and to the children’s · gloves and scarves should be school issue. Children’s favourite...

This week I have enjoyed talking with many prospective families who are considering a Hazelwood education for their children. It is lovely to be able to speak proudly of all that our children achieve and to share with these visiting families some of the work that is being created, across the school and Nursery, in all aspects of the curriculum. Creative Theme Books from Year 4, examples of independent writing from Oak Reception, Year 7 pupil feedback and reactions to the newly introduced electives and musical compositions from Year 5 on their topic of water all serve to demonstrate the dexterity and enthusiasm with which our pupils embrace their broad and balanced curriculum. The 30 minute meetings fly by with me struggling to fit in all that I want to say. It is equally satisfying to see and hear the reactions of the prospective parents to the school’s approach, to the opportunities we offer and to the children’s engagement with life at Hazelwood. I am hopeful that many of our most recent visitors will join our school community for the start of the new academic year in September. Thank you for all your words of endorsement and recommendation which you share with friends, family and neighbours. Word of mouth is by far the most potent and compelling marketing tool and speaks volumes for the school and its ambition for each and every one of its pupils. I am hoping that we can count on your further support as we plan our first ever Saturday Open Morning. The date is set as Saturday 9 th March 2019 and whilst details are still being finalised, it would be great to move forward with our ideas knowing that enough of our pupils will be able to join us between the hours of 9.30am and 12.30pm to share their talents with our visitors. Please can I ask that the date is placed in your diaries and planners so we can put on a good show! Further information will follow as soon as it is available. I would also like to seek your help in another area of school life; namely our school uniform. It is important to me that the uniform is worn with pride and that the children arrive, and remain (as much as they possibly can through a busy day), looking smart and well turned out. From the shine on their shoes, to their neatly brushed hair I would like the pupils of Hazelwood to be impeccably presented in uniform which does not carry the marks of a much-enjoyed breakfast or the evidence of yesterday’s outdoor play and mud slide. I need to see neatly brushed hair which is tied back and kept off faces and shoes which have been regularly polished. Our uniform is so distinctive that it can draw the eye as much for the wrong as for the right reasons. May I also take this opportunity to remind parents that we are now in full winter uniform, ready for the worst weather that can come our way. Children need to be dressed appropriately with enough layers and protection to keep dry and warm.

Transcript of and to the children’s · gloves and scarves should be school issue. Children’s favourite...

Page 1: and to the children’s · gloves and scarves should be school issue. Children’s favourite novelty hats should not be worn to or run the risk of being lost at school. I would love

This week I have enjoyed talking with many prospective families who are considering a Hazelwood education for their children. It is lovely to be able to speak proudly of all that our children achieve and to share with these visiting families some of the work that is being created, across the school and Nursery, in all aspects of the curriculum. Creative Theme Books from Year 4, examples of independent writing from Oak Reception, Year 7 pupil feedback and reactions to the newly introduced electives and musical compositions from Year 5 on their topic of water all serve to demonstrate the dexterity and enthusiasm with which our pupils embrace their broad and balanced curriculum. The 30 minute meetings fly by with me struggling to fit in all that I want to say. It is equally satisfying to see and hear the reactions of the prospective parents to the school’s approach, to the opportunities we offer and to the children’s engagement with life at Hazelwood. I am hopeful that many of our most recent visitors will join our school community for the start of the new academic year in September. Thank you for all your words of endorsement and recommendation which you share with friends, family and neighbours. Word of mouth is by far the most potent and compelling marketing tool and speaks volumes for the school and its ambition for each and every one of its pupils. I am hoping that we can count on your further support as we plan our first ever Saturday Open Morning. The date is set as Saturday 9th March 2019 and whilst details are still being finalised, it would be great to move forward with our ideas knowing that enough of our pupils will be able to join us between the hours of 9.30am and 12.30pm to share their talents with our visitors. Please can I ask that the date is placed in your diaries and planners so we can put on a good show! Further information will follow as soon as it is available. I would also like to seek your help in another area of school life; namely our school uniform. It is important to me that the uniform is worn with pride and that the children arrive, and remain (as much as they possibly can through a busy day), looking smart and well turned out. From the shine on their shoes, to their neatly brushed hair I would like the pupils of Hazelwood to be impeccably presented in uniform which does not carry the marks of a much-enjoyed breakfast or the evidence of yesterday’s outdoor play and mud slide. I need to see neatly brushed hair which is tied back and kept off faces and shoes which have been regularly polished. Our uniform is so distinctive that it can draw the eye as much for the wrong as for the right reasons. May I also take this opportunity to remind parents that we are now in full winter uniform, ready for the worst weather that can come our way. Children need to be dressed appropriately with enough layers and protection to keep dry and warm.

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Blazers no longer should be worn by children in Years Oak to Year 5. Instead they should be in their winter coats. Blazers now only need to be worn, or at least be at school, for the Upper School cohorts. The older children too can wear the school coat either over the blazer or instead of it so long as they know the blazer is hanging up on their peg. Ties need to be tied properly so that the knot is not slung, half mast, down below the second or third shirt button. It should be pulled up to the collar, with the top shirt button done up. Hats, gloves and scarves should be school issue. Children’s favourite novelty hats should not be worn to or run the risk of being lost at school. I would love to think that we can end the term as we started it with everyone making the best of first and lasting impressions. Thank you for your support in this matter.

Parents, friends and families of our younger years, on both the main and nursery sites, are in for a treat over the next couple of weeks as the finishing touches are put to the Christmas concerts and nativities. The children have been busy learning words and actions to a host of familiar, and not so familiar, Christmas songs in a bid to entertain and to impress. They have worked really hard and if this week’s rehearsals are anything to go by, the performances promise to be quite special. Seeing the radiant smiles on the children’s faces is one of the best parts of the Christmas build-up. I am very much looking forward to sharing in their infectious festive spirit. I am equally anticipating the HPA’s Christmas Fair next weekend. Preparations for this special event are well underway and support is being sought to help man stalls on the day, to donate gifts, bottles and decorations and to sell raffle tickets. Thank you for any help you can give. The Grotto will begin to take shape from the middle of next week in a bid to transform the Theatre into a winter wonderland in which Father Christmas will feel very much at home. Our very special visitor is looking forward to his trip to Hazelwood. Please remember to book your tickets early to avoid disappointment. I have seen some of the traditional trugs teaming with goodies arriving at school ahead of the Raffle draw on Saturday. They always make for an impressive line-up of prizes with each one containing things that would appeal to every member of the family. I am hoping that this will be the year

The above amazing sculpture is the work of Edward M (Year 8). The children, over the summer, were asked to pick up and bring in materials which they had found on a beach. Edward’s finished pieces uses a piece of wood, a lump of concrete, a discarded plastic spatula, a pebble and a champagne cork. From articles which would have been an

eyesore, Edward has created something of real style and beauty. Well done Edward!

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that I am lucky enough to win one and have bought my raffle tickets with this in mind. The Fair is on the 1st December from 12 noon. I hope as many of you as possible can come along to enjoy what is always a terrific occasion. And finally, thank you to Mr Powney who has volunteered to mastermind the HeroBear Triathlon for a second year. He has a small team of willing parents who have offered to join the organising committee so the planning for the event will begin in earnest once Christmas is done and dusted for another year. The HeroBear Triathlon, in support of Help4Heroes will take place on Saturday 27th April 2019. We would love a record turn-out of pupils, staff, parents, brothers and sisters, friends and family (and anyone else who knows you) to take part so please, lock down the date in your diaries and spread the word. See you on the starting blocks!

For a list of communications hosted on the Parent Information Portal (PiP) each week please see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell.

News from The Nursery & Early Years

Walking into the rooms this week and seeing the children hard at work enjoying themselves and exploring new opportunities has been truly wonderful. The smiles on their faces have helped brighten up the dark mornings that have now set in. Working together as part of a team is a vital skill to learn and on Wednesday afternoon, I saw a group of three Upper Robins children doing just this. They had worked collaboratively to build a fantastic train track village and were so excited to tell me what each of them had done to help. Please see below for a full round up of this week’s activities from across the Early Years site.

Fledglings 1 have been exploring small world animal and people in flour. They have started making snowflakes for our snowboard and decorating them in sliver glitter. The children enjoyed listening to songs about snow and the cold weather especially the “Winter okie cokie”. The children have also enjoyed decorating a giant polar bear for the board.

In Fledglings 2 this week, we have been looking at the emergency services. We have used different sized cars dipped into paint to leave tracks on paper, and painted a box to make a large Fire engine. Lots of running up and down, stopping and starting in the hall as well as exploring shaving foam and lots of water in the messy tray. If that was not enough the

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children have also enjoyed ‘splatter painting’ and using large construction blocks to make tall buildings. The Upper Robins' children have continued their focus on Fairy Tales this week and made individual dragons, listened attentively to a variety of familiar, and not so familiar, stories and enjoyed building up fantastic scenarios in our castle role-play area. In addition, we have tried to enhance our story recall and comprehension, practised our counting and sorting and explored our new ICT toys. This week all of the children in Lower Robins have been interested in Superheroes, especially ‘Supertato’ who comes to rescue vegetables from the Evil Peas. They have looked at stories and have talked about different superheroes and what they do. It was great to see them working collaboratively to create a new door display and helping each other ‘free’ the superhero from the tangled webs.

“I am Supertato. I turn

all others to mash!”

Page 5: and to the children’s · gloves and scarves should be school issue. Children’s favourite novelty hats should not be worn to or run the risk of being lost at school. I would love

In Skylarks this week, the children have wrapped up warm to go outside and launch some rockets. They have shown their fantastic dance moves when moving to space music. The children have also been making shapes in play dough and matching objects to rocket numbers. They have also shown their brilliant baking skills by making moon cakes. The children have also been working hard on their singing and speaking parts on the stage for the upcoming Nativity!

The children of Oak enjoyed their introduction to the Oxted Library, saving enough energy after their walk to work collaboratively at fine tuning their skills of addition.

As part of their exploration of space, the children made aliens out of plasticine whilst one budding astronaut built a giant rocket in Construction Club.

Page 6: and to the children’s · gloves and scarves should be school issue. Children’s favourite novelty hats should not be worn to or run the risk of being lost at school. I would love

Space missions have continued to inspire the children’s learning in Oak, exploring planets, finding out about life as an astronaut and meeting aliens! Amazing aliens were created from plasticine and using a computer program. All of the children had a wonderful time at the library on Thursday; they enjoyed listening to Nigel read a story. A big thank you to the parent helpers.

News from Hazelwood

Antarctica Calling Hazelwood School Tuesday 4 December Time: 11 am GMT We are delighted to have pitched and been given an opportunity to speak to Geraint Tarling who is a zooplankton ecologist working in the fascinating environment of the Antarctica. He is part of a team doing invaluable work in finding out the factors which are contributing to the threatened demise of this most fascinating and incredible environment. This is LIVE SCIENCE! made even more real by the fact that Geraint will be connecting with the pupils of Hazelwood via the satellite telephone. All of the students for Y6, Y7 and Y8 are invited to be part of this amazing opportunity to speak to a scientist based on Antarctica. Sadly, there is only space for 30 students so it has been decided to open to all students within these year groups to apply for this amazing opportunity. Students need to show their interest by submitting:

submit between 2 and 5 questions

reasons for why you want to ask these questions

or reasons why you would like to speak to a scientist working on Antarctica.

To improve your chances of being selected, the following links have been provided by The British Antarctic Survey to give you some background insight and helpful information.

Geraint Tarling (the work he is doing).

Antarctic and the environmental issues affecting it.

Antarctic and the wildlife.

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Entries need to handed-in on paper (hand written or printed) to Mrs Bilbrough. Please ensure you put your name, surname and form group on your entry. Closing date is end of lunch time Thursday 29 November 2018. Successful students will be informed on Monday 3 December 2018.

Mrs Bilbrough is looking forward to reading your entries. Good luck! The future of Antarctica could depend on you!

Congratulations to the first wave of school musicians who took their exams this week. Trinity examiners give the results to the pupils at the end of their exams. The Royal College of Music want you to endure a few weeks of waiting before results are announced. The results to date are fabulous. Well done all.

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Page 9: and to the children’s · gloves and scarves should be school issue. Children’s favourite novelty hats should not be worn to or run the risk of being lost at school. I would love

Congratulations to the host of pupils who have been selected to play for the Prep School Lions at the Gothia World Youth Cup next year. They have been working hard on their skills in football training sessions and at Mr Fagg’s morning Girls’ Football Club. Their hard work and commitment has paid off with a record number of Hazelwood children being selected for the boys’ and the girls’ competitions. With the introduction of girls’ football into the main Games curriculum from next term, it’s great to see so many girls trail blazing for the sport to such a high standard from the word go! Well done to: Harry E (U11A Squad) - playing a year up. Callum M (U13A squad) Max E (A squad reserve) Hannah R, Holly L, Camilla E, Sofia B and Isla M who have all been selected for the Girls’ squads.

End of hockey season As of next week the girls will be on Netball in games lessons. The only exception to this is Yr 7 and 8 girls who have their Inter House hockey tournament on the afternoon of Wednesday 12th December at Edenbridge. These girls will still need their hockey equipment in school, all other year groups may take their own hockey sticks home.

George Head, professional Rugby player with Harlequins (and son of Mr Head) popped along on Wednesday to spend some time working with our year 7 and 8 boys ahead of the rugby season. George was impressed with the skills on show and is hoping to come back on a regular basis to spend time working and sharing his extensive knowledge with our boys.

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5C delve deeper into rivers

This week Year 5's Topic, Journey to the Source, has delved deeper into Rivers in the UK and the technical vocabulary connected with their ‘ageing’ process. 5D researched and designed their own river, which was filled with meanders, Oxbow lakes, streams and waterfalls. The class used the amazing resources in The Box to help their designs come alive! Fergus, Autumn, Henry and Alex decided to make theirs on the Lego Wall, whilst others used the whiteboards and Jam Boards. The pupils came away loving their River designs!

Later on in the week, Year 5

returned to The BOX, this time with

Mrs Tulett for their art lesson. They

all used the LEGO to create

sculptures inspired by water. The

results were varied and impressive

with waves, swimming ducks and

swimming pool bathers being

crafted out of the versatile brick!

Page 11: and to the children’s · gloves and scarves should be school issue. Children’s favourite novelty hats should not be worn to or run the risk of being lost at school. I would love

An invitation from Sevenoaks School There is an evening of French culture and music taking place at Sevenoaks School on the 30th November. The celebration, ‘Voyage en Francophonie’ is a collaboration between the French and Music departments. The evening would be suited to students from Year 6 upwards to engage in French beyond the classroom. Pupils from Sevenoaks from Year 9 upwards will be performing and celebrating certain aspects of francophone culture. The evening will give our students not only an experience of French culture but also an insight into some of the co-curricular learning that takes place here at Sevenoaks, beyond the classroom. If you would like to go to this event, tickets can be reserved by sending an email to [email protected]. Please make reference to the fact you are a Prep School from Hazelwood student when making the booking.

Library News Overdue Books Dear Years 3- 8 Parents.... it’s that time of the year when we ask the pupils to ensure that all books are returned to the library or renewed for the Christmas Holidays. All books renewed or taken out as from Monday will show a Green stamp and can be kept until the new year! All outstanding books that are to be renewed or lost and therefore not returned to the library before we break up will incur a £3 overdue fee. We would rather not have to make this charge but if books are very overdue or not returned, results in the other pupils being unable to share in the enjoyment of reading these stories. Please encourage your children to ensure all their overdue books are delivered back over the next few weeks.

As part of their continuing project on India, 4F enjoyed sampling authentic Indian snacks this week. Judging by the smiles on their faces they enjoyed, if not the taste, then at least the opportunity of embracing a small element of world cuisine.

Page 12: and to the children’s · gloves and scarves should be school issue. Children’s favourite novelty hats should not be worn to or run the risk of being lost at school. I would love

Dear Year 1 & 2 Parents Please can all library books be returned to the school by Friday 30th November for a stock check. We will be making sure that your children are allowed a book to take home over the Christmas holidays so that they can carry on with the reading progress. THANK YOU & MERRY CHRISTMAS Nicki Wisniewski, Librarian First News and The Week Junior This week in the library Years 4 & 5 have been looking at the two newspapers that the library subscribes to each week. These are First News and The Week Junior. Both are extremely valuable for our pupils as they help enrich their lives by giving them the opportunity to learn and gain knowledge about events happening in this country as well as news from all over the world. There are also interesting articles on topics that our pupils study as well as features on Books and Music among lots of other informative and fun pieces. Both have some great subscription offers at the moment so if you are looking for a different kind of present for your family then why not give these a go!

Hazelwood Fun Club in December is almost full for its three days of operation. The Club will be welcoming children from Monday 17th to Wednesday 19th December. There are very few places remaining so if you want to book your child into the Fun Club, then please do so before the end of next week when bookings will close. On top of the normal festive celebrations, we are hoping to welcome Santa’s reindeers (excluding the one with the red and shiny nose) to the Fun Club for a ‘flying’ visit. Car park protocol Please can we remind parents of the need to be both vigilant and respectful in the car park. Whilst there are available spaces in the car park, please do not park along the hedge line both blocking cars in and preventing access to empty spaces in which people, staff included, may want to park. If there is a space, please park in it. Please also avoid parking on zebra

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crossings and in yellow chevron areas at all times. With the darker nights drawing in, please also take care when reversing and manoeuvring in the car park. Reduced visibility can put children moving around the car park and other vehicles very much at risk. Thank you for your support and cooperation.

and came 3rd, with personal best time of 1.07.88 (an improvement of 3.92 seconds) and then went on to win the 50m backstroke with a personal best of 35.88. Well done Hannah!

Hannah gets faster and faster Hannah R (Y8) has recorded some fabulous times swimming for her club team, East Grinstead. She recently had a very successful County Championships, coming 4th in her event and finally breaking the 30-second barrier with her 50m freestyle with a time of 29.81! She also got personal best times in her 50m backstroke 34.85 and 50m Fly 34.38. Not long ago, she also swam long course gala at the K2 in Crawley. Hannah competed in 100m Freestyle

Well done to the 3rd XI who enjoyed a fantastic last match for Hazelwood away at Yardley Court on Wednesday afternoon. A bitterly cold afternoon saw our away players win the game 1 - 0. An evenly matched game had Hazelwood take the early lead and fend off a spirited fight by Yardley Court. A well-deserved win, against one of the strongest opposing schools and the end to a wonderful season. The team photo says it all.

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I would urge any talented EMS swimmers, who are keen to maximise their potential with extra training, to look at external swimming clubs. Local clubs include Edenbridge Piranhas, Sevenoaks, East Grinstead and Croydon Amphibians. Please contact Miss Lloyd if you require further information. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Interhouse swimming will take place in lessons next week – please can parents make sure all involved have the correct school swimming trunks/costume, hats and googles. Unfortunately, there is no room for parents to spectate on poolside. The dates and times of the events are listed below:

Interhouse Swimming Dates – Winter Term 2018

Juniors Thursday 29th November – 1.50-3.45pm

Middles Monday 26th November – 3.00-4.30pm

Seniors Friday 30th November – 3.00-4.15pm

Swimming Gala Report – Hazelwood vs Caterham Prep On Tuesday 20th November, the U8, U9, U10 and U11 swimming teams travelled to Caterham Prep to compete against Caterham Prep. The gala kicked off with some close races and solid performances, with many swimmers placing in the top two for their events! Then we moved on to the relays, which really set us apart from the competition - winning most! In the end, we won the gala by a 36pts - a truly outstanding performance from all our swimmers and a great team effort! I hope the swimmers are as proud of their result, as I am of them! WELL DONE ALL SWIMMERS! Miss Lloyd – Head of Swimming

1ST Hazelwood 276pts 2nd Caterham Prep 240pts

And all that jazz!

Marthinus, James and

Oscar prepare for the

Christmas concert in a

couple of weeks with some

lunchtime jazz jamming.

The group has been

specially formed to

capitalize on the boys’

interest and talent for this

infectious genre of music.

Normally they are joined by

Luke and Jake who were

busy elsewhere on


Page 15: and to the children’s · gloves and scarves should be school issue. Children’s favourite novelty hats should not be worn to or run the risk of being lost at school. I would love

Year 6 this week took their art lessons to The BOX

and indulged in some LEGO sculpting and self portraits. Most impressive was the one created by Jenny M who used the 3D media to great effect!

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Floodlights conspire against U10A tournament victory On Wednesday the U10A team travelled to Burgess Hill to participate in the East Grinstead Hockey Tournament. The team had 3 matches in the group stages of the competition. They beat St Wilfred's 2-0, lost 0-1 to Cumnor House and finally beat Lancing Prep 1-0. It was onto the knockout stages of the cup competition! They faced Ardingly, a very strong team. The team started well winning several short corners. Finally, they got a shot on target and took the lead. Final score 1-0 to Hazelwood.

amazing penalty to take us through to the final. The team faced Great Walstead. It was a very close match and after 8 minutes it was 1-1. The girls then faced an agonising wait when the flood lights went out! The game finally got going again, but unfortunately Great Walstead were just too strong and won the match 2-1. The whole team played some amazing hockey and have had a very successful season. It was a great way to finish the season to come runner up in such a popular and prestigious competition. U10A team: Jessica, Florine, Grace, Charlie, Ella, Rosie, Lilian, Alicia and Holly. Caterham Poetry Competition Last Friday, winners of the Year 5 and 6 ‘Poetry Live’ competition enjoyed a day’s poetry workshop at Caterham School, before performing their poem to a packed auditorium. Isla M and Henry L (Year 6) were joined by Louis B and Phoebe H (Year 5), all winners of not only their class competition but the school final, adjudicated by Nick Crombie of Caterham School. Pupils enjoyed a morning’s workshop, led by London poet Aisling Fahey, where they explored and performed different poetic styles. Whilst the winning shield was not to be ours this year, each pupil delivered their poem with confidence and skill, giving their absolute best before a packed audience. Hazelwood can be very proud of them all! Fiona Clark

Onto the semi- final! This time they faced Copthorne Prep- a local rival. There was nothing to split the teams at the final whistle so it went to a penalty shoot-out. Florine, Jessica and Alicia stepped up to take the penalties. With all the other teams watching it was a very tense, nervous moment. Lilian made a couple of amazing saves as goalkeeper and Alicia scored an

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News from the Kitchen

Please don’t forget that the new menus for both Hazelwood School and the Nursery & Early Years are now on their respective websites under The Parents’ Sections.

A festive filler In a collaborative effort, the Year 4 girls have come together to in the Christmas spirit to make, create and decorate various Christmas gifts, tree decorations and baked good to sell at the Christmas Fair. Proceeds will go to the Stripey Stork’s excellent Charity Christmas drive, Santa Stork. The girls have been working hard making the items and will be working on the stall to sell them. We would really appreciate it if you could come along and support them.

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This week, the children enjoyed decorating their own cupcakes for their lunchtime deserts. Many chose the ‘random’ technique which saw them covering the smooth butter cream swirled topping with an assortment of sprinkles and chocolate buttons. Others were more considered, pursuing a design which harmonized fruit with the chocolate. More of the cupcake ended up on the faces of the children who, in their excitement, clearly forgot where their mouths were!


Christmas Fair - Saturday 1st December - 12.00 - 3.30pm The Christmas Fair and a visit to see Father Christmas in his amazing grotto is now just over a week away. There will be a cafe serving hot food, cakes and drinks, a range of gorgeous gift stalls, festive games and a special fairground ride for children, a raffle, tombola and lots more! Please bring along family and friends to get into the Christmas spirit! Grotto tickets are now on sale for visits and a small gift from Father Christmas @ £5.00 each via Raffle tickets - please return all completed ticket stubs and monies to the school office or HNEY reception by Monday 26 November. Raffle tickets can also be purchased on the day at the Fair.

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Requests for help were detailed in the general email sent out on 16th November and the following would be gratefully received at school drop off: Grotto decorations and lights: Thursday 29 November. Donations for Bottle Tombola: Thursday 29 and Friday 30 November or left at HNEY reception Second hand toys and books: Wednesday 28, Thursday 29 and Friday 30 November or left at HNEY reception. HPA Christmas Gift Shop One of our most magical events of the year is just around the corner!

Thursday 6th December - Bring in a Gift Day Each child comes to school bringing with them 1 or 2 unwrapped gifts (for male and female recipients according to whom they intend to purchase gifts for on the Monday) to donate to the Christmas Gift Shop. These should be new and unused and to the value of about £5. It is very important that the quality of the gifts is something you’d like to receive in return but please note that there should be no alcohol, nuts, glass or knives /blades.

Monday 10th December - Christmas Jumper and Gift Shop Day Each child should bring in £4 to choose two gifts (or £2 to choose one gift if they brought just one gift in on Thursday) for their parents / grandparents etc. from the Gift Shop which will be in TOSH. These will then be wrapped up for them to take home and give at Christmas.

If you are able to help set up the Gift Shop in TOSH on Thursday 6th or Friday 7th and/or to wrap up presents on Monday 10th, please contact Natalie Thomas [email protected]

Burns Night - Saturday 26th January Tickets are on sale for a traditional celebration of Burns Night here at Hazelwood @ £37.50 each via . Tickets are limited so don't miss out!

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Black Friday, Christmas shopping and free commission for the HPA While shopping Black Friday offers, Christmas presents or your groceries, please also generate a free cash donation for the HPA with every purchase you make online through The Giving Machine portal. Waitrose, Amazon, John Lewis and M&S are just a few of over 2000 stores in the scheme making it easy for you to make a difference without it costing you anything at all. You can open a new tab for The Giving Machine just before you check out and your basket should be waiting there for you to generate money for the HPA! Details are at or our code at the checkout is "Hazelwood School". The HPA also has free commission codes set up with Easy2Name, Northbrook wrapping paper and cards and Stamptastic so these are all great ways for the HPA to generate funds at no cost to you.

Music Timetable

The weekly music timetable can be viewed on the Music Notice Board outside the Dining room in the courtyard. I will endeavour to have the coming week’s music timetable on the notice board by the end of the school day each Friday. Please ensure that your child brings their instrument and music in on the relevant day. It is also important for them to take these books and instruments home when they do not need them in school.

Sports Department

Match Reports should be taken to Mrs Greenwood or emailed to her on [email protected] by Friday afternoon ahead of assembly on Monday morning. If your child is nominated as captain, please encourage them to write the report in time for the assembly. The children do like to share their successes with the rest of the school. Thank you.

Notice Board

Communication sent home this week The following letters have been hosted on PiP (main site only) this week. If you need a duplicate copy, please contact the School Office. PIP (Parent Information Portal) Access Link Year 3 & 4 Super Readers Year 4 India Day SEN Parents’ Evening (issued to individuals via email/PIP) Chapel Choir Limpsfield Grange Christmas Fair TBC Christmas Concert Seat Bookings TBC YEAR 8 FILM NIGHT FRIDAY, 30TH NOVEMBER - PLEASE NOTE THIS EVENT IS CANCELLED Music/LAMDA will be uploaded every Friday as usual REMINDERS After School Supervision booking forms to be returned to the school office by Friday 23rd November Year 8 Parents’ Evening Bookings close at 9am on Monday, 26th November. Please collect any cups that have been engraved from Final Assembly/Prize Giving Summer 2018 from Mrs Greenwood’s office AS SOON AS POSSIBLE

Page 21: and to the children’s · gloves and scarves should be school issue. Children’s favourite novelty hats should not be worn to or run the risk of being lost at school. I would love

Please return any cups awarded at Final Assembly December 2017 to Mrs Greenwood’s office (individuals have been emailed) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Chapel Choir Young Bohemia 2019 - payment due by Friday, 30 November

Key Events for Next Week

Monday 26 November All Week Y8 Mock CE exams 1400 Start of Netball Tuesday 27 November All Week Travelling Book Fair 0930 Year 1 and 2 Nativity Dress Rehearsal to Oak, Year 3 and Year 4 1645-1800 Year 6 Play Rehearsal (A) 1700-2000 Year 7 Parents’ Evening Wednesday 28 November All Day LAMDA Exams 0930 Year 1 and 2 Nativity 1430 Netball: U13 A, B and C and D v Radnor House (A) 1430 Netball: U13 B C/D Mix v Sevenoaks Prep (H) 1430 Rugby: U13 A, U11 A, B and C v Hawthorns (H) 1430 Rugby: U13 B, U12 A, U10 A, B and C v Hawthorns (A) Thursday 29 November All Day LAMDA Exams 0835 House Meetings 1025-1050 School Council Meeting 0930 Year 1 and 2 Nativity 1700-2000 Year 7 Parents’ Evening Friday 30 November All Day Year 4 India Day 1630 Year 8 Film Night – Sully Miracle on the Hudson DECEMBER Saturday 1 HPA Christmas Fair

A special well done from Madame Le Floch for Amelie who produced the most beautiful extension of the year group task. Based on the centenary of the end of World War One, the task was to research some key words in either French or Spanish, representing the event and also sending some peace and hope messages. A brilliant mix of history, language, research and creativity. ¡Me encanta! May bien Amelie.

Page 22: and to the children’s · gloves and scarves should be school issue. Children’s favourite novelty hats should not be worn to or run the risk of being lost at school. I would love