Analytics Question

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what is siebel analytics? Siebel Analytics is a powerful reporting tool in Siebel it is used to develop repository, and develop the reports What is the use of iBots in siebel delivers? To send alerts to the users through emails, phone messages and pagers. I want to run one rpd, where should I specify to run the rpd? We specify rpd in NQSConfig file. in Repository section. What is the relation between the Dimension tables and Fact Tables? Relationship between dimensions to fact table is 1: M with Many being on fact side What is meant by Cache?? Cache is a temporary storage which stores the results of queries What is meant by .webcat? It stores the Dashboards, Request definitions, Filters and Pages. It also contains users/groups privileges to the dashboards and folders. It can be administered using Siebel analytics catalog manager. Can we run more than one rpd at a time? No, you can run only one Rpd at a time What is the default view in the Answers? Compound layout view How you create the new dashboard? Go to web administration in presentation services, click interactive dashboards and name the dashboard, then we can add pages and columns to the dashboard. What is the purpose of the View Selector? it is the new feature from Siebel Analytics 7.8 on words. By using the View Selector we can choose the views of your reports in any of them. All the views are appearing like a drop down list, ok, and then we can able to see as you desired view which you want ok. What is the architecture of Siebel analytics? The architecture of Siebel analytics contain Client, Web Server, Siebel Analytics Server, Scheduler and Server Database.

What type of data the fact table should contain?

It contain measures and keys What is the use of NqQuery log file? Records information about Query request. What is the meant Dashboard prompt? Dashboard prompt is a global filer created to allow users select the filter criteria which can be changes dynamically. 1) what is event polling ? Ans . Event polling is a process by which the analytics server polls the event table to determine whether the underlying physical table data has been modified. Each time a physical table data is modified a records gets updated in the event table. The analytics server polls the event table ( based on the polling interval set ) and if a particular physical table data is modified , the corresponding server cache is removed so as to avoid stale data being shown in reports. 2 ) what is custom dashboards? Ans . Custom dashboards are user defined dashboards which are built so as to meet various customer requirements. These dashboards can be made visible to users based on the privileges which are set for the user / user group. cache management i got a problem like i using online mode the cache is disable in rpd so i can enable the cache in manage in rpd i try in nqs.config file enable the cache section but the problem is same how to configure the cache in rpd ? A. set the cache to 'YES' in NQSconfig and restart the server. All the reports accessed will be cached when you hit the same first time. From the 2nd time onwards you can see that your query is hitting the cache (in the session monitor).

Level base measures in rpd What is use of level base measures in bbm layer and give some types of real time scenarios? A. A level based measure is a measure which is aggregated to a particular level in the hierarchy. Lets say you have a measure called "Sales" and a time dimension which has Year,QTR and Month as the levels. Then you can have a level based measure for the Year, QTR and Month levels. Lets look in detail how Analytics server shows a level based metric in a report. Here is how the report looks normally

Year QTR Month Sales 2007 Q1 Jan 1000 2007 Q1 Feb 2000 Now if you create a level based measure for Year it will aggregate all the sales for the year so now in the report if we pull Year Sales (Level Based measure) it will always show 3000 even though the monthly sales (Level Based Measure) will still show 1000 and 2000 The report will look like this. Year Month Monthly Sales Year Sales 2007 Jan 1000 3000 2007 Feb 2000 3000 problem with DAC tasks if i run the dac repository some etl tasks are fail so where i have to see it and if one etl tasks fail the other will execute are not ? A. In the Task definitions you can see the tasks which will be dependent on this particular task. This can help you to identify if a particular tasks fail which all other tasks will be moved to 'Stopped' State. Table view and pivot table view in Siebel analytics. Can any one tell about the table view and pivot table view difference in a light? A. Table View: 1) Feature to show results as aggregates not available. 2) Can generate reports even without a fact. 3) Does not have any option to set a page selector (Something like LOVs in Siebel) Pivot Table: 1) can have aggregates defined on the fly. 2) At least one fact is a must. 3) Can define page selectors. 1. 3 Uses of Aliases at physical layer?

Ans: a) use table aliases to eliminate extraneous joins. like circular joins and physical joins that cross dimensions. b) When aliases are used for logical dimensions then for ETL performance is good. 2. can we create alias at presentation layer?

Ans: Not recommended. Renaming an element in presentation layer will automatically create an alias. 3. Is there any need to create web group variable if group variable is available. Why web groups variable are available?

Ans: This variable specifies the mechanism for more granular web content control. 4. Whats the difference between groups and web groups?


In which scenario the parent level having two Childs at same level in dimension hierarchy?

ANS. When the Dimension is the Role Playing dimension then Parent level will have two childs at the same level Eg. There is one TEAM Table (which is Role Playing dimension) either team can be Sales or Trader so we need to create two levels at the same level. 2. How do v configure extension tables in rpd?? ANS.Extension tables r used to store additional info abt Dim/Fact. Their Config:: a)Create Ext table with suffix Dimension name_DX. b)create physical joins.Like its join b/w Dim and Fact. c)Crate seperate logical table source in BMM.for the main DIm d) map logical columns that map to phy colon the DIm table. e) Add the new col to presentation catalog. Can we change RPD, webcat locations?

Ans. NO.2) In webcat under a subject area i have say 3 dimension and 2 Facts. Now i want to see these2 facts in a separate folder so that when user clicks on the folder then only he can see the facts. Ans. create a new presentation table and then for the other two tables name them like - fact1 - fact 2 and place these two tables under fact. It would b like fact would b visible and then once user clicks on fact he sees fact1 and fact .

3) In BMM I have two Dims) customers-which hold the customer info. b) products-it holds cards types like gold, silver etc. and i have a fact which holds payables. Now can have a Dim hierarchy? Secondly if i want to drilldown from customer Dim to product dim how do i achieve this? Ans. use preferred drill path where u can drill from customer to product.

What is meant by rpd? What is meant by logical query and what is meant by physical query? What are the Dashboards objects? What is the difference between the Filter and criteria prompt? How you create hierarchies? How many views are there in web side?? What are the differences between the 7.7 and 7.8.3? What is the purpose of the Filter view? 1: Pop Chart image server functionality in Siebel Analytics version 7.5.x 2: When are Subject Areas and View Privileges visible in the Admin > Manage Privileges link? 3: How can users move the "My Accounts" Link to the "My Dashboard" screen? 4: What are the standard/best practice rules to build a hierarchy? 5: How can users check the status of an iBot? 6: How to set-up multiple analytics repository access in Windows OS installs 7: How should usage tracking information is loaded into Siebel Analytics 7.5.x? 8: Can the Siebel Analytics Platform be upgraded without upgrading the S? 1. What is the use of alias in presentation layer? 2. What is the use of alias in physical layer? When v have to go for the alias? 3. What r the advantages of using complex join in the BMM layer? 4. When we r executing 40 queries if we have mentioned only 30 to be execute then where the 10 queries vil b in the waiting mode?

5. Can any one what vil happen when v check the property based on the dimension? this property is available when v r applying the aggregation rule? 6.what is function of perform seed cache data? 7.when v have to go for complex join or simple foreign key join? 8.can v create multiple business objects models for single physical source? to configure the web server and analytics server in different locations and where you define it. ANSWER: You can create an ODBC connection for the Analytics Web which can be pointed to the analytics server on a different machine. 2.why you use alias tables and give exp when it works. Ans 2) Alias tables are used for the following reasons a) to avoid circular joins b) easy maintenance 3.what is use of level base measures in bbm layer and give some types of realtime senarious . 4.when object level security will implimantion in rpd and web .give one exp for that and where will define it in rpd and web. Ans : Object level security in rpd can be defined by the follwoing ways : a) Create groups and add users to the group and define the permissions in presentation catalogs in the presentation layer.This will help in providing different set of privileges on a presentation catalog and its underlying objects. b) In the weblayer the object level security can be set under Admin --Manage privileges and in manage catalogs.For setting permissions at report,page and dashboard level web layer access control is used is used. to configer in prompts display 20 to 30 days informations only in month.

6.what is logical sql and physical sql and is it logical sql or physical sql or both when process request in results. Ans Logical SQL - This will be containing the presentation table and the column and prepares a query that can be executed on the

analytics server. Physical SQL - The logical SQL will be converted into the actual physical SQL i.e the query will be containing the underlying table and columns which will get executed on the database. 7.when new users click the dashboard tab it will show my dashdoard page so edit dashboard to configer it.but i want my own name is to be display like odbc is not created or any own information display. how can do that? Ans A new customized dashboard can be created from the Admin view - Manage Intelligence dashboard. 8.i created hierarchies dimensions in BMM layer and created drill down facilities also so i do not want drill down in answers how do that in different scenarios? Method 1 ) In the reports wherever the drilldowns are not required on this column,we can select "No Interaction" for that particular field in that report. Method 2) In case the same field has to be used in drilldown in certain report and without drilldown in another set of reports (without changing it to "No Interaction") here is a workaround. From the physical table when the logical table is created,create two instances of the same table ( on one of them , the dimesnion hierarchy has to be set ) . Now in the reports wherever drilldown is required , use the col from the logical table on which hierarchy is set and for reports on the same table which does not requrie a drilldown can use cols from the other table. Advantages of Siebel analytics Its basally its an olap tool in this historical data is takes and analysis is done to the time variant. ETL is used to extract data. Faster result, aggregations like ex min max levels are faster than other tools. Cache can be increased manually. It is built analysis tool, and we can send the wed catalog to all the people whom u want throw e mail or with logins provide in Siebel delivers. by this catalog we can see the data we want for ur use. Logins: are provided according to their roles... Data flow security: to all the uses are maintained. Queries wont be hit the database every time it workers with the cache if the same quire is working. This are some things....i think that this message works Not Able to open RPD FILE. go this path where u save (ex C:\OracleBI\server\Config ) plz look at the nqsconfig file in the installation, check that name of the rpd in the start = san.rpd. so that ur problem might solved..

How do u implement Data Level Security and Object Level Security. ?? Data Level Security: Implemented in the Analytics rpd file in the Business Model Layer using the Security Manager i.e by creating different security user groups, web groups etc. Object Level Security: Implemented in the Presentation Layer of the rpd file which allows/restricts the user to access different objects (Could be at Subject Area level/Table Level/Column Level). 1. The report has to display the following data as currentmonthyear, lastyear.lastyearcurrentmonth, lastyearlastmonth? 2. We have a dashboard prompt on calendar year and two reports should be displayed in the dashboard as one report should display greater than the value selected and the second report should display less that the value selected? How this is possible!!!! 3.generally the data in the report is displayed in the following format Ex: Calendar Year Cal Month 1998 Jan Feb. march April may June But I have a scenario that the report should be displayed in the following way Calendar Year Cal Month 1998 jan,feb,march,april,may,june ANS.CREATE VARIABLES IN LAST YEAR AND CURRENT YEAR ( RPD DESIGN ), USE IN THE ANSWERS ANS2..Better create the repository variables for the necessary month and use it in the answers. Session Variables Could u tell me about session variables and when it will be used..? And also tell me 1) System Session 2) Non-System Session. Could u tell me when will use Non system session..? ANSSession Variables store the values until the session is active... System variables are nothing but the nqs session user,nqs session date etc.... these we need not create manually when the session is logged in they become active for the session respectively Non system variables are variables we need to initialize them to restrict the users session from viewing the data and for implementing row wise security etc.....

Customer hierarchy Can anybody give me suggestions on how to model the customer hierarchy for marketing analytics. A. Based on your business scenario ,if you define the exact scenario of your requirement then we can drill the hierarchies to the least granularity for example to build the customer hierarchy for the market analysis Total Customer--> Country----->Region----->State--->Location Last N months(Rolling months) data By year-month prompt in OBIEE Normally we will have the scenarios like to get data for last N no.of months from the selected date. Rather than this normal scenario if the user wants the same report but with the year and month prompts only instead of the calendar date. We developed this approach in the following procedure (I myself worked on sample sales rpd, which comes with OBIEE by default). 1. Create a dashboard prompt with a). Year, b). Month and c). no. of rolling months. 2. Assign presentation variables var_year, var_month, and var_rollno to year with drop down list control, month with drop down list control and no. of rolling months with edit box control respectively.

3. Now create a request with 4 columns respectively D0 Time. T05 Per Name Year, D0 Time.T32 Cal Month, D0 Time. T00 Calendar Date and again another D0 Time. T00 Calendar Date. 4. Rename the second D0 Time. T00 Calendar Date Column As Last n th Month Date 5. Write the following formula for D0 Time. T00 Calendar Date Column MAX (D0 Time.T00 Calendar Date) 6. And Write the following formula for Last n th Month Date Column to get last nth month date for respective Calendar Date MIN(TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MONTH,-CAST(@{var_rollno} AS INT),D0 Time.T00 Calendar Date)) 7. Create a filter on D0 Time. T05 Per Name Year by assigning this to presentation variable var_year and D0 Time.T32 Cal Month to var_month presentation variable. 8. Save this report with Year Month Supporter.

9. Now create the main report in which we are showing the Monthly wise Quantities. So take the columns D0 Time. T05 Per Name Month, F2 Units.2-01 Billed Qty (Sum All) Columns and save the report

10. And create the filters based on the Last n th Month Date and T00 Calendar Date Columns from Year Month Supporter Report

11. Now create A dashboard page and add the Dashboard prompt and the main report 12. Select the Year ,Month from the drop down list and enter no. of Rolling months in edit box

13. You will get the last n months data for your given input values 14. For eg:I have taken year=2008,month=9 and no. of rolling months=11 so the report is

To arrange the columns in alphabetical order automatically in presentation tables 1. Log into OBIEE Administration 2. Go to Presentation layer and right click on the table in which you want to arrange the columns alphabetically 3. Now click on the Name tab

4. Click Ok to get the columns in alphabetical order

5. And now observe that the columns in that table are sorted automatically What is Constraint Prompt and when it will be used?? A prompt which is constraint to that particular report. Usually if you create two page prompts on two reports in a page, for common column b'n reports, when you try to filter the values on first report, automatically the values of the second reports gets changed . In order to avoid this problem we go for constraint page prompt for the report.

Can anyone tell how to add filters in reports? To create a column level filter in answer u need to go select the columns in the criteria , go to filter button , create a filter for use with multiple requests, click the New Saved Filter button at the top of the selection pane, and then select the subject area that contains the column you want to use in the filter. When the Saved Filter screen appears, select the column from the Columns area in the selection pane. from create /edit filter drop down list u can get this column levels filters. don't refresh from the browser un till u save... for ex : time it is divided into day , week, month, quarter,years,as per the required. What is the purpose of aliases? When and where are they used? Double-click a presentation catalog. In the Presentation Layer dialog box, click the Aliases tab. Click the new button, and then type the text string to use for the alias. Click OK. We use Aliases to make end user comfortable while picking the columns from the subject areas to create a report. End users might not know all the columns name that r coming from the data base. like if the column name for position name in database is POSTN_NAME . Aliases make this POSTON_NAME to Position name in presentation layer and that will reflect in Answers. OR Aliases in Physical layer are created to avoid loops between tables. In Presentation, when you have named a field as 'AB' and created many reports. now you want to change the name. Renaming the field to 'ABC' will show the field name as ABC and automatically creates an alias name 'AB' which will keep the existing report points to the same field and the reports will not break. What are the problems we faced while making reports?WHILE CREATING REPORTS, LIKE "VIEW DISPLAY ERROR" WHERE U HAVE COMBINED TWO DIFFERENT VIEW IN A SINGLE RESULT, THE SECOND ONE IS "NO RESULTS" THERE MAY BE AN ERROR IN CREATING THE REQUEST OR CHOOSING THE FIELD FROM THE CATALOG.

How do we configure the data level security? Give me one example? You can manage the data level security Siebel Analytics Administrator: go to Manage -> Security in left hand pane u will find the user, groups, LDAP server, Hierarchy What you can do is select the user and right click and go to properties, you will find two tabs named as users and logon. Go to user tab and click at permissions button in front of user name you have selected. As soon as u click at permissions, you will get a new window with user group permissions having three tabs named as general, query limits and filter and you can specify your condition at filter tab, in which you can select presentation table, presentation columns, logical table and logical columns where you can apply the condition according to your requirement for the selected user or groups. Can some1 explain the SCD concept with n example? SCD(slowly changing Dimension): when the data warehouse receives the notification that an

existing rows or records in a dimension has changed some way we term that as SCD There are three basic types of SCD a)TYPE 1(slowly changing dimension(overwrite)) b)TYPE 2(slowly changing Dimension(partition history)) c)TYPE 3 (slowly changing Dimension (Alternate Realities)) type 1 is a simple overwrite of one or more attributes in an existing dimension records for example : suppose u have an lady employee working in an organization and as she get married her last name changes then we just overwrite her last name in a table and we don't keep any history what was her last name earlier. Type 2: is a technique for accurately tracking changes in a dimensional entities and associating them correctly with fact tables for example: for example if an employee named as ABC joins the company as a trainee and as a period of time he becomes a regular manager and then manager in the same organization. Suppose ABC employees have a employee number as a natural key and that will not be changed over a period of time. in fact natural key field(employee number) have a unique business rule that it cannot change. Whereas every other attribute in employee record can change. since the state of Employee "ABC" changes three times from trainee to regular employee and then manager. it have three surrogate primary key which is kept unique while making the changes to a particular Employee attributes and it is correctly associated with contemporary fact tables. surrogate key is taken as emp key emp key Natural key name job 100 179196 ABC Trainee emp key Natural key name job 1001 179196 ABC Regular employee emp key Natural key name job 20009 179196 ABC manager but if we query on ABC employee we get only one surrogate primary key and we can see only portion of the fact table for which ABC is a manager.

Can we disable Answers link in a dashboard for the users? If yes, How? In Presentation Srevices go to Administrator--->Manage Privileges in Access section you will

find Answers Link which is enabled as Granted ,so change it to Denied then you will not able to see Answers link. IN dashboard prompt im looking for some technique whch wll allow me to use " constrain " and SQL option both at a time case is as follow i hav two dashboard prompt 1: product group 2 : product name condition for product name 1 :now product name need a filter on date basis so im using sql option for apart from this product name should be displayed according to 2 : product name is a subset of product group , so need to constrain it as well but in dashboard prompt it allows 1 of the above at a time . like if i go for sql option it wont allow me using constrain option and other way round? requirement : 1: Filter at prompt 2 : Constrain on prompt since both these cant be achieved simultaneously so i had created a dummy column at BMM level and applied filter over thr itself then applied constrained at Dashboard prompt . Difference between dashboard prompt and page prompt? ans: a dashboard prompt effects all the pages in dashboard but page level prompt effects only that particular page. Dash board prompt also known as global prompt. What is a complex join? Give an example of many to many complex join? Ans: complex join is something other than normal pk and fk join.... for many to many join u need to have a bridge table.

How did you do Data Level Security and what are the different ways of doing it? ans : it can be done using init blocks. What happens when NQQuery log file is full? If the NQQuery.log file is full then it will create an OLD file. NQQuery.log.old is created if the NQQuery.log exceeds the USER_LOG_FILE_SIZE (specified in NQSConfig.ini file) parameter value.

Subsequently this NQQuery.log.old is overwritten. can i know what are scheduler tables? Schedular tables are something like S_NQ_SCHED.... which you can configure using JOB MANAGER. scheduler table are the tabl wjhich store the info of the ibot... the scheduler server monitors these tables on a regular basis & when it see some criteria matching it sends out the ibots. Can we develop a single hierarchy for Multiple Logical tables? For eg: Lets take Marketing Hierarchy.... Funds-->Plans-->Programs-->Campaigns..... All would come from different logical tables. Yes we can create multiple hierarchies for same logical table. The condition it needs to satisfy is that your detail level for both the hierarchies should be a shared one both should share the same level key.

ORLets take time dimension like this... Year->Qtr->Month->Week->Day Fiscal Year->Fiscal Qtr->Fiscal Month->Fiscal Week->Day Both are coming from the same table.... all you need to share the same this example it is Day(I mean day will have calendar date and row_id). Can anyone throw some knowledge on Fact less fact table (with example)....and where do we actually require those tables in Siebel Analytics? Fact less Fact Table contains nothing but dimensional keys(and events/occurrences) It is used to support negative analysis report. eg: for a branch/product that hasn't sold single item. Generally we will use the fact less fact when we want events that happen only at information level but not included in the calculations/metrics level.....just information about an event that happen over a period. How can we identify tables like fact, dimension from the the BMM layer? In BMM fact tables are shown in yellow color and dimension tables are shown in other color. Thats how we differentiate fact & dimension tables. Or At BMM layer, dimension and fact tables can be identified by one to many relationships. Dimensions are always having 1: M relationship with fact table(s). In some cases fact tables can be used as bridge table having the 1: M relationship with dimensions.

1. How do you improve performance in analytics? 2. Security related 3.How many ways can you purge the cache. Explain 4.How do you configure RPD, dashboard 5.explain me about the schema from your last project 6.what are the different views that you used for your requests. 7. What is guided navigation do you do conditional format 9.Difference between prompt, filter and column selector 10. What is a mini dimension? 11. Give an example of bridge table. Where do we define it in rpd 12.can we implement type2 dimension in analytics. If so how?? Whats difference between simple and complex join in rpd. -- how do u use a column selector to dynamically change the dimensions -- how do u make a column drillable even though its not a dimension hierarchy level -- whats a dashboard prompt and how its diff from a report prompt. -- If u imported a table/view to rpd and subsequently the view./table definition changes in DB what happens and how will u reconcile/sync both ?? -- What are the various mechanisms for cache management?

1.SA Metadata Administration (Physical Layer, Logical Layer, Presentation Layer) 2: Informatics Mapping Tables 3: Integration of OBIEE with Siebel CRM applications 4: Marketing Segmentation (segment, Segment tree, List Catalog, List Import, Target Levels and Target List 5.How to view more than 10000 records in Siebel Analytics web in a Table or Pivot table Views. 6.SDE and SIL Mappings (Siebel data warehouse ETL, SRMW) 7.Explain Plan and TK Prof (Tunning 8.Life cycle of DWH 9.Advantages and Disadvantages of SQL in Physical Layer 10.XLs Sheet imported in Physical Layer and its use 11: Navigation in SA if column is selected from two same sources in the Logical Layer 12: View and synonym where to use which scenarios in the Physical layer of the RPD 13.DB Growth and size of the Database after ETL

14: Informatica, Siebel Applications Configuration and Siebel Tools 15: Multi-user check out & Administration of RPDS. 16: OBIEE Security & Single Sign on 17: Visibility Model in Siebel & OBIEE Analytics 18.Different user authentication methods available in Siebel Analytics 19.System session and Variables in the Repository 20.How a logical request works in Siebel Analytics of connection pool, multiple connection pools to the same Database 22. Upgrade of a old web cat to a new Web cat after the new installation of OBIEE 23: Disconnected who uses it and steps in configuring disconnected application 24.Bringing data at run time from other database 25: which triggers the ETL and how data is refreshed? 26: How is the Event polling and purging done? 27: Adding a New dimension to the Existing Data Mart 28: Is Data model changed in Newer version of Siebel analytics (why and what measures needs to be taken while upgrading) 29: Ibot fails and gives odbc error in Production how to prevent the error in delivering to the recipient 30.Different utilities in Siebel Analytics (Admin tool, odb Reload of Metadata???? Does reload metadata have anything to do with CACHE? I dont think so. Cache in Siebel Analytics is ONLY at two places: 1. Server Cache - BI Server - Even when you purge cache, using cache Manager, if you are still connected to analytics application during that time and have accessed the report, it will not hit the database, because the report has been cached by the browser. 2. Browser Cache - Presentation Server - This is session specific. This will be there as long as you are connected to the analytics application. - If You do not want to logout and login back after clearing the cache in point 1, you need to clear browser cache by closing all Cursors. This is how you do it: Administration > Manage Sessions > Close the Cursor which your report is on and close it. Then go back to the report, it would hit the database. a) The repository variables, their uses b) Cache (purging and seeding of cache), c) How you generally approach to Ur Analytics project? d) What are the challenges you faced while making of reports?

e) What you will do when your report is not fetching right data? f) How dimensions hierarchies are useful in Analytics? g) Major challenges you faced while creating your RPD? h) what are global filter how they differ from column filters? i)How analytics process your request when you create your reports? j)From where you can get the logical query of your request?

1.SA Metadata Administration (Physical Layer, Logical Layer, Presentation Layer 2: Informatics Mapping Tables 3: Integration of OBIEE with Siebel CRM applications 4: Marketing Segmentation (segment, Segment tree, List Catalog, List Import, Target Levels and Target List 5.How to view more than 10000 records in Siebel Analytics web in a Table or Pivot table Views. 6.SDE and SIL Mappings (Siebel data warehouse ETL, SRMW) 7.Explain Plan and TK Prof (Tunning 8.Life cycle of DWH 9.Advantages and Disadvantages of SQL in Physical Layer 10.XLs Sheet imported in Physical Layer and its use 11: Navigation in SA if column is selected from two same sources in the Logical Layer 12: View and synonym where to use which scenarios in the Physical layer of the RPD 13.DB Growth and size of the Database after ETL 14: Informatica, Siebel Applications Configuration and Siebel Tools 15: Multiuser check out & Administration of RPDS. 16: OBIEE Security & Single Sign on 17: Visibility Model in Siebel & OBIEE Analytics 18.Different user authentication methods available in Siebel Analytics 19.System session and Variables in the Repository 20.How a logical request works in Siebel Analytics of connection pool, multiple connection pools to the same Database 22. Upgrade of a old web cat to a new Web cat after the new installation of OBIEE 23: Disconnected who uses it and steps in configuring disconnected application 24.Bringing data at run time from other database 25: which triggers the ETL and how data is refreshed? 26: How is the Event polling and purging done? 27: Adding a New dimension to the Existing Data Mart

28: Is Data model changed in Newer version of Siebel analytics (why and what measures needs to be taken while upgrading) 29: Ibot fails and gives odbc error in Production how to prevent the error in delivering to the recipient 30.Different utilities in Siebel Analytics (Admin tool, odb)