Andy Lloyd CRHT Cumbria CLT Handbook suggested key actions.

Andy Lloyd CRHT Cumbria CLT Handbook suggested key actions

Transcript of Andy Lloyd CRHT Cumbria CLT Handbook suggested key actions.

Page 1: Andy Lloyd CRHT Cumbria CLT Handbook suggested key actions.

Andy Lloyd CRHTCumbria CLT Handbook suggested key actions

Page 2: Andy Lloyd CRHT Cumbria CLT Handbook suggested key actions.

Actions to consider in CumbriaSuggested Action

Description Responsible Bodies

A Revolving Loan Fund

Established to provide low cost or interest free loans:a)For preliminary scheme costsb)To finance low cost rented homes

Local Authorities

Cumbria Asset Re-investment Trust (CART)

Cumbria Rural Housing Trust (CRHT)

Page 3: Andy Lloyd CRHT Cumbria CLT Handbook suggested key actions.

Planning enabling

Commitment to identification of viable sites where need exists and sites are on offer

Planning Authorities

Page 4: Andy Lloyd CRHT Cumbria CLT Handbook suggested key actions.

Section 106 Agreements / Certification Housing Allocations

Establish planning controls which are durable but compatible with lender support for shared ownership mortgages and fair to local people.

LDNPA working with Witherslack and Cobbetts solicitors on above.

National Park Authority (LDNPA)Local Authorities (LAs)CommunitiesCRHT

Page 5: Andy Lloyd CRHT Cumbria CLT Handbook suggested key actions.

Increase support for CLT shared ownership from Mortgage Lenders

Work with local lenders to build understanding of the low risk market potential of CLT shared ownership due to safe income multiples and the ‘deposit’ provided by the CLT


Page 6: Andy Lloyd CRHT Cumbria CLT Handbook suggested key actions.

Build methods

Support new build methods and appearances that are a) more cost effective and b) more sustainable

Planning / communities / CRHT / A21

Page 7: Andy Lloyd CRHT Cumbria CLT Handbook suggested key actions.

Consider CLT umbrella organisation?

CLTs can be individually rooted in a community or affiliate to cover needs across a wider area. As more communities form trusts there could be a role for an umbrella organisation to provide central support, receive land endowments, or provide financial back-up – for instance where pre-emptive buy back is required to prevent a home being re-possessed by a lender


Page 8: Andy Lloyd CRHT Cumbria CLT Handbook suggested key actions.

Facilitate the endowment of public land

Councils are able to gift or sell assets at less than market value in order to secure a social return or Well-Being – especially one with such profound ‘cross cutting’ benefit such as local affordable housing. Making land available to a local CLT would deliver a long-term social and economic return, which may reduce the need, services, and produce social and economic benefits which greatly exceed the value of the original asset AND increase council tax receipts by creating more local households.

LAsTown & Parish CouncilsHealth Trusts etc

Page 9: Andy Lloyd CRHT Cumbria CLT Handbook suggested key actions.

Get the most out of local policies & partnerships:

CLTs present a real opportunity for rural or urban communities and their local authorities to work closely with each other to generate positive outcomes. In this way, communities become better informed about how national planning policy recognises their needs, and authorities can support a new regeneration structure which will help to minimise future social costs. Where necessary local policies can be improved so that they work better for communities

LAsStrategic PartnershipsCommunitiesCRHT