Analysis of survey results

Analysis of survey results Heather Ross Media Studies

Transcript of Analysis of survey results

Page 1: Analysis of survey results

Analysis of survey results Heather Ross

Media Studies

Page 2: Analysis of survey results

Survey Aims

The aim of my survey was to gather as much information as possible to help me sculpt the image of my magazine. Publicising my survey on social media sites such as Facebook helped me get more feedback and in total I received 42 completed surveys. With 42 sets of results, I found that 10 of these were filled out by males. As they are not part of my target audience I extracted their results. After analysing these results I will have a clear idea of my target audience and be able to create my Audience Profile.

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What is your favourite genre of music?

From the 32 applicable results I received, the most popular genre of music was pop. This supports my ideas to do a pop magazine for

young adult females as that is what appeals to my market.

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How much would you be willing to spend on a music magazine?

I initially presumed that most of my target audience would be in full-

time education, and after the survey results came back this was found to be true. Due to this, I wanted to find

out how much my demographic would be willing to spend on a

music magazine as many of them will not have jobs or a steady

income. As the graph shows, the most popular price range was

£2.50-£3. I now know that although my target audience are less inclined

to buy a magazine over £3, they also don’t mind paying more than £2.50 for a good quality magazine.

This leads me to pricing my magazine at £3 to satisfy my


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How are you most likely to listen to music?From this information it is

clear that most of my demographic listen to music

via MP3. This is generally through iPods, iPhones or other MP3 players. This

indicates that free MP3 or iTunes downloads promotions

may attract my target audience so this is a point to

consider including in my magazine. Additionally, results

from another question revealed that most of my target audience download

music illegally so a free incentive would be appropriate for this


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Music and TeensAs well as carrying out the survey, I also did some online research. I

found some interesting information from* where statistics came from a Sept. 2012 national survey asking students about their music tastes and buying habits.

“41% of teens bought a CD or paid to download a song/album WITHOUT having first heard the music simply because of a good review or it was recommended to them.”

“35% of teens rank "Friends" as the #1 source to find out about new bands or music.  Also ranked high as sources for music are internet/blogs (22.3%) and the radio (19.4%).”

This is vital information that has shown me the importance of reviews and word of mouth when it comes to music. Through this information I have been able to get a clear idea of what my magazine needs to include (reviews, internet links etc) and the importance of a friendly, more colloquial tone to target my audience.


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Conclusion From this information I have concluded that

my magazine will be based on pop music and include artists which will appeal to my

demographic. I also now know the price at which I will sell my magazine as I want my audience to feel they are getting a good

quality magazine for a good price. Additionally, my magazine will include reviews on songs, albums and artists after finding out

the importance of them. This research has helped greatly with the sculpting of my magazine to suit my target audience.

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Readers Profile