Analysis of title sequences and research into institutions


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Page 1: Analysis of title sequences and research into institutions
Page 2: Analysis of title sequences and research into institutions

From the Pretty Woman opening I have learned that using close ups and mid shots can often emphasize characters or situations in an opening. Or also sign a pan to emphasize a story in a film. For example the pan over the wall of photos can tell a characters story. In my production I will use shots to tell a story or

emphasize what’s happening, or to explain what sort of a charter my character is.From the Layer Cake Opening Scene essay I have learned that using professional and good looking

transitions can improve the whole story of the opening, and also the smoothness. The way the opening is continually moving from right to left on a track. This therefore has affected what I have chosen to do for

my production, I think I will try and make the transitions smooth, to make it clear what’s happening in my opening.

From the Skyfall Opening Credits I have learned that using special effects can really set the mood for a film. For example having red colors makes you think of blood, so there may be death in the film. I think

in my own production I will use colors or special effects to set the mood for the audience. From the Silence of the Lambs Opening scene essay I have learned that using tense music or really nay

music that fits to your opening can affect the whole mood of the film. For example having tense music in a horror film at the opening can explain pretty much what the film will be about through sound. This has

influenced my production because I will use a soundtrack that will make the mood of my film adventurous and exciting.

From the Star Trek Into Darkness Opening essay I've learned that having a font that actually fits the style of your film makes a better quality one. so my own production I will chose some fonts that I believe suit

it well.From the dawn of the dead opening scene I have learned that using sound effects to emphasize

something happening, like a door being broken down can make it clear what’s happening but also add to the feel of the whole opening. So for my production I will use sound effects that add to the overall feel of

my film and also make it clear to the audience what’s happening, for example if there is a river then there will be the sound of running water.

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Low Budge films are produced without spending very much, for example gritty, low-budget movies by young directors. A low-budget film is a motion picture shot with little or no funding from a major film studio or private investor.

Many young or first time filmmakers shoot low-budget films to prove their talent before doing bigger productions.

Many low-budget films that do not gain some form of attention or acclaim are never released in theatres and are often sent straight to retail because of its lack of marketability or story.

Modern-day young filmmakers rely on film festivals for pre promotion. They use this to gain acclaim and attention for their films, which often leads to a limited release in theatres.

The term "low budget" is relative to a certain country and varies upon genre. For example, a comedy film made for $20 million would be considered a modest budget, whereas an action film or science fiction made for the same amount of money would be considered low-budget because of the large amount of money required to produce mainstream films of these genres.

My film is reasonably low budget it is an action, adventure type movie, and will cost a reasonable amount to make. It will be realised in most theatres, but at the same time as the DVD realise it will be available on the internet as well.

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An independent film is a film production resulting in a feature film that is produced mostly outside of the major film studio system, like Universal.

In addition to being produced and distributed by independent entertainment companies, independent films are also produced and or distributed by subsidiaries of major film studios.

Independent films are sometimes distinguishable by their content and style and the way in which the filmmakers' personal artistic vision is realized. They often have low film budgets.

Generally, the marketing of independent films is characterized by limited release, but can also have major marketing campaigns and a wide release.

Independent films are often screened at film festivals before distribution.

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An international co-production is a production where two or more different production companies are working together, for example in a film production. In the case of an international co-production, production companies from different countries (typically two to three) are working together.

Co-production also refers to the way services are produced by their users, in some parts or entirely. My film will not be a co-production

British films are often gritty, low budget and have British actors, they are popular for British audiences and are often viewed by international audiences

My film will not be a British film, it will be an independent company filming in America, though the actors are British and American.