Analysis of advertisements


Transcript of Analysis of advertisements

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BARNARDO’STarget audience:The target audience is parents, young parents in particular.The advert is targeted at young parents specifically because young parents might not have enough money to support themselves or a child and that would bring that child into poverty.The representation:The purpose and representation of this advert is to inform young parents about poverty and child mistreatment and how it can be avoided.This advert uses shocking images to prompt people to donate money and help prevent child poverty and mistreatment and to help parents learn how to treat their child properly and to prevent child poverty/mistreatment.

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Not every child is born into a safe environment and Bernardo’s is aiming to stop children falling into poverty and child mistreatment.Young children are vulnerable and need looking after by their parents or a reliable guardian otherwise the child will be mistreated.

In this first picture the child has a silver spoon in its mouth representing wealth, warmth, class, privileges, its safeness and its security implying that everything they ask for is handed to them. This image is an example of a child in the perfect environment where poverty is not an issue and the child is looked after and cared for in the right way.The silver spoon in its mouth is photo shopped into the image due to the Advertising Standards Agency guidelines.

The slogan anchors the meaning of the image that is “if only every child was born with a silver spoon” that implies, that if only every child was born into wealth and safety, every child would be safe and looked after.The colour scheme of the image is welcoming and warm due to the use of colours such as gold, yellow and silver. It uses these colours as the dominant colours which have connotations to wealth, and creates a welcoming environment.

Matching the colour scheme with the fur rug that the baby is lying on signifies wealth, warmth, and that the baby is being well looked after in a privileged environment.The white hospital tag has connotations of the baby being born into a clean and safe environment such as a hospital. The baby is quite plump which further signifies that it is healthy, well fed and looked after.The layout of the advertisement is very tidy and clean, the slogan is tucked away into the corner as to not distract away from the main image.

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There is a drastic change from the first image, adding to the shock value of the imagery.It still has a clean, tidy layout to keep the information easy to access.Colour scheme features white as the dominant colour which has connotations to cold.This creates a cold, hard, harsh and unwelcoming environment.

The slogan has changed to emphasise the change in imagery. It anchors the point and message to the image. The baby has a bruise on its chest and a chemical bottle in its mouth to signify that the baby is not being looked after, is being mistreated and is not in a healthy environment.The chemical bottle has been photo shopped into the image to keep with ASA guidelines.The baby’s expression shows pain and discomfort. This implies that the baby has been born into an environment of pain.The hospital tag signifies links to the slogan as hospitals cater to those in privilege and those not.

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This image has a greater shock value as the campaign grows.Again a painful expression is shown on the baby’s face, linking to a painful environment.Colour scheme is somewhat similar to the first image with its use of yellow/orange.However, here the colour scheme has connotations to dirt and filth which represent an unhealthy environment. The cockroach furthers the impression of filth as the insect itself is known as a dirty disease spreading insect, and here it is crawling out of the baby’s mouth.

The orange glow of the baby looks oily and greasy further implying the dirty environment, along with the fact that the baby is neglected and needs help.

The layout remains the same so as to not detract away from the image, but its also easy to access all the information.

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Escalation of shock value. The baby is thinner and looks more unhealthy then before, it looks like it is in pain and looks very ill. The image has connotations of the baby not being looked after and neglected. The colour scheme is mainly white which has connotations to a cold, hard, harsh and unwelcoming environment. The syringe has been photo shopped into the image to keep within the ASA guidelines. The image also has connotations to a poor and possible dangerous environment, also the substance inside the syringe implies drugs and drug abuse. The layout is tidy and doesn’t detract away from the main image and the main point, the text is simple and easy to access.

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Exaggerated situation, body language is very relaxed and comfortable, which represents the clothing as being so comfortable that regardless of the situation you are comfortable. Natural lighting, earthy/natural colour scheme consisting of green and brown.Tidy layout, logo and slogan are in bottom right hand corner meaning that they don’t detract away from the main image and the main point, white text on a dark background helps it keep it visible and the contrast of colours makes the text brighter.

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Dangerous, exaggerated situation. Shark fins have been photo shopped into the image to keep with ASA guidelines. Body language is relaxed implying that the comfort levels outweigh the danger. The logo/slogan is coloured grey now as it is on a white background to help it stand out. The layout is tidy which makes sure that the text doesn’t detract away from the main image and the main point. The colour scheme is dark blue and white matching the clothing and further highlighting the dangerous situation.

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The picture is taken horizontally to emphasise the danger. The picture is a full body longshot which has been exaggerated into a seriously dangerous situation that is highlighted by the type of the shot. The model’s calm and relaxed body language indicates that they have no worry about the situation due to them being so comfortable. The colour scheme is mainly white with light shades of green of the fields on the ground below, the white is used to highlight the height and act as a blank canvas to draw out the colours and textures of the clothing. Simple, clear, tidy layout. Logo is in the top right and is a different colour to the background to make sure that it stands out is readable and clear.

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Full body longshot to highlight the dangerous situation and show the fall range of clothing. Exaggerated, dangerous situation however the model is completely relaxed and calm which signifies the comfort of the clothes. The colour scheme has white as the dominant colour to highlight the height and act as a blank canvas to draw out the colours and textures of the clothes. Green and brown also have connotations to nature. The layout is tidy and simple which makes it easy for the audience to understand.

The target audience is middle aged adults looking for comfort. The representation is models being used in dangerous situations but the brand is so comfortable that they don’t even notice what is going on around them. The campaign message is that no matter what situation you are in, you will feel comfortable in the Tesco Cherokee clothing line.

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Shallow focus has been used to make sure that the model is the only thing in focus whereas all the other things and people in the background are blurred because they aren’t important. The colours contrast to highlight the simplicity but also the sophistication of the clothing. Bright lighting is used to illuminate the model and capture every detail and texture of the clothing. Shallow focus is used with the background/foreground colours to draw attention to the main subject. The model is on a price tag to highlight/attract people to the low cost. Model is on a tag and appears to be dangling down onto a catwalk. This is used to highlight the high quality clothing that is at an affordable cost in contrast to real catwalk clothing which is very expensive. Slogan is used to attract people by portraying the clothing range as being beautiful yet cheap with “affordable elegance” it has a tidy layout and a simple design giving the audience the ease of being able to understand it.

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Shallow focus has been used to make sure that the model is the only thing in focus whereas all the other things and people in the background are blurred because they aren’t important, the shot is angled from a further distance revealing more of the background and giving a different perspective combined with the colour scheme, this creates an image of theatre/show, further stressing the idea of people noticing you in these clothes. The colours contrast to highlight the simplicity but also the sophistication of the clothing. Bright lighting is used to illuminate the model and capture every detail and texture of the clothing. Shallow focus is used with the background/foreground colours to draw attention to the main subject. The lighting is used to frame the image. Dark on the outside, light on the inside and centre to pull attention to the model. The model is on a price tag to highlight/attract people to the low cost. Model is on a tag and appears to be dangling down onto a catwalk. This is used to highlight the high quality clothing that is at an affordable cost in contrast to real catwalk clothing which is very expensive. Slogan is used to attract people by portraying the clothing range as being beautiful yet cheap with “affordable elegance” it has a tidy layout and a simple design giving the audience the ease of being able to understand it.

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The location has changed now with a more public setting again further emphasizing people admiring the clothing range. Shallow focus has been used to make sure that the model is the only thing in focus whereas all the other things and people in the background are blurred because they aren’t important, the lighting is used to centre on the model and draw all attention to her. The colours contrast to highlight the simplicity but also the sophistication of the clothing. Bright lighting is used to illuminate the model and capture every detail and texture of the clothing. Shallow focus is used with the background/foreground colours to draw attention to the main subject. The model is on a price tag to highlight/attract people to the low cost. Model is on a tag and appears to be dangling down onto a catwalk. This is used to highlight the high quality clothing that is at an affordable cost in contrast to real catwalk clothing which is very expensive. Slogan is used to attract people by portraying the clothing range as being beautiful yet cheap with “affordable elegance” it has a tidy layout and a simple design giving the audience the ease of being able to understand it. Each model is looking directly into the camera, direct mode of address because they want you to buy these clothes, the models look at the audience to create a relationship with the audience and persuading and encouraging them into buying their clothing range.

The target audience is middle aged working class women who are willing to spend a decent amount of money for good looking clothes. The representation is the price on the catwalk demonstrates the high quality clothing yet at an affordable price. The campaign message is that you don’t need to pay a fortune to look good.