Anatomy of the Job Interview

The Anatomy of the Interview Process Cynthia Wright Recruiter and Author of “366 Tips for a Successful Job Search” And Pedro S. Silva II Candidate Relationship
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Webinar presentation on how to succeed at each stage of the interview process.

Transcript of Anatomy of the Job Interview

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The Anatomy of the Interview Process

Cynthia WrightRecruiter and Author of “366 Tips for a

Successful Job Search”


Pedro S. Silva II Candidate Relationship Manager for JCSI

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Cynthia WrightStaffing Expert and Author of “366 Tips for a Successful Job Search”

Pedro SilvaJCSI Candidate Relationship Manager/Communications Strategist

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Cynthia Wright

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The Interview Process

It is designed to:

• Attract people with shared interests• Filter the candidate pipeline• Set and clarify expectations• Determine present and future compatibility• Prepare for progression through the organization• Prevent costly hiring mistakes

Fundamentally, the interview process is a company’s formalized relationship building practice.

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What’s The Recruiter’s Role?

There are specialized recruiters for every level of engagement, but essentially all recruiters are part matchmaker part detective.

• Find and attract talent to an organization• Manage candidate pipeline and fill job openings• Manage relationships between employers and prospects• Investigate market trends to advise clients• Track, analyze, and report candidate and job status

Recruiters see both sides of the job market and understand the nature of “the process”.

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Breaking Down the Stages

Comparing the interview process to relationships illustrates a “natural” progression from contact to long term employment.

The Stages we will cover are:

• The Screening - “The Interest Building Stage”• The Telephone Interview - “The Curiosity Stage”• First Round Interview - “The Present Compatibility Stage”• Second Round Interview - “The Future Compatibility Stage”• Final Interview - “The Proposal”• The Offer - “The Confirmation”• The Trial Period - “The Honeymoon”

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It’s All About Context

When interviewing, keep in mind that there’s a time and place for everything.

In other words, the initial phone screen is not the time to ask for a company car.

So let’s take a closer look at the stages…

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The Initial Phone Screen

Factors that may prevent future engagement include:

• Commute/Location• Improper Skills Match• Salary• Perceived Attitude of Candidate• Job hopping

WORDS OF ADVICE:Have a good attitude. Stick to the basics. Remember that your only goal is to get tothe phone interview.

Referred to here as the “Interest Building Stage”, this is where it is determined whether the basic requirements are met.

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Phone Screen Continued…

Phone Screening is essentially a filtration process.

Never expect to be hired as a result of a phone screen. The screeners job is to ensure that only those with the right potential make it to the next stage.

Tip:With an applicant to job ratio of greater than 6:1, making a match can be like panning for gold. If you feel you’re not a fit, end the conversation expressing interest in the company albeit not for the particular position.

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Telephone Interview

In this “Curiosity Stage”, your training, experience, and interest are confirmed by the hiring manager.

To prepare for the conversation:

• Do your homework on the company• Have your own questions prepared for the interviewer• Be able to articulate why you are interested in new opportunities• Be able to answer why you believe you would be a good fit for the company• Set the expectation to move forward in the process

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Telephone Interview Continued…


Questions you may be asked:• Why did you leave your last job?• Why would you take a new job?• What was your last salary?

Hiring managers are also assessing:• Your energy level• Your attitude• Your integrity/honesty• Your communications skills

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The First Round Interview

This round of interviews is used to determine your “present compatibility. You will typically meet with your potential

manager and team members.

These questions should be answered by the end of the interviews:

• Are you what the team is looking for?• Is the team what you are looking for?• Can you perform your duties in the environment?

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First Round Continued…

What do you think the goal of the First Round of interviews is? Do you see a pattern?


Believe it or not, companies want you to make it through THEIR interview process.

If you make it through, they can trust their decision to hire you.

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Second Round Interviews

We are calling this the “future compatibility stage” because it is normally the interview with corporate leadership.

• • Where they are Where they’re going

In this stage the corporate leadership is only looking for one answer.

Point A Point B

Can you help them get there?

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Second Round Continued…

At this stage they know you can do the job. The question is, how long will you last?

WORDS OF ADVICE:Be mindful of signals that you can’t commit for the long haul. Even something like an extra long commute can work against you.

Know the company’s expressed vision and take ownership of it. If you’re hired, you’ll have to anyway.

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The Final Interview

It’s down to you and one or two others. Now the company wants to know what it is going to cost them to bring one of you on.


Your dollars are going to have to make sense to the employer. Work with them to create a mutually beneficial deal. How you negotiate is part of the interview.

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Final Interview Continued…

We are calling this “The Proposal” stage. By now all expectations should be clear for both parties. The only step left

is for the company to “pop the question”.

Don’t derail your chances by:• Being over confident• Being too greedy• Being too nonchalant• Being too passive• Hiding important information• Not asking for the job

Preparing an offer is a big decision. Treat it like one. They are still watching you.

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The Offer

With all expectations laid out and confidence established, the next stage is to confirm the agreement. Just remember the interview

isn’t over yet.

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The Offer Continued…

Don’t let an offer get away from you by:

• Trying to renegotiate the offer at the last minute.• Being untruthful at some earlier stage in the process• Taking too long to sign the offer.• Playing the offer against another one/Holding your cards• Assuming that an offer gives you the “upper hand”.

The company wants this process to end as much as you do. Your selection took a lot of work. No one wants to start the

process over again.

Remember that you still haven’t had your first day.

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The Trial Period

Ultimately an interview process is designed to protect a company from making costly hiring mistakes, so their process

doesn’t stop when you sign the offer.

Knowing this you should:

• Always think beyond the offer stage• Be mindful of potential company concerns• Keep every stage in proper context • Confirm expectations of your first 90 days

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The interview process is a company’s established relationship building practice.

Things to remember:

• The interview process progresses through stages• The “process” acts as a buffer from making hiring mistakes• The purpose of one stage is to get to the next one• Understanding the “nature” of the relationships is critical• The company wants you to succeed through THEIR process• The interview doesn’t end at the offer stage• Work with all involved for mutual success

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Contact Information

Pedro [email protected]


Cynthia [email protected]

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