Analysis of 'Maps of Disappearing Palestinian Land'

Saturday, August 31, 2013 Maps of “Disappearing Palestine” You've seen the ubiquitous 4 part map at every anti-Israel event you've attended. Currently, billboard sized ads of these maps are in Vancouver transit system (There is an on-line poll here , asking if these ads should be removed. Please take a moment to vote while the poll is still open.) These maps will be coming to a bus stop near you. Know how to debunk them. Understand why they misrepresent history. There are two versions that generally circulate. Liars need good memories. Under partition, Jerusalem and Bethlehem were designated as a Corpus


We have been told that the first map was distributed to Newton students. Numerous organizations including the ADL, JCRC, and AJC have objected to the use of this map, and it was removed from the Toronto transit system due to its one-sided nature.As far as we know, none of the other maps or analyses of the first map were distributed to Newton students.

Transcript of Analysis of 'Maps of Disappearing Palestinian Land'

Page 1: Analysis of 'Maps of Disappearing Palestinian Land'

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Maps of “Disappearing Palestine”

You've seen the ubiquitous 4 part map at every anti-Israel event you've attended. Currently, billboard sized ads of these maps are in Vancouver transit system (There is an on-line poll here, asking if these ads should be removed. Please take a moment to vote while the poll is still open.) These maps will be coming to a bus stop near you. Know how to debunk them. Understand why they misrepresent history.

There are two versions that generally circulate. Liars need good memories.

Under partition, Jerusalem and Bethlehem were designated as a Corpus Separandum. Most of the maps we've seen, including the ones currently in Vancouver neglect this information. But that's only the start of the inaccuracies.

Page 2: Analysis of 'Maps of Disappearing Palestinian Land'

We've assembled a resource list for debunking the "Map that Lies" Click on the links for excellent summaries regarding why these maps are inaccurate

From Yaccov Lozowick The Maps of Disappearing Palestine

From the Elder of Ziyon The map that lies, and one that doesn't

The Elder offers this as an alternative map: Israel's Land Concessions for Peace

From Phillipe Assouline's Facebook page: I acknowledge Anti-Semitism Poses as Palestinian Human Rights Activism

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From BluestarPR: Don't be fooled by lies About Palestine

From the Website 5 Minutes for Israel: A course in map Reading Four maps & seven …lies

From The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, Pacific Region: Factual Analysis of the Vancouver Transit Ads

If you know of other resources, let us know and we'll add them to the list.

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UPDATE Oct. 9, 2013

The latest rebuttal of the "maps of disappearing Palestine" is from StandWithUs, a non-profit founded in 2001 in response to the misinformation that surrounds the conflict in the Middle East.


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StandWithUs comes through again, with this map profiling Jewish Loss of land from 1000 BCE through the present

UPDATE Dec 3, 2013No Palestinian Arab state ever existed prior to the one currently being proposed by the international ommunity. Via: The Whole Story

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Lets not forget the map they'll never show you: what Olmert offered the Palestinians, and what they turned down.

Via CAMERA : The Palestinians rejected peace three times


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UPDATE Jan.6, 2014

Excellent analysis of the "Mendacious Maps of Palestinian Loss" by Shany Mot, a former director for foreign policy, Israeli National Security Council. Read the whole article here

He writes:

Taken together, what we have is not four maps in a chronological series, but four different categories of territorial control presented with varying degrees of inaccuracy. Those categories are private property (“1946”), political control (“1967” and “2005”), and international partition plans (“1947”). They are presented in a fashion that is either tendentiously inaccurate (“2005”), essentially mendacious (“1947” and “1967”), or radically untrue (“1946”).

Shany Mor presents these 2 maps as a more historically accurate alternative: