Anand Report.docx

SYNOPSIS FOR RESEARCH PROJECT REPORT On PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES OPTED BY THE CADBURY COMPNAYTowards partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration (IMBA) School of Management, Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow School of Management Babu Banarasi Das University Submitted by Under Guidance of 1

Transcript of Anand Report.docx

SYNOPSIS FOR RESEARCH PROJECT REPORTOnPROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES OPTED BY THECADBURY COMPNAYTowards partial fulfillment ofMaster of Business Administration (IMBA)School of Management, Babu Banarasi Das Uniersit!, "uc#nowSchool of Manag!n"Ba#$ Bana%a&' Da& Un'(%&'")

S$#!'""* #) Un*% +$'*anc ofAnan* P%a"a, S'ngh M&- Nanc) S'nghIV"h S!&"%Roll No. //012341/4S&&'on 51/6.51/4$DECLARATIONIhereb!declare that this %ro&ect'eport entitled PROMOTIONALACTIVITIESOPTEDBYTHECADBURYCOMPNAYinthepartial fulfillment of the re(uirement of Integrated Master inBusinessAdministration (IMBA) of Ba#$ Bana%&' Da& Un'(%&'")7 is based onprimar! ) secondar! data collected b! me from arious departments,boo#s, maga*ines and websites under guidance of m! facult! guide M&-Nanc) S'ngh- It is m! own wor# to the best of m! #nowledge ) contains no materialwritten b! an! other person+Anan* P%a"a, S'nghIV"h S!&"%Roll No. //012341/4,ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe research wor# re(uires co-operation of man! people and this wor# isnoe.ception+ It is difficult tothan#indiiduall! all the persons whopatroni*ed this wor#+ The researcher had as#ed for faors, borrowed ideas,e.pressionsandfactsfromsoman!thatitwouldre(uireoneolumetogie credit to all+ So, the researcher wants to than# all the patrons of thisreportI wish to m! profound gratitude to Ms+/anc! Sing& (0acult! 1uide)for her unhitching support during m! wor#+ She is the true driing force behind this wor# throughout, constantl! encouraging me to do m! best and inspiring me to aim higher+I am also er! than#ful to all the facult! members, the whole college stafffor proiding me with necessar! facilities and support, essential forbringing out this wor# in a short time+"ast but not the least, I am than#ful to all respondents, who gae me theirprecious time and support to fulfill this tas#, without their co-operation thestud! would not hae seen the light of the da!+Anan* P%a"a, S'nghIV"h S!&"%Roll No. //012341/42TABLE OF CONTENTSCon"n"&,ag& n$!#%CHAPTER 8 /-1 Introduction $+$+ Introduction of the industr!$+,+ 3istor! of the 4adbur!$+2+ Foundings of the Cadbury businessCHAPTER 8 5-1 Objectives & Research ethodo!o"# ,+$ 5b&ecties of the stud!,+, Scope of the stud!,+2 Data collection,+6 T!pes of data,+7 Sampling planCHAPTER 8 0-1 Co$an# In%oration 2+$ 4ompan! profile2+, 4adbur! famil! of brands2+2 4onsumption and consumer2+6 Adertising Dilemmas2+7 %romotional Strateg!2+8 4ompetitie Anal!sis2+9 Swot anal!sis2+: Mar#eting of 4adbur! Brand promotion2+; %urchase decision behaiorCHAPTER 8 6-1&indin"s and Ana!#sisCHAPTER 8 4-1Conc!usions and 'u""estions CHAPTER 8 2-1A$$endi( CHAPTER 8 3-1 36.32)ib!io"ra$h#6E9ECUTIVE SUMMARYThe pro&ect titlePROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES OPTED BY THECADBURY COMPNAYdeals mainl! with the promotional actiities done b!the compan!+In this pro&ect I had done e.tensie mar#et research regarding 4adbur! 4hocolateanditsbrandsandsomecompetitorsbrandismorepreferredb!theconsumersanditismar#et leaderinchocolates+AndaboealltheCa*#$%):&Da'%) M'l; is li#ed most+7INTRODUCTIONToda! E T I N + S T R A T E + Y,,The @glass and a half ma!boost sales of4adbur!>s 0udge, but is unli#el! to lift sales of 4adbur!>s 4url! ?url!+ 5ne approach is to promote the firm as a whole, that is, raise awareness of 4adbur!>s,inthe hope that this initself will boost sales across 4adbur!>s product range+3oweer, li#e a pantomime cast>s attempts to throw4adbur!>s products to its,6audiences,acatch-all approach can be rather hitor missand ma! produce a poorreturn+ Another wa!aroundthis is topromote chocolate consumptioningeneral+ Thisapproachwouldre(uireco-operationbetweencompetitieproducers andimpliessome loss of control for 4adbur!>s+ 5btaining good returns from adertising has been made harder b! the fragmentationof teleision audiences+ ?hen onl! one UG teleision channel showedadertisements, adertisers #new that their efforts would be seen b! a huge audienceand might well become a tal#ing point nationwide+ /owada!s a firm #nows that toreach a high proportion of potential customers it will need to place its adertisementwith seeral TM channels+ This is e.pensie+ In line with its adding-alue approach, the challenge to 4adbur! promotes more thanone product at once but without the large financial outla! normall! associated withsuchaentureR A teamwasputtogetherandwasas#edtoproduceaconincingproposal+Con&"%$c"'( "h'n;'ng0romwithin4adbur!came aninteresting, attractie proposal basedonsome solidpropositionsB 0or children, consumption is lin#ed to haing fun+ An! consumption that childrenregard as fun will also appeal to their parents, who do the spending+ 5ther companies manage to associate consumption with children haing fun+ 0ore.ample, Disne! offers Disne!land, where, in the course of haing a good time,children meet loeable characters whom the! lin# with the purchases that parentsma#e on their behalf, such as cinema tic#ets, ideos, cuddl! to!s+ ,7 1ood ideas ma! be transferable+ 0or confectioner! consumption to be iewed notmerel! as pleasurable but also fun, the compan!>s products need to ta#e on somecharacteristics of the entertainment industr!+ The compan! has >a place where chocolate is made> - 4adbur! ?orld - that is ahuge attraction to thousands of isitors each !ear+ It is an asset that can be furtherdeeloped+ 5ut of this line of thin#ing came a new 4adbur! creationB 4adbur!"A/D+ ,8P"O%OTIONAL ST"ATEYTostep-upchocolatepenetrationinIndiaacrossstrata, the's72:+$:-crore4adbur!India "td has relaunched 7 Star with a new brand proposition of Cnon-stop energ!D, ane.tension of the earlier proposition of Can energ! barD+In anattempt toleerage thebrandpropositionamongst !outh U who form the coretargetsegment Uthecompan!planstounderta#easeriesofon-groundpromotionalactiities combined with e.tensie outdoor adertising and teleision campaigns+The new teleision commercial shows a towering s#!scraper as the montage+ 0rom therethe camera *ooms straight to a mid close-up of a teenaged girl who is an.iousl! awaitingthe arrial of her bo!friend+ As the bo!friend gets dela!ed, the scene gets cut to the ne.tshot where the girl rushes into a lift+ In a series of (uic# continuous isual cuts the girl isdispla!ed as going from one floor to the other+ Her! floor the girl opens the door she issure to spot her bo!friend read! to welcome her with a bou(uet+ In the parting scene thegirl finall! gies up and the bo! hugs her and the loers unite for a romantic retreat+ Thecamera immediatel! *ooms to a close-up of the 7 Star with its stri#ing new pac#age+As an effort to communicate the core ethos of the brand to a broader !outh audience, thecompan! has also tied-up with !outh ?ebsites such as???-h$nga!a-co!,???-'n*)a-co! and ???-c%'c'nfo-co! as a part of the promotional strateg!+Hlaborating the rationale behind the current series of integrated communication initiatiesthat thecompan!has embar#ed, the spo#espersonof 4adbur!IndiainformsB C5urprincipleob&ectieistomoderni*e7Start sa!7+ 3ow often do !ou bu! 4adbur!>s chocolateR(a) 0re(uentl! (b) 5ccasionall!(c) 'arel! (d) /eer8+ 3ow do !ou feel about 4adbur!s chocolateR(a) 1ood(b) Mer! 1ood(4) /eutral (d) Bad6;9+ 5n what occasions do !ou bu!s 4adbur!>s chocolateR(a) 0estials (b) Birthda!s(c) 1ift (d) Mood:+ Do !ou thin# of a specific brand when !ou bu! chocolateR(a) 4adbur! (b) /estle(c) Amul (d) 5thers;+ ?hich brand of chocolate do !ou li#e mostR(a) 4adbur! (b) /estle(c) Amul (d) 5thers$F+ 3ow do !ou feel regarding price of different brands ofchocolateR(a) 4adbur!- 3ighJ"ow(b) /estle -3ighJ"ow(c) Amul-3ighJ"ow(d) 5thers-3ighJ"ow(e)$$+ 3ow easil! do !ou get different brand of chocolateR(a) Hasil! (b) /ot easil!(c) 'arel!$,+ Among which brand of chocolate, the taste is goodR(a) 4adbur! (b) /estle(c) Amul (d) 5thers$2+ If the price of another brand of 4hocolate were reduced would !ou shift !our brandR(a) Pes(b) /o$6+ Do !ou hae an! grieance before the compan!R(a) Pes(b) /o7F(c) /ot certain$7+ Do !ou hae an! suggestions regarding the productR(a) Pes (b) /o(c) /ot certain$8+If an! suggestions for the compan!VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVThan;'ng Yo$ DateBWWWWWWWWW ( ) S i g n a t u r e7$B IBLIOGRAPHYBOO>S REFERRED FOR ANALYSISB$+ Mar#eting Management L %hilip Gotler, Hleenth edition+,+ 'esearch Methodolog!- '+4+ Gothari, Second edition+2+ Mar#eting'esearch- 3arper ?+ Bo!d, Er+ 'alph?estfall, Stanle!0+ Stasch,Seenth editionKEBSITEB$+ 4adbur!>s website+ L www+cadbur!india+com,+ Indiainfoline+com+2+ 1oogle+com+NEKS PAPERB$+ Hconomic times+ ,+ Times of India+MA+ALINESB$+ Business toda!+,+ Business ?orld+,+ Business India+ JOURNALSBAnnual Eournal 'eport of 4adbur! India "td+7,