An Over Populated World of Ours

Environment al Science


Everything to know about overpopulation

Transcript of An Over Populated World of Ours

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What is Over Population?

Overpopulation is an undesirable condition where the number of existing human population exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth.

Overpopulation is caused by number of factors. Reduced mortality rate, better medical facilities, depletion of precious resources are few of the causes which results in overpopulation.

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Effects of Over Population

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Food Shortage•One out of every seven people alive, go to bed hungry. Food production and distribution could catch up if our population dropped to a sustainable level.

•Although that reality still a hope, there might come a time when half the population of earth would have to look elsewhere for food grains

•Along with shortage of supply of food, the over-exploitaion of land has led to a degradation in the soil used for farming.

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Water ShortageAbout one billion people lack access to sufficient water for consumption, agriculture and sanitation.

Water being the essential of every living organism, a shortage of a life giving element such as this would have the most disastrous effect on our life.

It has to be understood that approx 1% of all the water on earth is fit for consumption

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Deteriorating Air Quality

In many countries, childhood asthma rates have risen dramatically in the past 20 years.

The reduction in the quality has not only led to health but also various economical problems.

For e.g. China had to witness a shut down for a few days due to the heavy amount of smoke in its atmosphere.

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Forests Depletion

• The World's forests are another resource that is strained by our ever growing population.

• The fast depletion of our fauna has led to, not only the depletion of the air we breathe but also the habitats for many of the animals.

• The reduction in their habitable zones has thus created a misbalance in the environment.

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Another problem we face is the lack of biodiversity. Although there is a certain increase in biodiversity in humans but that cannot be said for certain animals and plants.

As the population grows, there is more demand for certain plants: trees for paper, food, plant fibers for clothing, etc. Because many of the plants and crops we sow are of the same age and genetic makeup, they are more susceptible to problems from disease and pests.

The greater the population, however, the greater the demand for certain crops, meaning less biodiversity.


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Climate Change

•The earth’s surface is warming due to the greenhouse gas emissions, largely from burning fossil fuels and CFC (chloro floro carbons).

• If the global temperature rises as projected, sea levels would rise by several meters, causing widespread flooding.

•Global warming also could cause droughts and disrupt agriculture along with the rains in areas where rains are hardly expected and drought in areas where an abundance of rain was wittnessed

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•The more people there are on the planet, the more waste is being produced.

•Some of this waste is quite toxic, and even landfills which are double-lined are finding that some toxic substances are leaching into the soil and the groundwater supply.

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Causes of Over Population

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Decline In Death Rate & Rise In Birth RateDecline in death rate refers to the number of deaths per 1000 people whereas birth rate refers to the no. of births per 1000 people.

Over the past few decades the death rate has declined due to the amazing accomplishment in the medical field and the birth rate has risen 3 folds.

The death rate does not only apply to the adult population but also to infants, where the infant mortality rate too has seen a huge decline.

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Lack Of Education

Illiteracy is another reason for the rise in population. This is mainly due to the fact that a part of the rural population has not been taught the essence of family management.

This has been seen as a major cause of population explosion of the 60s and the 70s decade in India.

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Cultural Influences and Migration

Cultural influences and migration too have played a big role in the expansion of population .

Certain cultures promote large families, such as India. As far as religions are concerned the use of birth control is not widely accepted and thus frowned upon leading to higher births and in turn contributing to the population.

Migration too, from rural to urban areas, leads to an increase in the population of that particular region. This does not only apply to small regions but even to countries like USA, England and most of the GCC countries.

In UAE alone around 63% of the population belongs to the Indian nationality

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How To Control The Population

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Education•One of the first measures is to implement policies reflecting social change. Educating the masses helps them understand the need to have one or two children at the most.

•Families that are facing a hard life and choose to have four or five children should be discouraged.

•Family planning and efficient birth control can help in women making their own reproductive choices.

•Open dialogue on abortion and voluntary sterilization should be seen when talking about overpopulation.

For e.g. the Indian initiative “Hum Do, Humare Do” meaning us two and our two.

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Tax Benefits and Concessions

Government of various countries might have to come with various policies related to tax exemptions to curb overpopulation.

One of them might be to waive of certain part of income tax or lowering rates of income tax for those married couples who have single or two children.

As we humans are more inclined towards money, this may produce some positive results.

China for example led a campaign where couples with more than 2 offspring would be penalized and ones with 1 or 2 would be rewarded.

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