15 KKW PUBLICATIONS. MRS, SWI-SIIKLM'S KKMINlsCKNCF.R. RALF A CENTURY. Bf Jaxn OBB1 BniBSMIH I-.':,,.) pp. iii.!, (ii.r,i_o : J. (i. .--issi.shel.ii. Mi sss issi,.dm lins lot none of tltiit Dartcil teni per, IsMtepeudence of thought. * and IMM of speech wbteh Bude ber for so many yean ii Dillie nil celebrity. As sim ree oils ber mein, nie- of stirring conllicts the old fin s blom brightly j Beers sad balled RBiaa in the vlgaiens sen¬ tences even tin- .'ii,clent prejudices (loutish in unimpaired vitality. Rarely is a ralania of rasa* lllisie-liees COB-BOSSd with so niue li intensify of feeling as this emil.-st lndv brings to lier medita¬ tions. Nobody ran rand tba book without ex-' patieeetug arsrwitblng of tbe eixiltmaent ef battle* The abolitionists af tss nty-live and thirty years ngo can ne-scr forget the liotrible winni.s BgalUBl w i,ieh tbey banded tMmselvea tagetber, or the lirntal outrages of wbteb limy std,- made tba victims, desi that they should M aldo to unite of mich thlage without gening angry. WbM Mrs. Bsrlaabelm started Tkt Ptttmara Saturday I Her as an SBti-smvevy paper, she not only tnaved a publk opinion wbteb held it hardly dec. nt for a won.un to conduct a political journal, but she axpoasd li-! *¦. "i to Rieat personal danger, tine of lier first exploits was a tierce- attack upon .lodge Crier, under v. hose ruling in the United Si.iles Cent Pr. II..b.-rt Mitchell, of Indiana, lViuisyl vania, ssas convicted of the crime ot giv¬ ing food inni simitar ts u lunaway dava, nml **.:>.ooo, be-ides the costs, which nine ts ns mack Boora, Threatened with n pmsicu'nil and ImpriSBBmeul unless she aaologlsed, Mrs. S\. laabelm printed, under thc title of " Ali Apology.*1 a still more vehement and plain*. ap I en sttack, and wm then let alone. Two yearn afterward Jndfe Grier wm about to tn auother Mit for harboring a slave, sad tM defendant pro¬ posed to eal) Mia. Bwimhetm as a witness. "Oh, it .,_ her bs .ill liitiiii.,"aald bia counsel, "No Baattar what sin- knows or whether she knows aaj- thing; bring her into court, and 111 win tin-ca*- for you. Grier i" mora afraid of ber than of the devil." At st. cloud. Mun., -"tn. v hither she removed mme time later, the office of ber paper wm sacked and lui life ssas sl!),].(iscd tt) he il) great peril from H pia, "lasers mob. Ool ot this affair graw a trenble- i.iiue libel Bait, sad ssl,en sin- bund that sin- could not escape conviction -he agreed to a proposal by the oilier sui' thal ths prosecution ihoald bo ni,.ni.lolled e.ii th.- pablicatkm of sa apalogy by tkt Vtrttrr. and :i pledge that no raferanee to the BBcklBg Ol ih" u.ii cst r a aili appear in thii paper. Mra. Swisehelm thereupon retired to j.t .ate lite (fm a week) sad transit ned thc paper to the office-boys, who printed one nnmber containing the stipulated apology. The publication waatMn ahaadouedi and Um next dav Mrs. Bwisshelm found, d a new journal, and revived the tsar. A prominent clergyman ol St (.'loud, driving with bis wife In a sleigh, wm hailed off a bridge, and both wort killed. "1 teeompanied my sympathetic, respectful Ol Unary notice." says Mrs. Ssvissllellll, * with thc statement thal t ho costly cutten wrecked nml tM valuable hone instantly killed, were both pm based with money obtained hythe sals nt a woman and her child, who had Mea held as slaves in atinneeotajn defiance oi her law, mid had been taken by tins popular divine to a Tennessee auction block."" Opes Mrs. Bwisahelm had the distinction of being bumed In effigy as thc mother of thc Bepablkaa parly." Bbs s.isv (.hail.* Sumner nt a cen in uv t' nra la Pennsylvania, soon after the Brooks saaaalt, nnd ralataa thia nun-dote: Mc wasoppteaaed ssith anxiety shoal Burlingame, ts In. had gone ta Canada ta tight a incl, and 1 heres -ss .is neal rejoicing ss hen he suddenly appeared one evening alter thc sun had hidden behind thc pine tics. Ile mid Sunnier met and greeted each other with thc- aban.lon of No duel had lien fought, tones Brooke, the cnalleuger had refused to puss through Pennsylvania to Clifton, tba plaea of meeting, for nar of mob violence. Even the (.lier ot ii t-.:le conduct of troope by thc governor, failed M reassure him, and liur'ungauie had hurried on to act his friend s mind nt rest. After the general rejoicing, the issn sat facing each other, ts hen Killumi Leaned forward, placed a band <m each of Burlingame ¦ shoulders, ami 6aid : *. 'lell me, Aiisou, you did not mean to shoot that man, did you V Burlingame's bend dropped an Instant, then rais¬ ing lt. M saul, slots-ly : .* I intended to take the best aim I could." Hore he drew beek his right ana* and took the position of holding a gun, " ut the broadest part of him, his breast ; ts ait I .r thc ss orel, and then.lin- !" Sun,uer dropped back in his chair, let his hands fall on hi* knees and ext -humed, sorrowfully t lt" Uh, Anson ! I dui not believe it."' Burlingame's cym Ulled ssith tears, and be --aid: " Cl anea, I saw you lying bleeding and insensible on the Senate floor, when 1 did not expect ever again to hear you speak: and I intended then to kill bim. I tell von, Charles, we have got to inee-t thee** fellows wita fans, _o_uo day, aud the sooner We begin tho better.' Dorina the war Mrs. Rwisshrlm volunteered as a nurse in the hospitals of Washington, and she followed the anny to tho bloody field of 1*1 Bibil lie burg. Nothing could bc more distressing than her jiaiiiitive, of the dreaelftil scenes she witnessed during these experiences; but the hospital chap¬ ters nevertheless are in one respect the most agreeable of the book ; since thc occa¬ sional ferocity of their personal invectives it iseasy to recognize tbs tender and affectionate heart of the dating reformer. Ll TERA RY NOTES. Mr. G. P. Lathrop's idea of Summer recrea¬ tion is ihe writine of two novel*. Oue of them is de Sign- tl lor The Atlantic. Dr. Carter's little work on '. Eyesight," will fr ., n iijapi ar In reviled una c-nliii/_9tl foin. Thc ready aale of Hie,first edition proves tbat it bas a useful and timely mission. The retail li-ook trade is dnll but there is an uii'.ir ital (b i s< ii lor the travelling season, fSr tM better elu«s of gulde-hooke. Tourists mem to discriml- BSTte more cnret'illv Itel ween tho advantages of differ¬ ent Journeys aud MSBIS resorts. The French Kepuhlic ia as earnest in itu pa tren,, ge of alts aud literature as royalty ever was A r atiiinM M hus iK-cn appointed for the iii.t-insct,teni of " popular" publications, und M. Pei ry, ihe Minister of Pattie Instr,li-tiaui, presided nt the Hist meeting. A mh-cnii BBlsstoa wUl bmrmi subjects Rm Bterarveem- pfcitlci'i and alie winnow tho tares from thc Wheat. lt itt easier to write a book tlian to maintain the st-c-ret e.! iuoitymous autheueiilp. Mrs. t'nurles P. O.rtaa, BeenHa of P.ofusses Agass z.t.e yoaamr,ls the reputed hui lim el " Prom Mudge to Margaret." the novel BBSS-MI** pul. HMS Bf Lm <- Sin phard. It de- BSrfMa host tue nilli-;,, -dmpennir" ItadM " of Siratoua ami Kewpert, toceakm IM tnvoRttoa of tuihiou mui BM ,:, tin- admiration of Mi kaaba nd db Ul hu it moved to cxptes* Ula uta ranee tu tbo more dlguiilcd Dame ol " .Mai ii.rct." " lues Parker" is the name of a new Kui eli linvei, l.y Herts Lchard. -Tlie author," esau au English J -urnai, .. lias with lila usual humor u_d frpint HBMISfwS BSSSCtasa SUStaSBS and manners Inio Pr.rlM.iu socle ly." Otber loreji.u nm have BfBlMlM ",uni,er :,nd spirit "in the snnie Held. Usually only "kim I -d_ - ami trutufuin*-a. " ur.- vtsniuu: to malic BUch seora, standard mi trig .ito ol tbe Atlantic. Deniers in foreign books speak of an in¬ onu- ag ucl icu tor light I'ic-iicli literature. It esti¬ mated that tue N. sv \e,i-s retui! trade lu 1-renell SOVBS1 lins lueieiisnt ..1, ,,,-r rent m lue last rive years. Tue .kiiiiie- ma. MssM of IM d.iuaud lae l*ieesbBeoMm tl,.- Mn. anti.e Ltarasy. ebOM MWssIBM of lorown novels lu t ic oi,kiu.I, now v..fy large, u itierea>.ed from inoiitli io month. At tne- HeeeMtRStM BagRsb trans- lull.nt ii Ja lil's -.Nuns" lian t.e< u MMMSBad. hut the lr .. ._ i-iluie.ii is Hill (out)di-i, ul ohriiiu is. Ali interesting literary Ki.uveuir nf Abraham lincoln R ..s-.jic.l by Mi. (,e-,r»;e J{. We, er, oflltuols. Ai a mark of Irh nd iii), in July, ison, th'- M BaH-spUOn " praSBSUtoi Mr. sVli-r ssith o Offf of toes .. _>_. liiuul diitat.-s ( u Ilia* Hun. Ahrahsiri Tinco,u omi IM BOBb IBepMa A. Douglas lu the celebrated cam- ii.cgti "f IBM." Tm- sony accompanied Mr. Lincoln on ills »i e,.eli iiukiua tom up le (ho lune of ins ut,roma¬ ini. ..nd icmtiilu* luauy BtaraBMl uni, . ii, inn Lund- WrittMB, as ss.-ll a* a Doti o: j reSMl Kou ou toe fly At ut OX AC ER RAC H'S xe ir BOOR Pram a Letter to The Athenieum. ** IliigUta-' Bra! made its appear.,nu- last Autumn ill the fuillletoii of |M Satlnntil /silting, but it vs:.* neat Mcceaefni; indeed, without exaggeration ana might nay it ssas a eleeide-.l tallara, lt ssas samsHlerad to show little invention ; tbs Se- eenj.nous wera* proimniireii msnnered, sad ms le-itueis attention st.,s nut ion-eel. TheBorslist'a liuii,n and a.linii.fs Uni m,i renton to say tt Word ill his dele ii, ;,|,et 111* eiiiinies vverv mai, nf iinte- lms his i-ui-iiiie-M w.-re- openly SXBltaBl or robbed theil liamis iu silent delight TM gnat iiia-.s ul tbs paeple laeked ea with tu nsaal ludii- renee, and remarked. " lb* has grown old." ssa lt WM not deceived foi a moment. 1 knew Brigitta** before a page ef it wm written, tot mv itimiite friend, the in,(hear, hail esplailnd to lin* ¦ ss."id of month thc tv hole plan ; and lifter that had seen the hook grits chapter by chapter. At i*t tbs author bad read the whole ta rna nt i ttiiiL', andi had heartily congratulated him. and ,iai thal leoussuerad il one cd his best works: nd nosv tl ssas supposed to be one of his wm-f! Wail for the book." said I j " stint till the isjccta m.-mlua are united, and the whola can e read throit-h, sud tin- pu'ilic will M forced ta hangs ita 0010100." My prophet y wm literally illilled. Tba* oti"k (nine out, and the public no inger belia veil its own ayes, lt was really the ld Au.-rb.'it h that is. the tun- Auerbach, who in nnd tin Marta "I tue people as oo ona elia can, nd knotts DOW ta reproduce what he has read in Wordcrfully si-Spls, and IH that very r. iis.ui nju', mive fashion. _ I in el not give you any analysis of " liri gi tl a.' u I hear ii utans translated into English, snd 1 lonot wish to take away tin- nader's Interest, In . ¦ respect the taste of yoar readers of fiction still i..baldy M identical ssith thal of the Germana shall liol my that thc similarity betsvecn the tsvo oe* rn, further but I allow that in bo otber poinl louhl 1 feel (iiiite-tire that t h.- reader* nt the ss,, ountries ssc,nhl agree. And bow eas it ba ether¬ ise, whoa it mas happen any day that a tels hich not tho public univ, but the critics, too, 1 Germany pronounei sdmirsble is regarded as Bieadable by thc English public and is cul ta nc, hythe Knglish critics, while, on the oilier and. a writer ol th*' third clam like theMarhtt, limn no one in Germany dares to mention in tM niuo bi-eath with Auerbach, Fret/tag. or Heyae, ., 1 will not sav considered Bret-rate in England, lt-iitiou f t B HU ls BBADLAVGB AT BOMB. From The I.ondmi World. Mr. Charles Bradlaugh, M. I'., otherwise Icono- !a.*t. resides at 20 Clrcns-rosd, st. Jo ib'i Wood, iver a musical library, where harmoniums nml linericnn organs are SOM, ard jiiauoloital nv. ta be iad mi tbs hue avatem. tia occupies only ,,iit ol the premises, his smite of apan- aeats being on the fiisl Boor. His tsvo daughters with biro, and aaaiatBim tn editing Tm No* beal Rcfni'imr. Thees young ladies donut '"ar ouch ri *em l) at ic- in teat ure Io tin ir father, whoM st beistic principh * tMy h ise. thoroughly Imbibed. hy have been successful candidstra in th recei I xaniuuu ions iu the science class in chemiatrv al louth Kenaington. As for Mr. Bradlaugh himMlf is ia a tall, stoutly-built mau . (forty-seven yearsol it."-. WMn al hom," he* veils a tvotk, ng Milt of .Illili i.'iiis cloth. He has a squire Mad, and a nmd and massive face. He i- clean shaven. His ippei lip la thick snd deep, Hi* utterance ia clear, ncasuied and distinct, and when engaeedin eon- tun he list 1 Ins , so svilli BTCSl effect, a- If I" iii-i!e..s ((ne witta the Importance of even sonl he otters, 'flu- general expression ot us countenance ls nol pleasing. lu large front room over !h.> musical tbrary, i be a indowi of whii li command i s ii w ol 1 dairy anti a public boora, Mr. Bradlaugh edits ln^ .nii;,,.l and transacts general busiueas. 'Ihe ronni * furnished with t ssh large writing-tables, al one "i .finch he sits and works, hia sub-editor aittins st er, Tbe numerous bMIvm round Ihe room .ie ss.-il stocked ss il I, I, ni;-, chiefly of reference. A itch desk and raveral ri,ans complete the furniture, which is of tin u*u;.i office 1 attorn. Mr. Bradlaugh delights In 1 ontroversy, nml is hen it Mme devotes much of his time to word) arri! len irgnments with tbe enemy. Hs is at thc present momoni Snails' engaged in battle witb a olervyman un thc- ep.c tat lon : "I- Atheism t In I ruc Kc ligion ol Un* Universe t" I be conditions are ilia* there are to Msixteen letters written upon ibo suhjectby tbe disputants, eight on each side. Each lui*, .s ri11 <-n Dre letters, which have been eltilv published, as sr- ranged, in thc National Reformer, Tbs last letter was written by Mr. Bradlaugh, and in it he falls foul of Ins opponent over 1 be Lal tor's definition of a " negative ailie.,-,'' tanntins hun ssith indulging in a looseness of thought ami phrase, and makin * marry over his simplicity In failing into a trap that had been set lor bim as to the meaning of the word "tini- mometer.' I'M fol lawlng maybe taken as n fair specimen of Mr. Illili!'ii rh's method ol miking io hts opponent (he is illu-iraniii" the difference be- tsve-ci. beat snd temperature)] "A pound of ice of C. bMexsctly the same temperature m a pound ol water at C.. into which il is turu dj but the ponnd of waler C. contains between79 and BO thernial, 1. c. heat, units that weir not pr, st nt ni the pound of ice ot O' C.;" winch oven surpsMM the far-fmiieel "Mesopotamia" HS a mc nm nf tickling the eais of the groundlings. Alter a little more in the sames scientific vein, hs wind* np by saving ta his readers: " I have already explained what I lucan by modal or phenomenal existence, ami his inability to understand mv lan¬ guage does Bot entitle him to wasts my tune." Maeno! Mr. Bradlaugb'a attention is devote,1 to com-spondeneo with the various Badicsl and Pim Thought A.soeuitiotis which he has been ins!in- mcutal in Mtablishing. . . . He has had marv s'ruggla-s for existence, and is not yet bee of thc* d (ht load," aa be calls it, whicti for some time Iims bung round him. Wheo on a lecturing tour once he was attaoked for the supposed money-making and easy life he was lead ing, tv hen in point of fact he was Mtaally so penn thut he had ta "(ravel on Ins luggage" from town to town, not having sofBcienl money with which to pay his railway fare, ur gel bimmil a decent meal. Mr. Bradlaugh is very locomotive. Now fae flin off to Northampton to address Ins ooo- etituents; nosv he is away OB a lecturing tour ; and I, may M said that he is rarely at home ses 1:11 days together. Much of his time is devoted to the Hall of Science, which is a sort of little Bethel of Free-Thought, ol' which ho is the high-priest, mid lhere is the same relationship exislinu bet steen linn and those who Ht al his feet as then* la be¬ tween a pester and bis tl ick. He names infants, and even officiates at graves, and is regarded by Ins tallowan (ind friends arith the reverence and li¬ sped which the profoundly ignorant Baldon) fall to accord to the niau whose ability and knowledge raise lum some degrees above their own level. M -Xcto tJnblicanons. IDSUMMEIi HOLIDAY SCRIBNER. EDITION, 120,000. The Issne of the Midsummer Holiday (August) BCRIR NEK lias been called "(he llle-rary nve-ut or tho Hummel stasun." In the richly lllu»ttatea Holiday number of thi, year, Phillp aubert ll mnei iou writes ot SEYMOUR HADEN'.*. ETCHINGS, with a fine p .malt of Mr. Haden and delicate icprotliirUa.ii, of Uls Wart ucve-r belaare pr.edna eal In tide country. Maila,,u Adan, (Juliette Lamber), editor of " li. HeavsM i:c-s-u_," 0 lillis, asks, ami s»Unf_e:torilv answers thc question, WILL THK FRENCH REPUBLIC LA>1 J Richard Henri Dana contributes a valii-bM and entertain lagstssaassm of avieiuca.n diploma) v. Charles Dudley Warner wittily describes THE WESTERN MAN; and John Burnon-hee writes con amore of THU lUYIi lHi!S().\, with Munt.-tiona by Mrs. Mary Hullo.-- Poult Albert Kinniel, slum s bow AMERICAN GIRLS MARRY FOREIGN TITLES Princtpal (irsnt gives a tketel,, with manv llltntratlona, n the pre.cut, and BfSSiete IM fuuiii nf Hie* j{ie_t au.) gross ni| pew-t-r of Canad, on our noriticrn border. Tba Vina tttfl Cu ii and the Canadian QeVStB-BMt are iuciuentally dei scribed Mi. *>c-hu.sier. In " Peter th.-" writes of Victory sm V.-inrt ans e In tin* dossniaU of Sophi.1. TM trout,>|ili-s'i! lia a w-oderful tpcrloie-n of woodengrav Inp. bv Cole, o poi-iait nf N_vuii_r_U," aiioiopaiiy un -kelci, of thu life ot the leland old biro, Hp] eaeliilv iii te. by Van Hchaick. AnioLBtlis lighter fe-inrca of the MI lise MM Ult SCKI): KKK aro ibo words and umsir ot AN ORIGINAL COMIC OPERETTA 1 sn laMMRM paper ob tlie lessRUM r.-fcrrc! to hy DMRSSM 1b - Oliver I wi-t,-- illustrated by Cnaa. A. Vanderhonf ; apt per oa THE (CRIOSITIKS OF ADTEBTISHfO, willi masy amusing Illustrations and an account, fortina ty sworn suia-ma-ut-i. of tbe oilgln of THE HOOK OF MORMO**. HiMlde* the nanni variety 1n the F.rtltoilal Departrosnt an Urta lcr,i. * ir w -Uini oiiti.laiii<u' lukins a es- pariinen miRlel UNCLI ESSEN WISDOM, Price, 86 ceDts for sale eTerywhem. SCKlBNhK 4. CO., New-York. UA1...AINS IN BOOKS. ¦*** now kkadv. CLEARANCE CATALOGUE No. 4, .,(npri*! i- mw and old Ann-,Inn and Kuril*!, nooka 1 c-ttrs d' p-rtineuit of lueiature, many of ll,wai rare, aad a ottered st very low prices, bent ou reef)|>t of stamp. G. I'. I'CTNAM'S SONS, _ 18- Plfth ave., n-iw-Tort. POLITICAL ECONOMY. SOCIAL MTENC1- STATISTIUe, Ac. eeud lor i_i».-(,a. of books au painphla-tsforaal..-. PAC M.. IOHO _ 87 Clark st., unooaiyp, *,.*_-. DECENT TRIBUNE PUBLICATIONS. 'Iiibuns Iiieleai fri ls7H..'.. I'nra Sela. Tlibune Mining Digest. "pn,*» .1 vt oniaMj's Eiua...T. 'l*rn« Toa, (._.l__ll__d I-abor. By l(ob«rt( onyar...".'.'." Pries* Ina. A om. sa,«-York. MINKS AND MINING. M.,m,at, Julv 10-r. a. The Leadville properties aro still drugs argea IM mining share maikef. When it is not Little Pitts¬ burg it ls Rome other of the stocks representing property la that district that develops an unex- p-c ted weakness and that exerts an unfavorable in tl nen re upon the entire list of mining shares. To¬ day it was ('hrs sollie's turn, und with transaction,, amounting te 13,700 sh a rea Its price fell from 91. to 7:l4 _*>*f% Yet there has never hc-a-i, ptihlished a corr,-, Dcm ef that estimate svhich calculated thnt tint.-ssas "$7,000,000 billion in sight" tn the mine. Utile Chief fell Hani 7% t<> 7 and cl"*ed st it limit recovery. (Munni raw Kl MUM 10 2 45, tint later inst tin- gain snd eIos**d at 2.35. Booth Bite wasB eents nigher at I.BO, but Amie, alter rising 2 cents to 88 finally closed at 88. Consoli- d ititi Virginia was linn with sales at 3, against ¦j,'.ir. sat inda v. Cr. .ii Mountain M'ld at ll HO rx dlVidead. Among tin- lamia-, the r- ssa- a Isrge buameea dona la Lsbtosm st_iO_>3L Cslaveraa and Buekeye were steady ut nncbgnged figures, Gold Placet Improved l cent to 85, bal Oreel Bast- ern WM2 eents losvcr st 69 aud Hurniiiro 1 OSBl lower st 44. Goodshsw n*M lu cents to 1.m. Hu¬ kill wm bnreiv steady si 1.20 reeralar, with a asia eu I.nun*!.s.t l ir,, seller 10 days. The mar¬ ket closed unset; Iel. E. T. Misami oTOO* BEOBISQB tl tl* Bl i\I> si t/.12.30 v. M. Chrv sollie inn SOO. 7 u'l 40 i. H.OO Ino 7 ss .'a'll 1 aa'sO. 7 .',', I. 7 7fi iou. 7.7 l.i.i, 7.8- :. o »;)o 7.7". lo . RM IOU. 7.88 !".) SOU si. 7.75 -s -, Little CM.f Itnc-iee-ye Kuri ka .-.) ..s... B.I n 4*')" ,80 M .ino . 7.7"" Keri,tel lana 7.88 Aas'auil aa*pS ,1 .ii ii., .: .-a, .,-.". lui.c Uc-litrl 1* a .ag >, ,|,_ SO 1 ',.', i.n, ill l.l'.'uMaallalfll lo,,,) .(Jj ex els- Anno H"> 8.30 Hukill ,-,; 100 l '.' Kati, tn ,;. lol).:(-'> 100.Bl lu ira i, gii 60.VJ ton., ino. .iv 200 .11 Rora surer u. .7'', SOO.7< 0.71 lu.)., s.l sm, 5in..l,:i. ."-7 """. I..'"' BOO aoO 1200 Al ."'' b:'D. 1.25 Hun slO. k.i, 7'hi bin * -.ut a* ia ¦_', .'.'', Ooodabaw r,u ,._e8. t ... IO n.r**> '.'"e.. l 00 ., h..,, i.i,.. ... 200 b9 1.00 200.7.' lo... ii, h. n iiMiBx im wm s.,uti, nile 200 .;. 2.40 200 (. .._.'. 100..B30 1,50 little Chief Cob Virginie Bortie u,, 1,15. 1.60 Inn. a8 7 il ui '. ii. lu in '. 4.001 lon. 7 BB io. 5.00 1 illicit CALI --:AH V. M. I iii-i. r.:al 800.. Mus- Mlle ..' ... .".. ino. Sae,ull r.ullli r _¦.(( B 0 .78 ,.-),. 18. .71 south iii" VIM,.I, ', .00 ll. leo ),:e ) im. l.n li-.. ... .,..,.. 12000.:.l 00 I,'.Illara, .44 600 la.:'- IOU I- I Hu..s7 HO .'¦. 8.13 Iimi al, inn ilO.. HH in I. a. 7.7.. .'I a".. .7.7:. lui. .: it 40,1. Rtilwei ¦i'm . 2.26 IOU 80 -ines 1.03 800 . Ld) ta 7.-ss ,. ¦", U0O__t_W loo. 1.10 100.. si. 'i ta Little! 11 -1... 1.(1 .... I"' . 7'io .. 11 ii k I ll ino .-.i 1.20 1.35 ... ti 1,8. 1,26 60ll ..1. i. 1.83 1. - -ullin lioaia- i"7 7.1"! I '.all I'.i"!,"' Belle i-i .7.'. ellie*. Sr wo.n ti ranville loo in caiarei * .'. Kappabau'ue < loo .SS .:, Si: -. .'.a, u. .1 .a, 300 lilli'. H 2.1 lieu ', u--,*a,[ s ni'; paid .87 800 ... ,8 AMERICAS ME- ISO .*,.¦».¦ EXCHANGE BALSA ILL.-10:30 n'-'l Ck ls t. S|. Aub A- It'k Ck a. 1. . 100 !, 1(1.1. .. ,-,, ii bio Rarbee A W' r. Dar 16IMI i. IO .40 fill | 100 .-'. ,10. 7" SOO. 7". .too r 841 . s I'.ulll. rr. is ¦ino. 4-1 nu ... .11 .so. .15 Olrard 1 too I.-- 1 so Tim. 1.65 Ani a : I, ba ". .87 I, 1 ',", 400 !. 0 -'¦ ma ,1. DOO I- -,. intuit ii tl 140 alu 1.B8 ,1.3. ,,u Va :',.()() Bl OXD (. Ali 1 ._':;{(( iiVrni'K P. H. Au' ..'.' K*B( '1. )i"i'i.',u li') A SS i 4 nu Hllver N n. p t 'J tl ff. >. 1.5 SOO l,(. I.6S SISI lain i 1.36 1.3; l;.,tt,e.('nek 800 1 '¦. 4nu s.i chrysolite :.. ..o'. ruii'D coi --'. ATiiits Battle _JI (i.-.* lu 4-_ Barbee sk WI Cawwell IOU. C, UK).lal i in anl 200 I.:,'! . ia ;u 1.65 I.4Q Cadi ri.-I'I) A 16 '-. -n im N.-s.el.i 60. Il34 liiirati.ii Inn,) lalo .48 a .ii \ irgiuis .(.no ti CK e. M. r N'u-.-i.'-t 200 nm 2.00 '.(M.. 1 .'.' .ii i* sin. 1 BS,,.. !...;. - "¦(. 1.66 200. HS ._(Ml..aOO 1.65 IBO.H-,\ sax VRAjraiMco oLosiwa prices. has PbABCIBOO. Moinlay, Julv 1!), 1-t-sO. Aloha. (saturday, lo ,i ,r. . «". . IS Arirenta. ".a Be-., her... . 1"» Beat anet Belcher... )*:,« inuiieiii. 2 liinie. 4*« Kee-lii.-l. 1 Bootra on."as B . Illa. ,l-vsk. tills |ale.-a,. Caitfaraia. 2 (i>nilar. .-b Cona. Virinrn*. I Cowl, I'eaint. Oeba.afaaiai. l's ( aele-aiiiiiu."ai Cale toola, li ll IS K i ¦* ts *Jn '.'4 I" . 'ii 'i l's l's. Halitrl-v To-dav. Jnlta CoudoiiaUted.. ».__ >''._ -u-tl.-ea. !,4 "m Jae-k-aa.n. 1 1 sii.itni White. *. a*. is .SI -1." _u. Mano . 27» M.eil,tin,til. V..S- lu-.le . S Rm lintuii. .Nilli, ll. ll-V.O. Nooi-ciav. '-.'« Sort bern n,r..r Mic .. Navajo. ',« ()|,lur. 73« <u, 1*4 ov,mun. 1*4 I'ou-ai. 1 , *s_»a_e. IS Serra Verana.Vi'* (.iin-.a ion.l.rt'4 15's Silver King.. bst "tl l»| l*. 1'* 1"* >'i ll'4 . i*. Brndicat...,_".'aa silver mi:.ii.. Ham.*<__ m. i"i.. Taacarora. ... "ja lt", lino,, eu,., li'ial'il V11. 21 SM. B'S *.»| Yellow 4-. 4'i IS' -.;.: Kichexinet. I'S c.00in an,' ('nirr. »> (iia,ul Kn/... 1 U (mitten l'*. liaMHi.snass.'r.. i-i r »(,ii Narama.1 a1* Hillside. InUieiliil. sl# The ('hollar Mining Comiiany has levied an as- BBMntoul of BOeonta sshare, and the silver Hill Mining Company one ot 20 cents a share. il,,un--.(lal.. July 10..During tba weekmding .luis 17, standard extracted 1 ,irj7 t..ns, polo assay, $30 58; bullionshipj*at*d,af45,_*2648, Ihe mine is looking well. Bulwer, tor tbs same time,snipped t,i null 417 tana, snip assay, ^1^45: no bullion re¬ turns. Di.Anwoon, Dakota. Julv 10..The Treasury couch left here yesterday with tbs somi-weokiy rlfisnap. causing 890,000 iii bullion irom thc Jle.tnestake, ifisbland (iiant. Old Abe*. De sdwood hikI (ioldei) 'lena mines, lins clean-up is from the plates only. A spec: il dispatch states that the* Valley Forge Minina Company has struck a two-foot sight inch pay htreiik on the 80 level ot Saratoga nun,', 1)..' i'lig Disliic-t. Arizona. Forty-seven liars of hul'lon. valued al 847,08206, were ieeeived in tbia eityfrom tbe B-inm yeetar* day. The shipments fre.m> tho Little Chief, oa Friday and Sat ui'las lui, u *ir 204 tons. TM Atnie sbipnieats wen tinny tons. Mist Bod Rciond class ore ; value, 84.000. A Wiilkei re, cited one bag af bullion- value 81.SSS. vest el al av, A telegram from tbe raperh-tendeut of tbs Bllver Knggel slates that the ore n, the north drill of tin- new shalt ia extra good, lin-null is running well. Four lens ol halli,>n wire shipped on the 13tb, 1 In- Mack Morris is turning ont abool 81.000 per day. An expert well acauainted ssith this mino ami the Silver l-iu aad GoluemEagleimiBea, inUloM District, Alisons, sass tbey are in uo way inferior 10 " lia) bee '; snd thal tbsy are constantly Improving as dept I, is attained. 1 i,e shalt on tbe Crowell is d.isvn 82 feet, with in¬ dications Ol sinking the Id-foot Mipburel vein Tu¬ ts iinii ii sc a* saul.. 1 ,,. Um, hmery is working sst. i*iactorily,nnd tba mill will M In operation in August. Vue President I'liillins, of f!,e C.huiial (.edel Min¬ ing (Sompaal of Canada, Maretumod t" this city, bringing with hun several pun,1,is ol coane gold found in proapectlng. One ox tM augget. welguss little mon than toa oancee ami is wortb aoiout 8200. J he nesv dam on this BCoeeriy near tue COU- tluciice of the Cbaudien and Du Loop Riven is completed and sluicing will benin ticxi week. li.-vi lupnniits mi tlie l'ouanza (hiei stu'W au emu items ore body. 'J brea lneii unne ore en,nigh to ran a20-stamp null. Whoo tba lode ls fully eroaa- cut, it is expected ta sMw on sufflcienl to run a .in -tamp null. At pTBMBl mini,ig, Muling and milln.g cos! Ism than ^1 per ton, ami thc ore ussass lia 1 hey are still drifiing westward on the loo |, vd Of tin Herschell lode of the DsOStUT. 1 hele IS a Quantity ul 'in-on theduuip, which will shortly be sen! to ihe mill. llie bottom gravel on tho Trinity Hydraulic, wbrofa has show 11 prospects ol *,7 per BU DM yard', ha* increased from eight to twelve feet tu depth. i he Roleen son Electric Ora Reducttoo ( ompaay worked samples ot sul|,hurc-t ores yest.-nhiy. giving results as follows : lion, North Carolina. $Htl aoUi New-Hsmpebin,80. gold: Ulster County. Msw* York, $ho nald] rse_eylvaaia,$84 gold . Ari-ous, ^75 to !rT00, silver und gold, pe-r ton. Mr. vstnoa beaman has heen Btactea presioeal of this aompaay. At a depth of .*>." li e-t the 1*11101, Consolidated, of Bodie, has struck an ore streak yielding 820 gold and 878 silver par ton. Tho ledge is coming lu as the shalt goes down. The north drift OB the O.'O-foot level of the South Bulwer is in 71 feet, diseloaiaga well rtajiuod vuin of 0ve feet the entire length. The Soulh drilt on this level is hulking well with four feet ol g. ml ore tn lue fa.-, lu the willie fruin this level, winch is now down 88 feet, the ledge is live, feet wida. The north drift on the -h'-i'-foot level of the South Ne,a,nuay is iu 53 feet, Ihe ledge continuing good, wttb 6 wet of Am paying oro on the foot wall! Four tons ot ore an- hoisted and placed on the dump daily, nady for the null. -Bining. A LIA .Mo.M ANA (ONIl'AW, -rb WK KI-.-s. MiM AVA. Capital, f5,0-0,()oo. Hharas. BIB ossa,»»ai,i_. rrt-seiit jaile 1, $:i on. O.'FICLIts.-rre-ai,!.,.,. W. W. Wlcksi V,,-l",.._,,.. Michael (snow rse-e-re,*r*r. n. K. Brooke. IiIIlKCTljRH-W.W. Wtrkea. A. B Darn-. Al ins.,-, Trat!.- L.U.Kiiria..a. Michael sinoir. Som Vork I r. Heater, Cele Ha .1. tl.' ': litAlaa. orricB ie ami is wai.1 arnnni J J JHmtng. SbBEE* w.tU.Kl. BILVKR MINING CO. I |, bUm af Rlaoe, Silver Beat Ptah, Capital, tl,i,i,...'ii'¦", 100,000aharasj Sloeach. Ulam H. Latham. Pii-eiilcnt P. A. rei-is, Treasurer ; D. t- I.uni kt, Secretary. Off!'*. Re. Bli i.-f.i luui.Utur. New York._ >ULLDO.\IIN(.OCi»N. MININOCOMPANY. > Wines al Blhrei (1 iff, Colorado, ("atiltal (stock, B1O.0U0.00O; r*tarea, '.(K).ooo; Par, SSO. Bred: W.H. Itanium, Ii<-i cul; H. W, MfSSg, Vice- President, N. U. t-ta-vens. Menetiiry. OBtioea R* Un aruadway, New-.-tb. ABCELONA MINING COMPAN*, RYR ('(il NI V, NEVADA. Omen llb Broadway, New York. Incorporated un ler thstawi of (he Stale of Xew York, i] isl. S.'.,00(),()')O. tn,, tx, si,ure a of (he par va ui of f.j. Knit p..lil amt President, Has ul t iii - \l r-Prraldont, A. J. sever- ir*; Msiiagii. Director. W, t. Leon tat r. nil v, K.I). ll.e«; ii,IS,a,ni. Vial I His, A J **l-Ve r_I'CI\ N V.; '. i. Leon, lirliiieani. Nevru-s. J.liu '.Jones. C. B. -senator. ese,i.e. H. r* Aimil,.-., IBU Peel at., New Y'rk S IIBB-I I. Stn 40 Hio.icl hi.. NVw Soik; \s ni 1.. .'lai-le r, s.i|,.i s i-er peiuiv cu.. n. "i -npenntendetil ofniaee, w, P, Baford: napsny'i l',ank,ra. Ainarlcaa RxitMnge Natioiml Uauk; asgUtiarof ii ii i-fnra, Union Trust Conpaay, Nsw-Ysrki ,..| .HISS 'eaUIIHI-l. It(al(([i-* Ml.el .SlI.llliS_ MiKVsni.ite sii.\ r.K minim; cd. j l.eiiaiioii of Minn, i.a a ts me, Colorado, Capital, SlO.OOi.; jtt'i,.-I,Hie* +uU each. IBiel R. traleton, President. Drake D. K.v. *.-.-tet.iry. In, rl|»«i a,ti:. .. S -,. )' Brue.wm. New.York._ H)L01tAD0 CENTRAL CONSOLIDATED J bininu oa At li.iasrreteisarn .Clem 1MB uni,tv. Ceil, (ter,,0 nus ur ths il,,ado Central KaUroad). .,,,,.«! stack, B3.000.ouft la ki.'mioshares, P.rvalue, 110 N'on-sa_*«.t>l_. otflee.81 lae New Ymk cn. )*«-_.t t.,. Farmers' om a .1 .nil tnpany. President, Pail LiehteaatalB; Vice-Prewdaut, <-r,.. it. iiMir/i i s, er, mn aa I Tn tann r, Albert gi ¦¦¦ mn. Paulo.d'Esterhaar. Rsnagae in co!- .,!,., ,...,!.¦ W. iillli._ tOPPEB KNOB MINI NO COMPANY. Ultm '. si' CR1 i tc ts IRI ¦. v tx tM SCRUB Ol MIN , li A I. LAM) Capital Stark,"..'aili..i BbsraaSlM - Bagl iiii--"i "I*. Milln.' ii.isl',,.ur Ol I- I' HUS: (i. !:, uni \" Br n Ir-t' Vice pu . li -in .ni ri'.siirei nen, rai T. !llcoc_. Oeoenl J. K. MottoesaM Calrts J. .SN la., i ;, it. MiiK.u.1. Beentary. i: \t ;:,,.i * st K Ono* inteadent OP COMPANY. 6- B BOA CWAV. ll. T. ¦"IROWELL GOLD MIXING Ci .IPANY. mses, BO, *.i le, Btaaly c.), R. c. i.i r || taSOal CA PIT.'. I., SM silAI'.'.s. .! BACH. k. k. it. ncc ii'.rv.' M. I'.;: s N Inti iii, Irria. It. Il S li., Beet ll irs-. J. I-. il -. lad, i- ii !. .! lt. ll"-: I | .... ,Mii'i:i-.-> minim; i mir wy _J COLORADO. (Ince rpc ite rt ni I ' Sew York.) Nen- York (lluun,s if ami 34). S"; I- It ,.', S-. ... Ki".li ii.i. \ ko- )Ul. I 1 I - -' I! Na .1 r. .!, ns. p»r s- in-. S '. KTOI ls I Iii. I'M I, .'. ILK. om:..,, ,,' Mi,.-. CKNTUAI, CITV. o'lii'i '¦> .,'ornalo. sued dil crt f. De .it. 120 !.¦ i. Hare bo lu.!,, ¦-*-lo ia(at-iei paid to Ita conwrata "i; 0KNERA1 Bl " MPTION. a limited .¦! ll- tl 111 ..'. !.. *',,,".- fut ii and ll ilpili,!,! Ol Mil lion. James nowell. Mayor tl ol Brooklyn, ;.\. ena-. A. Bbrfcter, wini -feasrs. a.. .,.... i a ark a seo Hm.,.ats n. N. V.i Kdmnud MrLoufti.lln, ol |. -i. mi.-., .rn in-, |. i,', si., n V. Jnultia ul Kuri k.i Iii Hew 'IV N. V. gAGLE HITER CONSOLIDATED MININ'O COMP.VNV. ,-. 1 u.i 'cr tim Laws "f Raw Vork. pal Offlee, vu Brusdwsy, :.' v. Ca-nt!ii',' ia, i. - i,ni ".in-nilli .*lle Stlaaie. .ti !.* -.tzlei Clvsr *iiiiiini! Cannty. '«i.; eap' hairs ; pat tame oi ii", stee is fun pata .ma nnaewses'i'B .'ii:*. Hon.CALVIN T. RULRCRD. I'r.-t JiiiL K. A. M Killi I'. Via I- -i'..- ni- lt. m.s i: tin rn a ii ii ku, saeratary sad Tm-arel THC* D, I'.i¦..'¦:,' kl - Wult*-, ir., I-. 1 i -.ti A. iterntt. Baa. ASalbert A_Ma.JaaM O. Beed. Pi-aderlek W, irei.ei, Hun. ,'ils,n I'. Uni;,md, Anilimiv QttkiSBO, Henry ). Atwaler, Msruii iiiit.Ua-r, Joliu _'. Clark, Chauncey T- illWl"!,. ) win J. ss ...cs-y._ L*lii;i:i.AM) MIXING COMPANY. I Clear (.i.-a-k ( om,: v. ColorMa Csa til *.-, a, b.i 0 0,0 ¦¦¦¦ ii at 126 each. i. c. Mccouni. k, i-ie R. W, BaeretaiT' cinia.. No. us BroMway, .New york. rtRANVILLE GOLD COMPANY. LS Rises, .Moliaasv ii Coiuiiv. North c.iiiilina Capital, * u. ,..i Share .*. il , ie h. legiatran ol .st.,. «, Union Traai Co. ol Raw-York, o (llcers ; *tlilian Bratidniii. Preaidsai: General John K. Kultord, rreasarrr ; Katana il. im .(orel. Secretary 'i BaaVlSM iud sou, BPI,,t. i;iii. e ii ..-.;. any. -.¦ [V it,. Xew.York City. ri.OX SILVER MINING COMPANY. I lui o' tal lr neal l.-ruli'l !.'. Coioc.rles. Cap tal, lin.non.ase, t 500.000 "-luirrs j if-je) each. lalo. D. lionaita, President D. t Varoeni-,Secretary. -. Nu. 1 IS Ilr.,.-..lsi*j, .Ni W.York. ITTLE CHIEF MINIM; C0..PANY. J Kine al LeMnlle, Colorada. CaaitaL Bl.... m.u NJ Jun.(Sm sua. rs; ."iO each. H. -ii-c.aiiaiii . . i". i Ventenat.Heoretaiy. No. |j Ittoai'.ivav, Ness- Im*-. MIXLH 1R»Y MINING COMPANY. OrMoised ni, rr tbt tawi ni Cotorado. Mi,., h ,,n iiiHMf un io «i Leadville. STOI K ll 1.1, PAID AM) IN.S--S. S.A11I.K. Capital. |_.(s.().(mu. taon.ntin hIiiii.h SlOeaeb. A. A. Mri,, .eal. 1'res. ( lt. Kai iy. Vicc-l't .-. iiui.-.-.i. il.* -oniii 'tii-c. Philadelphia. _ Mull WK MINING and MILLING (!(>. Location ol J! naa Kiaeral Puk. trlSMa cai.uni. .i.nrin. n . pi ,ooo shana il10 eKb. R M lark, I'lcidr-t, W. I'. c!iii|.ln. Tie.isura-r R. W. C. Rei!aiton,Secretary. OBeea, Na,, i.o )trai_aw__, New-York, M OBNING STAR OR-OLIRATRU minis,: comp.snv. Drrsni/ed ,,ti.|. r tlie !_ws of hjf>-" Va.rlt. Laocation of .Mmes camon tr,', nif.u i.kadvii.i.f, ll il S lui. Capital (st«ck..L',()ni).()i 0: liuD.uoo -Shares. PST Valli"*, tit). BTOCn KULI. PAID AND UNASSKS.SA.H.K. ORNRRAt oyyiCRU si tbs Oesuaayi Vs.7S Ossaass. Rew *, a'i i. DEPOHITOBV: Continental Nationiil rtat;'<, N'ew-\i,r'». Hi-.iilMTKAll Ul' 1 KA.VSJ" ni'..-**. C.uttal li ut Ca, Ns-- Vork. oarioBBa l're»l,l,r,t. lion. .INO. I. itt,Ctr. Vic* lie-i en*. litKI) TAYLOR, r-,ii.i:t!s.t.|.,) .s. 1 KRBY. naasra! Maaaserel the Blocs, IOU, If, WATSON. TRUSTRRS Hon. Jno I.. P.eiutt. ex a lui r, nu;- ... Culo!.,ele>, ,1 .seph \V, Wie.Hon /.. K. Klaiu, Kn- 1. Ti.j ml, S. V. SV 'ute, l!ei_ s. Bi,".'li, Rea S Tern. north urn-: and yosemite gold i.1 M I.N I.N l. Iii., CU' MARIPOSA nil's iv. CAL. (spua) |1,00u,000, div.en-I into ii. 11.ono snares of $'.' em h .lillis - E, ll. SPOONER. I'r. Hie, .t I,, p str..--. si,s.n. Beereian, und Treasures 1. \i ll l IAMB. Qeaeral A_e.t. gr. P. ( LEV, ii . Piuaocl-J sr. in'. ntl ,,- BS Broadway, rooinam aud 22, A Halted line, .nt'rn *(.., k f.a, huh at r.Oa-rnfc por share. l.sniK adjaceai t" tba f.ii, lil'e Minc, thia proporty I'c.oiu- nun ,h iel! to t -niili-iii Investors. firralia-e ti. Bulled le,, ap|aia al.ntl. N JEW-YORK and PALMETTO MINING CO. PALMETTO DISTRICT. RRVAOA. InciuiHiiataul _ni.r, iM-BWSSl New Vorlt CAPH AL, S'i.UOO.OOO. HHAKKS, Sluoeach. OineKlL--Prea'(, lt. B. CatherwoHl; Sei'y anal Treas)., pr., lem. Bj c. itr.iinlcill. TBOSmi a h. Warner. *.(< nrstnl.iill, Aler, stesvart. lie-urj- Meetran. I.. L. ITnsvi,, H. Ra Pey*ter. lt. B. ('allier. WikmI, lt. C. Kool, ltobcrt ScM I .uni A. K. Ilub.-i ta. A liliire,! i.iiinln-r n! BhSIMtOf ( tm tM piirpo-toof n,- linidlnii mt,!. For i) inn ulara, lippi) at R-encral aittlcc, No. 40 I Kau,.ii ..J 111,..inway,_ ORTIZ MINK GRANT COMPANY. 89.0 ". acre* rn Kania P4 C', .N,*r Baale )'-. Nev m. _|, J il. (h. il..- aM 8. B. Klklti*. Tni'teea, _ Pm i"l ..Hie. 1 is*ay. New York. ROBINSON CONSOLIDATED MINING CO. Wines at len Bite, B-Bliail (n ( uioi-.lo. ('Mlia). Sic.OOo.OOaj j 200,0011 -har,'.. S.'") caa-!,. Gem. D. no; ena. rreaialei.t. D Vardcaal. siera«(ary. i,Ola ea, .Na,. 11 a/, llruaalstay, *cw VmS. POBERTSOS ELECTRIC ll (iltt. ItBO I ct I a, N OOMPART, nrcamzed uu le-i ia"va ul Uer Slate of Now York. Capital rstoi k. Bu.. _O0,0u0 an.irea, par s-ai js. $..-,. 1 nil paid and in.aet.'le. liuiiipal oh., e. Koiona'..l and'^4, No. .0_ Broadway, Now Voil '|*i.u-.c.i;.\i'iici.NS()i.ii>rn;i)M!\i\(. i:, J PiO.M.H: lil-II'.I, i, P1NAI Cad N i V, Alli/".". 1 CAPITAL si Cn. SJ 500,000 1 N 100,000 S.9 sllAlc.s OyPICEH*): i-arai-it a. Ve* _Ur.-!«, Preaideul if.. HU, ii Kacbang.-a , ( C. Mniiihv. Vic* PraatMai, Undloi V. fseaniau. SccirUry snai TrsMurer, Bond of Tru»t»«s- TliesslurB,1,1.. Veiiion BSSSBM, OL c. Murpbr, W V, Juli,, A. lt.-i.aain. PiuMClSI AkciU riiecxlore NMIIlauta. (N. V.; I- te),anne), Ne. .'.s l|iaa%,|sv_y Baw Veera. IliKisirr e,f |,kii«f.-n m .Nen-.York-l'aloii'r,.a! c.iinpaDv, c.Linsii Raatlngtsn VerasaL Ra V'H liua.t way. New Yura Ila.n a. W. niau, ban Praua.iac-o, Cal Millhill .*-"_' 'Ht- Ul'.lilt P, I. flrillaa!, OPIlCBi NO. M BROADWAY, Ni AV Vunk'. ¦THE BONANZA CHIF.b* 1 OOM* MINING COMPANY". ( .pitai.Sl.ouo.i'.u. *"Uarea.Sl ._«-, uaaitoaiabla Prealclrtu. W. W. Wli'KliS, vi... [ir. ..d.-nt, 51 tell A RI H.NOW. aa-crelaijr. R. K. LltOciKl- alli--. Imt. A. B.BARNES H. A. Ml UaIiD.-uiN. (J. 0. ROM IN HUN, U.S.Nmi* I ItA-K. SS W. Vs lt UK*-, MICHAKLSNOW, of Now Voil i ni i. -ai MiKli-s, .M,unana lol i'-iUt Uilla ma_un ai tho utile e ^ia vu ia wa ii. alilKkrl THK MONEY MARKET. SALES AT THK **TOCI EXCHAIIOi. July ll). ISM TBS OSNBBAt HST. i Ar nial Hales. (i<smn« I Illili. iharaa I ml Albany * -sna Alton A c.ll... ,m. nraf. R. C. R. A N* central PiatSe. c st i ,_Hf.O Carada -soih'n ('..CC. A I . '-..c. et I. C.. rues, cr ' uno.. r'ho«.evo .dm. " Olaf id "tuc. B((r AU. -..Hi AP. "Lie. At Minn Cleve eft Pltis'ir1 C.StP.d KIO do oral. "hie* \ SV... nov ..?sw ni '..Mc "*"*'¦ I'.. c..M A«t P af. sveafn ri tt (l Dearer A RO'd (lune..A leva* 1.A Ht. Jo ... H a* -I. Ja,. Pl Intone. . *(l"»i. Iud HAW Keok A I'Af Ka'all .. I) SI of .VU. i/-ii a. eat- Raab. i.aie -shora,... Min hanan_ N -.r*.'ie'.attn Mair..-a (Il .'alot -.?*' al...,i(Sll.. I! ieh. central Mobile* Olio. tl rs', a lex.. Xor.* r.aiaei.. laaB.CbaMtla, "a. .1 ccnc-ai... -. t ii a n nv Kiarataa.. Wi,.'. - * ,a,,.,r i Nea. I'ri ll PM > ¦.. ra'i ac pf'! v.'i'..i);,t...sV DbioCant.. i,-un A SI,.a.. DO r!. Panama. I'li-.t.aK-auiua -i. i. A- -. F... *'. l.aVS. F. nf. .11 .crsi l.t..(.. -:. i... s. a KIO- /'..-ina A a!...-t I...-1* u:. ,. ian.,.;, e fal t.o P rel. <_ iJ.rai.I t.:.*.'« cxn_ lager, ssa. .. * r.ita. sv. ppreo ...m.. e«. me -i -, ."" I SS' Cal ii, u Mn, ¦! mina -I,:i il Minim ife.M.t ,, Utile- Pit-io'a Bllver Cliff.... tiauoam ia a'c fannel. Uuire*tiv«i,... Ojin'a] Hlr'ti/ow't Kita!. BM. [ASS'Sj ios'i! limy iou*4 5!)-a 70 ii flS av ls-. '.'1 "ii i-i .(,7 !13 I'.I 41 TS«i e. r.!)>- 7o si Mb 70 ns IDS ai 125 I117). Il:i 121 si**. 7f 03 5")'a lt, ¦Al ll-.!'-. d',' 111'. U~, tl 124 f)7 113 l-l 41 in1, nu. BON si IOU-, 1(U\ 8 '..! X2*-j| Ts BO* 03 05 :c. \ I 'a ra t_*i lOt'i I07*i .¦¦'-, sn 1.8 !'. : bSC-. lo Bl tl, ¦.; Dj .TS );. ll l-l I tr?** 115 l-l si 75 H.-"a SI BBS si iii** cn 1 17**- IBS '.ii il 124 101S 31 r..a)-, eii 70 "1, «¦> M3% 17*. in's vu -IJ'* 1-5 M7 «» lias 10 75 !)_ D-"a 0 ". 111 *4 111 s 111 u 111 y *t *,'il7. " '" *< ¦*) . 90.1 ms ¦«*.¦¦ mi-. i"i-ti 4 .'. 7. Bil** Hi. Kl 21.-, Kn 2." rYl 4 fl ><( Iii 1.35. 1,050 3o(1 DOO 1 I '.ll 20'. 8.5-0 470 0 MO, 71 t,.( nhs 71'. si".: 79 '-i Ul7, si's 71 107-4 l"*'s 111 12 -!)"4 UT. _I«J 8l> si J dis'v 35 r5\ 71W Tl c 107*_ 107b VHS, »1 1 rs. 11 22- 80 ,. ' 11 VIA 1 lu; wt*, ic;-'. tots ino*. I0«** .S'l1- ¦*()._ i DI 02"% .1 Pl 10). 70 - 111 7 1V 87-4 li i ,j'. B", li 11 Bl Bl '. '7 1 -. lo. "(l .1.1. O'S 7_ >.' li a *>4 « 00 it'd tis '¦' l.'u "V lilli 7 3"*V Bv tu !)1 .:( 7,,\ 7-.". 7:?- 100 ¦_9.7 ") 0 70 1 '.oo OCX) 1 -ul, 1,000 1.1O0 [oi rS.fitl!) u H, 1.- ,., 700 10 O.fl -.0 ).7uo 111.350 i.Onti 4,o()a( 1H.H ll 6.-7.. 6') 7"'"V .,:*'. ,:tl 31'. Ill '-. WI '< !! lil Ul Hu 1:1 4:i'« 42!ioo 7IS 7')', Ti 70S UH _7"i *T7 : '--'7 1 i.s. '. , '..'« .1 2 ii Bl 38 4 27% 27-i ::' 'j ls il ..i 7S1 73 I IS 3-.-* 4s' BO \ Oft IBO III'Sa 1'li a 92'* ms ot6*; 1", 114-4 Iii* ii-)'. 11 ci* nc, J ¦' 's l-'a IB 84 IB IB o7'«! 7:i 4--1 1-. I. Il,6sa l()8»i 106", I n .-!> 4 Bo i. W 'JO 1'. 00 US n't ; 17 . 1-,1'ai IKS 41. 41H HO au 24 *. .i ¦¦* b'l 34 :;7s 3:: 4 P. ' 1 i 4M-.I 101 2.'a '-1 BS 8 . 4 31 li¬ ith !,u(i Til ..',.', <1 Son 3.11 mi UH) c,r.(.V) ooo n.4',o 8 215 .i.e.,., 6.100 BOO 2.i'U) 23 1*6 io 4.-1)i'i 7 2.0 100 225 loo 7.10 2d) ie,(alane, .231,4.10 .Vj'4 5-ell.r BOB ] I 60VERXUESTS. c n Hi Coup is*l H6,(i 1. 0 s is Kejriatcrcil 1.07 .I0l'.| .LOO . BOSD8 ARI) BASK STOCKS, ld o'.K. K T'l Vi O'CLOCK. I-'onrih N Hann ..110 Mjnl. .; i B .1*1 I', il BE lat ', 00. 11 1' DOH.HS 1".,!,!) .n s, 1. .. * Weal n. a -j,t 1 on 7 ,0O(i.OCV lso,i no . '-.'. . 120,000. s ,,, 00 .1'1"'." Hl'.Oseei .io'. X V, L ) A Weet .Ni as- -..'.t Bl .n.e ll ll|.»-, ', Den B li ti Con 2 .Olio.l _«e ll.'I, ll tu-, 10.000. B3 ti Kan Pm lu Cob l-.uo'i. ai ;s ni in.05 "a :c-2..MM, ..1-,.4 CaiiKdu -South ls: aliiiiriint.enl 1,01 0.P?'i 2d,',11 '.'J-*_ CCA IC Inc 10.001).40 0,000 .4'i'a'a Mu Kan A T c Ak -,,..(, ),,-,,._ Ito ni .1 Toa d un 10,000 ... a.'- obie i.i (serin* lt 8.1)00.i'.7 .-.- ¦) P .nd , ,.'..*. 1: IM ll Tu .si I'iinl ... Min Lan lir.uit In 33.00 >..b:l..ln.. K'likUK A:U9 M 1 t I.', ¦>. .'¦.iitiitl (owa lat 1, (Mi _l-,i>'a ('),".* .. () Cur minmi Lief .' 1,000 .38 ._ i.OOO..fl....SH Mil A Si Pl 7a gold I "C.-0. 118'. ll..u-tu. A Tex (J ..'il M.Un Lino 7.O0O ..114 c Pla B Min let ],(H) 1.1071* Iml. HI001.1A ss -_.i ..o')ll .01 Loma A Maali c '08 '.,0'JO.llhI* f.'vlllc A Niah '.d 10, M('trot>o.l(iiu KI lat 1,00 4,"()0.'.*y"« L K A Vi l«t 6a (0.000.103 Mu, Ile .0 nin'tf; 4 "00.Ml Mob.le AU 3d Dob lr il-".3-11* Kath CAS L las 6, 'OD. ll')1. Central racine o ii Loco.:)-' l.n.. 1 .lil?. Union racine lat mono... ..lust I'm. it", ot Mo lat M 10,000..Ill) rut- ft WAC -d 1.00I-.l'J5'-j Allon AT lt -ilprt 1.000 . .10. N'rsv Jer.iey Cent In IO, no.7 .. '¦_ Oreaon Ur A H ls! 4jK),i.«fi84 Itu .t (it R 2d lu li.UIH). 01 St Loul* AIM 2,1 r.-fcrreel lnconio li'.oijO.7H 6.000.7C»« 1. O'CLOCK IO _'_ o'. I'K I Berth Carolina ba old Jun iv lolv 16,000 ... . H ^. l ea Weet 2d Cot, ,; ,.u .,.nu's, 7 ..' "'I .'.'O'4 O.oiio.¦( iS .'.7.', 0 ... .BOS st LA I M*-d 8,0 ,.). ln'i'a 'I iOl-i bi 1. .-¦ 1 .u-iuii n I'i cf Inca,nm 17.000. 77 Si LA 1 Mt Ut lu ferrell lne- li.lle'U .04 5,00 1 . .8iTa- sui' a >i Peal ist Boothera Mtun u I,all.,.101 si A M LO * 01)'!'. Lett il!c. .st Mm, -t ¦J.,, (,,'. Si I. Killi 0 at N Baal Katata 7a .95 10,..00. 10!) ii! L K (' .* N Omaha Dis- 3,01X1.11034 "..,.' a tax -ii 1 l.OOO.o-f'a IO, )"((.no oregon ll A Nl*( ."".WI", lc. Cai- In 1. ut u .ii.OOO.5(J'_ KaiMM I'u ido ila Dru irv At v ll!, iillirili C"! 7,0'K) .. Liiisaa PaeiSc Os l", 11 DI* Aa X Coulton V.nuti.1011)4 Kan*M Pac lat C li) (. ni.ic.'a B.000.0_>4 st L.V B !' -I el .(.a B 5.000 .77 V Den A Rio Grande 1 lat on 7, "i 0.*):".'4 15,500 '"..'i Den A I'i (irani 1st l.OOtl.101 14 Che* .v 01,10 cur'y lnt.r.'st .I,',.)') .38«* l',,e-s,*> 1,Ino 1st sjBiies U _.(,,><>.H7i* 7,003 .07 '._ N" J Cent Ad U BOO.lot N J Cent lat Cool Assented On.ono .lo,ji._ Dial "f Col S-tiTu Con [iou ln.'iu'i.90 Aluij.u»_ Cia** A ln.OOO .... < Mil A st Pnul II A D Dlvlaion I.hju .107). Nani, c A st L la' l.i)* racine of Mo Ut").HO Pitta r w a 0 Ut 1,0. >0.13.".-a 2"-jo'ci.O.*K To '.i (VCtO '«. ,na,1:1.1 7s Ness- 1 hi (.,. I -toaatain lon).IO!)**! ArKausns Briucli Ch** it'll,lo I 2 'C'.io:, ut -c-rtea u rbi n Webaea ft.() si coi'a«i Ooaree N V, LIA Weat 10, '4 Jd Con 10,000..*3 flu** 1,000..hS...B0>. ._0.tll)tl.11,1)4 N V. I. K.V West Ni sv .'el .'at,uni 15.1)00.H.*,". StI. AI Mount ,1 «,,, M, . lUli'B St I. .. ll sion '.'.I preferred lace m- 2,000.77 11... a i' iu Ciaas 8 7.000.77\ 51,0 .11.7*1 Peoria Dec t l.v'il IliC"lU10 3.000.cOs, Kaaaai Pa Hie Oa it Div Ss ssilu com, cert ... ,) .I,,,', Km, PM !s in fl.!'!))...15 'Jhio i.iiti.11 lat kl.OeiO..9 C C A I C 1 at M l.OOil.H_34 CC A I c tat M Trust ( ei Cyr Aa suiiii uii-iiUrv 25,C'0.8t*t_ 6,IH)0.SHS I.O'O.80 CC A 1 0 Ino 1,'.nen. b3... 40ie 1'i.uo).40-. Baaloo lt A K lat 5..IO0.44 l'acltienf Mo 1st o.HO") .ll"! ( st Tu U _: M In 3, 00.lo.t* Mo Kan a i 2.1 10.000.0(1 OtOSlSO PKicr.i nc fin i.adki.i'Hia iro'iitA. Hld A *k ad (Kr6*. ress-_l'-lU-j 126 iti-il it. Km N. J..161 itt! IVtni. K. K. fd-, ;"..-.-', lieininiK ll. K. ii B '. l.i-h,Kh Valiev l-l. i.u-h 01 causa,aaa »(e-f. :<!) 4,1 Rarthe_aPM.coM. -7'4 "_7s Hld. A sleet. N unborn Pac. en( 49 49** Si rth'a (>i( H. 3.1 sj ;u i^-MKb sar.'.".u_ _s*a int. iit.«. as.i; h. . 11 ¦, ib liaataanlla 1. u... il** -j. i I'hita AUtii). Ut* 14 OLOSISO PRICRA Of BOSTON STOOES BStOnt-9 Li lac. s.itiiri'.av. To-ilar. Water rower. If|* b^i ICaatem Ratlro_.t.. ;i,i*4 mo '_ l!.a*t.iii il'* tl3, A .* TOO. 1st 7a. .liri UH Do. land traill Ts.. I Ki 11(1 De. 34 7*.ll' 118 ix land ts..184 ISS E. !t. It. ;.^a 11 esr.. H4 HI tiaill.iV Kin Ts.. 4-*'a ll ', A..1 lop. K. lt.... 1 lil'-_ HOC koit. A A. lt. 'I ..14- '1 I > V.oe.t. Ai Me. ll. .1 i'll'» 181*1 Mu..n \.-b. lr - li! Mlu. TT CU,.. BBB. A ( nive. 13 Bab. A Ara. Va: it.'linet A Ito ii. JJ 1 _20 i'u,(per Ka"* . ll ', 1 linne ali -sill.-i.1 b 3'* Praaklta. li1- us. International_00* .. ,- Petsaon tiic'.s at'k) '.*i'i IS ynmcy . 27 *_ Kt.ia^. 6'* *,,v,.r Isle:. .*!_ Sl.ia'.su'n ,,[,'.. Ba, 3 T7'i'AUouc. SI .'nd ;i. I1* li's I 5 Bi 4 V MOBBAV, Juiy 1!).1*. m. Tho »t(s. k Bpesalatioa to-day was vary naek mixrel. Tba spaaing waa atronn anonah to satisfy tlie most sii'iifiiuic of "' bulla,'' and the lunn,caa of tin- (arly boara dsvalopsd aotblai Ibatcanld tis- trurt liotn that riatiafuctioti. Hut l:itcr thain was a reaction that w;i» more marked in it. character than BStiseable, baaaass of thn extent of th.« ile alina. Hmm andanbtedlj was -otne outside beyinn of apsealatlVS stocks. Tbs talk of unini-ns.- o;irn- iiiirs, Um i>nrticil!urlv lose-.olorcd n-poiiH ahout tho ciops nnei if a proSBSSt-VS market for them, nod tho at'itatinii of a ptobalile or paniMa importation of BBSSla, evidently bsgtal to work upon tuat slam of B-tBOM ts lui " aover speculate." bul occasionally make an " investment " in iion-dividcn(i-payui|{ ne- curitics. Thc pnrticiilarly aclivo atocks weto : Urie, winch r .se to 4:1*4. but closes ut III1,, a deCluio of lp fr,.111 I it ur lay ; ht. Paul, which rose to 81. batsloSM at rtOig, a d.i-linc" of L_ ; Mi*souri, Kaasaaand Texae, which rorie to 38*4 but close's at 'A7\, a dee linet of *«, and Northweat, which rose, to .Cl's hut close-sat 93r\ 1 dicluio of *9 per citiif. Lana Inwn wuh only a moderate amount of busuica. sold as ln_li as 107*%and rinsed uiicliaiu'ed at t( (i-'i, and Mulit. gan Central atter sailing np to 92\ elaaai at Pl Si, an iidvancet of '4 per cent, (,'enlral 11ml liol,,,,, sold at 183% bat later there w.*re sellers .f thu sto.k at I'll -¦-_,. St. I.oui- und In,n Moun¬ tain wm exceptionally btroux, opening up lia Per cent ut 4*s ~a and riaitut to iRdm, wttb lani miss ni -'^-i. und the Wabash*. were comparatively finn, retaining lp#lgaf their i-atly advances. TbSBS wa* a side movement in the coal atoota*sonlnan*hawavar, almost toulnntvalf to regular room operators, which advauced ^a.w- J.-iceiv Central _S*a percent to 7'2Sh Delaware. I-sk. wanna and Wost.-rn lig to *2'2. and Dolawars nd Bni_ant%tnM% From the extreme) priees lure WSa adc. linc of 1+ f.r NVvt J.^y Central. ^ ir Pslss-ara.Laahswsnaaand w.-tern.and mfoe ¦elavn.-u," .iri,| Tbe fie t (fiat -ucl, flJof'e* outs are made in the face of the . irftissl c.._ itions af tba coal trade might ha iiriri-d aa au ev Hipleoftl,.- character of tlie Wk la BtSSh ip-r. lation. The Plitttiiiilpliin Lainey is asl bealla lor lie- stiit'-in, nt that th- laa_bag Company ia el,,, llisli.-d v-ilh the BBBQJBBI results iu Hie output f tbs differeiit companies of tho system of work- Ifl tiree days a steele, ant complains that 'hile tl,.". lie*aeli,i(_'s, nutpBl is ISdnaSi eailr 7.~-0.000 terna from hst fear, tko ns bf tba other largs sssBpantas la their aatpal HS not been 100, Ot Ml tons each. 1 bia .-x-,! un, t,HJ of H 't-.i ts-y Uiiira.,,1 b b__ti with Lided coal cars, and why tho Delaware aad Iimi. in Company has been compelled to rsal RddtttaanJ md at Beadon I to stars its soal aa. \\ astsra I'uioa nsdnll ut I06*fcg iun'4. I'lcun: Mallapsasinp k par sent ni 12. and bn__ns_iataly U Bin t * _, OSded with nunan "t an imp "ndtni rsp;et (_e|vaiic*j ir tbs stock. Bal its polas decliaed to 41t__ The larkc closed dull, but feverish. QaVsraflBSnt bonds were dull, the total frans;.-. ons at tba barnda amounting only to 92a Qm Ul pri.ea svete lirtu with an ads:, SSS ls lbs bala 1:1. s ot I* for lim (is Bad SO J8*)l,:l>c for the .l.,, ml -4 pc r eaat for thc is. Annand us t.,. cn*,.us notations t aid. Aale.,. I mn. *,.M H.Ca'KO e*'* Ui.' 4 CS 4*1-07 H (".'.I. co,., in *-il')-.'* Ct. 4* Ii 17 , ..... a I" s ("r rt* l-l C ... fe rt. (s .-'it :s's i.r,(- b. Ha'si. rer...U)4>* UH** .8. 0*'sl eouo. 104'* 104)* .h. ft* HI.ree... luist 103 «* .lt, sa I. ¦' >i,.i'>('_ ina** .r* **-,a'!.l.r*...l I-.*, ll','* Cut. 0_S* is lt .1.7 .ri.4'**".U.C(iUb.iluH HO'* I ,)la(-( C.'-i. I .* The business in "state bundi Rtcladsd Vurtu | na 6_. old, January and July, at 28%, Aisha lass A, st 99, and Georgia 7s nsw si lni'.__ rmtatsnn oooaala aragnoted i' i; The sales c f city lank stock) wars i Poarth N'a- ooal (.")()/ at Ho, amt Manliattan [60l at 1 11. A w,-i!-d<.s(ribut-d bnstnsas was ds .. railroad mills at full fi.ure-s with BSOM - u, lue BsldsaUags. BriaaaBoadi maota -sM al '¦."¦.,. n'i against V0**g Saturday, .iud tbs faadad "is at ."i-'ii" 96*% Missouri. Kau MM BBd PeXBI firsts w-rs mini 105'a,tbaossondsoalllBgal *.*."i"'id. Bsa* "ii, Hinton! ami Bria tirsis ro-c treat 13 :i la 11 \ 144. C., C. ami I. C. I 4 - I t 8% _-_.-*}*.'._, tim in con cs ri- g fioia 9*8 to 4(>>_. Cbssapsaha sad Ohio firs:*, .ii ea 15, al <)"'_.. ..oro ii'_ per c.-:,t | ghat Ihsa lbs tat previous ssls, sad st. Lonla nad Iron M aataln -.,,nd incoinea advanced mts77. Oregon Kaile. uad sad Navigation lim**, wera 14 islet st 99\ lhlesgo.St.Panl a:,d Minne ip< ll Im ¦. ind tie in demsad at 106*PlOS-\i. Daavai aad Bio Iranda Brats san \\ bighsi al IO 1 '-i. sad Ihs sa .- ds Ipsresal higher at 03*._. Tbe otber ebaaaal HMO uiitaip-.t taut, Iist-O-OM UBVMtBH nts beiaghoM t full tinnies. The Sub-Tr.\-ifiQry to-day grin-ai 1627,879 on ial,mee, made up by a coin gan of $880,444. i*ss a currency loss of $202,567. This Bisksi ho total gain bii.c-o Fri.lay 9481,027. Money onlay wm Just a shade Ism easy, tbs ia 1 or call loans being _¦*._ te 3 per eeat, with a bs* pei table portion of the new bu-in ss d i.e.- at tie i_iior rate. Tho domestic exchanges on New-York, t tho plscso named, are gao ted M -; Sa- annan, Va-1, preaiinmi Cbarlastea, le diaeoaal i> Ji jiremuuii; Nsw-Orlesns Comioemal, l'2.t3 BO. bank, '2oD preini'ini ; Rt, Loais, '.J.*), cuts pretniiin ; Chicago. 'J."i Benia dlseoasl u par; Boston, par to __7_» orals proai.Bfla. bs i'liited siiires Treasurer st .Vwbington lo* sj received 8120.000 in National bank notM toe .'(lempi.ou. TbeenetoinereeeiDts v .¦,.¦¦ 8500.000, lani he iiuernal r.veuuo leceipts $050,000 Tho ollowiagis the Cleirine Mouse- ststeaiet I to-dsyi Ixobansss. 9123.120,6101 bi lane-. 83,044,681. lu.* transact ions at tin* Bob-Trraanr*, cover, di .eieipts. 81.1M'1,507: paym«nts.81-366.636: ear- ency balsnoa. $7,310,307; com balanooj 185, 887.UH.-,. FoceigB exchange continues weak an'! to-day tbs ates for biiiut sterling were reduced "j ceut to the :. Annexed are tiie revised gu ¦¦(.mon.,: T.iu. -anana' stn Un. billa CO .lavs. I dara. on Lot,eton. sj., sn, .is-'., _._ * | .«,,, loo.! baw-a-ra'anal pnaie com 4 SJ a.i*:t.. 4.-4 <t ; .*, hwOeee_MSC__l. 4«3 348"3'_ 4 81 n 4 *j laie-unientary couimerclal_ 4 8, al si tfiSOioA 'ar*a,ir»nc«i. 633-*S*S__*« 5-.'t'4,. iuitserinrranc*)._ 5 33 '*«5 '.'_¦. I 31 ."('a ..) wise ifraucs). 5 2.: »io ii'-i i- . innt.riaii tgnilrlera) . 4USA ttU* 4" -¦' li* laiuburicreleiimaik'*'. t*-4-S.<» iM-** D.'.'* rianLtortirelclnuiirai). l*.;-\a .<4"*» D'.'-'f |0% '.remeo treichuikika). Wa* 94"a :.. '.s, li-i.i, inch uara*. 'Jl**-* 4-a i*-'»_i 'Jib In London, Htiti-h oonaola bold atesdy st '-^u ox money aud 08"io foi account. Untied Biatso )a,,;a.i,s wert its erratic as taney -techs.1 beds miag !rutn Ill's to 112*4 and closing st lil7-): tba ; l ipsning dosvn 14 at ii'.'*, und rising toling md closing at 113U, ami tbs "r»* WI IS tteadj. hstag rom 106 to 1061s. l''rie sbares advaaean H4 per ISBl to 45*-8 and jlosed ut 4 I3)., the BMWBd consols laing J4 t" 99*%, AM.-iuttc aad (ireat fust. and a*c oikIs each declined -4 to tis1* inn, '2\i respec- .tvely. Illinois Central staa L_. lowei SI 1 I-'1-.*, l'enn- tylrania s. bigbss at 57*4 K ading s\ bigRev at 1*1*4, ifier 9, ami Central snd Hu-l-on 1 \ bigbor ;.t lA't\. Bar silver advaaoed *»d. to 525mI. j..t ounce. Ino Hank cf Kiuiland gained £14,000 bullion pi bal* ince. In Tans French 3 per cents rose* fr.mi h.", r,7>._, io 85.65-988.60, sight exehaago on 1.tuition rump ,0 25-81*4 trams to the £. I...- . io-* carun,ls rn if followiiiu i.iilio.ids aro reported: Mt-SoUKI. K.s-is XXI) TKMs. 1m79. Issn. se*;ni,el sveek In Julv... BBS,Hii MS,S4fl Inc. f's .-OS laiuiary Ito July 14.... 1.352,-1.1 2.li4,''78 lue. 7CJ,tU7 HtBSBABOaja **U» st. Ic,(is. 1s7!). lrtSO. t-'ourlh nee. in Jnno... 015,350 |*-5,7*W lue. SH.507 I to Jnur nu. l;.-s,'.'s_ 310.100 lui. ill.llS Ihe receipts of tl xir and gram at the piiiiiuial Atlantic ports this 19th day of July were : Raws 1 or*. Canal. R'ir'et. C'tw'e. Hair, niola. Itosfa Rour.bbl*. 21.077 l.oi. Ijttm B.MU H f).s,s()ei20ili(K) 7,(0 1 37o.!)'.'l 1 lo .' 1 (a) lorn, liusii. .244,800 2_4).l OO . _.- i-.ii t 71 simi I out.*, boah. 28.16O . »,15o IT,3_U ..;"». ):vcliusl,. 600 . list .airs.buen. 17.800 .. .ftaatMahi.l43.SO0S01.4S0 7,000 :Ui:. cst 000.040 03, s| The receuiis and sliiniu.-u.s al and lr,un Itutiil.) to-day ure reported as lollows: --llecelpta.-,-SMhNBaMa--« Hv lake. Bailroala. Br cau.u. Kalro«K Flour, bbl*. laJ7l .' . Wheat, boah.... 128.n(J0 70 0 S) 124.KSI 17. .-. furn, mutti. '.TO.OuO 1 :cj 0*1.1 3-..:.:><;o '."sv, oat*, bush. 103,0 -0 62,0)K) 34,373 I I Kve. I.OOO . a,.um Baa lev. bosh. 8'si . sot, total ona..... 601.0)0 274.4(H) 631.73., 6'.'7.40O The fatiowing sscrr the raoeipts aad sbipjtsntn ai aud bom Ciucago aud Milaraakse t >-day i -Rete.pla.-.. ihlpnaen'* Chd'.iaee. RIIWMkaS. flu. i-i Milvrauk'-n. new, Ml...... 7,3-8 8,475 * Mts bass... 70.4OH 0.6SI ts Ji,; t -. (or,,. IimsIi 4:0.5O0 4 (MM) 8'd ...i l...(i) uaia bilah. ... 4) a SI 3,vnc) '.'4 4::.i fa.CT live, boah. 8..-1 BBS IJ-UM Bf lS»U«v b.iah 4 0 6.4.(0 I e, e, 1,0:4 Total buan... 171800 10.1-0 1*007,071 3'..10S Kl'HOI'l'AN ti.lAN'e I VI. MAltKK.f-s. UIBBOBa Ju'f 111-l'_':3n p. BB..V. 8. boinia. lom .lll.l i li.ilf pei .1 a, ll.s'i. K-ic 4 :*m 1 lii.ois 1 (adal, 1 lo1* 1'ina. s, Isai.n ci-nirici. .7 . li.-a.ll.iL-, B»b Net V isr.rKal 1... OM, J-Ut 111.1 1" |i ni Al lani c ami VS ciera tlt»t Bwalsegs traaiers' .*r_Beeta*, i;*'4. tin. .»*¦ uni t. ..,(- ic.ittf .'.: Bea f,-"i imn.. ceaaaM 107Si lin- MtesO cnn nu, 1,13*3. Pana mimm snaie :; uet teat raataaei "I trance '.."' -aatlaia* for ia*aaraanl. UMUOB, Jn'f IO 3 :'.() I", in.-C. W. hsmela, fourier r.iifal, 1 ll ', lour amt * half ix-rceiua. 113 i,, Nm a, li'.i',; e.nal, 44 _: fi iu,M is.un.i e cn,ral. 57 '*. la,mids. July 10.4 p. uv .C. a bonis, four orr ,-.-tit*. 112-* Kn.-. 44»a; I'rnuaytviiuia CciUral. u7-i. li. .i li I..,Maa B, Jo V ll 4:1ft a. iu. Part* ails).... i,iu.e ihn-e i>*r Baal rontca iii BS tlBBeaOO ceniUu.a tu, tin- ac.oiiui- I^Ma.N.July lil-4:30 li. ill.-C. 8. boinia, lo,,, Ott c..(,t^ 111'.: four au,1 half |s-r eeat*. 1 13'* Kn. liv llltne.1* Central, .li" Penna) IvanU C ei.liai, 67 St, IW.-.uiU. sS( .'.ess Veark eiltr.ll I SI . LO*DOM J(,!» i'.i. Ti,.-aiuaaiiiit of l.n.llo". ^.x,e , itothe Dank ol r.nKiaiiit on balance to il.iv xii I.OO0. (.ano-. Julv IB.l-lciian*.- ol) I. iuaon. '. train* Bl "-i "*¦. tunes tor ilia-cla. BBBUSa Jolt' D'. The lUti-iinat ol UM laiaarlal lian- Hcrniaiiy abott* all IUiie"*ae ,n Mi«h le o! 1 ...«> i.i)...< lu .1-4. KU iiiii'int st . t iKri UypSBSQ. -Inly IO l-oi * I'txne \frnr ).:,.. .,-, Sr BM at ,.7 waelfaTB. Briner al ill. li*, n ( inn ¦¦ r au.i i ul, limier ai I O-.l BSotl Idb. Briu.-v ai .i(.i,, la>ai 'C ¦taaSv at tntfid. i short clear atasS] * tait Hime.umux C UU IIUll ai 44 Sllntiulrraa. ai '.'.'i I..I. lin f 111,i» Hi.C ilnil at 04 Kim, Meeta, ainu at 72 Pitta* Utmt .lull >l Ito Uaxil I'rniic SS .-ai. i-u lliiiir, al K. (s( l(_.o» Tin** (liv »(iiii!.i »( 04 I uri-euiiii- >ii,iltaa. *»*M.V ai 22 Sa Ho*i,t < oiiinuis. ai 4- (a.; d'.ne. a .s .il I ( J* . Auieriraii hon-, (iinier Kl ">1 Ijiu *n'. dull .' Pluar I.-da **l ale. au-aily al li.tKl ss l.-,,t No I, st lalie, ateaily »l IO 10. s|,!,,,i-. N's .. » '.li.! New sun- ler tA.ann,. ataNi.U at la,0.1. N.* Bolaira ss ,nie- .,***'7 a( 100*1* Coni-Mllaaal. Bf,,,el al'.l.l. I Ml \*i- low Auiencau. mina- ii, marlu-: lia-n- I'aaiaWB. Bl la-hil»^ elull ae 4("ivi lorijenllne, "nulla. ,ai laiiutaai eileaUj al »S_ U,-.-e,|.ts of W bean to- ihe wa-a-a finn AlUoll. |a-tl». J.'.tw 4ia. .from CaeK! porta, 4,100 Sta.; I."*", oUin .omi*-*. WI ur*, com. 51,000 qra. i.iTti.ronL. JetlT ll) l'.':30,' nt Itosslous CMM-hM per cwt. (or the best Kiai'.i *..( Aiuen. an UraarOOL. Ja t IB 5:16 ». m. CB****. bS |"H«i (..rut* beal (i,a<le* ni A mn,i a,,, hplrllaal ul lentiu. .el |-'i. *X i.nMniS. Jill] IB S |l ill le-tinrtt I'.I I eeo alni. I '. a. Ot f*m Ital. s"li.rlteo( I uioeauuc. ......I. n-ii .si |,a-r » lx-NUov. Jiuy 1.' ,i.0p.iu. lAUtxrtl Oil.* pei ion iira'/.iiiav Darran mauiw Kl.. J»Nl:ut" Julv 17-('ofle. M..,k.-t Qincl. fii.-cM ui*1» taliutat: n.i.i.aua.-.doocl l"ir*t». 5.70Sa6,-MI raiefSI IBBBBB Kx.-liaaas-i'ii l.i.nilou. 23s*. rsisl,,* Ju.v 17 end..' Market (|iUe(. itonuv»»ril lea deiiov soua.tor aaiiUM. 6.1t)ei«*9._sH) raia oar ll) lll-a.




RALF A CENTURY. Bf Jaxn OBB1 BniBSMIHI-.':,,.) pp. iii.!, (ii.r,i_o : J. (i. .--issi.shel.ii.

Mi sss issi,.dm lins lot none of tltiit Dartcilteniper, IsMtepeudence of thought. *and IMM of

speech wbteh Bude ber for so many yean ii

Dillie nil celebrity. As sim ree oils ber mein, nie-

of stirring conllicts the old fin s blom brightly j

Beers sad balled RBiaa in the vlgaiens sen¬

tences even tin- .'ii,clent prejudices (loutish in

unimpaired vitality. Rarely is a ralania of rasa*

lllisie-liees COB-BOSSd with so niue li intensify of

feeling as this emil.-st lndv brings to lier medita¬

tions. Nobody ran rand tba book without ex-'

patieeetug arsrwitblng of tbe eixiltmaent ef battle*The abolitionists af tss nty-live and thirty years

ngo can ne-scr forget the liotrible winni.s BgalUBlw i,ieh tbey banded tMmselvea tagetber, or the

lirntal outrages of wbteb limy std,- made tbavictims, desi that they should M aldo to

unite of mich thlage without gening angry. WbMMrs. Bsrlaabelm started Tkt Ptttmara SaturdayI Her as an SBti-smvevy paper, she not only tnaveda publk opinion wbteb held it hardly dec. nt for

a won.un to conduct a political journal, but she

axpoasd li-! *¦. "i to Rieat personal danger, tine of

lier first exploits was a tierce- attack upon .lodgeCrier, under v. hose ruling in the United Si.iles

Cent Pr. II..b.-rt Mitchell, of Indiana, lViuisylvania, ssas convicted of the crime ot giv¬ing food inni simitar ts u lunaway dava,nml **.:>.ooo, be-ides the costs, whichnine ts ns mack Boora, Threatened with

n pmsicu'nil and ImpriSBBmeul unless she

aaologlsed, Mrs. S\. laabelm printed, under thc titleof " Ali Apology.*1 a still more vehement and plain*.ap I en sttack, and wm then let alone. Two yearnafterward Jndfe Grier wm about to tn auotherMit for harboring a slave, sad tM defendant pro¬

posed to eal) Mia. Bwimhetm as a witness. "Oh,it .,_ her bs .ill liitiiii.,"aald bia counsel, "No

Baattar what sin- knows or whether she knows aaj-

thing; bring her into court, and 111 win tin-ca*- for

you. Grier i" mora afraid of ber than of the devil."

At st. cloud. Mun., -"tn. v hither she removed mmetime later, the office of ber paper wm sacked and

lui life ssas sl!),].(iscd tt) he il) great peril from H

pia, "lasers mob. Ool ot this affair graw a trenble-i.iiue libel Bait, sad ssl,en sin- bund that sin- couldnot escape conviction -he agreed to a proposal bythe oilier sui' thal ths prosecution ihoald bo

ni,.ni.lolled e.ii th.- pablicatkm of sa apalogy bytkt Vtrttrr. and :i pledge that no raferanee to the

BBcklBg Ol ih" u.ii cst r a aili appear in

thii paper. Mra. Swisehelm thereupon retired to

j.t .ate lite (fm a week) sadtransit ned thc paper to

the office-boys, who printed one nnmber containingthe stipulated apology. The publication waatMnahaadouedi and Um next dav Mrs. Bwisshelmfound, d a new journal, and revived the tsar. A

prominent clergyman ol St (.'loud, driving with

bis wife In a sleigh, wm hailed off a bridge, and

both wort killed. "1 teeompanied my sympathetic,respectful Ol Unary notice." says Mrs. Ssvissllellll,* with thc statement thal t ho costly cutten wreckednml tM valuable hone instantly killed, were bothpm based with money obtained hythe sals nt a

woman and her child, who had Mea held as

slaves in atinneeotajn defiance oi her law, mid had

been taken by tins popular divine to a Tennesseeauction block."" Opes Mrs. Bwisahelm had the

distinction of being bumed In effigy as *¦ thc motherof thc Bepablkaa parly." Bbs s.isv (.hail.* Sumnernt a cen inuv t' nra la Pennsylvania, soon after the

Brooks saaaalt, nnd ralataa thia nun-dote:Mc wasoppteaaed ssith anxiety shoal Burlingame,

ts In. had gone ta Canada ta tight a incl, and 1 heres-ss .is neal rejoicing ss hen he suddenly appeared one

evening alter thc sun had hidden behind thc pinetics.

Ile mid Sunnier met and greeted each other withthc- aban.lon of No duel had lien fought,tones Brooke, the cnalleuger had refused to pussthrough Pennsylvania to Clifton, tba plaea ofmeeting, for nar of mob violence. Even the (.lierot ii t-.:le conduct of troope by thc governor, failedM reassure him, and liur'ungauie had hurried on toact his friend s mind nt rest. After the generalrejoicing, the issn sat facing each other, ts hen

Killumi Leaned forward, placed a band <m each of

Burlingame ¦ shoulders, ami 6aid :*. 'lell me, Aiisou, you did not mean to shoot that

man, did you VBurlingame's bend dropped an Instant, then rais¬

ing lt. M saul, slots-ly :.* I intended to take the best aim I could." Hore

he drew beek his right ana* and took the positionof holding a gun, " ut the broadest part of him, hisbreast ; ts ait I .r thc ss orel, and then.lin- !"Sun,uer dropped back in his chair, let his hands

fall on hi* knees and ext-humed, sorrowfully t

lt" Uh, Anson ! I dui not believe it."'Burlingame's cym Ulled ssith tears, and be --aid:" Cl anea, I saw you lying bleeding and insensible

on the Senate floor, when 1 did not expect ever

again to hear you speak: and I intended then to

kill bim. I tell von, Charles, we have got to inee-t

thee** fellows wita fans, _o_uo day, aud the soonerWe begin tho better.'Dorina the war Mrs. Rwisshrlm volunteered as a

nurse in the hospitals of Washington, and she

followed the anny to tho bloody field of 1*1Bibillieburg. Nothing could bc more distressing than her

jiaiiiitive, of the dreaelftil scenes she witnessedduring these experiences; but the hospital chap¬ters nevertheless are in one respect the most

agreeable of the book ; since thc occa¬

sional ferocity of their personal invectives it iseasyto recognize tbs tender and affectionate heart of

the dating reformer.


Mr. G. P. Lathrop's idea of Summer recrea¬

tion is ihe writine of two novel*. Oue of them is de

Sign- tl lor The Atlantic.Dr. Carter's little work on '. Eyesight," will

fr ., n iijapi ar In reviled una c-nliii/_9tl foin. Thc readyaale of Hie,first edition proves tbat it bas a useful and

timely mission.The retail li-ook trade is dnll but there is an

uii'.ir ital (b i s< ii lor the travelling season, fSrtMbetter elu«s of gulde-hooke. Tourists mem to discriml-BSTte more cnret'illv Itel ween tho advantages of differ¬ent Journeys aud MSBIS resorts.

The French Kepuhlic ia as earnest in itupatren,,ge of alts aud literature as royalty ever was

A r atiiinM M hus iK-cn appointed for the iii.t-insct,teniof " popular" publications, und M. Pei ry, ihe Minister

of Pattie Instr,li-tiaui, presided nt the Hist meeting. A

mh-cnii BBlsstoa wUl bmrmi subjects Rm Bterarveem-pfcitlci'i and alie winnow tho tares from thcWheat.

lt itt easier to write a book tlian to maintainthe st-c-ret e.! iuoitymous autheueiilp. Mrs. t'nurles P.

O.rtaa, BeenHa of P.ofusses Agass z.t.e yoaamr,ls the

reputed hui lim el " Prom Mudge to Margaret." the

novel BBSS-MI** pul. HMS Bf Lm <- Sin phard. It de-

BSrfMa host tue nilli-;,, -dmpennir" ItadM " of Siratouaami Kewpert, toceakm IM tnvoRttoa of tuihiou muiBM ,:, tin- admiration of Mi kaaband db Ul hu it movedto cxptes* Ula uta ranee tu tbo more dlguiilcd Dame ol" .Mai ii.rct."" lues Parker" is the name of a new

Kui eli linvei, l.y Herts Lchard. -Tlie author," esauau English J -urnai, .. lias with lila usual humor u_dfrpint HBMISfwS BSSSCtasa SUStaSBS and manners InioPr.rlM.iu socle ly." Otber loreji.u nm have BfBlMlM",uni,er :,nd spirit "in the snnie Held. Usually only"kim I -d_ - ami trutufuin*-a. " ur.- vtsniuu: to malicBUch seora, standard mi trig .ito ol tbe Atlantic.

Deniers in foreign books speak of an in¬onu- ag ucl icu tor light I'ic-iicli literature. It esti¬

mated that tue N. sv \e,i-s retui! trade lu 1-renell SOVBS1lins lueieiisnt ..1, ,,,-r rent m lue last rive years. Tue.kiiiiie- ma. MssM of IM d.iuaud lae l*ieesbBeoMmtl,.- Mn. anti.e Ltarasy. ebOM MWssIBM of lorownnovels lu t ic oi,kiu.I, now v..fy large, u itierea>.ed frominoiitli io month. At tne- HeeeMtRStM BagRsb trans-lull.nt ii Jalil's -.Nuns" lian t.e< u MMMSBad. hut thelr .. ._ i-iluie.ii is Hill (out)di-i, ul ohriiiu is.

Ali interesting literary Ki.uveuir nf Abrahamlincoln R ..s-.jic.l by Mi. (,e-,r»;e J{. We, er, oflltuols. Aia mark of Irh nd iii), in July, ison, th'- M BaH-spUOn " praSBSUtoi Mr. sVli-r ssith o Offf of toes .. _>_.

liiuul diitat.-s ( u Ilia* Hun. Ahrahsiri Tinco,u omi

IM BOBb IBepMa A. Douglas lu the celebrated cam-

ii.cgti "f IBM." Tm- sony accompanied Mr. Lincoln onills »i e,.eli iiukiua tom up le (ho lune of ins ut,roma¬ini. ..nd icmtiilu* luauy BtaraBMl uni, . ii, inn Lund-WrittMB, as ss.-ll a* a Doti o: j reSMl Kou ou toe fly At ut OX ACERRACH'S xeir BOOR

Pram a Letter to The Athenieum.** IliigUta-' Bra! made its appear.,nu- last Autumn

ill the fuillletoii of |M Satlnntil /silting, but itvs:.* neat Mcceaefni; indeed, without exaggerationana might nay it ssas a eleeide-.l tallara, lt ssas

samsHlerad to show little invention ; tbs Se-eenj.nous wera* proimniireii msnnered, sad msle-itueis attention st.,s nut ion-eel. TheBorslist'aliuii,n and a.linii.fs Uni m,i renton to say tt

Word ill his dele ii, ;,|,et 111* eiiiinies vverv mai, nfiinte- lms his i-ui-iiiie-M w.-re- openly SXBltaBl orrobbed theil liamis iu silent delight TM gnatiiia-.s ul tbs paeple laeked ea with tu nsaal ludii-

renee, and remarked. " lb* has grown old."ssa lt WM not deceived foi a moment. 1 knew

Brigitta** before a page ef it wm written, tot mv

itimiite friend, the in,(hear, hail esplailnd to lin*

¦ ss."id of month thc tv hole plan ; and lifter thathad seen the hook grits chapter by chapter. Ati*t tbs author bad read the whole ta rna nt i

ttiiiL', andi had heartily congratulated him. and,iai thal leoussuerad il one cd his best works:nd nosv tl ssas supposed to be one of his wm-f!Wail for the book." said I j " stint till theisjccta m.-mlua are united, and the whola can

e read throit-h, sud tin- pu'ilic will M forced ta

hangs ita 0010100." My prophet y wm literallyillilled. Tba* oti"k (nine out, and the public no

inger belia veil its own ayes, lt was really the

ld Au.-rb.'it h that is. the tun- Auerbach, whoin nnd tin Marta "I tue people as oo ona elia can,

nd knotts DOW ta reproduce what he has read in

Wordcrfully si-Spls, and IH that very r. iis.ui

nju', mive fashion. _

I in el not give you any analysis of " liri gi tl a.'u I hear ii utans translated into English, snd 1lonot wish to take away tin- nader's Interest, In. ¦ respect the taste of yoar readers of fiction stilli..baldy M identical ssith thal of the Germanashall liol my that thc similarity betsvecn the tsvo

oe* rn, further but I allow that in bo otber poinllouhl 1 feel (iiiite-tire that t h.- reader* nt the ss,,

ountries ssc,nhl agree. And bow eas it ba ether¬ise, whoa it mas happen any day that a telshich not tho public univ, but the critics, too,

1 Germany pronounei sdmirsble is regarded as

Bieadable by thc English public and is cul tanc, hythe Knglish critics, while, on the oilier

and. a writer ol th*' third clam like theMarhtt,limn no one in Germany dares to mention in tMniuo bi-eath with Auerbach, Fret/tag. or Heyae,., 1 will not sav considered Bret-rate in England,lt-iitiou f


From The I.ondmi World.Mr. Charles Bradlaugh, M. I'., otherwise Icono-!a.*t. resides at 20 Clrcns-rosd, st. Jo ib'i Wood,iver a musical library, where harmoniums nmllinericnn organs are SOM, ard jiiauoloital nv. ta beiad mi tbs hue avatem. tia occupies only,,iit ol the premises, his smite of apan-aeats being on the fiisl Boor. His tsvo with biro, and aaaiatBim tn editing Tm No*beal Rcfni'imr. Thees young ladies donut '"arouch ri *em l) at ic- in teat ure Io tin ir father, whoMst beistic principh * tMy h ise. thoroughly Imbibed.hy have been successful candidstra in th recei Ixaniuuu ions iu the science class in chemiatrv allouth Kenaington. As for Mr. Bradlaugh himMlfis ia a tall, stoutly-built mau . (forty-seven yearsolit."-. WMn al hom," he* veils a tvotk, ng Milt of.Illili i.'iiis cloth. He has a squire Mad, and a

nmd and massive face. He i- clean shaven. Hisippei lip la thick snd deep, Hi* utterance ia clear,ncasuied and distinct, and when engaeedin tun he list 1 Ins , so svilli BTCSl effect, a- If I"

iii-i!e..s ((ne witta the Importance of evensonl he otters, 'flu- general expression otus countenance ls nol pleasing. lu

large front room over !h.> musicaltbrary, i be a indowi of whii li command i s ii w ol1 dairy anti a public boora, Mr. Bradlaugh edits ln^.nii;,,.l and transacts general busiueas. 'Ihe ronni

* furnished with t ssh large writing-tables, al one "i

.finch he sits and works, hia sub-editor aittins ster, Tbe numerous bMIvm round Ihe room

.ie ss.-il stocked ss il I, I, ni;-, chiefly of reference. Aitch desk and raveral ri,ans complete the furniture,which is of tin u*u;.i office 1 attorn.Mr. Bradlaugh delights In 1 ontroversy, nml is hen

it Mme devotes much of his time to word) arri! lenirgnments with tbe enemy. Hs is at thc presentmomoni Snails' engaged in battle witb a olervymanun thc- ep.c tat lon : "I- Atheism t In I ruc Kc ligion olUn* Universet" I be conditions are ilia* there aretoMsixteen letters written upon ibo suhjectby tbedisputants, eight on each side. Each lui*, .s ri11 <-n Dreletters, which have been eltilv published, as sr-

ranged, in thc National Reformer, Tbs last letterwas written by Mr. Bradlaugh, and in it he fallsfoul of Ins opponent over 1 be Lal tor's definition of a" negative ailie.,-,'' tanntins hun ssith indulging ina looseness of thought ami phrase, and makin *

marry over his simplicity In failing intoa trap that had been set lor bimas to the meaning of the word "tini-mometer.' I'M follawlng maybe taken as n fairspecimen of Mr. Illili!'ii rh's method ol miking io

hts opponent (he is illu-iraniii" the difference be-tsve-ci. beat snd temperature)] "A pound of ice ofo° C. bMexsctly the same temperaturem a poundol water at 0° C.. into which il is turu dj but theponnd of waler 0° C. contains between79 and BOthernial, 1. c. heat, units that weir not pr, st nt ni

the pound of ice ot O' C.;" winch ovensurpsMM the far-fmiieel "Mesopotamia" HS

a mcnm nf tickling the eais of the groundlings.Alter a little more in the sames scientific vein, hswind* np by saving ta his readers: " I have alreadyexplained what I lucan by modal or phenomenalexistence, ami his inability to understand mv lan¬

guage does Bot entitle him to wasts my tune."Maeno! Mr. Bradlaugb'a attention is devote,1 tocom-spondeneo with the various Badicsl and PimThought A.soeuitiotis which he has been ins!in-mcutal in Mtablishing.

. . . He has had marv s'ruggla-s for existence,and is not yet bee of thc* d (ht load," aa be calls it,whicti for some time Iims bung round him. Wheoon a lecturing tour once he was attaoked for thesupposed money-making and easy life he was leading, tv hen in point of fact he was Mtaally so

penn thut he had ta "(ravel on Ins luggage"from town to town, not having sofBcienl moneywith which to pay his railway fare, ur gel bimmil a

decent meal. Mr. Bradlaugh is very locomotive.Now fae flin off to Northampton to address Ins ooo-etituents; nosv he is away OB a lecturing tour ; andI, may M said that he is rarely at home ses 1:11 daystogether. Much of his time is devoted to the Hallof Science, which is a sort of little Bethel ofFree-Thought, ol' which ho is the high-priest, midlhere is the same relationship exislinu bet steenlinn and those who Ht al his feet as then* la be¬tween a pester and bis tl ick. He names infants,and even officiates at graves, and is regarded by Installowan (ind friends arith the reverence and li¬

sped which the profoundly ignorant Baldon) fall toaccord to the niau whose ability and knowledgeraise lum some degrees above their own level.

M-Xcto tJnblicanons.


EDITION, 120,000.The Issne of the Midsummer Holiday (August) BCRIR

NEK lias been called "(he llle-rary nve-ut or tho Hummel

stasun." In the richly lllu»ttatea Holiday number of thi,

year, Phillp aubert ll mnei iou writes ot

SEYMOUR HADEN'.*. ETCHINGS,with a fine p .malt of Mr. Haden and delicate icprotliirUa.ii,of Uls Wart ucve-r belaare pr.edna eal In tide country. Maila,,u

Adan, (Juliette Lamber), editor of " li. HeavsM i:c-s-u_," 0

lillis, asks, ami s»Unf_e:torilv answers thc question,

WILL THK FRENCH REPUBLIC LA>1JRichard Henri Dana contributes a valii-bM and entertain

lagstssaassm of avieiuca.n diploma) v.

Charles Dudley Warner wittily describes

THE WESTERN MAN;and John Burnon-hee writes con amore of THU lUYIilHi!S().\, with Munt.-tiona by Mrs. Mary Hullo.-- Poult

Albert Kinniel, slum s bow

AMERICAN GIRLS MARRY FOREIGN TITLESPrinctpal (irsnt gives a tketel,, with manv llltntratlona, n

the pre.cut, and BfSSiete IM fuuiii nf Hie* j{ie_t au.) gross ni|

pew-t-r of Canad, on our noriticrn border. Tba Vina tttflCu ii and the Canadian QeVStB-BMt are iuciuentally deiscribedMi. *>c-hu.sier. In " Peter th.-" writes of Victory sm

V.-inrt ans e In tin* dossniaU of Sophi.1.TM trout,>|ili-s'i! lia a w-oderful tpcrloie-n of woodengrav

Inp. bv Cole, o poi-iait nf N_vuii_r_U," aiioiopaiiy un

-kelci, of thu life ot the leland old biro, Hp] eaeliilv iii te.

by Van Hchaick.AnioLBtlis lighter fe-inrca of the MI lise MM Ult SCKI):

KKK aro ibo words and umsir ot

AN ORIGINAL COMIC OPERETTA 1sn laMMRM paper ob tlie lessRUM r.-fcrrc! to hy DMRSSM1b - Oliver I wi-t,-- illustrated by Cnaa. A. Vanderhonf ; aptper oa

THE (CRIOSITIKS OF ADTEBTISHfO,willi masy amusing Illustrations and an account, fortinaty sworn suia-ma-ut-i. of tbe oilgln of


HiMlde* the nanni variety 1n the F.rtltoilal Departrosnt an

Urta lcr,i. * ir w -Uini oiiti.laiii<u' lukins a es- pariinenmiRlel

UNCLI ESSEN WISDOM,Price, 86 ceDts for sale eTerywhem.

SCKlBNhK 4. CO., New-York.

UA1...AINS IN BOOKS.¦*** now kkadv.

CLEARANCE CATALOGUE No. 4,.,(npri*! i- mw and old Ann-,Inn and Kuril*!, nooka 1

c-ttrs d' p-rtineuit of lueiature, many of ll,wai rare, aad a

ottered st very low prices,bent ou reef)|>t of stamp.

G. I'. I'CTNAM'S SONS,_18- Plfth ave., n-iw-Tort.

POLITICAL ECONOMY. SOCIAL MTENC1-STATISTIUe, Ac. eeud lor i_i».-(,a. of books au

painphla-tsforaal..-. PAC M.. IOHO_

87 Clark st., unooaiyp, *,.*_-.

DECENT TRIBUNE PUBLICATIONS.'Iiibuns Iiieleai fri ls7H..'.. I'nra Sela.Tlibune Mining Digest. "pn,*» .1vt oniaMj's Eiua...T. 'l*rn« Toa,(._.l__ll__d I-abor. By l(ob«rt( onyar...".'.'." Pries* Ina.

Aom. sa,«-York.

MINKS AND MINING.M.,m,at, Julv 10-r. a.

The Leadville properties aro still drugs argea IM

mining share maikef. When it is not Little Pitts¬

burg it ls Rome other of the stocks representingproperty la that district that develops an unex-

p-c ted weakness and that exerts an unfavorablein tl nen re upon the entire list of mining shares. To¬

day it was ('hrs sollie's turn, und with transaction,,amounting te 13,700 sh a rea Its price fell from 7:l4 _*>*f% Yet there has never hc-a-i, ptihlished a

corr,-, Dcm ef that estimate svhich calculated thnt

tint.-ssas "$7,000,000 billion in sight" tn the

mine. Utile Chief fell Hani 7% t<> 7 and cl"*edst it limit recovery. (Munni raw Kl MUM 10 2 45,tint later inst tin- gain snd eIos**d at 2.35. BoothBite wasB eents nigher at I.BO, but Amie, alterrising 2 cents to 88 finally closed at 88. Consoli-d ititi Virginia was linn with sales at 3, against¦j,'.ir. sat inda v. Cr. .ii Mountain M'ld at ll HO rx

dlVidead. Among tin- lamia-, the r- ssa- a Isrgebuameea dona la Lsbtosm st_iO_>3L Cslaveraaand Buekeye were steady ut nncbgnged figures,Gold Placet Improved l cent to 85, bal Oreel Bast-ern WM2 eents losvcr st 69 aud Hurniiiro 1 OSBllower st 44. Goodshsw n*M lu cents to 1.m. Hu¬kill wm bnreiv steady si 1.20 reeralar, with a asiaeu I.nun*!.s.t l ir,, seller 10 days. The mar¬

ket closed unset; Iel.

E. T. Misami oTOO* BEOBISQB tl tl*Bl i\I> si t/.12.30 v. M.

Chrv sollieinn SOO. 7 u'l40 i. H.OOIno 7 ss.'a'll 1 aa'sO. 7 .',',

I. 7 7fiiou. 7.7l.i.i, 7.8-:. o »;)o 7.7".lo . RMIOU. 7.88 !".)SOU si. 7.75 -s -,

Little CM.f Itnc-iee-ye Kuri ka

.-.) ..s... B.I n 4*')" ,80 M

.ino . 7.7"" Keri,tellana 7.88 Aas'auil aa*pS,1 .ii ii., .: .-a, .,-.".lui.c Uc-litrl1* a .ag >, ,|,_ SO 1 ',.',i.n, ill l.l'.'uMaallalflllo,,,) .(Jj ex els-

Anno H"> 8.30Hukill

,-,; 100 l '.' Kati, tn,;.


lu ira i, g ii

60.VJton., ino. .iv200 .11Rorasurer

u. .7'',SOO.7<0.71

lu.)., s.l sm, 5in..l,:i. ."-7 """. I..'"'BOO aoO 1200 Al ."'' b:'D. 1.25Hun slO. k.i, 7'hi bin *

-.ut a* ia ¦_', .'.'', Ooodabawr,u ,._e8. t ... IO n.r**> '.'"e.. l 00., h..,, i.i,.. ... 200 b9 1.00 200.7.'lo... ii, h. n iiMiBx im wm s.,uti, nile

200 .;. 2.40 200 (. .._.'. 100..B30 1,50little Chief Cob Virginie Bortie u,, 1,15. 1.60Inn. a8 7 il ui '. ii. lu in '. 4.001lon. 7 BB io. 5.00

1 illicit CALI --:AH V. M.

I iii-i. r.:al800..

Mus- Mlle..' ... ."..ino.Sae,ull r.ullli r_¦.((

B 0 .78,.-),. 18. .71south iii"

VIM,.I, ',

.00 ll.leo ),:e )im.l.n

li-..... .,..,..12000.:.l00


600 la.:'-IOU I-


HO .'¦.

8.13Iimi al,inn ilO.. HHin I. a. 7.7...'I a".. .7.7:.

lui..: it


Rtilwei¦i'm . 2.26IOU80


800 . Ld)



,. ¦",

U0O__t_Wloo. 1.10

100.. si. 'i ta


11 -1...1.(1 ....

I"'.7'io ..

11 ii k I llino .-.i 1.20

1.35... ti 1,8. 1,2660ll ..1. i. 1.831. -

-ullin lioaia-i"7


I '.all I'.i"!,"'

Belle i-i.7.'.

ellie*. Sr

wo.nti ranville

loo incaiarei *

.'.Kappabau'ue <loo .SS

.:, Si:-. .'.a,

u. .1 .a,300 lilli'. H 2.1

lieu', u--,*a,[

s ni'; paid.87800 ...


AMERICAS ME- ISO .*,.¦».¦ EXCHANGE BALSAILL.-10:30 n'-'l Ck ls t. S|.

Aub A- It'k Cka. 1. .

100 !, 1(1.1. ..

,-,, ii bioRarbee A W'


Dar16IMI i. IO .40

fill |100 .-'.

,10. 7"SOO. 7".

.too r 841 . sI'.ulll. rr. is¦ino. 4-1 nu ... .11

.so. .15

Olrard1 too I.-- 1 soTim. 1.65 Ani a: I, ba ". .87

I, 1 ',", 400 !. 0 -'¦

ma ,1. DOO I--,. intuit

ii tl 140 alu 1.B8,1.3. ,,u Va


Bl OXD (. Ali 1 ._':;{(( iiVrni'K P. H.

Au' ..'.' K*B( '1.)i"i'i.',u li')

A SS i4nu

Hllver N n. p t'J tl ff. >. 1.5SOO l,(. I.6S

SISI lain i1.361.3;

l;.,tt,e.('nek800 1 '¦. 4nu s.ichrysolite

:.. ..o'.ruii'D coi --'.

ATiiits Battle_JI (i.-.* lu 4-_Barbee sk WI CawwellIOU. C, UK).lal

i in anl200 I.:,'!. ia ;u 1.65



16 '-.

-n im N.-s.el.i

60. Il34liiirati.ii

Inn,) lalo .48a .ii \ irgiuis


ti CK e. M.r N'u-.-i.'-t

200 nm 2.00 '.(M.. 1 .'.'.ii i* sin. 1 BS,,.. !...;.

- "¦(. 1.66200. HS ._(Ml..aOO 1.65IBO.H-,\

sax VRAjraiMco oLosiwa prices.has PbABCIBOO. Moinlay, Julv 1!), 1-t-sO.

Aloha.(saturday, lo ,i ,r.

. «".

. ISArirenta. ".aBe-., her... . 1"»Beat anet Belcher... )*:,«inuiieiii. 2liinie. 4*«Kee-lii.-l. 1Bootra on."asB .Illa. ,l-vsk.tills |ale.-a,.Caitfaraia. 2(i>nilar. .-bCona. Virinrn*. ICowl, I'eaint.Oeba.afaaiai. l's( aele-aiiiiiu."aiCale toola, li ll


Ki ¦*ts*Jn'.'4I" .



Halitrl-v To-dav.Jnlta CoudoiiaUted.. ».__ >''._-u-tl.-ea. !,4 "mJae-k-aa.n. 1 1sii.itni White. *.

a*.is.SI -1." _u.Mano . 27»M.eil,tin,til.V..S- lu-.le . SRm lintuii..Nilli, ll. ll-V.O.Nooi-ciav. '-.'«Sort bern n,r..r Mic ..

Navajo. ',«()|,lur. 73«<u, 1*4ov,mun. 1*4I'ou-ai. 1 ,

*s_»a_e. ISSerra Verana.Vi'*

(.iin-.a ion.l.rt'4 15's Silver King.. bst


ll'4. i*.Brndicat...,_".'aa

silver mi:.ii..Ham.*<__m. i"i..Taacarora. ... "ja

lt", lino,, eu,., li'ial'il V11. 21SM. B'S

*.»| Yellow 4-. 4'i


Kichexinet. I'Sc.00in an,' ('nirr. »>(iia,ul Kn/... 1 U(mitten l'*.liaMHi.snass.'r..i-i r »(,ii Narama.1 a1*Hillside.InUieiliil. sl#The ('hollar Mining Comiiany has levied an as-

BBMntoul of BOeonta sshare, and the silver HillMining Company one ot 20 cents a share.

il,,un--.(lal.. July 10..During tba weekmding.luis 17, standard extracted 1 ,irj7 t..ns, polo assay,$30 58; bullionshipj*at*d,af45,_*2648, Ihe mine is

looking well. Bulwer, tor tbs same time,snipped t,inull 417 tana, snip assay, ^1^45: no bullion re¬

turns.Di.Anwoon, Dakota. Julv 10..The Treasury

couch left here yesterday with tbs somi-weokiyrlfisnap. causing 890,000 iii bullion irom thcJle.tnestake, ifisbland (iiant. Old Abe*. DesdwoodhikI (ioldei) 'lena mines, lins clean-up is fromthe plates only.A spec: il dispatch states that the* Valley Forge

Minina Company has struck a two-foot sight inchpay htreiik on the 80 level ot Saratoga nun,', 1)..'i'lig Disliic-t. Arizona.Forty-seven liars of hul'lon. valued al 847,08206,

were ieeeived in tbia eityfrom tbe B-inm yeetar*day.The shipments fre.m> tho Little Chief, oa Friday

and Sat ui'las lui, u *ir 204 tons.TM Atnie sbipnieats wen tinny tons. Mist Bod

Rciond class ore ; value, A Wiilkei re, cited one bag af bullion-

value 81.SSS. vest el al av,A telegram from tbe raperh-tendeut of tbs Bllver

Knggel slates that the ore n, the north drill of tin-new shalt ia extra good, lin-null is running well.Four lens ol halli,>n wire shipped on the 13tb,

1 In- Mack Morris is turning ont abool 81.000 perday. An expert well acauainted ssith this minoami the Silver l-iu aad GoluemEagleimiBea, inUloMDistrict, Alisons, sass tbey are in uo way inferior 10" lia) bee '; snd thal tbsy are constantly Improvingas dept I, is attained.

1 i,e shalt on tbe Crowell is d.isvn 82 feet, with in¬dications Ol sinking the Id-foot Mipburel vein Tu¬ts iinii ii sc a* saul.. 1 ,,. Um, hmery is working sst.i*iactorily,nnd tba mill will M In operation in

August.Vue President I'liillins, of f!,e C.huiial (.edel Min¬

ing (Sompaal of Canada, Maretumod t" this city,bringing with hun several pun,1,is ol coane goldfound in proapectlng. One ox tM augget. welgusslittle mon than toa oancee ami is wortb aoiout8200. J he nesv dam on this BCoeeriy near tue COU-tluciice of the Cbaudien and Du Loop Riven is

completed and sluicing will benin ticxi lupnniits mi tlie l'ouanza (hiei stu'W au

emu items ore body. 'J brea lneii unne ore en,nigh toran a20-stamp null. Whoo tba lode ls fully eroaa-cut, it is expected ta sMw on sufflcienl to run -tamp null. At pTBMBl mini,ig, Muling andmilln.g cos! Ism than ^1 per ton, ami thc ore ussasslia

1 hey are still drifiing westward on the loo |, vdOf tin Herschell lode of the DsOStUT. 1 hele IS a

Quantity ul 'in-on theduuip, which will shortly besen! to ihe mill.

llie bottom gravel on tho Trinity Hydraulic,wbrofa has show 11 prospects ol *,7 per BUDM yard',ha* increased from eight to twelve feet tu depth.

i he Roleen son Electric Ora Reducttoo ( ompaayworked samples ot sul|,hurc-t ores yest.-nhiy. givingresults as follows : lion, North Carolina. $Htl aoUiNew-Hsmpebin,80. gold: Ulster County. Msw*York, $ho nald] rse_eylvaaia,$84 gold . Ari-ous,^75 to !rT00, silver und gold, pe-r ton. Mr. vstnoabeaman has heen Btactea presioeal of this aompaay.At a depth of .*>." li e-t the 1*11101, Consolidated, of

Bodie, has struck an ore streak yielding 820 goldand 878 silver par ton. Tho ledge is coming lu asthe shalt goes down.The north drift OB the O.'O-foot level of the South

Bulwer is in 71 feet, diseloaiaga well rtajiuod vuinof 0ve feet the entire length. The Soulh drilt onthis level is hulking well with four feet ol g. ml oretn lue fa.-, lu the willie fruin this level, winch isnow down 88 feet, the ledge is live, feet wida.The north drift on the -h'-i'-foot level of the South

Ne,a,nuay is iu 53 feet, Ihe ledge continuing good,wttb 6 wet ofAm paying oro on the foot wall!Four tons ot ore an- hoisted and placed on thedump daily, nady for the null.

-Bining.A LIA .Mo.M ANA (ONIl'AW,

-rb WK KI-.-s. MiM AVA.Capital, f5,0-0,()oo. Hharas. BIB ossa,»»ai,i_.

rrt-seiit jaile 1, $:i on.

O.'FICLIts.-rre-ai,!.,.,. W. W. Wlcksi V,,-l",.._,,..Michael (snow rse-e-re,*r*r. n. K. Brooke.IiIIlKCTljRH-W.W. Wtrkea. A. B Darn-. Al ins.,-, Trat!.-

L.U.Kiiria..a. Michael sinoir. Som Vork I r. Heater, CeleHa .1. tl.' ': litAlaa.

orricB ie ami is wai.1 arnnni



JHmtng.SbBEE* w.tU.Kl. BILVKR MINING CO.I |, bUm af Rlaoe, Silver Beat Ptah,

Capital, tl,i,i,...'ii'¦", 100,000aharasj Sloeach.Ulam H. Latham. Pii-eiilcnt P. A. rei-is, Treasurer ; D. t-

I.uni kt, Secretary.Off!'*. Re. Bli i.-f.i luui.Utur. New York._

>ULLDO.\IIN(.OCi»N. MININOCOMPANY.> Wines al Blhrei (1 iff, Colorado,

("atiltal (stock, B1O.0U0.00O; r*tarea, '.(K).ooo; Par, SSO.Bred: W.H. Itanium, Ii<-i cul; H. W, MfSSg, Vice-

President, N. U. t-ta-vens. Menetiiry.OBtioea R* Un aruadway, New-.-tb.


Omen llb Broadway, New York.Incorporated un ler thstawi of (he Stale of Xew York,i] isl. S.'.,00(),()')O. tn,, tx, si,ure a of (he par va ui of f.j.

Knit p..lil amt, Has ul t iii - \l r-Prraldont, A. J. sever-

ir*; Msiiagii. Director. W, t. Leon tat r. nil v, K.I).ll.e«; ii,IS,a,ni. Vial I His, A J **l-Ve r_I'CI\ N V.;'. i. Leon, lirliiieani. Nevru-s. J.liu '.Jones. C. B. -senator.ese,i.e. H. r* Aimil,.-., IBU Peel at., New Y'rk S IIBB-I I.

Stn 40 Hio.icl hi.. NVw Soik; \s ni 1.. .'lai-le r, s.i|,.i s i-er

peiuiv cu.. n. "i -npenntendetil ofniaee, w, P, Baford:napsny'i l',ank,ra. Ainarlcaa RxitMnge Natioiml Uauk;asgUtiarof ii ii i-fnra, Union Trust Conpaay, Nsw-Ysrki,..| .HISS 'eaUIIHI-l. It(al(([i-* Ml.el .SlI.llliS_MiKVsni.ite sii.\ r.K minim; cd.j l.eiiaiioii of Minn, i.a a ts me, Colorado,

Capital, SlO.OOi.; jtt'i,.-I,Hie* +uU each.IBiel R. traleton, President. Drake D. K.v. *.-.-tet.iry.

In, rl|»«i a,ti:. .. S -,. )' Brue.wm. New.York._H)L01tAD0 CENTRAL CONSOLIDATED

J bininu oaAt li.iasrreteisarn.Clem 1MB uni,tv. Ceil, (ter,,0 nus ur ths

il,,ado Central KaUroad). .,,,,.«! stack, B3.000.ouft la

ki.'mioshares, P.rvalue, 110 N'on-sa_*«.t>l_. otflee.81lae New Ymk cn. )*«-_.t t.,. Farmers' om a .1 .nil

tnpany. President, Pail LiehteaatalB; Vice-Prewdaut,<-r,.. it. iiMir/i i s, er, mn aa I Tn tann r, Albert gi ¦¦¦

mn. Paulo.d'Esterhaar. Rsnagae in co!-.,!,., ,...,!.¦ W. iillli._tOPPEB KNOB

MINI NO COMPANY.Ultm '. si' CR1 i tc ts IRI ¦. v tx

tM SCRUB Ol MIN , li A I. LAM)

Capital Stark,"..'aili..i BbsraaSlM -

Bagl iiii--"i "I*. Milln.' ii.isl',,.urOl I- I' HUS:

(i. !:, uni

\" Br n Ir-t' Vice pu . li -in .ni ri'.siirei

nen, rai T. !llcoc_. Oeoenl J. K. MottoesaM Calrts J.

.SN la., i;, it. MiiK.u.1. Beentary.

i: \t ;:,,.i * st K Ono* inteadentOP COMPANY. 6- BBOACWAV. ll. T.

¦"IROWELL GOLD MIXING Ci .IPANY.mses, BO, *.i le, Btaaly c.), R. c.

i.i r || taSOalCA PIT.'.I., SM silAI'.'.s. .! BACH.


k. it. ncc ii'.rv.'

M. I'.;: s N Inti iii, Irria. It. Il S li., Beet ll irs-.

J. I-. il -. lad, i- ii !. .! lt. ll"-:

I |....

,Mii'i:i-.-> minim; i mir wy_J COLORADO.

(Ince rpc ite rt niI' Sew York.)

Nen- York (lluun,s if ami 34).S"; I- It ,.', S-. ... Ki".li ii.i. \ ko-

)Ul. I 1 I - -' I! Na .1 r..!, ns. p»r s- in-. S '.

KTOI ls I Iii. I'M I, .'.,, ,,' Mi,.-. CKNTUAI, CITV. o'lii'i '¦> .,'ornalo.

sued dil crt f.De .it. 120 !.¦ i.

Hare bo lu.!,, ¦-*-lo ia(at-iei paid to Ita conwrata

"i; 0KNERA1 Bl " MPTION. a limited.¦! ll- tl

111 ..'. !.. *',,,".- fut ii andll ilpili,!,! Ol Mil

lion. James nowell. Mayor tl ol Brooklyn,;.\. ena-. A. Bbrfcter, wini -feasrs. a.. .,.... i a ark seo Hm.,.ats n. N. V.i Kdmnud MrLoufti.lln, ol|. -i. mi.-., .rn in-, |. i,', si., n V. Jnultia

ul Kuri k.i Iii Hew 'IVN. V.


,-. 1 u.i 'cr tim Laws "f Raw Vork.pal Offlee, vu Brusdwsy, :.' v.

Ca-nt!ii',' ia, i. - i,ni ".in-nilli .*lle Stlaaie. .ti !.* -.tzlei Clvsr

*iiiiiini! Cannty. '«i.; eap'hairs ; pat tame oi ii", stee is fun pata .ma nnaewses'i'B


Hon.CALVIN T. RULRCRD. I'r.-t JiiiLK. A. M Killi I'. Via I- -i'..- ni- lt.

m.s i: tin rn a ii ii ku, saeratary sad Tm-arelTHC* D, I'.i¦..'¦:,' kl - Wult*-, ir., I-. 1 i -.ti A.

iterntt. Baa. ASalbert A_Ma.JaaM O. Beed. Pi-aderlek W,irei.ei, Hun. ,'ils,n I'. Uni;,md, Anilimiv QttkiSBO, Henry). Atwaler, Msruii iiiit.Ua-r, Joliu _'. Clark, Chauncey T-

illWl"!,. ) win J. ss ...cs-y._L*lii;i:i.AM) MIXING COMPANY.

I Clear (.i.-a-k ( om,: v. ColorMaCsa til *.-, a, b.i 0 0,0 ¦¦¦¦ ii at 126 each.

i. c. Mccouni. k, i-ie R.W, BaeretaiT'cinia.. No. us BroMway, .New york.

rtRANVILLE GOLD COMPANY.LSRises, .Moliaasv ii Coiuiiv. North c.iiiilina

Capital, * u. ,..i Share .*. il , ie h.legiatran ol .st.,. «, Union Traai Co. ol Raw-York, o (llcers ;

*tlilian Bratidniii. Preaidsai: General John K. Kultord,rreasarrr ; Katana il. im .(orel. Secretary 'i BaaVlSM iud sou,

BPI,,t.i;iii. e ii ..-.;. any. -.¦ [V it,. Xew.York City.

ri.OX SILVER MINING COMPANY.Ilui o' tal lr neal l.-ruli'l !.'. Coioc.rles.

Cap tal, lin.non.ase, t 500.000 "-luirrs j if-je) each.lalo. D. lionaita, President D. t Varoeni-,Secretary.

-. Nu. 1 IS Ilr.,.-..lsi*j, .Ni W.York.

ITTLE CHIEF MINIM; C0..PANY.J Kine al LeMnlle, Colorada.

CaaitaL Bl.... m.u NJ Jun.(Sm sua. rs; ."iO each.H. -ii-c.aiiaiii . . i". i Ventenat.Heoretaiy.

No. |j Ittoai'.ivav, Ness- Im*-.

MIXLH 1R»Y MINING COMPANY.OrMoised ni, rr tbt tawi ni Cotorado.

Mi,., h ,,n iiiHMf un io «i Leadville.STOI K ll 1.1, PAID AM) IN.S--S. S.A11I.K.

Capital. |_.(s.().(mu. taon.ntin hIiiii.h SlOeaeb.A. A. Mri,, .eal. 1'res. ( lt. Kai iy. Vicc-l't .-.

iiui.-.-.i. il.* -oniii 'tii-c. Philadelphia. _

MullWK MINING and MILLING (!(>.Location ol J! naa Kiaeral Puk. trlSMa

cai.uni. .i.nrin. n . pi ,ooo shana il10 eKb.R M lark, I'lcidr-t, W. I'. c!iii|.ln. Tie.isura-r R. W. C.

Rei!aiton,Secretary. OBeea, Na,, i.o )trai_aw__, New-York,


Drrsni/ed ,,ti.|. r tlie !_ws of hjf>-" Va.rlt.

Laocation of .Mmes camon tr,', nif.u i.kadvii.i.f,ll il S lui.

Capital (st«ck..L',()ni).()i 0: liuD.uoo -Shares. PST Valli"*, tit).


ORNRRAt oyyiCRU si tbs Oesuaayi Vs.7S Ossaass.Rew *, a'i i.DEPOHITOBV: Continental Nationiil rtat;'<, N'ew-\i,r'».Hi-.iilMTKAll Ul' 1 KA.VSJ" ni'..-**. C.uttal li ut Ca, Ns--


l're»l,l,r,t. lion. .INO. I. itt,Ctr.Vic* lie-i en*. litKI) TAYLOR,r-,ii.i:t!s.t.|.,) .s. 1 KRBY.naasra! Maaaserel the Blocs, IOU, If, WATSON.

TRUSTRRSHon. Jno I.. P.eiutt. ex a lui r, nu;- ... Culo!.,ele>, ,1 .seph \V,

Wie.Hon /.. K. Klaiu, Kn- 1. Ti.j ml, S. V. SV 'ute, l!ei_ s. Bi,".'li,Rea S Tern.

north urn-: and yosemite goldi.1 M I.N I.N l. Iii.,

CU' MARIPOSA nil's iv. CAL.(spua) |1,00u,000, div.en-I into ii. 11.ono snares of $'.' em h

.lillis -

E, ll. SPOONER. I'r. Hie, .tI,, p str..--. si,s.n. Beereian, und Treasures1. \i ll l IAMB. Qeaeral P. ( LEV, ii . Piuaocl-J sr. in'.ntl ,,- BS Broadway, rooinam aud 22,A Halted line, .nt'rn *(.., k f.a, huh at r.Oa-rnfc por share.

l.sniK adjaceai t" tba f.ii, lil'e Minc, thia proporty I'c.oiu-nun ,h iel! to t -niili-iii Investors.

firralia-e ti. Bulled le,, ap|aia al.ntl.


InciuiHiiataul _ni.r, iM-BWSSl New VorltCAPH AL, S'i.UOO.OOO. HHAKKS, Sluoeach.

OineKlL--Prea'(, lt. B. CatherwoHl; Sei'y anal Treas).,pr., lem. Bj c. itr.iinlcill.TBOSmi a h. Warner. *.(< nrstnl.iill, Aler, stesvart.

lie-urj- Meetran. I.. L. ITnsvi,, H. Ra Pey*ter. lt. B. ('allier.WikmI, lt. C. Kool, ltobcrt ScM I .uni A. K. Ilub.-i ta.

A liliire,! i.iiinln-r n! BhSIMtOf ( tm tM piirpo-toof n,-

linidlnii mt,!. For i) inn ulara, lippi) at R-encral aittlcc, No. 40I Kau,.ii ..J 111,..inway,_

ORTIZ MINK GRANT COMPANY.89.0 ". acre* rn Kania P4 C',.N,*r Baale )'-. Nev m. _|,

J il. (h. il..- aM 8. B. Klklti*. Tni'teea,_Pm i"l ..Hie. 1 is*ay. New York.

ROBINSON CONSOLIDATED MINING CO.Wines at len Bite, B-Bliail (n ( uioi-.lo.

('Mlia). Sic.OOo.OOaj j 200,0011 -har,'.. S.'") caa-!,.Gem. D. no; ena. rreaialei.t. D Vardcaal. siera«(ary.

i,Ola ea, .Na,. 11 a/, llruaalstay, *cw VmS.


nrcamzed uu le-i ia"va ul Uer Slate of Now York.Capital rstoi k. Bu.. _O0,0u0 an.irea, par s-ai js. $..-,.

1 nil paid and in.aet.'le.

liuiiipal oh., e. Koiona'..l and'^4, No. .0_ Broadway, NowVoil

'|*i.u-.c.i;.\i'iici.NS()i.ii>rn;i)M!\i\(. i:,J PiO.M.H: lil-II'.I, i, P1NAI Cad N i V, Alli/".". 1CAPITAL si Cn. SJ 500,000 1 N 100,000 S.9 sllAlc.sOyPICEH*): i-arai-it a. Ve* _Ur.-!«, Preaideul if..

HU, ii Kacbang.-a , ( C. Mniiihv. Vic* PraatMai, UndloiV. fseaniau. SccirUry snai TrsMurer, Bond of Tru»t»«s-TliesslurB,1,1.. Veiiion BSSSBM, OL c. Murpbr, W, Juli,, A. lt.-i.aain. PiuMClSI AkciU riiecxloreNMIIlauta. (N. V.; I- te),anne), Ne. .'.s l|iaa%,|sv_y BawVeera. IliKisirr e,f |,kii«f.-n m .Nen-.York-l'aloii'r,.a!c.iinpaDv, c.Linsii Raatlngtsn VerasaL Ra V'H liua.tway. New Yura Ila.n a. W. niau, ban Praua.iac-o, CalMillhill .*-"_' 'Ht- Ul'.lilt P, I. flrillaa!,



( .pitai.Sl.ouo.i'.u. *"Uarea.Sl ._«-, uaaitoaiablaPrealclrtu. W. W. Wli'KliS, vi... [ir. ..d.-nt, 51 tell A RI

H.NOW. aa-crelaijr. R. K. LltOciKl- alli--. Imt. A. B.BARNESH. A. Ml UaIiD.-uiN. (J. 0. ROMINHUN, U.S.Nmi*I ItA-K. SS W. Vs lt UK*-, MICHAKLSNOW, of Now Voili ni i. -ai MiKli-s, .M,unanalol i'-iUt Uilla ma_un ai tho utile e

^ia vu ia wa ii. alilKkrl


July ll). ISM

TBS OSNBBAt HST.i Ar nial Hales. (i<smn« I

Illili. iharaaI ml

Albany * -snaAlton A c.ll...

,m. nraf.R. C. R. A N*central PiatSe.c st i ,_Hf.OCarada -soih'n('..CC. A I .

'-..c. et I. C..rues, cr ' uno..r'ho«.evo .dm." Olaf id"tuc. B((r AU.-..Hi AP."Lie. At MinnCleve eft Pltis'ir1C.StP.d KIOdo oral.

"hie* \ SV...nov ..?sw ni'..Mc "*"*'¦ I'..c..M A«t P sveafnri tt (lDearerARO'd(lune..A leva*1.A Ht. Jo ...

H a* -I. Ja,. PlIntone. . *(l"»i.Iud HAWKeok A I'AfKa'all .. I) SI of

.VU.i/-ii a. eat- Raab.i.aie -shora,...Minhanan_N -.r*.'ie'.attnMair..-a (Il .'alot-.?*' al...,i(Sll..I! ieh. centralMobile* rs', a lex..Xor.* r.aiaei..laaB.CbaMtla,"a. .1 ccnc-ai...-. t ii a nnv Kiarataa..

Wi,.'. - *,a,,.,r i

Nea. I'ri ll PM> ¦.. ra'i ac pf'!v.'i'..i);,t...sVDbioCant..i,-un A SI,.a..DO r!.Panama.I'li-.t.aK-auiua-i. i. A- -. F...*'. l.aVS. F. nf..11 .crsi l.t..(..-:. i... s. aKIO- /'..-ina

A a!...-t I...-1*u:. ,.

ian.,.;, e falt.o P rel.<_ iJ.rai.It.:.*.'« cxn_lager, ssa. ..

* ppreo ...m..e«. me -i


."" I SS'Cal ii, u Mn,

¦! mina-I,:i il Minim

ife.M.t ,,

Utile- Pit-io'a

Bllver Cliff....tiauoam ia a'c


Ojin'a] Hlr'ti/ow't Kita!. BM. [ASS'Sjios'i! limy iou*4


"ii i-i.(,7!13I'.I41TS«ie.




in1, nu.BON si

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si".:79 '-iUl7,


107-4 l"*'s



_I«J 8l>

siJ dis'v35 r5\71W Tl c

107*_ 107bVHS, »11 rs. 1122- 80

,. ' 11

VIA 1lu; wt*, ic;-'. tots ino*. I0«**.S'l1- ¦*()._i




70 -

1117 1V87-4li





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_7"i *T7 : '--'71

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ie,(alane, .231,4.10.Vj'4 5-ell.r BOB ] I

60VERXUESTS.c n Hi Coup is*lH6,(i 1.

0 s is Kejriatcrcil 1.07.I0l'.| .LOO .


I-'onrih N Hann..110

Mjnl. .; i B.1*1

I', il BE lat', 00. 11

1' DOH.HS1".,!,!)

.n s, 1. .. * Wealn. a -j,t 1 on7 ,0O(i.OCV

lso,i no . '-.'. .

120,000.s ,,, 00 .1'1"'."Hl'.Oseei .io'.X V, L ) A Weet

.Ni as- -..'.t Bl llll|.»-, ',

Den B li ti Con2 .Olio.l _«ell.'I, ll tu-,10.000. B3


Kan Pm lu Cobl-.uo'i. ai

;s niin.05 "a:c-2..MM, ..1-,.4

CaiiKdu -South ls:aliiiiriint.enl1,01 0.P?'i

2d,',11 '.'J-*_CCA IC Inc10.001).400,000 .4'i''a

Mu Kan A T c Ak-,,..(, ),,-,,._

Ito ni .1 Toa dun

10,000 ...

a.'- obie i.i(serin* lt8.1)00.i'.7

.-.- ¦) P .nd, ,.'..*. 1:

IM ll I'iinl ... MinLan lir.uit In33.00 >..b:l..ln..K'likUK A:U9 M 1 t

I.', ¦>..'¦.iitiitl (owa lat

1, (Mi _l-,i>'a

('),".* .. () Curminmi Lief

.' 1,000 .38

._ i.OOO..fl....SHMil A Si Pl 7a gold

I "C.-0. 118'.ll..u-tu. A Tex (J

..'il M.Un Lino7.O0O ..114

c Pla B Min let],(H) 1.1071*

Iml. HI001.1A ss -_.i..o')ll .01

Loma A Maali c '08'.,0'JO.llhI*

f.'vlllc A Niah '.d10,

M('trot>o.l(iiu KI lat1,004,"()0.'.*y"«

L K A Vi l«t 6a(0.000.103

Mu, Ile .0 nin'tf;4 "00.Ml

Mob.le AU 3d Doblr il-".3-11*

Kath CAS L las6, 'OD. ll')1.

Central racine o iiLoco.:)-'l.n.. 1 .lil?.

Union racine latmono... ..lust

I'm. it", ot Mo lat M10,000..Ill)rut- ft WAC -d

1.00I-.l'J5'-jAllon AT lt -ilprt

1.000 . .10.N'rsv Jer.iey Cent InIO, no.7 .. '¦_

Oreaon Ur A H ls!4jK),i.«fi84

Itu .t (it R 2d luli.UIH). 01

St Loul* AIM 2,1r.-fcrreel lnconioli'.oijO.7H6.000.7C»«

1. O'CLOCK IO _'_ o'. I'K I

Berth Carolinaba old Jun iv lolv16,000 ... .

H ^. l ea Weet2d Cot,

,; ,.u .,.nu's,7 ..' "'I .'.'O'4O.oiio.¦( iS

.'.7.', 0 ... .BOSst LA I M*-d

8,0 ,.). ln'i'a'I iOl-i

bi 1. .-¦ 1 .u-iuii nI'i cf Inca,nm17.000. 77

Si LA 1 Mt Utlu ferrell lne-li.lle'U .045,00 1. .8iTa-

sui' a >i Peal istBoothera Mtun uI,all.,.101si )¦ A M LO* 01)'!'.

Lett il!c. .st Mm, -t¦J.,, (,,'.

Si I. Killi 0 at NBaalKatata7a .9510,..00. 10!)

ii! L K (' .* NOmaha Dis-3,01X1.11034

"..,.' a tax -ii1 l.OOO.o-f', )"((.no

oregon ll A Nl*(."".WI",

lc. Cai- In 1. ut u.ii.OOO.5(J'_KaiMM I'u ido ilaDru irv Atv ll!, iillirili C"!7,0'K) ..

Liiisaa PaeiSc Osl", 11 DI* AaX CoultonV.nuti.1011)4

Kan*M Pac lat Cli) (. ni.ic.'aB.000.0_>4

st L.V B !' -Iel .(.a B5.000 .77V

Den A Rio Grande 1lat on7, "i 0.*):".'4

15,500 '"..'i

Den A I'i (irani 1stl.OOtl.101 14

Che* .v 01,10 cur'ylnt.r.'st.I,',.)') .38«*

l',,e-s,*> 1,Ino 1stsjBiies U_.(,,><>.H7i*7,003 .07 '._

N" J Cent Ad UBOO.lot

N J Cent lat CoolAssentedOn.ono .lo,ji._Dial "f Col S-tiTuCon [iouln.'iu'i.90

Aluij.u»_ Cia** Aln.OOO ....


Mil A st Pnul II AD DlvlaionI.hju .107).

Nani, c A st L la'l.i)*

racine of Mo").HO

Pitta r w a 0 Ut1,0. >0.13.".-a

2"-jo'ci.O.*K To '.i (VCtO '«.

,na,1:1.1 7s Ness- 1 hi (.,. I -toaatainlon).IO!)**! ArKausns Briucli

Ch** it'll,lo I 2 'C'.io:,ut -c-rtea u rbin Webaeaft.() si coi'a«i Ooaree

N V, LIA Weat 10, ' Jd Con10,000..*3 flu**1,000..hS...B0>.._0.tll)tl.11,1)4

N V. I. K.V WestNi sv .'el .'at,uni15.1)00.H.*,".

StI. AI Mount ,1

«,,, M, . lUli'BSt I. .. ll sion '.'.Ipreferred lace m-


11... a i' iuCiaas 87.000.77\

51,0 .11.7*1Peoria Dec t l.v'il


Kaaaai Pa Hie Oait Div Ss

ssilu com, cert... ,) .I,,,',

Km, PM !s in

fl.!'!))...15'Jhio i.iiti.11 latkl.OeiO..9

C C A I C 1 at Ml.OOil.H_34

CC A I c tat MTrust ( ei Cyr Aasuiiii uii-iiUrv25,C'0.8t*t_6,IH)0.SHSI.O'O.80

CC A 1 0 Ino1,'.nen. b3... 40ie1'i.uo).40-.

Baaloo lt A K lat5..IO0.44

l'acltienf Mo 1sto.HO") .ll"!

( st Tu U _: M In3, 00.lo.t*

Mo Kan a i

OtOSlSO PKicr.i nc fin i.adki.i'Hia iro'iitA.Hld A *k ad

(Kr6*. ress-_l'-lU-j 126iti-il it. Km N. J..161 itt! '¦

IVtni. K. K. fd-, ;"..-.-',lieininiK ll. K. ii B '.

l.i-h,Kh Valiev l-l. i.u-h 01causa,aaa »(e-f. :<!) 4,1Rarthe_aPM.coM. -7'4 "_7s

Hld. A sleet.Nunborn Pac. en( 49 49**Si rth'a (>i( H. 3.1 sj ;ui^-MKb sar.'.".u_ _s*aint. iit.«. as.i; h. . 11 ¦, ibliaataanlla 1. u... il** -j.

i I'hita AUtii). Ut* 14

OLOSISO PRICRA Of BOSTON STOOESBStOnt-9 Li lac. s.itiiri'.av. To-ilar.

Water rower. If|* b^i ICaatem Ratlro_.t.. ;i,i*4 mo '_l!.a*t.iii il'* tl3,A .* TOO. 1st 7a. .liri UHDo. land traill Ts.. I Ki 11(1De. 347*.ll' 118ix land ts..184 ISSE. !t. It. ;.^a 11 esr.. H4 HItiaill.iV Kin Ts.. 4-*'a ll ',A..1 lop. K. lt.... 1 lil'-_ HOCkoit. A A. lt. 'I ..14- '1 I >

V.oe.t. Ai Me. ll. .1 i'll'» 181* Mu..n \.-b. lr - li! Mlu. TTCU,.. BBB. A ( nive. 13

Bab. A Ara. Va:it.'linet A Ito ii. JJ 1 _20

i'u,(per Ka"*. ll ', 1linne ali -sill.-i.1 b 3'*Praaklta. li1- us.International_00* .. ,-

Petsaon tiic'.s at'k) '.*i'i ISynmcy . 27 *_Kt.ia^. 6'**,,v,.r Isle:. .*!_Sl.ia'.su'n ,,[,'.. Ba, 3

T7'i'AUouc. SI .'nd ;i. I1*li's I

5Bi4 V

MOBBAV, Juiy 1!).1*. m.

Tho »t(s. k Bpesalatioa to-day was vary naekmixrel. Tba spaaing waa atronn anonah to satisfytlie most sii'iifiiuic of "' bulla,'' and the lunn,caa oftin- (arly boara dsvalopsd aotblai Ibatcanld tis-trurt liotn that riatiafuctioti. Hut l:itcr thain was

a reaction that w;i» more marked in it. characterthan BStiseable, baaaass of thn extent of th.« ile

alina. Hmm andanbtedlj was -otne outside beyinnof apsealatlVS stocks. Tbs talk of unini-ns.- o;irn-

iiiirs, Um i>nrticil!urlv lose-.olorcd n-poiiH ahout tho

ciops nnei if a proSBSSt-VS market for them, nod thoat'itatinii of a ptobalile or paniMa importation ofBBSSla, evidently bsgtal to work upon tuat slam ofB-tBOM ts lui " aover speculate." bul occasionallymake an " investment " in iion-dividcn(i-payui|{ ne-

curitics. Thc pnrticiilarly aclivo atocks weto : Urie,winch r .se to 4:1*4. but closes ut III1,, a deCluio of lpfr,.111 I it ur lay ; ht. Paul, which rose to 81. batsloSMat rtOig, a d.i-linc" of L_ ; Mi*souri, Kaasaaand Texae,which rorie to 38*4 but close's at 'A7\, a dee linet of

*«, and Northweat, which rose, to .Cl's hut close-sat93r\ 1 dicluio of *9 per citiif. Lana Inwn wuhonly a moderate amount of busuica. sold as ln_li as

107*%and rinsed uiicliaiu'ed at t( (i-'i, and Mulit.gan Central atter sailingnp to 92\ elaaai at Pl Si,an iidvancet of '4 per cent, (,'enlral 11ml liol,,,,,sold at 183% bat later there w.*re sellers .f thusto.k at I'll -¦-_,. St. I.oui- und In,n Moun¬tain wm exceptionally btroux, opening up

lia Per cent ut 4*s ~a and riaitut to

iRdm, wttb lani miss ni -'^-i. und the Wabash*.were comparatively finn, retaining lp#lgaf theiri-atly advances. TbSBS wa* a side movement in thecoal atoota*sonlnan*hawavar, almost toulnntvalfto regular room operators, which advauced ^a.w-J.-iceiv Central _S*a percent to 7'2Sh Delaware. I-sk.

wanna and Wost.-rn lig to *2'2. and Dolawarsnd Bni_ant%tnM% From the extreme) prieeslure WSa adc. linc of 1+ f.r NVvt J.^y Central. ^ir Pslss-ara.Laahswsnaaand w.-tern.and mfoe¦elavn.-u," .iri,| Tbe fie t (fiat -ucl, flJof'e*outs are made in the face of the . irftissl c.._itions aftba coal trade might ha iiriri-d aa au evHipleoftl,.- character of tlie Wk la BtSSh ip-r.lation. The Plitttiiiilpliin Lainey is aslbealla lorlie- stiit'-in, nt that th- laa_bag Company ia el,,,llisli.-d v-ilh the BBBQJBBI results iu Hie outputf tbs differeiit companies of tho system of work-Ifl tiree days a steele, ant complains that'hile tl,.". lie*aeli,i(_'s, nutpBl is ISdnaSieailr 7.~-0.000 terna from hst fear, tkons bf tba other largs sssBpantas la their aatpalHS not been 100,Ot Ml tons each. 1 bia .-x-,! un, t, of H 't-.i ts-y Uiiira.,,1 b b__ti withLided coal cars, and why tho Delaware aad Company has been compelled to rsal RddtttaanJmd at Beadon I to stars its soal aa. \\ astsra I'uioansdnll ut I06*fcg iun'4. I'lcun: Mallapsasinpk par sent ni 12. and bn__ns_iatalyU Bin t * _,

OSded with nunan "t an imp "ndtni rsp;et (_e|vaiic*jir tbs stock. Bal its polas decliaed to 41t__ Thelarkc closed dull, but feverish.QaVsraflBSnt bonds were dull, the total frans;.-.ons at tba barnda amounting only to 92a QmUl pri.ea svete lirtu with an ads:, SSS ls lbs bala1:1. s ot I* for lim (is Bad SO J8*)l,:l>c for the .l.,,ml -4 pc r eaat for thc is. Annand us t.,. cn*,.us

notations taid. Aale.,. I mn. *,.M

H.Ca'KO e*'* Ui.' 4 CS 4*1-07H (".'.I. co,., in *-il')-.'* Ct. 4* Ii 17 .¦ ,


I" s ("r rt* l-lC ... fe rt. (s

.-'it :s's i.r,(-

b. Ha'si. rer...U)4>* UH**.8. 0*'sl eouo. 104'* 104)*.h. ft* HI.ree... luist 103 «*.lt, sa I. ¦' >i,.i'>('_ ina**.r* **-,a'!.l.r*...l I-.*, ll','* Cut. 0_S* is lt .1.7.ri.4'**".U.C(iUb.iluH HO'* I ,)la(-( C.'-i. I .*

The business in "state bundi Rtcladsd Vurtu |na 6_. old, January and July, at 28%, Aishalass A, st 99, and Georgia 7s nsw si lni'.__rmtatsnn oooaala aragnoted i' i;

The sales c f city lank stock) wars i Poarth N'a-ooal (.")()/ at Ho, amt Manliattan [60l at 1 11.

A w,-i!-d<.s(ribut-d bnstnsas was ds .. railroadmills at full fi.ure-s with BSOM - u, lue

BsldsaUags. BriaaaBoadi maota -sM al '¦."¦.,.

n'i against V0**g Saturday, .iud tbs faadad "is at

."i-'ii" 96*% Missouri. Kau MM BBd PeXBI firsts w-rs

mini 105'a,tbaossondsoalllBgal *.*."i"'id. Bsa*"ii, Hinton! ami Bria tirsis ro-c treat 13 :i la 11 \144. C., C. ami I. C. I 4 - I

t 8% _-_.-*}*.'._, tim in con cs ri- g fioia9*8 to 4(>>_. Cbssapsaha sad Ohio firs:*,.ii ea 15, al <)"'_.. ..oro ii'_ per c.-:,t | ghat Ihsa lbstat previous ssls, sad st. Lonla nad Iron M aataln-.,,nd incoinea advanced mts77. Oregon Kaile.uad sad Navigation lim**, wera 14 islet st 99\lhlesgo.St.Panl a:,d Minne ip< ll Im ¦. indtie in demsad at 106*PlOS-\i. Daavai aad BioIranda Brats san \\ bighsi al IO 1 '-i. sad Ihs sa .-

ds Ipsresal higher at 03*._. Tbe otber ebaaaalHMO uiitaip-.t taut, Iist-O-OM UBVMtBH nts beiaghoMt full tinnies.The Sub-Tr.\-ifiQry to-day grin-ai 1627,879 on

ial,mee, made up by a coin gan of $880,444.i*ss a currency loss of $202,567. This Bisksiho total gain bii.c-o Fri.lay 9481,027. Moneyonlay wm Just a shade Ism easy, tbs ia 1

or call loans being _¦*._ te 3 per eeat, with a bs*

pei table portion of the new bu-in ss d i.e.- at tie

i_iior rate. Tho domestic exchanges on New-York,t tho plscso named, are gaoted M -; Sa-

annan, Va-1, preaiinmi Cbarlastea, le diaeoaali> Ji jiremuuii; Nsw-Orlesns Comioemal, l'2.t3BO. bank, '2oD preini'ini ; Rt, Loais, '.J.*),cuts pretniiin ; Chicago. 'J."i Benia dlseoaslu par; Boston, par to __7_» orals i'liited siiires Treasurer st .Vwbington lo*sj received 8120.000 in National bank notM toe.'(lempi.ou. TbeenetoinereeeiDts v .¦,.¦¦ 8500.000,lani he iiuernal r.veuuo leceipts $050,000 Thoollowiagis the Cleirine Mouse- ststeaiet I to-dsyiIxobansss. 9123.120,6101 bi lane-. 83,044,* transact ions at tin* Bob-Trraanr*, cover, di.eieipts. 81.1M'1,507: paym«nts.81-366.636: ear-

ency balsnoa. $7,310,307; com balanooj185, 887.UH.-,.FoceigB exchange continues weak an'! to-day tbsates for biiiut sterling were reduced "j ceut to the:. Annexed are tiie revised gu ¦¦(.mon.,:

T.iu. -anana' stn Un. billa CO .lavs. I dara.on Lot,eton. sj., sn, .is-'., _._ * | .«,,,loo.! baw-a-ra'anal pnaie com 4 SJ a.i*:t.. 4.-4 <t ; .*,

hwOeee_MSC__l. 4«3 348"3'_ 4 81 n 4 *jlaie-unientary couimerclal_ 4 8, al si tfiSOioA'ar*a,ir»nc«i. 633-*S*S__*« 5-.'t'4,.iuitserinrranc*)._ 5 33 '*«5 '.'_¦. I 31 ."('a ..)wise ifraucs). 5 2.: »io ii'-i i- .

innt.riaii tgnilrlera). 4USA ttU* 4" -¦' li*laiuburicreleiimaik'*'. t*-4-S.<» iM-** D.'.'*rianLtortirelclnuiirai). l*.;-\a .<4"*» D'.'-'f |0%'.remeo treichuikika). Wa* 94"a :.. '.s,li-i.i, inch uara*. 'Jl**-* 4-a i*-'»_i 'Jib

In London, Htiti-h oonaola bold atesdy st '-^uox money aud 08"io foi account. Untied Biatso)a,,;a.i,s wert its erratic as taney -techs.1 beds miag!rutn Ill's to 112*4 and closing st lil7-): tba ; l

ipsning dosvn 14 at ii'.'*, und rising tolingmd closing at 113U, ami tbs "r»* WI IS tteadj. hstagrom 106 to 1061s. l''rie sbares advaaean H4 perISBl to 45*-8 and jlosed ut 4 I3)., the BMWBd consolslaing J4 t" 99*%, AM.-iuttc aad (ireat fust.and a*c oikIs each declined -4 to tis1* inn, '2\i respec-

.tvely. Illinois Central staa L_. lowei SI 1 I-'1-.*, l'enn-tylrania s. bigbss at 57*4 K ading s\ bigRev at 1*1*4,ifier 9, ami Central snd Hu-l-on 1 \ bigbor ;.t lA't\.Bar silver advaaoed *»d. to 525mI. j..t ounce. InoHank cf Kiuiland gained £14,000 bullion pi bal*ince. In Tans French 3 per cents rose* fr.mi h.", r,7>._,io 85.65-988.60, sight exehaago on 1.tuition rump,0 25-81*4 trams to the £.

I...- . io-* carun,ls rn if followiiiu i.iilio.ids aro

reported:Mt-SoUKI. K.s-is XXI) TKMs.

1m79.*;ni,el sveek In Julv... BBS,Hii MS,S4fl Inc. f's .-OSlaiuiary Ito July 14.... 1.352,-1.1 2.li4,''78 lue. 7CJ,tU7

HtBSBABOaja **U» st. Ic,(is.1s7!). lrtSO.

t-'ourlh nee. in Jnno... 015,350 |*-5,7*W lue. I to Jnur nu. l;.-s,'.'s_ 310.100 lui. ill.llSIhe receipts of tl xir and gram at the piiiiiuial

Atlantic ports this 19th day of July were :

Raws 1 or*.

Canal. R'ir'et. C'tw'e. Hair, niola. ItosfaRour.bbl*. 21.077 l.oi. Ijttm B.MU f).s,s()ei20ili(K) 7,(0 1 37o.!)'.'l 1 lo .' 1 (a)lorn, liusii. .244,800 2_4).l OO . _.- i-.ii t 71 simi I

out.*, boah. 28.16O . »,15o IT,3_U ..;"».):vcliusl,. 600. list.airs.buen. 17.800 ..

.ftaatMahi.l43.SO0S01.4S0 7,000 :Ui:. cst 000.040 03, s|

The receuiis and sliiniu.-u.s al and lr,un Itutiil.)to-day ure reported as lollows:

--llecelpta.-,-SMhNBaMa--«Hv lake. Bailroala. Br cau.u. Kalro«K

Flour, bbl*. laJ7l .'

Wheat, boah.... 128.n(J0 70 0 S) 124.KSI 17. .-.

furn, mutti. '.TO.OuO 1 :cj 0*1.1 3-..:.:><;o '."sv,

oat*, bush. 103,0 -0 62,0)K) 34,373 I IKve. I.OOO . a,.umBaa lev.bosh. 8'si . sot,

total ona..... 601.0)0 274.4(H) 631.73., 6'.'7.40O

The fatiowing sscrr the raoeipts aad sbipjtsntnai aud bom Ciucago aud Milaraakse t >-day i

-Rete.pla.-.. ihlpnaen'*Chd'.iaee. RIIWMkaS. flu. i-i Milvrauk'-n.

new, Ml...... 7,3-8 8,475* Mts bass... 70.4OH 0.6SI ts Ji,; t -.

(or,,. IimsIi 4:0.5O0 4 (MM) 8'd ...i l...(i)uaia bilah. ... 4) a SI 3,vnc) '.'4 4::.i fa.CTlive, boah. 8..-1 BBS IJ-UMBflS»U«v b.iah 4 0 6.4.(0 I e, e, 1,0:4Total buan... 171800 10.1-0 1*007,071 3'..10S

Kl'HOI'l'AN ti.lAN'e I VI. MAltKK.f-s.

UIBBOBa Ju'f 111-l'_':3n p. BB..V. 8. boinia. lom .lll.l i li.ilf

pei .1 a, ll.s'i. K-ic 4 :*m 1 lii.ois 1 (adal, 1 lo1* 1'ina.s, Isai.n ci-nirici. .7 . li.-a.ll.iL-, B»b Net V isr.rKal 1...

OM, J-Ut 111.1 1" |i ni Al lani c ami VS ciera

tlt»t Bwalsegs traaiers' .*r_Beeta*, i;*'4. tin. .»*¦ uni t. ..,(-

ic.ittf .'.: Bea f,-"i imn.. ceaaaM 107Si lin- MtesOcnn nu, 1,13*3. Pana mimm snaie :; uet teat raataaei "Itrance '.."' -aatlaia* for ia*aaraanl.UMUOB, Jn'f IO 3 :'.() I", in.-C. W. hsmela, fourier r.iifal,

1 ll ', lour amt * half ix-rceiua. 113 i,, Nm a, li'.i',; e.nal,44 _: fi iu,M is.un.i e cn,ral. 57 '*.

la,mids. July 10.4 p. uv .C. a bonis, four orr ,-.-tit*. 112-*Kn.-. 44»a; I'rnuaytviiuia CciUral. u7-i. li. .i li

I..,Maa B, Jo V ll 4:1ft a. iu. Part* ails).... i,iu.e ihn-e i>*rBaal rontca iii BS tlBBeaOO ceniUu.a tu, tin- ac.oiiui-I^Ma.N.July lil-4:30 li. ill.-C. 8. boinia, lo,,, Ott c..(,t^

111'.: four au,1 half |s-r eeat*. 1 13'* Kn. liv llltne.1*Central, .li" Penna) IvanU C ei.liai, 67 St, IW.-.uiU. sS(.'.ess Veark eiltr.ll ISI .

LO*DOM J(,!» i'.i. Ti,.-aiuaaiiiit of l.n.llo". ^.x,e , itothe Dankol r.nKiaiiit on balance to il.iv xii I.OO0.

(.ano-. Julv IB.l-lciian*.- ol) I. iuaon. '. train* Bl "-i "*¦.

tunes tor ilia-cla.BBBUSa Jolt' D'. The lUti-iinat ol UM laiaarlal lian- i«

Hcrniaiiy abott* all IUiie"*ae ,n Mi«h le o! 1 ...«> i.i)...< lu .1-4.

KU iiiii'int st . t iKri

UypSBSQ. -Inly IO l-oi * I'txne \frnr ).:,.. .,-, SrBMat ,.7 waelfaTB. Briner al ill. li*, n ( inn ¦¦ r au.i i ul,limier ai I O-.l BSotl Idb. Briu.-v ai .i(.i,, la>ai 'C

¦taaSv at tntfid. i short clear atasS] * tait Hime.umuxC UU IIUll ai 44 Sllntiulrraa. ai '.'.'i I..I. lin f 111,i» Hi.C

ilnil at 04 Kim, Meeta, ainu at 72 Pitta* Utmt .lull >l

Ito Uaxil I'rniic SS .-ai. i-u lliiiir, al K. (s( l(_.o» Tin**

(liv »(iiii!.i »( 04 I uri-euiiii- >ii,iltaa. *»*M.V ai 22 Sa

Ho*i,t < oiiinuis. ai 4- (a.; d'.ne. a .s .il I ( J*. Auieriraii hon-, (iinier Kl ">1 Ijiu *n'. dull .'

Pluar I.-da **l ale. au-aily al li.tKl ss l.-,,t No I, st lalie,

ateaily »l IO 10. s|,!,,,i-. N's .. » '.li.! New sun-

ler tA.ann,. ataNi.U at la,0.1. N.* Bolaira ss ,nie- .,***'7a( 100*1* Coni-Mllaaal. Bf,,,el al'.l.l. I Ml \*i-

low Auiencau. mina- ii, marlu-: lia-n- I'aaiaWB. Bl la-hil»^elull ae 4("ivi lorijenllne, "nulla. ,ai laiiutaai eileaUj al »S_U,-.-e,|.ts of W bean to- ihe wa-a-a finn AlUoll. |a-tl». J.'.tw

4ia. .from CaeK! porta, 4,100 Sta.; I."*", oUin .omi*-*. WI

ur*, com. 51,000 qra.i.iTti.ronL. JetlT ll) l'.':30,' nt Itosslous CMM-hM per

cwt. (or the best Kiai'.i *..( Aiuen. an

UraarOOL. Ja t IB 5:16 ». m. CB****. bS |"H«i (..rut*

beal (i,a<le* ni A mn,i a,,, hplrllaal ul lentiu. .el |-'i. *X

i.nMniS. Jill] IB S |l ill le-tinrtt I'.I I eeo alni. I '. a.Ot f*m

Ital. s"li.rlteo( I uioeauuc. ......I. n-ii .si |,a-r »

lx-NUov. Jiuy 1.' ,i.0p.iu. lAUtxrtl Oil.*pei ion

iira'/.iiiav Darran mauiwKl.. J»Nl:ut" Julv 17-('ofle. M..,k.-t Qincl. fii.-cM ui*1»

taliutat: n.i.i.aua.-.doocl l"ir*t». 5.70Sa6,-MI raiefSI IBBBBBKx.-liaaas-i'ii l.i.nilou. 23s*.rsisl,,* Ju.v 17 end..' Market (|iUe(. itonuv»»ril lea

deiiov soua.tor aaiiUM. 6.1t)ei«*9._sH) raia oar ll) lll-a.