An approach to Respiratory Distress in Newborn

An approach to Respiratory Distress in Newborn By Goh Kiam Seong HTAR, Klang 2011


An approach to Respiratory Distress in Newborn. By Goh Kiam Seong HTAR, Klang 2011. Plan. Introduction Causes and Classification Respiratory Distress Signs Evaluation and Investigation General Management. Introduction. Respiratory Distress in Newborn - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of An approach to Respiratory Distress in Newborn

Page 1: An approach to Respiratory Distress in Newborn

An approach to Respiratory Distress in Newborn

By Goh Kiam Seong

HTAR, Klang2011

Page 2: An approach to Respiratory Distress in Newborn

Plan• Introduction• Causes and

Classification• Respiratory Distress

Signs• Evaluation and

Investigation• General Management

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Respiratory Distress in Newborn = Abnormal respiratory signs in neonates

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Causes and Classification

Respiratory Distress in Newborn







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Upper Airway Obstruction

Choanal Atresia

Pierre Robin Sequence

Laryngeal pathology

Lower Airway




Congenital Pneumonia

Air Leak Syndrome

Milk Aspiration

Rib cage anomalies

Congenital Diaphragmatic


Neuromuscular diseases PPHN

Congenital Heart Diseases Shock Anaemia Polycythaemia

Hypoglycaemia Hypothermia Metabolic acidosis

Intracranial Birth Trauma/





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• TTN• MAS• RDS/HMD• Pneumonia• Milk Aspiration• CHD• Shock• Anaemia• Polycythaemia• Hypoglycaemia• Hypothermia• Metabolic Acidosis


• Choanal atresia• Pierre Robin Sequence• Air Leak Syndrome• Rib cage anomalies• Congenital Diaphragmatic

Hernia• Air Leak Syndrome• Intracranial Birth Trauma/


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Respiratory Distress in Newborn



GruntingNasal Flaring


Respiratory Distress Signs

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Respiratory Rate:

< 1 week up to 2 months: 60 or more2 to 12 months: 50 or more12 months to 5 years: 40 or more

Respiratory Distress in Newborn



GruntingNasal Flaring



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• Due to negative intrapleural pressure generated between the contraction of diaphragm, respiratory muscles and the mechanical properties of lung and chest wall– Suprasternal Retraction SSR– Intercostal Retraction ICR– Subcostal Retraction SCR

Respiratory Distress in Newborn



GruntingNasal Flaring



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Suprasternal Retraction SSR

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Subcostal Retraction SCR

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Intercostal Retraction ICR

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• Expiration through partially closed vocal cords to increase airway pressure and lung volume resulting in improved ventilation-perfusion (V/P) ratio

• Low pitched expiratory sound.• Protective phenomenon to

prevent collapse of alveoli: PEEP

Respiratory Distress in Newborn



GruntingNasal Flaring



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Video – Baby Grunting

• Grunting Baby pt. 2.flv

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• Narrow nasal space contributes to total lung resistance

• Nasal flaring decreases the work of breathing

Respiratory Distress in Newborn



GruntingNasal Flaring


Nasal Flaring

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Page 19: An approach to Respiratory Distress in Newborn

• Clinical detection of cyanosis depends on total amount of desaturated HB in blood– Anaemic infants may have low

PaO2 that is missed clinically– Polycythaemic infants with

normal PaO2 can appear cyanotic

Respiratory Distress in Newborn



GruntingNasal Flaring



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Cyanotic Baby Pink Baby

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Central cyanosis, +ICR, +SCR, +NF

What respiratory distress signs you can see here in this child?

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Evaluation and Investigation

History Examination


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Antenatal US Finding

Amniotic Fluid IndexRenal Agenesis

?Pulmonary Hypoplasia?RDS

LiquorOligohydramnio?Pulmonary Hypoplasia

Polyhydramnios?Cong Diaphr Hernia?Oesoph atresia/TEF



Gestation/DeliveryTerm LSCS

?TTNPreterm (no dexa)


Postdate (IOL,MSAF)


History Examination Investigation

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History Examination Investigation

Risk FactorsIDM

?HypoglycaemiaGBS+ Mother

?Sepsis/Congenital Pneumonia

Condition at birthDistress

?Met acidosisNot vigorous

?Asphyxial Lung DsRequire resus at birth?Air Leak Syndrome

Leaking Liquor>18hrs

?Presumed SepsisPPROM/PROM Maternal UTI

?Presumed Sepsis

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at birth

Respiratory Distress

later after a period of normal function

Term Baby

• TTN• MAS• Congenital

Pneumonia• Dev Anomalies

Preterm Baby

• RDS• Congenital

Pneumonia• TTN

Possible causes

• Acquired/Nosocomial Pneumonia

• Dev anomalies• CHD• IEM• Metabolic (Met

acidosis/ electrolytes)

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History Examination Investigation

• T – hypo/hyperthermic• RR – tachy/apnoea• HR – tach/bradycardia• SPO2 – desaturate?


• Pallor • Plethoric• SGA/LGA• Macrosomic/hydroptic

General Condition

• Cleft palate• Excessive oral


Oral Cavity

• Pierre Robin • Potter face



Potter face: abnormal facies with a beak nose, receding chin, broad nasal bridge, epicanthal folds, and large low set ears

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History Examination Investigation

• Dextrocardi,murmurs• In-drawing sternum• Air entry


• Scaphoid abdomenAbdomen

• Meconium stainedUmbilical cord/ Nails

• Hypotonia• Poor sucking reflex• Incomplete Moro

Tone/ Reflexes

Meconium stained Cord

Meconium stained Nail

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Silverman Anderson Score for Premature Baby

Score Upper Chest Retraction

Lower Chest Retraction

Xiphoid Retraction

Nasal Flaring Grunting

0 Synchronous None None None None

1 Lag on Inspiration

Just visible Just visible Minimal Stethoscope

2 See-Saw Mark Mark Mark Naked ear

Downe’s Score for Term BabyScore Respiratory

RateCyanosis Air entry Retraction Grunting

0 <60 None Good None None

1 60-80 In air Decrease Minimal Stethoscope

2 >80/ apnoea In 40% O2 Barely audible

Moderate/ severe

Naked ear

Score > 6 = impending Respiratory Failure

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History Examination Investigation

SPO2 monitoring


DXT Blood C+S/LP

CXR Portable

Look for:• O2 Saturation• Metabolic/ respiratory

acidosis/ alkalosis• Blood counts

(Hb/TWC/Plt/Ht)• Glucose level• Sepsis causative agent• Collapse/Air

Leak/CDH/ Cardiomegaly

Page 30: An approach to Respiratory Distress in Newborn

General Management

Respiratory Support

Supportive Care

Definitive/Specific Therapy

• O2 Delivery• PEEP/ Mechanical ventilation

(CPAP/SiPAP)• Intubation and suction

• HR monitoring• Continuous SPO2

monitoring• Temp/DXT monitoring• I/O charting• Feeding (PO/TPN)• Cot/Incubator nursing

According to diagnosis

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Upper Airway Obstruction

Choanal Atresia

Pierre Robin Sequence

Laryngeal pathology

Lower Airway




Congenital Pneumonia

Air Leak Syndrome

Milk Aspiration

Rib cage anomalies

Congenital Diaphragmatic


Neuromuscular diseases PPHN

Congenital Heart Diseases Shock Anaemia Polycythaemia

Hypoglycaemia Hypothermia Metabolic acidosis

Intracranial Birth Trauma/


Our topics today

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Pierre Robin Sequence (PRS)

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Definition• PRS is a facial difference caused by

underdevelopment of the lower jaw • Characterised by:– Micro- and retrognathia– glossoptosis – respiratory obstruction – With or without cleft palate.

• Incidence = 1:8500-14000 birth• =

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PRS is a sequence not syndrome!

•Because underdeveloped lower jaw begins a sequence of events which leads to

abnormal position of tongue and cleft palate.

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• Unknown• Recently identify

may be caused by genetic anomalies at chromosomes 2, 11, or 17

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PRS is often part of an underlying disorder or syndrome

• Stickler syndrome• Velocardiofacial syndrome• Fetal Alcohol syndrome• Treacher Collins Syndrome

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PathophysiologyAt 12 -14/52 GA

Movement of the head causes the jaw to "pop out' of the

collar bones

Only from this time, jaw of the fetus

grows as it would normally

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9-11/52 GA

Tongue moves down and away from roof of the


Allow space for the side of palate

to shift to the midline to close

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Small jaw keeps tongue positioned

higher and posteriorly in mouth than


Interfering normal closure

of palate

U shaped cleft palate

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How to diagnose?

• Only by examining the patient at birth


• Difficulties in breathing and feeding.

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GERD more prevalent in children with Robin sequence. (Dudkiewicz, CPCJ Mar 2000)

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Our tactics

• Position: Keep in prone or lateral position

• Feeding: Tube feeding or Haberman feeder

• Nutrition: Increase daily calorie intake

• SPO2 monitoring

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Other considerations

• Endotracheal intubation/tracheostomy• Tongue lip adhesion• Ophthalmology follow up – if suspect Sticker

syndrome (possible retinal detachment)• Mandibular distraction (distraction

osteogenesis)• Cleft palate reparation (6.5 mo- 2 yo)

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Choanal Atresia• Choanal atresia is a congenital disorder where choana is

blocked by abnormal bony or soft tissue formed during fetal development

• Cause: unknown (thin tissue separating the nose and mouth area during fetal development remains after birth)

• Most common nasal abnormality in newborn (1 in 7,000 live births)

• : = 1 : 2• >50% associated with other congenital disorder• Diagnosed shortly after birth

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Types• Unilateral• Bilateral

• Membranous• Osseous

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Symptoms and Signs

Cyanosis during feeding

Pink while crying

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• Inability to nurse and breathe at same time• Inability to pass a catheter through each side

of the nose into the throat• Persistent one-sided nasal blockage or


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Associated conditions

• Coloboma • Heart defects• Retardation of growth or

mental development• Genital/urinary

abnormalities• Ear anomalies/deafness

IF associated with all these ~ CHARGE syndrome (defect in Chromosome 8 CHD7 gene)

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Page 50: An approach to Respiratory Distress in Newborn

Tests that may be done include:

• CT scan• Endoscopy of the nose• Sinus x-ray

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Endoscopic view of choanal middle turbinate; it: inferior turbinate; ns: nasal septum; a: atresia "plate".

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• Secure the airway (laryngeal mask, intubation or tracheostomy may be needed)

• If infant can learn to mouth breathe, can delay the need for immediate surgery.

• Otherwise, surgery to remove the obstruction required (transnasal or transpalatal).