Ancillary task - Magazine Poster analysis

Ancillary Task - Poster Advert Textual Analysis By Josh Manley

Transcript of Ancillary task - Magazine Poster analysis

Page 1: Ancillary task - Magazine Poster analysis

Ancillary Task - Poster Advert Textual Analysis

By Josh Manley

Page 2: Ancillary task - Magazine Poster analysis

The Script - #3In the top right hand corner of the poster the name of the album is placed in a very bold black font which allows it to stand out from the background. Its size also makes it very visible. The fact that the title is '#3' corresponds to the main central image of the poster due to the fact that is depicts three of the band members. This image is created through using the multiple exposure technique where multiple, in this case three, images can be blended into one. There is one main image of the lead singer with the two other band memebrs merged into the right side of his head. By doing this it will allow the poster to stand out and attract the audience as they will recognise the figures included in the poster. The fact that it is placed in the centre of the poster enhances its effectiveness further.

Here the recognisable band logo is included to attract the audience. This logo is used on all of their products which allows the viewers to recognise the artists which works well with the central image, providing a sense of identity. The light background allows for the black text and the main image to stand out effectively. The background is similar to the colour of the subjects skin which therefore produces a specific colour scheme. This type of light sepia colour palette produces a retro feel which is relates to their music genre being indie/soft rock.

At the bottom of the poster a black strip is used where bold white text is placed all in capitals. Here the it is made clear that this is their new album and also the release date is included to intrigue the viewers. The contrast between the dark strip and white text allows for this information to stand out and be easily seen.

Also at the bottom of the poster in much smaller white text the band's website is included which will allow for the proactive viewers to find out further information.

Page 3: Ancillary task - Magazine Poster analysis

Ed Sheeran - XAt the bottom of the poster the relase date in included. The fact that it is 'out now' will attract the viewers and iintrigue them. It is very useful to include the point of sale of the product as it provides the audience will a clear knowledge of when they can purchase the product. Also at the bottom of the poster one of the songs included in the album is mentioned. This provides the viewers with a slight insight to the content to the album and what they could expect. The fact that it is a 'No.1 hit' will attract viewers do to its previous success. The artist's website is placed at the very bottom of the poster in smaller writing which provides a source for viewers to find out further information on the album and also on the arist.

At the top of the poster a rough black strip is used where the artist's name in included in green writing. The writing is the biggest on the poster which allows it to easily be noticed. Under this lies the main focus of the poster. Here instead of a photo being used, the album title is introduced, a very large black 'X' is placed in the centre of the poster which allows for it to be the first thing in which the viewers will see. This is very bold and stands out effectively from the green bakcground which due to its colour could have connotations of money and success. This also provides a sense of continuity as it follows the same schemes and style as the album digipak.The font used through is rather rough and edgy which would relate to its target audience being considerably youthful.

This poster is very simple yet very effective as it presents the information very clearly and advertises the product sucessful as it will intrigue the viewers.

Page 4: Ancillary task - Magazine Poster analysis

Lady Gaga - The Fame MosterThis poster is different to the other posters I have both seen and analysed as it doesnt follow the stereotypcal layout and structure which makes it unique. Here three horizontal different strips are used where a different image of the artist is include in the top two strips. By including these images it makes it clear to the audience who the artist is as she is a recognisable figure.

Near the centre of the poster the name of the artist is placed in bold white font with the name of the album just below it. The name of the artist is slightly bigger which causes for it to be the first text that is seen. Also below this, information on how many tracks in the album there are and well known tracks are included. This provides the audience witha slight insight to the album. Also the fact that is states 'featuring Beyonce' will attract the audience as she is also another well known artist

The overall colour scheme consists mainly of grey which provides a very monochrome appearance. This also allows te poster to look modern which can be related to the artist's pop genre.

On the right side of the poster a review on the artist from an established magazine. This shows how pretiguous the artist is regarded. This poster is very unique due to the fact that at the bottom of the poster, two images of the front and back covers as well as the CD of the album digipak is included. This advertises the album very successfully as it will make the viewers aware of the appearance of the digipak that will be able to buy. Also at the very bottom of the poster it is stated that the album is 'now available at all good music retailers'. This allows the viewers know where they will be able to purchase the product.

When there is text placed over the top of a photo, the photo is faded in order to allow for the text to be the main focus. This is shown through the bottom and middle sections.