ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an...

B irla International School (BIS) aims to create Global Citizens by providing a secure and caring co-educational ambience, where students develop the skills and values necessary to realize their potential and make a positive contribution to society. ANAHAD Beyond Sky B I R L A I N T E R N A T I O N A L S C H O O L Nurturing minds on wings

Transcript of ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an...

Page 1: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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B irla International School (BIS) aims to create Global Citizens by providing a secure and caring co-educational ambience, where students develop the skills and values necessary to realize their potential and make a positive contribution to society.

ANAHAD Beyond Sky


Nurturing minds on wings …

Page 2: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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Issue. 4. September 2019

ANAHAD Beyond Sky

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Inside this Issue

C reativity revives our life, rejuvenates our working culture and breaks the monotony of our hectic schedule. It enables us to think out of the box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup.

When the mind has an abundance of interesting and innovative ideas, it facilitates us to do any tedious task in an effective way and paves our way to success. Therefore, let the creativity create our dream. ‘Anhad’ is a successful attempt to foster creativity.


Inter- House Calligra-phy Competition

‘Karukrit’ Career Fair Kaleido-Scope

Inter House Football

Tournament Inter House Sanskrit

Shloka & Patriotic Song Competition

‘Gotipua’ – Spic Macay

(Bspmun, 2019) Independence Day Rakhi Making

Activity Badges Award

Ceremony 2019-20 Mathematical Tables

Contest Inter House Pin

Board Competition Model Parliament at

Bsv Inter House Swim-

ming Competition Teachers’ Day Bis Weekly Bazaar Euphoria 2019 Biskmun 2019 Inter Class

Pro Kabaddi League Inter House Basket-

ball Tournament Swachata Abhiyan Creative Corner

Vineet Mundliya XI Commerce

Page 3: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

2 | P a g e A N A H A D N E W S L E T T E R

Issue. 4. September 2019

ANAHAD Beyond Sky

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Inside this Issue

C reativity revives our life, rejuvenates our working culture and breaks the monotony of our hectic schedule. It enables us to think out of the box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup.

When the mind has an abundance of interesting and innovative ideas, it facilitates us to do any tedious task in an effective way and paves our way to success. Therefore, let the creativity create our dream. ‘Anhad’ is a successful attempt to foster creativity.


Inter- House Calligra-phy Competition

‘Karukrit’ Career Fair Kaleido-Scope

Inter House Football

Tournament Inter House Sanskrit

Shloka & Patriotic Song Competition

‘Gotipua’ – Spic Macay

(Bspmun, 2019) Independence Day Rakhi Making

Activity Badges Award

Ceremony 2019-20 Mathematical Tables

Contest Inter House Pin

Board Competition Model Parliament at

Bsv Inter House Swim-

ming Competition Teachers’ Day Bis Weekly Bazaar Euphoria 2019 Biskmun 2019 Inter Class

Pro Kabaddi League Inter House Basket-

ball Tournament Swachata Abhiyan Creative Corner

Vineet Mundliya XI Commerce

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I nter- House Calligraphy Competition

Birla International School (BIS) organized a workshop on Calligraphy from 9th to 11th July 2019 followed by Inter – House Competition on 12th July 2019 wherein the students from classes IV to VIII participated with great zeal and gusto and learnt the art of writing in beautiful and vari-ant styles. The students of four different Houses from each class took part in this competition. They were categorized in four groups – Category A (Class: IV-V), Category B (Class: VI), Cate-gory C (Class: VII), and Category D (Class: VIII).

Ms Dalia Ghosh, Vice Principal, BIS graced the occasion with her presence. She appreciated students’ efforts and encouraged them to be part of such events. The judges for the competition were Ms Paromita, Mr Pankaj Kumar and Mr Bishal Tamang. The winners from each category were awarded certificates.

The following students bagged 1st position from each group: Group A-Manuraj Singh Bala-wat (Vindhyachal House), Group B-Nikhil Dagar (Shivalik House), Group C – Pranav Agarwal (Aravali House) and Group D – Shahrukh Khan (Shivalik House).

Students participating in Calligraphy Competition.

Page 4: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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An extensive workshop of ten days on Painting and Sculpture, held in Birla International School, proved to be extremely fruitful to the students in hon-ing their creativity and fostering their imaginative power. The workshop was led by Mr Narendra Ku-mar (pursuing BFA in Painting from Jamia Millia Islamia College, Delhi) and Mr Shakeel Ahmad (pursuing BFA in Sculpture from College of Art, Delhi), who trained the students with the tireless pas-sion and enthusiasm that was reflected in the works created by the students. Participants expressed their imagination through painting and sculpture including the theme ‘Peace’. Three different groups participat-ed for Wall Painting and two groups were made for the Sculpture workshop. In the Wall Painting, the first group painted around 16X6 feet area of the wall on the subject ‘Boat Riding’. Ten students from class VIII portrayed a river with greenery. The second group (class IX) depicted the topic ‘Pots with its Cre-ator’ through the painting. As ‘Buddha’ is the univer-sal subject to portray peace in the modern world, sev-enteen students from classes XI and XII beautifully coloured a large wall with a huge figure of Buddha sitting in Barabhaya Mudra.

K ARUKRIT’ - Wall Painting and Sculpture 10th July to 20th July,2019

Page 5: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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An extensive workshop of ten days on Painting and Sculpture, held in Birla International School, proved to be extremely fruitful to the students in hon-ing their creativity and fostering their imaginative power. The workshop was led by Mr Narendra Ku-mar (pursuing BFA in Painting from Jamia Millia Islamia College, Delhi) and Mr Shakeel Ahmad (pursuing BFA in Sculpture from College of Art, Delhi), who trained the students with the tireless pas-sion and enthusiasm that was reflected in the works created by the students. Participants expressed their imagination through painting and sculpture including the theme ‘Peace’. Three different groups participat-ed for Wall Painting and two groups were made for the Sculpture workshop. In the Wall Painting, the first group painted around 16X6 feet area of the wall on the subject ‘Boat Riding’. Ten students from class VIII portrayed a river with greenery. The second group (class IX) depicted the topic ‘Pots with its Cre-ator’ through the painting. As ‘Buddha’ is the univer-sal subject to portray peace in the modern world, sev-enteen students from classes XI and XII beautifully coloured a large wall with a huge figure of Buddha sitting in Barabhaya Mudra.

K ARUKRIT’ - Wall Painting and Sculpture 10th July to 20th July,2019

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Under the Guidance and Counselling Programme at BIS, a group of fifty-one students of Class XII along with five teacher escorts attended International Career Fair at Pilani on 19 July 2019. The students attended two common sessions at Lotus Hall and also visited career stalls at Vijay Hall.

The sessions were conducted by well experienced Overseas Education and Migration Counsellors like Ms Pervin Malhotra, Executive Director, Career Guidance India (CARING), whose immensely popular career query columns in the print and electronic media reach an estimated audience of 50 million, and Ms Preeti Pawar, Director, Global Studies Advisor, South Asia. They addressed upon ‘The Knowledge Economy’, ‘Transferable Skills’ and ‘The Myths related to Career’ as well as various destination for undergrad-uate programmes such as Australia, USA, UK, Germany and Canada.

Various career stalls of Indian and International Universities were displayed in the Vijay Hall such as Queen’s University, Academy of Pastry Arts- Leading Culinary schools in India and abroad, Uni-versity of Ottawa, London School of Economics and Political Sciences, St. George’s University etc.

C AREER FAIR – XII 19th July 2019




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The career fair was a success in helping students to develop an insight

for their career path.

Page 6: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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To promote entertainment based education, Social Science Department conducted a programme entitled ‘Kaleidoscope’ wherein twelve movies were screened at the various venues viz Audio-Visual Room, Conference Room, Theatre Room and Yoga Room, organising three shows on each day. Tickets of the movies were made availa-ble outside the respective venues and were given to the students with the help of student volunteers along with duty teachers. The posters of all movies were displayed for the students to inform them about the venue and movie titles.


20th -21st July 2019

Life of Pie Animal Farm Battle Ground 300 - Rise of an Empire Bhopal Gas Tragedy The Core The Guns of Navarons The Final Countdown

Eagle has landed The Lost Battalion City of war

To enhance the writing skills of

students, an Inter-House Creative Writ-ing Competition was held on 12 July 2019 in Birla International School. The students of grade IV to X participated in the competition and displayed their talents. The students gave full expres-sion to their creative ideas and penned them down in the form of beautiful es-says, stories and poems. The competi-tion provided an opportunity for the budding authors of BIS to hone their creative skills. The students of four dif-ferent houses from each class took part in this competition. They were catego-rized into three groups: Category A (Class: IV-V), Category B (Class: VI-VIII) and Category C (Class: VIII - X).

The topic for group A was Picture

Composition, Story Writing for group B and Abstract One Word for group C. Dr LK Jain, Principal, BIS graced the occasion with his presence and encour-aged the students to be part of such events and develop the skills of writing. The winners from each category were awarded certificates.

Page 7: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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To promote entertainment based education, Social Science Department conducted a programme entitled ‘Kaleidoscope’ wherein twelve movies were screened at the various venues viz Audio-Visual Room, Conference Room, Theatre Room and Yoga Room, organising three shows on each day. Tickets of the movies were made availa-ble outside the respective venues and were given to the students with the help of student volunteers along with duty teachers. The posters of all movies were displayed for the students to inform them about the venue and movie titles.


20th -21st July 2019

Life of Pie Animal Farm Battle Ground 300 - Rise of an Empire Bhopal Gas Tragedy The Core The Guns of Navarons The Final Countdown

Eagle has landed The Lost Battalion City of war

To enhance the writing skills of

students, an Inter-House Creative Writ-ing Competition was held on 12 July 2019 in Birla International School. The students of grade IV to X participated in the competition and displayed their talents. The students gave full expres-sion to their creative ideas and penned them down in the form of beautiful es-says, stories and poems. The competi-tion provided an opportunity for the budding authors of BIS to hone their creative skills. The students of four dif-ferent houses from each class took part in this competition. They were catego-rized into three groups: Category A (Class: IV-V), Category B (Class: VI-VIII) and Category C (Class: VIII - X).

The topic for group A was Picture

Composition, Story Writing for group B and Abstract One Word for group C. Dr LK Jain, Principal, BIS graced the occasion with his presence and encour-aged the students to be part of such events and develop the skills of writing. The winners from each category were awarded certificates.

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I NTER HOUSE FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT 15 -16 July 2019 & 22 July to 23 July 2019

A n Inter House Football Tourna-

ment was held in Birla Interna-tional School on the lustre green football field from 15 -16 July 2019 and 22 July to 23 July 2019, where participants from each House (Nigiri, Shivalik, Aravalli, Vindhyachal) competed with each other in two categories (Junior and Senior) and achieved posi-tions. In Junior Category, Vindhachal House and in Senior Category Aravali House won the finals.

Sports Spirits



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I nter House Sanskrit Shloka and Patriotic Song Competition 25th July 2019

To arouse the feeling of patriotism among students, Birla International School conducted Inter House Sanskrit Shloka and Patriot Song Competition on 25th July 2019 wherein the participants from each House showcased their talents with great zeal and enthusiasm. In the recitation of Sanskrit Shloka, Nilgiri House achieved the first po-sition and Shivalik House obtained the sec-ond position; whereas, in Patriotic Song Competition, runner up position went to Nilgiri House and Vindhachal House won the first position.

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Page 9: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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I nter House Sanskrit Shloka and Patriotic Song Competition 25th July 2019

To arouse the feeling of patriotism among students, Birla International School conducted Inter House Sanskrit Shloka and Patriot Song Competition on 25th July 2019 wherein the participants from each House showcased their talents with great zeal and enthusiasm. In the recitation of Sanskrit Shloka, Nilgiri House achieved the first po-sition and Shivalik House obtained the sec-ond position; whereas, in Patriotic Song Competition, runner up position went to Nilgiri House and Vindhachal House won the first position.

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G otipua’ – A Classical Dance Performance By | 28th July 2019

Under the aegis of Spic Macay, a Classical Dance Performance ‘Gooitpua’ was organised by Birla International School, Kishangarh. The artists, who presented such a spectacular performance that the audience couldn’t resist from applauding, hailed from Nakshyatra Gurukul, Bhuvaneshwar, a place where Gotipua act has been nurtured over the years. Having commenced with Vandana ‘Manglakaran’ to express gratitude to God, the artists moved to ‘Sargam Pallavi, ‘Singh Vaahini’ and ‘Bandha Nritya’.

The enchanting traditional dance form was emotive and well presented by the dancers with ease and perfection. The pro-gramme culminated with the felicitation of Guru Anant Kumar Behra along with his artists.

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Page 10: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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Birla International School celebrated Independence Day with great gusto and zeal. The day when every-body overwhelmed with patriotic sentiments and paid the homage to all the freedom fighters.

IN DEPENDENCE DAY 15th August 2019

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Birla International School celebrated Independence Day with great gusto and zeal. The day when every-body overwhelmed with patriotic sentiments and paid the homage to all the freedom fighters.

IN DEPENDENCE DAY 15th August 2019

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On the pious occasion of Raksha Bandhan, Birla International School conducted a Rakhi Making Activi-ty for the students of Classes IV to VIII at their respec-tive classrooms. All the students participated with their great zeal and enthusiasm. Students made beautiful Rakhis with articles like beads, ribbons, flowers and other decorative items.

Their innovative artisanship was a treat to eyes. The efforts and the feelings of love and affection among the students received much appreciation.



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“Motivation is an internal impulse that brings us to complete an action. Without motivation, there is no action.”

To motivate and encourage the high achievers of previous session’s grade X, a felicitation programme was organized on 19th August 2019 in beautifully embellished Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH). According to the layout of the programme, the high achievers were felicitated along with the subject teachers of the batch. In a very systematic way, all high achievers were called upon stage and honoured by the Principal, Vice-Principal and Senior Academic Coordinator while the compère described their achievements.

It is truly said, “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.” To encour-age the motivators and light-bearers, all subject teachers were also called upon the stage and awarded. It was a proud moment for all the teachers that filled a lot of enthusiasm and willingness to excel more to achieve goals.

In the end, the Principal addressed the gathering to motivate students to step forward and achieve good marks in their exams.


High Achievers of Session 2018-19 being felicitated

High Achievers of Session 2018-19 being felicitated

Page 13: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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“Motivation is an internal impulse that brings us to complete an action. Without motivation, there is no action.”

To motivate and encourage the high achievers of previous session’s grade X, a felicitation programme was organized on 19th August 2019 in beautifully embellished Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH). According to the layout of the programme, the high achievers were felicitated along with the subject teachers of the batch. In a very systematic way, all high achievers were called upon stage and honoured by the Principal, Vice-Principal and Senior Academic Coordinator while the compère described their achievements.

It is truly said, “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.” To encour-age the motivators and light-bearers, all subject teachers were also called upon the stage and awarded. It was a proud moment for all the teachers that filled a lot of enthusiasm and willingness to excel more to achieve goals.

In the end, the Principal addressed the gathering to motivate students to step forward and achieve good marks in their exams.


High Achievers of Session 2018-19 being felicitated

High Achievers of Session 2018-19 being felicitated

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The Badges Award Ceremony

was organised on 19th August 2019 in the School Multi-Purpose Hall. The Purpose of the ceremony was to appoint the students on var-ious posts such as House Vice- Captains, Secretaries, Members of Mess Committee, Library Commit-tee, Cultural Committee and Edito-rial Board.

The Ceremony was organised during morning assembly. Thirty-seven Badges were awarded for various posts. The nominated stu-dents from grade VIII to XII were appointed and awarded in the cere-mony. On this occasion, four House Vice-Captains, one Sports Vice-Captain, four Secretaries and twenty-eight members of different committees were awarded the badges.

B ADGES AWARD CEREMONY 2019-20 19th August 2019

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M athematical Tables Contest 21stAugust 2019 to 23rd August 2019

A two days Mathematical Tables contest for grade IV to VIII was organized by the Mathematics Department of Birla International School in the School Multi-Purpose Hall. The contest was a great success in generating great interest in students. It was a treat to eyes to see the students participating with great zeal and enthusiasm.

At the outset of two days contest, the following events were conducted - Grade IV: ‘Math Mother, May I?’ Grade V: ‘Multiplication Candyland’ Grade VI: ‘Speedy Tables’ Grade VII: ‘Tic-Tac-Toe Products’ Grade VIII: ‘Relay Race’ At the culmination of the contest, the Principal and the Vice-Principal motivated children with their inspiring words and congratulated the winners and the department for putting in their best efforts.








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M athematical Tables Contest 21stAugust 2019 to 23rd August 2019

A two days Mathematical Tables contest for grade IV to VIII was organized by the Mathematics Department of Birla International School in the School Multi-Purpose Hall. The contest was a great success in generating great interest in students. It was a treat to eyes to see the students participating with great zeal and enthusiasm.

At the outset of two days contest, the following events were conducted - Grade IV: ‘Math Mother, May I?’ Grade V: ‘Multiplication Candyland’ Grade VI: ‘Speedy Tables’ Grade VII: ‘Tic-Tac-Toe Products’ Grade VIII: ‘Relay Race’ At the culmination of the contest, the Principal and the Vice-Principal motivated children with their inspiring words and congratulated the winners and the department for putting in their best efforts.








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I nter House Pin Board Competition 23 August 2019 & 27 August 2019

To give wings to the imagination of budding artists and promote their creativity, Birla International School, Kishangarh organized an Inter House Pin Board Decoration Competition on 23 August 2019. The event was divided into two categories, sequentially, Junior Wing (IV to VIII) and Senior Wing (IX-XIII).

The participants from each House put in their best efforts to bring out the essence of the theme 'New India, Strong India' that was full of patriotism depicting a new and strong India. The competition not only helped them display their artistic talents but also brought them together as a team; they performed their task with unity. The students were successful in adorning their boards and conveying the information, which was judged on the criteria of creativity, organization, display and presentation.

Glimpses of MUN

A team comprising twenty-six

Parliamentarians (sixteen boys and ten girls) participated in Model Parlia-ment, 2019 held at Pilani.

The event was inaugurated by Maj General SS Nair, AVSM (Retd), Director BET, Pilani.

Lok Sabha commenced its proceeding with 'Question Hour' and 'Zero Hour' wherein major agendas were selected and thereafter discussed in the form of Debate that helped students in enhancing their knowledge and oratory skills. It was a great learn-ing opportunity for the participants to learn the processes and skills required in events like this. According to knowledge and debating skills, students were judged and were award-ed for their performance in the closing ceremony.


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I NTER HOUSE SWIMMING COMPETITION 26th August 2019 to 28th August 2019

An Inter House Swimming com-petition was held at Birla Internation-al School Kishangarh from 26th Au-gust 2019 to 28th August 2019. There were five categories (Girls Open/IV to VI/ VII to VIII/ IX to X XI to XII) in which the participants from each House competed with great vigour and enthusiasm. Prizes for the three positions were given away in each category. Students got an Individual Championship and Best House Tro-phy. The events comprised the events: Freestyle Swimming, Medley Relay Race, Relay, Back Stroke Race and Breast Stroke Race. It was highly entertaining and enthralling for the students as well the teachers to wit-ness the competitions spread over a span of three days.

Winners’ Corner

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I NTER HOUSE SWIMMING COMPETITION 26th August 2019 to 28th August 2019

An Inter House Swimming com-petition was held at Birla Internation-al School Kishangarh from 26th Au-gust 2019 to 28th August 2019. There were five categories (Girls Open/IV to VI/ VII to VIII/ IX to X XI to XII) in which the participants from each House competed with great vigour and enthusiasm. Prizes for the three positions were given away in each category. Students got an Individual Championship and Best House Tro-phy. The events comprised the events: Freestyle Swimming, Medley Relay Race, Relay, Back Stroke Race and Breast Stroke Race. It was highly entertaining and enthralling for the students as well the teachers to wit-ness the competitions spread over a span of three days.

Winners’ Corner

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Teachers’ Day 5th Sep’ 2019

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite imagination and instill love for learning.” Teachers’ Day was celebrated on 5th September 2019 with great fervour and zeal. Students displayed

their respect for the teachers by presenting a beautiful programme including skit, songs and dance as well as organising games for teachers. The teachers were escorted to the venue and felicitated by the students.

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Birla International School orga-nized “BIS Weekly Bazaar”-a Maths Activity for classes IV to VII. It was inaugurated by Dr L K Jain, Princi-pal, BIS and Ms Dalia Ghosh, Vice Principal, BIS.

Students exhibited their potential in the various stalls selling items like –the fruits, vegetables and grocery items, aesthetically decorated by the students. During this activity, the stu-dents could be seen performing the role of customers, cashiers at various cash counters, security personnel and other staff members of the Bazaar.

To give students’ the feel of the real bazaar, constant announcements for the sale and discount offers were made. Few children enacted as cus-tomers who entered the bazaar with a long shopping list. They used dummy currency notes for purchasing the ar-ticles of their choice.

The students performed their roles with full enthusiasm. Even the students at the cash counters were deeply engrossed with the calculation as well as the discount offers.

Through this activity, the stu-dents learned the art of dealing with customers, purchasing the items ac-cording to their listed items and the art of savings. The event was suc-cessfully conducted for the first time. The students helped in one way or the other in making the event a success. This fun filled activity concluded with a plaque of appreciation by the school Principal and the Vice Princi-pal, to boost the calibre for their con-tribution as a team work. They were extremely pleased when the children were able to answer the queries put up by them.

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Birla International School orga-nized “BIS Weekly Bazaar”-a Maths Activity for classes IV to VII. It was inaugurated by Dr L K Jain, Princi-pal, BIS and Ms Dalia Ghosh, Vice Principal, BIS.

Students exhibited their potential in the various stalls selling items like –the fruits, vegetables and grocery items, aesthetically decorated by the students. During this activity, the stu-dents could be seen performing the role of customers, cashiers at various cash counters, security personnel and other staff members of the Bazaar.

To give students’ the feel of the real bazaar, constant announcements for the sale and discount offers were made. Few children enacted as cus-tomers who entered the bazaar with a long shopping list. They used dummy currency notes for purchasing the ar-ticles of their choice.

The students performed their roles with full enthusiasm. Even the students at the cash counters were deeply engrossed with the calculation as well as the discount offers.

Through this activity, the stu-dents learned the art of dealing with customers, purchasing the items ac-cording to their listed items and the art of savings. The event was suc-cessfully conducted for the first time. The students helped in one way or the other in making the event a success. This fun filled activity concluded with a plaque of appreciation by the school Principal and the Vice Princi-pal, to boost the calibre for their con-tribution as a team work. They were extremely pleased when the children were able to answer the queries put up by them.

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To enhance the communica-tion skills of students, the school organised an Elocution Competi-tion entitled ‘Euphoria 2019’ on 2nd September 2019 at 7:00 pm in School Multi-Purpose Hall. The programme was fragmented into four competitions, comprising Sto-ry Telling Competition (IV to VI), Choral Recitation Competition (VII to VIII), Soliloquy Competi-tion (IX) and Declamation Compe-tition (XI).

The competition was judged by Dr LK Jain, Principal BIS, and Ms Dalia Ghosh, Vice-Principal BIS. In Senior Category, the classi-cal characters were replicated by the participants of Soliloquy Com-petition employing the masterpiec-es of William Shakespeare and Al-bert Camus; whereas famous speeches were restored through Declamation Competition like the speeches of Martin Luther King, Indira Gandhi and Eric Thomson. In Junior Category, the participants from IV to VIII narrated interac-tive tales and in Choral Recitation, the composition from the famous poems by William Wordsworth, Sarojini Naidu and Robert Frost were recited.

The competition was a success in creating interests and learning zeal for the English language among students. The participants put in their best efforts to make the competition tough and exquisite. In the competition, Shivalik House won the competition and claimed the Winner’s Trophy of Euphoria 2019 and Aravali House secured Runner-up Trophy. The Individual awards for best performers went to Milind Garg(VI), Diwakar Yadav (IX), Pranshu Jain(IX), Syed Ali Akbar (IX) and Arihant Jain (XI Science).


The Digital India Mascot Women Empowerment Stall

Crafts Stall

Development of Civilization Language Stall

Page 20: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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To sharpen problem solving skills and debating skills of the stu-dents, Model United Nations Ac-tivity was organized from 21st Sep-tember to 23rd September 2019. Master Aryavardhan Modi of grade XII Science was deputed as Secretary General and Miss Sim-ran Dhingra of the same class as Deputy Secretary General. Total four committees were convened - United Nations Security Council (UNSC): Chair- Master Sahaj Banerjee, Vice chair- Master Harshit Gulecha. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC): Chair- Master Lakshay Jain, Vice chair- Master Arihant Jain. United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC): Chair- Master Vishal Choudhary, Vice chair- Master Mridul Garg. Lok Sabha: Chair- Master Aakash Chaujar, Vice Chair- Master Jai Agarwal.

Total 100-120 delegates across grades IX-XII participated in the committees and resolutions were passed by all the four commit-tees.Shutterbugs, Discipline heads, Press-Corps and Logistics partici-pated and facilitated the things under guidance of Social Science Department in all committees. Awards - Best Chair, Best Vice-Chair, Best Delegate, Verbal Mention, Honourable Mention, Best Shutter-bug and Best Press-corps etc. The delegates who could not get any prize but performed well in their committees, were given a special mention.


The Digital India Mascot Women Empowerment Stall

Development of Civilization Language Stall

Page 21: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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To sharpen problem solving skills and debating skills of the stu-dents, Model United Nations Ac-tivity was organized from 21st Sep-tember to 23rd September 2019. Master Aryavardhan Modi of grade XII Science was deputed as Secretary General and Miss Sim-ran Dhingra of the same class as Deputy Secretary General. Total four committees were convened - United Nations Security Council (UNSC): Chair- Master Sahaj Banerjee, Vice chair- Master Harshit Gulecha. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC): Chair- Master Lakshay Jain, Vice chair- Master Arihant Jain. United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC): Chair- Master Vishal Choudhary, Vice chair- Master Mridul Garg. Lok Sabha: Chair- Master Aakash Chaujar, Vice Chair- Master Jai Agarwal.

Total 100-120 delegates across grades IX-XII participated in the committees and resolutions were passed by all the four commit-tees.Shutterbugs, Discipline heads, Press-Corps and Logistics partici-pated and facilitated the things under guidance of Social Science Department in all committees. Awards - Best Chair, Best Vice-Chair, Best Delegate, Verbal Mention, Honourable Mention, Best Shutter-bug and Best Press-corps etc. The delegates who could not get any prize but performed well in their committees, were given a special mention.


The Digital India Mascot Women Empowerment Stall

Development of Civilization Language Stall

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I nter Class Pro Kabaddi League 29th September 2019

The Inter Class Pro Kabaddi League final-2019 was played on 29 September 2019 on the

New Cricket Ground wherein the teams of Class XI and Class XII com-peted each other with great vigour and enthusiasm. In this enthralling match, class XII won the finals and received

the Winner’s Trophy.

Enthralling moments

Page 22: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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Birla International School organized an Inter House Basketball Tournament from 18 to 20 September, which was conducted for three different categories: Senior Boys (IX to XII), Junior Boys (IV to VIII) and Girls Open (IV to XI).

Inter House Basketball Tournament 18 to 20 September 2019

G limpses of the matches

Page 23: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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Birla International School organized an Inter House Basketball Tournament from 18 to 20 September, which was conducted for three different categories: Senior Boys (IX to XII), Junior Boys (IV to VIII) and Girls Open (IV to XI).

Inter House Basketball Tournament 18 to 20 September 2019

G limpses of the matches

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21st SEPTEMBER 2019

To aware students of cleanliness and instil in them a sense of social responsibility, Birla International School contributed in ‘Swachata Abhiyan’ wherein a team of students along with teachers carried on the mission of awaking people towards the significance of cleanliness around their surroundings. The students took the task on their shoulders with great alacrity. They displayed the banners containing the messages of ‘No Plastic’ and ‘Global Warming’ in the city.

Page 24: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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Creative Corner The Priority Clouds were hiding the grey sky, When Sadao was passing by. Scattering fog made the vision blur, And the waves began to murmur. Sadao stepped on the shore, His heart was beating with thought of war. The war that made the air uneasy, With the nightmare causing days crazy. As the wounds weren’t filled, Notions weren’t deeply drilled. Conflicts were dominating Humanism, Sudden inner voice uttered the vitality of responsibility. Confusions were filtering through prism. Emitting shades of bloody red, gloomy black and rigidity, Dreams were screaming for national-ism. Duty made the way clear, Cause’ the pain was unable to bear. Sanchit Goel XII Science

The Magic Shell

Norman and his friends went to the sea beach. They spent the whole day bathing, fishing and playing on the sand. When it was time to go home, Norman felt very sad. He loved the sound of the waves and wanted to take it home with him. He did not know how to do it. However, he collected some sea weeds, pebbles and one big shell to re-mind him of the sea beach. When he reached home, he was still sad, missing the sound of the sea waves. His mother saw what all he had brought and smiled. She asked Norman if he wanted to hear the waves. Norman was surprised when she put the shell to his ear and asked him to listen care-fully. Norman could really hear the sound of the sea. He was delighted and believed that his shell was a magical one.

Manuraj Class V

Sanchit Goel XII Science

Manuraj, V

Page 25: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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Creative Corner The Priority Clouds were hiding the grey sky, When Sadao was passing by. Scattering fog made the vision blur, And the waves began to murmur. Sadao stepped on the shore, His heart was beating with thought of war. The war that made the air uneasy, With the nightmare causing days crazy. As the wounds weren’t filled, Notions weren’t deeply drilled. Conflicts were dominating Humanism, Sudden inner voice uttered the vitality of responsibility. Confusions were filtering through prism. Emitting shades of bloody red, gloomy black and rigidity, Dreams were screaming for national-ism. Duty made the way clear, Cause’ the pain was unable to bear. Sanchit Goel XII Science

The Magic Shell

Norman and his friends went to the sea beach. They spent the whole day bathing, fishing and playing on the sand. When it was time to go home, Norman felt very sad. He loved the sound of the waves and wanted to take it home with him. He did not know how to do it. However, he collected some sea weeds, pebbles and one big shell to re-mind him of the sea beach. When he reached home, he was still sad, missing the sound of the sea waves. His mother saw what all he had brought and smiled. She asked Norman if he wanted to hear the waves. Norman was surprised when she put the shell to his ear and asked him to listen care-fully. Norman could really hear the sound of the sea. He was delighted and believed that his shell was a magical one.

Manuraj Class V

Sanchit Goel XII Science

Manuraj, V

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The Book of Life Life doesn’t give us chance We give chance to life. Life doesn’t give us happiness and sor-row We attract each towards ourselves. Life doesn’t motivate us We motivate ourselves. Life doesn’t make us We make life for us. Life doesn’t give us birth We came first in the race of life. Life is only for providing time bank That we win fairly not by cheating Live life and enjoy love. Aryan Gupta XI Humanities

Aryan Gupta

Shikha Sharma

Corner in My House I have a corner in my house. It is potted with plants. It is one serene corner often visited by cats. They lie on the couch and fall in slumber, Leaving little space for me to squeeze in When there is not enough room. No one visits the corner It is secluded and left out Making it the quietest place Devoid of darkness and gloom. I have my books waiting in shelves With the coffee on the table. The cat leaps on the table Making it shaky and spilling the coffee She laps up the spilt coffee And is ready to fall asleep On the book on the table Which has pages flapping in the air. The warm corner is cosy With sunlight on the couch It is inviting Me and the cat With the coffee and the book on the table.

Shikha Sharma PGT English

Page 26: ANAHADthe box and colours our ruthless to-do list. There is a world of difference between an achiever and genius; needless to say, the difference is created by our mind setup. When

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Creative Corner Old Eyes Waiting to Be Caught... (At the roundabout, a tree used to wave its hands to the passersby, yesterday I heard that it was found guilty of encroachment and thus was cut forever. Some say that it had already grown fragile. Some still hear its whispering.) Do you remember the garden of green glaze? You spring in my lap when spring blooms in lazy days, You smile and share your delighted dreams I shade and wipe your sweating forehead and lullaby to let you fall asleep. And after these glorious green days, now my twigs turned barren The wind departed my leaves away and me saddened Making me dried and fragile, Fuming sun stole my strength and agile. Sadly, I saw your lovely smile turning into sneer, And the demise of delightful dreams and moroseness appear, I was once the happy phase of your lives, Now just long to your smile and a little care, Once again, I will bloom bidding farewell to this mourning air .

Nothing except warm gales and a long quench made me forlorn, My flowers are no more to gift your sweetheart any more. Because the autumn sprinted into pieces my beautiful glimpse, So, you turned your face leaving me alone with my unseen tears. How I used to give you fragrance, And caresses you to forty wink. How I was once the happy phase of your life, But now I pine for your smile and a little care. Once again, I will bloom with bower, And I’ll get a new life for you.

Ashwani Kumar TGT, English

Under the guidance of Dr LK Jain, Principal Birla Interna-tional School Teacher Editor– Ashwani Kumar, TGT (English) Editorial Board— Lakshay Jain (Head), Mridul Garg, Samarth Bohra, Ankur Kamboj, Teesta Ghosh, Raghav Chandak, Madhav Khattar, Aryan Gupta, Piyush Jagarwal,

Ashwani Kumar TGT, English