Android automation tools

Company LOGO Automation Tools For Android Anshu Prasad


here in the PPT you will find the important parameters to decide the perfect automation tool for your android device....

Transcript of Android automation tools

Page 1: Android automation tools

Company LOGO

Automation Tools For Android

Anshu Prasad

Automation Tools For Android

Anshu Prasad

Page 2: Android automation tools


List of Available Tools for Android/iPhone App.3


Why Automation Tools?1

Parameters of Android App are best tested by tools.2


In Brief Of all Tools.

Difference Between Device Anywhere and Perfecto Mobile.

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COMPANYLOGOWhy Automation Tools?

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Parameters of Android App are best tested by tools

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Available Tools for Android/iPhone App.

Perfecto Mobile Android Testing Cloud. Device Anywhere. Monkey Tool. Robotium. Experitest. T-Plan Robot. Eggplant. 360logica Mobile Application Testing. Bot-Bot.

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Available Tools for Android/iPhone App.

TestQuest. Silk for Mobile. NeoLoad. Test Droid. Fone Monkey. Meux-QTP. Sikuli. Cucumber. Ranorex.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools

Perfecto Mobile Android Testing Cloud.

The MobileCloud-Automation allows users to execute automated testing on real handsets and tablets located anywhere in the world. Users can automate their testing using the intuitive web-based user interface, which allows the creation of keyword-based ScriptOnce™ scripts. Once the scripts are done, users anywhere in the world can access the devices and run the scripts.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools

Device Anywhere

DeviceAnywhere provides an end-to-end platform for planning, testing, and monitoring of mobile apps to ensure the quality, performance and uptime of your products and services as you extend your business to the mobile channel and with its ongoing innovation and unmatched investment in product development and customer support. Keynote DeviceAnywhere continues to set the standard for Mobile App Lifecycle Management.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools

Monkey Tool

Monkey Tool is used to test Android UI application. This tool will randomly generate events on UI application.Mainly it is used for stress testing.Monkey tool is the command line tool, user can test UI application on both Emulator and Device using this tool.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools


Robotium is an open-source test framework for writing automatic black-box test cases for Android applications.With the support of Robotium, test case developers can write function, system and acceptance test scenarios, spanning multiple Android activities. Robotium can be used both for testing applications where the source code is available and applications where only the APK file is available and the implementation details are not known. Robotium can be used with all the different build automation tools.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools


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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools

T-Plan Robot

T-Plan Robot (formerly known as VNCRobot) is one of the most flexible and universal black box automated testing tools on the market. Developed on generic image based testing principles, it provides a human-like approach to software testing and it performs well in situations where other tools may fail. As a result of its carefully designed open architecture and detailed documentation, it is simple to adopt, integrate and customize.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools


Eggplant is a black-box GUI test automation tool, originally developed by Redstone Software starting in 2002. Redstone was acquired in 2008 by a UK-based company called TestPlant.Its approach uses image matching technology as opposed to looking to the object-level of the application being tested. This allows for system-wide automation of a system-under-test as opposed to an application-specific solution. It also means that the technology used to build the application to be tested does not matter, nor does the system that the application runs on.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools

360logica Mobile Application Testing.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools


Need only apk file of the application under test without the need of the source code.

Record user actions on simulator or using an actual phone. Directly use Robotium/Nativedriver functions as keywords in

testcases. Edit/modify recorded cases on the server directly. Allow the recorded cases to be exported in csv format Data-driven support for any test-case Emailable html report generation for test execution.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools


Advanced reporting and analysis capabilities with a rich, multi-query driven reporting engine, and support for SQL Server 2008, enabling users to quickly view test results for multiple queries

Repository organization tools that allow for query based asset management and organization

Productivity enhancements such as the capability to quickly add new device profiles to the automation environment

Virtual machine support that increases scalability and reduces deployment costs by enabling multiple tests to run on multiple virtual machines at the same time

Interface functionality for BlackBerry devices to enable engineers to interact with devices without going through the user interface

Stand-alone domain access service for more secure deployments of CountDown.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools

Silk for Mobile

Easy to use, comprehensive approach to functional testing of real mobile devices

Native, image, and text based recognition Performance testing for mobile web applications and native


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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools


Automatic handling of all your application's parameters (without any scripts).

Preconfigured monitoring and threshold alerts for a quick analysis of your servers.

Smart pinpointing of your applications' critical performance issues.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools

Test Droid.

Automate Application Testing. Test every change automatically. Create once,run on any android device.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools

Fone Monkey.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools


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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools


Sikuli is a visual technology to automate and test graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots)of the software under test. It may be used like Selenium to control a web page and also other PC (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux) applications, and even an iphones or Android application running in a simulator or via VNC.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools


Cucumber is a tool for running automated acceptance tests written in a behavior driven development (BDD) style. Cucumber is written in the Ruby programming language. Cucumber projects are available for other platforms beyond Ruby.

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COMPANYLOGOIn Brief Of all Tools


Record and Edit Reliable Test Actions

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Q & A

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Company LOGO