Analysing digipaks 4

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  • 1.Wiley The ascent Analysis of digipaks

2. Digipak analysis For my first analysis of my artists digipaks I have chosen to do the ascent. 3. Genre The genre is hard to identify from looking at the digipak. There is one way you can tell it is of the grime genre, though, and this is by the use of a huge gold chain, to show money. 4. Colour The colour scheme on this digipak is fairly dark, with the exception of a t-shirt and text. On the front and back, it has white text, so it can stand out from the dark, black background. 5. Main image The main image on both the front and the back of the digipak involve the artist not directing the audience by looking away from the camera. This suggests he has something to hide, or a lack in confidence. Most grime album covers involve the artist looking directly at the camera to increase fear factor. 6. Representations I dont believe that Wiley would want to convey a grime stereotype, due to the choice of clothing and name of the album. A waste coat is not a typical choice of clothing for grime artists, so Wiley definitely wants to stand out from the crowd. 7. Font use As like Wileys clothing, the font doesnt convey grime too. Also like the clothing, it shows sophistication. This could mean that Wiley is trying to change his style. 8. Audience The audience would still be the normal young, grime demographic. Although, by proving sophistication, Wiley could raise his target audience. 9. Size and layout The main image is extremely large compared to other aspects of the digipak such as the small writing on the back and the medium size title on the front. This suggests that the image is more important.