their practice to improve patient outcome by reducing perioperative morbidity and mortality. These are practices that are generally recognized as important. An example of this is the protocol-based equipment check and checklist. Checking equipment with a protocol and checklist is like Mom and apple pie. It is a practice that is universally recognized as important and, according to Arbous et al., reduced the adjusted odds for anes- thesia management risk factors for 24-h postoperative mortality and coma to 0.640 (with a 95% confidence interval of 0.432– 0.948) relative to not checking the equipment, checking it without a protocol, or checking it with a protocol but no checklist. 1 This strikes readers as very plausible until they discover, in the Discussion, that equipment failure did not contribute to perioperative deaths. 1 The authors spec- ulate that this risk factor may be a surrogate for characteristics of the anesthetic care team. If it is, surely just requiring protocol-driven equipment check and a checklist will not change the characteristics of the anesthetic care team and may lead to a false sense of security with respect to favorably affecting patient outcome. Pondering this conundrum led to the recollection that these data have been published before, albeit in a different form. 3 Unfortunately, this previously published report 3 was not included in the references of the current article, 1 nor were the results of the current article dis- cussed within the context of the results of the previous report. In that previous report, the same authors similarly found that 769 patients died and 42 remained unintentionally comatose within 24 h after anesthesia among exactly the same number of patients (869,483) undergoing anesthesia between January 1, 1995 and December 31, 1996/January 1, 1997. However, unlike in the current report, they used rigorous and well-described criteria and a panel of experts to charac- terize only 119 of these deaths as somehow anesthesia related. In their former report, they identified anesthetic management factors contrib- uting to the 119 deaths and comas that can be corrected to prevent these adverse events. 3 If the authors knew that 692 of the cases of death and coma in the two reports were not anesthesia related, how could they include them in a case– control study to identify risk factors for postoperative death and coma related to anesthesia management? How is it possible to draw conclusions regarding anesthetic manage- ment from cases in which anesthetic management has been deter- mined to be unrelated to outcome? How do the results of the qualita- tive analysis of cases in which anesthetic management has been determined to be related to outcome 3 compare to case– control anal- ysis of all cases, including those determined not to be related to anesthetic management? 1 This communication is not meant to diminish in any way Dr. Warn- er’s observation that the anesthetic mortality rate is not only high but also can and must be decreased. 2 Nor do we wish to minimize the importance of factors identified by Arbous et al. as contributing to Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006 202

Transcript of Anesthesia Management and Perioperative Mortality.30[1]

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Anesthesiology 2006; 104:202 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

To the Editor:—Mark Twain may have overstated his distrust of statis-tics, but the issue of interpretation of statistics comes to the forefrontin the study by Arbous et al.1 and the accompanying editorial byWarner.2 As the results of the study are discussed, Arbous et al. jumpfrom describing associations between outcomes and managementfactors, to cause-and-effect descriptions: “it was found . . . a checklistdecreased the risk,” “the reversal of the effect of opiates and musclerelaxants seems to decrease the risk,” and so on. Warner embracesthese ersatz “risks” as showing “anesthetic management processes todramatically reduce perioperative mortality.”

When one looks at baseline characteristics of the study and controlgroups, there are, as the authors note, huge differences in the catego-ries of urgent/emergent nature, time of day procedure performed, andAmerican Society of Anesthesiologists physical status. In fact, 40% ofthe study cases were rated American Society of AnesthesiologistsV—not expected to survive for 24 h, with or without surgery (regard-less of anesthetic management). If we accept that a large proportion ofthe study cases carry greater risk by virtue of their physical status andthe emergent nature of the injury or disease process, and that urgent/emergent cases generally account for all the outside working hourcases, differences in anesthetic management processes between thetwo groups seem more coincidentally associated than causative. Wereequipment checks performed less frequently in the study group be-cause of the emergent nature of the cases? Was the lower percentageof two providers at termination of a procedure simply a function of the

outside hour the procedure was performed? Was the lower reversalrate of opiates and muscle relaxants due to the fact that the studygroup was sicker, undergoing more complex procedures, and so re-mained intubated postoperatively? Did the study groups receive fewernarcotics and local anesthetics for postoperative pain because of theirmoribund (comatose?) or unstable condition?

This is not to suggest that anesthesia practice factors do not affectmorbidity and mortality; some of the anesthetic practice factors in thisstudy may one day be proven to be causative. But let us appreciate themethod of this study for what it is: a tool to identify associations. Thoseassociations then need to be further studied to identify them as caus-ative or coincidental. Cars manufactured on Monday do not have moreproblems than others because that day of the week starts with theletter M. We need to look for truths, damn truths, and more thanassociations.

Brian C. Robertson, M.D., Marian Medical Center, Santa Maria,California. [email protected]


1. Arbous MS, Meursing AEE, van Kleef JW, de Lange JJ, Spoormans HHAJM,Touw P, Werner FM, Grobbee DE: Impact of anesthesia management character-istics on severe morbidity and mortality. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:257–68

2. Warner MA: Perioperative mortality. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:251–6

(Accepted for publication June 20, 2005.)

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:202–3 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Anesthesia Management and Perioperative Mortality

To the Editor:—We read with great interest the recent article byArbous et al.1 regarding the effect of anesthesia management on peri-operative morbidity and mortality. We agree with Dr. Mark A. Warner’sobservation in the accompanying editorial that this article is remark-able in several ways.2 In particular, it reassures the reader that there arefundamental anesthetic management practices that may be a part oftheir practice or are readily introduced into their practice to improvepatient outcome by reducing perioperative morbidity and mortality.These are practices that are generally recognized as important. Anexample of this is the protocol-based equipment check and checklist.

Checking equipment with a protocol and checklist is like Mom andapple pie. It is a practice that is universally recognized as importantand, according to Arbous et al., reduced the adjusted odds for anes-thesia management risk factors for 24-h postoperative mortality andcoma to 0.640 (with a 95% confidence interval of 0.432–0.948) relativeto not checking the equipment, checking it without a protocol, orchecking it with a protocol but no checklist.1 This strikes readers asvery plausible until they discover, in the Discussion, that equipmentfailure did not contribute to perioperative deaths.1 The authors spec-ulate that this risk factor may be a surrogate for characteristics of theanesthetic care team. If it is, surely just requiring protocol-drivenequipment check and a checklist will not change the characteristics ofthe anesthetic care team and may lead to a false sense of security withrespect to favorably affecting patient outcome.

Pondering this conundrum led to the recollection that these datahave been published before, albeit in a different form.3 Unfortunately,

this previously published report3 was not included in the references ofthe current article,1 nor were the results of the current article dis-cussed within the context of the results of the previous report. In thatprevious report, the same authors similarly found that 769 patientsdied and 42 remained unintentionally comatose within 24 h afteranesthesia among exactly the same number of patients (869,483)undergoing anesthesia between January 1, 1995 and December 31,1996/January 1, 1997. However, unlike in the current report, they usedrigorous and well-described criteria and a panel of experts to charac-terize only 119 of these deaths as somehow anesthesia related. In theirformer report, they identified anesthetic management factors contrib-uting to the 119 deaths and comas that can be corrected to preventthese adverse events.3 If the authors knew that 692 of the cases ofdeath and coma in the two reports were not anesthesia related, howcould they include them in a case–control study to identify risk factorsfor postoperative death and coma related to anesthesia management?How is it possible to draw conclusions regarding anesthetic manage-ment from cases in which anesthetic management has been deter-mined to be unrelated to outcome? How do the results of the qualita-tive analysis of cases in which anesthetic management has beendetermined to be related to outcome3 compare to case–control anal-ysis of all cases, including those determined not to be related toanesthetic management?1

This communication is not meant to diminish in any way Dr. Warn-er’s observation that the anesthetic mortality rate is not only high butalso can and must be decreased.2 Nor do we wish to minimize theimportance of factors identified by Arbous et al. as contributing to

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006 202

Page 2: Anesthesia Management and Perioperative Mortality.30[1]

patient safety.2 However, we do wish to disabuse practitioners andadministrators of the notion that implementing these simple anestheticmanagement principles will affect the anesthetic mortality rate unlessor until a more definitive study of their contribution to anesthetic-related mortality and coma has been reported.

Michael J. Avram, Ph.D.,* Tom C. Krejcie, M.D. *NorthwesternUniversity Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, [email protected]


1. Arbous MS, Meursing AEE, van Kleef JW, de Lange JW, Spoormans HHAJM,Touw P, Werner FM, Grobbee DE: Impact of anesthesia management character-istics on severe morbidity and mortality. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:257–68

2. Warner MA: Perioperative mortality: Intraoperative anesthetic managementmatters. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:251–2

3. Arbous MS, Grobbee DE, van Kleef JW, de Lange JJ, Spoormans HHAJM,Touw P, Werner FM, Meursing AEE: Mortality associated with anaesthesia: Aqualitative analysis to identify risk factors. Anaesthesia 2001; 56:1141–53

(Accepted for publication June 20, 2005.)

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:203 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Anesthesia Risk Factors Not Proven by Case–Control Study

To the Editor:—I applaud Arbous et al.1 for attempting a large multi-center study to identify anesthesia care factors that may cause mortal-ity. However, the design of the study could allow for misleadingconclusions. Failure to have controls of similar case type resulted in theconclusions that two anesthesia personnel at emergence, reversal ofneuromuscular agents, postoperative pain medication, and no anesthe-siologist relief were associated with less mortality.

My previous experience at a trauma center is that patients who dieoften have long surgery at night when anesthesiologists change shift.After surgery, the patient is kept intubated and transported to therecovery room without need of additional anesthesia personnel. Theneuromuscular agents are not reversed, and the patient is often toounstable to receive opiate pain therapy. Proper selection of controlcases would show that this method of anesthesia care did not cause thedeath of the patient.

There is an old joke that oxygen is the most dangerous anesthetic,because all trauma patients who receive only oxygen for major surgery

die. It is no joke when the lack of proper controls in a study leads toconclusions that will be quoted to change proper anesthesia care. Theeditorial by Dr. Warner2 was correct to state that case–control meth-odology does not prove that these are risk factors. This should havebeen stressed by Arbous et al.

Kenneth A. Schmidt, M.D., Valley Hospital, Ridgewood, NewJersey. [email protected]


1. Arbous MS, Meursing AEE, van Kleef JW, de Lange JJ, Spoormans HHAJM,Touw P, Werner FM, Grobbee DE: Impact of anesthesia management character-istics on severe morbidity and mortality. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:257–68

2. Warner MA: Perioperative mortality: Intraoperative anesthetic managementmatters. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:251–2

(Accepted for publication June 20, 2005.)

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:203 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Perioperative Morbidity and Mortality?

To the Editor:—While reading the article by Arbous et al.1 and theaccompanying editorial by Mark A. Warner, M.D.,2 I was struck by afew important details and one important comment.

In a case–control study, it is of utmost importance that the controlsbe carefully matched to the cases to make any inference as to statisti-cally significant differences between the two groups. In the article byArbous et al.,1 it is obvious that the cases are essentially AmericanSociety of Anesthesiologists class IV and V patients (69.8%) who un-derwent long, urgent operations (63.4%) often of major complexity(39.3%). These cases were individually matched only by sex and agewith controls who were usually American Society of Anesthesiologistsclass I and II patients (78.4%) undergoing shorter elective operations(87.4%) that were almost entirely of minor or intermediate complexity(93.5%).

A small amount of effort might have controlled for these and morecharacteristics and given us a meaningful set of significant criteria tohelp anesthesiologists provide safer anesthesia to patients. As it is, theconclusions reached by the article are the equivalent of determiningthat the difference in taste between wine and vinegar has to do withthe use of a cork and the size of the bottle.

In Warner’s accompanying editorial,2 the editor could very well haveused this article to show the failings of case-controlled studies and the

importance of understanding the statistics before accepting the con-clusions.

My comment comes from reading the editorial views expressed byDr. Warner. We anesthesiologists enjoy the comparison between whatwe do and what commercial pilots do. Pilots can boast of a 6-sigmamortality rate, a feat few of us in anesthesia can claim. We steadfastlydefend the use of ancillary anesthesia providers who are present aloneduring the greatest part of the anesthetic period. I wonder if anycommercial pilot would even consider turning over the aircraft con-trols to the flight attendant, even though the plane is on auto pilot at30,000 ft altitude, with the proviso “just call me if anything goeswrong.”

Julius R. Ivester, Jr., M.D., Roper Hospital, Charleston, SouthCarolina. [email protected]


1. Arbous MS, Meursing AEE, van Kleef JW, de Lange JJ, Spoormans HHAJM,Touw P, Werner FM, Grobbee DE: Impact of anesthesia management character-istics on severe morbidity and mortality. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:257–68

2. Warner MA: Perioperative mortality: Intraoperative anesthetic managementmatters. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:251–2

(Accepted for publication June 20, 2005.)


Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006

Page 3: Anesthesia Management and Perioperative Mortality.30[1]

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:204 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Impact of Anesthesia Management Characteristics on SevereMorbidity and Mortality: Are We Convinced?

To the Editor:—We read with great interest the article by Arbous et al.1

Although we commend the authors for designing an ambitious andcreative study to address this important topic, we do have severalreservations about the study design, interpretation of the results, andhence the conclusion.

Because anesthetic mortality and serious morbidity are rare events,the use of a case–control design is very appropriate. Case–controlstudies usually include several controls for every case to increase thepower of the study and to increase the likelihood that the conclusionswill be valid.2 In this study, the investigators used only one control percase (807 cases vs. 883 controls). A higher number of controls wouldhave increased the probability that the controls were a representativesample of the entire cohort.

The main outcome in the study was death or coma within 24 h ofsurgery, an important and indisputable outcome measure. The limita-tion of this outcome is that many patients who experience perioper-ative complications die within days to weeks rather than within 24 hof surgery.3 Intraoperative management factors may impact their post-operative course and their eventual demise.

We understand that the investigators chose to limit the matching ofcontrols only to age and sex to prevent bias and also to allow them toexamine all factors affecting mortality in a multivariate model. Thepossible flaw with this approach in the context of their study is thatAmerican Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status classifica-tion is such a powerful confounding factor that it could have under-mined their multivariate model. Most of the patients who died (� 90%)had an ASA physical status of III–V. Fewer than 30% of the controlpatients had an ASA physical status of III–V (table 1).

This brings into question whether there were enough ASA physicalstatus III–V patients in the control category to validate a multivariatecalculation for other factors relating to mortality. This could have beenaddressed in two ways: The study could prospectively have enrolledonly ASA physical status III–V patients, or many more control patientscould have been included.4

In addition to presenting odds ratios for rare events, it is importantto present the number needed to harm. For example, the investigatorspresented an odds ratio of 10:1 for preventing death by adopting auniversal practice of reversing muscle relaxants. We made some as-sumptions and calculated that the number needed to harm for theentire cohort might be 1 in 25,000. This means that 25,000 people onaverage would have to have muscle relaxation not reversed to result inone additional death. The odds ratio for preventing death by having

two anesthesia providers present for all inductions and emergenceswas 10:6. This may translate to an even larger number needed to harmthan for not reversing muscle relaxants. The cost of providing twoanesthesia providers for every anesthetic—no matter how minor thesurgery and no matter how healthy the patient—would be staggeringand may not result in many lives saved. A similar study focusing only onpatients with an ASA physical status of III–V might be more useful inidentifying which anesthetic management factors are most importantin decreasing the likelihood of death among the sickest patients pre-senting for high-risk surgery.

Despite our reservations, we appreciate the study of Arbous et al. andbelieve that it raises important issues. In particular, we believe that sepa-rating anesthetic from surgical death is a false distinction. This studyhighlights the contention that multiple aspects of perioperative care andmanagement may impact on postoperative outcome. This is a seminalstudy that is likely to be extensively quoted. It is important to highlightsome of its limitations and to avoid overinterpretation of the findings.

Guelay Bilen-Rosas, M.D.,* Menelaos Karanikolas, M.D., AlexEvers, M.D., Michael Avidan, M.B.B.Ch. *Washington UniversityMedical School, St. Louis, Missouri. [email protected]


1. Arbous MS, Meursing AEE, van Kleef JW, de Lange JJ, Spoormans HHAJM,Touw P,Werner FM, Grobbee DE: Impact of anesthesia management character-istics on sever morbidity and mortality. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:257–68

2. Miettinen OSM: The “case control” study: Valid selection of subjects.J Chronic Dis 1985; 38:543–8

3. Harrison G: Death due to anesthesia at Groote Schuur Hospital, CapeTown—1956-1987: Part I. Incidence. S Afr Med J 1990; 77:412–5

4. Lagasse RS: Anesthesia safety: Model or myth? A review of the publishedliterature and analysis of current original data. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2002; 97:1609–17

(Accepted for publication June 20, 2005.)

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:204–5 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

In Reply:—I clearly appreciate Dr. Robertson’s Mark Twain referenceand his amplification of the limitations of case–control studies. How-ever, I fear that his impressions of the article by Arbous et al.1 and myeditorial2 are based on isolated statements contained within them. Theisolated quotation of statements without appreciation or notation offull context can be misleading. Indeed, my editorial notes that “. . . acase–control methodology can be used to seek possible but not proven[emphasis added] risk factors.” Further, “. . . the findings in [the Arbous]study support many plausible assumptions.” Although I am likely biased,my statements do not seem to qualify as lies, much less as damn lies.

Drs. Avram and Krejcie are, as usual, absolutely correct that allstatistical associations found using case–control methodology must bepractically assessed in context and then subjected to more rigorous

scrutiny in prospective studies to ascertain their validity. I thank Dr.Schmidt for supporting these contentions.

Finally, and to be perfectly candid, I do not know how to respond toDr. Ivester’s comment on aircraft personnel. My editorial had nothingto do with distinctions between types of anesthesia personnel. There-fore, his comment does not seem pertinent to the current issues unlesshe disagrees with my statement that “. . . immediate availability ofanesthesiologists to help when needed . . . should be seriously consid-ered when seeking opportunities to improve the perioperative outcomesof anesthetized patients.” I personally believe that this statement is quiteappropriate, important, and relevant to good patient care.

Mark A. Warner, M.D., Mayo Clinic, Rochester, [email protected]

Table 1. Distribution by American Society of AnesthesiologistsPhysical Status Classification

Group ASA I or II ASA III–V Total

Dead (cases) 68 739 807Alive (controls) 692 191 883Total 760 930 1,690

ASA � American Society of Anesthesiologists.


Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006

Page 4: Anesthesia Management and Perioperative Mortality.30[1]


1. Arbous MS, Meursing AEE, van Kleef JW, de Lange JJ, Spoormans HHAJM,Touw P, Werner FM, Grobbee DE: Impact of anesthesia management character-istics on severe morbidity and mortality. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:257–68

2. Warner MA: Perioperative mortality: Intraoperative anesthetic managementmatters. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:251–2

(Accepted for publication June 20, 2005.)

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:205–6 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

In Reply:—We would like to express our thanks for the critical assess-ments of our article “Impact of Anesthesia Management Characteristicson Severe Morbidity and Mortality.”1 All five letters address the sameissue: Can causal associations be addressed in case–control studies,and should controls be fully matched to cases?

Observational studies have a record of successful contributions tomedicine in establishing causal relations and increasing knowledge onpathogenesis, etiology, prognosis, and diagnosis (smoking and lung can-cer, asbestos and mesotheliomas, long-term propofol infusion and cardiacfailure).2,3 For a rare outcome such as death after anesthesia, a case–control study is a particularly efficient research design.4–6 Our study, withthe extensive collection of information on each anesthetic procedure ofcases and controls, was not a fishing expedition, nor did the statisticalanalysis dredge for associations. It was based on previous knowledge ofpotential anesthesia management–related determinants of postoperativemortality that had previously been qualitatively addressed but rarely quan-tified, and on common sense. The risk factors that, in our study, weresignificantly and independently associated with postoperative mortalityand severe morbidity confirm what many anesthesiologists suspect andsupport our previous knowledge. Like any study, whether observationalor interventional, ours only increases the causal probability of previousviews and decreases the size of the confidence interval. Consequently,intervention studies will need to confirm what we have found.

The second issue to be addressed is the marked lack of understandingof the principles of the case–control design as expressed in the letters—inparticular, the erroneous view that confounding bias is reduced (as com-pletely as possible) by matching of controls to the cases. Three questionsshould be addressed: (1) Should we have fully matched the controls; (2) canthe risk factors in anesthetic management as observed in our study be ex-plained by the fact that the cases were sicker, more frequent emergency casesoutside working hours, and so on; and (3) is there evidence for importantresidual confounding? The answer to all of these questions is no.7–12

Controls in a case–control study should represent those at risk ofbecoming a case; they provide estimates of the background frequencyof an exposure (such as anesthesia management–related factors) inindividuals who are free of the outcome. Fortunately, cases and con-trols are different. There are several factors that cause someone admit-ted to surgery to become a case or stay a control. What is the conse-quence of attempts to match as completely as possible? A major part ofthe thus highly selected group of controls would comprise patientswho should belong in a museum for being alive. Importantly, it wouldnot have been possible to correct in the multivariate analysis for thematched factors, and it would be unclear which bias we had intro-duced of unknown factors by matching on a few known factors.

Two authors (Drs. Robertson and Schmidt) specifically raise the ques-tion of whether the difference we found in some anesthetic managementfactors between cases and controls could be explained by the fact that thecases were sicker, more frequent emergency cases outside working hours,and so on. Indeed, in this study, there should be concern that thecondition of the patient (American Society of Anesthesiologists physicalstatus classification) and the characteristics of the procedure (emergency,outside office hours) are potential confounders, because patient andprocedure factors do influence anesthesia management and also affectoutcome. However, rather than extensive matching, the proper way toaddress this issue in a case–control study is to measure the potential con-founders and correct for them in the analysis. This is what we did. Indeed,introduction of important characteristics of patients and procedures didchange the risk estimates related to anesthesia management factors, showing

that they are confounders of the relation. There was, however, a limit to theeffect and the number of relevant confounders. In our view, therefore,residual confounding was not an important issue in our study.

Apart from anesthesia management, the American Society of Anes-thesiologists physical status classification was obviously and not sur-prisingly the most important determinant of outcome. The number ofpatients with American Society of Anesthesiologists physical statusIII–V among the controls was large enough for proper adjustments inthe analysis (23%).

In our study, we planned a qualitative analysis and a quantitativeanalysis. Both have been published, and they convey fundamentallydifferent information rather than a simple duplication of the samefindings as suggested by Drs. Avram and Krejcie.1,13 It is interesting tocompare both reports because they show marked agreement but alsodemonstrate that qualitative and quantitative analyses are complemen-tary. The qualitative analysis looked at overall anesthetic managementwith all available information collected, as judged by a panel of anes-thesiologists. In lengthy discussions, an opinion was formed about theextent of contribution of anesthesia to the fatal outcome. However,although on overall impression no major anesthesia management fac-tors were found to have contributed to the death in 692 cases, theywere included in the case–control study because they contain impor-tant information about anesthetic care (measured by an extendedquestionnaire and the anesthetic form) and reveal information that isdifficult to extract in a qualitative analysis.

We hope to have addressed the letters to the editor to the satisfac-tion of the authors. We also hope that this response helps to supportthe important role of case–control methods in risk research an to abetter understanding of its principles. This is not to neglect the pointmade by Dr. Warner in the editorial accompanying our findings.14

M. Sesmu Arbous, M.D., Ph.D., Anneke E. E. Meursing, M.D.,Ph.D., Jack W. van Kleef, M.D., Diederick E. Grobbee, M.D.,Ph.D.* *Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care,University Medical Center Utrecht, and Dutch Association forAnesthesiology, Utrecht, The Netherlands. [email protected]

References1. Arbous MS, Meursing AEE, van Kleef JW, de Lange JJ, Spoormans HHAJM,

Touw P, Werner FM, Grobbee DE: ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:257–682. Rothman KJ, Greenland S: Causation and causal inference, Modern Epide-

miology, 2nd edition. By Rothman, KJ, Greenland S. Philadelphia, Lippincott–Raven, 1998, pp 93–114

3. Cremer OL, Moons KGM, Bouman EAC, Kruijswijk JE, de Smet AGA,Kalkman CJ: Long-term propofol infusion and cardiac failure in adult head-injuredpatients. Lancet 2001; 357:117–8

4. Miettinen OS: Design of sampling of the base, Theoretical Epidemiology.Edited by Miettinen OSM. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1985, pp 69–83

5. Miettinen OS: The “case-control” study: Valid selection of subjects.J Chronic Dis 1985; 38:543–8

6. Rothman KJ, Greenland S: Case-control studies, Modern Epidemiology, 2ndedition. By Rothman, KJ, Greenland S. Philadelphia, Lippincott–Raven, 1998, pp93–114

7. Wacholder S, Silverman DT, McLaughlin JK, Mandel JS: Selection of controlsin case-control studies: II. Types of controls. Am J Epidemiol 1992; 135:1029–41

8. Wacholder S, McLaughlin JK, Silverman DT, Mandel JS: Selection of controlsin case-control studies: I. Principles. Am J Epidemiol 1992; 135:1019–28

9. Wacholder S, Silverman DT, McLaughlin JK, Mandel JS: Selection of controlsin case-control studies: III. Design options. Am J Epidemiol 1992; 135:1042–50

10. Rothman KJ, Greenland S: Matching, Modern Epidemiology, 2nd edition.By Rothman KJ, Greenland S. Philadelphia, Lippincott–Raven, 1998, pp 147–61

11. Vandenbroucke JP: When are observational studies as credible as random-ised trials? Lancet 2004; 363:1728–31


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12. Grimes DA, Schulz KF: Compared to what? Finding controls for a case-control studies. Lancet 2005; 365:1429–33

13. Arbous MS, Grobbee DE, van Kleef JW, de Lange JJ, Spoormans HHAJM,Touw P, Werner FM, Meursing AEE: Mortality associated with anaesthesia: Aqualitative analysis to identify risk factors. Anaesthesia 2001; 56:1141–53

14. Warner MA: Perioperative mortality: Intraoperative anesthetic manage-ment matters. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:251–2

(Accepted for publication June 20, 2005.)

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:206 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Of Mice and Men and Type II Errors

To the Editor:—In response to the hypothesis that prolonged exposureof neonates to anesthetic drugs causes long-term neurocognitive defi-cits in humans, as it seems to do in mice and rats,1 Soriano et al.2

published a graph of the IQs at ages 4 and 8 yr of children who hadundergone surgical repair of congenital heart defects as neonates usinga standardized anesthetic regimen including high-dose barbiturates andopiates. Those IQ results were interpreted as showing “no significantdifferences between the study groups and the population norms.”2

The graphical representations of the IQ data are not accurate, butthe means and SDs can be obtained from table 5 of Ferranti et al.3 Atboth 4 and 8 yr of age, the full-scale IQs of children exposed tosustained anesthesia as neonates were statistically significantly lowerthan population norms (P � 0.0001 and P � 0.02, respectively). The95% confidence interval at age 4 yr is 90.2–94.9, and the 95% confi-dence interval at age 8 yr is 94.7–99.5. The 95% confidence interval forage 8 yr includes the risk of an IQ decrement of one third of an SD. The95% confidence interval at age 4 yr indicates that a one-third SDdecrement is highly probable, and it includes the risk of a two-thirds SDdecrement.

Statistical significance notwithstanding, clinical significance is oftenin the eye of the beholder. In the eye of this beholder, these data donot argue against the hypothesis that the data obtained in rodentsapply to humans.

John Hartung, Ph.D., State University of New York, Brooklyn,New York. [email protected]


1. Olney JW, Young C, Wozniak DF, Ikonomidou C, Jevtovic-Todorovic V:Anesthesia-induced development neuroapoptosis: Does it happen in humans?ANESTHESIOLOGY 2004; 101:273–5

2. Soriano SG, Anand KJ, Rovnaghi CR, Hickey PR: Of mice and men: Shouldwe extrapolate rodent experimental data to the care of human neonates? ANES-THESIOLOGY 2005; 102:866–8

3. De Ferranti S, Gauvreau K, Hickey PR, Jonas RA, Wypij D, du Plessis A,Bellinger DC, Kuban K, Newburger JW, Laussen PC: Intraoperative hyperglyce-mia during infant cardiac surgery is not associated with adverse neurodevelop-mental outcomes at 1, 4, and 8 years. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2004; 100:1345–52

(Accepted for publication August 30, 2005.)

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:206 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

In Reply:—Dr. Hartung is correct in pointing out that we erroneouslystated that there were “no significant differences between the studygroups and population norms.”1 The purpose of our letter to the editorwas not to disprove the hypothesis that “data obtained in rodents applyto humans” in the context of anesthetic neurotoxicity and the devel-oping brain. This phenomenon should be examined in a formal pro-spective case–control study in humans with validated outcome mea-sures. The point that we wanted to make in the graph was that, despitethe severity of cardiac lesions and the operative conditions (i.e., hyp-oxia,2 prolonged anesthesia/sedation, and circulatory arrest/support),the mean neurocognitive outcomes at 4 and 8 yr were somewhat lowerbut within the normal range of the normative values (100 � 15) of thegeneral population.3,4 Delayed repair of congenital heart disease isassociated with progressive decrement of cognitive function and jus-tifies early surgical intervention in neonates.5 These data are not adirect test of the neurocognitive effects of prolonged anesthesia/seda-tion in human neonates but should provide some impetus for furtherinvestigations. To paraphrase Shakespeare in Love’s Labour’s Lost,“Beauty is bought by judgment of the eye, not utt’red by base sale ofchapmen’s tongues.”6 We acknowledge our utterance of incorrectstatistical analysis of existing data and stand corrected. However, thereare no existing human experimental data that clearly demonstrate theneurotoxic effect of anesthetics in pediatric patients.

Sulpicio G. Soriano, M.D.,* Paul R. Hickey, M.D. *Children’s HospitalBoston, Boston, Massachusetts. [email protected]


1. Soriano SG, Anad KJ, Rovnaghi CR, Hickey PR: Of mice and men: Should weextrapolate rodent experimental data to the care of human neonates? ANESTHESI-OLOGY 2005; 102:866–8

2. Bass JL, Corwin M, Gozal D, Moore C, Nishida H, Parker S, Schonwald A,Wilker RE, Stehle S, Kinane TB: The effect of chronic or intermittent hypoxia oncognition in childhood: A review of the evidence. Pediatrics 2004; 114:805–16

3. Bellinger DC, Wypij D, Kuban KC, Rappaport LA, Hickey PR, Wernovsky G,Jonas RA, Newburger JW: Developmental and neurological status of children at4 years of age after heart surgery with hypothermic circulatory arrest or low-flowcardiopulmonary bypass. Circulation 1999; 100:526–32

4. Bellinger DC, Wypij D, du Duplessis AJ, Rappaport LA, Jonas RA, Wer-novsky G, Newburger JW: Neurodevelopmental status at eight years in childrenwith dextro-transposition of the great arteries: The Boston Circulatory ArrestTrial. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2003; 126:1385–96

5. Newburger JW, Silbert AR, Buckley LP, Fyler DC: Cognitive function andage at repair of transposition of the great arteries in children. N Engl J Med 1984;310:1495–9

6. Shakespeare W: Love’s Labour’s Lost. Act II, Scene i. 1598

(Accepted for publication August 30, 2005.)


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Anesthesiology 2006; 104:207 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Interscalene Block Superior to General Anesthesia

To the Editor:—I read with interest the article by Hadzic et al.1 aboutthe use of interscalene block compared with general anesthesia foroutpatient rotator cuff surgery. Although I agree that there are advan-tages to using nerve block anesthesia for outpatient shoulder surgery,I believe the comparator group receiving general anesthesia in thecurrent Clinical Investigation1 was a recipe for failure. I am not sur-prised by the 16% hospital admission rate for refractory pain observedin those patients receiving general anesthesia. I would hope with ourcurrent understanding of the pathophysiology of acute pain that we asanesthesiologists will offer our patients more effective perioperativeanalgesic techniques. I was surprised that the current clinical investi-gation failed to use nonopioid analgesics, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in a multimodal approach to perioperative painmanagement as outlined by the recent American Society of Anesthesi-ologists Practice Guidelines for acute pain management in the peri-operative setting state.2 A more aggressive preventive multimodalpharmacologic approach3 including the use of nonsteroidal antiinflam-matory drugs, acetaminophen, intraarticular local anesthetics, opioids,and �2 agonists and postoperative cold therapy may have resulted in aless dramatic benefit compared with interscalene block. Failure to do

so may result in inadequate analgesia for our patients, as demonstratedin the current study by Hadzic et al.1

Scott S. Reuben, M.D., Baystate Medical Center and the TuftsUniversity School of Medicine, Springfield, [email protected]

References1. Hadzic A, Williams BA, Karaca PE, Hobeika P, Unis G, Dermksian J, Yufa M,

Thys DM, Santos AC: For outpatient rotator cuff surgery, nerve block anesthesiaprovides superior same-day recovery over general anesthesia. ANESTHESIOLOGY

2005; 102:1001–72. Ashburn MA, Caplan RA, Carr DB, Connis RT, Ginsberg B, Green CR, Lema

MJ, Nickinovich DG, Rice LJ: Practice guidelines for acute pain management inthe perioperative setting: An updated report by the American Society of Anes-thesiologists Task Force on Acute Pain Management. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2004; 100:1573–81

3. Reuben SS, Gutta SB, Maciolek H, Sklar J: Effect of initiating a multimodalanalgesic regimen upon patient outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament recon-struction for same-day surgery: A 1200-patient case series. Acute Pain 2004;6:87–93

(Accepted for publication August 30, 2005.)

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:207 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Benefits of Regional Anesthesia over General Anesthesia forOutpatient Rotator Cuff Surgery

To the Editor:—I read with interest and am in full agreement with thefindings of Hadzic et al.1 regarding the benefits of regional over generalanesthesia for outpatient rotator cuff surgery. Patients undergoingshoulder surgery during interscalene block (ISB) anesthesia and intra-operative sedation were able to bypass phase I postanesthesia care unitin greater numbers that patients receiving general anesthesia (GA). Inaddition, regional anesthesia resulted in fewer unplanned hospitaladmissions, a faster time to discharge, fewer adverse events (includingnausea, vomiting, sore throat), and greater patient satisfaction. None ofthe patients in the ISB group required treatment for pain beforedischarge home, whereas 80% of patients in the GA group requiredpain management despite wound infiltration and intraarticular instilla-tion of local anesthetic by the surgeon.

However, the authors seem to have overlooked a study published byus out of Columbia University Medical Center (formerly Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center) in which we reviewed 103 consecutivepatients who underwent shoulder arthroscopic surgery during eitherGA or ISB anesthesia with sedation between August 1988 and March1990.2 Before the primary author’s arrival at Columbia-PresbyterianMedical Center in July 1989, most shoulder surgery was performedduring GA. The use of ISB anesthesia was subsequently encouraged,and the benefits were so obvious that within a short time, the sugges-tion that GA be used for shoulder surgery was met with a great degreeof resistance from the surgeons. As with the study of Hadzic et al., wefound that the benefits of ISB over GA for shoulder surgery included ashorter hospital stay, fewer unplanned admissions, fewer adverseevents, and greater patient satisfaction.2

The comments by Hadzic et al.1 regarding the study by Weber andJain3 are certainly valid and are supported by similar comments in ourstudy regarding perceived disadvantages of regional anesthesia. Withrespect to the time factor, regional anesthesia is performed at Colum-bia University Medical Center in a “block room” before the patient’sentry into the operating room. After completion of the operative

procedure, the patient is wide awake, pain free, without GA-associatedside effects, and ready to be discharged to the postanesthesia care unitimmediately after placement of the surgical dressing, i.e., time is savedwhen the practice of regional anesthesia is optimized. Weber and Jain3

reported a 13% incidence of failed ISB, and 92% of patients requiredadditional opioid analgesics after ISB. This high percentage of patientsrequiring postoperative opioid analgesics raises the question as to howsuccessful the ISBs were, because it is most unusual for a patient to requireany form of analgesia in the postoperative period after an ISB for shouldersurgery until the effect of the local anesthetic has worn off. Adequatetraining and experience certainly play a major role in the success as wellas the complication rate associated with regional anesthesia.

At Columbia University Medical Center, we would have a great dealof difficulty attempting to perform a study similar to that performed byHadzic et al.1 because approval by the surgeons to perform shouldersurgery during GA as part of a study would be all but impossible.Hence, the study by Hadzic et al.1 is an extremely welcome reminderof the benefits of regional over general anesthesia for shoulder surgery.

Anthony R. Brown, M.B., Ch.B., F.F.A.(S.A.), ColumbiaUniversity, New York, New York. [email protected]


1. Hadzic A, Williams BA, Karaca PE, Hobeika P, Unis G, Dermksian J, Yufa M,Thys DM, Santos AC: For outpatient rotator cuff surgery, nerve block anesthesiaprovides superior same-day recovery over general anesthesia. ANESTHESIOLOGY

2005; 102:1001–72. Brown A, Weiss R, Greenberg C, Flatow E, Bigliani L: Interscalene block for

shoulder arthroscopy: Comparison with general anesthesia. Arthroscopy 1993;9:295–300

3. Weber SC, Jain R: Scalene regional anesthesia for shoulder surgery in a com-munity setting: An assessment of risk. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2002; 84-A: 775–9

(Accepted for publication August 30, 2005.)


Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006

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Anesthesiology 2006; 104:208 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Interscalene Block Superior to General Anesthesia: ADiscussion of the Conclusions Regarding These Two Anesthesia


To the Editor:—We read with interest the article by Hadzic et al.1

regarding the use of scalene regional anesthesia in rotator cuff surgery.Any prospective, randomized study on this topic is to be applauded,although Kinnard et al.2 also performed a prospective randomizedstudy in 1994. We had a number of questions about the study of Hadzicet al. Rotator cuff repair can be performed with a variety of techniques,and the type of technique—arthroscopic, mini-open, or open—mustbe described in the method section, because randomization does notguarantee that equal numbers would be presented in each group. Allarthroscopic rotator cuff repair in particular does not require anyextraordinary efforts to manage perioperative pain and might havechanged the results of this study. Clearly the physicians, nursing staff,and patients could not possibly have been blinded to the presence ofa paralyzed, anesthetic extremity, and the study for this reason is notblinded. The term “light sleep” might be better defined, because somemight define these patients as having both scalene and general anes-thesia. The 16% rate of admission for general anesthesia for rotator cuffsurgery is quite atypical and worrisome; in an outpatient center, anypersistent rate of admission of more than 10% of patients would causethe facility to be disaccredited by the Joint Commission on Accredita-tion of Healthcare Organizations. The study clearly states that afterdischarge, there was no difference between the two techniques of anykind except for the patient choice to do the same technique again, adifficult decision for a patient who has had experience with only oneof the two techniques.

Our greatest concern was over cost analysis and the discussion ofcomplications. One of the most difficult sections of our article was thediscussion of cost of general versus regional anesthesia.3 In our insti-tution, scalene regional anesthesia resulted in an increased cost of$1,507. The modest savings reported in this study generated by by-passing the phase 1 postanesthesia care unit would not offset this. Inmost outpatient centers, the phase 1 and phase 2 postanesthesia careunit patients would be commingled, with no savings generated at all.Serious complications remain the primary concern with scaleneblocks. Although experience does decrease the rate of complications,it does not obviate them. One of the two neurologic injuries reported

in our study occurred at a leading clinic with significant experience inregional anesthesia,3 and the serious complication reported by Tetzlaffet al.4 occurred at Cleveland Clinic after a report of several hundredsuccessful blocks. The authors freely admit that their study was under-powered to make a conclusion about a variety of outcomes of thestudy. Statistical analysis shows that their study would have required103 patients in the block group to detect a 3.6% difference in theircomplication rate with a 95% confidence level. Because this is thedifference in complication rates reported between their study andours, their study is underpowered to make the conclusion that theircomplication rate is significantly different from ours as well.

The primary problem remains the rare but measurable rate of seriouscomplications present in all large studies. Any single significant com-plication would offset the modest improvement in perioperative paincontrol. As recent lively discussions on this topic at the 2004 AmericanShoulder and Elbow Surgeons’ meeting (New York, New York, Sep-tember 29, 2004 through October 02, 2004) can attest, this subject isfar from closed.

Stephen C. Weber, M.D.,* Carol A. Parise, Ph.D., Ritu Jain,M.D. *Sacramento Knee and Sports Medicine, Sacramento,California. [email protected]


1. Hadzic A, Williams BA, Karaca PE, Hobeika P, Unis G, Dermksian J, Yufa M,Thys DM, Santos AC: For outpatient rotator cuff surgery, nerve block anesthesiaprovides superior same-day recovery over general anesthesia. ANESTHESIOLOGY

2005; 102:1001–72. Kinnard P, Truchon R, St-Pierre A, Montreuil J: Interscalene block for pain

relief after shoulder surgery: A prospective randomized study. Clin Orthop 1994;304:22–4

3. Weber SC, Jain R: Scalene regional anesthesia for shoulder surgery in acommunity setting: A critical assessment of risk. J Bone Joint Surg. 2002; 84A:775–9

4. Tetzlaff JE, Dilger J, Yap E, Brems J: Idiopathic brachial plexitis after totalshoulder replacement with interscalene brachial plexus block. Anesth Analg1997; 85:644–6

(Accepted for publication August 30, 2005.)

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:208–9 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

In Reply:—We thank Dr. Reuben for his comment and agree with himin that a more aggressive preventative approach to multimodal painmanagement may have affected the outcome of our study. Our studyhowever, was designed before the Practice Guidelines for Acute PainManagement in the Perioperative Setting were published by the Amer-ican Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Acute Pain Manage-ment.1 Regardless, without a trial comparing interscalene block (ISB)versus general anesthesia and incorporating such a multimodal ap-proach in patients having outpatient rotator cuff surgery, any discus-sion regarding the outcome can be only speculative.

We thank Dr. Brown for his comments and agree with his remarks.We would also like to apologize for failing to cite the report by Dr.Brown et al.2; this publication simply did not come up in our literaturesearch.

We thank Drs. Weber, Parise, and Jain for taking an interest in ourstudy.3 For the sake of completeness, we would like to clarify theterminology used—Drs. Weber, Parise, and Jain repeatedly use the

term scalene anesthesia; the proper term is interscalene block.4 Moreimportantly however, their comments are in sharp contradiction to theavailable literature including their own data.5 Drs. Weber, Parise, andJain say that rotator cuff repair does not require “any extraordinaryefforts to manage perioperative pain” and that the 16% admission ratefor pain management in our study is unacceptable. In their own report,however, 170 (78%) of 218 patients had rotator cuff repair, of which92% were admitted and required parenteral narcotics.5

Both in their publication and in this letter, Drs. Weber, Parise, andJain repeatedly emphasize the risk of neurologic complications relatedto ISB and support their concerns by citing a report by Tetzlaff et al.6

However, as the title of the publication by Tetzlaff et al. indicates, theydid not describe a neurologic complication of ISB, but an unusual caseof idiopathic brachial plexitis.

We are also not surprised that these authors had difficulty withcorrelating the cost analysis that we presented in the Discussionsection to the description of patient charges in their own article.5 The


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cited references in our article7,8 used economic models based oncomplex, transformed regression, whereas the cost analysis by Weberet al. directed no attention to the distinction between costs andcharges,9 let alone the necessary econometric statistical maneuversthereafter.10–13

Our study was not a repetition of that by Kinnard et al.14 In ourstudy, patients received general anesthesia or ISB. In the study byKinnard et al., all patients received general anesthesia with or withoutISB at the end of surgery. The findings by Kinnard et al. are also insharp contrast to those of Drs. Weber and Jain.5 Kinnard et al. con-cluded that the use of ISB was without complications, significantlyimproved the postoperative comfort, and reduced the need for hospi-talization after shoulder surgery. These findings prompted Kinnard etal. to institute routine use of ISB for all outpatient shoulder proceduresat their institution and suggest the same to the readership, whereasDrs. Weber and Jain reemphasize the dangers and limitations of ISB.5

The results of their study cannot be directly compared with those ofour study because of the substantial differences in methodology. Mostimportantly, (1) our study was a randomized, controlled trial, whereastheirs was a combination of retrospective chart review, two casereports, and a hypothetical cost analysis; and (2) ISB in our study wassuccessfully used in all patients, with ISB as the sole anesthetic. Incontrast, in the study by Drs. Weber and Jain, 13% of blocks failedoutright, and 82% of patients required general anesthesia.5

Admir Hadzic, M.D., Ph.D.,* Brian A. Williams, M.D., M.B.A.,Doug Unis, M.D., Paul Hobeika, M.D. *St. Luke’s-RooseveltHospital Center, College of Physicians and Surgeons of ColumbiaUniversity, New York, New York. [email protected]


1. Ashburn MA, Caplan RA, Carr DB, Connis RT, Ginsberg B, Green CR, LemaMJ, Nickinovich DG, Rice LJ: Practice guidelines for acute pain management in

the perioperative setting: An updated report by the American Society of Anes-thesiologists Task Force on Acute Pain Management. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2004; 100:1573–81

2. Brown A, Weiss R, Greenberg C, Flatow E, Bigliani L: Interscalene block forshoulder arthroscopy: Comparison with general anesthesia. Arthroscopy 1993;9:295–300

3. Hadzic A, Williams BA, Kraca PE, Hobeika P, Unis G, Dermksian J, Yufa M,Thys DM, Santos AC: For outpatient rotator cuff surgery, nerve block anesthesiaprovides superior same-day recovery over general anesthesia. ANESTHESIOLOGY

2005; 102: 1001–74. Greene NM: Key words in anesthesiology, Key Words in Anesthesiology,

3rd edition. Edited by Greene NM. New York, Elsevier, 19885. Weber SC, Jain S: Scalene regional anesthesia for shoulder surgery in a

community setting: An assessment of risk. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2002; 84:775–96. Tetzlaff JE, Dilger J, Yap E, Brems J: Idiopathic brachial plexitis after total

shoulder replacement with interscalene brachial plexus block. Anesth Analg1997; 85:644–6

7. Woolhandler S, Himmelstein DU: Costs of care and administration at for-profit and other hospitals in the United States. N Engl J Med 1997; 336:769–74

8. Williams BA, Kentor ML, Vogt MT, Vogt WB, Coley KC, Williams JP, RobertsMS, Chelly JE, Harner CD, Fu FH: The economics of nerve block pain manage-ment after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: Significant hospital costsavings via associated postanesthesia care unit bypass and same-day discharge.ANESTHESIOLOGY 2004; 100:697–706

9. Finkler SA: The distinction between cost and charges. Ann Intern Med1982; 96:102–9

10. Ai C, Norton EC: Standard errors for the retransformation problem withheteroscedasticity. J Health Econ 2000; 19:697–718

11. Manning WG: The logged dependent variable, heteroscedasticity, and theretransformation problem. J Health Econ 1998; 17:283–95

12. Mullahy J: Much ado about two: Reconsidering retransformation and thetwo-part model in health econometrics. J Health Econ 1998; 17:247–81

13. Duan N: Smearing estimate: A nonparametric retransformation method.J Am Statist Assoc 1983; 78:605–10

14. Kinnard P, Truchon R, St-Pierre A, Montruil J: Interscalene block for painrelief after shoulder surgery. Clin Orthop 1994; 304:22–4

(Accepted for publication August 30, 2005.)

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:209–10 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Is a New Classification of Postoperative Myocardial Infarction Justified?

To the Editor:—I read with interest the prospective audit of routinelymeasuring cardiac troponin I (cTnI) levels postoperatively in infrarenalaortic surgery by Le Manach et al.1 The authors have proposed aclassification of two separate groups of postoperative myocardial in-farction (PMI) based on their findings. However, I think that aspects ofboth the methodology of the study and the presentation of results areopen to criticism and that the validity of their distinction between earlyand delayed PMI is questionable.

It is not clear why the value for cTnI that the authors consider to beabnormal changed in the study and in their participating institutionfrom 0.5 ng/ml from September 1995 to November 1999 to 0.2 ng/mlfrom November 1999 onward. It seems that the same machine wasused for testing cTnI throughout the study period. This parameter isthe basis of the definitions of both myocardial damage and delayed PMIand also the proposed difference between the early and delayed PMIgroups and is clearly a key issue. Regardless of whether the institutionchanged its normal values for cTnI, it would seem that the mostappropriate methodology would be to analyze the whole populationby the same rules. It would be of interest whether the endpoints woulddiffer from that reported if all patients were reanalyzed together at 0.2ng/ml and at 0.5 ng/ml.

The abstract states that the cTnI profiles between the delayed PMIgroup before the cTnI threshold for PMI was reached and the myocar-dial damage group were identical. In the main part of the Results, it isonly written that the profiles are comparable. Even so, the only evi-dence presented for this is a graph of two “representative” patients. To

describe the two profiles mentioned as identical would require de-scriptive statistics of cTnI values to be presented against time for eachof the different groups, with a mathematical analysis of their differ-ence. I also note that there was not even a “representative” exampledescribed of the other two groups.

The timing of the 24-h cutoff for the difference between early anddelayed PMI was predetermined and arbitrary. The authors state that inthe early PMI group, PMI was not preceded by subinfarction myocar-dial damage, but did any of the early PMI group patients have abnormalcTnI for 18 rather than 24 h? If so, how do we know that this was notsignificant myocardial damage? It would seem to be a more robustchoice of timing if at first the pattern within the population wasexamined and then the most appropriate cutoff was chosen.

The authors note that only the early PMI group had an increasedincidence of previous myocardial infarction and hint that this supportstheir hypothesis of different etiology in the two PMI groups. I note that57 comparisons are made in table 2. Because the P values are onlydescribed as less than 0.05 and not specified, it is hard to know howsignificant their four P values of less than 0.05 in table 2 really arewhen you would expect almost three to occur just by statisticalprobability. Defining two groups on their differing temporal character-istics, proving statistical difference in a clearly related temporal param-eter in the absence of any other differences in nonrelated parameters,and then inferring that the two groups are fundamentally different is aweak argument.

The opinion that the time when the cTnI is abnormal but not


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diagnostic of PMI should be considered a “golden period,” and thehypothesis that intensive interventions may influence outcome is at-tractive. The description of the natural history of cTnI changes wouldbe more useful if we knew whether the ischemia was silent or asso-ciated with evidence that would have resulted in appropriate therapyanyway. I would like to know whether the myocardial damage groupor the patients with abnormal cTnI before PMI had chest pain, dys-pnea, heart failure, arrhythmias, or other electrocardiographic changessuggestive of ischemia.

In conclusion, the authors have not shown a bimodal distributionthat would justify the classification of PMI as early and delayed, norhave they conclusively shown a fundamental difference between rapid-onset and delayed-onset PMI groups on the evidence as presented.

Moreover, I think the suggestion that early PMI is “hitherto unrecog-nized in the postoperative setting” is unfounded.

M. Dylan Bould, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.P., F.R.C.A., Royal BromptonHospital, London, United Kingdom. [email protected]


1. Le Manach Y, Perel A, Coriat P, Godet G, Bertrand M, Riou B: Early anddelayed myocardial infarction after abdominal aortic surgery. ANESTHESIOLOGY

2005; 102:885–91

(Accepted for publication October 12, 2005.)

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:210 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

In Reply:—We thank Dr. Bould for his interest in our article.1 Ourdefinition of myocardial infarction was based on the normal values inour specific laboratory.2 The threshold for abnormal cardiac troponinI (cTnI) was modified by the laboratory of our hospital, which, after animproved accuracy of the dosage technique of cTnI, considered asabnormal a value above the serum 99th percentile of the normalpopulation.3 Because the normal value in our laboratory changed, sodid the definition of myocardial necrosis. This is in complete agree-ment with the definition of myocardial infarction in the literature,which clearly considers cTnI plasma level as the accepted standard toevidence postoperative myocardial infarction.

Dr. Bould suggests a complementary analysis to better describedifferences between myocardial damage and delayed myocardial in-farction. We believe that no complicated descriptive statistics areneeded, because cTnI values of the two groups are very similar, asevidenced in figure 1. A 24-h delay was arbitrarily retained to separatethe early myocardial infarction and delayed myocardial infarctiongroups. From a clinical standpoint, we consider that myocardial dam-age lasting more than 24 h preceding myocardial infarction provides aunique opportunity to introduce a treatment to improve myocardialoxygen balance. In addition, a 24-h interval has some statistical rele-vance, considering that a normal distribution cannot be excluded usinga Shapiro-Wilk W test for the distribution of the delay to peak cTnI (and1.5-ng/ml threshold) in the delayed myocardial infarction and postop-erative myocardial infarction groups, whereas an abnormal distributionwas found in the overall myocardial infarction population. Neverthe-less, we assume that normality tests have low statistical power (prob-ability of detecting nonnormal data) in small samples, and so thosenormality tests are not strong arguments to statistically separate twopopulations. Dr. Bould emphasizes that the statistical differences ob-served in table 2 might be due to change. We want to underline thatthese data are presented as more descriptive than explicative, and thatno causal assumption could be made in this study.

Our conclusions are based on a significant difference in the inci-dence of previous myocardial infarction between early myocardialinfarction and myocardial damage groups with a P value lower than0.002.

A “representative” example of a control group in which by definitioncTnI plasma level equals zero, cannot be shown in a figure in whichcTnI plasma levels are represented on the vertical axis. In addition, thisgraph was included in the manuscript to illustrate a “golden period,”

explaining why the inclusion of a “representative” patient of the earlygroup would have been confusing for the reader.

As firmly established in the literature, abnormal postoperative cTnIlevels are rarely associated with clinical symptoms. Moreover, pain,dyspnea, and hypotension have many extracardiac causes after majorvascular surgery and are unacceptable surrogates for myocardial infarc-tion.

In conclusion, there is a very clear temporal distinction between thegroups as to both time to first abnormal cTnI value and time to peakcTnI value, whereas the time from the end of surgery to first abnormalvalue was the same. Consequently, we believe that our conclusions arejustified. Numerous previously published articles describe consider-ably prolonged myocardial damage before postoperative myocardialinfarction. This has led to the development of the prevalent theory ofcumulative myocardial injury as the main process that leads to post-operative myocardial infarction. Our early myocardial infarction groupclearly does not fit into that category. Hence, we dared to offer thehypothesis that there may be two types of postoperative myocardialinfarction. Dr. Bould’s arguments have not convinced us that ourhypothesis is wrong.

Pierre Coriat, M.D.,* Yannick Le Manach, M.D., Azriel Perel,M.D. *Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris, [email protected]


1. Le Manach Y, Perel A, Coriat P, Godet G, Bertrand M, Riou B: Early anddelayed myocardial infarction after abdominal aortic surgery. ANESTHESIOLOGY

2005; 102:885–912. Luepker RV, Apple FS, Christenson RH, Crow RS, Fortmann SP, Goff D,

Goldberg RJ, Hand MM, Jaffe AS, Julian DG, Levy D, Manolio T, Mendis S, MensahG, Pajak A, Prineas RJ, Reddy KS, Roger VL, Rosamond WD, Shahar E, Sharrett AR,Sorlie P, Tunstall-Pedoe H: Case definitions for acute coronary heart disease inepidemiology and clinical research studies: A statement from the AHA Council onEpidemiology and Prevention; AHA Statistics Committee; World Heart FederationCouncil on Epidemiology and Prevention; the European Society of CardiologyWorking Group on Epidemiology and Prevention; Centers for Disease Controland Prevention; and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Circulation2003; 108:2543–9

3. Apple FS, Murakami MM: Serum 99th percentile reference cutoffs for sevencardiac troponin assays. Clin Chem 2004; 50:1477–9

(Accepted for publication October 12, 2005.)


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Anesthesiology 2006; 104:211 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Is Xenon Really Neuroprotective after Cardiac Arrest?

To the Editor:—Xenon has recently been shown to act as a neuropro-tective agent in several in vitro and in vivo models of acute neuronalinjury, probably inhibiting the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor.1,2 In theMay issue of ANESTHESIOLOGY, Schmidt et al.3 provided pioneering dataon the effects of xenon on porcine brains assessed by hemodynamic,electrophysiologic, and metabolic measurements in a large animalmodel of cardiac arrest and subsequent cardiopulmonary resuscitation.Using a microdialysis technique, they documented that levels of glyc-erol, an integral part of the cell membrane, are significantly lower after90 min of reperfusion in pigs that received xenon anesthesia beforecardiac arrest was induced when compared with a control group thatwas anesthetized with a total intravenous regimen. No other parame-ter, including glutamate, lactate, lactate/pyruvate ratio, brain tissuepartial pressure of oxygen, and intracranial pressure, showed signifi-cant differences between the groups.

In the Western hemisphere, approximately 800,000 people annuallyexperience sudden cardiac death.4,5 Although survival rates are in-creasing, complete neurologic recovery is often far from certain, andby the time of hospital discharge, every second patient is neurologi-cally severely disabled or comatose.6 Accordingly, there is urgent needto find strategies that ameliorate neuronal injury.

In this respect, the study by Schmidt et al.3 is of high clinicalrelevance. However, we believe that some major limitations in thestudy design and the interpretation of the results are not adequatelydiscussed.

First, a major drawback of this study that detracts from its clinicalsignificance is that the authors elected to use an extremely shortduration of cardiac arrest that results in only minor brain damage, if atall.7 It is therefore not surprising that the authors failed to establishdifferences in extracellular glutamate values. In contrast, the evidencefor glycerol as a surrogate for neuronal damage is weak becauseglycerol is a naturally occurring three-carbon alcohol that is ubiqui-tously present in considerable amounts in the human body and anintegral part of the energy metabolism.8 Glycerol readily moves acrossthe blood–brain barrier, and therefore, increases in dialysis fluid arenot exclusively indicative of nerve cell damage but might reflect overallmetabolic changes or changes due to exogenous sources.9,10 Second,animals received xenon before cardiac arrest was induced. In theoverwhelming majority of cases, however, cardiac arrest occurs sud-denly and unexpectedly. A possible indication for xenon pretreatmentmight be procedures that require short periods of circulatory standstill,such as insertion of implantable cardioverters/defibrillators, which isknown to be associated with neurocognitive sequelae.11 Third, theauthors should consider the possibility that the anesthetic regimenmight have biased the results because they used an opioid for painrelief, which reportedly exerts neuroprotective properties.12 Finally,

definitive parameters of neurologic injury, i.e., measurements of serummarkers of nervous tissue damage and neurohistopathologic examina-tions of vulnerable brain regions, would have been of major benefit tothe study. In conclusion, the authors did not demonstrate that xenonis really neuroprotective in the setting of global ischemia and reperfu-sion, and accordingly, we believe that the title of the article, “XenonAttenuates Cerebral Damage after Ischemia in Pigs,” overstates the datapresented. Notwithstanding these important limitations, we acknowl-edge and appreciate that the authors have applied xenon for the firsttime in this clinically highly relevant model, and we hope that thearticle will stimulate further research in this area.

Michael Fries, M.D.,* Joachim Weis, M.D., Ph.D., Rolf Rossaint,M.D., Ph.D. *University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Aachen, [email protected]


1. Wilhelm S, Ma D, Maze M, Franks NP: Effects of xenon on in vitro and invivo models of neuronal injury. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2002; 96:1485–91

2. de Sousa SL, Dickinson R, Lieb WR, Franks NP: Contrasting synaptic actionsof the inhalational general anesthetics isoflurane and xenon. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2000;92:1055–66

3. Schmidt M, Marx T, Gloggl E, Reinelt H, Schirmer U: Xenon attenuatescerebral damage after ischemia in pigs. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:929–36

4. de Vreede-Swagemakers JJ, Gorgels AP, Dubois-Arbouw WI, van Ree JW,Daemen MJ, Houben LG, Wellens HJ: Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the 1990’s:A population-based study in the Maastricht area on incidence, characteristics andsurvival. J Am Coll Cardiol 1997; 30:1500–5

5. Zheng ZJ, Croft JB, Giles WH: Sudden cardiac death in the United States,1989 to 1998. Circulation 2001; 104:2158–63

6. Wenzel V, Krismer AC, Arntz HR, Sitter H, Stadlbauer KH, Lindner KH,European Resuscitation Council Vasopressor during Cardiopulmonary Resuscita-tion Study Group: A comparison of vasopressin and epinephrine for out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation. N Engl J Med 2004; 350:105–13

7. Radovsky A, Safar P, Sterz F, Leonov Y, Reich H, Kuboyama K: Regionalprevalence and distribution of ischemic neurons in dog brains 96 hours aftercardiac arrest of 0 to 20 minutes. Stroke 1995; 26:2127–33

8. Robergs RA, Griffin SE: Glycerol: Biochemistry, pharmacokinetics and clin-ical and practical applications. Sports Med 1998; 26:145–67

9. Berger C, Sakowitz OW, Kiening KL, Schwab S: Neurochemical monitoringof glycerol therapy in patients with ischemic brain edema. Stroke 2005; 36:e4–6

10. Gliemroth J, Klaus S, Bahlmann L, Klohn A, Duysen K, Reith A, Arnold -H:Interstitial glycerol increase in microdialysis after glycerol enema. J Clin Neurosci2004; 11:53–6

11. Murkin JM, Baird DL, Martzke JS, Yee R: Cognitive dysfunction afterventricular fibrillation during implantable cardioverter/defibrillator procedures isrelated to duration of the reperfusion interval. Anesth Analg 1997; 84:1186–92

12. Lim YJ, Zheng S, Zuo Z: Morphine preconditions Purkinje cells against celldeath under in vitro simulated ischemia–reperfusion conditions. ANESTHESIOLOGY

2004; 100:562–8

(Accepted for publication October 12, 2005.)

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:211–2 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

In Reply:—The study presented in “Xenon Attenuates Cerebral Dam-age after Ischemia in Pigs”1 was designed and performed in our De-partment of Cardiac Anesthesia (Ulm, Germany). After cardiac bypasssurgery, neurologic complications are well known to be a major prob-lem leading to prolonged intensive care unit stay and additional costs.2

With this investigation, we aimed to simulate a situation of expectedtransient cessation of cerebral perfusion with a definitive offset andonset. In this clinically relevant situation, the depletion of central

nervous system’s energy stores occurs within 2–4 min of anoxia,leading to cellular damage and possible consecutive irreversible celldeath. As described, this expected situation might be relevant, e.g., intemporary clipping in cerebral aneurysm, aortic arch surgery, or ca-rotid surgery.

In preliminary studies, we observed that the percentage of animalswith return of spontaneous circulation after cardiac fibrillation timesexceeding the period as applied in our study significantly decreased.


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Therefore, the given times were found to be the maximum periods ofventricular fibrillation in pigs with a realistic option of successfulcardiac resuscitation.

The effect of ischemia/hypoxia was investigated using cerebral mi-crodialysis in identical setups during anesthesia with inhalation ofxenon versus total intravenous anesthesia. Regarding the results ofintracerebral microdialysis, we have discussed that the lack of peakincrease of glutamate concentrations could also be due to harvestingtime of microdialysis fluid volume. Regarding the question of glycerolconcentrations and possible extracerebral sources, we measured iden-tical changes of concentrations until 90 min after cardiac arrest forboth groups. This finding is not surprising at all, because the primarylesion due to anoxia, the described resuscitation regimens, and themeasured cardiopulmonary resuscitation times did not differ signifi-cantly between the groups. In case of relevant extracerebral produc-tion of glycerol, differences in glycerol concentrations should be seendirectly after return of spontaneous circulation, which was not thecase. Therefore, it is not likely that changes in glycerol kinetics orextracerebral sources would explain the differences in glycerol con-centrations between the groups after 90 min of reperfusion. Even ifthere would be a relevant exogenous concentration of glycerol, theeffect, if at all, would be same in both groups. In our opinion, thedifference in glycerol concentrations after 90 min during the time ofreperfusion is more likely to be interpreted as a neuroprotective effectof xenon.

Like Fries et al., we considered the influence of comedication tocontribute to a possible neuroprotective effect, which in that casewould not have been the effect of xenon. However, the contributionof a different depth of anesthesia leading to a different level of metab-olism in the central nervous system during hypoxia/ischemia wasconsidered to have an important influence on our findings, too. There-fore, we adjusted the level of background anesthesia according tocomparable electroencephalographic levels, and, as described in ourarticle, reduced amounts of comedication were administered in thexenon group. The difference in glycerol kinetics after establishment ofreturn of spontaneous circulation with lower postcardiopulmonaryresuscitation concentrations in the xenon group is therefore not likelyto be explained by lower amounts of comedication.

We agree with Fries et al. and regard it to be an advantage ifadditional diagnostic tools are used to contribute to the explanation ofcentral nervous system damage assessment. Being a noninvasive tooland therefore possibly an option for human studies as well, magneticresonance imaging scans were added to this experimental setting. Weperformed magnetic resonance imaging scans 4 h after return ofspontaneous circulation and calculated the apparent diffusion coeffi-cients, being used as a method to assess the water content of thecentral nervous system as a parameter for tissue damage.3 Interpreta-tion of technical and anatomical aspects regarding the achieved datawas difficult because, to our knowledge, there have been no compa-rable data published about German Landrace pigs until the present.Preliminary technical data from this study were published recently.4

Regarding neuroprotective effects of xenon after global ischemia,we found a significant benefit for the xenon-treated group versus thetotal intravenous anesthesia group in apparent diffusion coefficientsresults. The combination of magnetic resonance imaging findings andcerebral microdialysis results are regarded to be valuable to demon-strate the neuroprotective effect of xenon more clearly.

Michael Schmidt, M.D., P.D.,* Helmut Reinelt, M.D., P.D.,Thomas Marx, M.D., P.D. *University of Ulm, Ulm, [email protected]


1. Schmidt M, Marx T, Gloggl E, Reinelt H, Schirmer U: Xenon attenuatescerebral damage after ischemia in pigs. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 102:929–36

2. Roach GW, Kanchuger M, Mangano CM, Newman M, Nussmeier N, Wol-man R, Aggarwal A, Marschall K, Graham SH, Ley C: Adverse cerebral outcomesafter coronary bypass surgery. Multicenter Study of Perioperative Ischemia Re-search Group and the Ischemia Research and Education Foundation Investiga-tors. N Engl J Med 1996; 335:1857–63

3. van Dorsten FA, Olah L, Schwind W, Grune M, Uhlenkukken U, PillekampF, Hossmann KA, Hoehn M: Dynamic changes of ADC, perfusion, and NMRrelaxation parameters in transient focal ischemia of rat brain. Magn Reson Med2002; 47:97–104

4. Marx T, Schmidt M, Schirmer U, Reinelt H: Cerebral damage assessmentusing apparent diffusion coefficients and intracerebral microdialysis. Biomed Eng2005; 50:239–40

(Accepted for publication October 12, 2005.)

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:212–3 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

A Simple Preanesthesia Dental Examination

To the Editor:—Damage to the teeth can occur during general anes-thesia1 and is a common cause of claims against anesthesiologists.2,3 Adetailed knowledge of the preanesthesia dental status provides a reli-able way to distinguish valid from fraudulent (and often expensive)claims of injury. Here we present a simple system for performing anddocumenting a dental examination.

In North America, the standard convention for numbering teethstarts with No. 1 as the right upper wisdom tooth, proceeds around themaxillary arch to No. 16, drops to the wisdom tooth immediatelybelow (No. 17), and thence proceeds around the mandibular arch tothe lower right wisdom tooth (No. 32). The numbers are assigned tospecific teeth, so a missing tooth is counted even though it is not there.

The anterior teeth are of most interest to an anesthesiologist becausethese are most likely to be damaged during intubation, or if a partiallyanesthetized patient should bite down hard on a rigid airway.3 Asimplified charting system for these teeth is shown in figure 1. Theright upper canine (No. 6) is easy to identify. It and the left uppercanine (No. 11) bracket two central incisors, Nos. 8 and 9 (the “Bugs

Bunny” teeth) and two smaller lateral incisors on each side (Nos. 7 and10). The trick to the numbering system is realizing the correspondencebetween upper and lower teeth. The left lower canine is No. 22(remember: “11 times 2 equals 22”), and normal teeth are symmetricaround to the right lower canine (No. 27).

Our typical documentation of a preexisting dental condition con-tains comments such as “missing No. 6, and chipped No. 23.” Thepresence of caps, crowns, bridges, and loose teeth should also benoted with the relevant tooth number. A drawing of a specific tooth isSupport was provided solely from institutional and/or departmental sources.

Fig. 1. Easy tooth-numbering guide based on the concept that“11 times 2 equals 22.”


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an additional way to indicate the degree of damage. On occasion, onlya few teeth will be present, and the absence of reference teeth maymake it difficult to determine which number or numbers apply. Asimple description of the remaining teeth and their locations willsuffice in this situation.

A clear record of preexisting dental problems provides a firm basisfor assessing claims of dental injury during anesthesia.

Charles W. Buffington, M.D.,* Manuel C. Vallejo, D.M.D., M.D.*University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, [email protected]


1. Warner ME, Benenfeld SM, Warner MA, Schroeder DR, Maxson PM: Peri-anesthetic dental injuries: Frequency, outcomes, and risk factors. ANESTHESIOLOGY

1999; 90:1302–52. Chadwick RG, Lindsay SM: Dental injuries during general anaesthesia. Br

Dent J 1996; 180:255–83. Givol N, Gershtansky Y, Halamish-Shani T, Taicher S, Perel A, Segal E:

Perianesthetic dental injuries: Analysis of incident reports. J Clin Anesth 2004;16:173–6

(Accepted for publication September 12, 2005.)

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:213 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Fatal Thrombosis after Mitral Valve Replacement for Endocarditis:Aprotinin and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

To the Editor:—We recently reported fatal aortic thrombosis in an adultundergoing repair of a thoracoabdominal aneurysm using cardiopulmo-nary bypass (CPB) and deep hypothermic circulatory arrest in the settingof aprotinin and adequate heparinization.1 We report a second case offatal thrombosis after mitral valve replacement for endocarditis in thesetting of aprotinin and disseminated intravascular coagulation.

A 69-yr-old woman presented with fatigue and right-sided weakness.She had a history of breast carcinoma treated with mastectomy andhigh-dose chemotherapy. She was taking tamoxifen. Her physical ex-amination was positive for purpura, right hemiplegia, and an apicalholosystolic murmur with radiation to the axilla. She had no peripheralstigmata of endocarditis. Brain imaging showed multiple embolic ce-rebral infarcts. A transthoracic echocardiogram revealed multiple,large mitral vegetations and severe mitral regurgitation. Her laboratorystudies revealed thrombocytopenia, hypofibrinogenemia, and dissem-inated intravascular coagulation. Blood cultures were sent, and empiricantibiotic therapy was commenced. After consultation with a hema-tologist, the patient was given cryoprecipitate. The patient was subse-quently referred for mitral valve surgery.

The patient underwent general endotracheal anesthesia. Anestheticmonitoring consisted of standard monitors (as per the American Soci-ety of Anesthesiologists), a radial arterial line, an oximetric pulmonaryarterial catheter, and transesophageal echocardiograph. The patientwas given aprotinin (Bayer Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA) as follows: 2million kallikrein inhibitory units intravenously as a load, followed byan infusion of 0.5 million kallikrein inhibitory units per hour. The CPBcrystalloid prime was also loaded with aprotinin (2 million kallikreininhibitory units). The aprotinin was commenced just after induction ofgeneral anesthesia. Heparinization was with bolus bovine heparin tomaintain the kaolin activated clotting time greater than 400 s. Thepatient underwent uncomplicated bioprosthetic mitral valve replace-ment on hypothermic CPB.

Separation from CPB was uneventful. After protamine administra-tion, there was still significant microvascular bleeding. This was treatedwith titrated administration of cryoprecipitate and platelets. Approxi-mately 30 min after the commencement of this transfusion, there wassudden cardiogenic shock that required emergent CPB after rehepa-rinization. During this time, transesophageal echocardiography dem-onstrated thrombus in the left atrium and descending aorta. Left atri-otomy revealed significant thrombus on the mitral prosthetic valve aswell. Separation from CPB thereafter was impossible because of refrac-tory biventricular failure. Further resuscitative efforts were stopped.

To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of fatal thrombosis

after mitral valve surgery for endocarditis in the setting of aprotinin anddisseminated intravascular coagulation. Aprotinin reduces transfusionburden in valve surgery for endocarditis and is possibly beneficial indisseminated intravascular coagulation.2–5 Aprotinin has been associ-ated with thrombosis after valve surgery for endocarditis despite ade-quate heparinization but in the setting of congenital afibrogenemia.6

This recently reported case occurred in a young adult with multipleperioperative thrombotic events. There was cardiogenic collapse afterseparation from CPB due to coronary thrombosis. The patient survivedafter a prolonged hospital stay. The accompanying expert commentar-ies comprehensively discuss the role of aprotinin in this scenario,including disseminated intravascular coagulation and endocarditis. Thereader is referred to these commentaries for further details.

Clearly, in our case, there was a complex interaction of procoagulantand anticoagulant influences that ultimately resulted in a net fatalthrombotic result. It is not possible on the basis of one case todelineate the exact role of aprotinin in this complex pathophysiology.This case demonstrates, however, that fatal thrombosis is possible inassociation with aprotinin in the setting of cardiac surgery for endo-carditis and acquired hypofibrinogenemia. Further research is requiredto understand and prevent this uncommon but important periopera-tive complication.

John G. Augoustides, M.D.,* Todd Kilbaugh, M.D., HilaryHarris, B.A., John H. Glick, M.D., Michael Acker, M.D., JosephS. Savino, M.D. *Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [email protected]


1. Augoustides JGT, Lin J, Gambone AJ, Cheung AT: Fatal thrombosis in anadult after thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair and deep hypothermic circulatoryarrest. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2005; 103:215–6

2. Bidstrup BP, Royston D, Taylor KM, Sapsford RN: Effect of aprotinin onneed for blood transfusion in patients with septic endocarditis having open-heartsurgery. Lancet 1988; 1:366–7

3. Royston D: A case for aprotinin in patients having deep hypothermiccirculatory arrest. J Card Surg 1997; 12:214–20

4. Moriau M, Rodhain J, Noel H, Beys-Col CD, Masure R: Comparative effectsof proteinase inhibitors, plasminogen antiactivators, heparin and acetylsalicylicacid on the experimental disseminated intravascular coagulation induced bythrombin. Thromb Diath Haemorrh 1974; 32:171–88

5. Jochum M, Witte J, Schiessler H, Selbmann HK, Ruckdeschl G, Fritz H:Clotting and other plasma factors in experimental endotoxemia: Inhibition ofdegradation by exogenous proteinase inhibitors. Eur Surg Res 1981; 13:152–68

6. Chun R, Poon MC, Haigh J, Seal D, Donahue B, Royston D: Case 1-2005:Cardiac surgery in congenital afibrinogenemia with thrombo-occlusive disease.J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2005; 19:109–17

(Accepted for publication October 10, 2005.)Support was provided solely from institutional and/or departmental sources.


Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006