An implementation of the backtracking algorithm for ... · An implementation of the backtracking...

ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume 13, Number 3, 2010, 241–254 An implementation of the backtracking algorithm for multicore systems Claudiu-Florin GIURGIU National College for Informatics Traian Lalescu 23 Victoriei Str., Hunedoara, Romania E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. The emergence of inexpensive parallel computers powered by multicore chips combined with high clock rates raises new challenges for software engineering. Since the performance improvements will not come from increased clock rates, high performance applications will need to be parallelized. In addi- tion to operating system support, adjustments to existing software are required to maximize utilization of the computing resources provided by multicore pro- cessors. The ability of multicore processors to increase application performance depends on the use of multiple threads within applications. We will describe an algorithm that allows backtracking problems to be solved by means of such multicore systems. A multicore algorithm meant for backtracking problems and able to meet certain constraints is made of multiple search threads with concur- rent operation and distinct processing parts of the solution space. The proposed algorithm is scalable. 1. Introduction In last years, the processor design industry has shifted away from increasing the performance of monolithic, centralized processor designs. In the past, processor gen- erations could scale performance by increasing clock frequency and designing more complex structures. Thermal issues and increased power dissipation have become the main design constraints, forcing a change to decentralized multicore designs. On june 1, 2009, AMD announced availability of the worlds first six-core server processor with Direct Connect Architecture for two-, four- and eight-socket servers[1]. Intel also have six-core processor[2], so the race continues. Multicore processors lessen is- sues by using multiple simpler cores and tightly integrating them together on a single die. This allows for an increase in throughput capabilities of the processor but does

Transcript of An implementation of the backtracking algorithm for ... · An implementation of the backtracking...

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An implementation of the backtrackingalgorithm for multicore systems

Claudiu-Florin GIURGIU

National College for Informatics Traian Lalescu23 Victoriei Str., Hunedoara, Romania

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The emergence of inexpensive parallel computers powered by

multicore chips combined with high clock rates raises new challenges for software

engineering. Since the performance improvements will not come from increased

clock rates, high performance applications will need to be parallelized. In addi-

tion to operating system support, adjustments to existing software are required

to maximize utilization of the computing resources provided by multicore pro-

cessors. The ability of multicore processors to increase application performance

depends on the use of multiple threads within applications. We will describe

an algorithm that allows backtracking problems to be solved by means of such

multicore systems. A multicore algorithm meant for backtracking problems and

able to meet certain constraints is made of multiple search threads with concur-

rent operation and distinct processing parts of the solution space. The proposed

algorithm is scalable.

1. Introduction

In last years, the processor design industry has shifted away from increasing theperformance of monolithic, centralized processor designs. In the past, processor gen-erations could scale performance by increasing clock frequency and designing morecomplex structures. Thermal issues and increased power dissipation have becomethe main design constraints, forcing a change to decentralized multicore designs. Onjune 1, 2009, AMD announced availability of the worlds first six-core server processorwith Direct Connect Architecture for two-, four- and eight-socket servers[1]. Intelalso have six-core processor[2], so the race continues. Multicore processors lessen is-sues by using multiple simpler cores and tightly integrating them together on a singledie. This allows for an increase in throughput capabilities of the processor but does

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not necessarily increase performance. The ability of multicore processors to increaseapplication performance depends on the use of multiple threads.

A wide number of algorithms have been created and there are various debateswhether one or another algorithm is recommended for the solving of distributed con-straint problems (DisCSPs). The synchronous algorithms can exchange updated infor-mation with a reduced degree of parallelism. The asynchronous algorithms use lessupdated information, with a higher degree of parallelism. The hybrid algorithms com-bine the two versions. A comparison between such algorithms can be found in [3], [4].

In the last twenty years, the interest in the agent-based distributed solving of prob-lems has increased. The different parts of a problem are kept by different agents thathave an independent behavior and collaborate among themselves in order to reach aglobal solution. World Wide Web offers possibilities of solving real problems, usingagents. There are also approaches of distributed solving of problems without agents.Algorithms capable of meeting the distributed constraints have been suggested bydifferent authors. They suggested algorithms for asynchronous backtracking (ABT)as well as for asynchronous weak-commitment backtracking search (WCS) [5][6][7].These algorithms require a total ordering of the agents, static for the ABT and dy-namic for WCS. The alternatives have been studied in [8]. When a dead-end has beenreached, messages are generated and exchanged among the agents and these messagesneed to be stored. This involves a consistent transmission of messages and supplemen-tary memory to store them. Different approaches are represented by the distributedbacktracking algorithm (DIBT) [9] and by the interleaved distributed intelligent back-tracking (IDIBT)[10]. The agents are ordered hierarchically and according to someidentifiers. Another algorithm was also presented, under the name of asynchronousaggregation search (AAS) [11]. Further details can be found in [12].

The performance obtained using agents for n-queen problem have been studied in[13] using a Sun Fire T2000 with 8 cores. Tests showed a performance speedup of4.57 to 4.71. The speedups were obtained with respect to the execution time of thesequential version of the benchmarks. A program-level partitioning of the memoryoperations is analyzed in [14] to divide the memory accesses across the data caches.A parallelization of some problems demonstrates that significant algorithm engineer-ing may be required to achieve speedup and that the available parallelism can belimited by the problem itself, not the number of available cores or processors. Otherproblems provides ample parallel work, but the caches and memory accesses becomea bottleneck as the number of threads increases. Further details can be found in [15].A distributed version of algorithm is presented in [16].

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the sequential backtracking,while Section 3 presents the new multicore backtracking algorithm. Finally someremarks are drawn in the conclusion section.

2. The sequential Backtracking algorithm

In the real world, a situation that arises frequently is that in which the solving ofa problem leads to the determination of vectors of the form x = (x1, x2, ..., xn), where

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– each component xi belongs to a certain finite set Vi;

– there are certain relation requirements that have to be met by the componentsof the vector, called restraints, so that x represents a solution to the problemif and only if these constraints are met by the components x1, x2, ..., xn of thevector.

The problem to be solved now is to find all the vectors of form x = (x1, x2, ..., xn)that meet these constraints.

The Cartesian product V1×V2× ...×Vn is called the space of possible solutions.The solutions of the problem are those possible solutions that meet the constraints.

One might say that the work speed of modern computers is so high that theexponential time shouldn’t bother. In order to clear up this aspect, we acknowledgethe fact that computers work at a very high speed, indeed. High values of work timecan be reached even for values of n that are relatively small, the explanation beingnot that computers are not fast enough, but that the exponential function f(n) = an

with a > 1 increases very quickly. For example, for a = 3 and n = 50, the work timeneeded covers centuries.

According to the above mentioned elements, it is highly recommended that fora given problem we should elaborate algorithms that are not exponential. The algo-rithms that are considered to be efficient are those for which the number of operationsis polynomial (i.e. it is expressed in the form of a polynomial in n where n is thenumber of input data). It is not always possible to avoid the exponential algorithms;one example is the problem of generating all the sub-sets of a set having n elementswhen the number of results is 2n and therefore the number of operations is bound tobe exponential.

The backtracking algorithm aims at avoiding the generation of all possible solu-tions, thereby cutting short the calculation time.

The components of vector x are assigned values in the ascending order of theindices. This means that xk is assigned a value only after x1, x2, ..., xk−1 have beenassigned values that do not infringe the constraints. Moreover, the value of xk has tobe chosen such as x1, x2, ..., xk−1 also meet certain constraints.

Not meeting the constraints expresses the fact that any way we might choosexk+1, ..., xn, we will not obtain a solution (so the constraints ought to be met for asolution to be obtained). As a result, the next step will be to assign a value to xk

only when the constraints have been met. If they haven’t, a new value is chosen forxk or, in case the finite set of values Vk has been used out, a new choice is attemptedfor the preceding component xk−1 of the vector, decreasing k by one unit, etc. Thisbacktracking gives the name of the method, as it expresses the fact that when wecannot advance, we backtrack the current sequence of the solution.

One has to notice that in certain cases, the fact that x1, x2, ..., xk−1 meets theconstraints is not sufficient to guarantee that we will obtain a solution for which thefirst k − 1 solutions coincide with these values.

The choice of constraints is of utmost importance, a good choice leading to asubstantial reduction in the number of calculations. In the ideal case, the constraintsshould be not only necessary, but also sufficient in obtaining a solution. But, usually,

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these are the constraints applied to the first k components of the vector. Obviously,the constraints in the case k = n are the very constraints imposed by the statementof the problem.

Through the backtracking method, any solution vector is built progressively,starting with the first component and up to the last one, eventually backtrackingsome values previously assigned. We remind that x1, x2, ..., xn are assigned values insets V1, V2, ..., Vn. By assigning and failed assigning attempts because of not meetingthe constraints, certain values are used out. For a certain component xk we will markCk the set of values used out at the current moment. Obviously, Ck ⊂ Vk.

The process of obtaining the solution vectors by means of the backtrackingmethod is easy to implement, due to the fact that any modification in configura-tion only affects few elements, namely the k index of the component, component xk

and the set Ck of used out values.The corresponding algorithm is the following:

//the sets V1, V2, ..., Vn are initialized//the initial configuration is builtk = 1;Ci = ϕ ∀i = 1, 2, ..., nwhile (k > 0){//the configuration is not finalif (k = n+ 1) {

//the configuration is of a solution typesolution();//keep solution x = (x1, x2, ..., xn)k = k − 1; //backtracking after the building of a solution

}else if Ck ̸= Vk { //there are still values unused

choose a value vk from Vk − Ck

Ck = Ck


if (v1, v2, ..., vk meet the constraints) { //assign, advancexk = vk;k = k + 1;}

}else {//backtracking

Ck = ϕ;k = k − 1;}


The implementation of the algorithm can be simplified if one takes into con-sideration that the sets of values V1, V2, ..., Vn are of the form V1 = {1, 2, ..., s1}, ...,Vn = {1, 2, ..., sn}, so each set Vk is made of the first sk natural numbers, startingwith 1. Therefore, set Vk can be represented simply by its number of elements sk. It isalso supposed that the values for each component xk shall be chosen in an ascendingorder.

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In this situation, each set of used out values Ck has the form 1, 2, ..., vk and as aconsequence, it can be represented only by value vk. As vk is the number of elementsbelonging to set Ck, this set is empty if and only if vk = 0.

The elements shown above allow us to replace the sets in the algorithm by num-bers; moreover, the initial configuration can be reduced to the values of componentsx1, x2, ..., xn.

The description of the method requires that, at the moment we try to assign avalue to component xk, the following elements should be mentioned:

– the values chosen until that moment for the components x1, x2, ..., xk−1 are thevalues v1, v2, ..., vk−1;

– the sets of values C1, C2, ..., Ck−1 used out for each of the x1, x2, ..., xk−1 com-ponents.

In short, the description can be written(v1 ... vk−1

C1 ... Ck−1

∥∥∥∥ xk xk+1 ... xn

Ck ϕ ... ϕ

The significance of the solution for such a configuration is the following:

– components x1, x2, ..., xk−1 were assigned values v1, v2, ..., vk−1 and these valuesmeet the constraints;

– an attempt will be made to assign a value to component xk, the assigned valuebelonging to set Vk − Ck;

– the values used out for x1, x2, ..., xk−1 are to be found in sets C1, C2, ..., Ck−1,sets that also contain values v1, v2, ..., vk−1 considered used out;

– for components xk+1, ..., xn no value has been used out and therefore Ck+1 =... = Cn = ϕ.

In the beginning, no value is used out and the first step will be to attempt atestablishing a value for the first component. In this case, the initial configuration is(∥∥∥∥ x1 x2 ... xn

ϕ ϕ ... ϕ


in which all Ci, ∀i = 1, 2, ..., n sets are empty. One solution is a configuration of form(v1 v2 ... vnC1 C2 ... Cn

∥∥∥∥)with the significance that vector v1, v2, ..., vn is a solution to the problem.

One of the following four possible modifications can be applied to a given con-figuration:

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1. Assign a value and advance. This modification appears when there arestill values that have not been used for an element xk and we choose a value fromVk − Ck so that v1, v2, ..., vk should meet the constraints. In this case the chosenvalue vk is added to the set Ck and is considered used, then we advance to the nextcomponent xk+1. The operation can be presented as follows:(

v1 ... vk−1

C1 ... Ck−1

∥∥∥∥ xk xk+1 ... xn

Ck ϕ ... ϕ


(v1 ... vk−1 vkC1 ... Ck−1 Ck


∥∥∥∥ xk+1 ... xn

ϕ ... ϕ

2. Attempt failed. This modification appears at the moment when there arestill values unused for xk but we choose a value that makes v1, v2, ..., vk not to meetthe constraints. The operation can be presented as follows:(

v1 ... vk−1

C1 ... Ck−1

∥∥∥∥ xk xk+1 ... xn

Ck ϕ ... ϕ


(v1 ... vk−1

C1 ... Ck−1

∥∥∥∥ xk xk+1 ... xn


∪{vk} ϕ ... ϕ

3. Backtracking after failed attempt. This type of modification appearswhen all the values for xk have been used, that is Ck = Vk. In this case, we comeback to component xk−1 and try to assign it a new value. The value chosen will befrom the values left unused for xk−1. On backtracking, the set of used out values forxk will be considered empty. The operation can be presented as follows:(

v1 ... vk−1

C1 ... Ck−1

∥∥∥∥ xk xk+1 ... xn

Ck ϕ ... ϕ


(v1 ... vk−2

C1 ... Ck−2

∥∥∥∥ xk−1 xk ... xn

Ck−1 ϕ ... ϕ

4. Backtracking after having built a solution. This modification takes placewhen all the components of the vector were assigned values that meet the constraintsin the problem statement. In this case, a solution was built and, after having kept it,we returned to the attempt at finding another possible unused value for the last xn

component. The modification can be represented as follows:(v1 v2 ... vnC1 C2 ... Cn

∥∥∥∥) −→(

v1 ... vn−1

C1 ... Cn−1

∥∥∥∥ xn


From this configuration also results that checking if one solution was found cancome down to k = n+ 1.

An important aspect is that of bringing the process of searching for all solutionsto an end. Through modifications repeated by one of the four types introduced

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previously, one cannot reach twice the same configuration and therefore, at a givenmoment one reaches configuration(∥∥∥∥ x1 x2 ... xn

V1 ϕ ... ϕ

In this case a backtracking should take place as all the possible values for x1 havebeen used out. In this case we pass on to a configuration where k = 0. This checkingis used in practice in order to determine the process of solution building.

3. The multicore backtracking algorithm

We propose to consider a threshold t for the index k of the components for whichthe solutions search will continue by a separate thread. The main thread follows thebellow mentioned steps:

//the sets V1, V2, ..., Vt are initialized//the initial configuration is builtk = 1;Ci = ϕ ∀i = 1, 2, ..., twhile (k > 0){//the configuration is not finalif (k = t+ 1) {

//the configuration has the first t elements establishedit generated a separate thread with the initialconfiguration x = (x1, x2, ..., xt)k = k − 1; //backtracking after having built// a separate thread

}else if Ck ̸= Vk { //there are still values unused

choose a value vk from Vk − Ck

Ck = Ck


if (v1, v2, ..., vk meet the constraints) { //assign, advancexk = vk;k = k + 1;}

}else {//backtracking

Ck = ϕ;k = k − 1;}

} //solutions are collected from the secondary threads

Unlike the standard algorithm for the backtracking method, in a multicore sys-tem, positions x1, x2, ..., xt of vector x are determined by the main thread and theremaining positions are determined by the secondary threads. The main thread is

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different from the standard variant. When the elements x1, x2, ..., xt were determinedthe continuation is achieved by a secondary thread and the main thread operates abacktracking after having found one solution. The operations can be presented asfollows: (

v1 ... vt−1

C1 ... Ct−1

∥∥∥∥ xt xt+1 ... xn

Ct ϕ ... ϕ


(v1 ... vt−1 vtC1 ... Ct−1 Ct


∥∥∥∥ xt+1 ... xn

ϕ ... ϕ

)and then (

v1 ... vt−1 vtC1 ... Ct−1 Ct


∥∥∥∥ xt+1 ... xn

ϕ ... ϕ


(v1 ... vt−1

C1 ... Ct−1

∥∥∥∥ xt xt+1 ... xn


∪{vt} ϕ ... ϕ

The secondary threads continue the search for solutions from position t+1 of thevector, considering the first t elements determined by the main thread. The secondarythread is based on the following algorithm:

//the sets Vt+1, ..., Vn are initialized//the initial configuration is builtk = t+ 1;Ci = ϕ ∀i = t+ 1, ..., n//Elements x1, x2, ..., xt are received from the main threadwhile (k > t){//the configuration is not finalif (k = n+ 1) {

//the configuration is of a solution typesolution();//keep solution x = (x1, x2, ..., xn)k = k − 1; //backtracking after the building of a solution

}else if Ck ̸= Vk { //there are still values unused

choose a value vk from Vk − Ck

Ck = Ck


if (v1, v2, ..., vk meet the constraints) { //assign, advancexk = vk;k = k + 1;}

}else {//backtracking

Ck = ϕ;k = k − 1;}

} //send solutions to the main thread

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Unlike the standard method, through repeated alterations made by one of thefour types previously presented, the same configuration can never be arrived at twice,so, at a certain moment configuration(

v1 ... vt−1 vtC1 ... Ct−1 Ct

∥∥∥∥ xt+1 ... xn

Vt+1 ... ϕ

)is reached. In this case a backtracking should occur, because all the possible valuesfor xt+1 were used out. Under the circumstances, we pass to a configuration wherek = t. This type of verification is used in practice in order to check the conclusionof the process of solution building. At the moment the secondary thread reaches aconfiguration where k = t, the solutions that have been found have to be transferredover to the main thread.

For t = 1 and t = 2 the main process as well as the secondary ones are organizedin a manner described by Figure 1.

Fig. 1. The main thread and the secondary threads.

The number of secondary processes varies according to the constraints imposedby the problem statement and by the value of t.

Example 1. We consider a chess board with the dimensions n× n on which nqueens have to be places so that they do not attack one another.

Figure 2 shows the number of secondary processes in the case of the problemgiven in example 3, built for various values of n and t.

Fig. 2. The number of secondary processes

for the given n and t.

The performance level of the algorithm given above is analyzed using two sys-tems. The first system is a dual AMD Opteron 280. The second system is a AMD

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Opteron 1218. Further details about AMD Opteron architecture can be found in [17]The multicore backtracking algorithm is implemented using C and Pthreads[18][19].POSIX Threads (Pthreads), is a POSIX standard for threads. The standard de-fines an API for creating and manipulating threads. Pthreads are most commonlyused on Unix-like POSIX systems but Microsoft Windows implementations also exist.Pthreads defines a set of C programming language types, functions and constants. Itis implemented with a pthread.h header and a thread library.

For n = 15, in the case of the queen’s problem, one notices the evolution de-pending on t and on the number of cores (marked c) given in Figure 3 and for n = 16in Figure 4. The time is measured in seconds. The efficiency is computed as follows,expressed in percentage:

time for one core/(c ∗ time for c cores).

Fig. 3. The time spans measured for n = 15.

For t > 2 and n ≤ 16 the total time span is higher because the amount ofthread communication required and the necessary time needed for the creation of thesecondary threads. For t > 2 and n > 16 the efficiency is increased because it createsmore uniform threads in terms of execution time.

For n = 17, in the case of the queen’s problem, one notices the evolution de-pending on t and on the number of cores (marked c) given in Figure 5 and for n = 18in Figure 6.

One can notice that for a double number of cores, the time span needed to findthe solutions is approximately cut down to half. For n = 18, the time span needed tofind solutions is reduced from over 32 hours to about 8 hours, using a system with 4cores(dual AMD Opteron 280).

As compared to the approaches using agents, the presented algorithm, allowsa much better control over the number of transmitted messages. In the approaches

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using agents, the number of messages transmitted by the participant processes is verylarge and difficult to control. For n-queen’s problem, if every agent keeps the positionof a queen, the number of messages for n = 8 is of figures of thousands in orderto reach a single solution. Due to the high number of messages used to obtain allthe solutions, the approach using agents may be difficult to use, especially when it’snecessary to obtain all the solutions.

Fig. 4. The time spans measured for n = 16.

Fig. 5. The time spans measured for n = 17.

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Fig. 6. The time spans measured for n = 18.

In the approach previously presented, through value t which determines thenumber of secondary threads, one can control the number of messages transmittedbetween the main process and the secondary threads. Controlling the number ofmessages and reducing their number, allows the improvement of the ratio betweenthe time needed for transmitting the messages and the time allocated for searchingthe solutions. If the number of threads and transmitted messages is very big and theamount of calculations for each secondary thread is somehow reduced, it can causean excessive fragmentation of the process of finding the solutions. This leads to anincrease of the total time for identifying the solutions. Excessive fragmentation maybe avoided because the previous algorithm allows indirectly the controlling of thenumber of secondary threads generated through value t.

The presented algorithm allows a possibility of return in case of errors. Withalgorithms based on agents, in case of malfunction of a computer implied in thesearching of a solution, the resumption of the searching of a solution, the resumptionof the searching process is quite complex. With the previously presented algorithm,only the searching of the solutions in the subspace of solutions allocated to that coreis affected. In case of malfunction of the core which hosts the thread occurs, therecover supposes only the generation of another secondary thread meant to performthe search in the same subspace of possible solutions.

4. Conclusions

The algorithm presented could be used to solve backtracking problems on multi-core systems. Experiments show that the algorithm scales well with large jobs. If thejob is small, the efficiency is low because the calculation volume is not so important

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with respect to the amount of communication required and the necessary time neededfor the creation of secondary threads.

The algorithm we presented can be implemented on different programming envi-ronments in order to turn into account the specific performances obtained by differenthardware platforms.

Modern processors have multicore architectures that offer true hardware paral-lelism at low cost and the number of cores will continue to grow. This developmentwill have important impacts on software engineering theory and practice, as every pro-grammer will be confronted with parallel systems. The community needs to preparefor that situation.


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