and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p....

ncidence and mpaet of Damage to F Timber, "180

Transcript of and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p....

Page 1: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1

ncidence and mpaet of Damage to F Timber, "180

Page 2: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1
Page 3: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1

neidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980

Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F? McCl~bure,'

Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8. i.-4ioftard1

'Ne:;oi~r ce Analysts, Strr itt-itz;lster.u~ Forest Fxpi!i i r r ref rt

Staeio-,, A:;i-leville, I"dor"l> CariiFina.

Page 4: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1

Ar9i3 qe?

!:'oreword, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j.v

i n t r o d u n c t i o n , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !;amp1 l n q P r o c e d u r e , 'I

Co~~pui:.aczouis, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "i

. . . . . . . . . . . . l i ic idence o f DajnLiq i.rtg A q e r ~ P - u arid W ~ S O I - : ~ ~ Let! i lu li 3

Mortcl i i i . .y , A : i s ~ ~ c i i ? t e ~ k C u l l R c f i l ( j : (:p-~:ij? ty I L c s n u co * .u ,. * I 4

Page 5: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1

'P'hnls :d,u. l .Lct i r~ r e p o r t s s u r v e y rJi;it:a

oil , d . q c i ? t s i ic3:rrdcgi .r i i j t r e e s i l l P ' ' l . c~r~-d t3 . t s s t l3at.,l were col l c c t e d iii I C % ' / 8 ,

i 979 , aricE 1'J1'10 by Lire Renewable R e s o u r c n s i-:val.tlruti.i-,rl Work [ J n i l: 01- d?n Soiit:l-ie,~r;teri~ Pburcst F:x , rx ix- i rncrn . S t a t i o n , Thi :; c.f f o r t was par t . i:)'i: t.116. f i f t h i - r rve i~ -- t!.)ry of the State e s i'cr'res ti;, (:Y>risi.d!?r "-

a h l y mi.,rr? i.xiforrnat i.m ~a,:: c(c3t.?ie?r'ed is L i r i s liir,,~n i.n prev io r i s i.xlvenl:or:ic.i, fl?~i.s dddr Zrioi-ral i-ir forma tl-on make:$ pox::+i in1.e pi,hl.ic<-kl-ion o' f r<:por?:i; cjt? f(-)r.t?c;t.

r.e-Isollrcesi !-~ther than t;.ir;,hc?r, a::: wt-:-ill a:; t h l - s spc:ciii 1-i zed r-eport on kilnher

:.i;r~n;~cye . l9-1e SoiiP:Yi.ean t x r n labor e:;l 1-:xipiii-inicn t

S t a b i o n l .n P,sli.~:~iiiLLri, i.lic.jr.t:h Carol- i im, peri.odi cdl. i y i.nverif;i?r and evn. l~.idt.e:-; f ciu:e: ; t rc:;c:mrc-:es ? 1% Fl.or i da, G e t r r c y i ; ~ , C;rroiirr;i ,, Sou t11 CE_PZ.C>~ l n;l , and - -

I . 'Pie Soutl-1c~r-ist-.err1 R r c a a , , S t a t e

arici i?rri va tc b'or~-::;t.ry, i"~lrre!r;t P6ei;l;

P*liirl.ucjr~meril: S t . d f f lir1i.t-., h6?adc~uarter6-6-d in A i ?.aril--a, Geor -q ia , prrovi de.; l r r c i i r 1 i .n~~ tin:?

F i c ? T d i;~xy,pc"irC- a n d h e l p s eva l i iate Ir.1.x~: dcil,.j or1 fore:it i nse(: : ts , d i sea : : ; ~?~ , arid o tkreu- d,~tiiaqi.xiq scjent:;,

Dirniaclc? i s d6:::;cri 1:>(313 here, kju i ai.q?ropr? ate criipasurci; for r;reveni..inti (j.clnid qc.: ,;r re ~ T I I : ~ t , Re!; i i?f?il?.:; of F l or i da reqlxi r i n q i-ecl~rrica .l ass i s t'ar~cc;. wi t 'k l

f o r e s t r y problerrxs c - r n S t a t e , ~ r r d p r i v n t . ~ ~ ~ I and shou1:l cont;ic b.:

Page 6: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1
Page 7: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1

-1.1 c; t - a c j t-<:b (36: t-.(-? r:p.i 11,1> k.:~ t? :; ,dIllJ~) -l(? 1jO-i. 71 t::; a

J-J ,#?t ;c~~~>:<t5 C J ~ + h ~ i J: IJI~~-LTL~E! q~20(-71~.:%13?1.i.<:~31.

: ;i y c-111 t., i.hc: KIP.^^; wc r(: :; ir r vey c-rl i-n a - - rii :'feri>i.rt- ?iar;i!t? f:.~. 1 1 2 ~:.!LI-? K<?yi;, qrOS: - ;

,AT-ti,ic; w e r e c:;l-i niii i-.c,tl by ~ l r ; i mi: or!

~ i r : i._i.<;. 1 ;.)k~~ii:iic~c;lpi?s; o n whi.c?li i j* :-; (-;~:c!l c ~ j i ( ~ ~ 3 j. S U Y wry I->cinznr!(ir.i (,is wc::rr? c I-;: n s f e r r:e (3. I: r iiiui irr a.1, i; , 'i'l?s I:, rc:? d o w 1 . 1 ~ cjf qrc>s;,s ' i ~ : r e < ~ q ( ? ~ . I L ~ O :;q)c?r:i.fic: Ian(-] g6.;c.!~:i

V J ~ = : ~ + : h.::;ed ~ j j x i r l t:hc> ( j r c - ) ~ l r ~ d c!.a:;

t: j- c311 (.>f 4 s a l[Lp s c? -1 r)(:a Li. or1 :-; * * F ( j r k.1-I (2 e r I f.: j- -r: e S t- CI t: (2 l, f? s t: i r1.1~1 t. e: &-;

elf' i.%rrri,eu. vo lurnc: <,nc:I' f o r e s t ::I;~:?r;i f i.i:a-

r i oii,; w c r c h#ic;i-d o r ; mc;l:;r;r6:mcmi:s 7-ecor(i6-:ii <-I i: 4 , 680 r ~ r c i i r r i d s~im~i '1 .c: 3 ocd - - ti.oris i~yi;tcrria"i-lcciS 1-q djsi;rii?ril-.ed o n c:c)lnmerci.ii i. fore:;:. j,iild., '!.'he pj:c.>t t'k??; 1 c q r l

<,it r1,-irI-l l o ~ : ~ ~ t - i c > ~ ~ . xd:=; lh~.isc~:3. o r ) t3 [:::!~~st:er 2 1 1 1 ~ 717 nio!-;I . cii:;cls, variiab!ci i>l.!j:..:s ,+,~,r(-: :;-y:st ,*-~rr~~.~t~.~:d~L 1.y :;pac:ed

sir?c<l.t= f!ore::l: ( : .oqt i i . t j c1r1 ,3fr 5 of' the. 1 0

~ . : l~~ ; t . e r poir11:s IE<-I-I(:J 3. 1)c3sg11.~--c~1+ted f < j c ; t c ~ r oi. 3 " / , l i i;cjl~a~-c tee;, !?er acre, 'i'reec le-:.;s;ir; 5 , ii irlciic!s d , i i , h , w e r e @aLli (+?d c>n fi.xt:ci--ri~tiltri; ,-croiind t i r r ? ricrirrt. (-I>l?+e>v.s L, . ..-,"

e Se~dlLi ,ri<.~:j , sF).lrtllj:< vi-~ie?; (71 ~ 1 , " s : ~ -- eb:;! !c> ick)s r <3.I-?(.i 0 t : I l e ~ : l.e-*:;ser: vecj,fk?iLaf:i.c>rl ~I(:c:I:I~:L ~ L ~ c J w<.t-hi-1-1 c-! J~-~-c)*c>I: ~c~11.11:: ~ j f '

i i + i !.r?c t i d pi,^ 11i- c:t7r~ lrer s were i i j e r l f - " i f i i:ci ,1176 Y ' E ( ? ~ > L ' ~ < ? ( ~ a f: c!<jch forest ! ;e ira~^ ' lc

! oc:a i: I b-)IpL.

r I;:qu.i t i t:)n$; <it? vc-lopeti fr.:>n.l d(ct.a~. Led I r l c ~ . t s i : r c r i r r i t ' r t t - . ~ of :.;!-ar~tlii r i c ] t.rcles i.rl

~~'~lc>;rl1~;5 ~%rjd ~ : b l ~ ( > l l ( ~ ? l c X J f . t k 1 6 ? ~'~(ll.,lkk'16.?F35k

were u:;ed !.o c.:cimj)kil.e vol.rrrricis (.if i n d i v i c i -

u ~ j l t r * l . l y t:.rf?e:;- A ~r~irr(->r c a l i p e ~ a n d ?it:(: tl i > l i ~ l 1. d ~~liii.rii~lir? 162s Wc-jrc'* : 1 ~ . : ~ > i j t ~ ) nreasu re :lpjier :;terns of s t:antii.:iu t-ree:; , I n a t i d % f : i c ? r i , tr"(?e:; w e r e rrr~b;i?;ii~.ei2 , i t 97 ncrt . i ve c:iit:r Lriq o j > o ~ , i ti.c>r~:-i 1-0

i>~ ' i )~ ' l :3e ii t i iizatr.:,n f ap i -o r s for t:kria rJ,l f f e r e r i i k i.irni)er ;~rc-idiir.i--i-, a n d species cjroil!?s ,mcl to :;upp.i.emerrt tixe :+t;rnCIincj-- tree vo?.iirn6~ :-; tuiiy ,

* C r < . ) \ ~ g t . h , lr emcr vd ! r; , arr r? in(-) r t ; t 1. i l- y vgiir-I-: et; t?.rn<~i.ed f xom the ri.i~tena~irernortt of 4 , 6 1 4 11c;rrri;rner)i: s a m p l e p1ot.s c:r;t..dl;il;kreia i n t i i t ? 1'3.70 i a i v e n t : o r y , , A 1979 s~ .~ rvc iy i i f

I > ~ . v j . s ~ c ~ r i of Fc~~e:?t:7:-q~ F ~ L o r i ( h ! > e ~ , ~ j r t ; r r ~ e r ~ t . o f A y r i c i k l t 1 i i . e ailci C O I ~ S U ~ T I ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ I ~ ~ C C ! S ,

a ' L.or~c; - . w j ~ ti-] t h e aniiua l 1'1u .! pwoc.,d. proo1i.r~:--

tion st.t~rJy ji.1 the S o : i t & ~ , pn-ciwi-ded addil:i i-)rral ix~forwriat.iit.!n for- k;nc.eril~,.dowr1:: of -i eiulova 1.5; b y pr-odiie t ,

Al.1 Eit2:L.d dalza were is(-:nr to A s h t i v i ].I(-2 for ed iiti ny, piinc:her? ot.1 i:aii-ds, drld s t o r e d OX) iYii3(.Jl?i? li.~: tape ifor i:orrii!u ~ 6 . r

;proice:-;:;i rxrj, s o r t inq, a n t i i -aknia t~Lr3i-r. Fj. !. es t j.'ina i.(:::'; were i?<?:;c:*,.E (?.1-1 s ta l: i s ti. .-" ca:i. s r ~ ~ r i r e ; ol" the (ddt.n, A; c.;ieXi o i

the f o i ~ r Survey Ui i i l.s i n FCio r i , da was

conupleLcd, special slirnnilr i ei; of C:?-I(:

i i l i ~ ~ 2 a r ; i r ~ ~ t . i . i were d d d ~ e d he7 nli~ster- ciai:.?~ I. i 1 . e ~ of f ~ r e s t r<?SolirCE! s k . c ~ t . i :-;ti cs i~1d i nLair1e!t3 i r i Ashevi.1. le for t:"rr? cln1.i r-c!

Sc>ut .hedsP . P, F'c i re : . ; i Lrlfkrrr1dI:.ior1 . . R n t r i . e v a i ( P ' r I I ) [)rijyr:;lin avai la i -?. le f o r

C O I I I ~ ~ ? . L i r i C j i nFrirrnal.2 o n for. a n y .?l re;^ of

i n t e r e s t as il coopr rd t- i ve s e r v i r e ,

' I . i,.x.nliti., ocr size i::l.a.;scr::; o f trc-:e:; were: :;aplincg:;, LO t o 4, 9 i i-lcl-is-.~ d, i i :~ ,X. i , ; sof "r-c~roocl p 1 3 j . e ~ ~ 4,O to 53-9 jncirei: d,b,h,; liarc-lwood p n i , e s , 5-0 to '1 0 -9 i nche:; d,Esr,i-~, ; .;of twoob s < ~ w t i r n i i e ? r . ,

9 , 0 . inches anci ;iho ve ; ;and h.3r tlwcroil s r 2 w ti mher, 1 1 , I1 iarche:l; and l ~ f~ i : ) . t r e ,

2 , Wo Luir~e equ i3 t.i. ~)i.i(i ww i? k)r)3ed o !I tie t cl.iied Inease rc?merit-, of' st.;iiiiP;i ncl arid i"e l.Led t rees .i n i? t.orida ~ i i d s iirti.lar m e a s ~ j r e m e n t : - ; t.clicen fu'orri o t l ~ c r tr-c:i?r; throi~,qI~oiii i-1-1.. ~ ~ o u t h e a s t , '2'hc?i;e wc7rc used T.o t:e,xnh>li tc: r rze rchdi~ Zriiki1.e and I;o t d l (2 11 k> i. c-: VCIr 1 ce

3. '?%c syrriptconjx thc-it were iar;t?r.i to itlei-iti f y t h e iratx:;e of. damacje t.o .i ?.v? r ~ c j t:recs or) kl.9.e sar:rpLed jil.tits a r e pr i?senl .e t l on pacjc?'; 5--6, 'i.'hc+ perrcr:r t -irir:i cicnc:r2 and cull. r i c ; s o ~ i . ~ ~ . t e d with e:i~c:h darnac jc i c i iiss w e r e ? e : : d . i ~ i i teed. c:(?YI.~:~~c of ?~p@c.!~c?>i

vo!rlme and tcil-al v1.>7~rtnie> l?.ons a l . l : r r i k i u t - - alY1.e to a 1 1. aa.jc?rril-.s (-;"magi rig a r-; w e r e a l s o estirnilted, Nriii?. that d a t a or1

p e r - c e n t i riciderli.:e rid ixr!.L asnesciat.ed dam3 ye tko not inup.iy ti?l.;j.i tzree loss ,, 011iy r - i c 3 1 - t i,t t:ii~c: volume .in dS~0(7jd!.(s;d

Page 8: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1

::till wcjr;lrl fa-i. I. co i -~ua i i . i y i i ~ r .;orrrc+ cornr?c-.rr: La? ri::e,, :;uc:h T!R f i r ~ w o o r j . ''I3%<? vci:iiine loc,i; was t3c-.l:c?rr!i.ic?tl Sy tcit.ijl.:lr?c.~ t h e vo l time rsf c~r . l - ' i < i : : ~ ; o c : i , j C e d VJL.LY;L~ each Iic?:,l_., hy r.1-~ecri.err,

4 , !;y 10:~s wa:; tJeterri.iric~d 'jy Z:ald;:F r.ecl t i i e rriintiser c > f Irrc.*rii; i:.hat were s i ~ i ' f i r : ient l .y .L;i i-qt i , i-)uL c3i-d rnot qn;il.i.fy as :-;iiiwi.imlser :.riles i-)i.c:<3..rse c j t dand(.je, '"h .. j) :

P. i.c--llocjl: \ rc>L~~ani? i r : t h e : ~ ; a w - l o c ~ purt:i.on 71'i i: lrescb tr-c.!es w a s t c i i ~ : i p u t t ? ( i ~ '1'hj.s voJi~i:uc-? is inlccn dc, ?he qi'a'i-il..y 3 : h!,>tii, 1-rijwever, c h a t tll'ib" IoSsei; L I I

c7ual.i ty i r i ticties ftia l: were :rot. tlan~d yeti erioriqh to be ~ i - ~ l l c i raw) Cr-om !:he i ; i- i \ i~--

t i r r i l ? c ? r ,.i YE: exr: J-ude!? , 5. P.'ic)rtali L y cc,.i-i.Ltl rii~)t ??e a t i : ~ r i b -

ul:at-i i:o danl,-igincj a(-jer:ti; becaiissi it. was nft.ei? ?.i!:prj:~i;ii?ii.. 1.0 dni:crmii~ci t k i i . ;-.ciili;e

of r i c ~ t i - k l , In iT!dny C : r i ? i . F ? S r ii ~ T C S C ? t . i i -L: l i<>:-- ! i u l t h e l a s t i;urvc?y 10 ye;irs aclc.) was c:irri,r~iy rr.iis:;lnq,, Ti: WCI?< I ~ O C ~ S I ~ > J ( ? ~ I.I(:)w- ever, t.o c1cterm.r ne -v.!~lnriit? lo:;:; tc) 111iir LC+ li ly for r i c z c k i t r e e spccj es on c?=ich

plot.. By !r:;i-rrcj i-t'cdl. niori.;~? S-ty k>)r t r ee s l ~ c c i c a r ; , I t w d s possili'1.c. lo arrive ,3 t 1-oi-cl! vc.>!ilrne !osi: i ( 7 l p ~:Io '~c?;s iiiicA : ; a w t i r n - - k>er by !zrt,:ci s r j ec ie i ; ,

6, p:c:onon~-i c i .;:ljiai:e o~as :Ictermi~zec-i i-,y :-rlin l t i p !yi.ry the_ t.otal. .orooil f'ii,c:v. .irid

c~~.i~-ili~t:y I.<>!;!; f o r eilclh t..rre spec-iei; b y t h e stumpdcjei v a l r l c per ur!] t, Ti-xc?i;i? dii! Jar r?s!.ixnaic?:; .i#c!rc talker) f r o m ;irr

avc.2raqe o f (-1 nurni:,o~: of l:j.rnber sale:; in FtL(:,l-i.d:3 j r 1 'i9t<CI*

ir~c~cber~ce of Danlagirlg Agents arad Associated Cull

! ! ~ t . , i : i f i i l t t 3 h - L ~ ~ Ii-I ti-,::; r'epiiri- i ;k io ih i

!iun:i~tir-:; of dirr:laged i.rie.-4; d n i i vril.iimi?s of ~.larnaqe!r?r t i niber by I:ree :-;j)c?ci as,

, " X I these f i c ~ u r - e s , :-:ume P@c>JJ?-(? illi,ly c:! :io I?e i riri-;rc:c! ed -i r! ihe ~3cre;aijcs i n ~ ~ ; i r i o ~ : s 4orc.::-st t:yyi~v' ani? c;l.rlrid-si~,c I.1. 1 c - , . .- 'rc?l,lc? 1 !:.irouides these

rillinher r; , I ' a h l e s 2 axrd 3 xhciw l;er-it:r>l.~i(ji?.ci 1:)f'

t r(?es tiamiiqecl i)y F; I ::e :-:?a'_:s a r i d t. lee

.;j>ec.ler;, ovC!r.<3 :.:; !la7 dwood:-; ?la(! Irl<jr(?

dr?rn;iqe thclr? ~;oj~I-~qZJi-x-liji;~ a n ( l i-:a1-)1:~17ci;s i:<r,-i :rwre t3.t3.rnr3c;jf2 ~ h a n j ~ o I . e ? - i ~ ~ i h e ~ r or : - ; ~ W L ~ I T I -

hc:?. 1~o1-1-i p i r . i c * cti?ii i-)c:l:?c:j/i->r-c::;:t. -dc-.rp tl.i<:,

!nos t !'rec.j rrexr i~ iy tl;iir!d egi?d ~ ;o i - l-v~ooii L;iiri-- 1.1.nq:z; por~d p i T I G - ? CLIICI c-e(Li 17 \~:rt+: t-lie ITLCIS t C rc?c:uc:rit Ly ti<imaqi,:l .;c-)f t.vic)od lici!c. t irrihc?~: t rees ; and loi.)!LoJ iy p i n e <31-1ci c-e(Jiir- v~crc. t l ~ e r n o s i f r ec?\ri?rltl y riiiniti cjc?ti sof f - w o o d

; i . r i ! r s . ;pu incc pj-nr ;m:ir? :;.i a:;?i :;i.nci were tlhc !.eiji;t f'req.irc!r.ii.iy c-i ; i i i i , icy~-d

*<O.F'W<IO~.~ ? S ; J . ~ > ~ . ~ . ~ ! C J S ; kiri;(i~y~-~r~?r;~;rf?~~ i i ~ ~ ( j :;l.,l:;l?

1)-i rue ~firc; t-Aie I.cias t "rcc~ireni. ly ii;iri:sqer? p:>: e i- iirribar r' trec:s; ; ~ r i t l li;i l~icyr,rc~i;s,, l oriql e.1 f ~jiirl~., ?rr:l <L<j:;'ii r i i ne ~ ( 3 1 4 2 t-hf-?

! et?s t f'reqiierl L! ")7 d;irn;mc~c?ti sof -',-1 !:,<M--

i ! . Colt-.onwc;oci .irld !,l;icli w , - ~ L n l i t: we reh the i ! ~ s i: "rcq~rex~ rr l y ti,i;r!acie(3, sdpl-lr.~q.-.;ize 'ririrdwo~-)d?;; sjri:aiTlori. ai-ici

l ~ c l r d I T L . I ~ J - C ~ ~ : r c + t.Y~e ITiOSr. f!?:~:(qi~,erttL-y cianraqed h;rrrc?wircli:i p o i e s ; axid I?eocfi ,-~r-iil?

and Loyqii?!;, were-! drric;ncl c?nrii;~q(> fiir-E or:; i;ilc?wLnc~ tl-ie: Lce;i! .; t i i ic idc?rl~*c: , b14t i - I t-I?(-, excc:~:)tiori of: c,;iprc.i;s, :;uyjl>rei;sii:b~i iii~ii !S 11 !.j TI t3 t i <> ri C: <3 IJ ; c-! (3 f-.IYli'> 7- (2 t- C i i I 1- I (> !S F;

1 n '1) a r dwc )c-rri s , too, f c? rrr i vj.~~.; I-;y l or tire r-10s t F T . ~ ~ ~ u ~ I z I - . C-:IIII:;C OF ~i;irnacjia--

t::.;peci-al.I.y i r l C.hc :;dp-!.irrc~ c : i n s i ; , T1.1is

Page 9: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1
Page 10: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1
Page 11: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1

]ir-i>kclll F; t(:&m of ar:y ii.i ,iarctc?r irr a. z rec;

\, 0-4ec, i n c h e s d,i.?,'ii,

or !.oiyq i n c j ciama (1" i roo{: r o t , parer-i t.

1ie;iiier.-.-.ALL uy?ecic:s . 're+?t:It ~r~%rks -. -- -- -- (.jn I)oIc? of' tret::s

C;ap"~~~~:lrc::r . --.-A1.i. speci e.2. C l c r s t er O F i;;q,l 1.1 hcjl e:; t h a t e n c l 5 tree ' ! s

1.e a v/eatE.ic-:r... -. -A LJ. c;yji?c:.i eG;. PJ~-~ I : J~ , ! IY .~>w .-

~ j c q ~ \ ~ ~ n i . r ~ < ~ ~;;~ et:c- crippreiss i 011 :;t:.aqnc~ti.c>l~ ,- ---PA.Ll L) " __ "_ -.

srjc?(;.iiz~, ( ]~7c i I "k~ lp j?c? ( j kiC?b?s Wi?:i? r)t? 1 (:>l-r!l *

c All ;)c?ojiie . - tl,-irid~,~;re, axc:cjit t k ~ d t r e i n Led to lo(g(]!: n7.

t,uqcyinc~ r-elrl tetl, ----111.1 s>~)c?(- e:;. " " " .- --

!.,(.ic)qi:.~c~ scar o n stem; c:a.B. 1.~5; ri.c-?cjes w i t h t r r 1 1.~7 2 yr?d us ,-if l:er ~ o \ l n i i i n ( j ;

:~t-:~3i-t-e?red 1 r 1 st-<.~.r?d; r l o (:lj;3rri~~t.J; 3 i ~ ~ ! k > brr;nk.acje or r ; t e n ! i;i?it?' I-lea r c:r owr? r ( . c ;u i t i r i q f r o m t:re~! Fel l i - x r y , S k i t i

i+'c) re:; t :-;ti rtit! y 're r-mris -- ----

Ac:c:ej;tcih Le ' c c rnes . --.-i;row i.1-I(?--:; I_C;CII - --"- "~ ~"

t.rrc?c:-; ( s f cornnc!rcial iy3cii:i e:i t - ] - )at r:ic?et.

i;i) r,!:ainc'lard+; of r;izi? (111t7 cq:i;3l.i t:y, X>u i: riot cp"i i l i f : ) / inq ,,tc; c%e:;i!i c. "re?e:;,

A(:cri:url?.at.ctf volrxaie .: iiss. --!.;(?r (:en?.- " .. . ---" ---- -- - - - "-

a:je (.if t rees aft'ec+i?d ,i, ?:he !)cr.ce!it c:riil. x the vni~in~e f:x- t. i .1~ !;r)c+c: Le,?,

Assoi ,~ ia f .e i l c~iLI.----i'cir.c:~:l-;ti-'i~~j~! o i -"---." - . nf!'ec:teti " I r c ~ e i t c ~ ) n . t . ~ i i ni rirj (XI 1.1 : ~ : ; - , r x j - <lte(j 141 1 2 1 t-I-1~: 1 nd.i.<:c?t"Cd < : i l ~ e ~ l t *

iisr:c.ii: iateii vol l.lmc: loss f r o r r i sa,wcli !,?- ---.- . . .. " . " --- b e ~ . ir.o I%<> l.c:t.irnber, - - - "T i c> l i i r n ~ ? Iru ?:lie s ; iw-- - ... " loq por t i o n ( i f tree:; sir FfFic.Lr:i:t.:.;i ia r q e I:(> qilril-ify (3s :;a~nit.iini.>eu", h~lt: ! i x i : < ; i t . i q - - for sd~t-i~'ll)b~ Ci)i?c:iiusc: o f

d,3 ;nr~( - ; i . r~c j <lqnr:t, i3tlsa'Y , ?~Pz , . - - - -Th< . ~ ~ r t ? d l . ' r i t - a --- .- - .,

~:ro:;$; s(:::l:ion a.t h r . ~ < - ~ s i k:c>iqht. oil i;.;nqlii Cree?: vr OF , * : L ?:lie kr-ec3::; i u r ~1

- ~ .;t,irr(%, r.rsila I.! y c?xj)r-es:;ed : :I .:ilu<?rci f r i l ? t

pcY- lcre* i:oir!merc.:-i:il fore~: t . lai!tl,.---F:,rc?si - "" " "" ~ ) r c i d i i c i . r x q or. cq,3i?ai-ii e of pr<iti!ic:i I i C j

r:rop!s of iniiu.; t r i. a l woc -d a rrr l nri !: wit:Src:ir.clwri frcjiri t:in~her r1t.i ii zi~..t:iori,

Coinmercia 1. spc?ci es. ---'X1~*ee ::pet i i ? s .. " -. ~ . - pr+?sc?rll:l.y O Y i)~~iij)e~:t~i~(ilji q l i i t i ihi+i /(.>I, ~ ~ t - ~ ~ ~ : ~ l ~ ~ ~ kc;

I3es.i.r-able r r c e s - - " G I ' C I W - ~ I I ( J --:; t-OC/: " -..-

t.r i:!r::; O F crommerc:i ,I?, sptet~:i.ei:, ir<i v i :.\(I iln

::;(?r:i<oo:; ~ . j u a I i t y r h f i ? c t s t.I?i~f: l j m i i

pxc?:icnt trr p r ' o~p f?c t i~ve I J S ~ ? f u r f - j i ~ i I > t : r

~protiirc:t.;, c7L t - ~ ? l < i t4 ve Iy hii7li ! / i ijor, a n d ~c!.3~~t.~3ilni"rlq r ) a th< lqe r j s th<l{:. may res!il.? i. r i dr:at.h or: s(?r ic)tl.r, chi*rord t kc-n I:)c~~'oTI? rok.~3~:,~it~Il ?ICJt?*

L.) .i- cl n ~ e i.:e r c: 1 :; s I-* .i 5; s j. f- j c ;i t: i () rl - .~ c, l:r.(ieq hciscd o r i ~3J-:1rnt?j.<ii. ow t:;i de hciu,k, vc,i:.,!ii.eil a t i-irf?.-ia:;i- i?e-i.(jlhl: (4,-1/;? i f c l e t ~ a l j o v c !-he ( ~ " ~ ~ t i r l d l , l>, is i l~c: r:omm:>rl , . rhbrevici t : i i i r ) for di ;ir:ie ter- a I . l:jr+>{.:; l

1 . ' i3~~a-i . i ic1~ c3l;inwc:?tcir. (11351;1.?:i a r e

cc)rninoriiy i~:;t?el in +'orc?st_ Survey , wi t h t h e evt?n i l i c : i - ~ , the ,-n;i[~ro>ti rn,aile mi c i p t i i iit For ,i

(:I. A cis . F o r e m I T I ~ Ii e: t 'l~e 6- i. nc:h c: 1 ;a :3 5;

in(:: i uc l e s trees 5, 0 thr:oriqlr 6, 9 i rii-:fin:i ~ d e l - ~ ~ l \ ~ L r ~ c l ~ ~ s i . v e ~

Page 12: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1

(;~ro~~*jiric~~--';ti)cie: .I-.ree!:;.,.-.-l.,i,vc trees of -- .~- - -- ~ - - ~.:nmrnewcia? epc+r:ier; :i;l.iaitfyi r ig as

tie:; i r"aE~Le 09. acc:ept:;ia 1.e trees, Iric.i.clence, --lJercerrtacyci of stxsi-6:pis.i-

~--. ~ .- b l ~ trees a f f e c t e d by t.he acyer?;.,

P(:, Let i.nrk,e.r trees; . -.-.(; t c i c k ~~

t r ees oi: conlner-cia1 spf?c4 e:2; at l@;r!.il;r 15, (1 irri.:he+; d ,'Eli,tl, k i t i t slna.Ll er . than i;a3t.;t.ii~ilre.r-

i; i.ze . Sr ip i i r i c ~ s , ;re trees 'I , ii to 5 , O

inches d , h , b ,

Saw '1 oq. -"--A 1.00; !net: t i n y irij n i muni - st,indar.ds of,, and crlefc-ic t , i.nc1-rldi ng %oqs <21 .j.c?a dt. lil E1'ee.t I .ur)q, c;ciui?l3 -?rind straii~ht., anti iiriit?.~ ~1

rriininiilm (3i :-krn~>i;djr harrk f o r ii(..~ft--

W C > O ~ S 05 6 i i l ~ : E 1 ( 5 : ~ C8 i r i ~ i ~ ~ ~ Fc.)L. liardwoads ) .

S c l w t ~ m k ? e r t r e e s , -"-l.,i vt.2 t r - r?es 0:: " " "-

(-* L.orninerc:i;-il. . c; ~.-ontair l .Lr~g at iec3st ij

I % - - f ooir saw 3.oq, or t w o nc~ncorrl:i.quous saliji 1-oqs, e a c h :.I Feet or I.or-~ger, ;~rrd with 'itleast o~?e - - t h i rd o f ' the cpi:o::s k c . " i t T ~ O ~ U I T C U , J?ISI-W~?~'XI the I "I-- foot s " i , a m i ~ a n d mini" -nra im saw--J.og t.op beiriq .;c;iind, S < r . f ' t ~ ~ t ~ t i i ; ri?:r-,t 5e at :leczt.:'t 9,O i n c h e s ; and hardwcrods at l e a s t 1 1 ,Ci .incl.l@s d,li,l.i,

S a w t i i ! ~ b i ? ~ - vol.rrrne, vol.~.rrne i-14: the: i;aw-.ioq pc,r!Acsn osf l i . v e sawtirnher in l-~o~rrci~-Eoot 11-1 tc-?rr~ni:i.ol~ai 'I /R;--~i.i)cit r u ? . ~ ,

So f l.~~o<>d,.: . ---Ccrni fer'oc.i.ri hr-fres , ." nsudL1.y evergreen, havinq ineeclll-!:; or 5cal.e 1L-l ke l eaves ,

IJirlei;. ----Ye.1-low ;>i rji: sjsecj es, w h i ch . .- . . I . I I I : J . I I ~ c - ~ i o b i c i l l . ~ ~ ? . C > ~ C J ] ~ . D ? ~ ~ ~ ~ i l - i ~ ~ h , si?or.t:l-eaff, j?itcIl, Vir(yi.r~i.a, T1ai).Lt":

L;t~and--si.zf. c I n : ; s . ~ 1 , - t i i , s i f i c d t - i o n "?-"

(3:. For:ei;r. I . i~rrc l krased o r r VS9.e size c-%r?st; c , F cjro-w-lnq-.s to& trees or.) the? area,

S a l i s t ~ mber s Larrds, --.--Stancis at.. 142;is l- " ~ ~ - ~

112, 7 ~)ercc+i l t s t o c k e d wi. th qruiniincj -,.:;tack

t roe i ; , w i t h half or more of t o t a l rr;t..i>c:lr-" irzy j . r ~ .;,il;er or poli?t-irnberr trees, arl,d w i . t b s a w t i h e r stc:ek"irrc~ rr i . Least: et.~iial t o jro 1 i - t t - r n b c x - s.l:ocking,

tr."iic!s, vr . . iC . I~ ha]-f or rrrr>re of tk1i.i;

z ; t o r r l i , i.x)lg i n paietirnhc?r- arid :;awl-irnhor t.rees, and wj tl.1 poleii.rriber 5: l:cicl< j n q excc+i?dj ni l t h a t of s,l.vj.-k. i r:ib(? lr,

Sap]-incj--seedl i r u c j i; t iknds . t . ,~ncis ,I? ---- -- " l e a s t 1 h , 7 ;)ercc:?rit stoclceci wi tkii (jrowrincq--

?'ki i.5; puhijl(:n t i or] rc?~:>or.ts j i i~: . i ric'ilc-e ai ic i impcic:t o f dnrnaginiy iicjc~rts rii:

!'I r>~.-i.da '.I; tir;rlwr . 7 t di?a?:; nijt d i . ; cu s s 1 ki.ei r. j - d e n t i f i c . r t . i on or cioni. 1i.01, S ~ i : i ( - !

o f t he ~ef'er.crices lic;.t-c:ri, I>c? iow a r e c i t e d a ? our,in, O'ckrel-s are g . j r c j v i r l ( id

r:n as:;- st t h o s e ties:i rj nq i ~ r ' ; c i i -tic:)rlci i i.nill:irr~r;.it i i~i~ on ~:~~.i~:- ;al . a q e r l t ~ ,

FIechl.irid,; Knj~qhlr, Fi, i i ,

F l o r i d a * s Eores;.i..s. i?~?scsur . U?n : X.. S'1.:-62, R.;krevi.l.l.c+, NC:: 17.S.

Depclr l m e r r l-. o f A c j r i c . 1 ~ 1 i-urc?, i;':lr: e s t i;er v i ca r Sori t.hcac; tc : r~r i:'ci~-a-:s i. !<icy.ic?ri:nent : ; t a t . . i c i i ~ ; 1982, $14

l?e-?nnel. i . , Wi l I i am H, ; C h e i I riiaur, ::!)a i-l e:i

W, ; iiol t, V L i l l i am R, Irr:;r?cir exlcrrii t?s

c:f i;c)ut:hern j)itli?.;. Oicr:<~::;~ T'ape 1,6>4* New C' i r lear :~ , LA: I!, S, Z,ep,~rtr:ic?rit: of J ~ ( . J ~ ' L ( ~ u : I ~ : I ~ ~ c : ~ Forest. S e r " v . i r : e r Srn~tkier~~ 1, 'orest i.:xperJri~c-~~it S L ; I ? . ~ O J I ; 1(3!58* : j15 1.1-

l i i l x - x i : ; , Deriver E', Trisect c! i j i l ~/e i . Iow-~~~o~;%, i r . Re:;, JJav, ?JF:F.J.-I!)~,

F3r~~orna1.j~ FP! : !T*S, D1;~hy.)ar~rnriTri: (of' i"igri.cuI~t;nre, >'ore:; t S I - . ~ \ T ~ :re, N~.,r"tT.ieai; t c? rn Fo re s t E x p e r i ~nc-:ril:

:< t : ,~ t jcm; 79''/0* 15 r i a

C:hel . l~~iar i , !:, V!.:, Pest:; cind prc-~hi~c.n:s c i T

Sr>r~ t . . h F l o r i d 2 t!rees a n d ~ r L * ' ; . r r ~ s a

!-icirri cia i.lepar imen t of R~jrj~cir1Le;~iue , -$ntj

Corlsrzn;er S e r v i c e s ; 19113, 103 p, Fti1erf IT- ! j e ; % j ~ - c ) ~ r ~ r ~ r ~ ~ .-j* !Ie; ~~l~ . ' : ~ l : i i c : ~ , : ~~11 ,

P, T [and o r;I-ic?rc; 1 , Sycdn~~lil:ll* jx3:; t r :

i i qu i de r r i mrr -jar j r~c:c-i: i-s, d l !;e;li;c.:~ ' I

arlii air p o . ; ! . u t i o n . iktli?.r~l:.+ <;At. L J A S *

[)ispa r'l.meni: OF l ic j r - i r ru l t t i r c i , Forc:-;i: !-lc?rvic:e,, S o ~ ' c i > e ~ r s l c r n iirc'a, S l . < i t ( ? arid P r i v a Lc? Forc:stry; 1 s/"/, 3 f i i).

~~~~~~~~l.l~kX~t?!d p'Uk>.Lj (::-kt;j-<j!'l 1

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L[(:): fII(?$< i, 1?7 d]l(:: 5 'tj * ; t'-:ki;~ L:?rr C." 1 . i t.f:ord :: * ;

! 3 6 - > ~ 1 < ~ ? r , PJj, 1 "I. i . a [TI Pt (-3; ;. tur 6: d- i s e d s es . . , I- r l ~ 11 r : ~ (2 :; ,~rl.:l pe s t :3 (:) t- r:~d~> 1.6::s PuI> 1- 4 ' l l r i i~ rc r : - ; i . l : y of Ma~:;~ic:~li!:;etIr~i

~c 'c ic ;pt l r .~t : iv~~ i:xt-ci:~;.ir,n : ; cu -v i : : e ; [ : ~ ~ d ~ ] ~

4 4 p* t . ~ ! ! . ) k ~ ~ - ~ s o r ~ t \ V e r f ' * ; :Sinf :1 t i i - rJ A*;

I . :~ns~-:~:t.r; d n l i rj?li:-ieLi:;t:";

of l t ~ r . ! ~ - ~ ~ ;117:-~ p ~ r ~ ~ a r . ~ e : ; t : ILC:(~.FJ-

A-I 0, I Ch,ic;i, FJY: C:oriit,I ! i l r i v,; r 3'1 1;.

!,(ickard, i", 3,; i??:tr!ar~i, 2, A,; i>d ryjfexl t.i:r , it, 17, Giyicji: (%(=:f'~:ctc: 1.n

i1~3rdwooi;i V ~ Y T I ~ ? F : ~ i i ~ i t i Io(.Js. l \ q ~ i . ( ; ~ - - i 2 4 1 1 . 0 1 . : ii.3.

!_)i?pir ?:rnc?l"- (of A q r i i r u l t \ i r t e ; 1063, 39 p,

ivlor-ri,:;, R , C',; F ' i i e a " , 'Ib, I f , * ; !;cr?l_l!nofi, J,

7 : ) - [ . d r~d o t - l - ~ e r s ] ~ lr~::t:t:t..:+ dnt-1 di.seast:s <,Iz c;-)i:,i;osiwt-roi?. G e i ~ , 'Cr;?i:Pi, Rep, C-;O-jL)i*,

N e w (jr X.ilari~l:i, ].,A: !J* T; /)epa ~ - t . r i i t ~ r ~ l : CF?

/ i y . r i c r i i t i i r e , i + ' o ~ . e ~ i t S ~ L V I ( : ~ , S ~ ) i . ~ t h c r r i b'ol-c-.:;t Experri i! ient S t i i i - i c l n ; 197",, 3.7 ;-J,

Soloir\i>n, $5, D, ; McCrdciFren, I.', 2 , ; I , s ? w i s , R, /;ii~t";!, 1 t : a c j i i i d ~ '

to ma j ~ r irls~c'i:;, :31~ieas r?s , i i i 7

poll . i . i i :~. in , avid c-hernic;il Ixi-jrrry, C j c r i .

T?cp. SA. - -GI? - . I ? , R"c:i,l!?l..a, GA: Il ,S,

D e p 6 d r - L r n i e r r t o f A g ri.c:ul.iriire, l!orc?s t.

Se1cvi-c(.?, St-.d ke d r i i l Pri:~~~~?:e F ( ~ r e s ? : r y ; 1 980.

r i ,, -:< I > ~ > J - J c ~ r t : . i n (e j~ b, i>f' P,(.]rj. C I , ~ 1 t.!~r<: , 17(3re!;+ !;ervic-ci. .lr~.seci:s and ii.r.;eci:;nis i:i-

tree:; i n c i ~ e !l;, P~I ! -J~* 7 - Ai-. i r a r r t a , (.:I\: LT, S , liepa rt-rriemt o i

A~_ar.~c:u~l.i-tir."~?, Fborc?:;'c ScrvEcn, ,7 -;?uil i-l-)cin$;i:er!~ A r c , t , :;i-at.e r a r?c i XJriv;i te C'ori-istry; 19'12, 8 p,

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T r e e s ciain;r (lei-i

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B I cicll: wa 1 r i u t C:c?t I:on%!doc,ti: i;c?lc-?ci: r e d

<.I (3 1: :-; C ; \ j ~ ~ i i n c : ~ w e ll,rl;:7wood L?ee (:!ti - - ii;i r;l map 1.c. S e l e c t whi.te

I O ; ~ k:r 1 1 ?jtJ--pf >r> 1 a17

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"! i 1 I rlh sil I

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Page 20: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1
Page 21: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1
Page 22: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1

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Page 23: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1
Page 24: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1
Page 25: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1

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Page 27: and to F 180 - Southern Researchneidence and mpact of Darnage to orida's Timber, 1 980 Rotrer--p. R-. AII~C:TSCIP~,' Joe F?McCl~bure,' Noel D, Cost,,' and VV'illliama k--8.i.-4ioftard1

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