Analysis of a title sequence

Analysis of a title sequence-Deadpool

Transcript of Analysis of a title sequence

Page 1: Analysis of a title sequence

Analysis of a title sequence-Deadpool

Page 2: Analysis of a title sequence

This image in the Deadpool title sequence Indicates that the film’s genre is action. This is due to the fact that there is a burn mark on this man’s forehead which was created by the prop in the image. The red is more noticeable than any other colour which connotes that ‘blood’ is involved in this film, promoting the idea that the film could possibly be an action.

The use of dark, desaturated colours gives the idea that the topic about the film is not so positive and that the mood of the film isn’t ‘happy’ or uplifting.Therefore, the reason why the titles are in white, is because the colour of the background is dark, hence having white text means that the words will be noticed easily. More dark contexts are usually used in action, horror and thriller movies.

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The gun is part of iconography for action genre films. Therefore, by the title sequence using a gun this immediately makes the reader think: “action”. The use of so much black connotes ‘mystery’ and creates curiosity within readers as to why the title sequence is so dull.

The blood included creates emphasis on the action genre ad the blood has been created by something dangerous. This could possibly be by the gun in the previous shot.

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The fact that there is a masked character in what looks to be a fight, emphasises the fact that the film could be an action. The fact that the costume is red signifies that this character is significant as he is as though he is ‘dressed in blood’.

The lighting of all the shots is low key lighting making the scene seem more intense. Additionally, the fact that the lighting is low key, this makes the explosion seem more dramatic and dangerous as the colour is more brighter than the rest of the scene.

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The ‘flying’ car suggest disruption to an Equilibrium as usually cars are on the ground and are stable. The fact that Deadpool is in the centre of the car could indicate that he has caused this incident. The long shot allows the setting/location to be shown. With this disruption being in, what seems to be, a city, this underlines the fact that this disruption is most likely spontaneous.

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It is evident that there is humour included in the film by the fact that the titles in this shot say “Written By The Real Heroes Here”. This therefore proves that the film’s genre isn’t only action, but comedy.

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The editing of the title sequence is very unique. The scene seems to be frozen, however the camera is moving. This is different to other films as either: the titles are in when the film is playing as normal, or the titles come up before/ after part of the film has played.

The titles are fluently shown in and out of the sequence, as when the camera moves then texts become apparent as though they are physically part of the scene

The fact that the camera shows all of the scene is very unique and is different compared to usual films.