Analysis of existing products

Analysis of Existing Products

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Page 1: Analysis of existing products

Analysis of Existing Products

Page 2: Analysis of existing products

FILM MAGAZINE FRONT COVERStriking image. Colour of image is a contrast to the black background. This is how it stands out.

Image is completely relevant to film, therefore audience will know straight away what it is advertising.

Name of the film and magazine are clearly labelled – extremely obvious for the audience.

Added features related to film advertisement featured on front cover – more enticing for consumers.

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FILM MAGAZINE FRONT COVERTitle of magazine cleverly linked with the genre of film the magazine is promoting. The theme of fire has links with horror which is something that could be taken into consideration.

Name of film labelled clearly.

Image is very effective as it stands out against the black background, similar to the previous example. Also, the colour of the image and the colour of the magazine title are similar which keeps continuity.

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HORROR POSTER Very simplistic poster. Image of girl is centralised on the page making her the main focus.What is striking

about the image used, is the fact that her hair and body seemed to be blurred, however he face is sharp and clear. The girl is staring directly at the audience, making eye contact which engages them and makes the poster have an eerie feel to it.

Leading statement – makes the audience want to know what is actually wrong.

There are many different types of text used on this poster. The most effective being the handwritten “orphan.” The style of font links with the young girl and almost makes it personalised.

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The colour red adds a pop of colour to what is a monochromatic colour schemed poster. Red also connotes danger – linked with horror.

The effect of blurring is used heavily in this poster. In this case. The blurring is used in both the image and on the text. The effect that the blur gives to the audience is uncertainty and worry. The image looks like it has been shaken up, possibly to show the characters are scared, which would link to the expression on the young child’s face.

Again, this poster is very simplistic. A large image is featured and any text is fairly small and understated.

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What I like about this poster is how it is in black and white. The title of the film which is in red stands out a lot more.

Effective title for film – the colour and design is very fitting with the genre of horror. It looks like splattered blood.

This poster looks fairly professional. It has all the typical conventions of a poster, for example - the sponsor, age restriction, cast and date.

If this poster was to be re-done, I think that the photography which was used could be changed. I like how the character is surrounded by trees, how the twig across his face obstructs the view. A stronger photo could have been used in my opinion.

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She has kept the theme of black, white and red form her poster.

I think using a black and white photo on a poster is effective, however on the front of a magazine I believe a colour photo would have been more effective. I think the audience would have been more drawn to it.

This aspect of the front cover looks very professional. She has used the same lettering for the film title which is a contrast to the rest of the text she has used, which is fairly simple.

All the typical conventions of a front cover are used – barcode, web address, price and date.

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I think this poster is excellent. It looks so professional. There are many aspects which I like.

I like the shadowing she has used. The light is emphasised around the girl hanging from the ceiling therefore drawing the attention of the audience to that particular part of the poster.

Title stands out a lot and I love how she has placed the caption over the title. It id more effective this way.

By making the text smaller, the attention is drawn to the title of the film. It doesn’t make other text irrelevant, it just doesn’t make it a main attraction.This is by far the best poster made from the previous year in my opinion.

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I think the red text blends in too much with the background. It doesn’t stand out enough possibly making the audience not as attracted to it.

I like how the title of the magazine is transparent. It is a contrast to the block text used elsewhere on the page.

I think the image is strong. It shows the character reaching out, looking desperate and in need of help. This may entice the audience into picking the magazine up.

I like how the background image is in colour. The leaves and mud in the background fit nicely with the horror genre.