AND RACHEL SKIPPER arXiv:2109.05976v1 [math.GT] 13 Sep 2021

FINDING AND COMBINING INDICABLE SUBGROUPS OF BIG MAPPING CLASS GROUPS CAROLYN R. ABBOTT, HANNAH HOGANSON, MARISSA LOVING, PRIYAM PATEL, AND RACHEL SKIPPER Abstract. In this paper, we prove a combination theorem for indicable sub- groups of infinite-type (or big) mapping class groups. Importantly, all sub- groups produced by the combination theorem, as well as those coming from the other results of the paper, can be constructed so that they do not lie in the closure of the compactly supported mapping class group and do not lie in the isometry group for any hyperbolic metric on the relevant infinite-type surface. Along the way, we prove an embedding theorem for indicable subgroups of mapping class groups, a corollary of which gives embeddings of big mapping class groups into other big mapping class groups that are not induced by em- beddings of the underlying surfaces. We also give new constructions of free groups, wreath products with Z, and Baumslag-Solitar groups in big mapping class groups that can be used as an input for the combination theorem. One application of our combination theorem is a new construction of right-angled Artin groups in big mapping class groups. 1. Introduction A fundamental question in low-dimensional topology asks which groups can arise as subgroups of the diffeomorphism group, homeomorphism group, and mapping class group of a surface, denoted by Homeo(S), Diffeo(S), and Map(S), respectively. A classical approach to this problem is to show that a particular group G acts by orientation-preserving isometries on a surface S, which implies that G is a subgroup of the three relevant groups for S mentioned above. In this paper, we give an explicit construction for building subgroups of the mapping class group of certain infinite- type surfaces that do not arise from isometries and describe how these subgroups sit inside the mapping class group. One of the original motivating questions in this line of inquiry was posed by Nielsen. He asked whether every finite subgroup of the mapping class group of a finite-type surface Σ can be realized as a subgroup of the isometry group of some hyperbolic metric on Σ. This is often referred to as the “Nielsen realization problem”. In celebrated work, Kerckhoff answered Nielsen’s question in the affir- mative, [Ker83]. Recently this result was extended to the infinite-type setting by Afton–Calegari–Chen–Lyman, [ACCL20]. However, this result only holds for finite subgroups of Map(S). Since the mapping class group of an infinite-type surface (called a big mapping class group) is uncountably infinite, it is natural to ask if a similar type of Nielsen realization holds for countable, and even uncountable, subgroups. Date : October 6, 2021. 1 arXiv:2109.05976v2 [math.GT] 4 Oct 2021

Transcript of AND RACHEL SKIPPER arXiv:2109.05976v1 [math.GT] 13 Sep 2021

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Abstract. In this paper, we prove a combination theorem for indicable sub-

groups of infinite-type (or big) mapping class groups. Importantly, all sub-groups produced by the combination theorem, as well as those coming from

the other results of the paper, can be constructed so that they do not lie in the

closure of the compactly supported mapping class group and do not lie in theisometry group for any hyperbolic metric on the relevant infinite-type surface.

Along the way, we prove an embedding theorem for indicable subgroups of

mapping class groups, a corollary of which gives embeddings of big mappingclass groups into other big mapping class groups that are not induced by em-

beddings of the underlying surfaces. We also give new constructions of free

groups, wreath products with Z, and Baumslag-Solitar groups in big mappingclass groups that can be used as an input for the combination theorem. One

application of our combination theorem is a new construction of right-angled

Artin groups in big mapping class groups.

1. Introduction

A fundamental question in low-dimensional topology asks which groups can ariseas subgroups of the diffeomorphism group, homeomorphism group, and mappingclass group of a surface, denoted by Homeo(S),Diffeo(S), and Map(S), respectively.A classical approach to this problem is to show that a particular group G acts byorientation-preserving isometries on a surface S, which implies that G is a subgroupof the three relevant groups for S mentioned above. In this paper, we give an explicitconstruction for building subgroups of the mapping class group of certain infinite-type surfaces that do not arise from isometries and describe how these subgroupssit inside the mapping class group.

One of the original motivating questions in this line of inquiry was posed byNielsen. He asked whether every finite subgroup of the mapping class group ofa finite-type surface Σ can be realized as a subgroup of the isometry group ofsome hyperbolic metric on Σ. This is often referred to as the “Nielsen realizationproblem”. In celebrated work, Kerckhoff answered Nielsen’s question in the affir-mative, [Ker83]. Recently this result was extended to the infinite-type setting byAfton–Calegari–Chen–Lyman, [ACCL20]. However, this result only holds for finitesubgroups of Map(S). Since the mapping class group of an infinite-type surface(called a big mapping class group) is uncountably infinite, it is natural to ask ifa similar type of Nielsen realization holds for countable, and even uncountable,subgroups.

Date: October 6, 2021.










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Aougab–Patel–Vlamis [APV] recently gave a characterization of what groupscan be obtained as the isometry group of some hyperbolic metric on various classesof infinite-type surfaces. For example, they show that if an infinite-type surfaceS contains a non-displaceable subsurface, then a group G can be realized as theisometry group of some hyperbolic metric on S if and only if G is finite. Thus, forthese surfaces, any infinite subgroup of the mapping class group of S cannot actvia isometries on S. They also show that no uncountable group can be obtainedas the isometry group of a hyperbolic metric on any infinite-type surface. Theseresults make clear that if we are interested in explicit constructions of interestingsubgroups of big mapping class groups, then focusing solely on building them fromisometries will be too restrictive.

Below, we use a method inspired by work of Allcock [All06] to explicitly constructvarious subgroups of infinite-type mapping class groups that cannot be realized assubgroups of the isometry group for any hyperbolic metric on the surface. In par-ticular, Allcock uses a Cayley graph for a group G to construct a hyperbolic surfacewhose isometry group is exactly G. We edit this construction and utilize shift mapson the surface S in such a way that the relevant group cannot act via isometrieson S. Furthermore, we construct (uncountably many) distinct embeddings of sucha group G in Map(S). Lastly, all of the subgroups we produce are of intrinsicallyinfinite type, meaning that they do not lie fully in the closure of the compactly

supported mapping class group, Mapc(S). The only exceptions to this are when S

is finite-type or the Loch Ness Monster surface, for which Mapc(S) = Map(S). Ourmain theorem is a combination theorem for indicable subgroups of Map(S), i.e.,subgroups which admit a surjection to Z. The ?-product used in the Theorem 1.1is known in the literature as a “free product with commuting subgroups,” a nat-ural construction that has been well-studied in the literature. Some basic grouptheoretic properties of such groups can be found in [MKS04, Section 4.2, Prob-lems 22–25]. In particular, they show that the ?-product can be written as theiterated amalgamated product

(G1, H1) ? (G2, H2) = G1 ∗H1(H1 ×H2) ∗H2


The algorithmic properties for these groups (such as the word and conjugacy prob-lem) have been well-studied [MS73, Hur76]. Residual and separability propertiesof such groups have also been extensively studied in [Log99, Tie05, TM10, TM08,Sok14]. This product provides a natural interpolation between free products anddirect products and includes, for example, graph products of groups.

Theorem 1.1. Let Gi be indicable groups that embed in Map(Si), for i = 1, . . . , n,where Si is a surface with exactly one boundary component. For each i, fix asurjective map fi : Gi → Z, and let Hi be the kernel of fi. Let Π be the surfaceobtained from an (n + 1)–holed sphere by gluing each Si to one of its boundarycomponents. Let Γ be the standard Cayley graph of Fn, and let S = SΓ(Π). Thenthe indicable group (G1, H1) ? · · · ? (Gn, Hn) embeds in Map(S).

We direct the reader to Section 3 for a definition of the surface SΓ(Π). Impor-tantly, the support of the homeomorphisms defined in our construction is not allof SΓ(Π). In particular, we may change the topology outside the support of thehomeomorphisms in any way we choose. In this way, Theorem 1.1 actually showsthat (G1, H1) ? · · · ? (Gn, Hn) embeds in the mapping class group of a wide class ofinfinite-type surfaces. In particular, we can arrange for the edited surface to have

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a non-displaceable subsurface so that the subgroups we construct could not arisefrom a construction using isometries.

By carefully choosing Gi and Hi, we obtain the following corollary of the Theo-rem 1.1.

Corollary 1.2. For any surface Π of sufficient complexity, there exists an infinitefamily of right-angled Artin groups which embed into Map(S) and are not completely

contained in Mapc(S), where S = SΓ(Π).

Right-angled Artin groups are well studied in connection to mapping class groupsof finite-type surfaces as they give plentiful examples of convex cocompact sub-groups. Although the constructions of right-angled Artin groups in the finite-typesetting (for example, the Clay-Leininger-Mangahas Embedding Theorem [CLM12]),port immediately to the infinite-type setting through subsurface inclusion, they nec-essarily do not produce examples of subgroups of intrinsically infinite type. This isin stark contrast to the construction given in this paper.

One of the ingredients needed to prove Theorem 1.1 is Theorem 4.2, whichdemonstrates how to construct many distinct embeddings of a groupG into Map(S),where G is an indicable group that arises as a subgroup of the mapping class groupof another surface Π with one boundary component, and S is a surface that admitsa shift map with domain DΠ (see Definition 2.5). An important corollary to thisresult is obtained when the surface Π is itself of infinite type and G is taken to bethe pure mapping class group PMap(Π).

Corollary 1.3. Let Π be an infinite-type surface with at least two non-planar endsand exactly one boundary component. Given any surface S that admits a shift whosedomain is DΠ, there exist uncountably many embeddings of PMap(Π) into Map(S)that are not induced by an embedding of Π into S.

This corollary is in line with a body of work dedicated to understanding andconstructing interesting homomorphisms between mapping class groups; see, forexample, [ALS09, AS13, ALM21]. In fact, when Map(Π) is indicable, we can use thefull mapping class group instead of PMap(Π) in this corollary (see Corollary 4.5).We give examples of such surfaces Π in Example 4.4.

For other applications and to illustrate the breadth of Theorem 1.1, we notethat there are a variety of indicable groups that arise as subgroups of mappingclass groups of surfaces with exactly one boundary component that can play therole of Gi in the statement of Theorem 1.1 (or the role of G in the statement ofTheorem 4.2). In particular, one can let Gi be any indicable subgroup of Map(S)where S is a finite-type surface with exactly one boundary component (for example,free group constructions coming from pseudo-Anosov elements, right-angled Artingroups, and braid groups, to name a few). In Section 3, we provide examples of newconstructions of indicable subgroups of big mapping class groups which can play therole of Gi, including solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups BS(1, n), free groups Fn, andwreath products G oZ where G is any group known to be a subgroup of the mappingclass group of a surface with boundary. Moreover, all of these constructions yieldsubgroups that are of intrinsically infinite-type. These results are summarized inthe following two propositions.

Proposition 1.4. There exist infinite-type surfaces with non-normal, non-abelianfree subgroups of any rank in their mapping class groups, each of which is of intrin-sically infinite type.

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This construction of free subgroups is distinct from classical ones both because itproduces non-normal subgroups and because it does not rely on applying the ping-pong lemma to collections of elements acting loxodromically on a hyperbolic metricspace, for example, on the curve graph or on a projection complex as introducedby Bestvina–Bromberg–Fujiwara [BBF15]. A construction of free subgroups of bigmapping class groups using the projection complex machinery is given by Horbez–Qing–Rafi [HQR20].

Proposition 1.5. Let Π be a surface with a single boundary component. If S isa surface which admits a shift with domain DΠ, then, with appropriate restrictionson Π, the groups BS(1, n) and G o Z arise as subgroups of Map(S).

More precise statements of Proposition 1.5 for each particular subgroup, includ-ing the necessary restrictions on Π, can be found in Section 3 (see Theorem 3.9and Proposition 3.8). We construct these subgroups in the mapping class group ofvarious surfaces, some of which have nondisplaceable subsurfaces. In the case ofsurfaces containing a nondisplaceable subsurface, these subgroups can never arisewithin the isometry group with respect to any hyperbolic metric [APV]; so our con-struction produces the first embeddings of these groups inside such big mappingclass groups. On the other hand, it was already known that BS(1, n) and GoZ mustarise as the isometry group of, for example, some hyperbolic metric on the Bloom-ing Cantor Tree Surface1, by work of Aougab–Patel–Vlamis [APV]. However, evenin this case, Proposition 1.5 gives an uncountable collection of isomorphic copies ofthese subgroups in the big mapping class group, none of which can be realized byisometries due to the nature of our construction.

Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank Women in Groups, Ge-ometry, and Dynamics (WiGGD) for sponsoring their collaboration, which wassupported by NSF DMS–1552234, DMS–1651963, and DMS–1848346. The authorsalso thank Mladen Bestvina and Rylee Lyman for helpful conversations, as well asGeorge Domat for productive discussions about surfaces with indicable mappingclass groups.

In addition, the authors acknowledge support from NSF grants DMS–1803368and DMS–2106906 (Abbott), DMS–1906095 and RTG DMS–1840190 (Hoganson),DMS-1902729 (Loving), DMS-1937969 and DMS-2046889 (Patel), and DMS–2005297(Skipper).

2. Preliminaries

2.1. Ends of surfaces. Essential to the classification of infinite-type surfaces isthe notion of an end of a surface and the space of all such ends for an infinite-typesurface S.

Definition 2.1. An exiting sequence in S is a sequence Unn∈N of connected opensubsets of Σ satisfying:

(1) Un ⊂ Um whenever m < n;(2) Un is not relatively compact for any n ∈ N, that is, the closure of Un in S

is not compact;(3) the boundary of Un is compact for each n ∈ N; and

1In fact, this is true for any surface of infinite genus with no planar ends, no boundary, andself similar end space.

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(4) any relatively compact subset of S is disjoint from all but finitely many ofthe Un’s.

Two exiting sequences Unn∈N and Vnn∈N are equivalent if for every n ∈ N thereexists m ∈ N such that Um ⊂ Vn and Vm ⊂ Un. An end of S is an equivalence classof exiting sequences.

The space of ends of S, denoted E(S) or simply E, is the set of ends of Sequipped with a natural topology for which it is totally disconnected, Hausdorff,second countable, and compact. In particular, E(S) is homeomorphic to a closedsubset of the Cantor set. The definition of the topology on the space of ends is notrelevant to this paper and is, therefore, omitted.

Ends of S can be isolated or not and can be planar (if there exists an i such thatUi is homeomorphic to an open subset of the plane R2) or nonplanar (if every Uihas infinite genus). The set of nonplanar ends of S is a closed subspace of E(S)and will be denoted by Eg(S) (these are frequently called the ends accumulatedby genus). We have the following classification theorem of Kerekjarto [Ker23] andRichards [Ric63]:

Theorem 2.2 (Classification of infinite-type surfaces). The homeomorphism typeof an orientable infinite-type surface S is determined by the quadruple

(g, b, Eg(S), E(S))

where g ∈ Z≥0 ∪ ∞ is the genus of S and b ∈ Z≥0 is the number of (compact)boundary components of S.

2.2. Mapping class group. The mapping class group of S is the set of orientationpreserving homeomorphisms of S which fix the boundary pointwise, up to isotopy,and is denoted by Map(S). The natural topology on the set of homeomorphisms ofS is the compact-open topology, and Map(S) is endowed with the induced quotienttopology. Equipped with this topology, Map(S) is a topological group. When Sis a finite-type surface, this topology on Map(S) agrees with the discrete topology,but when S is of infinite type, the two topologies are distinct. Relevant subgroupsof Map(S) include the pure mapping class group PMap(S), which is the subgroupthat fixes the set of ends of S pointwise, and the subgroup of compactly supportedmapping classes denoted by Mapc(S).

Definition 2.3. A mapping class f ∈ Map(S) is of intrinsically infinite type if

f /∈ Mapc(S). A subgroup H ≤ Map(S) is of intrinsically infinite type if H is not

completely contained in Mapc(S).

The closure of Mapc(S) is taken with respect to the compact-open topology in theabove definition. In this paper, all of the subgroups of Map(S) that we constructcontain many intrinsically infinite-type homeomorphisms and, therefore, cannot becompletely contained in Mapc(S) (except when S is finite-type or the Loch Ness

Monster, in which case Mapc(S) = Map(S)). Recall that the Loch Ness Monstersurface is the unique (up to homeomorphism) infinite-genus surface with one end.

We are particularly interested in indicable groups and various ways of embeddingthem in mapping class groups of infinite-type surfaces. A group G is indicable ifthere exists a surjective homomorphism f : G→ Z. We show with Lemma 4.1 thata group G is indicable if and only if there is a presentation for G where the relatorsall have total exponent sum zero in the generators of G. Importantly, many of our

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constructions require, as an input, an indicable subgroup G of Map(S) where S isa surface with exactly one boundary component. There are many examples of suchgroups that were mentioned in Section 1, but there are also some restrictions onwhat groups G can arise in this way, as is evidenced by the following lemma, whichgeneralizes the same result from the finite-type setting [FM12, Corollary 7.3].

Lemma 2.4 (Corollary 3, [ACCL20]). If S is an orientable infinite-type surfacewith nonempty compact boundary, the mapping class group fixing the boundarypointwise is torsion-free.

2.3. Push and shift maps. In this section, we define shift maps and push maps,which are central to all of our constructions. The first definition of a shift mapwas for handle shifts, defined in [PV18]. This inspired the following definition fromAbbott–Miller–Patel [AMP]. A similar definition of shift maps appears in [MR19]and [LL20].

Definition 2.5. Let DΠ be the surface defined by taking the strip R × [−1, 1],removing an open disk of radius 1

4 with center (n, 0) for n ∈ Z, and attaching anyfixed topologically nontrivial surface Π with exactly one boundary component tothe boundary of each such disk. A shift on DΠ is the homeomorphism that actslike a translation, sending (x, y) to (x+1, y) for y ∈ [−1+ ε, 1− ε] and which tapersto the identity on ∂DΠ.

Given a surface S with a proper embedding of DΠ into S so that the two endsof the strip correspond to two different ends of S, the shift on DΠ induces a shifton S, where the homeomorphism acts as the identity on the complement of DΠ.If instead we have a proper embedding of DΠ into S where the two ends of thestrip correspond to the same end, we call the resulting homeomorphism on S aone-ended shift. Given a shift or one-ended shift h on S, the embedded copy of DΠ

in S is called the domain of h. By abuse of notation, we will sometimes say thatthe domain of the shift or one-ended shift h is DΠ rather than referring to it as anembedded copy of DΠ in S (when it is clear from context to which embedded copyof DΠ we are referring).

Remark 2.6. Given a shift map h corresponding to an embedding of DΠ into asurface S, one can define a new and distinct shift map h′ on S by omitting someof the surfaces Πi from the domain, as long as infinitely many remain. This givesanother embedding of DΠ into S. Since there are uncountably many infinite subsetsof Z, we can construct uncountably many distinct embeddings of DΠ into S, andthus uncountably many distinct shift maps on S, in this way. The same argumentgoes through for one-ended shifts as well.

Remark 2.7. If the surface Π in Definition 2.5 has a nontrivial end space, then ashift or one-ended shift h on S with domain DΠ is not in PMap(S) since there are

ends of S that are not fixed by h. Thus, h /∈ Mapc(S) and is of intrinsically infinitetype. On the other hand, if h is a shift map and if Π is a finite-genus surface withno planar ends, then h is a power of a handle shift on S, and the proof of [PV18,

Proposition 6.3] again tells us that h /∈ Mapc(S). However, the second conclusiondoes not hold when h is a one-ended handle shift since, in that case, it follows fromwork in [PV18] that h ∈ Mapc(S).

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Figure 1. A surface S that admits a shift whose domain is anembedded copy of DΠ.

We now use the construction of shift maps to introduce finite shifts. These areconstructed in a completely analogous way, starting with an annulus instead of abiinfinite strip.

Definition 2.8. Let AΠ be the surface defined by taking the annulus

([0, n]/0 ∼ n)× [−1, 1],

removing an open disk of radius 14 centered at the integer points, and attaching any

fixed topologically nontrivial surface Π with exactly one boundary component tothe boundary of each disk. A finite shift on AΠ is the homeomorphism that acts likea translation, sending (x, y) to (x+1, y) (modulo n) for y ∈ [−1+ε, 1−ε] and whichtapers to the identity on ∂AΠ. Given a surface S with a proper embedding of AΠ

into S, the finite shift on AΠ induces a finite shift on S, where the homeomorphismacts as the identity on the complement of AΠ. We call the embedded copy of AΠ

the domain of the finite shift.

Definition 2.9. A push is any map that is a finite shift, a one-ended shift, or ashift map.

In Section 3, we will introduce the notion of a multipush once we have developedsome further notation and language.

3. Construction of subgroups of big mapping class groups

In this section, we begin by constructing a class of surfaces based on an un-derlying graph. In section 3.2, we show how to use this construction to find freesubgroups of many big mapping class groups. In sections 3.3, and 3.4, we con-struct certain wreath products, and solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups as subgroupsof many big mapping class groups. In all cases, the subgroups G we construct areintrinsically infinite type (except when S is finite-type or the Loch Ness Monster)and there is no hyperbolic metric for which these isomorphic copies of G in Map(S)are subgroups of the isometry group of S.

3.1. A construction of surfaces.

Definition 3.1. A d–leg pants is a surface which is homeomeorphic to a (d+ 1)–holed sphere. Recall that the usual pair of pants is a 2–leg pants.

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Definition 3.2. A set of seams on a d–leg pants is a collection of d+ 1 disjointlyembedded arcs such that each boundary component of the pants intersects exactlytwo components of the seams at two distinct points and such that the seams cuteach pants into two components. Call one component the front side and the othercomponent the back side. Note that these conditions imply that each componentis homeomorphic to a disk.

Now, starting from any graph Γ with a countable vertex set, we describe a proce-dure for building a surface SΓ using Γ as a framework. This mirrors a constructionof Allcock in [All06] using the Cayley graph of a given group G. Fix a surface Πwith exactly one boundary component.

For each vertex u of valence d+1, start with a d–leg pants. Remove a disk on theinterior of the front side, and attach the surface Π along the boundary component.Call the resulting surface the vertex surface for u, which we denote by Vu. Foreach edge of the graph, define the edge surface E to be the 1–leg pants with seams(topologically this is an annulus).

For each vertex, we take its corresponding vertex surface. Whenever u and v aretwo vertices of Γ connected by an edge, then connect the vertex surfaces Vu and Vvwith an edge surface E(u, v) by gluing the first boundary component of the edgesurface to a boundary component of Vu and the second boundary component of theedge surface to a boundary component of Vv so that the gluing is compatible in thefollowing sense: the union of the seams separates SΓ into two disjoint connectedcomponents, the front and the back. Call the resulting surface SΓ(Π). In SΓ(Π),we let Πv be the copy of Π on the vertex surface Vv. See Figure 2 for an example.Notice that the assumption that the vertex set V (Γ) of Γ is countable is necessaryfor this construction to yield a surface. In particular, if V (Γ) is uncountable, thenSΓ(Π) is not second countable, and therefore cannot be a surface.

In this paper, we will work with the surfaces SΓ(Π) as well as a more generalclass of surfaces constructed by editing the back of SΓ(Π) as follows. Fix a graphΓ with a countable vertex set and a surface with one boundary component Π, andlet S = SΓ(Π). Given any collection of surfaces Ωvv∈V (Γ), only finitely many ofwhich have boundary, we form the surface S #

v∈V (Γ)

Ωi as follows. For each v ∈ V (Γ),

take the connect sum of Vv and the corresponding Ωv, where we assume that theconnect sum is done on the back of Vv. We note that if every Ωv is a sphere,then S #

v∈V (Γ)

Ωv is homeomorphic to S. On the other hand, by choosing the Ωv

to be more complicated, we can change the homeomorphism type of the surfaceby changing the genus or the space of ends. Thus, even for a fixed surface Π, thisconstruction will result in a large family of surfaces, formed by varying the Ωv.

Another way to modify the surfaces that our constructions produce is to takemultiple surfaces SΓi(Πi), all of which have a subgroup isomorphic to G, and taketheir connect sum, done on the backs of the surfaces. The resulting surface willhave the individual copies of G in its mapping class group, as well as a copy of Gwith larger support coming from the diagonal action.

The underlying graph Γ used to build SΓ(Π) throughout this paper will often bea Schreier graph, which is defined as follows. Let G be a finitely generated group, Ha subgroup of G, and T a finite generating set for G. The Schreier graph Γ(G,T,H)is the graph whose vertices are the left cosets of H and in which, for each pair ofa coset gH and a generator s ∈ T , there is an edge from gH to sgH labeled by s.

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Figure 2. An example of the surface SΓ(Π) for the group Z2 =〈a, b〉 acting on its Cayley graph Γ = Γ(Z2, a, b).

Note that if gH = sgH, there is a loop labeled s at the vertex corresponding togH. Our assumption on the finiteness of T ensures that Γ(G,T,H) has a countablevertex set. When Γ is a Schreier graph, we let ΠgH be the copy of Π on the vertexsurface corresponding to the coset gH. In the special case when H = 1, theSchreier graph Γ(G,T, 1) is simply the Cayley graph of G with respect to thegenerating set T , which we denote Γ(G,T ). There is a natural action of G on itsSchreier graph given by k(gH) = (kg)H, for any coset gH and k ∈ G.

We are now ready to define a multipush on an infinite-type surface SΓ(Π) #v∈V (Γ)


Definition 3.3. Let G be a group and Γ = Γ(G,T,H) be a Schreier graph. Fixa surface Π with exactly one boundary component. Let S = SΓ(Π) #

v∈V (Γ)

Ωv for

any collection of surfaces Ωv, all but finitely many of which are without boundary.For each generator s ∈ T , fix a transversal T for the subgroup 〈s〉 in G. For eachelement t in the transversal we define a push h〈s〉t which maps ΠsitH to Πsi+1tH .The support of h〈s〉t is contained in front of(⋃


) ⋃ (⋃i∈Z

E(sitH, si+1tH)


The multipush xs associated to s is the element of Map(S) that acts simultaneouslyas the pushes h〈s〉t for each t ∈ T . We let Ds denote the domain of the multipushxs. See Figure 3.

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Figure 3. A portion of the domain Da (in blue) of the multipushxa on the surface SΓ(Π), where the group F2 = 〈a, b〉 acts on itsCayley graph Γ = Γ(F2, a, b).

Remark 3.4. Just as in Remark 2.6, one multipush xs associated to a generators on a surface S can be used to produce uncountably many distinct domains formultipushes associated to s by simply removing some of the copies of Π from thedomain of the multipush. One can picture this by moving some of the copies of Πin S to the back of S.

Remark 3.5. One of the key features of our subgroup constructions below is thatthey utilize push and multipush maps. Notice that if the complement of the domainof a push or multipush map is topologically nontrivial, the map cannot act as anisometry for any hyperbolic metric on S.

Given Remark 2.6, we have that for any surface admitting one shift map there areuncountably many other shift maps such that the complement of their domains aretopologically nontrivial since they, in particular, contain some copies of the surfaceΠ in S. This argument also works for one-ended shifts, and using Remark 3.4 inplace of Remark 2.6 gives the same result for multipushes. However, this argumentdoes not apply to finite shifts, as the copies of Π in the domain are no longer inbijection with Z.

Many results in the remainder of this section (and later sections) apply to themapping class group of a surface which contains an embedded copy of DΠ foran appropriate surface with one boundary component Π. Such surfaces includeS = SΓ(Π) #

v∈V (Γ)

Ωv for any graph Γ which contains a bi-infinite path and any

collection of surfaces Ωv, only finitely many of which have boundary. By choosing

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the collection Ωv carefully, we can often ensure that the resulting surface S hasa non-displaceable subsurface, and hence its isometry group (with respect to anyhyperbolic metric) contains only finite groups [APV]. In particular, the groups weconstruct could not arise from a construction using isometries for any such surface.

3.2. Free groups. The construction of SΓ(Π) from Section 3.1 and Theorem 3.7below were motivated by the following construction of a free subgroup of intrinsi-cally infinite type.

Example 3.6. Let Γ be the Cayley graph of the free group F2 = 〈a, b〉, whichis the Schreier graph Γ(F2, a, b, 1), and build S = SΓ(Π) with Π a torus withone boundary component. Then the resulting surface is homeomorphic to theblooming Cantor tree surface, that is, the surface with no boundary componentsand a Cantor set of nonplanar ends. The multipushes xa and xb generate a copy ofF2 in PMap(S). To see this, observe that for any g ∈ 〈a, b〉, the multipush xa mapsΠg to Πag, and similarly for xb. Thus, the only way for a word w ∈ 〈xa, xb〉 to acttrivially on the surface is if the corresponding word in 〈a, b〉 is trivial. Moreover,

Remark 2.7 shows that this copy of F2 in PMap(S) is not contained in Mapc(S).

This example is simplified by the fact that F2 has no relations and Γ is a tree,so we only need to track where Πid is mapped. Generalizing this example to othergroups, we have the following theorem, from which Proposition 1.4 follows imme-diately.

Theorem 3.7. Let Γ be a Schreier graph for a triple (G,T,H). Then the set xα |α ∈ T generates a free group of rank |T | in Map(S), where S = SΓ(Π) #

v∈V (Γ)


for any topologically nontrivial surface Π with exactly one boundary component,and any collection of surfaces Ωv, only finitely many of which have boundary. If|T | = 1, then we require that at least one Ωv is not a sphere.

Moreover, if S = SΓ(Π) is not a finite-type surface, there exist uncountablymany copies of such a free group in Map(S), none of which can lie entirely in theisometry group for any hyperbolic metric on S. If S is neither a finite-type surfacenor the Loch Ness monster surface, none of these isomorphic copies of F|T | can be

completely contained in Mapc(S).

Proof. Let w = t1 . . . tk be a non-trivial reduced word in the generating set T andlet xw := xt1 · · ·xtk . We aim to show that xw is nontrivial. If w /∈ H, then as inExample 3.6, we see xwΠH = ΠwH 6= ΠH and therefore xw 6= 1.

Now suppose w = t1 . . . tk represents an element in H so that xwΠH = ΠH . Letγ be a simple closed curve given by the intersection of the vertex surface VH for theidentity coset of H, and the edge surface E(H, tkH) for the generator tk. We claimthat γ and xwγ bound surfaces with nontrivial topology. In the case where |T | ≥ 2,Figure 4 demonstrates this phenomenon, where the cycle in Γ is of length 4. Notethat if G is one-generated and Γ is infinite, then Γ(G,T,H) = Γ(Z, 1, id) isthe Cayley graph of Z with its standard generator, and so there are no nontrivialwords in H = id. Thus, if G is one-generated then Γ is a finite cycle. In this case,the requirement that some Ωi is not a sphere guarantees that γ and xwγ boundsurfaces with non trivial topology. We see that γ and xwγ are not homotopic, andconclude that xw 6= 1.

Note that if we apply Remark 3.4 to the multipush xt for some t ∈ T , then thisactually removes those copies of Π from the domains of xt for all t ∈ T , and so

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Figure 4. A portion of a Schreier graph with the curve γ fromthe proof of Theorem 3.7 in blue. The four figures show the inter-mediate steps for computing xwγ, which is shown in red in (D).

the construction is still well-defined. Thus Remark 3.4 yields uncountably manydistinct multipush domains for the argument above, and therefore uncountablymany distinct embeddings of F|T | in Map(S), unless the surface S = SΓ(Π) isfinite-type. In the case where S is finite-type, the underlying graph Γ is finite, sothe multipushes are disjoint unions of finite shift maps for which Remark 3.4 doesnot apply.

The fact that the copies of F|T | cannot lie in the isometry group for any hyperbolicmetric on S follows from Remark 3.5. Additionally, when S is not finite-type orthe Loch Ness Monster (in which case Mapc(S) = Map(S)), each multipush in theargument above is a collection of shift maps so that Remark 2.7 gives us the lastconclusion of the theorem.

The free groups resulting from Theorem 3.7 are not normal subgroups of themapping class group of S. For example, when Π is not a punctured disk, we cansee this by choosing a simple closed curve δ on ΠH and considering the Dehn twistabout it, Tδ. Because Tδ xα T−1

δ is not in the group 〈xα〉 we see that the groupis not normal.

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(−3, 0) (−2, 0) (−1, 0) (0, 0) (1, 0) (2, 0) (3, 0)

(0, 1)

(0, 2)

(0, 3)




Figure 5. The shifts ha and hb do not generate a free group.

3.2.1. Shift Maps that do not generate a free group. Our construction above usesa countable collection of intersecting shift maps to ensure the resulting group isfree. The following example demonstrates why this is necessary by showing thatthe group generated by two shift maps with minimal intersection is not free. Weuse the convention that [x, y] = xyx−1y−1.

Let Γ be the four-ended tree with a single vertex of valence four and all othervertices of valence two. Identify Γ with the coordinate axes in R2 to get a labelingof the vertices as integer coordinates. Let Π be any surface with one boundarycomponent that is not a disk, and construct the surface S = SΓ(Π). There is ahorizontal shift, ha, corresponding to the +(1, 0) map on the x–axis and a verti-cal shift, hb corresponding to +(0, 1) on the y–axis, as shown in Figure 5. Theintersection of the supports of these shifts is contained in the front of V(0,0). Itcan be checked that the support of [ha, hb] is contained in the fronts of V(1,0),

V(0,0), and V(0,1). The word w = h2ah−1b ha maps Π(0,1),Π(0,0),Π(1,0) to the col-

lection Π(2,0),Π(3,0),Π(4,0). Thus, the elements [ha, hb] and w[ha, hb]w−1 have

disjoint supports and commute. More generally, the words wn = h3n+2a h−1

b ha mapΠ(0,1),Π(0,0),Π(1,0) to Π(2+3n,0),Π(3+3n,0),Π(4+3n,0). In this way, not only dowe see that H := 〈ha, hb〉 is not a free group, but that it actually contains copiesof Zn for all n.

In fact, more can be said about the group H: it is isomorphic to a 2–generatedsubgroup of an infinite strand braid group. To see this, note that the group struc-ture of H is not dependent on the surface Π that we attach, so we may assume Π isa punctured disk. We can also realize the shift domains as a disk, where the punc-tures in each shift domain have two distinct accumulation points on the boundary.Because braid groups are mapping class groups of punctured disks, this view pointallows us to realize H as a subgroup of the infinite strand braid group in whichbraids are allowed to have non-compact support. In particular, H is isomorphic tothe subgroup of this braid group generated by the elements ha and hb, viewed asbraids with non-compact support.

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3.3. Wreath products. We now generalize the construction of Z o Z in Lanier–Loving [LL20] to construct wreath products in big mapping class groups. In par-ticular, when G is chosen to be the infinite cyclic group generated by a single Dehntwist, we recover [LL20, Theorem 4].

Proposition 3.8. Let G ≤ Map(Π) where Π is a surface with a single boundarycomponent. If S is a surface that admits a shift whose domain is an embeddedcopy of DΠ, then the restricted wreath product G o Z is a subgroup of Map(S).Moreover, there are uncountably many copies of G o Z in Map(S) that are not

contained in Mapc(S) and cannot be realized as subgroups of the isometry group forany hyperbolic metric on S.

Proof. Recall that

G o Z =


Goγ Z,

that is, the semidirect product of Z with the direct sum of countably many copiesof G, where the action of Z is by shifting the coordinates. In particular, indexingthe copies of G in the direct sum by i ∈ Z, we have that γ : Z = 〈t〉 → Aut (


is defined by γ(t)(Gi) = tGit−1 = Gi+1.

Let Gi be a copy of G whose support is contained in Πi, the surface at the i-indexof DΠ, and let h be the shift with domain DΠ. As hk takes the surface Π0 to Πk foreach k ∈ Z, we see hkG0h

−k = Gk. For k 6= `, the groups Gk and G` have disjointsupport and therefore commute. Thus

〈hkG0h−k〉 ∼=



Moreover, we have that 〈h〉 ∩ 〈hkG0h−k〉 = 〈h〉 ∩ 〈Gk〉 = 1. We conclude that

〈G0, h〉 = G o Z ≤ Map(S). The fact that there are uncountably many copies ofG o Z in Map(S) follows from Remark 2.6, and that these copies cannot lie in theisometry group for any hyperbolic metric on S from Remark 3.5. The fact thatnone of these copies are contained in Mapc(S) follows from Remark 2.7.

3.4. Solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups. In our third and final construction, wefocus on solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups. Fixing a positive integer n, recall thatthe Baumslag-Solitar group BS(1, n) is the group with presentation

BS(1, n) = 〈a, t | tat−1a−n〉.

Theorem 3.9. Let Π be a Cantor tree surface with one boundary component. IfS is a surface which admits a shift with domain DΠ, then BS(1, n) ≤ Map(S) forall n > 0. Moreover, for each n there are uncountably many copies of BS(1, n) in

Map(S) that are not contained in Mapc(S) and cannot be realized as subgroups ofthe isometry group for any hyperbolic metric on S.

Proof. We will first construct a collection of homeomorphisms of Π. We consider Πto be the sphere S2 with a Cantor set C of planar ends on the equator and a smalldisk removed around the north pole. For each k ∈ Z, we will define a collectionof simple closed curves which divide C into clopen sets. When k = 0, define anarbitrary countable collection of disjoint clopen sets of C using a collection of simpleclosed curves α0

i i∈Z. When k = 1, for each i, divide the punctures contained in

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Figure 6. The most straightforward example of a surface S forwhich Theorem 3.9 shows that BS(1, n) ≤ Map(S) for all n > 0.

α0i into n clopen sets using simple closed curves α1

i,1, . . . , α1i,n. Continue in this

manner for all k ≥ 2. When k = −1, for each i ≡ 0 mod n, let l = i/n andlet α−1

l be a simple closed curve such that α−1l , α0

i , α0i+1, . . . , α

0i+n−1 cobound an

(n + 1)–holed sphere. Thus, α−1l groups together the ends that are cut away by

α0i , α

0i+1, . . . , α

0i+n−1. Continue in this manner for all k ≤ −2.

We now define an element of Map(Π) for each k ∈ Z. The mapping class φ0 isthe shift that sends α0

i to α0i+1 for all i ∈ Z. The mapping class φ1 is the shift that

sends α1i,j to α1

i,j+1 when 1 ≤ j < n and α1i,n to α1

i+1,1. Define φk when k ≥ 2

analogously. The mapping class φ−1 is the shift that sends α−1l to α−1

l+1. Define φkfor k ≤ −2 analogously.

Let φ ∈ Map(S) be the element which simultaneously acts as φk on Πk for eachk ∈ Z and as the identity elsewhere. Let h ∈ Map(S) be the shift whose domain isDΠ. See Figure 6.

Let f : BS(1, n) → Map(S) be the map defined by f(a) = φ and f(t) = h.We will show that f is an isomorphism onto its image, i.e., Map(S) contains anisomorphic copy of BS(1, n).

For each k ∈ Z, the mapping class f(tat−1) = hφh−1 first shifts Πk to the left,applies φ, which now acts as φk−1 on Πk, and then shifts Πk back to the right. Byconstruction, φk−1 applied to Πi is equivalent to φnk applied to Πi. It follows that

f(tat−1) = hφh−1 = φn = f(an).

Therefore, f is a well-defined homomorphism.Suppose there exists g ∈ BS(1, n) such that f(g) is the identity of Map(S).

Using the relation in BS(1, n), the element g can be written as g = tiakt−j forsome k ∈ Z and i, j ∈ Z≥0. Since f(g) = hiφkh−j is the identity, it must fix eachΠi, and so we must have i = j. Consider the surface Π0. Then, f(g) first shiftsΠ0 to the left j times, applies φk (which acts as φk−j on Π−j), and then shifts back

to Π0. The result of this is that f(g) acts as the shift φk−j on Π0. The only way

that f(g) acts as the identity on Π0 is if k = 0. Thus, g = tia0t−i = 1, and f isinjective, as desired.

Editing the domain of h as in Remark 2.6 and applying Remark 2.7 and Re-mark 3.5 completes the proof.

The construction above embeds solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups into mappingclass groups of certain infinite-type surfaces. This is in contrast to the finite-type case, where BS(1, n) is never a subgroup of the mapping class group. This

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follows from the Tits alternative for mapping class groups of finite-type surfaces[Iva84, McC85]: every subgroup of such a mapping class group either contains afree subgroup or is virtually abelian. Since BS(1, n) is solvable, it does not containany free subgroups, but it is also not virtually abelian.

4. Indicable groups

In this section, we give a general construction for embedding any indicable groupwhich arises as a subgroup of a mapping class group of a surface with one boundarycomponent into another big mapping class group in uncountably many intrinsicallyinfinite ways. Recall that a group G is indicable if there exists a surjective homo-morphism f : G→ Z. We will need the following lemma in our construction.

Lemma 4.1. A group G is indicable if and only if there exists a presentationG = 〈T | R〉 such that for each r ∈ R, the total exponent sum of r with respect tothe generators T is zero.

Before presenting the proof of the lemma, we give an example that motivatesthe argument. Consider the Baumslag-Solitar group BS(1, n) with its standardpresentation BS(1, n) = 〈a, t | tat−1a−n〉. This presentation does not have thedesired property since the total exponent sum of the relator in the generators aand t is 1 − n. However, there exists a homomorphism f : BS(1, n) → Z definedby letting f(a) = 0 and f(t) = 1, so the lemma tells us that there must be apresentation of BS(1, n) with the desired property. If we augment the generator ato be at instead, then

BS(1, n) =

⟨at, t

∣∣∣∣∣∣ (t · at · t−1 · t−1) · t(at)−1 · · · t(at)−1︸ ︷︷ ︸n times


and the relator has zero total exponent sum in the generators at and t. In thispresentation, the generators of BS(1, n) both map to 1 under the homomorphismf , and we will use this property in the proof of the lemma.

Proof of Lemma 4.1. Given a group G = 〈T |R〉 with all relators having total expo-nent sum zero, there is a well defined homomorphism f : G→ Z defined by sendingeach generator to 1 ∈ Z.

For the other direction, assume there exists a homomorphism f : G→ Z and letN = ker(f). Let N = 〈V |W 〉 be a presentation for N , and let a ∈ G be such thatf(a) = 1. Then since G/N ∼= Z, G is generated by T ′ = a ∪ V . If we augmentthe generators in V ⊆ T ′ by a, then T = a∪ av : v ∈ V is also a generating setfor G. Importantly, the image of every one of these generators under f is 1 ∈ Z.

Let G = 〈T | R〉 be the presentation of G for the generating set T . If r ∈ R isa relator in G, then r is a word in 〈T 〉 that is the identity in G. Thus, f(r) = 0,and given that every element of T maps to 1 ∈ Z, the total exponent sum of r withrespect to T must be zero. Therefore, 〈T | R〉 is the desired presentation for G.

We can now begin our construction. Take any indicable group G that arises as asubgroup of Map(Π), where Π is a surface with exactly one boundary component.For example, G could be any of the indicable groups mentioned in the introductionor constructed in Section 3, among many others. Let h be a shift map on an infinite-type surface S where the domain of the shift h is an embedded copy of DΠ in S.As discussed in Section 3, this includes a wide range of surfaces, including surfaces

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of the type S = SΓ(Π) #v∈V (Γ)

Ωv, where Γ is any graph with countable vertex set

and a biinfinite path, and Ωv is any collection of surfaces.The most trivial way to embed G into Map(S) is to let G act on one copy of Π

in S. Indexing the copies of Π in S by Z and taking any subset of I of Z, G can alsoact simultaneously on the subsurfaces Πi of S for i ∈ I. Varying over all subsets ofZ gives an uncountable collection of copies of G in Map(S). Our construction givesa new, distinct uncountable collection of copies of G, embedded in S in a moreinteresting way.

Theorem 4.2. Let G be an indicable group that arises as a subgroup of Map(Π),where Π is a surface with exactly one boundary component. Given a surface Sthat admits a shift h whose domain is DΠ, there exists an uncountable collection ofdistinct embeddings of G into Map(S) such that no embedded copy is contained in

Mapc(S) and no embedded copy is contained in the isometry group for any hyperbolicmetric on S.

Proof. Let G be an indicable group. Fix a presentation 〈T | R〉 of G such that eachr ∈ R has total exponent sum zero with respect to T , which exists by Lemma 4.1.Note that since G is a subgroup of Map(Π), G acts by homeomorphisms on each Πi

in the domain DΠ for the shift h. For each g ∈ G we define an element g ∈ Map(S),where g acts as g simultaneously on each Πi. We claim that the group generatedby T = th : t ∈ T in Map(S) is isomorphic to G. In particular, we must showthat the words in 〈T 〉 that are the identity in Map(S) are exactly those that arethe image of a relator r ∈ R under the map φ : 〈T 〉 → 〈T 〉, defined by t 7→ th forall t ∈ T .

Notice that h and t commute as elements of Map(S) so that for any word g ∈ 〈T 〉with total exponent sum k ∈ Z, the image φ(g) can be written as ghk. Since anyr ∈ R has total exponent sum zero with respect to T , φ(r) = r. In particular, φ(r)is supported on

⋃i Πi. Since G is a subgroup of Map(Π), r must act as the identity

on Π so that r acts as the identity on each surface Πi. Thus, φ(r) is the identity inMap(S).

On the other hand, let w be a nontrivial word in 〈T 〉. If the total exponent sumof w with respect to T is not zero, then the subsurfaces Πi of S are not fixed by wand w is not identity in Map(S). If the total exponent sum of w with respect to Tis zero, then the support of w is exactly

⋃i Πi. By how we defined the elements of

T , w acts as the same homeomorphism on each of the surfaces Πi so that w is theidentity in Map(S) only if w = r for some r ∈ R. Thus, the group G′ generated byT in Map(S) is isomorphic to G.

Any element of G′ that does not have total exponent sum zero with respectto T is not in Mapc(S), since it must shift the surfaces Πi. We can replace habove with any of the other shift maps in the uncountable collection arising fromRemark 2.6 so that there are uncountably many copies of G in Map(S), each of

which is not contained in Mapc(S) by the construction above. The fact that thesecopies cannot lie in the isometry group for any hyperbolic metric on S follows fromRemark 3.5.

Remark 4.3. It was suggested to the authors by Mladen Bestvina that one canget around constructing the presentation in Lemma 4.1 for the indicable group Gby working instead with the wreath product construction in Proposition 3.8. More

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specifically, let f : G→ Z be a surjection from the indicable group to Z. Let Π be asurface with exactly one boundary component such that G arises as a subgroup ofMap(Π) and let S be a surface which admits a shift h with domain DΠ. For g ∈ G,let g be the element which acts as g on each Πi. Then, for g ∈ G, define a newmap ψ : G → G o Z ≤ Map(S) via g 7→ ghf(g). One readily checks that this mapis an injective homomorphism, observing that the restriction of the image of G to⊕∞−∞G is the diagonal subgroup and so the action of Z is trivial. The embedding

in the proof of Theorem 4.2 is exactly this map.

This theorem applies to all subgroups constructed in Section 3. Another inter-esting class of examples is given by Corollary 1.3, which we restate here.

Corollary 1.3. Let Π be an infinite-type surface with at least two non-planar endsand exactly one boundary component. Given any surface S that admits a shift whosedomain is DΠ, there exist uncountably many embeddings of PMap(Π) into Map(S)that are not induced by an embedding of Π into S.

The corollary is immediate from Theorem 4.2 and work of Aramayona, Vlamisand the fourth author, which shows that the pure mapping class group of any surfacewith at least two non-planar ends is indicable [APV20, Corollary 6]. Corollary 1.3is in line with a body of work aiming to find interesting homomorphisms betweenbig mapping class groups. It also gives a natural set of examples of uncountablegroups G to which one can apply Theorem 4.2. We note that it is an importantopen question for both finite- and infinite-type surfaces to determine which fullmapping class groups are indicable. We now give a few examples of such mappingclass groups.

Examples 4.4. Mann and Rafi build continuous homomorphisms to Zk and Z fromfinite index subgroups of mapping class groups in the proofs of [MR19, Lemma 6.7,Theorem 1.7] respectively. To find surfaces whose full mapping class groups areindicable we focus on the cases where the subgroup has index 1, a few of which welist below. We will define the homomorphism to Z explicitly for example (1); theothers are defined similarly.

(1) Let Σ be the surface with infinite genus, no boundary components, andwhose end space is homeomorphic to the two point compactification of Z,that is, E(Σ) = −∞ ∪ Z ∪ ∞, where Eg(Σ) = ∞. Let A ⊂ E(Σ) bethe subset of ends corresponding to −N, and let B be the subset of endscorresponding to 0 ∪ N. This surface is colloquially called the bi-infiniteflute with one end accumulated by genus, and it admits a shift domain DΠ

where Π is the punctured disk. A homomorphism ` : Map(Σ) → Z can bedefined by

`(φ) = |x ∈ E | x ∈ A, φ(x) ∈ B| − |x ∈ E | x ∈ B, φ(x) ∈ A| .The map ` counts the difference in the number of punctures mapped fromnegative to positive and punctures mapped from positive to negative. Notethat the puncture shift mentioned above evaluates to 1 under `, so the mapis surjective.

(2) Let Σ be a surface with any number of genus, any number of boundarycomponents, and whose end space consists of a Cantor set and −∞∪Z∪∞, where the end ∞ is identified with a point in the Cantor set. Theends corresponding to −∞∪Z∪∞ must all be planar or all non-planar;

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the other Cantor set ends can be planar or not. The homomorphism to Zis defined as above, with sets A = −N and B = 0 ∪ N.

(3) Let Σ be the surface with infinite genus, any number of boundary compo-nents and end space N ∪ ∞, where the ends corresponding to 1 and ∞are nonplanar. This surface can be visualized as the ladder surface withpunctures accumulating to one end (and possibly some boundary compo-nents). Here we can similarly define a homomorphism to Z, which insteadcounts the number of genus that are moved between halves of the surface.

The common thread in the examples above is that the two ends of the shiftmap are of different topological types so that no element of Map(S) can exchangethe two ends. This is the key fact necessary to ensure that the map ` above is ahomomorphism of Map(S) and not of a proper subgroup of Map(S).

The third example can be extended to uncountably many more examples byreplacing one of the isolated planar ends with a disk punctured by any closed subsetof the Cantor set, of which there are uncountably many. Each of the examples abovecan be modified to have exactly one boundary component. Thus, their full mappingclass groups can be used as the input for Theorem 4.2, and we arrive at the followingcorollary.

Corollary 4.5. Let Π be any of the uncountably many surfaces with exactly oneboundary component for which Map(Π) is indicable. Given any surface S thatadmits a shift whose domain is DΠ, there exist uncountably many embeddings ofMap(Π) into Map(S) that are not induced by an embedding of Π into S.

5. Combination Theorem

In this section, we give a construction that takes as its input a set of indicablesubgroups of mapping class groups of surfaces with one boundary component andoutputs a new surface whose mapping class group contains a new indicable subgroupof intrinisically infinite type built from the original subgroups.

Definition 5.1. Given two subgroupsH1 andH2 of groupsG1 andG2, respectively,the free product of G1 and G2 with commuting subgroups H1 and H2 is

(G1, H1) ? (G2, H2) := (G1 ∗G2)/〈〈[H1, H2]〉〉.

More generally, the free product ofG1, . . . , Gn with commuting subgroupsH1, . . . ,Hn


(G1, H1) ? · · · ? (Gn, Hn) := G1 ∗ · · · ∗Gn/〈〈[Hi, Hj ] : i 6= j〉〉.

These groups are a natural interpolation between free products (where the Hi

are trivial) and direct products (where Hi = Gi for all i). Free products withcommuting subgroups arise in many natural contexts; for example, graph productsof groups are a special kind of free product with commuting subgroups (whereHi = Gi for some indices i and the remaining Hj are trivial).

We are interested in the case where the Gi are indicable groups and the Hi arethe kernels of the maps to Z.

Lemma 5.2. Let G1, . . . , Gn be indicable groups with surjective maps fi : Gi → Z,and let Hi = ker(fi). Then the group (G1, H1) ? · · · ? (Gn, Hn) is also indicable.

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S1 S1







S2 S2



S2S2S1 S1






Figure 7. The domains of the two multipushes xa (red) and xb(blue) in the proof of Theorem 1.1.

Proof. Let Ti be a generating set for Gi. Then there is a map φ : (G1, H1) ? · · · ?(Gn, Hn) → G1 defined by φ(t) = 1 for each t ∈ Ti with i 6= 1, and φ(t′) = t′ foreach t′ ∈ T1. Here 1 is the identity element of G1. This map φ is a homomorphismwhich restricts to the identity on G1. By post-composing φ with f1, we obtain thedesired map (G1, H1) ? · · · ? (Gn, Hn)→ Z.

We are now ready to prove Theorem 1.1, which we restate for the convenienceof the reader.

Theorem 1.1. Let Gi be indicable groups that embed in Map(Si), for i = 1, . . . , n,where Si is a surface with exactly one boundary component. For each i, fix asurjective map fi : Gi → Z, and let Hi be the kernel of fi. Let Π be the surfaceobtained from an (n + 1)–holed sphere by gluing each Si to one of its boundarycomponents. Let Γ be the standard Cayley graph of Fn, and let S = SΓ(Π). Thenthe indicable group (G1, H1) ? · · · ? (Gn, Hn) embeds in Map(S).

Note that Gi (and therefore Hi) is a subgroup of Map(Π) for each i = 1, . . . , n.We prove the theorem for n = 2 for simplicity of notation, but the same proof worksfor all n. Additionally, the proof of Theorem 1.1 will demonstrate that the theorem

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actually applies to a much wider class of surfaces than simply SΓ(Π) where Γ is thestandard Cayley graph for Fn.

Corollary 5.3. Let Gi, Hi, and Π be as in Theorem 1.1, but now let Γ be aSchreier graph for any n-generated group G. Then, the indicable group (G1, H1) ?· · · ? (Gn, Hn) embeds in Map(S), where S = SΓ(Π).

Proof of Theorem 1.1. Let F2 = 〈a, b〉. By construction, S admits two multipushesxa and xb, where each acts simultaneously as shifts whose domains correspond totranslates of the axes of a and b, respectively. See Figure 7.

Let Gi = 〈Ti | Ri〉 be the presentation of Gi such that each r ∈ Ri has totalexponent sum zero with respect to Ti, coming from Lemma 4.1 for i = 1, 2. Similarlyto Theorem 4.2, for each g ∈ Gi we define an element g ∈ Map(S), where g actsas g simultaneously on each copy of Π in S. Importantly, for i = 1, 2, elementsgi ∈ Gi act on the copies of Si in Π, and the copies of S1 and S2 in each copyof Π are disjoint. Thus, g1 and g2 commute for any g1 ∈ G1 and g2 ∈ G2. LetT 1 = txa : t ∈ T1 and let T 2 = txb : t ∈ T2. We claim that the group generatedby T 1 ∪ T 2 in Map(S) is isomorphic to (G1, H1) ? (G2, H2).

Let 〈T1∪T2〉 denote the free group on the generators T1∪T2. Let φ : 〈T1∪T2〉 →〈T 1 ∪ T 2〉 ≤ Map(S) be the surjective map defined by t 7→ txa for all t ∈ T1 andt 7→ txb for all t ∈ T2. In order to show that 〈T 1 ∪ T 2〉 ≤ Map(S) is isomorphic to(G1, H1) ? (G2, H2), we must show that the kernel of φ is generated by all relatorsin R1 ∪R2 and the commutator [H1, H2].

By Theorem 4.2, if r ∈ Ri for i = 1, 2, then φ(r) is the identity element in Map(S)so that R1∪R2 ⊂ ker(φ). Given wi ∈ Hi, its image φ(wi) will fix each copy of Π in Sfor each i = 1, 2. This follows from the fact that the subgroups Hi are chosen to bethe kernel of fi, so wi has total exponent sum zero in the generators Ti. Therefore,φ(wi) has total exponent sum zero with respect to T i and so can be written asφ(wi) = wi. Since the supports of w1 and w2 as elements of Map(Π) are disjoint bythe construction of Π, the supports of w1 and w2 as elements Map(S) are disjoint.Thus, these elements commute and the image φ(w1w2w

−11 w−1

2 ) = w1w2w−11 w−1

2 isthe identity in Map(S). It follows that [H1, H2] ⊂ ker(φ).

Lastly, we show that if w ∈ 〈T1∪T2〉 is in kerφ, then w is in the group generatedby R1 ∪ R2 ∪ [H1, H2]. Fix any nontrivial w in 〈T1 ∪ T2〉 such that φ(w) acts asthe identity on S. Since elements of T 1 and T 2 commute with both xa and xb, wecan write φ(w) = uv where u ∈ 〈xa, xb〉 and v is a word in t : t ∈ T1 ∪ T2. ByTheorem 3.7, the group 〈xa, xb〉 is isomorphic to F2. If φ(w) acts trivially on S,then in particular, it must fix each copy of Π, and so u must be the trivial wordin this F2 so that φ(w) = v. Moreover, w must have total exponent sum zero ineach of T1 and T2. Here, v is a nontrivial word in the free group generated byt : t ∈ T1 ∪T2, given the assumption that w is nontrivial. We will now show thatsince v acts trivially on each copy of Π, then w is a product of elements in [H1, H2]and R1 ∪R2.

Since w must have total exponent sum zero in each of T1 and T2, w is a word inthe generators U1 and U2 of H1 and H2, respectively. If w contains a subword thatis in R1 ∪R2, we may delete this subword from w and obtain a new word that stillhas total exponent sum zero in each of T1 and T2. We do this for each such subwordin w and call the resulting word w′. Thus, w′ is in 〈H1, H2〉. Moreover, the naturalprojection of w′ to each of Hi is trivial since φ(w′) still acts as the identity on the

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copies of S1 and S2 contained in each Π in S. Thus, w′ ∈ [H1, H2]. Therefore, w isin the group generated by R1 ∪R2 ∪ [H1, H2].

One crucial aspect of the proof above, is that the multipushes xa and xb generatea free group, and Corollary 5.3 now follows from Theorem 3.7.

As in Section 4, the methods of Theorem 1.1 yield an intrinsically infinite-typeembedded subgroup (G1, H1) ? · · · ? (Gn, Hn) in Map(S) and can be extended toyield uncountably many distinct such embedded subgroups.

Corollary 5.4. In the notation of Theorem 1.1, there exists an uncountable collec-tion of distinct embeddings of (G1, H1) ? · · · ? (Gn, Hn) in Map(S), such that eachembedded copy is of intrinsically infinite type and such that no embedded copy iscontained in the isometry group of S with respect to any hyperbolic metric.

Proof. It follows from Remark 2.7 that (G1, H1) ? · · · ? (Gn, Hn) 6∈ Mapc(S). Thedistinct isomorphic copies of (G1, H1) ? · · · ? (Gn, Hn) in Map(S) are constructedusing Remark 3.4, noting that when a copy of Π is moved to the back of S, it isdeleted from the domain of both multipushes in the proof. The non-containmentin isometry groups follows from Remark 3.5.

5.1. Constructing right-angled Artin groups. In general, the free product ofG1 and G2 with commuting subgroups H1 and H2 will not be finitely presented,even when the groups Gi are finitely presented. For example, consider the indicablegroup F2 = 〈a, b〉 with the map to Z defined by a 7→ 1 and b 7→ 0. The kernel Kof this map is the subgroup normally generated by [a, b] and ab−1. In particular,K is infinitely generated, because it contains the commutator subgroup [F2,F2].Therefore, the free product of G1 and G2 with commuting subgroups H1 and H2

where G1 = G2 = F2 and H1 = H2 = K is a finitely generated but infinitelypresented group in this case.

However, there are times when the free product of indicable groups with com-muting subgroups is a recognizable finitely presented group. In this subsection, wedescribe how to use Theorem 1.1 to produce certain right-angled Artin groups AΛ

which embed in big mapping class groups in interesting ways. In particular, byCorollary 5.4, these groups AΛ are never completely contained in Mapc(S) and cannever act by isometries on the infinite-type surface.

Recall that when m ≤ 3g − 3, we can embed Zm as a subgroup of Map(Σg)generated by Dehn twists about simple closed curves in a pants decomposition. Wecan add punctures and a boundary component to Σg that avoid the pants decom-position to get the same Zm subgroup in Σg1,k. Corollary 1.2 follows immediatelyfrom Theorem 1.1 and the following proposition.

Proposition 5.5. Consider surfaces Si = Sgi1,kifor i = 1, . . . , n and gi, ki ∈ Z>1.

Then for any 2 ≤ mi ≤ 3gi − 3 and i = 1, . . . , n, the group

(Zm1 ,Zm1−1) ? (Zm2 ,Zm2−1) ? · · · ? (Zmn ,Zmn−1)

is the right-angled Artin group defined by the graph shown in Figure 8.

We will prove the proposition for n = 2 for simplicity of notation; the generalcase is analogous.

Proof. Fix surfaces S1, S2 as in the statement of the theorem, and let m1 = mand m2 = n. Let Zm = 〈x1, . . . , xm〉 and Zn = 〈y1 . . . yn〉. For each group,

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Figure 8. The defining graphs for the family of right-angled Artingroups constructed in Proposition 5.5. Each vertex in the completesubgraph Kmi−1 is adjacent to a single vertex as well as everyvertex in each other Kmj−1.

there is a surjective homomorphism to Z defined by mapping every generator to1. We write the kernels of these maps as Hm = 〈x1x

−12 , . . . , x1x

−1m 〉 ' Zm−1 and

Hn = 〈y1y−12 , . . . , y1y

−1n 〉 ' Zn−1, respectively. Observe that by changes of basis,

we may write the generators of Zm as x1, x1x−12 , . . . , x1x

−1m and the generators of

Zn as y1, y1y−12 , . . . , y1y

−1n . Thus, the free product of Zm and Zn with commuting

subgroups Zm−1 and Zn−1, corresponding to Hm and Hn, respectively, is the right-angled Artin group:⟨

a1, . . . , am, b1, . . . , bn

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣[ai, aj ] ∀i, j,[bk, bl] ∀k, l,[aq, br] ∀q = 1, . . . ,m− 1, r = 1, . . . , n− 1


where ai and bi are identified with x1x−1i+1 and y1y

−1i+1 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m − 1,

respectively, and am and bm are identified with x1 and y1, respectively.Notice that x1 is the only generator of Zm that does not commute with any

generators of Zn, and similarly, y1 is the only generator of Zn that does not commutewith any generators of Zm.


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