Andalusia Day Gymkana


Transcript of Andalusia Day Gymkana

Page 1: Andalusia Day Gymkana



Page 2: Andalusia Day Gymkana

3 classes each time 1st hour-4º,5º,6º.2nd hour-1º,2º,3º.

Each class is divided into 5 groups(1,2,3,4,5). When you arrive to the patio,each student

showld go to the number they were asigned (1,2,3,4,5.)it will be amix of the 3 classes.

You should read each activity before starting. We will rotate clock wise. Each activity will be 9 minutes(45 minutos

total,each group)15 minutes-(to organize,rotate,and get in order).


Page 3: Andalusia Day Gymkana

Make two teams Each player of both teams will

recieve a number,then students showld get in order a line staing with 1.

Tere showld 3 lines, in the midle of the area the teacher will be holding a neckerchief and both students must run to take it back to their team.

The first person to get it wins the rund and recieves a point.

Page 4: Andalusia Day Gymkana

There will be four hoops piaced in a square at the same asistance,as well as one in the center.

There will be 6 players and 5 rings,leaving one player without a ring.

This player will leave the area and go back in line,always the next student to join.

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This game begins when the first player threwing aa stone on the first frame of the hopscoten line,the student need to only hop 1 foot,except on the square with (4,5) and (7,8)

Student will be moving forwads and backwards depending where the stone lands

The first to finish wins the game

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There will be chairs in a circle The players will stand infrant of

them When the music stans players will

circle the chairs to the beat of the music stop

When the music stops, each person will try and sit in a chair

The person who doesn´t have a chair is eliminated

The last person is the winer!

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This game is played with a rope

Two players will hold each and move the rope in a (half circle)

As a player is jumping,the other players will be singing a song according to the rythm they choose

Eventualy two or three students can jump together.