Analysis of Passwords Renier van Heerden and Johannes Vorster CSIR, DPSS Research funded by DST,...

Analysis of Passwords Renier van Heerden and Johannes Vorster CSIR, DPSS Research funded by DST, CSIR DPSS

Transcript of Analysis of Passwords Renier van Heerden and Johannes Vorster CSIR, DPSS Research funded by DST,...

Analysis of Passwords

Renier van Heerden and Johannes VorsterCSIR, DPSS

Research funded by DST, CSIR DPSS

© CSIR 2007 2

Passwords are part of everyday life • From previous studies

• Average length 7 – 8 characters• Password advice are ignored when not enforced• Permutations of dictionary words and numbers are popular • Special characters use was very limited

• “Memory” is the most important factor

© CSIR 2007 3

Collecting passwords: Internet

• Internet Search “password list” • Google (55 900 000)• Yahoo (1 380 000 000)• MSN (437 000 000)

• Adding specifications • Single phrase • English language • Text Files• 988 results

• Password lists found• Default password lists• SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Network,

Security) Institute password list• Albums password list

© CSIR 2007 4

Collecting passwords: Peer to Peer (P2P)

• P2P network consists• Multiple hosts • Inter Connected• Sharing

• Hosting • Bandwidth

• Used for • Distributing illegal content• High Bandwidth applications

© CSIR 2007 5

Collecting passwords: Peer to Peer Results

• eMule results• Unix passwords • 45000 MySpace

accounts• Default password

list• FTP password list• Rapidshare

Premium Accounts• Wireless Access

Points Passwords

© CSIR 2007 6

Previous studies

• Unix Passwords • The most popular password length is 6 characters with 34.7 % use• Common names are used in 4% of the passwords• Username and passwords are the same in 2.7% of passwords• Cartoons, Movies, fiction and place names are used in 1.4% of


© CSIR 2007 7

Previous studies Top 10s

• PC Magazine • password• 123456• qwerty• abc123• letmein• monkey• myspace1• password1• bink182• (username)

• UK Web passwords • 123• password• liverpool• letmein (“let me in”)• 123456• qwerty• charlie• monkey• arsenal• thomas

© CSIR 2007 8

Previous studies Online Students• List of passwords from online students

• 123456, 123, 123123, 01234, 2468, 987654, etc• 123abc, abc123, 246abc• First Name• Favourite Band• Favourite Song• first letter of given name then surname• qwerty, asdf, and other keyboard rolls• Favourite cartoon or movie character• Favourite sport, or sports star• Country of origin• City of origin• All numbers• Some word in the dictionary• Combining 2 dictionary words• any of the above spelled backwards• aaa, eee, llll, 999999, and other repeat combinations

© CSIR 2007 9

Default Passwords

• Default Passwords Lists• Computer Hardware

(Vendors)• BIOS Backdoors• Many sites•

© CSIR 2007 10

Password Analysis, Data

• Password Lists used (# passwords)• Commercial Company (28 570)• Music Password list (1776)• Unix Password (3106)• Myspace Accounts (45 000)• FTP Sites (332)• Rapidshare passwords (32 028)• WiFi Passwords (925)• Default Passwords (251) ( • Default2 Passwords (945) ( )

© CSIR 2007 11

Password Analysis, Most Popular

Password (MySpace)


1 password1 0.23

2 abc123 0.17

3 password 0.12

4 iloveyou1 0.10

5 iloveyou2 0.09

6 fuckyou1 0.08

7 soccer1 0.08

8 myspace1 0.08

9 iloveyou 0.07

10 iloveyou! 0.06

© CSIR 2007 12

Password Analysis, Most Popular 2

Password (WiFi)

% Password (Default)

% Password (Default2)

% Password (Unix)

1 admin 8.3 admin 22 admin 8.8 12345

2 password 2.9 1234 14 password 5.6 abc123

3 sysadm 2.5 password 13 root 5.2 password

4 manager 1.8 manager 9 epicrooter 3.6 computer

5 system 1.5 none 6 sysadmin 2.4 123456

6 1234 1.4 system 6 access 2.4 tigger

7 guest 1.4 blank 5 smcadmin 2.0 1234

8 root 1.2 netman 5 sysadm 2.0 a1b2c3

9 access 1.1 tech 5 user 2.0 qwerty

10 cascade 1.0 netman 4 ADMINISTRATOR 1.6 123

© CSIR 2007 13

Password Analysis, Most Popular 3

Password (FTP) % Use

1 leech 10.8

2 anonymous 3.3

3 mp3 1.5

4 leechme 1.2

5 mp3 1.2

6 warez 1.2

7 anon 0.9

8 [email protected] 0.9

9 L33ch 0.9

10 me 0.9

© CSIR 2007 14

Character use

Password (Unix)

% Password (MySpace)

% Password (Commercial)

% English Dictionary


1 E 8.9 A 10.9 E 9.9 A 13.8

2 A 7.9 1 8.5 A 9.3 E 9.7

3 R 6.4 2 5.4 O 7.5 N 7.8

4 I 5.7 E 5.2 I 7.3 I 7.5

5 O 5.7 L 4.8 N 6.4 R 6.9

6 N 5.4 B 4.2 R 6.1 O 6.0

7 S 4.9 S 3.9 S 5.8 T 6.0

8 1 4.5 3 3.8 T 5.1 S 5.9

9 T 4.4 0 3.7 L 4.9 L 5.7

10 C 3.2 N 3.5 M 3.3 C 4.2

© CSIR 2007 15

Character sequence

Password (Unix)

Password (MySpace)

Password (Commercial)

English Dictionary

1 E-R E-R A-N I-N 2 A-N A-N E-R E-R 3 A-R 1-2 0-0 E-S 4 I-N I-N O-O T-I 5 O-N 2-3 M-A T-E 6 L-E L-O I-N O-N 7 T-E A-R E-N R-E 8 E-L L-E A-R A-T 9 E-N O-N E-L N-G 10 M-A L-L O-N E-N

© CSIR 2007 16


• Password lists are available on the Internet

• The term “password” is commonly used on the Internet

• eMule is more successful than search engines

• Default passwords are easily obtainable• Common passwords are:

• password• 123…• qwerty• Username• abc123