· Analgesics can be broadly...

C H A P T E R 24 Analgesics CAROLYN J. FRIEL AND MATTHIAS C. LU healthcare providers because of fear of psychological de- pendence (commonly referred to as addiction), disciplinary action, or adverse effects such as tolerance and physical dependence of the pain medications. 2,3 As a result, many patients with moderate to severe pain are often undertreated or untreated. 3–5 Another possible reason for treatment failure is the fact that pain perception may also vary among individ- uals especially across racial and ethnic origins. 6 Origin of Pain Pain differs in its underlying causes, symptoms, and neuro- biological mechanisms and has been classified into three major types: physiological (nociceptive), inflammatory, and neuropathic. 7,8 Physiological pain is the most common and is often caused by an injury to body organs or tissues. It is further categorized, according to the source of the pain, into cutaneous pains (skin and surface tissues), somatic pains (ligaments, tendons, bones, blood vessels), and visceral pains (body organs and internal cavities). Inflammatory pain originates from an infection or inflammation as a result of the initial tissue or organ damage. Neuropathic pain is a very complex, chronic pain, resulting from injury of the nervous systems. 9 Neuropathic pain may originate from limb ampu- tation, spinal surgery, viral infections such as shingles, or worsening of disease states associated with diabetes, ac- quired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), or multiple sclerosis. The pharmacological interventions are very com- plex and often require the use of other analgesic adjuvants not covered in this chapter. Readers should consult a recent review for a practical guide to the current clinical manage- ment of neuropathic pain. 10 Acute and Chronic Pain Pain may be acute or chronic. 11 Acute pain is often severe but usually lasts only until the removal of the source that triggered the pain. Acute pain includes nociceptive, somatic, or visceral pain, postoperative and posttraumatic pain, burn pain, acute pain during childbirth, acute headache, etc. Acute and postoperative pains are most often treated with the opioid analgesics. Chronic pain, on the other hand, is defined as a pain last- ing longer than 6 months that persists even when the initial cause has been resolved through appropriate medical intervention. Chronic pain can be further divided into chronic malignant pain (e.g., cancer, human immunodefi- ciency virus [HIV]/AIDS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, end-stage organ failure) and chronic non- malignant pain (e.g., lower-back pain, chronic degenerative C H A P T E R O V E R V I E W The terms analgesics and analgetic drugs are often used interchangeably to describe a diverse group of pain med- ications such as opioids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and triptans, each with very different mechanisms of action for relieving pains of a wide array of causes. Analgesics can be broadly categorized, according to their therapeutic use, into several drug classes: (a) the opi- oids (or narcotic analgesics), which play a major role in the relief of acute pain and in the management of moderate to severe chronic pain; (b) the NSAIDs and acetaminophen, which are the most widely used analgesic drugs for reliev- ing mild to moderate pain and reducing fever; (c) the trip- tans (the antimigraine medications), which are specifically designed and targeted for acute and abortive treatment of migraine and cluster headaches; and (d) a new emerging class of analgesics known as analgesic adjuvants that in- clude tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline, anti- convulsants such as gabapentin and pregabalin, and topical analgesics such as lidocaine patches that can be used to treat neuropathic pains. In this chapter, only the first three classes of pain medica- tions are covered. The main objectives of this chapter will be focusing on their mechanism of action, structure–activity relationships (SARs), pharmacokinetic properties, and their clinical applications for pain management. Readers should consult other chapters under anticonvulsants, antidepres- sants, and local anesthetics for a detailed discussion of drugs used for treating neuropathic and other incidental pains as- sociated with minor cuts, burns, and insect bites. PAIN AND PAIN MANAGEMENT Pain, one of the most common complaints for which patients seek medical attention, is also the hardest to manage despite the availability of many analgesic medications as well as other nonpharmacologic treatment options. Pain manage- ment, especially the use of opioids in patients with chronic pains, is one of the most troublesome public health issues for patients, doctors, and other healthcare providers. 1,2 As early as the 1970s, the National Institutes of Health formed a com- mittee, at the request of the president, to investigate therapies for rare diseases, but the initial focus was on pain manage- ment. The committee found that the problem associated with the use of the opioid analgesics was a lack of training of physicians in pain management and misinformation among 776

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healthcare providers because of fear of psychological de-pendence (commonly referred to as addiction), disciplinaryaction, or adverse effects such as tolerance and physicaldependence of the pain medications.2,3 As a result, manypatients with moderate to severe pain are often undertreatedor untreated.3–5 Another possible reason for treatment failureis the fact that pain perception may also vary among individ-uals especially across racial and ethnic origins.6

Origin of Pain

Pain differs in its underlying causes, symptoms, and neuro-biological mechanisms and has been classified into threemajor types: physiological (nociceptive), inflammatory, andneuropathic.7,8 Physiological pain is the most common andis often caused by an injury to body organs or tissues. It isfurther categorized, according to the source of the pain, intocutaneous pains (skin and surface tissues), somatic pains(ligaments, tendons, bones, blood vessels), and visceralpains (body organs and internal cavities). Inflammatory painoriginates from an infection or inflammation as a result ofthe initial tissue or organ damage. Neuropathic pain is a verycomplex, chronic pain, resulting from injury of the nervoussystems.9 Neuropathic pain may originate from limb ampu-tation, spinal surgery, viral infections such as shingles, orworsening of disease states associated with diabetes, ac-quired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), or multiplesclerosis. The pharmacological interventions are very com-plex and often require the use of other analgesic adjuvantsnot covered in this chapter. Readers should consult a recentreview for a practical guide to the current clinical manage-ment of neuropathic pain.10

Acute and Chronic Pain

Pain may be acute or chronic.11 Acute pain is often severebut usually lasts only until the removal of the source thattriggered the pain. Acute pain includes nociceptive, somatic,or visceral pain, postoperative and posttraumatic pain, burnpain, acute pain during childbirth, acute headache, etc.Acute and postoperative pains are most often treated withthe opioid analgesics.

Chronic pain, on the other hand, is defined as a pain last-ing longer than 6 months that persists even when the initialcause has been resolved through appropriate medicalintervention. Chronic pain can be further divided intochronic malignant pain (e.g., cancer, human immunodefi-ciency virus [HIV]/AIDS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,multiple sclerosis, end-stage organ failure) and chronic non-malignant pain (e.g., lower-back pain, chronic degenerative


The terms analgesics and analgetic drugs are often usedinterchangeably to describe a diverse group of pain med-ications such as opioids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatorydrugs (NSAIDs), and triptans, each with very differentmechanisms of action for relieving pains of a wide arrayof causes.

Analgesics can be broadly categorized, according totheir therapeutic use, into several drug classes: (a) the opi-oids (or narcotic analgesics), which play a major role in therelief of acute pain and in the management of moderate tosevere chronic pain; (b) the NSAIDs and acetaminophen,which are the most widely used analgesic drugs for reliev-ing mild to moderate pain and reducing fever; (c) the trip-tans (the antimigraine medications), which are specificallydesigned and targeted for acute and abortive treatment ofmigraine and cluster headaches; and (d) a new emergingclass of analgesics known as analgesic adjuvants that in-clude tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline, anti-convulsants such as gabapentin and pregabalin, and topicalanalgesics such as lidocaine patches that can be used totreat neuropathic pains.

In this chapter, only the first three classes of pain medica-tions are covered. The main objectives of this chapter willbe focusing on their mechanism of action, structure–activityrelationships (SARs), pharmacokinetic properties, and theirclinical applications for pain management. Readers shouldconsult other chapters under anticonvulsants, antidepres-sants, and local anesthetics for a detailed discussion of drugsused for treating neuropathic and other incidental pains as-sociated with minor cuts, burns, and insect bites.


Pain, one of the most common complaints for which patientsseek medical attention, is also the hardest to manage despitethe availability of many analgesic medications as well asother nonpharmacologic treatment options. Pain manage-ment, especially the use of opioids in patients with chronicpains, is one of the most troublesome public health issues forpatients, doctors, and other healthcare providers.1,2 As earlyas the 1970s, the National Institutes of Health formed a com-mittee, at the request of the president, to investigate therapiesfor rare diseases, but the initial focus was on pain manage-ment. The committee found that the problem associated withthe use of the opioid analgesics was a lack of training ofphysicians in pain management and misinformation among


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arthritis, osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), mi-graine and chronic headache, and bond pain). Pain therapyin patients with chronic pain only provides transient pain re-lief but does not resolve the underlying pathologicalprocess.7 Chronic pain is also often associated with behav-ior and psychological components that make effective painmanagement quite subjective and difficult to resolve.10,12,13

Chronic pain is also the leading cause of disability amongthe elderly; the prevalence of pain may be as high as 80%.3

Significant advances in understanding the pathophysi-ology and neurobiology of pain have occurred in the past10 years.5,13–17 However, a full discussion of complexpain-signaling mechanisms and the etiology of pain is be-yond the scope of this chapter.

Approaches to Pain Management

The World Health Organization (WHO), through its Accessto Controlled Medications Programme, has brought to-gether an international, multidisciplinary group of expertsto discuss and formulate a series of WHO guidelines, in-cluding the “three-step analgesic ladder” on pain manage-ment.11,18 The use of the WHO three-step analgesic ladderhas allowed physicians to select the most appropriate drugtreatment regimen and has resulted in adequate analgesiafor their patients, according to a 10-year prospective studypublished in 1995.18 This guideline has now been adaptedfor treating other noncancer pains.19 According to this anal-gesic ladder model (see Fig. 24.1), the choice of analgesictherapy is based on assessment of pain intensity. Thus,nonopioid analgesics such as acetaminophen and NSAIDsare the drugs of choice for mild pain. The patients shouldcontinue on this regimen for as long as they are receivingadequate pain control, although an analgesic adjuvant may

be added to help relieve the side effects associated withpain medications. For moderate pain, a combination ofan NSAID (or acetaminophen) and a weak opioid such ascodeine should be used. Morphine, fentanyl, and other po-tent opioids are reserved only for severe pain, especially inpatients who are terminally ill, to control pain and to im-prove their quality of life.11


Opioid Receptor Discoveryand Endogenous Ligands

There was no direct evidence for the existence of specificopioid receptors until the 1970s when Goldstein et al.20

found that radiolabeled levorphanol bound stereospecifi-cally to certain mouse brain fractions. They hypothesizedthat this compound bound to an “opiate receptor.” This pre-diction gained credence in 1973 when additional studiesshowed that opioid agonists and opioid antagonists competefor the same binding site. Building on these studies, Pert21

was able to show that the pharmacologic potencies of theopioid drugs were proportional to their ability to competewith the antagonist for opioid receptor binding.

As it seemed unlikely that these receptors evolved inresponse to a plant alkaloid, the search for endogenousligands was intense. The discovery and identification ofendogenous substrates for the opioid receptor byHughes22,23 in 1975 further confirmed the existence of anopioid receptor and intensified the SAR studies of the anal-gesic opioids. The endogenous peptide ligands for theopioid receptors were originally isolated from pig brainsbut have been found in every mammal studied. The first

WHO 3-Step Analgesic Ladder - Is the pain...






Is pain persistingor increasing?

Is pain persistingor increasing?

Step 3: Potent Opioid(morphine, oxycodone)

�/� Non-opioidor Analgesic adjuvant

Step 2: Less potent Opioid(hydrocodone, codeine, or tramadol)

� Non-opioid (acetaminophen or NSAID)�/� Analgesic adjuvant

Step 1: Non-opioid (acetaminophen or NSAID)�/� Analgesic adjuvant (non-pharmacological method should also be used)



Figure 24.1 Algorithm for pain management based on the WHO three-StepAnalgesic Ladder. (Source:

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endogenous peptide was termed enkephalin, which wasfound to be a mixture of the two pentapeptides that onlydiffer in their terminal amino acid.

Both methionine-enkephalin (Met-enkephalin) andleucine-enkephalin (Leu-enkephalin) were shown to inhibitthe contraction of electrically stimulated guinea pig ileum(GPI) and mouse vas deferens (MVD). These two tests arestill used as screening methods for opioid activity. Naloxonecompletely reversed the inhibitory effects of enkephalin,which led Hughes to infer that the peptides were acting on anopioid receptor.22 The central administration of enkephalinsin rats produced short analgesic activity. The transient natureof the enkephalins’ actions correlated with the rapid degrada-tion of the enkephalin Tyr-Gly bond by aminopeptidases.Much synthetic work has been done in an attempt to increasethe duration of action of the opioid peptides and maintaintheir analgesic effect.

SARs of Enkephalins


The first amino acid of the pentapeptide shows a distinctpreference for tyrosine. Most changes to this amino acid, ei-ther by substituting with other amino acids or masking thephenolic hydroxyl (OH) or amino function, produce an inac-tive or weakly active peptide.


Replacing the naturally occurring L-Gly with variousD-amino acids produces a peptide that is resistant to peptidecleavage by aminopeptidases. Replacement with D-Ser is themost effective replacement, and all L-amino acid analogs hadlow activities. Substituting D-amino acids for L-amino acidsproduces stable peptides, and the stereochemical change maygive the peptide access to additional binding sites on the re-ceptors; both of these actions may explain their increasedpotencies. Replacing the Gly2 with D-Ala2 while simulta-neously replacing the L-Leu5 with D-Leu5 produces the pep-tide known as D-Ala2, D-Leu5 enkephalin (DADLE), whichis commonly used as a selective �-agonist.


Almost all changes to this amino acid result in a drop in po-tency, unless they are also accompanied by another changesuch as replacing the Gly2 with D-Ala2 as described above.


The aromatic nature of the fourth residue is required for highactivity. When combined with the D-Ala2 replacement, the ad-dition of an electron withdrawing, lipophilic substituent (e.g.,

778 Wilson and Gisvold’s Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Met-enkephalin = Tyr1-Gly2-Gly3-Phe4-Met5(OH) Leu-enkephalin = Tyr1-Gly2-Gly3-Phe4-Leu5(OH)



















-Met5 -Leu5


NO2, Cl, and Br) in the para position of Phe4 greatly increasesactivity. Para substitutions with electron donating, hydrophilicfunctional groups (e.g., NH2 and OH) abolish activity.


Position 5 appears to tolerate more residue changes than theother positions. Many amino acid substitutions at this positionmaintain activity (e.g., Ala, Gly, Phe, Pro). Even the loss ofthe fifth residue to yield the tetrapeptide Tyr1-Gly2-Gly3-Phe4

maintains weak activity in both the GPI and MVD assays.The protected peptide, Tyr1-D-Ala2-Gly3-MePhe4-Gly-ol5,known as DAMGO is highly selective for the �-receptor.

The pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and the adrenalmedulla all produce various opioid peptides. Many of thesematerials were found to be fragments of �-lipotropin (�-LPT) a 91 amino acid peptide. �-LPT has no opioid activityitself. The fraction containing amino acids 61–91 isdesignated �-endorphin (a word derived from combiningendogenous and morphine). It is much more potent than theenkephalins in both in vivo and in vitro tests. The search foropioid peptides continued, and additional precursor proteinswere discovered. Many additional precursor proteins syn-thesized in the pituitary, adrenal glands, and brain nerve ter-minals were found to contain sequences of amino acids thatwere enkephalins or other active opioid peptides. It appearsthat naturally occurring peptides may serve roles as bothshort-acting analgesics and long-term neuronal or endocrinemodulators. Acupuncture, running, or other physical activ-ity may induce the release of neuropeptides although studiesexist that both confirm and refute these claims.24,25 A com-plete discussion on the neuropeptides is beyond the scope ofthis chapter. Some examples of opioid peptides are givenin Figure 24.2.26–29

Opioid Receptors

The discovery of the endogenous opioid peptides paralleledthe development of radiolabeling techniques. During the1970s, researchers were able to label opioid receptors withreversible radioactive ligands that allowed pharmacologicalactions of specific receptors and their locations to be identi-fied. These techniques allowed for the identification of opi-oid receptor locations in the brain. Additional pharma-cological advances in gene expression studies led to theidentification of peripheral opioid receptor locations.30

Opioid receptors are distributed throughout the brain, spinalcord, and peripheral tissues. The distribution of specific opi-oid receptor subtypes (�, �, and �) usually overlaps. In rats,high concentrations of all three genes for the �-, �-, and�-receptors were found in the hypothalamus and cerebral

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cortex. Intermediate concentrations were found in the smallintestine, adrenal gland, testes, ovary, and uterus. Low con-centrations of all the three gene transcripts were found in thelung and kidney. The gene for the �-opioid receptor was notfound in the stomach, heart, endothelium, or synovium ofthe rat.30 Opioid receptors are also found on the peripheralterminals of sensory neurons in inflamed rat paws.31 Thus,the central and peripheral distribution of opioid receptors iscomplex. This complicates the interpretation of pharmaco-logical data of individual drugs that may have overlappingbinding at multiple opioid receptor subtypes. In addition,opioid receptors form homodimers and heterodimers withopioid receptors and nonopioid receptors such as the �2a-adrenergic receptors resulting in different pharmacologicactions and altered coupling to second messengers.32

Genes for the four major opioid receptor subtypes havebeen cloned; the MOP � �-receptor (mu for morphine),the KOP � �-receptor (kappa for ketocyclazocine), theDOP � �-receptor (delta for deferens because it was orig-inally discovered in the MVD), and the NOP � nocicep-tion/orphanin FQ receptor (named as an orphan receptorbecause the endogenous/exogenous ligand was unknownat its time of discovery).33 The opioid receptor subtypesshare extensive residue homology in their transmembrane(TM) domains with most of the variation found in the ex-tracellular loops (Fig. 24.3).33 All of the opioid receptorsbelong to the G-protein–coupled receptor class and assuch, they are composed of seven TM domains. When thereceptor is activated, a portion of the G protein diffuseswithin the membrane and causes an inhibition of adenylatecyclase activity. The decreased enzyme activity results ina decrease in cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)formation, which regulates numerous cellular processes.One process that is inhibited is the opening of voltage-gated calcium influx channels on nociceptive C-fibers.This results in the hyperpolarazation of the nerve cell anddecreased firing and release of pain neurotransmitters suchas glutamate and substance P.34


There are no x-ray crystal structures reported for any opioidreceptor, and most modeling work has been based on thecrystal structure of rhodopsin. Many groups have attemptedto find the specific binding site through homology modeling,molecular dynamics, site-directed mutagenesis, chimericreceptors, truncated receptors, and SAR studies. As of yet,no definitive model of the ligand-binding site is available.The opioid-binding site for all four opioid receptors is be-lieved to be an inner cavity formed by conserved residueson TM helices TM3, TM4, TM5, TM6, and TM7.33,35 Not allgroups agree that the binding pocket is formed via TM do-mains; some evidence suggest that the amino terminus is animportant determinant of ligand binding affinity as well.36

The ligand specificity that each receptor shows may be a re-sult of differences in the extracellular loops that form lids onthe binding cavities or differences in amino acids within thebinding cavity. Within the cavity, agonists are thought tobind toward the bottom of the cavity via interactions with aconserved Asp from TM3 and a His from TM6. Molecularmodeling calculations show that the phenolic OH of the Tyr1

opioid peptide, or the ring A OH of nonpeptide opioids,forms a hydrogen bond with the conserved His on TM6. TheTyr1-charged nitrogen, or the N� of the nonpeptide agonist,forms an ionic bond with the conserved Asp of TM3.Antagonist ligands are thought to bind deeper in the bindingpocket but retain the ionic bond with the Asp of TM3. Thebulky substituent on the charged nitrogen of antagonists isbelieved to insert itself between TM3 and TM6, preventingthe shifts required for activation. Thus, antagonists preventthe necessary movement of TM3 and TM6 resulting in func-tional antagonism.33,35


Mu receptors are found primarily in the brainstem and me-dial thalamus.34 Endogenous peptides for the �-receptorinclude endomorphin-1, endomorphin-2, and �-endorphin

Endogenous Precursor ProteinsPro-opimelanocortin ACTH � � LPH �-LPH � � endorphinPro-enkephalin A263 4Met-enkephalin � Leu-enkephalinPro-enkephalin B256 � neo-endorphin175-183 � dynorphin209-225 � Leu-enkephalin228-232

Endogenous Opioid Peptide sequences� Endorphin � Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met5-Thr-Ser-Glu-Lys-Ser10-Gln-Thr-Pro-Leu-Val15-Thr-Leu-Phe-Lys-Asn20-Ala-Ile-Ile-Lys-Asn25-Ala-Tyr-Lys-Lys-Gly-Glu31 � � and � opioid receptor ligandEndomorphin-1 � Tyr-Pro-Trp-Phe-NH2 � � receptor agonistEndomorphin-2 � Tyr-Pro-Phe-Phe-NH2 � � receptor agonist

Dynorphin � Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu5-Arg-Arg-Ile-Arg-Pro10-Lys-Leu-Lys13 � � opioid selectivity-Neoendorphin � Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu5-Arg-Lys-Tyr-Pro-Lys10

�-Neoendorphin � Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu5-Arg-Lys-Tyr-Pro9

Nociceptin � Phe-Gly-Gly-Thr-Gly5-Ala-Arg-Lys-Ser-Ala10-Lys-Ala-Asn-Gln14 � orphanin receptorOrphanin FQ � Phe-Gly-Gly-Phe-Thr5-Gly-Ala-Arg-Lys-Ser10-Ala-Arg-Lys-Leu-Ala-Asn-Gln17

Exogenous Opioid Peptide sequences “Exorphins”DADLE � Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-Phe-D-Leu � � selective agonistDPDPE � Tyr-D-Pen-Gly-Phe-D-Pen � � selective agonistDSLET � Tyr-D-Ser-Gly-Phe-Leu-Thr � � selective agonistCasomorphin (cow’s milk � opioid receptor agonist) � Tyr-Pro-Phe-Pro-Gly-Pro-Ile7

Dermorphin (South American frog skin � opioid receptor agonist) � Tyr-D-Ala-Phe-Gly-Tyr-Pro-Ser7-NH2Gluten exorphins (multiple peptides from wheat having opioid agonist and antagonist activity)

Figure 24.2 Endogenous and exogenous opioid peptides.

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(Fig. 24.2). Exogenous agonists for the �-receptor includedrugs from the five structural classes discussed later in thischapter (4,5-epoxymorphinan, morphinan, benzomorphan,4-phenyl/4-anilido piperidines, and the diphenylheptanes)and exogenous peptides such as dermorphin isolated fromthe skin of South American frogs. Recently, human neuro-blastoma cells have been shown to be capable of synthesizingmorphine via biosynthesis from radiolabeled tyramine. Thesynthetic route involves at least 19 steps and is similar, butnot exact, to the synthetic route used by the poppy plant.37

The exact role of endogenous morphine is unknown at thistime. In general, agonists at the �-receptor produce analge-sia, respiratory depression, decreased gastrointestinal (GI)motility, euphoria, feeding, and the release of hormones.Agonists are also responsible for the addictive effects of theopioid analgesics. Most clinically used opioid drugs bind tothe �-opioid receptor.


Opioid peptides for the �-receptor include the endogenouspeptides described previously, Met and Leu enkephalin, aswell as some synthetic peptides such as DADLE, DSLET, andDPDPE (see Fig. 24.2 for amino acid sequences). These pep-tides have high affinity for the receptor but low bioavailabilityand thus limited clinical usefulness. They are used in animalin vitro studies as probes for �-receptor location and function.

In an attempt to distinguish the amino acids responsiblefor �-receptor ligand specificity, point mutations of the �-receptor, and �/�-receptor chimeras were constructed.38 Thealtered receptors had a decreased ability to bind to �-receptorselective peptide and nonpeptide ligands, when amino acidsin the extracellular top of TM6 and TM7 and the extracel-lular loop (EC loop 3) that connected them were mutated.

Specifically, amino acids Try284, Val296, and Val297 werecrucial to selective �-ligand binding. These amino acids mayprovide recognition sites on the receptor that the ligandwould have to pass through to reach the putative binding sitedeeper in the TM cavity. Befort et al.39 also used site-directed point mutant receptors along with molecular model-ing to identify Tyr129 in TM3 as the most crucial amino acidfor ligand binding. In addition, they found a role for aminoacid Tyr308 (TM7) in ligand binding.

Nonpeptide agonists and antagonists have been designedto further study the function of the �-receptor. The first non-peptide lead compound selective for the �-receptor came fromscreening. Modifications to the lead compound led to theidentification of SNC-80 as a potent agonist specific for the�-receptor (Fig. 24.4). This compound has weak antinoci-ceptive effects in monkeys, an effect that can be reversed withthe �-antagonist naltrindole (NTI) (Fig. 24.4).40 A series ofSNC-80 analog, prepared by multiple groups, found that theamide nitrogen appears to be the most sensitive to modifica-tions and may play an important role in �-receptor selectiv-ity.41 Portoghese designed 7-spiroindanyloxymorphone(SIOM) (Fig. 24.4) based on the idea that the indole of NTI isacting as an “address” mimic of the Phe4 phenyl group ofenkephalin. The “address–message” concept proposes thatone part of the molecule may act as an “address,” essentiallydirecting the chemical to the correct receptor by bindingspecifically to that receptor, and another part of the moleculeacts as the “message,” which gives the compound thebiological action. The indole of NTI was replaced with aspiroindane functional group equivalent address in SIOM.The N-methyl group of SIOM confers an agonist message asopposed to the antagonist message of the NTI cyclopropylmethyl.42 Additional agonists for the �-receptor have been

780 Wilson and Gisvold’s Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry










































































































































Figure 24.3 Structure of opioid receptors. (Left) Serpentine model of the opioidreceptor. Each transmembrane helix is labeled with a roman number. The white emptycircles represent nonconserved amino acids among the MOP, DOP, KOP, and NOP re-ceptors. White circles with a letter represent identical amino acids among all four opi-oid receptors. Violet circles represent further identity between the MOP-R, DOP-R, andKOP-R. Green circles highlight the highly conserved fingerprint residues of family A re-ceptors, Asn I:18 in TM1, AspII:10 in TM2, CysIII:01 in TM3, TrpIV:10 in TM4, ProV:16 inTM5, ProVI:15 in TM6, and ProVII:17 TM7. Yellow circles depict the two conservedcystines in EL loops 1 and 2, likely forming a disulfide bridge. (IL, intracellular loop,and EL, extracellular loop.) (Right) Proposed arrangement of the seven transmembranehelices of opioid receptors as viewed from the top (extracellular side). The seven trans-membrane helices are arranged sequentially in a counterclockwise manner. Each trans-membrane helix is labeled with a roman number. (Reprinted with permission from theAnnual Review of Biochemistry, Volume 73 © 2004 by Annual Reviews.)

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developed based on the octahydroisoquinoline structure withfive-membered ring spacers being �-receptor antagonists andsix-membered ring spacers, agonists. TAN-67 is the mostextensively studied in this class (Fig. 24.4).41 The �-receptortolerates multiple chemical structures, and no pharmacophorehas been identified that can accommodate all of the diversestructures.38,43

Transgenic mice lacking the �-receptor have been gener-ated and found to display increased levels of anxiety. In ad-dition, �-receptor agonist show antidepressant activity in ratmodels.32,44 These results suggest that ligands targeting thisreceptor may represent new leads for the treatment ofschizophrenia, bipolar disorders, and depression. There arefew clinical reports of selective �-receptor agonist use in hu-mans, although they are reported to have proconvulsiveactivity that may limit their use.44


Kappa receptors are primarily found in the limbic, brain stem,and spinal cord.34 The �-receptor shows less structural ho-mology to the �-receptor than the �-receptor does. (Fig. 24.3)Unlike the �- and �-receptors that bind the (enkephalin) pep-tide sequence Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-(Leu/Met), the �-receptordoes not. The �-receptor shows a clear preference for bindingpeptides with an arginine in position 6 as seen in the dynor-phin peptides (Fig. 24.2).45

The structure of some �-agonists and an antagonist canbe seen in Figure 24.5.46,47 TRK-820 is a �-agonist display-ing approximately 15 times selectivity toward �-receptorsversus �-receptors.46 The 4,5-epoxymorphinan structure ofTRK-820 is proposed to mimic the tyrosine–glycine moietyof endogenous opioid peptides, in effect the agonistmessage. The additional 6�-substituent constitutes the ad-dress directing the compound to the �-receptor. Spiradolinewas one of the earliest compounds to show improved �-receptor selectivity (125 times over �-receptors). SARs onthis class of compounds revealed that methyl-substitutednitrogen amides, a methylene spacer between the amide and

the aromatic ring and the (�) isomer were all required for �-activity. The dichlorophenyl ring could be replaced with a 4-benzothiophene or a 4-benzofuran for increased potency and�-receptor selectivity.41 Salvinorin A (Fig. 24.5) a nonnitro-gen-containing natural compound found in the herb sage isa potent agonist at the �-receptor.48 The hallucinogenicproperties of salvia divinorum (sage) have been known forhundreds of years but recently, these properties have beenexploited by online groups attempting to sell legal hal-lucinogenic compounds. The �-antagonist nor-binaltor-phimine (nor-BNI) was made by incorporating a rigid pyr-role spacer linking two �-pharmacophores. Nor-BNI is usedin the laboratory to determine if �-receptors are involved inan observed activity.41 The second pharmacophore of nor-BNI is not required for �-antagonism, and compounds thatare missing the second aromatic ring have been found to beeven more selective and potent antagonists at the �-receptor.

In clinical trials, most �-agonists produce dysphoria andthus may be less psychologically addicting but also lessacceptable to patients. Some compounds with �-agonist ac-tivity (e.g., pentazocine, nalbuphine) are available, but theclinical development of pure �-agonists has been limited bythe centrally mediated side effects. Spiradoline was devel-oped under the premise that a selective �-agonist would bean analgesic without the �-opioid–mediated problems asso-ciated with addiction and respiratory depression. Clinicaltrials in humans found that spiradoline did not produce anal-gesic effects within a dose range that did not also cause dys-phoria, diuresis, and sedation.47 The selective �-agonistTRK-820 shows some promise for the treatment of uremicpruritus, the itch associated with dialysis.49


The traditional opioid peptides do not elicit any biologicaleffect at the orphanin receptor. An endogenous peptide forthe orphanin receptor has been found and termed orphaninFQ or nociceptin (Fig. 24.2). This 17 amino acid peptide canreverse the analgesic effects of morphine thus is antiopioid




Naltrindole (NTI) δ receptor antagonist




7-spiroindanyloxymorphone (SIOM)δ receptor agonist



"address" for δ receptorPhe4 mimic of enkephalin

"address" for δ receptorPhe4 mimic of enkephalin








(+) SNC-80 δ receptor agonist





TAN-67δ receptor agonist

Figure 24.4 Selective �-receptor ligands.

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in some situations.50 The carboxy-terminal half of the recep-tor may serve as the portion that excludes binding to the �-,�-, and �-opioid ligands. The functional role of the receptoris still being investigated, but selective agonists have beenshown to delay gastric emptying and decrease gastric secre-tory functions in rats.51 In addition, this receptor is found onairway nerves, and agonists decrease bronchospasms inguinea pigs and cats. This receptor is a target for the designof novel peripherally acting antitussive agents, although nocompounds are on the market at present.


Relating the structure of the chemical ligand to the phys-iologic activity it induces can only be accomplished bylooking at each receptor type individually. The chemicallydiverse nature of agonists and antagonists found for the �-,�-, and �-receptors is testimony to the adaptability of the

receptors to multiple chemical backbones and tolerance fordivergent functional groups. The reader is referred to re-views of the �- and �-receptor for detailed SARs for ligandsat those receptors.41 A summary review of the SARs of the�-receptor compounds is included in the drug monographsection below. For the purpose of this chapter, the drugclasses covered will be 4,5-epoxymorphinans, morphinans,benzomorphans, 4-phenylpiperidines/4-anilidopiperidines,diphenylheptanes, and the miscellaneous category.



A summary of the SARs of the 4,5-epoxymorphinan struc-ture can be seen in Figure 24.6, and these are discussed inthe succeeding individual drug monographs.

782 Wilson and Gisvold’s Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry




"address" for κ receptor



opioid receptor Tyr1-Gly2 "message"



O Cl








(-) spiradolineκ receptor agonist (125 x over �)

TRK-820 κ receptor agonistmodest selectivity (15x over �)

Nor-binaltorphimine (nor-BNI)κ receptor antagonist

salvinorin Aκ receptor agonist






OOFigure 24.5 Selective �-receptorligands.


Changes on Morphine that increase analgesic activityC6 - OH to OAcC3 and C6 - OH to OAc C6 - OH to O-Sulfate or O-glucuronide C6 - OH to =O and C7-C8 single bondC6 - OH to H and C7-C8 single bondC14 - H to βOH N - CH3 to CH2CH2PhN - CH3 to CH2CH2furanN - CH3 to CH2C=OPhRemoval of C4-C5 ether link

Changes on Morphine that produce antagonistsN - CH3 to CH2CH=CH2N - CH3 to CH2

23 4



5 67







D ring







Figure 24.6 Summary of functional group changes on morphine structure.

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Chapter 24 Analgesics 783


The prototype ligand for the �-receptor is morphine. Thenumbering and ring lettering (A, B, C. . .) can be seen inFigure 24.6. Morphine contains 5 chiral centers and has16 optical isomers (not 32 because of the restriction of C-9to C-13 ethanamino bridge). The naturally occurring, activeform of morphine is the levorotatory enantiomorph withthe stereochemistry 5(R), 6(S), 9(R), 13(S), and 14 (R). Thex-ray determined conformation of morphine is a “T” shapewith the A, B, and E rings forming the vertical portion, andthe C and D ring forming the top (Fig. 24.6).41

Morphine was isolated from opium in 1806 by a Germanpharmacist, Seturner. He named the compound “morphine”after the Greek god of dreams “Morpheus.” The first men-tion of the opium poppy was found in Iraq on clay tabletsinscribed in cuneiform script in about 3000 BC.52 Opium hasbeen used throughout history and is found in ancientEgyptian, Greek, Roman, Arabic, Indian, and Chinese writ-ing. Opium is isolated from the opium poppy, Papaversomniferum, by lancing the unripe pod and collecting anddrying the latex that seeps from the incision. Opium con-tains over 40 different alkaloids with most alkaloids repre-sented in the following five structures: morphine(8%–17%), codeine (0.7%–5%), thebaine (0.1%–2.5%), pa-paverine (0.5%–1.5%), and noscapine (1%–10%).52

Although the total synthesis of morphine has beenaccomplished by various chemical processes, it is still pro-duced from the poppy latex.53 Thus far, no synthetic path-way is efficient enough to make it competitive with thepreparation of morphine from either isolation or semisyn-

thesis from a precursor compound from the poppy plant.The endogenous synthesis of morphine in human neuroblas-toma cells has been elegantly described.37 The function ofendogenous morphine is unknown at this time, but the genesand enzymes involved in morphine biosynthesis may be-come targets for novel drugs used to treat pain.

Morphine is the prototype �-receptor agonist; it is thedrug to which all other �-agonists are compared. The phar-macological properties of morphine are well documentedand include analgesia, its primary use. For equivalent anal-gesic effect, the oral dose must be 3 times the intravenous(IV) dose to account for the morphine lost to first-pass he-patic metabolism. The equianalgesic dose of morphine con-geners can be seen in Figure 24.7.

Morphine is extensively metabolized via phase II conju-gation to morphine-3-glucuronide (�60%), morphine-6-glucuronide (�9%), and, to a lesser extent, the N-demethyl-ated metabolite (�3%)54 (Fig. 24.8). Much controversyexists on the contribution of the metabolites of both codeine-6-glucuronide and morphine-6-glucuronide to their analgesiceffect. In some studies, the 6-glucuronide metabolite of bothdrugs contributes significantly to their potency.55–57 In otherstudies, the 6-glucuronide metabolites of morphine andcodeine produces very little analgesic effect.58,59

Morphine, or another potent opioid drug, is introduced inthe WHO stepladder when pain is severe and no relief is ob-tained from NSAIDs or a combination of NSAIDs and a lesspotent opioid. Morphine is a monoacidic base and readilyforms water-soluble salts with most acids. Because morphineitself is poorly soluble in water (1 g/5,000 mL at 25°C ), the



Morphineoral =30 mgparenteral=10 mg



Codeineoral =200 mgparenteral=130 mg









Heroinoral =15 mgparenteral=5 mg

Hydromorphoneoral =7.5mgparenteral=1.5 mg



Hydrocodoneoral =30 mgparenteral=NA




Oxycodoneoral =20 mgparenteral=NA




Oxymorphoneoral =10 mgparenteral=1 mg



MorphinanR= OH (-) Levorphanol oral = 2 mgR= OCH3 (+) Dextromethorphan

Figure 24.7 4,5-Epoxymorphinans andmorphinans.

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sulfate salt is formed for both oral, IV, and suppository use.The usual starting parenteral dose of morphine in adults is2.5 to 5 mg q 4 hours. Morphine is available for oral use bothas an immediate release and sustained release formulation.The immediate release preparations are dosed q 4 hours,and the sustained release formulations are dosed q 12 to q24 hours depending on the formulation.


Codeine is an alkaloid that occurs naturally in opium, butthe amount present is usually too small to be of commercialimportance. Consequently, most commercial codeine is pre-pared from morphine by methylating the phenolic OHgroup. It occurs as levorotatory, colorless, efflorescent crys-tals, or as a white crystalline powder. It is light sensitive.Codeine is a monoacidic base and readily forms salts withacids, with the most important being the sulfate and thephosphate. The acetate and methylbromide derivatives havebeen used to a limited extent in cough preparations.

The general pharmacological action of codeine is simi-lar to that of morphine, but it does not possess the sameanalgesic potency. The equianalgesic dose of parenteralmorphine 3 to 5 mg q 4 hours is codeine 30 to 65 mg q4 hours. The equianalgesic dose of oral morphine 10 mg q4 hours is codeine 60 mg q 4 hours. The decreased potencyalso leads to a lower addiction potential compared withmorphine. Side effects include respiratory depression,mioisis, constipation, nausea, itching, dry mouth, anddrowsiness. Approximately 5% of codeine is metabolizedto morphine via O-demethylation. (Fig. 24.8) The enzymeresponsible for the O-demethylation of codeine is cy-tochrome P450 (CYP) 2D6. This enzyme exhibits geneticpolymorphism with an estimated 7% to 10% of Caucasiansdesignated as poor metabolizers, and thus only able to formtraces of morphine after codeine is administered.60 Theanalgesic component of codeine has long been assumed to

be the O-demethylated metabolite, morphine. If codeinehas no analgesic potency itself, then patients who lackthis enzyme should have no analgesic effect to adminis-tered codeine. This has been shown not to be the case, socodeine itself may posses analgesic activity, or codeine-6-glucuronide may be the active analgesic.56,57

Codeine’s role as an effective antitussive agent has beenquestioned. A Cochrane evidence-based review of the liter-ature shows that codeine is no more effective than placebofor acute cough in children or adults.61 Codeine is availablein several combination products with either aspirin, ibupro-fen, or acetaminophen for the treatment of moderate pain.


Heroin, was first commercially synthesized in 1898 byBayer company in Germany as an alternate analgesic tomorphine. Heroin is the 3,6 diacetylated form of morphine(Fig. 24.7). The laboratory researchers, which also used theacetylation process to convert salicylic acid into acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), believed that heroin would be an ef-fective analgesic with no addictive properties. This was un-fortunately not the case. They named the product “heroin”because it made the test subjects, including some of thechemists, feel “heroic.” With both OH groups protected asan ester, heroin can pass through the blood-brain barrierquicker than morphine and lead to the euphoric “rush” thatbecomes so addictive to addicts, especially after IV injec-tion. Once heroin is in the brain, it is quickly metabolizedto 3-acetylmorphine, which has low to zero activity at the�-receptor and 6-acetylmorphine, which is 2 to 3 timesmore potent at the �-receptor than morphine.62

Heroin is not available as a prescription product in theUnited States, although it is available in some countries totreat pain associated with cancer and myocardial infarctions.It remains one of the most widely used narcotics for illicitpurposes and places major economic burdens on society.

784 Wilson and Gisvold’s Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry







3 glucuronidation or6 glucuronidation



conj conj



6 glucuronidation

O O-conjH3CO




CYP3A4 (major)

CYP2C8 (minor)




conj = glucuronide or sulfate


Figure 24.8 Metabolism of morphine and codeine.

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Hydromorphone, (Dilaudid) is a synthetic derivative ofmorphine prepared by the catalytic hydrogenation and dehy-drogenation of morphine under acidic conditions, using alarge excess of platinum or palladium.63 Oxidation of the 6-OH of morphine resulted in a compound with decreased po-tency. Reducing the 7,8 double bond of morphine increasedthe flexibility of the molecule and resulted in a compoundwith slightly enhanced binding. Making both of these struc-tural changes to morphine-produced hydromorphone, acompound approximately 5 times as potent as morphine.Hydromorphone was introduced in 1926 and is available as animmediate release tablet, a liquid, and a suppository. A sus-tained release form is available in some countries but not inthe United States. The sustained release form was removedfrom the U.S. market in 2005 when studies showed that drink-ing 8 oz of alcohol (40%) could cause the drug to be releasedfrom the capsule immediately and lead to concentrations thatwere 5.5 times higher than in patients that did not drink alco-hol. This potentially lethal combination prompted the Foodand Drug Administration (FDA) to remove it from the market.


Hydrocodone is the 3 methoxy version of hydromorphone.The loss of the 3-OH group yields a compound that is approx-imately 4 to 5 times less potent than hydromorphone, thusabout equal to morphine. Unlike codeine, the agonist activityof hydrocodone does not require 3-O-demethylation, al-though it does occur via CYP2D6 representing 4.6% of totalclearance.64 The protected 3-position has better brain penetra-tion, and the 7,8-dihydro-6-keto C ring contributes to the in-creased binding of the compound to the �-receptor.

There are no pure hydrocodone products available on theU.S. market. All FDA-approved products containing hy-drocodone are combination products. Like codeine, hy-drocodone is marketed as an antitussive agent. It is avail-able combined with the anticholinergic agent homatropineas a syrup and a tablet. The addition of the anticholinergicagent is to discourage abuse. It is also available in a delayedrelease suspension form (Tussionex). This formulation usesa sulfonated styrene divinylbenzene copolymer complexedwith hydromorphone and chlorpheniramine that acts as acation-exchange resin slowly releasing the drugs over a 12-hour period. Hydrocodone is also marketed in combinationwith acetaminophen (Vicodin, Lortab) or aspirin (LortabASA) for the treatment of pain. The dose of acetaminophenconsumed by the patient must be closely monitored, andprescriptions that allow for greater than 4 grams of aceta-minophen per 24-hour period should not be dispensed.


Oxycodone is synthesized from the natural opium alkaloidthebaine. Oxycodone is the 14 beta-hydroxyl version of hy-drocodone. This additional functional group gives oxycodonegreater potency (1.5 times orally) than hydrocodone presum-ably by increasing receptor affinity. The oral bioavailabilityof oxycodone is 65% to 87%.65 The metabolism of oxy-codone follows the similar pattern of opioid metabolism withN-demethylation, O-demethylation, and their glucuronides allidentified. Per the manufacturer, the analgesic effect of oxy-codone correlates well with oxycodone plasma concentra-tions, not the minimal amount of oxymorphone formed, thus

oxycodone is not assumed to be a prodrug. There are no large-scale studies of oxycodone used for analgesia in CYP2D6poor metabolizers that can confirm this.

Oxycodone is marketed in combination with acetamino-phen (Percocet), aspirin (Percodan), and ibuprofen(Combunox). It has been available for over 50 years as animmediate-release tablet, and in 1995 an extended-releasetablet was approved by the FDA (OxyContin). OxyContin ismanufactured in eight strengths from 10 to 160 mg, and thehigh-dose preparations quickly became attractive to drugabusers. The extended-release tablets are crushed and theninjected or snorted to give an immediate high. The DrugAbuse Warning Network (DAWN) is a public health surveil-lance system that monitors drug-related emergency roomvisits and drug-related deaths. In 1995, they estimated that598,542 emergency room visits involved the nonmedical useof a pharmaceutical (e.g., antidepressant, anxiolytic, stimu-lant). Of these ER visits, 160,363 visits were attributed toopiates with an estimated 42,810 involving oxycodone or anoxycodone combination. Methadone and hydrocodone/com-binations were estimated to be similar to oxycodone.66


Oxymorphone is the 14 beta-hydroxyl version of hydromor-phone, analogous to the hydrocodone, oxycodone pair dis-cussed above. Although the addition of the 14 beta-hydroxylgroup to hydrocodone (30 mg) yielded oxycodone (20 mg),a more potent drug, the opposite is true for the conversion ofhydromorphone (7.5 mg) to oxymorphone (10 mg). The rea-son for this is that the oral bioavailability of oxymorphone(10%) is lower than that of hydromorphone (35%) becauseof decreased absorption and increased first-pass metabo-lism. Presumably, the addition of the OH group does in-crease its binding affinity at the receptor as the injectableform of oxymorphone (1 mg) is more potent than injectablehydromorphone (1.5 mg).

Oxymorphone is available as a suppository (5 mg), an in-jection (1 mg/mL), an immediate-release tablet (5 mg, 10mg), and in 2003 the FDA approved a sustained release for-mulation (Opana ER 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, and 40 mg). The12-hour coverage of the extended release tablet provides an-other option for those patients suffering from chronic pain.The side effect profile of the extended release formulationsof morphine, oxycodone, and oxymorphone are similar, andthere appears to be no clear advantage of one over the other.


The morphinans were made by removing the E ring of mor-phine, the 4,5-ether bridge, in an attempt to simplify thestructure (Fig. 24.7).


Levorphanol tartrate is the levorotatory form of methorphanand is approximately 7.5 times more potent than morphineorally. The loss of the 4,5-epoxide and the 7,8-double bondallows levorphanol greater flexibility and presumable leadsto the increased binding affinity at all opioid receptor sub-types compared with morphine. The plasma half-life of lev-orphanol is about 6 to 8 hours but displays great interpersonvariability and may increase upon repeated dosing. Theexcretion of levorphanol is dependent on the kidneys, socaution must be used in renally compromised patients.67

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The analgesic effect of levorphanol may not match the longplasma half-life, and patients must be closely monitored fordrug accumulation and respiratory depression. Levorphanolhas strong agonist activity at the �-, �-, and �-opioid recep-tors and has also been shown to be a noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-receptor antagonist.68 Thepharmacodynamic properties of levorphanol are sufficientlydifferent to make it an attractive alternate for patients thatreceive inadequate pain relief from morphine. Levorphanolis available as a 2-mg oral tablet (Levo-Dromoran), and a 2-mg/mL solution for injection.


Dextromethorphan is the dextrorotatory form of levorphanolwith a methoxy group on the 3-position (Fig. 24.7). It is avail-able in more than 140 over-the-counter (OTC) cough and coldformulations.69 Evidence-based reviews have been unable toconclude that it is more effective than placebo in reducingcough.61,70 Like (�) and (�) levorphanol, (�) dextromethor-phan is a potent NMDA antagonist and, in higher than rec-ommended doses, has the potential for causing dissociativeanesthetic effects similar to ketamine or phencyclidine (PCP).The OTC status and availability of pure dextromethorphanpowder online has contributed greatly to its abuse in recentyears. DAWN reports that in 2004, there were approximately12,500 emergency room visits involving dextromethorphanwith 44% of those involving abuse of the drug.71 The 2006National Survey on Drug Abuse report shows that nearly 1million persons aged 12 to 25 years (1.7%) misused OTCcough and cold medications in the past year.69

Dextromethorphan’s ability to antagonize the NMDA re-ceptor has led to its use to treat phantom pain, diabetic neu-ropathy, and postoperative acute pain.72,73


Structural simplification of the morphine ring system further,by removing the C ring of the morphinan structure, yields thebenzomorphans also referred to as the benzazocines.


The benzomorphans are prepared synthetically and thus re-sult in several stereoisomers. The active benzomorphans arethose that have the equivalent bridgehead carbons in thesame absolute configuration of morphine (carbons 9, 13,and 14 of morphine). The only benzomorphan in clinical useis pentazocine, which is prepared as the 2(R), 6(R), 11(R)enantiomer (Chemical Abstracts numbering).74 Pentazocineis a mixed agonist/antagonist displaying differing intrinsicactivity at the opioid receptor subtypes. At the �-receptor,pentazocine is a partial agonist and a weak antagonist.






According to the manufacturer, a 50-mg dose of pentazocinehas about the same analgesic potency as 60 mg of codeineand about 1/50th the antagonistic activity of nalorphine.74

Pentazocine is also an agonist at the �-receptor, and thismay be responsible for the higher percentage of patients thatexperience dysphoria with pentazocine versus morphine.75

Some evidence also exists that women respond better to �-agonists than men.76,77 Pentazocine is available in a 50-mgtablet along with a low dose of the antagonist naloxone 0.5mg (Talwin NX). Naloxone 0.5 mg orally is expected tohave no pharmacological effect but is included to dissuadeIV drug abusers from dissolving and injecting Talwin NX.

4-Phenylpiperidines and 4-Anilidopiperidines

Further structural simplification of the benzomorphan ringsystem, via removal of the B ring of the benzomorphansyields the 4-substituted piperidines. The resultant structuresare flexible and, without the B ring locking the A ring in anaxial position relative to the piperidine (D) ring, the A ringcan exist in either an axial or an equatorial position. MuchSAR work has been conducted on theses compounds, andthe reader is referred to Casy’s book for a detailed review.62


Meperidine (Demerol) (Fig. 24.9) was discovered in 1939during a serendipitous screening of compounds being stud-ied for antispasmodic activity. Mice given meperidine werenoted to carry their tails in an erect position (the Straub tailreaction), which was indicative of narcotic analgesia. Thisled to the study of meperidine and derivatives as analgesicagents. Meperidine was found to have low potency at the re-ceptor compared with morphine (0.2%) but much higherpenetration into the brain resulting in a compound withabout 10% of the potency of morphine.41 Meperidine is anagonist at the �-receptor and a 300-mg oral or 75-mg IVdose is reported to be equianalgesic with morphine 30-mgoral or 10-mg IV dose.

The 4-ethyl ester was found to be the optimal length foranalgesic potency. Increasing or decreasing the chain lengthdecreased activity.41 Structural changes that increase thepotency of meperidine include the introduction of an m-hydroxyl on the phenyl ring, substituting the methyl on theN for a phenylethyl or a p-aminophenylethyl.41 Replacingthe N-methyl with an N-allyl or N-cyclopropylmethyl groupdoes not generate an antagonist, unlike the similar substitu-tion of the morphine congeners. Meperidine quickly pene-trates the blood-brain barrier and thus has a quick onset ofactivity and a high abuse potential. Meperidine is metabo-lized to normeperidine (Fig. 24.10) by the liver enzymesCYP3A4 and CYP2C18 and in the brain by CYP2B6.Meperidine and normeperidine are also metabolized by livercarboxylesterases.78,79 The metabolism to normeperidinehas clinical consequences. The duration of analgesia ofmeperidine may be shorter than the 3- to 4-hour half-life ofthe drug. This may necessitate frequent dosing to relievepain, and thus the excessive formation of normeperidine.Normeperidine has been shown to cause central nervoussystem (CNS) excitation that presents clinically as tremors,twitches, “shaky feelings,” and multifocal myoclonus poten-tially followed by grand mal seizures.80 Patients at the great-est risk of developing normeperidine toxicity are those thatare on high doses, long durations (greater than 3 days), have

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Chapter 24 Analgesics 787

renal dysfunction, thus cannot eliminate the normeperidine,and those on CYP inducers.81

In addition to the CNS toxicity of normeperidine, meperi-dine has also been found to be a weak serotonin reuptake in-hibitor and has been involved in serotonin toxicity reactionswhen used with monoamine oxidase inhibitors or serotoninreuptake inhibitors.82 Meperidine is available in tablet, liquid,and injectable forms. The use of meperidine should be limitedto those patients that have true allergies to the morphine-typeopioids, and patients should be monitored for toxicity.


Diphenoxylate (Fig. 24.9) is a weak opioid agonist and isavailable combined with atropine (Lomotil) for use as an an-tidiarrheal agent. At low doses, the opioid effect is minimal,

and the atropine is added to dissuade abuse. One studyfound both codeine and loperamide to be superior to diphe-noxylate for treating chronic diarrhea.83 The manufacturerhas strict dosing guidelines for pediatric use because opioidintoxication and deaths from diphenoxylate have beenreported.84


Loperamide (Imodium) is a 4-phenylypiperidine with amethadone-like structure attached to the piperidine nitrogen(Fig. 24.9). It acts as an antidiarrheal by directly binding tothe opiate receptors in the gut wall. Loperamide inhibitsacetylcholine and prostaglandin release, decreasing peristal-sis and fluid secretion thus increasing the GI transit time andreducing the volume of fecal matter.85,86 Loperamide is























esterase metabolism




OH3CMeperidine R= CH3Diphenoxylate R = CH2CH2C








Figure 24.9 4-Phenylpiperidines and 4-anilidopiperidines.


OH3C CYP3A4CYP2C18CYP2B6 (brain)











Inactive renal elimination







R= H, CH3

Figure 24.10 Metabolism of meperidine.

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sufficiently lipophilic to cross the blood-brain barrier, yet itdisplays no CNS-opioid effects. The reason for this is that itis actively pumped out of the brain via the P-glycoproteinpump (MDR1).87 Knockout mice with the P-glycoproteinpump genetically removed were given radiolabeled lo-peramide and sacrificed 4 hours later. The [3H]loperamideconcentrations were measured and compared with wild-typemice. A 13.5-fold increase in loperamide concentration wasfound in the brain of the knockouts. In addition, the micelacking the P-glycoprotein pump displayed pronouncedsigns of central opiate agonism.87 Loperamide is availableas 2-mg capsules for treatment of acute and chronic diar-rhea. Recommended dosage is 4 mg initially, with 2 mgafter each loose stool for a maximum of 16 mg/d.


When the 4-phenyl substituent of meperidine was replacedwith a 4-aniline with a nitrogen connection, the potency in-creased. This led to the development of the 4-anilidopiperi-dine series of compounds seen in Figure 24.9. Fentanyl(Sublimaze) was the first compound marketed and wasfound to be almost 500 times more potent than meperidine.The high lipophilicity of fentanyl gave it a quick onset, andthe quick metabolism led to a short duration of action. Thecombination of potency, quick onset, and quick recovery ledto the use of fentanyl as an adjunct anesthetic. In addition tothe injectable formulation, fentanyl is available in a uniquetransdermal system (Duragesic). This formulation is benefi-cial to many chronic pain sufferers unable to take oral med-ication. The transdermal system releases fentanyl from thedrug reservoir patch into the skin, forming a depot layer.The fentanyl is then absorbed into the systemic circulation.Patches are replaced every 72 hours, and serum concentra-tions of fentanyl can be maintained relatively constant. Atransmucosal lollipop form (Actiq) for breakthrough painonly in opioid tolerant cancer patients is also available.

The SAR studies of the 4-phenylpiperidine analgesicsfound that the propionamide is the optimal chain length.Adding polar groups to the 4-piperidine carbon (CH2OCH3

in sufentanil and alfentanil, COOCH3 in remifentanil) in-creases potency. The piperidine nitrogen of fentanyl con-tains a phenethyl substituent that appears to be the correctchain length for optimal potency. Molecular docking studiesspeculate that the phenethyl group of fentanyl binds to acrevice between TM2 and TM3 of the �-opioid receptor.This model also aligns the cationic nitrogen of fentanyl withthe conserved Asp but leaves the aromatic pocket of the ringunoccupied.88 Substituting the N-phenethyl group withbioisosteres led to the development of fentanyl congenersalfentanil, sufentanil, and remifentanil.


The addition of a methoxy methyl on the 4-piperidine and thesubstitution of the phenethyl ring for an ethyl-substitutedtetrazole-one yielded a compound with about one fourth toone third the potency of fentanyl (Fig. 24.9). Although lesspotent, it has a quicker onset of action, a shorter duration ofaction, and thus a better, safety profile for use as an anestheticadjunct. The piperidine amine has a pKa of 6.5 compared withfentanyl’s pKa of 8.4. This results in a higher proportion ofunionized drug for alfentanil leading to quicker penetrationthrough the blood-brain barrier and thus onset of action.41

Alfentanil (Alfenta) is available as an IV injection for use asan analgesic adjunct for induction of general anesthesia and tomaintain analgesia during general surgical procedures.


Sufentanil (Sufenta) contains the same 4 methoxy methylsubstituent as alfentanil along with an isosteric replacementof the phenyl of the phenethyl group with a thiophene ring(Fig. 24.9). The resulting compound is about 7 times morepotent than fentanyl with an immediate onset of action anda similar recovery time compared with fentanyl. Sufentanilis only available in an injectable formulation and is alsoused as an anesthetic adjunct.


Remifentanil (Ultiva) was designed as a “soft drug.” Softdrugs are designed to undergo metabolism quickly and thushave ultrashort durations of action. In place of the ethylaromatic ring seen on the other piperidine opioids, remifen-tanil has an ester group (Fig. 24.9). This ester group is me-tabolized by esterases in the blood and tissue to a weaklyactive metabolite (1:300–1:1,000 the potency of remifen-tanil).89 The n-octanol/water partition coefficient ofremifentanil is 17.9. The pKa of remifentanil is 7.07, thus itis predominately unionized at physiological pH. Both ofthese properties account for its rapid distribution across theblood-brain barrier (�1 minute). The ester hydrolysis leadsto a quick recovery (5–10 minutes) independent of durationof drug administration, renal, or liver function. The favor-able pharmacodynamics of remifentanil have led to its usefor induction and maintenance of surgical anesthesia.



Methadone (Dolophine) (Fig. 24.11) is a synthetic opioidapproved for analgesic therapy and for the maintenance andtreatment of opioid addiction. Methadone is marketed as the

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Methadone Acetylmethadol (LAAM) Propoxyphene














Figure 24.11 Diphenylheptanes.

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racemate, although the opioid activity resides in the R-enan-tiomer (7–50 times more potent than the S-enantiomer).Methadone may only be dispensed for the treatment of opi-oid addiction by a program certified by the FederalSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis-tration. Methadone is a �-receptor agonist with complex andhighly variable pharmacokinetic parameters. Bioavailabilityfollowing oral administration ranges from 36% to 100%.Steady-state volume of distribution ranges between 1.0 to8.0 L/kg. Methadone is highly bound to plasma �1-acid gly-coprotein (85%–90%), and t1/2 elimination ranged between8 and 59 hours. The wide range in parameters leads to diffi-culty when trying to switch from one opioid to methadonefor either treatment of pain or substance abuse. Methadonedoses and administration schedules need to be individual-ized and closely monitored. The metabolism and elimina-tion of methadone also lead to much interpatient variabilityand can be effected by genetic CYP levels, drug–drug inter-actions, and the pH of the urine (Fig. 24.12).90 The majormetabolic pathway of methadone metabolism is via N-demethylation to an unstable product that spontaneouslycyclizes to form the inactive 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP). Initial reports concluded thatCYP3A4 was the major isoform responsible for this path-way, but more recent reports indicate that CYP2B6 is prima-rily responsible for the N-demethylation.91–95

Adverse effects of methadone include all of the standardopioid effects including constricted pupils, respiratory depres-sion, physical dependence, extreme somnolence, coma, car-diac arrest, and death. In addition, QT interval prolongationand torsades de pointes have been reported. The QT intervalprolongation reported for methadone was also observed in an-other diphenylheptane, levomethadyl, or levo-�-acetyl-methadol (LAAM) (Orlaam) that was also used to treat opioidaddiction. The severe cardiac-related adverse events resultedin the removal of LAAM from the U.S. market in 2003.


Most of the structural changes to the methadone skeletonresulted in compounds with decreased opioid potencies, thusmost of these compounds, with the exception of LAAM werenot developed. Propoxyphene is a derivative of methadonemarketed in 1957 as the enantiomerically pure (2S, 3R)-

4-(Dimethylamino)-3-methyl-1,2,-diphenyl-2-butanol propi-onate (ester). It is only about 1/10th as potent as morphine asan analgesic yet retains all the same opioid adverse effects.One propoxyphene 65-mg capsule has the same analgesic ef-fect of 650 mg of aspirin or 1,000 mg of acetaminophen, thusoverdoses of propoxyphene can occur if patients do not fol-low the prescribed dose. Between 1981 and 1999, 2,110 ac-cidental deaths were reported because of propoxyphene.Propoxyphene and all propoxyphene combination productsare listed using the Beers criteria as medications to avoid inpatients older than 65 years of age.96 The metabolism ofpropoxyphene also contributes to the potential dangers of thedrug. Propoxyphene is metabolized via N-demethylation toform norpropoxyphene. Norpropoxyphene has been shownto build up in cardiac tissues and result in naloxone-insensi-tive cardiotoxicity.97 The weak analgesic action and potentialrisk to the patient have some health practitioners advocatingto remove all drugs containing propoxyphene from the mar-ket.98 The hydrochloride salt is marketed as Darvon, the nap-sylate salt as Darvon-N, both salts are also available com-bined with acetaminophen (Darvocet, Darvocet-N) and apropoxyphene, aspirin, caffeine product is also available.



Tramadol (Ultram) is an analgesic agent with multiple mech-anisms of action. It is a weak �-agonist with approximately30% of the analgesic effect antagonized by the opioid antag-onist naloxone. Used at recommended doses, it has minimaleffects on respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure, or GItransit times. Structurally, tramadol resembles codeine with






Major pathwayCYP2B6, CYP3A4, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2C9













2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP)Inactive






p-hydroxylationof one ring


(minor pathway)

Figure 24.12 Metabolism of methadone.

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the B, D, and E ring removed. The manufacturer states thatpatients allergic to codeine should not receive tramadol, be-cause they may be at increased risk for anaphylactic reac-tions.99 Tramadol is synthesized and marketed as the racemicmixture of two (the [2S, 3S] [-] and the [2R, 3R] [�]) of thefour possible enantiomers.100 The (�) enantiomer is about30 times more potent than the (�) enantiomer; however,racemic tramadol shows improved tolerability.101,102

Neurotransmitter reuptake inhibition is also responsible forsome of the analgesic activity with the (�) enantiomer pri-marily responsible for norepinephrine reuptake and the (�)enantiomer responsible for inhibiting serotonin reup-take.101,103 Like codeine, tramadol is O-demethylated viaCYP2D6 to a more potent opioid agonist having 200-foldhigher affinity for the opioid receptor than the parent com-pound. Tramadol was initially marketed as nonaddictive, anda 3-year follow up study showed that the abuse potential isvery low, but not zero. Most abusers of tramadol have abusedopioid drugs in the past.104 Both enantiomers of tramadoland the major O-demethylated metabolite are proconvulsive,and tramadol should not be used in patients with a low-seizure threshold including patients with epilepsy.101

Mixed Agonist/Antagonist


Nalbuphine (Nubain) is structurally a member of thephenanthrene class of compounds and resembles oxymor-phone with a cyclobutyl methyl group on the nitrogen,equivalent to naloxone’s substitution. It was introduced in1979 as an agonist/antagonist with the hope of becoming aneffective pain reliever with little abuse potential. Althoughthe abuse potential of nalbuphine is low, it is not zero, andincreasing reports of diversion and abuse can be found in theliterature and the Internet.105 At low parenteral doses(�0.5 mg), it has an analgesic potency approximately twothirds that of morphine, and it has a similar degree of respi-ratory depression. However, escalating doses above 30 mgdoes not produce further respiratory depression.106 The oralbioavailability of nalbuphine is only 12%, and the drug isonly marketed as an injectable.107 Patents have been filed foran oral extended-release formulation, and it is presently inphase II testing.108 The pharmacologic profile of nalbuphinein animal studies includes agonist activity at the �-receptorand antagonist activity at the �-receptor.109 Clinical studieshave shown that nalbuphine, and �-agonists in general, mayhave better analgesic activity in female patients comparedwith male patients.77 Used as the sole opioid agent, nal-buphine has been used successfully to treat the pain of labor,cesarean section, dental extraction, hip replacement, andhysterectomy surgery.110 Nalbuphine also may have a role in






treating opioid-induced pruritus, because it can reverse thepruritus without reversing the analgesic effect when used inlow doses. Nalbuphine is marketed as an injectable (10 and20 mg/mL). The usual dose is 10 mg administered subcuta-neously, intramuscularly, or intravenously at 3- to 6-hour in-tervals, with a maximal daily dose of 160 mg.


Structurally, butorphanol is a morphinan and shares the samecyclobutyl methyl group on the nitrogen as nalbuphine. Likenalbuphine, butorphanol is an agonist at the �-receptor but atthe �-receptor butorphanol is both a partial agonist and anantagonist.111 The affinity for opioid receptors in vitro is1:4:25 for the �-, �-, and �-receptors respectively.111 Thehigh affinity for the �-receptors is proposed to give butor-phanol its analgesic properties and is also responsible for theCNS adverse effects such as hallucinations, psychosis, andparanoid reactions. Butorphanol binds with �-receptors as apartial agonist, and administration to humans maintained onhigh-potency �-agonists such as morphine may precipitatewithdrawal. Butorphanol was found to produce convulsionsin morphine-deprived, morphine-dependent monkeys.112

The parenteral injection is used for moderate to severe painassociated with orthopedic procedures, obstetric surgery, andburns. The recommended dose is 1 mg IV or 2 mg intramus-cular (IM) every 3 to 4 hours as needed. Early studies pro-posed a “ceiling effect” for butorphanol’s antinociception andrespiratory depressant effect. More recently, the WHO ExpertCommittee on Drug Dependence performed a critical reviewof butorphanol and found no ceiling effect to the respiratorydepressant effect of parenteral butorphanol in monkeys andhumans.112 The nasal preparation (Stadol NS) is an effectiveanalgesic for the relief of moderate to severe pain such as mi-graine attacks, dental, or other surgical pain where an opioid isappropriate. The nasal spray is administered 1 mg (1 spray inone nostril) with an additional spray 60 to 90 minutes later ifadequate pain relief is not achieved. Respiratory depression isnot an issue with normal doses of the nasal preparation, butCNS side effects are the same as parenteral butorphanol.Increased reports of abuse and addiction of the nasal spray ledthe FDA to change the product to a Schedule IV drug in 1997.











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Buprenorphine is a semisynthetic, highly lipophilic opiate de-rived from thebaine. Pharmacologically, it is classified as amixed �-agonist/antagonist (a partial agonist) and a weak �-antagonist. It has a high affinity for the �-receptors(1,000 times greater than morphine) and a slow dissociationrate leading to its long duration of action (6–8 hours).113 Atrecommended doses, it acts as an agonist at the �-receptorwith approximately 0.3 mg IV equianalgesic to 10 mg of IVmorphine. One study in humans found that buprenorphine dis-plays a ceiling effect to the respiratory depression, but not theanalgesic effect over a dose range of 0.05 to 0.6 mg.114 In prac-tice, this makes buprenorphine a safer opiate (when usedalone) than pure �-agonists. Relatively few deaths frombuprenorphine overdose (when used alone) have been re-ported.113 The tight binding of the drug to the receptor also hasled to mixed reports on the effectiveness of using naloxone toreverse the respiratory depression. In animal studies, normaldoses of the pure antagonist naloxone were unable to removebuprenorphine from the receptor site and precipitate with-drawal. In a human study designed to precipitate withdrawalfrom buprenorphine, a naloxone dose (mean � 35 mg) 100times the dose usually needed to precipitate withdrawal inmethadone-dependent subjects was used. For comparison, ap-proximately 0.3 mg, 4 mg, 4 mg, and 10 mg of naloxonewould be required to precipitate withdrawal from heroin, bu-torphanol, nalbuphine, or pentazocine respectively.115

The unique pharmacologic and pharmacokinetic profileof buprenorphine made it a drug of interest for the treatmentof opioid dependence. The first study of buprenorphine forthis purpose was published in 1978 and confirmed thatbuprenorphine was an acceptable alternative to methadonefor addicts and that it blocked the effects of large singledoses of morphine for at least 24 hours.116 Early clinicalstudies showed that the oral bioavailability of buprenor-phine was low because of intestinal and liver metabolism.Therefore, a sublingual (SL) formulation (Subutex) was de-veloped that would bypass this metabolism. The SL tablethas a bioavailability of 55% but varies widely among indi-viduals.116 SL buprenorphine is also available combinedwith naloxone (Suboxone) in sufficient quantity (25% of thebuprenorphine dose) to discourage crushing and injectingthe SL tablet. SL naloxone is 0% to 10% bioavailable, andit does not change the absorption or action of the SLbuprenorphine. Abrupt withdrawal of chronically adminis-tered buprenorphine produces mild to moderate opioid with-drawal symptoms peaking between 3 and 5 days followingthe last buprenorphine dose. These symptoms require notherapeutic intervention. Suboxone and Subutex are the firstmedications approved for office-based treatment of opioiddependence under the Drug Addiction Treatment Act of2000. U.S. pharmacists may only dispense these medica-tions when prescribed by physicians that meet special train-

ing criteria and are registered with the Center for SubstanceAbuse Treatment, a component of the Substance Abuse andMental Health Services Administration. A transdermalbuprenorphine patch is available outside the United Statesfor use in chronic pain.117 This product is currently under-going phase III clinical trials in the United States.

Buprenorphine is oxidatively metabolized by N-dealky-lation by hepatic CYP3A4 and to a lesser extent CYP2C8 tothe active metabolite norbuprenorphine. Both the parent andmajor metabolite undergo glucuronidation at the phenolic-3position. Minor metabolites include hydroxylation of thearomatic ring of buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine at anunspecified site.118

Opioid Antagonists


Naltrexone (Fig. 24.13) is a pure opioid antagonist at allopioid receptor subtypes with the highest affinity for the�-receptor. Naltrexone is orally bioavailable and blocksthe effects of opiate agonists for approximately 24 hoursafter a single dose of 50 mg. It produces no opioid agonisteffects and is devoid of any intrinsic actions other thanopioid receptor blockade. Theoretically, it should workwell to treat opioid dependence but in clinical practice,patients have shown poor compliance and high relapserates. Naltrexone has also been studied to treat alcohol de-pendence with mixed results. To address the complianceissues and effectively remove the “choice” of taking theantagonist, naltrexone was developed into an extended-release injectable microsphere formulation for IM injec-tion once a month (Vivitrol). This formulation providessteady-state plasma concentrations of naltrexone threefoldto fourfold higher than the 50-mg oral dose 4 times aday.119 Currently, Vivitrol is only indicated for the treat-ment of alcohol dependence. A Cochrane review found in-sufficient evidence from randomized controlled trials toevaluate its effectiveness for treating opioid depend-ence.120 Currently, phase II and phase III clinical trials ofan implantable pellet form of naltrexone are being con-ducted for treating opioid dependence.

The CYP450 system is not involved in naltrexonemetabolism. Naltrexone is reduced to the active antagonist6-�-naltrexol by dihydrodiol dehydrogenase, a cytosolicenzyme. Naltrexone has a black box warning, because ithas the potential to cause hepatocellular injury when givenin excessive doses.119


Naloxone (Narcan) (Fig. 24.13) is a pure antagonist at allopioid receptor subtypes. Structurally, it resembles oxymor-phone except that the methyl group on the nitrogen isreplaced by an allyl group. This minor structural change






















Figure 24.13 Opioidantagonists.

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retains high binding affinity to the receptor, but no intrinsicactivity. It is used to reverse the respiratory depressant ef-fects of opioid overdoses.

Naloxone is administered intravenously with an onset ofaction within 2 minutes. Because it is competing with theopioid for the receptor sites, the dose and frequency of ad-ministration will depend on the amount and type of narcoticbeing antagonized. Overdoses of long-acting opioids(methadone) may require multiple IV doses of naloxone orcontinuous infusions. Neonates born to opioid-exposedmothers may be given IV naloxone at birth to reverse the ef-fects of opiates.

Very few metabolism studies on naloxone have beenconducted, although the major metabolite found in the urineis naloxone-3-glucuronide.121,122


Nalmefene (Revex) is a pure opioid antagonist that is the6-methylene analog of naltrexone. It is available as a so-lution for IV, IM, or subcutaneous (SC) administration toreverse the effects of opioids after general anesthesia andin the treatment of overdose. It is longer acting than nalox-one but otherwise has a similar pharmacodynamic andmetabolic (3-glucuronidation) profile. Nalmefene hashigher oral bioavailability (approximately 40%)123 thannaloxone or naltrexone and is currently being investigatedas an oral treatment for pathological gambling124 and alco-hol abuse.125


Methylnaltrexone (Relistor) is the methylated, quaternaryform of naltrexone (Fig. 24.13). The permanently chargednitrogen prevents the drug from crossing the blood-brainbarrier. Thus, it only acts as an antagonist at peripheralopioid receptors. Relistor was approved in April 2008 totreat opioid-induced constipation in patients receiving pal-liative care. It is administered as a SC injection once everyother day.


NSAIDs including aspirin and acetaminophen, two of theoldest pain medications, are among the most widely pre-scribed drugs worldwide for the treatment of rheumaticarthritis and other degenerative inflammatory joint dis-eases.126,127 Although NSAIDs are very effective in reliev-ing mild to moderate pains and inflammation, their use isalso often associated with many undesirable side effects, in-cluding GI irritation and bleeding, platelet dysfunction, kid-ney damage, and bronchospasm.126–129

With the exception of acetaminophen (Tylenol) and thenewer “coxibs” drugs, the conventional NSAIDs (also com-monly referred to as the aspirin-like drugs), share very sim-ilar therapeutic and side effect profiles. The conventionalNSAIDs exert their therapeutic action by inhibiting two iso-forms of cyclooxygenase (COX-1, the constitutive isozymeand COX-2, the inducible isozyme), which is the rate-limit-ing enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of the proin-flammatory prostaglandins (PGs) such as the PGD2, PGE2,

PGF2�, and PGI2 and thereby modulating pain transmission,attenuating inflammation, and reducing fever.127,128 Theyalso produce their undesirable side effects such as GI bleed-ing, ulcerations, or renal impairments by blocking the samecyclooxygenases responsible for synthesizing PGs thatmodulate platelet activity (TXA2 and PGI2), gastric acid se-cretion and cytoprotection (PGE2 and PGI2), and renalblood flow (PGE2).128–132

In early 1990, Vane et al.133,134 hypothesized that theundesirable side effects of the conventional NSAIDs are aresult of inhibition of the COX-1 isozyme, whereas thetherapeutic effects are related mainly to their inhibitoryaction on the inducible COX-2 isozyme. This hypothesishas stimulated extensive drug development and hastymarket introductions of many selective COX-2 inhibitors,or coxibs drugs.130,135 However, all of the marketed cox-ibs drugs except celecoxib (Celebrex), the first FDA-ap-proved COX-2 drug in 1998, have been withdrawn fromthe market because of the potential risk of a cardiovascu-lar event, including heart attack or stroke, especially incardiac patients.136 Recent clinical trials have placed allNSAIDs under surveillance for their potential cardiovas-cular risk, thus the indiscriminate use of any NSAIDsincluding naproxen in cardiac patients should beavoided.135–137

Mechanism of Action and NSAID-Induced Side Effects

For aspirin and many of the conventional NSAIDs, despitetheir worldwide use as pain medications for over a century,their mechanism of action was not completely known until1971 when Vane first identified the cyclooxygenases astheir molecular targets.128 Cyclooxygenase (also known asprostaglandin endoperoxide synthase or PGH synthase) isthe rate-limiting enzyme responsible for the biosynthesisof PGs.

PGs are short-lived, lipidlike molecules that play a vitalrole in modulating many important physiological and patho-physiological functions including pain, inflammation, gas-tric acid secretion, wound healing, and renal function. Theyare biosynthesized via a tissue-specific cyclooxygenasepathway (COX-1 or COX-2) either on an as-needed basis(mostly via the COX-1 isozyme) or via the induced andoverexpressed COX-2 isozyme because of an injury, in-flammation, or infection.126,129 Some of the salient featuresof the cyclooxygenase pathway involved in the biosynthesisof these PGs from arachidonic acid (AA) (5,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid), a polyunsaturated fatty acid releasedfrom membrane phospholipids by the action of phospholi-pase A2, are depicted in Figure 24.14.

As stated earlier, all classes of NSAIDs strongly inhibitprostaglandin synthesis in various tissues, especially at thesite of the tissue damage or inflammation. This inhibitionoccurs at the stage of oxidative cyclization of AA, catalyzedby the rate-limiting enzyme, cyclooxygenase (or PGH syn-thase), to the hydroperoxy-endoperoxide (prostaglandin G2,PGG2) and its subsequent reduction to key intermediate,prostaglandin H2 (PGH2) needed for all prostaglandinbiosynthesis.138

Blockade of PGH2 production, thus prevents its furtherconversion, by tissue-specific terminal prostaglandin syn-thases or isomerases, into different biologically active PGs

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including PGE2, PGD2, PGF2�, PGI2 (prostacyclin), andthromboxane A2 (TXA2) (Fig. 24.14).138,139

Among the PGs synthesized by the action of either COX-1 or COX-2 isozymes, PGI2 and PGE2 made at the site of in-jury (via COX-2 isozyme in the inflammatory cells such asmonocytes and macrophages) and also in the brain, areknown to play a dominant role in mediating inflammationand inducing hyperanalgesia.132 However, their synthesis inthe GI tract (via COX-1 isozyme) and in the renal tubules(via COX-1 and COX-2 isozymes), is essential to providecytoprotective action for restoring the integrity of the stom-ach lining and maintaining renal functions in an otherwisecompromised kidney as a result of constant insult.132,138

Thus, inhibition of PGE2 synthesis by the conventionalNSAIDs in the parietal cells removes its ability to modulatehistamine-mediated release of gastric acid from the parietalcells, whereas blockade of PGI2 and PGE2 synthesis in theepithelial cells in the stomach linings also prevents their ac-tion on the biosynthesis and release of bicarbonate and mu-cous gel desperately needed to repair damage resulting fromerosion caused by gastric acid and other aggressive fac-tors.127,129,132 Thus, it should not be surprising to note thatNSAID-induced gastric ulcers can only be prevented clini-cally with coadministration of misoprostol, a stable PGEanalog, but not with either the histamine H2-antagonists,sucralfate, or any proton pump inhibitors such as omepra-zole.127 Furthermore, maintenance of kidney function,

especially in patients with congestive heart failure, liver cir-rhosis, or renal insufficiency, is reliant on the action of PGI2

and PGE2 to restore normal renal blood flow. Thus, NSAIDuse (both COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors) will increase therisk of renal ischemia and therefore is contraindicated inthese patients.129

The readers should consult Chapter 26 of this text on“Prostanglandins, Leukotrienes, and Other Eicosanoids”for a detailed discussion of PGs, their physiological andpathophysiological functions, and their corresponding PGreceptors.

Structure–Activity Relationshipsof NSAIDs

It is well established that the therapeutic potency of the con-ventional NSAIDs are highly correlated with their ability toinduce upper GI toxicity.127 But, are all NSAIDs other thancoxibs really equally effective in the treatment of pain andinflammation? Some insight might be found by exploringhow these chemically diverse classes of drugs bind to theirmolecular targets (i.e., their selectivity for COX-2 relative toCOX-1).140 Thus, the benefit/risk profile of individualNSAIDs, as reflected by their COX selectivity, may be moreclinically relevant for predicting the risk of GI complica-tions. Table 24.1 summarizes a few representative drugsfrom different NSAID classes with their recommended daily


Two Isozymes(COX-1, constituted form

& COX-2, the inducible form)

PGE SynthasePGI Synthase

TXA Synthase


Membrane phospholipids



14O2 O2

Inhibited by Corticosteroids

Inhibited by NSAIDs Cyclooxygenase






Arachidonic acid






PGF Synthase

PGD Synthase

Phospholipase A2

Figure 24.14 Conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins.

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dosages and their relative risks of bleeding peptic ulcercomplications.130,141,142


Cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2) are heme-containing,membrane-bound proteins that share a high degree of se-quence identity and also have very similar active site topog-raphy.138,143–145 Note that the homologous residues of theCOX-2 isozyme are numbered in parallel with the similaramino acid residues found at the active site of COX-1isozyme for easier comparison of their structural differencesin the following discussion (i.e., the actual Arg-106 ofhuman COX-2 [hCOX-2] is numbered as Arg-120).143 Theactual hCOX-2 assignments for these residues are providedin parentheses.

Thus, despite their similarity, the active site for hCOX-2 is approximately 20% larger than the COX-1 binding sitebecause of the replacement of Ile-523 in COX-1 with asmaller Val-523 in hCOX-2 (Val-509).138,144,145 There area total of 24 amino acid residues lining the largely hy-drophobic AA binding site with only one difference be-tween the isozymes (i.e., Ile-523 in COX-1 and Val-509 inhCOX-2). The hCOX-2 isozyme has an additional hy-drophilic side pocket accessible for drug binding, extendedfrom the main binding pocket.143 The size and nature of thishydrophilic side pocket for binding in hCOX-2 is a result offurther substitutions Ile-434 and His-513 in COX-1 with asmaller Val-434 (Val 420 in hCOX-2) and a more basicArg-513 (Arg-499 in hCOX-2).146 Thus, it is not surprisingthat this basic amino acid residue in hCOX-2 (Arg-499)may provide an additional binding interaction for selectiveCOX-2 inhibitors such as celecoxib.144 Although there isonly a very limited amount of published data showing howthe substrate, AA, binds to cyclooxygenases, the relativepositioning of the double bonds in AA at the active site,proposed by Gund and Shen based on the conformationalanalysis of indomethacin and other conventional NSAIDs,is still currently valid.147

Interestingly, Arg-120 (Arg-104 in hCOX-2) is theonly positively charged amino acid residue in the COXactive site, on one end of the active site as depicted byLuong144,148 and is responsible for binding, via an ionicinteraction, with the carboxylate anion of the substrate

(AA) or the conventional NSAIDs. The amino acidresidue Tyr-385 (Tyr-371 in hCOX-2) is located on theopposite end of the COX active site and is believed toserve as the catalytic residue for activating molecular oxy-gen and its initial addition to the �11-double bond of thesubstrate to form PGG2.143–148 Furthermore, the presenceof an amino acid residue, Ser-530 (Ser-516 in hCOX-2) isbelieved to be involved only in the irreversible inactiva-tion by aspirin and NSAID action but not contributing toany substrate binding.143


Most NSAIDs possess a free carboxylic acid (COOH) foran ionic interaction with the positively charged arginineresidue at the active site of the cyclooxygenases (i.e., Arg-120 in COX-1 or Arg-106 in COX-2 isozymes). Thisacidic moiety is further linked to an aromatic (or het-eroaromatic) ring for binding to either the �5-double-bondor �8-double-bond binding regions, and an additional cen-ter of lipophilicity in the form of an alkyl chain (e.g.,ibuprofen) or an additional aromatic ring (e.g., in-domethacin) for binding to the �11-double-bond bindingregion.

A hypothetical binding model for indomethacin and re-lated analogs to the COX-1 isozyme is shown in Figure 24.15-A, based on the crystallographic and SAR data foundin the literature.146,149 The suggested orientation and place-ment of the N-p-chlorobenzoyl group to the �11-double-bond binding region and the indole ring to the �5- and �8-double-bond binding regions is made from assuming that apreferred, lower-energy conformation of indomethacin isessential for its binding to COX isozymes147, and the factthat this orientation also allows correct positioning of theamide carbonyl oxygen for possible binding interactions toSer-530 and the 5-methoxy group to Ser-355 at the activesite of the enzymes.146

Additional support for this model can be obtained fromthe observation that the (Z)-isomer of sulindac, an indeneisosteric analog of indomethacin, is much more potentthan the corresponding (E)-isomer and the fact that replace-ment of the 5-methoxy group with a fluorine atom on the in-dole ring further enhances its analgesic action.145,149

Furthermore, because there is limited space available for

TABLE 24.1 Comparison of Relative Risk of NSAID-Induced Gastrointestinal Complication

Dosing Range Relative Risk for COX-2/COX-1Drug Trade Name (Total Daily Dose) GI complication Selectivity Ratio

Not on NSAIDs 1.0 —or Aspirin

Celecoxib Celebrex 100–200 mg BIDa (200–400 mg) — 0.7Meloxicam Mobic 7.5–15 mg daily — 0.37Ibuprofen Advil, Motrin 200–600 mg TIDb (0.6–1.8 g) 2.9 (1.7–5.0) 0.9Sulindac Clinoril 150–200 mg BID (300–600 mg) 2.9 (1.5–5.6) 29 (on active sulfide)Aspirin — 325–650 mg QIDc (1.3–2.6 g) 3,1 (2.0–4.8) �100Naproxen Aleve, Naprosyn 125–500 mg BID (0.5–1.0 g) 3.1 (1.7–5.9) 3.0Diclofenac Voltaren 25–50 mg TID (75–150 mg) 3.9 (2.3–6.5) 0.5Ketoprofen Orudis 50–100 mg TID (150–300 mg) 5.4 (2.6–11.3) 61Indomethacin Indocin 25–50 mg TID (75–150 mg) 6.3 (3.3–12.2) 80Piroxicam Feldene 10–20 mg daily 18.0 (8.2–39.6) 3.3

aBID, bis in die (twice a day).bTID, ter in die (3 times a day).cQID, quater in die (4 times a day).

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binding around either Leu-384 or Ile-523 (i.e., both aroundthe �11-double-bond binding region), it is not surprising tosee a facile conversion of the indomethacin from a nonselec-tive COX inhibitor into a potent and highly selective COX-2inhibitor with just a simple substitution of the p-chlorine witha larger bromine atom or by addition of two chlorine atomsto the o,o’ positions of the N-p-chlorobenzoyl group reportedby Kalgutkar et al.150 This observation can explain why alower risk for GI complications was reported with sulindacthan indomethacin, because it requires metabolic activation,via reduction of its bulky sulfoxide moiety into a muchsmaller methyl sulfide for binding into the Leu-384 pocket.The fact that kidneys possess a high level of the flavin-con-taining monooxygenases for deactivating the active metabo-lite of sulindac back into its inactive sulfoxide or sulfone,further provided evidence for this binding model.149,151

With this binding model, it is also possible to see why therelative therapeutic potency of the conventional NSAIDs andtheir ability to induce GI complication is in the order: in-domethacin �ketoprofen �diclofenac �naproxen �ibupro-fen. Ibuprofen is the least potent because it can only bind tothe �5-double-bond region with additional weak van derWaals interactions to the �11-double-bond region. Naproxenis slightly more active than ibuprofen, because its naphtha-lene ring, isosteric to the indole ring, can interact with boththe �5- and �8-double-bond regions. Ketoprofen and di-clofenac are slightly less potent than indomethacin becauseof the absence of an additional ring for binding to either the�5- or the �8-double-bond regions.


The hypothetical binding model for binding of celecoxib, theonly selective “coxibs” type COX-2 inhibitor shown onFigure 24.15B, is purely speculative, based only on thecrystallographic binding data reported for SC-558 (the p-bromophenyl analog of celecoxib) with the murine COX-2isozyme.146 However, the celecoxib selectivity toward theCOX-2 isozyme is most likely a result of the extension of thesulfonamide moiety into the extra hydrophilic-bindingpocket, surrounded by His-90 (His-76 in hCOX-2) and Arg-513 (Arg-499 in hCOX-2). The opening of this additionalpocket for binding is the result of the replacement of Ile-523

in the COX-1 with a smaller valine residue (Val 509 inhCOX-2). It should be pointed out that a similar hydrophilicpocket does exist in the COX-1 isozyme, but it is inaccessiblebecause of the bulkier Ile-523 residue that guards the entranceto this side pocket of the COX-1 isozyme (see Fig. 24.15-A).

The COX-2/COX-1 selectivity ratios, estimated by dif-ferent research groups, can be quite different (e.g., the re-ported selectivity ratio for celecoxib ranges any where from0.003–0.7; for piroxicam, the range is 3.3–600). Thus, theselectivity ratios included in Table 24.1, obtained from onesuch study, is only valid for comparing their differencesamong these NSAIDs. Furthermore, recent reviews compar-ing the SAR among different structural classes of COX-2 in-hibitors have indicated that there is little or no commonpharmacophore required for their COX-2 selectivity, butminor changes within the structure type, in terms of molec-ular shape, lipophilicity, electronic density, flexibility, po-larity, and hydrogen-bonding properties, can all have drasticeffects in its COX selectivity.152,153


Piroxicam and meloxicam have nearly identical structuralfeatures but also have at least a ninefold difference in selec-tivity for meloxicam to COX-2 isozyme and an even largerdifference in their relative risks for GI complications (i.e.,piroxicam has the highest risk among NSAIDs, whereasmeloxicam has very little or no such side effects) (Table24.1). A closer comparison of their structure (Fig. 24.16),however, reveals no apparent reason for these differences, ei-ther in size, lipophilicity, or electronic properties, between the2-pyridyl group (in piroxicam) and the 5-methyl-2-thiazoylgroup (meloxicam) that may alter their ability to bind COXisozymes. It is unlikely that these drastic differences in theirCOX selectivity, especially the drug-induced GI toxicity,could be due solely to the binding of the parent moleculeswith such minor changes in their structures. Thus, could theobserved differences, especially the differences in drug-in-duced GI side effects, be attributed to the involvement of anactive metabolite of piroxicam and/or meloxicam?

The metabolism of piroxicam to its major activemetabolite, 5�-hydroxypiroxicam and meloxicam to its

5-double bondbinding region

8-double bondbinding region

11-double bondbinding region

14-double bondbinding region















Extra bindingpocket in COX-2

14-double bondbinding region


11-double bondbinding region

8-double bondbinding region

5-double bondbinding region







Figure 24.15 Hypothetical binding models of indomethacin to COX-1 and Celecoxibto COX-2. A. Binding of the conventional NSAID, indomethacin, to the active site ofCOX-1; B. Binding of celecoxib, a selective COX-2 inhibitor to the active site of COX-2with crystallographic maps suggested by Luong et al. (Flexibility of the NSAID bindingsite in the structure of human cyclooxygenase-2. Nat. Struct. Biol. 1996;3:927–933)


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5�-hydroxy-methylmeloxicam and 5�-carboxymeloxicammetabolites are shown in Figure 24.16.154–156 Thus, withthe proposed binding interaction of indomethacin de-scribed earlier (Fig. 24.15), it is reasonable to assume thatthe pyridyl group of the piroxicam or the 5�-hydroxy-pyridyl group of its active metabolite will be directed tobind to the �11-double-bond binding region (especiallythe active metabolite caused by an additional H-bondingto the Tyr-385 residue), in a similar manner as the N-p-chlorobenzoyl group of the indomethacin. This wouldalso allow the OH group of the acidic enol carboxamidemoiety of the piroxicam or its active metabolite to posi-tion itself for binding to the Ser-530 residue of the COX-1 isozyme. However, a similar binding interaction of theactive metabolites of meloxicam, especially the 5�carboxymetabolite, to the active site of the COX-1 isozyme maynot be possible, because it will reorient itself for astronger ionic interaction with the Arg-120 of the COX-1isozyme. Thus, they can fit only into the active site of theCOX-2 isozyme because the binding of an acidic moietyto Arg-106 in the active site of the COX-2 isozyme is be-lieved to play a lesser role in the inhibitory action of theCOX-2 selective inhibitors like celecoxib152 (i.e., themost acidic moiety, sulfonamide is extended into the sidepocket instead of binding to Arg-106).


Aspirin covalently modifies COX-1 and hCOX-2 isozymesby acetylating the OH group of Ser-530 in COX-1 and Ser-516 in hCOX-2 isozymes. This is made possible by an ionicattraction between the carboxylate anion of aspirin and thearginine cation of Arg-120 in COX-1 (or Arg-106 inhCOX-2), thereby positioning the acetyl group of aspirinfor acetylating the COX isozymes. Even though both COXisozymes are irreversibly acetylated by aspirin, acetylationof Ser-530 totally blocks the accessibility of substrate AAfrom entering into the active site, whereas an acetylatedhCOX-2 is still able to form a significant amount ofPGG2.143 Thus, aspirin, among all conventional NSAIDs,

exhibits the highest selectivity toward the COX-1 isozyme,especially the COX-1 isozyme present in the platelets.

Aspirin and Salicylic Acid Derivatives

Aspirin and the salicylates were among the first group ofNSAIDs introduced into medicine for their use as anal-gesics to relieve pain and as antipyretics to reduce fever.157

As early as 1763, the Reverend Edward Stone of ChippingNorton in Oxfordshire, England reported the use of driedwillow bark to parishioners suffering from rheumaticfever.129,158 The active ingredient of willow bark was iso-lated by Leroux, in 1827 and named salicin, which is a sal-icylic acid containing glycoside. After these discoveries,Cahours (1844) obtained salicylic acid from oil of winter-green (methyl salicylate), and Kolbe and Lautermann(1860) prepared it synthetically from phenol. Sodium sali-cylate was introduced in 1875 by Buss, followed by the in-troduction of phenyl salicylate by Nencki in 1886. Aspirin,or acetylsalicylic acid, was first prepared in 1853 byGerhardt but remained obscure until Felix Hoffmann fromBayer discovered its pharmacological activities in 1899. Itwas tested and introduced into medicine by Dreser (1899),who named it aspirin by taking the a from acetyl andspirin, an old name for salicylic or spiric acid, derivedfrom its natural source of spirea plants.

Most of the salicylic acid drugs (commonly referred to asthe salicylates) are either marketed as salts of salicylic acid(sodium, magnesium, bismuth, choline, or triethanolamine)or as ester or amide derivatives (aspirin, salsalate, salicy-lamide). (Fig. 24.17) Children, between the ages of 3 and12, who are recovering from flu or chicken pox, should notbe taking aspirin or any salicylates because of the perceivedrisks of a rare disease known as Reye syndrome.159


Salicylates, in general, exert their antipyretic action infebrile patients by increasing heat elimination of the bodyvia the mobilization of water and consequent dilution of

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5’-Hydroxymethylmeloxicam, R = CH2OH,5’-Carboxymeloxicam, R = COOH

Figure 24.16 Metabolism ofpiroxicam and meloxicam.

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the blood. This brings about perspiration, causing cuta-neous dilatation. This does not occur with normal temper-atures. The antipyretic and analgesic actions are believedto work by inhibiting cyclooxygenase and reducing thelevels of PGE2, a proximal mediator of the febrile re-sponse, in the hypothalamic area of the brain that regulatesbody temperature.157

It is well established that a low daily dose of aspirin(75–100 mg or one tablet of baby aspirin) is sufficient tocompletely block platelet TXA2 production and its ability toinduce platelet aggregation after only 1 week of dosing,thereby preventing the risk of a cardiovascular event, in-cluding myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke.160,161

This antiplatelet action of aspirin is because COX-2 is notexpressed in platelets; therefore, aspirin can selectively andirreversibly inhibit platelet TXA2 production for 8 to 10days (i.e., until new platelets are formed) at such a low dose(i.e., via the irreversible acetylation of Ser-530 of the COX-1 isozymes discussed earlier). However, the analgesic, an-tipyretic, and anti-inflammatory action of aspirin is morecomplex and may involve other mechanisms of action thansimply based on its ability to irreversibly inhibit the COXisozymes.157,162,163 Furthermore, it is worth noting that up to50% of the oral analgesic dose of aspirin is rapidly deacety-lated before it reaches general circulation, and its major ac-tive metabolite, salicylic acid, is found to have comparablein vivo antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties to as-pirin but is a very weak inhibitor of cyclooxygenases (i.e., invitro binding studies).164 Several possible mechanisms ofaction have recently been suggested for aspirin and espe-cially the salicylates including blocking the induction of theCOX-2 isozyme at the genetic levels,165 turning off the

nuclear factor-�B-mediated polymorphonuclear leukocyteapoptosis signaling166,167 or blocking the activation of themitogen-activated kinase, Erk signaling associated with in-flammatory responses.168


The salicylates, being acidic in nature, are readily absorbedfrom the stomach and the small intestine. However, their ab-sorption depends strongly on the pH of the environment,thus coadministration of an antacid or other buffering agentsshould be avoided because it greatly hinders their absorptionand reduces their bioavailability and onset of action. Theyare also highly bound to plasma proteins, a major source ofpotential drug interactions with other medications.

Salicylic acid undergoes extensive phase-II metabolism(see Fig. 24.17) and is excreted via the kidneys as the water-soluble glycine conjugate, salicyluric acid, the majormetabolite (�75%) or as the corresponding acyl glu-curonides (i.e., the ester type, via the COOH) or O-glu-curonides (i.e., the ether type, via the phenolic OH) (�15%).Alkalinization of the urine increases the rate of excretion ofthe free salicylates.

AspirinAspirin, acetylsalicylic acid (Aspro, Empirin), was intro-duced into medicine by Dreser in 1899.

Aspirin occurs as white crystals or as a white crystallinepowder and must be kept under dry conditions. It is not ad-visable to keep aspirin products in the kitchen or bathroomcabinets, because aspirin is slowly decomposed into aceticand salicylic acids in the presence of heat and moisture.Several proprietaries (e.g., Bufferin) use compounds such as
















Salts of Salicylic acid




Salicylic acid Salicylamide

Ester or EtherGlucuronides



Salicyluric acid(major metabolite)

Ether Glucuronideor sulfate

Figure 24.17 Salicylates andtheir metabolism.

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sodium bicarbonate, aluminum glycinate, sodium citrate,aluminum hydroxide, or magnesium trisilicate to counteractaspirin’s acidic property. One of the better antacids is dihy-droxyaluminum aminoacetate. Aspirin is unusually effec-tive when prescribed with calcium glutamate. The more sta-ble, nonirritant calcium acetylsalicylate is formed, and theglutamate portion (glutamic acid) maintains a pH of 3.5 to5. Practically all salts of aspirin, except those of aluminumand calcium, are unstable for pharmaceutical use. Thesesalts appear to have fewer undesirable side effects and in-duce analgesia faster than aspirin. A timed release prepara-tion of aspirin is available. It does not appear to offer anyadvantages over aspirin, except for bedtime dosage.

Aspirin is used as an analgesic for minor aches and painsand as an antipyretic to reduce fever. Although higher dosesof aspirin can also be used to treat inflammation, its use isoften associated with many unwanted side effects includingulcers, stomach bleeding, and tinnitus. A low dosage formof aspirin, 81 mg, equivalent to the dose recommended forinfants (the “baby aspirin”), is recommended as a daily dosefor individuals who are at even a low cardiovascular risk.Several large studies have found that this low dose of as-pirin reduces the number of heart attacks and thromboticstrokes.160,161 Other salicylates and NSAIDs have notshown similar effects. In fact, a recent report indicatedusing ibuprofen can interfere with aspirin’s cardiovascularbenefits, and they should not be taken within 12 hours ofeach other.169

Aspirin and other potent NSAIDs (except salicylates) arealso known to precipitate asthma attacks and other hyper-sensitivity reactions in up to 10% of the patients who haveany type of respiratory problems.170 This hypersensitivityreaction is believed to occur as a result of shifting the sub-strate, AA from the inhibited cyclooxygenase pathway tothe lipoxygenase pathway (see Fig. 24.14), therefore result-ing in overproduction of anaphylactic leukotrienes becauseof the blockade of the cyclooxygenase pathway by aspirinand other potent NSAIDs.171

SalsalateSalsalate, salicylsalicylic acid (Amigesic, Disalcid,Salflex), is the ester formed between two salicylic acidmolecules. It is rapidly hydrolyzed to salicylic acid fol-lowing its absorption. It reportedly causes less gastric ir-ritation than aspirin, because it is relatively insoluble inthe stomach and is not absorbed until it reaches the smallintestine.

DiflunisalDiflunisal (Dolobid), is a longer acting and more potent drugthan aspirin because of its hydrophobic, 2,4-difluorophenylgroup attached to the 5-position of the salicyclic acid. In alarge-scale comparative study with aspirin, it was also bettertolerated with less GI complications than aspirin.172 It ismarketed in tablet form for treating mild to moderate post-operative pain as well as RA and OA.

Diflunisal is highly protein bound. Its metabolism is sub-ject to a dose-dependent, saturable, and capacity-limitedglucuronide formation.173 This unusual pharmacokineticprofile is a result of an enterohepatic circulation and the re-absorption of 65% of the drug and its glucuronides, fol-lowed by cleavage of its unstable, acyl glucuronide back tothe active drug. Thus, diflunisal usage in patients with renalimpairment should be closely monitored.

Sodium SalicylateSodium salicylate may be prepared by the reaction, in aque-ous solution, by adding equal molar ratio of salicylic acidand sodium bicarbonate; evaporating to dryness yields thewhite salt. In solution, particularly in the presence of sodiumbicarbonate, the salt will darken on standing. This is the saltof choice for salicylate medication and usually is adminis-tered with sodium bicarbonate to lessen gastric distress, or itis administered in enteric coated tablets. However, the useof sodium bicarbonate is ill advised, because it decreases theplasma levels of salicylate and increases the excretion offree salicylate in the urine.

Sodium salicylate, even though not as potent as aspirinfor pain relief, also has less GI irritation and is useful for pa-tients who are hypersensitive to aspirin.


Sodium thiosalicylate (Rexolate) is the sulfur or thio analogof sodium salicylate. It is more soluble and better absorbed,thus allowing lower dosages. It is recommended for gout,rheumatic fever, and muscular pains, but it is available onlyfor injection.

Magnesium salicylate (Mobidin, Magan) is a sodium-free salicylate preparation for use when sodium intake is re-stricted. It is claimed to produce less GI irritation.

Choline salicylate (Arthropan) is extremely soluble inwater and is available as a flavored liquid. It is claimed to beabsorbed more rapidly than aspirin, giving faster peak bloodlevels. It is used when salicylates are indicated. It is alsoavailable in combination with magnesium salicylate(Trilisate, Tricosal, Trisalcid, CMT) for the relief of minorto moderate pains and fever associated with arthritis, bursi-tis, tendinitis, menstrual cramps, and others.

SalicylamideSalicylamide, o-hydroxybenzamide, is a derivative of salicylicacid that is fairly stable to heat, light, and moisture. Itreportedly exerts a moderately quicker and deeper analgesiceffect than aspirin because of quicker CNS penetration. Its me-tabolism differs from aspirin, because it is not metabolized tosalicylic acid but rather excreted exclusively as the ether glu-curonide or sulfate.174 Thus, as a result of lack of contributionfrom salicylic acid, it has a lower analgesic and antipyretic ef-ficacy than that of aspirin. However, it can be used in place ofsalicylates for patients with a demonstrated sensitivity to sali-cylates. It is also excreted much more rapidly than other sali-cylates, which accounts for its lower toxicity. It is available inseveral nonprescription products, in combination with acet-aminophen and phenyltoloxamine (e.g., Rid-A Pain com-pound, Cetazone T, Dolorex, Ed-Flex, Lobac) or with aspirin,acetaminophen, and caffeine (e.g., Saleto, BC Powder).

The Conventional NonselectiveCyclooxygenase Inhibitors

With the removal of rofecoxib (Vioxx) from the market andthe concern of cardiovascular risk associated with cele-coxib (Celebrex), the conventional NSAIDs, being morepotent than aspirin and related salicylates, once again be-come the drug of choice for the treatment of RA and otherinflammatory diseases.130 The conventional NSAIDs varyconsiderably in terms of their selective inhibitory action for COX-2 relative to COX-1 isozymes and also their relative

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drug-induced toxicities discussed earlier in this text.Although several drugs in this class are available OTC,they are no safer than prescription medications with regardto their drug-induced GI liability.127 The conventionalNSAIDs, as a group, are highly protein bound and exhibitboth pharmacokinetic as well as pharmacodynamic interac-tions with many drugs, especially anticoagulants, diuretics,lithium, and other arthritis medications.

For the purpose of comparing their SAR, toxicity, andmetabolic biotransformations, the conventional NSAIDs arefurther divided into several chemical classes.


This group of NSAIDs has received the most intensive at-tention for new clinical candidates. As a group, they showhigh analgesic potency in addition to their potent anti-inflammatory activity, needed for treating inflammatory dis-eases. Among the members of this class shown in Figure24.18, ketorolac, indomethacin, and tolmetin have the high-est risk of GI complications because of their higher affinityfor the COX-1 isozymes, whereas etodolac has the lowestrisk because of its COX-2 selective inhibitory action. Bothsulindac and nabumetone are prodrugs that require activa-tion, and therefore have lower risk of causing GI irritationthan indomethacin.130

IndomethacinFrom the time of its introduction in 1965, indomethacin(Indocin) has been widely used as an analgesic to relieve in-flammatory pain associated with RA, OA and ankylosingspondylitis, and, to a lesser extent, in gout. Although both itsanalgesic and anti-inflammatory activities are well estab-lished, its use is often limited because of frequent GI distressand potential drug interactions, especially with warfarinfurosemide, and lithium (i.e., it elevates blood levels of

lithium as a result of reducing renal blood flow and there-fore increases lithium toxicities).

Following oral administration, indomethacin is rapidlyabsorbed and is 90% protein bound at therapeutic plasmaconcentrations.175 The drug has a biological half-life ofabout 5 to 10 hours and a plasma clearance of 1 to 2.5 ml/kgper minute. It is metabolized to its inactive, O-desmethyl,N-deschlorobenzoyl-, and O-desmethyl, N-deschloroben-zoylindomethacin metabolites.175

SulindacSulindac, (Z)-5-fluoro-2-methyl-1-([p-(methylsulfinyl)phenyl]methylene)-1H-indene-3-acetic acid (Clinoril), isan NSAID prodrug that contains a chiral sulfoxide moietybut is marketed as the racemate because it undergoes invivo reduction by the hepatic enzymes into its achiral, ac-tive metabolite, methyl sulfide that exhibits potent andnonselective COX inhibition similar to indomethacin.151

The parent sulfoxide has a plasma half-life of 8 hours, andthe active methyl sulfide metabolite is 16.4 hours. The morepolar and inactive sulfoxide is virtually the only form ex-creted into the renal tubules, thus sulindac is believed to haveminimal nephrotoxicity associated with indomethacin.176 Thelong half-life of sulindac is caused by the extensive entero-hepatic circulation and reactivation of the inactive sulfoxideexcreted. Coadministration of aspirin is contraindicated be-cause it considerably reduces the sulfide blood levels. Carefulmonitoring of patients with a history of ulcers is recom-mended. Gastric bleeding, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, andother adverse effects have been noted with sulindac, but witha lower frequency than with aspirin. Sulindac is recom-mended for RA, OA, and ankylosing spondylitis.

TolmetinTolmetin sodium (Tolectin), is an arylacetic acid derivativewith a pyrrole as the aryl group. This drug is well absorbed




















Tolmetin, R1=CH3, R2=HZomipirac, R1=Cl, R2=CH3



















R2 Bromfenac, R1=OH, R2=BrAmfenac, R1=OH, R2=HNepafenac, R1=NH2, R2=H

Figure 24.18 Aryl- and heteroarylacetic acid derivatives.

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and has a relatively short plasma half-life (1 hour). It is rec-ommended for use in the management of acute and chronicRA. Its efficacy is similar to aspirin and indomethacin, butwith less frequency of the adverse effects and tinnitus asso-ciated with aspirin. It does not potentiate coumarin-likedrugs nor alter the blood levels of sulfonylureas or insulin.However, tolmetin, and especially its closely related drug,zomepirac (i.e., with a p-chlorobenzoyl group and an addi-tional methyl group on the pyrrole ring), can produce a rarebut fatal anaphylactic reaction because of irreversible bind-ing of their unstable acyl glucuronides.177 Zomepirac waswithdrawn from market because it is eliminated only via theester-type, acyl glucuronide.178 It is possible that tolmetin isless toxic in this regard because it undergoes additional he-patic benzylic hydroxylation via its p-methyl group and isexcreted as its stable ether glucuronide.

KetorolacKetorolac tromethamine (Toradol), marketed as a mixture of(R)- and (S)-ketorolac enantiomers, is a potent NSAID anal-gesic indicated for the treatment of moderately severe, acutepain. It should be noted that the pharmacokinetic dispositionof ketorolac in humans is subject to marked enantioselectiv-ity. Thus, it is important to monitor the individual blood lev-els so an accurate assessment of its therapeutic action can bemade correctly.179 However, it should be noted that, beingone of the conventional NSAIDs with highest risk of GIcomplications, its administration should not exceed 5 days.

NabumetoneNabumetone (Relafen), a nonacidic NSAID prodrug, isclassified as an arylacetic acid, because it undergoes rapidhepatic metabolism to its active metabolite, 6-methoxy-2-naphthylacetic acid.180 Similar to the other arylacetic aciddrugs, it is used in short- or long-term management of RAand OA. Being nonacidic, it does not produce significantprimary insult to the GI mucosa lining and also has no ef-fect on prostaglandin synthesis in gastric mucosa, thus pro-ducing minimum secondary GI damage when comparedwith other conventional NSAIDs.

EtodolacEtodolac (Lodine, Ultradol), a chiral, COX-2 selectiveNSAID drug that is marketed as a racemate, possesses an in-dole ring as the aryl portion of this group of NSAID drugs.It shares many similar properties of this group and is indi-cated for short- and long-term management of pain and OA.

Similar to ketorolac, etodolac exhibits several uniqueenantioselective pharmacokinetic properties.181 For example,the “inactive” (R)-enantiomer has approximately a 10-foldhigher plasma concentration than the active (S)-enantiomer.Furthermore, the active (S)-enantiomer is less protein boundthan its (R)-enantiomer and therefore has a very large volumeof distribution. It is well absorbed with an elimination half-life of 6 to 8 hours. Etodolac is extensively metabolized intothree major inactive metabolites, 6-hydroxy etodolac (via aro-matic hydroxylation), 7-hydroxy-etodolac (via aromatic hy-droxylation), and 8-(1�-hydroxylethyl) etodolac (via benzylichydroxylation), which are eliminated as the correspondingether glucuronides.182 Its unstable, acyl glucuronide, how-ever, is subject to enterohepatic circulation and reactivation tothe parent drug, similar to other NSAIDS in this class.

In a recent study comparing its gastric safety profile withthose of meloxicam, diclofenac, and indomethacin, etodolac

was found to have the highest safety index among theseNSAIDs in arthritic rats.183 Thus, etodolac is an example ofa COX-2 selective drug with a much better safety profileamong the first generation of NSAIDs developed throughthe traditional route of using only animal model studies. Itsselective COX-2 inhibitory action, which was not realizeduntil much later, explains its much lower risk of the GI sideeffects among first-generation NSAIDs.

Amfenac, Bromfenac, and NepafenacAmfenac (Fenazox), its amide prodrug, nepafenac (Nevanac),and the related analog, bromofenac, are amphoteric be-cause of the presence of an additional aromatic amine group.They are less likely to be absorbed into the general circula-tion. They are approved for use as topical ocular anti-inflam-matory agents for the treatment of postoperative ocular pain,inflammation, and posterior segment edema.184 The only ob-served side effects of these drugs are all related to tissuesaround the eye including abnormal ocular sensation, eye red-ness and irritation, burning and stinging, and conjunctival orcornea edema.


These are perhaps the most widely used drugs worldwidebecause three members of this class, ibuprofen, naproxen,and ketoprofen, are now available without a prescription(Fig. 24.19). Their indiscriminate use, however, by the gen-eral public without a doctor’s prescription, has resulted in anincreased incidence of complications in adolescents, includ-ing acute and chronic renal failure.185

All of the members of this class (except oxaprozin) con-tain a chiral carbon in the �-position of the acetic acid sidechain. Even though most are marketed as racemates, onlythe (S)-enantiomer was found to have any inhibitory activ-ity against the COX isozymes. Thus, the (S)-enantiomer isbelieved to be solely responsible for the observed therapeu-tic action as well as the drug-induced GI side effects andnephrotoxicity. Furthermore, in most cases, the inactive (R)-enantiomer is epimerized in vivo, via the 2-arylpropionylcoenzyme-A epimerase to its active (S)-enantiomer.186

IbuprofenIbuprofen, 2-(4-isobutylphenyl)propionic acid (Motrin,Advil, Nuprin), was introduced into clinical practice follow-ing extensive clinical trials. It appears to have comparableefficacy to aspirin in the treatment of RA, but with a lowerincidence of side effects. It has also been approved for usein the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea, which is thoughtto be caused by an excessive concentration of PGs and en-doperoxides.187 However, a recent study indicates that con-current use of ibuprofen and aspirin may actually interferewith the cardioprotective effects of aspirin, at least in pa-tients with established cardiovascular disease.169 This is be-cause ibuprofen can reversibly bind to the platelet COX-1isozymes, thereby blocking aspirin’s ability to inhibit TXA2

synthesis in platelets.

NaproxenNaproxen (Naprosyn, Anaprox), marketed as the (S)-enan-tiomer, is well absorbed after oral administration, givingpeak plasma levels in 2 to 4 hours and a half-life of 13 hours.Naproxen is highly protein bound and displaces most pro-tein-bound drugs. It is recommended for use in RA, OA,

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acute gouty inflammation, and in primary dysmenorrhea. Itshows good analgesic activity (i.e., 400 mg is comparable to75–150 mg of oral meperidine and superior to 65 mg ofpropoxyphene and 325 mg of aspirin plus 30 mg of codeine).It is also available OTC as 200-mg tablets (Aleve).

FenoprofenFenoprofen (Nalfon), is rapidly absorbed orally, reachespeak plasma levels within 2 hours, and has a short plasmahalf-life (3 hours). It is highly protein bound, just like theother NSAIDs, thus caution is needed when it is used con-currently with other medications including hydantoins, sul-fonamides, and sulfonylureas. It is recommended for RAand OA, at an oral dose of 300 to 600 mg for 3 or 4 timesper day, but not exceeding 3 g/d to avoid any serious side ef-fects. It should be noted that in a comparison study of allNSAIDs, fenoprofen is the one that has been most closelyassociated with a rare acute interstitial nephritis.188 For mildto moderate pain relief, the recommended dosage is 200 mggiven every 4 to 6 hours, as needed.

Ketoprofen and SuprofenKetoprofen (Orudis, Rhodis) and suprofen (Profenal) areclosely related to fenoprofen in their structures, properties,and indications. Even though ketoprofen has been approvedfor OTC use (Orudis KT, Actron), its GI side effects aresimilar to indomethacin (Table 24.1), and therefore its useshould be closely monitored, especially in patients with GIor renal problems.

FlurbiprofenFlurbiprofen (Ansaid, Ocufen, Froben), is another drug inthis class indicated for both acute and long-term manage-ment of RA and OA but with a more complex mechanism ofaction. Unlike the other drugs in this class, it does not un-dergo chiral inversion (i.e., the conversion of the “inactive”[R]-enantiomer to the active, [S]-enantiomer). Similar to as-pirin and other salicylates, both flurbiprofen enantiomersblock COX-2 induction as well as inhibiting the nuclearfactor-�B-mediated polymorphonuclear leukocyte apoptosis

signaling189; therefore, both enantiomers are believed to con-tribute equally to its overall anti-inflammatory action.

(R)-flurbiprofen is actually a strong clinical candidate forthe treatment of Alzheimer disease, because it has beenshown to reduce A�42 production by human cells.190

OxaprozinOxaprozin, 4,5-diphenyl-2-oxazolepropionic acid (Daypro),differs from the other members of this group in being anarylpropionic acid derivative. It shares the same propertiesand side effects of other members in this group. It is indi-cated for the short- and long-term management of OA andRA, administered as a once-daily dose of 600- to 1,200-mgdose because of its long duration of action.191


This class of NSAIDs shares one common structural featurethat is not present in the other classes discussed earlier.Unlike other classes discussed earlier, the second aromaticring in this class is connected to the main aromatic car-boxylic acid containing ring through a secondary aminelinkage (rather than carbonyl group or other nonbasiclinker) and at the ortho position rather than at the meta orpara position (see their structures in Fig. 24.20). As a resultof this structural feature, this class of NSAIDs appears tohave a lower risk of causing GI irritation. Recent crystallo-graphic evidence suggests that diclofenac binds to COXisozymes in an inverted conformation with its carboxylategroup hydrogen-bonded to Tyr-385 and Ser-530.192 Thisfinding provides a reason why diclofenac and especially itsrelated analog, lumicoxib, have much greater selectivitytoward COX-2 isozymes.

Mefenamic AcidMefenamic acid (Ponstel, Ponstan) is one of the oldestNSAIDs, introduced into the market in 1967 for mild tomoderate pain and for primary dysmenorrhea. It is rapidly



















Ketoprofen Suprofen









Figure 24.19 Aryl- and heteroarylpropionic acids.

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absorbed with peak plasma levels occurring 2 to 4 hoursafter oral administration. It undergoes hepatic benzylic hy-droxylation of its 3�methyl group regioselectively into twoinactive metabolites, 3�-hydroxymethylmefenamic acid andthe 3�carboxylate metabolite (via further oxidation of thebenzylic alcohol group). The parent drugs and these metabo-lites are conjugated with glucuronic acid and excreted pri-marily in the urine. Thus, although patients with knownliver deficiency may be given lower doses, it is contraindi-cated in patients with preexisting renal dysfunction.

Common side effects associated with its use include diar-rhea, drowsiness, and headache. The possibility of blood dis-orders has also prompted limitation of its administration to 7days. It is not recommended for children or during pregnancy.

MeclofenamateMeclofenamate sodium (Meclomen) is available for use inthe treatment of acute and chronic RA, OA, and primarydysmenorrhea. It is metabolized in a similar manner tomefenamic acid discussed above, thus a similar restriction isalso applied to meclofenamate. The most significant side ef-fects are GI, including diarrhea.

Diclofenac and LumiracoxibDiclofenac sodium (Voltaren), is indicated for short- and long-term treatment of RA, OA, and ankylosing spondylitis. Thepotassium salt (Cataflam), which is faster acting, is indicatedfor the management of acute pain and primary dysmenorrhea.Diclofenac was first marketed in Japan in 1974 but was not ap-proved for its use in the United States until 1989, perhaps be-cause of concerns about its hepatotoxicity. Diclofenac is alsoavailable in combination with misoprostol (Arthrotec).

Unlike the other NSAIDs, diclofenac appears to be morehepatotoxic and, in rare cases, can cause severe liver dam-age. This idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity has been attributed tothe formation of reactive benzoquinone imines, similar toacetaminophen, which will be discussed later.193 Diclofenacundergoes hepatic CYP2C9/3A4 catalyzed aromatic hy-droxylations to give 4�-Hydroxy-diclofenac as its major in-active metabolite (�30%) and 5-hydroxy- and 4�5-dihy-droxy-diclofenac as its minor metabolites (Fig. 24.20).These hydroxylated metabolites are excreted, normally,such as their glucuronides. Similar to that of acetaminophen,both the 4� and 5-hydroxylated metabolites can be furtheractivated to their reactive quinone imines (not shown in the






Mefenamic acid





















Diclofenac4’-Hydroxy diclofenac

(major metabolite)

5-Hydroxy diclofenac(minor metabolite)







4’,5-Dihydroxy diclofenac(minor metabolite)











Glutathione conjugates

Glutathione conjugate







Meclofenamic acid

Figure 24.20 Fenamates and metabolism of diclofenac.

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Figure), which are normally deactivated by glutathione, thehost defensive mechanism, to its inactive glutathione conju-gates shown in Figure 24.20. Thus, it is reasonable to as-sume that patients with low levels of glutathione are moresusceptible to diclofenac toxicity, and their use in these pa-tients should be avoided.

Lumiracoxib (Prexige), one of the most COX-2 selectiveinhibitors marketed in Australia (2004), the United Kingdom(2005), and the United States (2007), was the mainstay oftherapy for OA, RA, and acute pain. It differs from diclofenacwith an additional methyl substituted onto the 5-position ofphenylacetic acid ring. It is extensively metabolized byCYP2C9, just like diclofenac, into three major inactivemetabolites, 5-carboxy, 4�-hydroxy, and 4�-hydroxy-5-car-boxy derivative, through the oxidation of the 5-methyl groupand hydroxylation of the dichloroaromatic ring.194 Althoughno evidence of formation of potentially reactive metaboliteswas reported, the 4�-hydroxy derivatives are the major inac-tive metabolites eliminated (as the glucuronides), so it is notsurprising to learn that lumiracoxib was withdrawn from mar-ket in October, 2007 because of several cases of serious ad-verse liver reactions to the drug, including two deaths and twoliver transplants. Thus, patients with low glutathione levels orglucuronyl transferase activity as a result of drug interactionsor aging are susceptible for forming reactive metabolites thatare not found with healthy individuals, the subjects used inthe original metabolic study.194


Oxicams, are first-generation NSAIDs that lack a free car-boxylic acid side chain but with an acidic enolic 1,2-benzoth-iazine carboxamide ring (see Fig. 24.16). Only two membersof this class, piroxicam and meloxicam, are available in theUnited States for the management of inflammatory arthritis.Tenoxicam (Mobiflex), a close isosteric analog of piroxicam(i.e., with a 1,2-thiazole ring replacing the benzene ring fusedto the thiazine ring), is available in Canada but with a phar-macodynamic and pharmacokinetic profile similar to piroxi-cam. As discussed earlier, piroxicam and meloxicam havevery different affinities for the COX isozymes, and thereforeexhibit very different risks for GI complications.

PiroxicamPiroxicam (Feldene) is the most widely used oxicam be-cause of its once-daily dosing schedule. It is well absorbedafter oral administration and has a plasma half-life of 50hours, thus requiring a dose of only 20 to 30 mg oncedaily.195 It undergoes extensive hepatic metabolism, cat-alyzed by CYP2C9 to give 5-hydroxypiroxicam as its majormetabolite (See Fig. 24.16).154 Several piroxicam prodrugshave been synthesized via derivatization of the enol alcoholgroup (amipiroxicam, droxicam, and pivoxicam) to reducepiroxicam-induced GI irritation.195

MeloxicamMeloxicam (Mobic) is a selective COX-2 inhibitor amongoxicams indicated for use in RA and OA. It also has a rela-tively long half-life of 15 to 20 hours and has a much lowerrate of serious GI side effects and a lower than average riskof nephropathy when compared with other conventionalNSAIDs.196 The recommended dose is 7.5 mg once dailywith a maximum of 15 mg/d. Meloxicam is metabolized inhumans mainly by CYP2C9 (with a minor contribution via

CYP3A4) to 5�-hydroxymethylmeloxicam and 5�car-boxymeloxicam (see Fig. 24.16).156

In large-scale comparative trials, meloxicam was foundto be at least as effective as most conventional NSAIDs inthe treatment of rheumatic disease or postoperative pain, buthas demonstrated a more favorable GI tolerability profile.158

The Selective COX-2 Inhibitors

As stated earlier, the development and hasty market intro-duction of the first selective coxibs drugs, celecoxib(Celebrex), and rofecoxib (Vioxx) in 1999, was based onVane’s133,134 hypothesis that blocking an inducible COX-2isozyme retains all of the therapeutic effects but none of theside effects of the conventional NSAIDs. Shortly after theirmarket introduction, the results of a preliminary Vioxx gas-trointestinal outcomes research (VIGOR) trial was reportedin 2000 that raised concern and much debate on the cardio-vascular safety of all selective COX-2 inhibitors.135–137,197

Several additional coxibs drugs including valdecoxib(Bextra), etoricoxib (Arcoxia), and parecoxib sodium(Dynastat), were introduced into the worldwide market dur-ing 2002. The potential cardiovascular risk was not taken se-riously until late 2004 when rofecoxib (Vioxx) was volun-tary withdrawn from the worldwide market, based on anadditional risk assessment from a 3-year randomized,placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial.197 To date,all but the least potent of COX-2 drugs, celecoxib(Celebrex), have been removed from the worldwide market,therefore depriving an otherwise, rational choice of painmedications, especially for arthritic patients who are athigher risk of serious GI complications.137

An overexpression of COX-2 was found in multiple can-cer types, especially in colorectal cancer,198,199 thus futureroles of the selective COX-2 inhibitors may be realized inthe chemoprevention of cancers and other inflammatory de-generative diseases. The reader should consult several ex-cellent reviews on these latest developments.200–202


Celecoxib (Celebrex) was the first selective COX-2 in-hibitor drug introduced into the market in 1998 for use in thetreatment of RA, OA, acute pain, and menstrual pain. Thereal benefit is that it has caused fewer GI complicationswhen compared with other conventional NSAIDs. It hasalso been approved for reducing the number of adenomatouscolorectal polyps in familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP).

Celecoxib is well absorbed and undergoes rapid oxida-tive metabolism via CYP2C9 to give its inactive metabolites(Fig. 24.21).203 Thus, a potential drug interaction exists be-tween celecoxib and warfarin because the active isomer ofwarfarin is primarily degraded by CYP2C9.

The Analgesic Antipyretics:Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) andRelated Analogs

From a historical perspective, acetaminophen (paracetamol)and the related analgesic antipyretic drugs such as acetanilide,antipyrine, and dipyrone were introduced into the marketabout the same time as aspirin and the other salicylates (i.e.,acetanilide, 1886; phenacetin, 1887; and acetaminophen,1893).204 They were once the most widely used analgesic

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antipyretics for relieving pain and reducing fever because, un-like aspirin and salicylates, they do not cause ulceration or in-crease bleeding time.204 Among these agents, phenacetin wasonce a very popular analgesic antipyretic drug, more so thanacetaminophen, because it was perceived to be safer than acet-aminophen toward the stomach (i.e., less acidic in nature). Itsuse was continued until the late 1970s, even though Brodieand Axelrod had already reported in 1949 that acetaminophenwas the active metabolite of acetanilide and phenacetin.205 Intheir elegant studies, acetanilide was found to undergo hepaticmetabolism (i.e., via an aromatic hydroxylation) to acetamin-ophen, whereas only a small amount of the drug was hy-drolyzed to give aniline, which can be further N-hydroxylatedto phenylhydroxylamine, the compound believed to be re-sponsible for acetanilide toxicity because of methemoglobinformation. Phenacetin, on the other hand, was found to un-dergo mostly O-dealkylation to acetaminophen, whereas asmall amount was converted by deacetylation to p-pheneti-dine, also responsible for methemoglobin formation.

Phenacetin only fell out of favor around 1980 when itwas found to cause renal and urinary tract tumors in experi-mental animal models.206 Because of the toxicity describedabove, both acetanilide and phenacetin are now no longeravailable, thus acetaminophen is the only drug in this classthat is still widely used worldwide because it is a safer andbetter tolerated pain medication.


Acetaminophen and other analgesic antipyretics have simi-lar analgesic and antipyretic efficacies to the conventionalNSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or diclofenac. However,unlike the conventional NSAIDs, they lack the antiplateleteffects of aspirin or the GI side effects associated withNSAIDs. Acetaminophen also has little or no anti-inflam-matory properties.207–209 Although it has been in use fornearly a century, the mechanism of action of acetaminophenand related analgesic antipyretics remains unknown, but it isgenerally assumed that they work centrally by blocking a

brain-specific enzyme, perhaps a COX-3 isozyme, responsi-ble for the biosynthesis of prostaglandin.210

In 2002, Simmons et al.,211 through cloning studies, iden-tified a distinct variant of the canine COX-1 isozyme foundonly in the canine brain, which was designated as the COX-3 isozyme and hypothesized this isozyme as the target foracetaminophen and related analgesic-antipyretic drugs be-cause this isozyme was selectively inhibited by acetamino-phen, phenacetin, antipyrine, and dipyrone. This hypothesiswas further supported by the findings that acetaminophenproduces analgesia and induces hypothermia centrally andthat both of these actions are accompanied by a dose-depend-ent reduction of brain PGE2 levels that is not observed withdiclofenac, a conventional NSAID.209 In addition, the periph-eral levels of PGE2/PGI2 levels were reduced only bydiclofenac but not by acetaminophen.210 Moreover, aceta-minophen-induced hypothermia was reduced in COX-1 butnot COX-2 gene-deleted animal studies.209,212 These obser-vations appear to provide additional support for hypothesisthat the analgesia and hypothermia of acetaminophen areindeed mediated by inhibition of a distinct COX isozymepresent only in the brain. However, most of the recent stud-ies focusing on finding this elusive human COX-3 isozymehave not been successful.207,213,214 Moreover, a similar COX-1 variant identified and expressed in humans (this isozymewas designated as COX-1b) was not inhibited by acetamino-phen even though it is active in catalyzing PGH2 synthesis inthe brain. Thus, although the COX-3 isozyme may indeed bethe molecular target responsible for acetaminophen action incanines, its role in humans is still unproven.213,214

In a recent commentary, Aronoff et al.208 suggested an al-ternative target (mechanism) by which acetaminophen(APAP) blocks the cyclooxygenase action. Their hypothesisis based on the fact that acetaminophen acts as a reducing co-substrate, thus actively competing with PGG2 for its conver-sion to PGH2, catalyzed by the peroxidase (POX) action ofCOX enzymes. Figure 24.22 summarizes some of the keymechanism of COX’s action suggested by Aronoff et al.208

and includes the additional hypothesis suggested by Gramand Scott215 that acetaminophen acts by depleting the stores

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Acyl Glucuronide

Figure 24.21 Metabolicbiotransformation of celecoxib.

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of glutathione (GSH), which is a known cofactor for PGEsynthase. Thus, with this illustration, it is now possible to seewhy acetaminophen’s action depends on the level of peroxidegenerated in solution (i.e., PGG2 and other lipid peroxides,generated by the lipoxygenase pathway), and its effectivenessvaries with COX activity.207 At low peroxide concentrations,acetaminophen can compete effectively with the electrontransfer mechanism between the Tyr-385 residue and theheme radical, which generates the tyrosine radical in the ac-tive site of COX enzymes for the production of PGG2, it alsoprevents the regeneration of Fe (IV) (APAP causes the forma-tion of Fe (III), thus ↓ activity of POX), a process that is es-sential for starting a new POX cycle as shown in Fig. 24.22.However, acetaminophen is ineffective during inflammationbecause the higher concentration of PGG2 or other peroxides,produced in the inflamed cells as a consequence of inductionof the COX-2 isozyme and lipoxygenase, can overcome theacetaminophen inhibition by degrading acetaminophen in thesynovial fluids as depicted in Figure 24.22 (i.e., conversion ofAPAP to its inactive glutathione conjugate shown).

This mechanism would also explain the recent findingsthat acetaminophen, unlike NSAIDs, cannot inhibit COXactivity in broken cells, and the observation that only the

inhibitory effects of acetaminophen, not indomethacin or di-clofenac, were abolished by increasing intracellular oxidationconditions with the addition of cell-permeable hydroperox-ide, t-butyl-OOH.216 This hypothesis would also provide anadditional reason why depletion of glutathione is the maincause of acetaminophen toxicity discussed under the nextsection. In summary, APAP does not compete with AA forthe binding site on the COX enzyme. Its mechanism of actionis via inhibiting the peroxidase activity of the COX enzyme.


Acetaminophen and phenacetin can be metabolized to reac-tive hepatotoxic and renal toxic metabolites by various mech-anisms.217 Readers should consult a more detailed discussionin the drug metabolism chapter of this text. Figure 24.23 sum-marizes only the salient features for the purpose of discussingphenacetin/acetaminophen-induced liver and renal toxicities.

Acetanilide and phenacetin are hydroxylated or O-dealkylated, respectively via CYP1A2 to their activemetabolite, acetaminophen.206 In healthy individuals,acetaminophen is primarily eliminated as its O-sulfatesand O-glucuronides, with only a small amount of the




Fe(IV)=O(Oxidized form)

Fe(III)(resting State)






















Fe(IV)=OPP(Radical cation)



Tyr-385(in COX active site)



Tyr-385 Radical








Figure 24.22 Mechanism of action of acetaminophen on PGH2 synthesis.

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N-hydroxylated metabolite (via CYP2E1/CYP3A4 isozymes),which can be sulfated or glucuronidated.217,218 Smallamounts of these O-sulfates, if accumulated in liver or renaltubules, can slowly rearrange to form the reactive N-acetyliminoquinone metabolites, shown in Figure 24.23.However, these reactive metabolites, once formed, are im-mediately deactivated by glutathione, the body’s defensemechanism for detoxifying reactive metabolites.

In contrast, a similar N-O-sulfate of phenacetin will im-mediately rearrange to this reactive metabolite, N-acetylim-inoquinone, whereas the corresponding N-O-glucuronidecan also be slowly converted to this reactive metabolite.217

Thus, it is not surprising that acetaminophen is a much saferdrug than phenacetin with regard to their relative toxicities(i.e., with occasional use, most of acetaminophen is elimi-nated as its O-sulfates and O-glucuronides). However, itshould be pointed out that acetaminophen-induced toxicitycan be greatly increased by concurrent use of alcoholic bev-erages, especially in alcoholic individuals. This is becauseboth CYP2E1 and CYP3A4 isozymes are induced byalcohol consumption.218 Moreover, heavy caffeine use,together with alcohol, would further increase the risk ofalcohol-mediated acetaminophen hepatotoxicity.219 N-acetylcysteine is typically given as an antidote to treat pos-sible acetaminophen poisoning even before plasma levels ofacetaminophen are determined. Similar to glutathione, it de-activates the N-acetyliminoquinone metabolite before itchanges to covalently bind cellular proteins (Fig. 24.23).


Acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol, APAP), a wellestablished analgesic/antipyretic drug, is frequently used byitself OTC (Panado, Tempra, Tylenol) or in combinationwith codeine (Tylenol 3), hydrocodone (Vicodin), or oxy-codone (Percocet) for the treatment of mild to moderate painand to reduce fever. It is available in several nonprescriptionforms and is also marketed in combination with aspirin andcaffeine (Excedrin, Vanquish).

Unlike aspirin or ibuprofen, acetaminophen is well toler-ated with a low incidence of GI side effects. It also has goodoral bioavailability, a fast onset and a plasma half-life of ap-proximately 2 hours after dosing. Although it is a relativelysafe pain medication, several precautions should be recog-nized, including not exceeding the recommended maximumdosage of 4 g/d. A lower daily dose of less than 2 g/d is re-quired in patients who are chronic alcoholics or have renalcomplications.220


RA is one of the most common chronic, inflammatory au-toimmune diseases, affecting approximately 1% of theworld’s adult population.221 It is characterized by persistentinflammation of the synovial lining of the joints that causes

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1. CYP2E1/CYP3A42. sulfation/glucuronidation




















O-Sulfates/ O-Glucuronides(Major metabolites)

N-O-Sulfates orN-O-Glucuronides




N-O-Sulfates orN-O-Glucuronides

Slow Fast rearrangement

Inactive cysteine or glutathione conjugates

N-acetylcysteineor glutathione

Hepatic or renal proteins

Hepatic necrosisor renal failure

Figure 24.23 Metabolic activation of acetaminophen and phenacetin.

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pain, swelling, and stiffness of the upper and lower extrem-ities. RA, if left untreated, can lead to permanent joint car-tilage and bone damage that eventually results in disabilityand a significant impairment of quality of life.221,222 A typ-ical treatment of RA may involve a combination of physi-cal and drug therapy including aspirin, other NSAIDs, orglucocorticoids initially to provide symptomatic relief ofpain and swelling, and one or more of the disease-modify-ing antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) to slow down theunderlying disease progression and to limit further jointdamage.223,224

DMARDs, sometime also referred to as the “slow-actingantirheumatic drugs,” include a diverse class of syntheticdrugs such as methotrexate, hydroxychloroquine, sul-fasalazine, leflunomide, azathioprine, organic gold com-pounds, or immunobiologicals useful for treating thepersistent inflammatory conditions associated with RA.DMARDs have very different mechanisms of action thatallow physicians to individualize treatment strategies toslow down the clinical and radiographic progression of RA,

even though it takes between 6 weeks to 6 months to fullyrealize any of their therapeutic effects.222,224–226

In this chapter, only a few of the commonly used syn-thetic DMARDs are covered to exemplify different treatmentstrategies. Readers interested in more detailed informationregarding the structure–activity and mechanism of actions ofthese DMARDs and related analogs should consult otherchapters in antimalarials (chloroquine and hydroxychloro-quine), anti-infectives (sulfasalazine), and antineoplasticagents (methotrexate, azathioprine, leflunomide). Recent ad-vances in new disease-modifying anti-tumor necrosis factoragents such as etanercept, adalimumab, and infliximab arecovered in a separate chapter entitled “Immunobiologicals”in this text as well as in several recent reviews.221,222,225–227

Synthetic Disease-ModifyingAntirheumatic Drugs

Figure 24.24 contains the chemical structures of theDMARDs and their metabolites mentioned in this section.




5-Aminosalicylic acid










Gold Sodium Thiomalate















7 NCl




Chloroquine, R=HHydroxychloroquine, R=OH







































Figure 24.24 Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.

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Readers should consult other chapters in this text for addi-tional information regarding these drugs.


Methotrexate (MTX, Rheumatrex), an antifolate drug usedin cancer treatment, has also been used in the diseasemanagement of RA since the 1950s. Because of its quickertherapeutic onset among all DMARDs and its demonstratedefficacy, tolerability, and low cost, MTX has been the first-line therapy for RA patients who are not responsive toNSAIDs alone.224,226,227 Recent findings have indicated thatother DMARDs should only be used for patients who are re-fractory to MTX.224,226

At least four anti-inflammatory mechanisms of actionhave been suggested for MTX’s ability to slow down RA dis-ease progression.222,228 First, MTX, being a folate antagonist,prevents antigen-dependent T-cell proliferation by blockingde novo pyrimidine biosynthesis, via a reversible inhibitionof dihydrofolate reductase.228 It also inhibits folate-mediatedproduction of spermine and spermidine in synovial tissue.These polyamines are believed to be the toxic compoundsresponsible for causing tissue injury in RA. MTX can alsoreduce intracellular glutathione concentration, thereby alter-ing the cellular redox state that suppresses the formation ofreactive oxygen radicals in synovial tissue. Lastly, MTX,similar to sulfasalazine, infliximab, and IL-4, can also inhibitosteoclastogenesis (i.e., bone erosion) in patients with RA, bymodulating the interaction of the receptor activator of nuclearfactor �B, its ligand, and osteoprotegrin.229

Methotrexate is usually administered in a once-weeklydose in the range of 15 to 17.5 mg. Although it has good oralbioavailability (�70%), it is more efficacious via IM or SCroutes, because its uptake from the GI tract is mediated by asaturable transporter, known as the reduced folate carrier-1.225,228 Most of the administered dose of methotrexate iseliminated in the urine via its 7-hydroxymethotrexatemetabolite.

Common side effects of MTX include nausea, anemia,and GI mucosa ulcerations. The use of folinic acid supple-ment to reduce MTX-mediated toxicities, however, is notrecommended for RA patients, because high dosages offolinic acid will compete with MTX for the same transporterfor absorption from the GI tract and for cellular uptake.Thus, it may also reverse MTX’s anti-inflammatory effectsin RA patients.228 Moreover, MTX can cause birth defectsin unborn children, thus it is contraindicated for womenduring pregnancy.


Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil, Quineprox) is an olderdrug used to treat malaria that is used more often in thetreatment of RA and lupus erythematosus. Although itsmechanism of action is not known, its ability to interferewith lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF-� gene expression,thereby preventing TNF-� release from mononuclearphagocytes has been suggested.230 It is usually taken orallywith food or milk to prevent stomach irritation and ispreferred over chloroquine because of a lower incidence ofocular toxicity. However, long-term use of this medicationrequires periodic retinal examinations because of rare butpotentially preventable retinopathy associated with its use,especially at a daily dose over 6.5 mg/kg.231


Sulfasalazine (Azufidine) is an azo prodrug that is reducedby the bacterium present in the lower intestine to its activemetabolites, sulfapyridine and 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA or mesalamine). It has been used for the treatment ofRA or ankylosing spondylitis, and inflammatory bowel dis-eases (IBDs) such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease.

It is generally agreed that the therapeutic effects of sul-fasalazine in treating IBDs are due mainly through its activemetabolite, 5-ASA. 5-ASA is believed to work, via similarmechanisms of action to the salicylates discussed earlier, byblocking prostaglandin synthesis in the lower intes-tine.165–168 On the other hand, because 5-ASA is completelyionized and very little of this metabolite can enter into sys-temic circulation, the antirheumatic effects of sulfasalazinehave been attributed to its other active metabolite, sulfapyri-dine.232 In a more recent study, sulfasalazine and sulfapyri-dine were found to inhibit 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamideribonucleotide transformylase, an enzyme involved in denovo purine biosynthesis.233 Sulfasalazine also inhibits neu-trophil function, reduces immunoglobulin levels, and inter-feres with T-cell function via suppression of NF-�B activa-tion.233 Furthermore, like methotrexate, sulfasalazine hasalso been shown to inhibit osteoclastogenesis, thereby pre-venting bone erosion in arthritic patients.229,234

It should be pointed out that approximately one third of thepatients treated long term with sulfasalazine discontinued thedrug because of dose-related adverse effects including nau-sea, dyspepsia, vomiting, headache, rash, gastric distress, es-pecially in patients on a daily dosage of greater than 4 g (or aserum sulfapyridine levels above 50 mg/mL).


Leflunomide (Arava), an isoxazole prodrug, is an orally ac-tive DMARD marketed in 1998 for the treatment of RA. Itis well absorbed and extensively metabolized in vivo to itsactive metabolite, 2-cyano-3-hydroxy-2-buteneamide (teri-flunomide), resulting from a reductive ring opening of theisoxazole ring (see Fig. 24.24). Unlike MTX, teriflunomideblocks T-cell proliferation by inhibiting dihydroorotate de-hydrogenase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the de novobiosynthesis of pyrimidine that is believed to be responsiblefor the immunosuppressive properties of leflunomide.235,236

For this reason, it is not surprising that leflunomide has avery comparable therapeutic efficacy to the first-lineDMARD, MTX as shown in several extended open clinicaltrials.237 However, even though leflunomide is well toler-ated like MTX, several cases of toxic neuropathy have beenobserved during its use, thus careful monitoring of the pa-tient’s neurological status during treatment is mandatory.237

Like MTX, leflunomide is contraindicated in pregnancy orin women considering pregnancy.


The gold salts, gold sodium thiomalate (Aurolate), auro-thioglucose (Solganal), and auranofin (Ridaura) have beenknown to be effective in the treatment of RA for more than60 years.225 Recent findings have suggested that, auranofin,an orally active gold salt, inhibits Nuclear factor �B (NF-�B) activation TLR4-mediated activation of the signalingpathway that leads to the blocking of the formation of

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inflammatory gene product such as cytokines and COX-2.238 Because zinc is a necessary component of NF-�B, atranscription factor that is critical for its DNA binding, Yanget al.239 suggested that auranofin works by oxidizing thezinc containing thiolate anions of NF-�B into a disulfide,thus abolishing the DNA binding requirement for gene ex-pression. However, few patients take gold salt therapy forlonger than 5 years because of their toxicities including mu-cocutaneous reactions, proteinuria, and cytopenias.222


Other DMARDs that can be used in the treatment of RA in-clude penicillamine (Cuprimine), a metabolite of penicillin,or the cytotoxic anticancer drugs such as chlorambucil(Leukeran), Azathioprine (Imuran) and cycophosphamide(Cytoxan), or the other immunosuppressants such as cy-closporine (Sandimmune) and mycophenolate mofetil(MMF). However, most of these drugs are less commonlyused because of their toxicities.


In contrast to RA discussed earlier, gout is somewhatunique, in that its cause is well known, therefore gouty in-flammation can be effectively controlled and treated with

medications.240,241 Gout is one of the most common causesof acute inflammatory arthritis in men older than 40 yearsold, characterized by the deposition of monosodium uratecrystals in the joints and cartilage.242 Phagocytosis of uratecrystals by human neutrophils (and macrophage) inducesthe synthesis and release of a glycoprotein, the crystal-induced chemotactic factor (CCF), which is believed to bethe initial stimulus in the development of acute goutyattacks.243 Gouty arthritis is also more prevalent in men thanin women by a ratio of approximately 6 to 1.


Hyperuricemia is defined as having serum uric acid levelsof greater than 7.0 mg/dL in men or more than 6.0 mg/dLin women. Although recurrent attacks of gouty arthritis in apatient are typically associated with hyperuricemia, mostpeople with high serum urate levels are asymptomatic andmay never develop gout.241,244 Uric acid is a normal meta-bolic end product of purine nucleotide catabolism (i.e., ade-nine and guanine), but unlike other mammals, humans lacka critical enzyme, urate oxidase (uricase), needed to furtherbreak down uric acid into more water-soluble allantoin(Fig. 24.25).241,245,246

Risk Factors

In addition to hyperuricemia, other factors that may also in-crease the risk of development of gout include hypertension,renal insufficiency, obesity, and the use of thiazides or loop






























HHypoxanthine Xanthine












Uric acid

Xanthine oxidaseXanthine oxidase

















Xanthine oxidase

Allopurinol Oxypurinol

















Urate oxidase


Figure 24.25 Catabolism of purine nucleotides and xanthine oxidase inhibitors.

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diuretics, or high intake of alcoholic beverages and purine-rich foods such as meats, liver, bacon, fish, and beans.241,242

The prevalence of gout also increases in organ-transplantpatients who are treated with cyclosporine. Furthermore,early onset of gout (between 20 and 30 years of age) is mostlikely a result of hereditary disorders of purine metabolism,especially in those who have a hypoxanthine-guanine phos-phoribosyltransferase deficiency, thus it should be evaluatedbefore proper treatment is given.245,247

Treatment of Acute Gouty Arthritis

The main goal of the pharmacotherapy of acute gouty arthri-tis is a rapid resolution of pain and debility. The treatmentof choice in the United States is the use of NSAIDs for pa-tients with an established diagnosis of uncomplicated gout(i.e., those with heart failure, renal insufficiency, or GI dis-ease).241,248 For patients who have active peptic ulcers orrenal impairment, the choice is either an IM dose of corti-cotropin (ACTH) or an intra-articular injection of glucocor-ticoids. The chemical aspects of corticosteroids and theirtherapeutic uses are covered in a separate chapter in thistext. Colchicine is generally reserved for prophylaxis of re-current, acute flare-ups of gouty arthritis or in patients inwhom the diagnosis of gout is not yet confirmed.245,248


Colchicine is an alkaloid isolated from the dried corns andseeds of Colchicum autumnale L., commonly known as au-tumn crocus or meadow saffron, (see Fig. 24.26 for struc-ture). It is specifically indicated for acute treatment of goutyarthritis because of its ability to block the production and re-lease of the CCF that mediates the inflammatory responsebecause of urate crystals, a mechanism different fromcolchicine’s antimitotic action, which is being investigatedfor its anticancer properties.243 It is often quite effective inaborting an acute gouty attack if given within the first 10 to12 hours after the onset of arthritis.248,249

Colchicine can be administered orally or intravenously.A low oral dose of 0.6 mg is taken every 1 to 2 hours, untileither the resolution of gouty symptoms or the occurrence ofGI toxicities such as increased peristalsis, abdominaldiscomfort, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.248 Most ofthe severe systemic toxicity associated with IV administra-tion of colchicine has been linked to an inappropriate use ofthe drug.250 Several recent findings comparing the safetyand efficacy of colchicine to that of NSAIDs and corticos-teroids, have provided strong evidence for eliminating theIV use of colchicine in the treatment of acute gouty arthritisbecause improper IV dosing can cause severe bone marrow











1. N-dealkylation2. Glycine conjugation

p-Sulfamoylhippurate, R = H, OH

































Figure 24.26 Colchicineand uricosuric acids.

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suppression, renal failure, and death.251,252 Moreover, oralcolchicine is also recommended only as a second-line ther-apy for acute gout treatment when NSAIDs or corticos-teroids are contraindicated or ineffective.252 Concomitantuse of oral colchicine with any of the cholesterol-loweringstatins including pravastatin (Pravachol) should also beavoided because of increased risk of axonal neuromyopathythat can progress to rhabdomyolysis with renal failure.253

This is because most of the statins and colchicine are metab-olized in liver primarily by the hepatic CYP3A4 isozymes.Colchicine can also induce acute myopathy in patients whenused with pravastatin even though it is not metabolized byCYP3A4, because they share the same P-glycoprotein ef-flux transporter system.253

Control of Hyperuricemia

In general, if a patient who has hyperuricemia and the recur-rence of gouty arthritis attacks (i.e., less than twoattacks/year), their gout can usually be controlled by main-taining serum urate levels below the limit of solubility (i.e.,at 6 mg/dL or lower) with drugs that block uric acid synthe-sis by inhibiting xanthine oxidase or with uricosuric drugsthat promote uric acid elimination from the renaltubules.244,245,248


Allopurinol (Zyloprim, Progout) is the only xanthineoxidase inhibitor available in this class. It is rapidly metab-olized to its active isomer oxypurinol (Oxyprim), an exper-imental drug currently in phase III trials, that has a half-lifeof approximately 15 hours but was found to exhibit a simi-lar side effect profile to that of allopurinol (i.e., 40% ofthose allergic to allopurinol have similar cross-reactivity tothis drug).240 Allopurinol and its active metabolite, oxy-purinol, works by effectively competing with the substratehypoxanthine and xanthine, respectively, because of theirstructural similarity to xanthine, for xanthine oxidase, thusblocking uric acid formation from purine nucleosides, ade-nine, and guanine as shown in Figure 24.25. Similarly, al-lopurinol (or oxypurinol) may also exhibit potential druginteractions with other medications such as didanosine (an-tiviral agent), azathioprine and mercaptopurine (anticancerdrugs), and theophylline (asthma drug). For example, if apatient is given a prescription for allopurinol and azathio-prine (Imuran), then the dose of azathioprine should be re-duced by at least 50% to avoid the risk of myelosuppressionby azathioprine.254

Febuxostat is a novel and selective, nonpurine inhibitorof xanthine oxidase currently awaiting FDA approval fortreatment of chronic gout. It is more effective, at a dailydose of 80 or 120 mg, than allopurinol at the commonlyrecommended daily dose of 300 mg in lowering serumurate levels.255,256 Unlike allopurinol, it has minimal ef-fects on other enzymes involved in purine and pyrimidinemetabolisms.


Probenecid (Benemid) and sulfinpyrazone (Anturane) areuricosuric agents that work by preventing uric acid reab-

sorption from the renal proximal tubules (see Fig. 24.26 forstructures).257 They are only effective in patients with nor-mal renal function who are not taking any medications suchas the thiazide diuretics that compete for uric acid excretionvia the organic anion transporter system (OATS) at the renalproximal tubules. In addition, patients who are usingprobenecid should also be counseled to avoid using anysalicylates at doses greater than 81 mg/d or sulfonamide-containing diuretics such as furosemide, because concomi-tant use of any salicylates or diuretics can negate itsuricosuric activity.242

ProbenecidProbenecid (Benemid) is the most widely used uricosuricagent in the United States. It is selectively excreted into therenal tubules by OATS. It is extensively metabolized via N-dealkylation or �-oxidation, followed by phase II conjuga-tion into the active metabolite, p-sulfamyl hippurate, whichexhibits a high affinity, similar to p-aminohippurate, forbinding to OATS, thereby preventing uric acid reabsorptionfrom the renal proximal tubules (Fig. 24.26) 257

SulfinpyrazoneSulfinpyrazone (Anturane) produces its uricosuric action ina similar manner to that of probenecid and is indicated forthe treatment of chronic and recurrent gouty arthritis. It iswell absorbed with approximately 50% of the administereddose excreted as unchanged drug into the renal tubules. Therest of the drug is primarily metabolized via CYP2C9 intothe corresponding sulfide and sulfone metabolites, thus itcan potentiate the anticoagulant effect of warfarin.258


Triptans are safe and effective drugs for abortive, but not forprophylactic, treatment of moderate to severe migraine andcluster headaches.259 Because of their higher affinity and se-lectivity for the serotonin 5-HT1B/1D receptors at the trigemi-nal nerve fibers and dural vasculature, they are able to inducevasoconstrictions at these sites, thereby relieving pain fromcranial vasodilatation and reducing neurogenic inflammationassociated with these disorders.259,260 However, triptans areoften contraindicated in patients with uncontrolled hyperten-sion, especially those with coronary vascular diseases, eventhough there are far fewer 5-HT1B receptors found in coro-nary blood vessels and in the peripheral vasculatures than inthe cranial blood vessels.261 Thus, special attention shouldalso be given to assess the safety and tolerability profile ofthe triptans when choosing among available drugs because oftheir pharmacokinetic differences.261,262

Pathophysiology of Migraine

Migraine, a recurrent and debilitating headache disorder,affects about 12% of the worldwide population with ahigher prevalence in women (�18%) than in men(�6%).259 In the most recent classification and diagnosticcriteria for headache disorders published by the HeadacheClassification Committee of the International HeadacheSociety, the terms, common and classical migraines havebeen replaced with migraine without aura and migrainewith aura, respectively.263 The patients often describetheir migraine attack as having an intense pulsating and

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throbbing headache lasting from 4 hours to 3 days, if notproperly treated.259,260 In addition to this excruciating pain,migraine patients often have other symptoms like nausea,vomiting, sensitivity to light (photophobia), sound (phono-phobia), or movements that can also severely impact theirquality of life.

Although the etiology of migraines remains poorly un-derstood, activation of the meningeal nociceptors at the in-tracranial trigeminovascular system (TGVS, also referred toas the trigeminal pain pathway) is believed to play a key rolein promoting headache and other symptoms associated withmigraines.264–266 Several theories have been suggested toexplain the underlying causes for the symptoms associatedwith migraines.259 Only two of the most prominent theoriesare briefly discussed under this section.


According to the vascular theory, the vasodilatation of cra-nial carotid arteriovenous anastomoses (sites of many 5-HT1B/1D receptors) and meningeal, dural, cerebral, or pialvessels (primary sites of 5-HT1B receptors) plays an impor-tant role in the pathogenesis of migraines and is responsiblefor the pain associated with migraine headaches.259,261 Thefact that sumatriptan-induced cranial vasoconstriction is se-lectively blocked by a selective 5-HT1B antagonist, and notby a 5-HT1D antagonist, lends further support to this vascu-lar theory of migraines.267


This theory suggests that migraine headaches occur as a re-sult of an abnormal firing of meningeal nociceptors at theTGVS. Activation of trigeminal neurons releases vasoac-tive peptides including calcitonin gene-related peptide(CGRP, a vasodilator peptide), substance P, and neurokininA (both play an important role in pain transmission as wellas activation of immune responses and neurogenic inflam-mation) onto dural tissue where these peptides produce a

local response known as neurogenic inflammation.259

These peptides induce cranial vasodilatation, especially atthe dural membranes surrounding the brain (mainly a resultof CGRP), thus producing the pain associated with mi-graine attacks. Further evidence supporting this theory asthe underlying cause of migraines can be found from a re-cent study linking the dural mast cell degranulation to theprolonged activation of the trigeminal pain pathway andneurogenic inflammation.268

The discovery of these vasoactive peptides providesnew targets for the future design of nonvasoconstrictors,nontriptan drugs such as CGRP antagonists for the acuteand preventive treatment of migraine and clusterheadaches.259,269

Structure–Activity Relationship

All clinically available triptans possess comparable phar-macodynamic properties. They all bind and stimulate sero-tonin 5-HT1B/1D with affinity in the low nanomolar ranges,thus they are equally effective for the acute treatment ofmigraine.262,270 However, they all have different pharma-cokinetic properties and side effect profiles that vary intype and severity.261 Thus, they are not equally efficaciousin preventing migraine recurrence because of the differ-ences in their elimination half-lives.262 They also differ intheir potential to induce drug-related CNS side effects, es-pecially somnolence and paresthesia that may lead to a pa-tient’s noncompliance of an otherwise effective migrainetreatment.270

Table 24.2 summarizes the pharmacokinetic properties ofclinically available triptans that contributes to their efficacy,safety, and tolerability.259,262,270–274 A quick glance at theirchemical structures (see Fig. 24.27) reveals two generalstructural types, which might provide insights for assessingsome of these differences.

The 3-alkylaminoethyl containing triptans (sumatriptan,zolmitriptan, rizatriptan, and almotriptan) are substrates forthe hepatic monoamine oxidase type A (MAO-A) because

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TABLE 24.2 Pharmacokinetic Properties of the Triptansa

Bioavailability Onset Time Plasma Metabolizing Drug % CNS Drug Trade Name Oral (%) (min) Half-life (h) Enzymea,b Interactions Side Effects

Sumitriptan Imitrex 14 10–15 (iv) 2 MAO-A MAOIs especially 1.7–6.3Imigrain 15–30 (nasal) MAO-A inhibitors

30–90 (PO)Zolmitriptan Zomig, 40–48 10–15 (nasal) 3 CYP1A2 MAOIs, SSRIs, 9.9–11.5

Zomig-ZMT 45–60 (PO) MAO-A CimethidineNaratriptan Amerge 63 (men) 60–180 (PO) 5–6.3 Renal/CYP 1.9

Naramig 74 (women) isozymesRizatriptan Maxalt 45 30–120 (PO) 2–3 MAO-A MAOIs especially 6.1–9.4

Maxalt-MLT MAO-A inhibitors, Propranolol

Almotriptan Axert 70–80 60–180 (PO) 3.3 MAO-A 1.5CYP3A4

Frovatriptan Prova 60 120–180 (PO) 26 CYP1A2 Fluvoxamine, 6.0ciprofloxacin,mexiletine

Eletriptan Relpax 50 30–60 (PO) 3.6–5.5 CYP3A4 Ketoconazole and 2.6–14.6other CYP3A4 inhibitors

aCompiled from data reported in the following references (1, 4, 12, and 13).bPrimary mode of metabolism listed first.

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of their structural resemblance to 5-HT, the preferred sub-strate for MAO-A. They all have a relatively short durationof action (i.e., 2–3 hours) because of first-pass metabolic in-activation by the MAO-A into an indole acetic acid metabo-lite that is rapidly eliminated as their corresponding glu-curonides. Thus, the use of these triptans requires repeatdosing to prevent the recurrence of migraine attack. Theyare also contraindicated with concomitant use of any MAOinhibitors, especially inhibitors of MAO-A such as the anti-depressant drug, moclobemide (Aurorix, Mauerix).261,273

Eletriptan, frovatriptan, and naratriptan, on the otherhand, with their 3-alkylamino side chain fused into a carbo-cyclic ring structure, all have much longer elimination half-lives and lower incidence of headache recurrence re-ported.273 This is because they are not a substrate forMAO-A (amphetamine is not a substrate for MAO becauseit has an additional methyl group � to the terminal aminefunction). These triptans are mainly degraded by the he-patic CYP isozymes (CYP1A2, 2D6, 3A4), but theirbioavailability may be altered with a drug that inhibits orinduces these CYP isozymes.275 For example, eletriptan isprimarily metabolized by CYP3A4 isozyme, thus it is notadvisable to use eletriptan with a CYP3A4 inhibitor such asketoconazole, or nefazodone without appropriately adjust-ing their dosages.275

The highest reported incidences of drug-induced CNStoxicities were found with eletriptan (14% at 80-mg dose),zolmitriptan (11.5% at 5-mg dose) and rizatriptan (9.4% at10-mg dose). They all have N-demethylated, active metabo-lites that can easily gain entry into the brain because of their

high lipophilicity.270 Thus, the presence of this activemetabolite in the brain and the high lipophilicity of theparent triptan have been suggested as a factor for contribut-ing to the observed CNS side effects of the triptans.270 Thishypothesis is further supported by the fact that frovatriptanhas a much lower CNS toxicity because of the greater watersolubility of its N-demethylated active metabolite thatprevents it from entering the brain, whereas sumatriptan, al-motriptan, and naratriptan all have a very low reported inci-dence of CNS side effects because they have no clinicallysignificant active metabolites.270,276

Donitriptan, a unique high-efficacy and high-selectivity5-HT1B/1D agonist (i.e., with high-intrinsic activity ap-proaching that of the endogenous agonist 5-HT) currently inlate-stage clinical trials, is a novel arylpiperazole derivativewith much better consistency of pain relief and a lower inci-dence of migraine recurrence.277 Furthermore, unlike suma-triptan, it can also block capsaicin-sensitive trigeminalsensory nerves from releasing CGRP, resulting in selectivecranial vasodilatation and central nociception.278

Mechanism of Action

Triptans are specifically designed to bind to the 5-HT1B/1D

receptors based on the findings that 5-HT1B receptors arepresent in the cranial blood vessels279,280 and 5-HT1B/1D

receptors are found in the trigeminal pain pathway.280,281

Three distinct mechanisms have been suggested to explainthe actions of triptans: (a) Triptans abort migraineheadache by its agonist action at the 5-HT1B receptors,

































































Figure 24.27 Triptans.

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thereby inducing vasoconstriction of the meningeal, dural,or pial blood vessels.279 (b) Triptans also inhibitneurogenic inflammation via its presynaptic stimulation of5-HT1D receptors and/or through its additional action atthe 5-HT1B/1D receptors.281 (c) Triptans relieve migrainepain transmission most likely because of its inhibitoryaction at the trigeminal pain pathway mediated via 5-HT1B/1D/1F receptors.259,279,280

Antimigraine Drugs Acting on 5-HT1B/1D Receptors


Sumatriptan was the first triptan approved (1991) for theacute treatment of migraine headaches. It has the lowestoral bioavailability among all triptans because of its lowlipophilicity. The availability of many different dosageforms (i.e., an oral tablet, a SC injection, a nasal spray for-mulation, and a suppository) allows the flexibility of tailor-ing therapy to the needs of the individual patients, thusmaking sumatriptans a very useful drug for an acute treat-ment of migraine headaches.262,282 It also has a very fastonset of action via SC injection or nasal spray adminis-tration. However, sumatriptan is contraindicated withmonoamine oxidase inhibitors because it is primarily de-graded by hepatic MAO-A. Thus, it may require frequentdosing as a result of its short duration of action to preventmigraine recurrence.262,282


Zolmitriptan, the second triptan marketed (approved in1997), has a much better bioavailability (40%–48%) thansumatriptan. It is rapidly absorbed after oral or nasal sprayadministration. It also has an orally disintegrating tablet for-mulation (Zomig ZMT), which can be taken without water.Zolmitriptan undergoes rapid N-demethylation via CYP1A2to a more potent, active metabolite, N-desmethylzolmitrip-tan, which is 2 to 6 times more potent than the parentdrug.262,283 This active metabolite was detected 5 minutesafter dosing and accounts for about two thirds of the plasmaconcentration of the administered dose of the parent drug.284

Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the therapeutic effectsand especially the CNS side effects of zolmitriptan must bein part attributed to the plasma levels of this active metabo-lite, at least until it is further degraded by hepatic MAO-Ato its inactive indole acetic acid derivatives.262,283


Naratriptan, the third triptan approved in 1998, is one of themost lipophilic triptans marketed to date. It has a much im-proved bioavailability (63% in men and 74% in women), agreater affinity for 5-HT1B/1D receptors (3–6 times), and alower recurrence rate than sumatriptan because of its muchlonger elimination half-life.262,285 Naratritan also has a fa-vorable CNS side effect profile when compared with suma-triptan or zolmitriptan because of its metabolic stability,thereby lacking a N-demethylated active metabolite and asignificant renal excretion (�70% of naratriptan is excretedunchanged and the rest of the administered dose is degradedvia several CYP isozymes).262,270,286


Rizatriptan, approved in 1998, is a fast-acting triptan be-cause of its moderate lipophilicity yet has a very shortelimination half-life similar to sumatriptan (i.e., like suma-triptan, it is mainly metabolized by MAO-A). The only ad-vantages of this drug when compared with sumatriptan arethat it has a slightly faster onset and that it has an orallydisintegrating tablet formulation which can be taken with-out water.262


Almotriptan, marketed in 2000, has the highest oralbioavailability among all triptans (see Table 24.2). It is me-tabolized by both MAO-A and CYP3A4, thus has a more fa-vorable side effects profile when compared with sumatrip-tan. However, it is only available in a 12.5 mg tablet form.


Frovatriptan is a newer triptan introduced into the market in2001. With the incorporation of a 3-alkylamino side chaininto a carbazole ring structure, it is not a substrate forMAO-A or CYP3A4. Thus, unlike the other clinicallyavailable triptans, it possesses a much longer duration ofaction with fewer drug–drug interactions with MAO in-hibitors or with drugs metabolized by the CYP3A4isozymes.274,276 It is primarily metabolized by CYP1A2 togive its active metabolite, N-desmethyl-frovatriptan, whichhas about one third of the binding affinity for 5-HT1D/1B re-ceptors but with three times longer plasma half-life of theparent drug.276,287

Frovatriptan also has the highest affinity for brain 5-HT1B receptors and the longest elimination half-life amongall triptans.273,288 The only disadvantage of this drug is itsslower onset of action because of its greater water solubil-ity. However, it is a drug of choice for patients with long-lasting migraines or if recurrence is a problem.273


Eletriptan, introduced into the market in 2002, is the newesttriptan with highest affinity for 5-HT1B, 5-HT1D, and 5-HT1F

receptors. It is one of the most lipophilic triptans marketedto date and is well tolerated and safe across its dosing rangeof 20 to 80 mg.275 However, it is metabolized primarily(�90%) by CYP3A4 isozyme to its active metabolite, theN-desmethyleletriptan, which accounts for approximately10% to 20% of the plasma concentration of that observedfor parent drug.289 Thus, coadministration of eletriptan withpotent CYP3A4 inhibitors such as ketoconazole, itracona-zole, nefazodone, troleandomycin, clarithromycin, ritonavir,and nelfinavir may require dose reduction and closer moni-toring for CNS side effects.262,275 Furthermore, becauseeletriptan and its active metabolite, N-desmethyleletriptan,are also substrates for the P-glycoprotein efflux pumps thatare responsible for their removal from the brain, coadminis-tration of eletriptan with a known P-glycoprotein inhibitorand/or inducer such as digoxin, diltiazem, verapamil, or St.John’s Worth would result in higher brain levels of its activemetabolite, and thus a higher rate of the CNS side effectsreported for this drug.290

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1. A patient is brought to the emergency room via ambu-lance. He is unresponsive to questions, has a respiratoryrate of 4 breaths per minute, and an arterial oxygen satu-ration (SpO2) of 82% measured by finger pulse oximetry.On physical exam, multiple injection (track) marks areidentified on his forearms, and the patient also displays acutaneous rash over his trunk. The suspected diagnosis isa heroin overdose. The nurse calls the pharmacy for 50mg of diphenhydramine to treat the cutaneous rash. Youdo not dispense it, why?

2. A new mom comes to your pharmacy to refill her codeineprescription, prescribed for episiotomy pain. She is con-cerned because her 2-week-old breastfed baby is ex-tremely lethargic, sleeps all day, and seems unresponsiveto stimulus. You recommend that she bring the baby tothe emergency room immediately. What genetic poly-morphism do you suspect the mom has? What dangerdoes this pose to her breastfed infant?

3. A patient presents to your pharmacy with a prescriptionfor Vicodin ES; 2 tablets q 6 hours around the clock;#240; refills � zero. You do not dispense it, why?

4. A 72-year-old man who has been taking the antiarrythmicdrug quinidine for 4 years self treats his diarrhea withImodium (loperamide). His son calls your pharmacy to

report that his father is very sleepy, his pupils are pin-points, and he is acting “very strange.” You suspect thatloperamide is having CNS effects. What is the pharmaco-logical reason behind the quinidine-loperamide drug–druginteraction?

5. Diflunisal is a potent, long acting nonselective COX in-hibitor. Explain how this drug binds to the COX-1 en-zyme, and how it is eliminated from the body.

6. Provide a biochemical reason why acetaminophen, unlikeaspirin and other NSAIDS, is a centrally acting anal-gesic/antipyretic drug that has no anti-inflammatoryactivity.

7. Provide a possible rationale for why CYP3A4 inducerscan increase the clearance of diclofenac, yet CYP3A4 in-hibitors have little or no effect on its pharmacokineticprofile.

8. Sulindac, a potent nonselective COX inhibitor, is said tohave a lower risk of stomach bleeding and nephrotoxicitythan other aspirin-like NSAIDs such as indomethacin.Explain.

9. Provide a possible chemical/biochemical rationale whyfrovatriptan has a much lower CNS toxicity than eletriptan.


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