anatomy exam. mcq.docx

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy exam. mcq.docx



    1-The cleavage lines of the skin (Langers lines) are

    A. Skin creases over jointsB. Junctional lines between superficial and deep fascia

    C. The direction rows of elastic fibers in the dermisD. The direction of collagen fibers in the dermisE. Finger print

    -Lines of cleavage are clinically significant because:

    A. A cut at right angles to a line of cleavage will remain closedB. Wounds heal more slowly if they run parallel to lines of cleavageC. A cut parallel to a cleavage line will remain closedD. They promote wound healingE. They facilitate joint movement

    2-Regarding bones in general, all of the following statements are true except:

    A. They provide support to the body and protect internal organsB. They function as biomechanical levers on which muscles act to produce a moment or restrict itC. They are formed of calcified connective tissueD. In the adult all bone marrow is concerned with blood formationE. Bones are reservoirs of ions such as Ca and Po

    3-Regarding sesamoid bones ,all of the following statements are true except:

    A. They develop within a tendonB. They stablize a jointC. They help to change the direction of pull of the tendonD. They help to reduece friction on tendonE. They prevent obstruction of blood supply to the tendon

    4-In which of the following cavities is yellow bone marrow found?

    A. sinusB. medullary cavityC. joint cavityD. epiphyseal cavityE. thoracic cavity

    5-The presence of an epiphyseal disk indicates that:

    A. The bone length is increasing.B. The bone length is no longer increasing.C. The bone diameter is increasing.

    D. The bone is dead.E. The bone diameter is decreasing.

    6-The bones of the wrists and ankles are classified as:

    A. Long bones.B. Flat bones.C. Short bones.D. Irregular bones.E. Round bones.

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    7-All the followings are types of muscle attachment except:

    A. By ligaments.

    B. By fleshy fibers.

    C. By tendons.

    D. By raphe.

    E. By aponeurosis.

    8-Regarding the types of parallel muscle fibers, all the followings statements are true except:


    B- Fusiform.C-Strap - likeD-Strap - like with tendinous intersection.E--Unipennate.

    9-A muscle that provides the major force for producing a specific movement is called :

    A. a synergistB. an agonist

    C. an antagonistD. a fixator

    10-Match the following

    1-Muscle that opposes and reverses the action of another muscle A) Synergist

    2-Muscle that stabilizes the origin of another muscle. B) Agonist3-Muscle that is primarily responsible for bringing about a particular movement C) Antagonist4-Muscle that aids another by promoting the same movement D) Fixator

    11-Accessory structures of the skin include the:

    A-Dermis, epidermis, and hypodermisB- Hair follicles and the sebaceous and sweat glands

    C-Cutaneous and subcutaneous layersD-Blood vessels, macrophages, and neurons

    E-Melanocytes, superficial and deep fascia

    12-The muscles that are found at openings of the body are collectively called:

    A.Convergent musclesB.Circular musclesC.Parallel musclesD.Divergent musclesE.Parallel muscles

    13-The reason the hypodermis is useful for subcutaneous injection by hypodermic needle is that it has a:

    A. Large number of lamellate corpusclesB. Limited number of capillaries and no vital organsC. Large number of sensory receptorsD. Large number of capillariesE. High and rapid blood level entering the blood vessel

    14- Which of the following structures has a rich capillary bed

    A. EpidermisB. Skull

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    C. Hyaline cartilageD. Cornea of the eyeE. Skeletal muscle

    15-In hepatic portal circulation, blood is eventually returned to the inferior vena cava through the...

    A. Hepatic veins.

    B. Superior portal vein.C. Superior mesenteric vein.

    D. Hepatic artery.

    E. Portal vein.

    16-If lymphatic tissue is removed from an axillary region; the arm on that side is likely to

    A. have a deficient blood supplyB. have an excessive blood supplyC. become edematousD. lose tissue fluidE. remains unchanged

    17-The vessel which brings blood from the liver and other abdominal organs to the heart is the:

    A. Hepatic vein.B. Inferior vena cava.C. Abdominal aorta.D. Abdominal vein.E. Portal vein

    18-Foreign particles that are injected into the skin are likely to enter the lymphatic system

    A. rapidlyB. slowlyC. not at all, because lymphatic valves prevent this

    D. not at all, because the skin lacks lymphatic capillaries

    Lymph differs from plasma in that

    A. lymph contains more protein than plasmaB. plasma contains more protein than lymphC. lymph contains white blood cells, whereas plasma does notD. lymph and plasma are essentially the same

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    1-An elderly lady suffers a complete heart block (that is, the right and left bundles of the conduction

    system have been damaged).which of the following artery is most likely involved?A-Right marginal branch

    B-Circumflex branch

    C-Anterior interventricular (Left anterior descending)

    D-Left marginal branch

    E-posterior interventricular (posterior descending)

    2-The heart sound associated with the mitral valve is best heard:

    A-In the jugular notchB-In the second left intercostal spaceC-In the second right intercostal space

    D-In the fifth left intercostal spaceE-To the right of the xiphoid process

    3-During a heart surgery in order to ligate the anterior interventricular artery, the surgeon

    accidentally passed the needle through the adjacent vein. Which vein was damaged?

    A-Anterior cardiac veinB-Coronary sinus

    C-Great cardiac veinD-Middle cardiac veinE-Small cardiac vein

    4-Which posterior mediastinal structure is most closely applied to the posterior surface of the

    pericardial sac?

    A. Aorta

    B. Azygos veinC. Esophagus

    D. Thoracic duct

    E. Trachea

    5-Which of the following muscles arise and insert into the ribs and extend over more than one

    intercostal space?

    A. external intercostal muscleB. internal intercostal muscleC. subcostalis musclesD. innermost intercostal musclesE. transversus thoracis muscles

    6- Which of the. Following statements is true of the typical intercostal nerve?A. Intercostal nerves are the dorsal rami of spinal nerves.B. There are 12 pairs of intercostal nerves.C. The intercostal nerves lie in the costal groove on the superior aspect of each rib.D. Each intercostal nerve ends as an anterior cutaneous branch near the sternum,E. The intercostal nerves run between the internal and external intercostal muscles.

    7-Ablood clot forming in the right atrium of an otherwise normal 66-year-old man could possibly

    cause arterial occlusion in which of the following locations?

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    A. Right legB. SpleenC. Bronchial arteryD. Pulmonary trunkE. Right arm

    8-Which of the following is true regarding Purkinje fibers passage (route)?A. Sepal wall of the right atriumB. Superior end of Crista terminalisC. Muscular portion of the interventricular septumD. Membranous portion of interventricular septumE. Moderator band of right atrium

    9-Which of the following structures pass posterior to root of the right lung?

    A. Hemiazygos veinB. Right vagus nerveC. Right phrenic nerveD. Left vagus nerve

    E. Azygos vein

    10-Regarding intercostal arteries:

    A. Are superior to veins & nervesB. Musculophernic artery will supply 7th to 9th intercostals spacesC. All the posterior branches are from the aortaD. The collateral branch supply the lungE. All the anterior branches are from the internal thoraci

    11-Which of the following are true of the trachea and bronchi?

    A. The trachea lies posterior to the esophagus.B. Complete rings of cartilage, are not present in the trachea.C. The trachea divides into two principal bronchi, each of which divides into two secondary bronchi.D. The left bronchus is wider, shorter and more vertical than the right bronchus.E. The aortic arch passes over the right bronchus.

    12-S.V.C could be damaged by a stab wound deep to:

    A. Right 1stintercostal spaceB. Right sternoclavicular jointC. Right 3rdcostal cartilageD. Left sternoclavicular jointE. Right 1st costal cartilage

    13-Which of the following is true regarding the thoracic duct?

    A. It is a largest lymphatic channel in the body

    B. It begins in the abdomen at the cisterna chyliC. Travel lymph of whole body from below the diaphragm & left side of the upper half of head &

    neckD. In posterior mediastinum it placed in between aorta & azygos veinE. In the superior mediastinum it comes to the right of the oesophogus to the root of neck toward

    the apex of the right triangle of the neck

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    14-Regarding the transverse sinus of the pericardium, which of the following pairs of structures form

    its anterior boundary:

    A. Superior vena cava and left auricle.B. Aorta and pulmonary trunk.

    C. Right and left atria.D. Two left pulmonary veins.

    E. Inferior vena cava and right auricle.

    15--Which feature is found only in the left lung?

    A-Cardiac notchB-Horizontal fissureC-Oblique fissureD-Superior lobar bronchus

    E-Three lobes

    16-Which statement is true about the right lung?

    A-It is slightly smaller than the left lung

    B-It has a lingular segmental bronchus

    C-It occupies the rightmost portion of the mediastinumD-Its upper lobar bronchus lies behind and above the right pulmonary arteryE-It has the right phrenic nerve passing posterior to the lung root

    17-The lowest extent of the pleural cavity, into which lung tissue does not extend, is known as the:

    A. Costdiaphragmatic recessB. Costomediastinal recessC. CupolaD. Inferior mediastinumE. Pulmonary ligament

    18-While observing in the OR, you see the resident insert a needle through the body wall just

    Above the ninth rib in the mid-axillary line. She was obviously trying to enter the:

    A. Costodiaphragmatic recessB. Costomediastinal recessC. CupolaD. Hilar reflectionE. Pulmonary ligament

    20- Regarding the Arch of the aorta, the incorrect statements is:

    A. Located in superior mediastinumB. Located below the brachiocaphalic veinC. Connected to the pulmonary trunk by ligamentum arteriosumD. It is arches over the Lt main bronchus

    E. The Rt recurrent laryngeal nerves hocks around it

    21-Which of the following statements regarding the lung is correct?

    A. Lung structure received its blood supply rom pulmonary arteryB. No lymph nodes are present within lungC. Arch of aorta and descending aorta are in contact with right lungD. Inhaled foreign body often goes to right lungE. Costdiaphragmatic recess lined with visceral pleura

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    which one of the following nerves is innervating the thoracic wall?

    A. Dorsal primary ramiB. Intercostal nervesC. Lateral pectoral nervesD. Medial pectoral nervesE. Thoracodorsal nerves

    22-Concerning the coronary arteries:

    A. They arise from the descending thoracic aorta.B. The right coronary runs in the anterior interventricular groove.C. The posterior interventricular artery is a branch of left coronary artery.D. The anterior interventricular artery accompanies the middle cardiac vein.E. The marginal branch of right coronary supplies the right ventricle.

    The tubercle of the 7th rib articulates with which structure?

    A. Body of vertebra T6B. Body of vertebra T7C. Body of vertebra T8D. Transverse process of vertebra T6E. The Transverse process of vertebra T7


    1-Teratology of Fallot typically includes each of the following defects Except:

    A. Overriding aortaB. A high ventricular septal defectC. Stenosis of pulmonary trunkD. Right ventricular hypertrophy

    E. Stenosis of aortic valve

    2-The most common ventricular septal defect results from the:

    A. Transposition of the great vesselsB. Persistence of the truncus arteriosusC. Failure of the aorticopulmonary septum to developD. Failure of development of the membranous part of the inter-ventricular septumE. Absence of the muscular part of the interventricular septum

    3-During the fourth week of development the right and left atrioventricular canals results from:

    A. Fusion of interventricular septum

    B. Fusion of dorsal and ventral endocardial cushion.

    C. Spiral aorticopulmonary septumD. Partitioning of truncus arteriosus.

    E. Closure of foramen ovale.

    4-Closure of foramen primum results from fusion of the:

    A. Septum secundum.

    B. Septum secundum and septum primum.

    C. Septum primum and fused endocardial cushions

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    D. Septum secundum and fused endocardial cushions

    E. Septum primum and sinoatrial valve.

    5-The transverse pericardial sinus forms from the breaking away of?

    A. SomitesB. NotocordC. Axial MesentaryD. Dorsal MesentaryE. Ectoderm

    6-Respiratory distress syndrome occurs most commonly because

    A.Too few mature alveoli have developed

    B. Surfactant production is insufficient

    C. Lungs are partially filled with amniotic fluid

    D.Type 1 alveolar epithelial cells produce a greatly thickened basement membrane

    E. Abnormally developed lungs buds

    7-On what day does the heart start to beat?

    A. 22B. 24C. 26D. 28E. 30

    8-What major structure is formed by the sinus venosus?

    A. AortaB. Left VentricleC. Right VentricleD. Left AtriumE. Right Atrium

    9-Where is the ostium primum formed?

    A. Between Right and Left VentriclesB. Between Right and Left AtriaC. Between Right Atrium and VentricleD. Between Left Atrium and VentricleE. Within the Coronary Sinus

    10-What defect is necessary to survive with pulmonary atresia?

    A. Atrial sepal defectB. Aortic valve stenosisC. Undeveloped coronary sinus

    D. Left bundle branch blockE. Right bundle branch block

    11-A tuft of hair on the back of a newborn is likely associated with:

    A. Spina bifida occulta

    B. Klippel-Feil syndrome

    C. Spina bifida cystica (myelomeningocele)

    D. Hypertrichosis lanuginosa

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    E. Hemivertebra scoliosis


    1-The placenta is formed from:A. Decidua basalis and chorion leaveB. Decidua capsularis and chorion frondosumC. Decidua parietalis and chorion leaveD. Decidua basalis and chorion frondosumE. Decidua capsularis and Decidua capsularis

    The decidua reaction protects the uterus (endometrium) from the:

    A. ChorionB. AmnionC. Uterine cavityD. Syncytiotrophoblast

    E. CytotrophoblastAt the fetomaternal junction, projections of decidua basalis towards the chorionic plateserve to divide the fetal placenta into irregular areas called:

    A. EndometriumsB. CotyledonsC. Anchoring villiD. Smooth chorionE. Villus chorion

    The vessels of the umbilical cord are:

    A. 1 artery, 1 veinB. 2 arteries, 2 veinsC. 1 artery, 2 veinsD. 2 arteries, 1 vein

    2-Where does the process of sperm capacitation take place?

    A. Within the testesB. Within the male urethraC. Within the female genital tractD. Within the ovumE. Within the embryo

    3-In what phase to the oogonia become arrested until puberty?

    A. Meiosis II metaphaseB. Meiosis II prophase

    C. Meiosis I metaphaseD. Meiosis I prophaseE. G-phase

    4-The first meiotic division is completed just prior to ovulation, the second division begins

    immediately but does not finish unless:

    A. hCG levels are highB. Fertilization takes placeC. The epiblast is no longer present

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    D. The sperm are uncapacitatedE. A developmental anomaly is present

    5-After the Graafian follicle breaks and before fertilization takes place, the secondary

    oocyte is surrounded by cells called:

    A. FimbriaeB. Zona pellucita

    C. Cumulus oophorusD. AcrosomesE. Oocytes

    6-What is the result of the zona reaction (cortical reaction)?

    A. The corona radiata formsB. The zona pellucida formsC. Sperm can now enter the eggD. Sperm can no longer enter the eggE. Acrosomes are removed

    7-On what day does the morula reaches the uterine cavity after fertilization?

    A. On the 4thdayB. On the 7thday

    C. On the 9thdayD. On the 8thdayE. On the 10thday

    8-Which of the following abnormalities is cause of the Hydraminos: polyhydramnios?

    A. Cardiac.B. Gastrointestinal.C. musculoskeletalD. Urinary.E. E-Nervous

    9-Which of the following features is seen on maternal surface of placenta?

    A. Amnion.B. Chorionic vessels.

    C. Cotyledons.D. Umbilical cord.E. E- yolk sac,

    10-Which of the following features is seen on the fetal surface of placenta?

    A. Chorionic vessels.B. Cotyledons.C. Decidua basalis.D. Uterine vessels.E. Amnion.

    11-Which of the following hormones is secreted by placenta?

    A. Testosterone.B. Leutinzing Hormone.

    C. Human Chorionic Gonadotrophines.D. Follicle Stimulating Hormone.E. E-Oocyte maturation inh ibitor

    12-Which of the following causes is genetic cause of congenital anomalies?

    A. Chromosomal.B. Drugs.C. Infection.D. Maternal illness.E. Environmental influences

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    13- Nucleosus pulposus of intervertebral disc develops from which of the following embryomic


    A. Neural crest.B. Notochord.C. Sclerotome.D. Somite.

    E. Embryonic ectoderm.

    14-The annulus fibrosus is formed from the:

    A. Notocord

    B. Dermomyotome

    C. Sclerotome

    D. Mesoderm

    E. Endoderm

    15-Which structure helps form the GI tract and allantois?

    A. EndodermB. Ectoderm

    C. Paraxial mesodermD. Intermediate mesodermE. Lateral plate mesoderm

    16-Most congenital malformations occur during which weeks of gestation?

    A. 0 to 3B. 3 to 9C. 8 to 10D. 10 to 16E. 16 to birth

    16-Which structures remain most vulnerable to teratogens during the fetal period?

    A. Vertebral column and back musclesB. Esophagus and anusC. Hands and feetD. Liver and spleenE. Eyes and brain

    17-Which of the following teratogens is associated with absence of extremities?

    A. ThalidomideB. RubellaC. SyphilisD. LithiumE. Lead

    18-Which of the following teratogens is the leading cause of mental retardation?

    A. ThalidomideB. LithiumC. SyphilisD. AlcoholE. Lead

    19- What cranial anomaly would result in a skull that becomes much taller than normal?

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    A. AcraniaB. ScaphocephalyC. OxycephalyD. PlagiocephalyE. Microcephaly