André Brown, CEO Proactive One2One Forum March 2016€¦ · 13 Benefits for retailers Retailers...

COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 1 André Brown, CEO Proactive One2One Forum March 2016

Transcript of André Brown, CEO Proactive One2One Forum March 2016€¦ · 13 Benefits for retailers Retailers...

Page 1: André Brown, CEO Proactive One2One Forum March 2016€¦ · 13 Benefits for retailers Retailers like ATTRAQT because it: provides an immediate commercial gain through increased conversion


André Brown, CEO Proactive One2One Forum

March 2016

Page 2: André Brown, CEO Proactive One2One Forum March 2016€¦ · 13 Benefits for retailers Retailers like ATTRAQT because it: provides an immediate commercial gain through increased conversion



Company Overview

• Company vision Page 3

• Client logo wall Page 4

• Visual merchandising in-store vs. online Page 5

• ATTRAQT Freestyle Merchandising Pages 6-12

• Benefits for retailers Page 13

• Full Year Results Pages 14-15

• Strategy and Outlook Page 16

• Contact Details Page 17

Page 3: André Brown, CEO Proactive One2One Forum March 2016€¦ · 13 Benefits for retailers Retailers like ATTRAQT because it: provides an immediate commercial gain through increased conversion


Company vision

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110+ clients

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Visual merchandising in-store vs. online

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ATTRAQT – Freestyle Merchandising

Freestyle Merchandising is a visual merchandising platform

plugs into a retailer’s eCommerce site

takes over site search, category pages and product recommendation zones

provides tools to enable retailers to merchandise more effectively

visual merchandising = the curation of products throughout the site

delivers real business benefits

Page 7: André Brown, CEO Proactive One2One Forum March 2016€¦ · 13 Benefits for retailers Retailers like ATTRAQT because it: provides an immediate commercial gain through increased conversion


ATTRAQT – Freestyle Merchandising overview

Three tools

1. Merchandising rules

2. Behavioural merchandising

3. Manual placement

works across site search, category pages product recommendation zones and email

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Merchandising rules allow visual merchandisers to create a blend of products and to control the sequencing within that blend.

This category page is being merchandised using products that are a mixture of:

new in

winter colours

high margin

what’s selling well

1. Merchandising rules

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The same category page is now being merchandised by mixture of:

on sale


good stock levels

what’s been promoted via email newsletter

1. Merchandising rules

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2. Behavioural merchandising

using information about what users have searched for, viewed, added to basket and purchased to:

a) make personalised recommendations; on the site or via email

b) use within merchandising rules

avoids the usual traps when using behavioural data – i.e. the assumption that:

previous purchase behaviour is a good indicator of future behaviour

purchasers are always buying for themselves

can place recommendations zones anywhere on the website and within emails

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manual placement – drag & drop tool to manually merchandise any product within category pages

provides complete control over the sequencing of products

can use any combination of merchandising rules, behavioural data and manual placement to achieve optimal merchandising results

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Balance Factor technology

USP = Balance Factor

uses simple slider system to create merchandising rules

applies a weighting to selected metrics to determine the sequencing of products

can include Behavioural data within Balance Factor

can apply triggers to invoke Balance Factor settings

Balance Factor can be applied to category pages, search results, product recommendations and email


Page 13: André Brown, CEO Proactive One2One Forum March 2016€¦ · 13 Benefits for retailers Retailers like ATTRAQT because it: provides an immediate commercial gain through increased conversion


Benefits for retailers

Retailers like ATTRAQT because it:

provides an immediate commercial gain through increased conversion rates (3.3% ACR) and average order values

stats from Cyber Monday: ave. conversion rate was 5.4%, ACR for top 20% of clients was 8%, and top converting mainstream client was 9.1%

enables complete control over how products are merchandised online

provides three technologies in one: site search, category pages and product recommendations

eliminates dependence on internal IT, thereby delivering productivity gains from the merchandising team

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Full Year Results – Key themes

delivering to plan

significant growth in revenue, exceeding published forecast

£3m (net) capital raise

good momentum in the business with positive KPI’s

positive outlook for 2016 and beyond with continuing growth opportunities

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2015 Full Year Results – Summary

continued momentum in the sales process with 49 deals signed, incl. 31 new clients

marquee clients include: Bonmarché, Brown Thomas, Joules Clothing, La Perla, Screwfix, TUMI and World Duty Free

average value of new clients signed increased by 24%

significant revenue growth of 40% to £2.91m

38% increase in recurring revenue to £2.65m

Exit rate (year-end annualised billing) up 29% at £3.05m

increased gross margin to 84%

44% increase in gross profit to £2.4m

adjusted EBITDA losses reduced to £0.2m, in line with management expectations

£3m (net) capital raise

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Strategy and Outlook

Raised £3m (net) Dec’15, the main focus is to accelerate the growth of the business

1. expand sales UK/US sales team

2. invest in marketing to support the sales effort

3. expand Productive capacity of the company, to keep pace with accelerating sales; maintain focus on process improvement.

4. expand Core Platform development team and continued enhancement of platform– more features, faster

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Contact Details

André Brown

Co-founder and CEO


Tel: +44 (0)20 3675 7801| Mob: +44 (0)7540 164807 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7691 9763 | Add: 14 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8HN | Email: [email protected]


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