And the winner is - PPHE Hotel Group/media/Files/P/PPHE/documents/PPHE...2 PPHE Hotel Group Awards...

And the winner is... Awards and accolades

Transcript of And the winner is - PPHE Hotel Group/media/Files/P/PPHE/documents/PPHE...2 PPHE Hotel Group Awards...

Page 1: And the winner is - PPHE Hotel Group/media/Files/P/PPHE/documents/PPHE...2 PPHE Hotel Group Awards and accolades 3 We have created a portfolio of contemporary hotels with trend-setting

Awards and accolades 1

And the winner is...Awards and accolades

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Awards and accolades 32 PPHE Hotel Group

We have created a portfolio of contemporary hotels with trend-setting designs offering affordable luxury and an excellent hospitality experience in major gateway cities and regional centres in Europe. Across our portfolio we successfully rolled out several restaurant and bar concepts such as the renowned Chino Latino® – modern pan-Asian restaurant and Latino cocktail bar – in our hotels in Leeds, Nottingham, London and Cologne.

We are proud that our philosophy has paid off with some amazing awards and recognitions for Park Plaza® Hotels & Resorts, art’otels® and several of our restaurant and bar concepts.

Take a look at a selection of awards that we have won in recent years!


Since we started PPHE Hotel Group in 1989 our philosophy has been to operate friendly hotels. Over the years this has translated into our current mission statement ‘to inspire our guests through individuality and passion’.

Factory BarPark Plaza County Hall LondonChino Latino® Restaurant & Bar

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Awards and accolades 54 PPHE Hotel Group

2013 Park Plaza Amsterdam Airport GrEEn GlobE CErtifiCation

2012 Park Plaza EindhovenPark Plaza UtrechtGold awardThe Green Key

2012 Park Plaza County Hall LondonPark Plaza NottinghamPark Plaza Westminster Bridge LondonGold awardThe Green Tourism Business Scheme

2012 Park Plaza Victoria AmsterdamSilvEr awardThe Green Key

2012 Park Plaza LeedsPark Plaza Sherlock Holmes LondonPark Plaza Victoria LondonSilvEr awardThe Green Tourism Business Scheme

2012 Park Plaza EindhovenSilvEr award – labEl SuStainablE EntrEPrEnEurLocal government Eindhoven

Park Plaza UtrechtPark Plaza Victoria AmsterdamPark Plaza Nottingham

PPHE Hotel Group

Company Awards

2013 ‘onES to watCH’ Standard for 2013The Sunday Times “Best Companies to Work For”

2011 bESt Small or indEPEndEnt HotEl CHainBusiness Travel Awards

2011 award of ExCEllEnCE for larGE aCCommodation ProvidErUK Inbound

2008 finaliSt bESt buSinESS aCCommodation <50 HotElSBusiness Travel World Awards

2002 bESt GraPHiCS awardEuropean Hotel Design Awards

PPHE Hotel Group

Green Awards

Park Plaza Victoria London

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Plaza on the RiverTM – Club and Residence, London

Park Plaza Cardiff

Park Plaza Westminster Bridge London

2013 Park Plaza MedulinPark Plaza Histria PulaGold mEdal StandardTUI UK & Ireland

2012 Park Plaza Westminster Bridge London3rd bESt CitY CEntrE Simply The Guest Awards

2012 Park Plaza County Hall LondonandrEw wriGHt SErviCE tHrouGH friEndSHiP awardGolden Keys MVP Awards

2012 Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Londondavid HainES ConCiErGE of tHE YEar awardGolden Keys MVP Awards

2012 Park Plaza Cardiff Park Plaza County Hall LondonPark Plaza EindhovenPark Plaza LeedsPark Plaza Orchid Tel AvivPark Plaza Prenzlauer Berg BerlinPark Plaza Riverbank LondonPark Plaza Sherlock Holmes LondonPark Plaza TrierPark Plaza Victoria AmsterdamPark Plaza Victoria LondonPark Plaza Wallstreet Berlin MittePark Plaza Westminster Bridge LondonPlaza on the River – Club and Residence LondontriPadviSor CErtifiCatE of ExCEllEnCE awardTripadvisor

Park Plaza® Hotels & Resorts

Hotel Awards

6 PPHE Hotel Group Awards and accolades 7

2012 Park Plaza Riverbank LondonvEnuE vErdiCt Gold StandardBDRC continental

2012 Park Plaza Victoria AmsterdambESt HotEl in

2012 Park Plaza CardiffvEnuE vErdiCt Gold StandardBDRC continental

2011 Park Plaza County Hall LondonConSidEratE HotEl of tHE YEarCHA

2011 Park Plaza Westminster Bridge LondondESiGn iS...awardShaw Contract Group

2011 Park Plaza County Hall LondonbESt StudEnt PlaCEmEnt ProvidEr 2011Springboard Awards for Excellence

2011 Park Plaza County Hall LondonHouSEkEEPEr of tHE YEar 2011AA

2011 Park Plaza Victoria LondonJoannE aldEr front of HouSE manaGEr of tHE YEar awardHotel Cateys

2011 Park Plaza Westminster Bridge LondontoP 30 bESt EmPloYErS in HoSPitalitY

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Awards and accolades 98 PPHE Hotel Group

2009 Park Plaza CardiffbESt CuStomEr SElECtion awardExpedia

2009 Park Plaza Riverbank LondonbESt uk ConfErEnCE HotEl SilvEr awardConference & Incentive Travel’s Hot List

2009 Park Plaza County Hall LondondoG Star awardAssistance Dogs UK

2009 Park Plaza TriervotEd onE of tHE toP 250 bESt ConfErEnCE HotElS in GErmanY

2009 Park Plaza EindhovenrunnEr uP bESt HouSEkEEPinG dEPartmEnt in tHE nEtHErlandS‘Keeping Up’ Awards

2008 Park Plaza Cardiffno 1 ConfErEnCE HotEl for walES and wEStBDRC

2008 Park Plaza County Hall LondonbuSinESS dEvEloPmEnt tEam of tHE YEarTravel Trade Gazette

2008 Plaza on the River – Club and Residence LondonoffiCial 5-Star aa ratinG

2007 Park Plaza CardiffPlatinum StandardVisitWales Business Class Awards

2007 Park Plaza Cardiffno 1 HotEl vEnuE vErdiCt awardSBDRC

2007 Park Plaza CardiffbESt CuStomEr SElECtion – rEGional ukExpedia

2007 Park Plaza Riverbank LondonbESt london ConfErEnCE vEnuEConference & Incentive Travel Magazine

2007 Park Plaza Riverbank LondonbESt larGE uk HotEl – bronzE awardVisit London

2007 Park Plaza EindhovenPark Plaza HotEl of tHE YEarCarlson Annual Business Conference

2006 Park Plaza Cardiffaa HotEl of tHE YEar – walES

2004 Park Plaza LeedsbESt HotEl liGHtinG CommEndEdEuropean Hotel Design Awards

. 2011 Park Plaza County Hall LondonbESt familY friEndlY HotElHRS Excellence Award

2010 Park Plaza CardiffExPEdia inSidErS’ SElECt awardExpedia

2010 Park Plaza County Hall LondonbESt EmPloYEr awardSpringboard Awards For Excellence

2010 Park Plaza Sherlock Holmes LondonGold Standard awardBDRC Venue Verdict

2010 Park Plaza Riverbank Londonaa roSEttE

2010 Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Londonuk’S bESt HotEl dEal awardTravelzoo

2010 Park Plaza Westminster Bridge LondonintErior dESiGn of tHE YEar award – bEdroomS and batHroomSEuropean Hotel Design Awards

2010 Park Plaza Westminster Bridge LondonCoolESt vEnuE launCHPrestige Events Magazine

2010 Park Plaza Westminster Bridge LondonbESt nEwComErOrbitz

2009 Park Plaza Cardiffno 1 uk ConfErEnCE HotEl vEnuE vErdiCt awardSBDRC

Park Plaza Trier

Park Plaza Riverbank London Park Plaza Leeds Park Plaza Eindhoven

Park Plaza® Hotels & Resorts

Hotel Awards continued

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Awards and accolades 1110 PPHE Hotel Group

2010 art’otel colognerankEd # 32 in ‘tHE 100 bESt HotElS in tHE world’Sunday Times Travel Magazine

2010 art’otel budapestExPEdia inSidErS’ SElECt awardExpedia

2009 art’otel budapestbESt buSinESS HotEl HunGarYBusiness Destinations

2009 art’otel budapestrankEd # 9 in tHE ‘toP 15 larGE CitY HotElS in EuroPE’ (100 roomS or morE)Travel & Leisure

2008 art’otel berlin city center westbESt bookinGS awardExpedia

2008 art’otel budapesttoP 100 bESt valuE & Budget Travel Magazine

art’otel budapestbESt 4 – Star HotEl in

art’otel budapest3rd bESt HotEl in HunGarYExpedia Insider’s Select List


Hotel Awards

art’otel cologne

art’otel budapest

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Awards and accolades 1312 PPHE Hotel Group

Park Plaza Nottingham2013 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

aa roSEttE for CulinarY ExCEllEnCE

Park Plaza Westminster Bridge London2013 Brasserie Joël

aa roSEttE for CulinarY ExCEllEnCE

Park Plaza Leeds2012 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

bESt ovErall rEStaurantH2B Magazine

Park Plaza Leeds2012 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

bESt CitY CEntrE awardH2B Magazine

Park Plaza Leeds2012 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

bESt CitY CEntrE rEStaurant awardThe Oliver Awards – Yorkshire Evening Post

Park Plaza Cardiff2012 Laguna Kitchen & Bar

rEStaurant of tHE YEar South Wales Echo

Park Plaza County Hall London2011 Spectrum Restaurant

2 StarS: SuStainabilitY CHamPionSustainable restaurants association

Park Plaza Riverbank London2011 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

SECond aa roSEttE

Restaurants and Bars


Brasserie Joël

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Awards and accolades 1514 PPHE Hotel Group

Park Plaza Nottingham2009 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

bESt aSian rEStaurantNottingham Restaurant Awards

Park Plaza Victoria London2008 JB’s Restaurant

aa roSEttE

Park Plaza Leeds2008 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

rEStaurant of tHE YEarLeeds Restaurant Association

Park Plaza Nottingham2008 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

bESt oriEntal rEStaurantNottingham Evening Post Restaurant Awards

Park Plaza Victoria London2007 JB’s Restaurant

aa roSEttE

Park Plaza Cardiff2007 Laguna Kitchen & Bar

aa roSEttE

Park Plaza Sherlock Holmes London2007 Sherlock’s Grill

aa roSEttE

Park Plaza Nottingham2007 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

bESt aSian rEStaurantNottingham Restaurant Awards

Park Plaza Nottingham2006 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

Eat JaPan award

Park Plaza Leeds2006 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

bESt fuSion rEStaurantLet’s Eat Leeds

Park Plaza Sherlock Holmes London2006 Sherlock’s Grill

aa roSEttE

Park Plaza Nottingham2006 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

bESt dim Sum finaliSt, uk bESt diSHES awardS Restaurant Magazine

Park Plaza Nottingham2006 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

finaliSt Original Sushi Competition

Park Plaza Nottingham2006 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

bESt aSian rEStaurantNottingham Restaurant Awards

Park Plaza Leeds2005 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

rEStaurant of tHE YEarYorkshire Life

Park Plaza Sherlock Holmes London2005 Sherlock’s Grill

aa roSEttE

Park Plaza Nottingham2005 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

bESt aSian rEStaurantNottingham Restaurant Awards

Park Plaza Riverbank London2011 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

HotEl rEStaurant tEam of tHE YEar awardHotel Cateys

Park Plaza County Hall London2011 Spectrum Restaurant

aa roSEttE

art’otel cologne2010 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

bESt aSian rEStaurant ColoGnEPrinz Top Guide

Park Plaza Victoria London2009 JB’s Restaurant

aa roSEttE

Park Plaza Leeds2009 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

runnEr uP ‘bESt StartEr’ awardLeeds Pan Asian Awards

Park Plaza Leeds2009 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

‘bESt main CourSE’ awardLeeds Pan Asian Awards

Park Plaza Leeds2009 Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

‘bESt rEStaurant’ awardLeeds Pan Asian Awards

Park Plaza Sherlock Holmes London2009 Sherlock’s Grill

aa roSEttE

Laguna Kitchen & Bar

Chino Latino Restaurant & Bar

Sherlock’s Grill

Restaurants and Bars

Awards continued

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16 PPHE Hotel Group

PPHE Hotel GroupCorporate OfficeViñoly Tower, 5th floorClaude Debussylaan 14 1082 MD AmsterdamThe NetherlandsT: +31 (0) 20 717 8600 F: +31 (0) 20 717 8699