An Post Youth Research Presentation October 2013

Drivers & Drinking Media Insights Briefing: Youth Market Opportunities October 2013 An Post © Amárach Research 2013


Presentation to the An Post Mail Media Unit 'Direct Debate' October 2013. More details here:

Transcript of An Post Youth Research Presentation October 2013

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Drivers & Drinking

Media Insights Briefing: Youth Market Opportunities

October 2013

An Post © Amárach Research 2013

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1. Good Mood 2. Serious Numbers

3. Direct Connect

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1. Good Mood

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2. Serious Numbers

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Projections Adults Base: 2011 2016:M1 2016:M2 2016:M3

18-20 172,705 162,274 161,088 159,877 21-25 304,947 245,539 241,641 236,477 26-29 297,039 229,572 227,277 223,870 18-29 774,691 637,385 630,006 620,224

Declines Base: 2011 2016:M1 2016:M2 2016:M3

18-20 - -6.0% -6.7% -7.4%

21-25 - -19.5% -20.8% -22.5%

26-29 - -22.7% -23.5% -24.6%

18-29 - -17.7% -18.7% -19.9%

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Aspirations of Ireland’s 18-29s: Age expect to…

Buy Car

Start Career

Move Out

Emi- grate

Start Pension

Get Married

Become Parent

Buy House

Start Own Company

By the time I’m 25 38% 35% 33% 16% 14% 8% 6% 6% 4%

By the time I’m 30 20% 28% 17% 10% 19% 38% 31% 32% 12%

By the time I’m 35 4% 9% 3% 5% 16% 24% 27% 29% 9%

After the age of 35 2% 2% 2% 4% 17% 5% 6% 10% 9%

Already done it 27% 18% 36% 6% 6% 7% 14% 5% 4%

Will never do it 2% 2% 1% 21% 3% 6% 4% 4% 33%

Don’t know 7% 7% 8% 38% 27% 13% 11% 15% 30%

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3. Direct Connect

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What marketers

think is effective

What 18-24s think is


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e. [email protected] w.

b. t.

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