An Overview of Breaking Stereotypes




Transcript of An Overview of Breaking Stereotypes


If you think women deserve celebration only once a year, you should go ahead and read this article because you can learn something. If not, then also read it. (See, I tricked you!) Women’s day is not about celebrating the one day ‘made’ for the fairer sex. It is about appreciating the ways they have influenced us over the years. Now, let me take a look at the women in my life who have transformed me into the man I have become.

I’d like to start with my grandma. Yes, the early impressions of my life can be credited to her. Even though she belonged to a small place, her broad thinking overcame it all. When I was young, children my age were growing up and religious influences were happening but not me. She always taught me to be a human first. Although there were cultural differences, she didn’t care and asked me to do the same. She believed in Almighty but she appreciated humanity more. That is when I realized it is more important to be a better human being than a religious prick.

Second is my mother, who never gave me any advice on how to be a good devotee. She knew I was better than all these, that I was above all these. All she cared about were my studies. To remember a few funny incidents, I couldn’t even trick my mom into believing that I didn’t drink at the party cause it was against my religion because she knew I didn’t believe in all these.

The reason I am stating all these is simple. People often stereotype powerful ladies as someone who wears a suit and works at a corporate giant. I want to prove that wrong. Both my grandma and mom are home-makers and yet their thinking is wider than most people today. They come from very small towns but that didn’t stop them from imagining at a level way bigger than them. It proves my point that it doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from, it is your actions that define you. (Yes, I just quoted BATMAN)