Analysis Steps for Abacus static analysis Geneva wheel

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Transcript of Analysis Steps for Abacus static analysis Geneva wheel

  • 7/25/2019 Analysis Steps for Abacus static analysis Geneva wheel


    The mesh, material and property is created in hypermesh.

    Import the fle to abacus.

    Under Module-Property, you can see stell is assigned

    Next, goto tools- reerence points. i!e ",#,$ !alues at the bottom as.

    %,-&',% and hit enter

    (gain gi!e )%.'&*,-&+.',% and hit enter. It ill create reerence points

    as shon belo.

    reate * sets o elements o both dri!er and dri!en.

    oto Interaction manager / create / surace to surace-

  • 7/25/2019 Analysis Steps for Abacus static analysis Geneva wheel


    0elect by angle gi!e 1% and select as shon the regions here

    interactions happen 2use shit 3ey to select 4 and done. Next clic3 on

    sla!e and select the dri!en gear contact regions as shon belo,

    (ter that

  • 7/25/2019 Analysis Steps for Abacus static analysis Geneva wheel


    ontact interaction property - 5it create- contact-mechanical-

    tangential beha!ior- riction ormulation-penalty- ric coe6 7 %.&

  • 7/25/2019 Analysis Steps for Abacus static analysis Geneva wheel


    o to constraints / MP constraints- continue / clic3 geometry and pic3

    8P& o dri!en

    lic3 on mesh / select region or sla!e nodes / indi!idually / 0elect

    completely using shit 3ey- 9one

  • 7/25/2019 Analysis Steps for Abacus static analysis Geneva wheel


    9o the same ay or dri!er gear.

  • 7/25/2019 Analysis Steps for Abacus static analysis Geneva wheel


    :oad- ;oundary condition manager / clic3 geometry, select 8P& and

    chec3 U&, U*, U

  • 7/25/2019 Analysis Steps for Abacus static analysis Geneva wheel


    9ouble clic3 on propogated in step * and gi!e ).*' radians as shon

    Next, Tools- set / manager- create / static general / continue

    Nl geom on

    hange increment as shon belo

    (gain create / static general / step * and repeat till step ).

    i!e same initial, min and maximum !alues as shon abo!e or next )


  • 7/25/2019 Analysis Steps for Abacus static analysis Geneva wheel


    o to feld o=p manager in module / step. 0econd option

    9ouble clic3 >ust belo step * and select ?orce=displacement rom the

    dialogue box. hec3 8?orce and 8M orce and o3.

    8un the model