An Application Layer for Using Firewire in Industrial Application

 An Application Layer for using Firewire in indu strial applications Philippe Dallemagne Centre Suisse dElectronique et de Microtechnique Jaquet-Droz 1 2007 Neuchiitel , Sw itzerland [email protected] Abstract Firewir e can of er real-time commu nicat ion service s fo r industrial applications. Howeve r Firewir e lacks an industry- oriented Applicati on Layer. Thi s paper pre sents the services which may be used over Firewire in order to make it compliant with the industrial applications needs. The mapping o these services on Firewire services is also described. This Application Layer gives the ability to easib and rapidly set up real-time communications in an industrial context. 1 Introduction 1.1 Firewire as a fieldbus Fie ldb use s (Interbus-S[ 171, Pro fibus[ 181, CAN [ 191, FIP[12], etc.) greatly helped in reducing the costs of industrial control systems. However, most of them have now reached some limits (response time, bandwidth, etc.). Previous experiments 191, [ 101, [ 1 11, [ 131 have shown that Firewire (IEEE 13 94-1995)[1] can be used in an industrial environ men t, for exam ple motion control or tool-machines control. Firewire brings better performances (100 to 400 Mbit/s) than current fieldbuses at comparable cos ts. Since the Firewire standard includes a backplane version, it is also applicable to the backplane buses, which suffers from the same limitations. In the cable environment, Firewire can help in improving the performance of the commu nication while reducing the cost of distributing the application, since several Firewire interfaces are already available for consumer appliances. The use of Firewire as the communication system and the definition of an adapted Application Layer (AL) will hopefully lead to the definition of a pow erful control platform, t hat respects the specific industrial application requirements [6], [7]. Moreover, the use of Firewire in backplane environments allows the definition of intermediate systems, from the most centralized to the fully distributed, in a almost transparent way. Luis Ruiz Centre Suisse dElectronique et Jaquet-Droz 1 2007 Neuchstel, Switzerland [email protected] de Microtechnique 1.2 The need for an Application Layer for Firewire Firewire defines a serial bus that can connect at high speeds several kinds of devices, called ‘bodes’’. This standard is based on the Control and Status Register (CSR) Standard IS0 13213[2] . It has been designed for connecting multimedia devices. It offers services especially well suited for video streams, for example “Digital Video” [4]. Thes e ‘Isochronou s” ervices can be used for transferring real-time data in industrial applications [9] , [lo], [l l] , [13]. Asynchronous transactions are not time-bound, but the delivery is guaranteed. They can therefore be used for con figuration, download, etc. A fieldbus (or Local Industrial Network) is characterized by the presence of only the two lower layers of the OS1 model. It usually provides also a dedicated Application Layer [ 141, [ 161. Firewire basically defines the Physical and the Data Link Layer. Therefore, specific services need to be defined in an upper layer so that applications fully and consistently benefits from the Firewire performances. The application may also directly use the standard services of Firewire with some restrictions in order to keep the other services out of trouble (for example to avoid skew on the cycle start). 1.3 Concepts The Application Layer services aim at handling and transferring variables, events, interrupt s, and programs. This AL is kept as simple as possible and offers real- time capabilities as well as non real-time. The available services are basically derived from MPS (Manufacturing PeriodicaVaperiodic Services) [12], E161 and MMS (Manufacturing Message Service) [22], [16], but they do not handle lists of variables. Variables are uniquely identified and characterized over the whole network. The AL offers two families of services : MPS-like services and SubMMS [12]-like services. The AL handles real-time variables (periodic, sporadic) like in P S and asynchronous services (i.e. non real-time) like in MMS. The former basically consists of Read (local and far), Write (local and far) and Update primitives for variables. The latter basically September 6-8, Porto, 0-7803-6500-3 /00/ 10.00 2000 EEE 109


Understanding Application Layer for FireWire Storage Technology

Transcript of An Application Layer for Using Firewire in Industrial Application

  • An Application Layer for using Firewire in industrial applications

    Philippe Dallemagne Centre Suisse dElectronique et

    de Microtechnique Jaquet-Droz 1

    2007 Neuchiitel, Switzerland [email protected]


    Firewire can ofer real-time communication services for industrial applications. However, Firewire lacks an industry-oriented Application Layer. This paper presents the services which may be used over Firewire, in order to make it compliant with the industrial applications needs. The mapping of these services on Firewire services is also described. This Application Layer gives the ability to easib and rapidly set up real-time communications in an industrial context.

    1 Introduction

    1.1 Firewire as a fieldbus Fieldbuses (Interbus-S[ 171, Profibus[ 181, CAN[ 191,

    FIP[12], etc.) greatly helped in reducing the costs of industrial control systems. However, most of them have now reached some limits (response time, bandwidth, etc.). Previous experiments 191, [ 101, [ 1 11, [ 131 have shown that Firewire (IEEE 1394-1995)[1] can be used in an industrial environment, for example motion control or tool-machines control. Firewire brings better performances (100 to 400 Mbit/s) than current fieldbuses at comparable costs. Since the Firewire standard includes a backplane version, it is also applicable to the backplane buses, which suffers from the same limitations.

    In the cable environment, Firewire can help in improving the performance of the communication while reducing the cost of distributing the application, since several Firewire interfaces are already available for consumer appliances. The use of Firewire as the communication system and the definition of an adapted Application Layer (AL) will hopefully lead to the definition of a powerful control platform, that respects the specific industrial application requirements [6], [7].

    Moreover, the use of Firewire in backplane environments allows the definition of intermediate systems, from the most centralized to the fully distributed, in a almost transparent way.

    Luis Ruiz Centre Suisse dElectronique et

    Jaquet-Droz 1 2007 Neuchstel, Switzerland

    [email protected]

    de Microtechnique

    1.2 The need for an Application Layer for Firewire

    Firewire defines a serial bus that can connect at high speeds several kinds of devices, called bodes. This standard is based on the Control and Status Register (CSR) Standard IS0 13213[2]. It has been designed for connecting multimedia devices. It offers services especially well suited for video streams, for example Digital Video [4]. These Isochronous services can be used for transferring real-time data in industrial applications [9], [lo], [ l l] , [13].

    Asynchronous transactions are not time-bound, but the delivery is guaranteed. They can therefore be used for configuration, download, etc.

    A fieldbus (or Local Industrial Network) is characterized by the presence of only the two lower layers of the OS1 model. It usually provides also a dedicated Application Layer [ 141, [ 161. Firewire basically defines the Physical and the Data Link Layer. Therefore, specific services need to be defined in an upper layer so that applications fully and consistently benefits from the Firewire performances.

    The application may also directly use the standard services of Firewire with some restrictions in order to keep the other services out of trouble (for example to avoid skew on the cycle start).

    1.3 Concepts The Application Layer services aim at handling and

    transferring variables, events, interrupts, and programs. This AL is kept as simple as possible and offers real- time capabilities as well as non real-time.

    The available services are basically derived from MPS (Manufacturing PeriodicaVaperiodic Services) [12], E161 and MMS (Manufacturing Message Service) [22], [16], but they do not handle lists of variables. Variables are uniquely identified and characterized over the whole network. The AL offers two families of services : MPS-like services and SubMMS [12]-like services. The AL handles real-time variables (periodic, sporadic) like in M P S and asynchronous services (i.e. non real-time) like in MMS. The former basically consists of Read (local and far), Write (local and far) and Update primitives for variables. The latter basically

    WFCS-2OO0, September 6-8, Porto, Portugal 0-7803-6500-3/00/$10.00 @2000 JEEE 109

  • consists of download, program invocation services, aperiodic variables management, etc.

    Variables database. A variables distributed database is used to globally and uniquely identify and describe every piece of data (variable) that is transferred with the help of the AL. On any participating node, the AL is informed of the characteristics of the exchanged variables and it maintains the variables database (identifiers, temporal or structural characteristics, properties, etc.), which is built during the network initialization (variables declarations). The AL transfers variables of different types and sizes. These variables can be time-constrained (periodic or sporadic) or not (aperiodic) [21]. Events and interrupts can be efficiently instantiated through several periodic variables. However, non real-time events and interrupts should be implemented through aperiodic variables to lower the stress on the periodic traffic.

    A global synchronization is maintained throughout the network, based on the built-in Firewire cycle (125 ps.). Every event related to any variable (production, transfer, etc.) is time-stamped with the cycle count.

    The application is notified when the local copy of a variable has been refreshed, modified or in error condition (not produced, not periodically refreshed, etc.). The application may also modify the variable value, start or stop its (periodical) production or trigger its aperiodic production.

    Variables type. The definition of data types for variables pertains to some kind of Presentation layer, which is not covered in this paper, even though this aspect is usually part of the fieldbuses AL. The variables that are transferred in an industrial environment are usually of basic types, like byte, 16-bit word winlet), 32-bit word (quadlet), 64-bit word (octlet), floating point value (range, precision and coding to be determined), byte stream (length is variable).

    Phases. The AL operates in two phases: configuration (nodes identification, master election, variables declaration, calculation of the macro-cycle, subscription, etc.) and operation (variables exchanges, etc.), where the producing nodes produces variables periodically or on request.

    1.4 Benefits and expected results The usage of the Firewire isochronous bandwidth is

    optimized and periodic variables can be transferred in real-time. The AL will make Firewire suitable for high- performance real-time applications.

    2 Application Layer presentation

    2.1 Communication models Real-time variables (periodic and sporadic) are

    broadcast by their producers and consumed by the nodes that need them. The communication model used here is the producer-consumer. Any other information will be

    considered as non-critical and it will be handled on a best-effort scheme. However, the timing aspects (production or delivery dates for example) of the aperiodic variables will be available to the application. An aperiodic variable is available to any application that requests it (the client node). This request will be completed by a response from the node that produces the variable (the Servefnode). This family of services uses a client-server model to exchange data through Firewire asynchronous transactions. The asynchronous services include download and program invocation capabilities.

    Consumers of periodic or sporadic variables are rather passive for the real-time traffrc since they do not request the variables. The consumers of aperiodic variables are hctive, since they explicitly request the variable value, although the transfer of the value of such a variable is broadcast to save bandwidth.

    2.2 Architecture The AL defines a Master node and participating

    nodes. Any of them can be a producer and/or a consumer. After the regular Firewire initialization, a Master node is elected. Then it starts the AL configuration process, during which it gets all the productions declarations, from which it computes a macro-cycle, which determines the real-time traffic. The macro-cycle is broadcast to every participating node and the Master starts the operational phase, in which the producers strictly follows the macro-cycle so that real- time variable can be produced periodically and on time.

    2.3 Variables in industrial applications Aperiodic (non time-critical) variables. An

    aperiodic variable must be able to provide its age (date of production) to the application. It is made of a name, a type, a time-stamp, a value, a toggle and an optional validity duration (in number of Firewire cycles).

    Real-time variables. A periodic variable is made of a name, a period (in number of Firewire cycles), a validity duration (in number of Firewire cycles), defined by the application, a type, a value (in relation with the variable type), a time-stamp and a toggle. The AL itself may also evaluate the variable promptness and freshness.

    A periodic variable is periodically transmitted on the network. The producer indicates that the value of the variable has changed by toggling an indicator bit that is sent as a field of the variable delivery frame (i.e. not inside the variable value, which may be difficult to decode and interpreted by the lower layers). Thus the AL can warn the application that the variable value has changed (Update).

    The value of a periodic variable is valid for the associated period (or for a given validity interval). Therefore, the value is said to be invalid when its age is greater than its period. Like in FIP, we could use timers to indicate this event to the application. The timers are reset when the variable is received.


  • Sporadic variables. A sporadic variable is made of a name, a deadline (in number of Firewire cycles), a minimum inter-arrival delay (in number of Firewire cycles), a type, a time-stamp, a value and a toggle. They can not be piggy backed on the periodic traMic since the period of this periodic traffic may not comply with the sporadic variable requirements.

    They are considered as regular periodic variables. The only difference is that they wont be updated periodically and the quality evaluation is different.

    Interrupts and events. An interrupt can be considered as a sporadic variable that needs an acknowledgement (clear). When the application signals an interrupt, the AL signals it to the Data Link Layer (DLL), immediately confirms the service and clears the interrupt when the variable has been sent. #en the consumer receives a interrupt value with a modified toggle, the DLL signals the interrupt to the AL which in turn signals it to the application and clears the interrupt.

    Similarly, the events are sporadic variables (without any acknowledgement) that can be simulated by dedicated periodic variables, which samples the possible event indicator at the producer end. The modification of the variable (its toggle has changed) at the consumer end means that the event occurred at the producer end.

    With the toggle generalization, we can ensure that any value modification will be indicated to the application. With two periodic variables, the application can implement the behavior of an interrupt. This allows the transfer of event and interrupts through periodic variables.

    Therefore, a so-called Interrupt is entirely handled by the application. For example, the application can create two periodic variables: one for the indication, and another for the acknowledgement of the interrupdevent, if necessary. From the application point of view, the interrupt will be immediately cleared by the source when sent and by the target as soon as it is handled after reception.

    We dont consider complex event management, like in XED for example. Though they offer a greater flexibility, such features seem far too complex and heavy for communication controllers. It will be up to the application to determine the value of boolean events. The evaluation formula will be defined and transmitted by other means.

    Variable management. All variables are time- stamped for their production and emission. The AL maintains freshness and validity indicator, based on the reception date and the lifetime.

    A variable value that is sent over the network by the protocol also includes a modification toggle, which will indicate whether the value has changed since the last update of the variable. The producer of the variable calculates the value of the toggle. This is applied for periodic variables as well as for aperiodic variables, which are broadcast (ie. without any acknowledgement) : this gives the ability to send the same value several times

    (re-send for forward error correction) without troubling nodes that already received the value correctly.

    The production node may stop the actual production of a periodic variable during the network operations. However, the periodic variable value is still sent, with a bit that indicates that the variable production is started or stopped.

    Quality of the variable database. The quality of service can be monitored by the application. It depends on the quality of the information delivered to the different applications that make use of the information. This quality relies on the variable quality and the global consistency of the handled variables. The variable value quality shall be appreciated on freshness, promptness (age), validity term, deadline (earliest term, latest term) respected or not, confidence (optional), etc.

    The producer and the consumers of a variable must also take care of un-initialized variables. The AL must keep this information in its database.

    2.4 Productions scheduling and macro cycle The macro cycle is calculated in order to enable all

    periodic productions to occur in accordance with the production periods (including interrupts and events). The macro-cycle specifies the Firewire cycle and the isochronous channel in which any variable shall be produced. It is valid until a bus-reset occurs. The macro- cycle allows every producer to produce its variable on time. The macro-cycle is therefore the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of all producers cycles.

    The periodic traffic is based on three periodical production cycles: - Local micro-cycle, which is the biggest interval in

    which a given production is done only once, ie. the period (it is at least one bus cycle),

    Figure 1. Example of local microcycle.

    - Local macro-cycle, which is the smallest interval in which the highest rate periodic variable (on the node) occurs LCM(al1 periods on the node) times. Therefore, it is the interval in which the complete production combination occurs only once,

    Local macro-cvcle

    i Local micro-cycle for A

    The variable A IS produced every 375 us The vanable B IS produced every 250 us

    - Bus cycle,

    125 us. 0

    Figure 2. Example of local macro-cycle.


  • - Global macro-cycle, which is the combination of local macro-cycles from all producers, i.e. the smallest interval in which the highest-rate periodic variable (of all nodes) will be produced LCM(all periods on all nodes) times.

    A structure, called macro-cycle, is broadcast by the Master node to every node in the network. This macro- cycle specifies which and when any variable shall be produced during the Global macro-cycle duration.

    3 Mapping of the AL services on Firewire

    3.1 Firewire basic services and CSR architecture

    IEEE- 1394- 1995 asynchronous transactions can constitute a Basic Asynchronous Transactions service. The application can use them to perform specific, Firewire compliant, asynchronous transmissions. Isochronous channels may be genuinely used by applications.

    Specific hnchor points are defined for the AL services in the 1212 CSR architecture (memory- mapped). For example, a variable may be considered as an address in the CSR architecture. This address should be accessed from any layer, but will likely be known by the application. The objects manipulated by the protocol are mapped onto the CSR architecture. This means that some addresses will be reserved for our own needs.

    3.2 Synchronization with the Firewire cycle One of the purposes of the AL services is to transfer

    real-time variables on-time. The AL uses the convenient Firewire built-in clock synchronization mechanism (cycle start) that is issued by the root node. This $lobal clock has a rate of 8kHz. It will be used for time- stamping every exchanged variable. All timings and duration are expressed in Firewire cycles.

    The CSR Architecture defines a Clock Synchronization mechanism using optional, dedicated registers [2],[1]. The Firewire start cycle maintains a coherent time reference between all nodes. The Firewire cycle count (CYCLE-TIME register, updated at each cycle start) is used for time-stamping and macro- cycle/synchronization, which gives the age (absolute consistency) and time consistency (local relative consistency). The CYCLE-TIME register is a 32-bit register. It is structured in 3 fields: secound-count (7 bits, in seconds -> 128 seconds range), cycle-count (13 bits, in 1/8000th of a second) and cycleoffset (in 1/3072th of a cycle). The cycle-offset is used for the positive( ie. late) skew. A cycle-offset different from 0 indicates that the past cycle was late of this value. The Firewire root automatically corrects this skew.

    The time-stamping and synchronization of the periodic traffic (variables, events and interrupts) and the nodes that handle them is implicitly done with the help of the Firewire cycle. More sophisticated

    synchronization schemes can be implemented by the application by reserving some periodic variables to simulate synchronization variables.

    3.3 Point-to-point, multicast or broadcast communication

    Point-to-point transfers are implemented with asynchronous transactions, since the target and initiator nodes are identified in the asynchronous packets. However, the asynchronous transactions are not time- bounded.

    Multicast transfers are implemented with Firewire, since the bus is a broadcast tree. Multicast is therefore done using broadcast transactions, explicitly filtered by the application on all nodes, or implicitly filtered by the DLL. This can be done with asynchronous transactions (node 63 for broadcast) or with isochronous actions (all channels are broadcast). The use of isochronous channels should be reserved for time-critical data.

    Broadcasts are easily implemented with both the isochronous (all channels and 63 specifically) and asynchronous (to node 63) transactions.

    4 Application Layer services

    4.1 Presentation The AL offers services for the initialization and

    operations phases. Initialization. The network initialization is made of

    the Master node election, the producers and consumers identification, variable localization and addressing scheme, macro-cycle calculation and diffusion. It handles also errors (variables inconsistencies - two or no producers, no consumer, type conflicts, etc.).

    Each producer will declare (broadcast) the list of its produced variables, associated to its allocated channel number. The declaration interval begins when the first variable declaration is performed. It is terminated when there is no more arbitration for asynchronous transactions or no more variable declaration inside a fairness interval. The Master node allocates the necessary bandwidth after having received all the variables declarations.

    The Master node also establishes control points from which the process can not go hrther if the control conditions are not fulfilled. For example, the Master counts the number of responses it gets (from both the producers and consumers) and it can use these numbers in later steps, in order to check the consistency of the produced and the consumed variables, for example.

    Operations. Services are performed by using the available Firewire services. The real-time traffic (periodichporadic variables, events and interrupts) occurs in isochronous channels (previously allocated), because the Firewire asynchronous services do not guaranty the delay of delivery (an asynchronous


  • transaction can take up to 22 ms. to complete, which is too long for the target applications).

    Other services are operated through asynchronous transactions, ie. read, write and lock (and asynchronous streams from 1394a), which specify the address and memory usage in conformance to the CSR architecture [2]. This is not desirable to use isochronous actions to perform these services, since they may interfere with the real-time isochronous traffic (i.e. periodic and sporadic productions, events and interrupts).

    The services described here are based on the IEEE 1394-1995 standard. Extensions like the IEEE 1394a standard (frozen but not official) may be used. If 1394a is used, asynchronous broadcast on node 63 may be replaced by an asynchronous stream, though it does not offer any obvious benefit.

    The AL does not support hot plugging. No nodes can be inserted in the network during operation, because it would induce a bus-reset, thus making the macro-cycle obsolete.

    4.2 The Master node declares itself as Master candidate

    and, if elected, it receives the variables declaration, it calculates the macro-cycle and informs every participating node of the macro-cycle. This node may or may not be the root. It could be any node that declares itself as Master-capable.

    The first participating node that says I am Master candidate is elected, ie. recognizes itself and is recognized by the other participating nodes as the Master. All other pending candidates shall retire when they have recognized that another node has declared before. The Master is elected first so that the Master could be identified by all participating nodes, thus allowing them to send it some configuration-oriented asynchronous transactions.

    When a node receives the first candidature, it registers the candidate Physical-ID as the Master and sends a you are the Master message to the candidate. This latter message is accompanied by an boolean indicating whether the node is a variable producer or not.

    The Master is confirmed as being the Master when it receives at least one you are the Master asynchronous indication from any node (except itself).

    All producer node shall send the you are the Master message. The parameter producer shall be set to 1 (Yes). The Master shall count the number of producers that send such a message. This will give the number of producing node in the network, once the timer expires.

    Then the Master broadcasts a bend me variables lists to all participating nodes. All pending you are the Master messages shall be ignored. The Master may also be a producer or a consumer and it will also act as such.

    In the case of the candidate node being alone on the bus (no nodes replies to its candidature will occur) a timer shall be set in order to time-out the Master election. If the Master election fails, the MPS-like

    Election of the Master node

    services are not started and any further MPS-like PDU shall be ignored.

    There is also a timer to decide when the election replies process expires. This timer is set to 2 fairness intervals, i.e. 44 ms (to ensure that every node will have an opportunity to send an asynchronous transaction).

    4.3 Periodic variables declaration Each declared producer allocates a channel number,

    which will identify the producer. Then, each producer declares its produced variables and its channel number by an asynchronous transaction to the Master. The consumers can associate the channel, the producer and the variables list.

    Each producer must send a variables declaration (even if it does not intend to produce anything : the variable list will be empty). It is important since the Master counts the number of variables declaration and compares it to the number of producers. When the number of list declarations equals the number of producers, the variables declaration service ends. Further declaration are ignored. The Master checks the variables identifiers to ensure that no double declaration exists. This event shall be reported to the application.

    4.4 Aperiodic variables declaration To ensure the aperiodic traffic, the Master node

    reserves one asynchronous stream channel. No bandwidth allocation is necessary since asynchronous streams pertain to the asynchronous traffic, which complies with the fairness algorithm.

    The Master allocates a asynchronous stream channel before. This channel is called Aperiodic Traffic Channel (ATC). This ATC number will be immediately broadcast to all nodes by a broadcast asynchronous transaction. All capable nodes will therefore know that this channel will be reserved and used for the aperiodic traffic, and all their Application layer shall record the ATC number for future use. As long as this channel is unknown, no aperiodic traffic shall occur.

    Once the ATC is defined, any pending aperiodic variable request can start.

    The Master node can free the ATC. It shall first broadcast the free transaction. All aperiodic traffic shall cease within the next two faimess intervals. After two faimess intervals (running requests and subsequent response will complete), the ATC will be supposed to be free.

    The aperiodic variables names are known by the requesting nodes, since the aperiodic traffic producers publish the lists of available variables so that consumers can request them to the right node.

    4.5 Macro-cycle and channel allocation The macro-cycle indicates which variable shall be

    produced in which cycle. It means that some variables will not be produced in every cycle. In order to avoid the


  • overhead of allocateddeallocating the channels and bandwidth, the isochronous bandwidth must be bver- allocated. The sum of all producer needs would exceed the maximum allowed isochronous traffic per Firewire cycle (lows.), without however exceeding, at any one Firewire cycle, a given percentage of the overall bandwidth (for example, 70%).

    Some producers may have several periodical productions to make, at different rates. For a given producer, the isochronous allocated bandwidth corresponds to the highest sum of the micro-cycles bandwidth requirement on any bus-cycle, during the local macro-cycle. The channel bandwidth allocation (made by the Master) is equivalent to the greatest load of production in all bus cycles included in the local macro- cycle. Therefore, a part of the bandwidth will likely be lost in each channel. The bandwidth usage must therefore be optimized: the Master will try to fit all production according their timing requirement into the available bandwidth, thus trying to allocate the lowest possible bandwidth. In case of insufficient available bandwidth (impossible scheduling with the available bandwidth), the Master reports an error to all participating nodes

    The producers are not able to allocate their own required bandwidth, because the resulting needed Firewire bandwidth would exceed 100 %, which is not allowed.

    Less than the whole bandwidth is used for the AL services at any Firewire cycle, so that some free isochronous bandwidth may be available for other isochronous devices (DV cameras, etc.).

    Example of allocation. For example : a node that only needs to produce a variable (say a quadlet) each Firewire cycle will have a local micro-cycle of one Firewire cycle for the variable and a local macro-cycle of one Firewire cycle. A node that needs to produce two variables - one quadlet each cycle, one quadlet each two cycles - will have two micro-cycles - one of one cycle, the other of two cycles - which gives a macro-cycle of two cycles.

    4.6 The start of the macro-cycle is indicated to the

    application. On each Firewire cycle start, the AL tests if it is the start of the macro-cycle. Each producer shall use this indication as the beginning of the macro-cycle. This is also a useh1 indication for re-synchronization.

    As the node needs to send isochronous data on specific Firewire cycles on a periodic basis, it needs to know precisely when the data shall be made available to the PHY and whenhow it will be actually sent on the wire. When the period of a given variable completes (matching of the Firewire cycle number with the cycle of production of the variable), the application programs the Firewire adapter so that it sends the variable value (outgoing transmission pipe). In the first next cycle, the value will be sent inside the channel. By the

    Time reference and data transfers

    consumer, the value will be available in the Incoming transmission pipe. The modification of a is indicated to the application. The expected behavior is therefore : when something is sampled at the start of cycle N and put in the transmission pipeat cycle N, it shall be sent at cycle N+1.

    4.7 Network start The Master starts the network by a broadcast

    asynchronous transaction, when all producers know when and what to send.. The macro cycle starts on the next Firewire Cycle start (i.e. immediately following the Start). The producers will arbitrate the bus to start the productions, accordingly to the macro-cycle.

    If a station misses the cycle start, the Master station will detect that the corresponding scheduled productions did not occur during the first macro-cycle. It will stop the network. All productions will be stopped.

    4.8 Transfer mechanisms Periodic variables production. Two techniques,

    based on the capabilities of Firewire, have been considered for periodic variable production: - using time stamping, which relies on the Firewire

    clock synchronization mechanism (based on the cycle start packet and the dedicated registers). using isochronous channels (one for each producing node) in which a sufficient slice of the bandwidth is periodically reserved for a given variable.

    Both solutions have been used in order to time-stamp


    variable and to guarantee on-time delivery.

    Master Producers

    .........I Master allocate a channel for a compu bandwidth (overall needed for the dec

    accordingly to the macro cycle

    Figure 3. Periodic traffic (summary)


  • The periodic variables production of a given node takes place in an isochronous channel that is associated to the node during the network initialization. The variable value is time-stamped by the producer with the cycle in which the variable has been sampled. The production is triggered when the current cycle corresponds to the cycle in which the variable must be produced. (This information is actually taken from the macro-cycle initially sent by the Master).

    Periodic consumption. The isochronous channel traffic is broadcast on the bus, therefore all nodes can read it. The Master makes this information available in the macro-cycle. Since the Master sends the macro-cycle to every participating node, every consumer will therefore know the characteristics of any variable and its production channel. The AL of the consumers shall keep a list, which links any locally consumed variable to its respective production channel, to which the AL must be sensitive. The consumer application must therefore tell its AL what are the expected variables (subscription).

    Then, applications that want to consume variables will listen to the corresponding channels. However, as a node may produce several variables, a consumer node will receive several variables inside one packet, some of them being useless to it. It is then up to the Application layer to extract the needed variables.

    The consumer AL stores a copy of the received values. It tests the toggle of each transmitted variable to determine if the value has changed, which may be indicated to the application. The variables value are always available to the application, which requests them to the AL database (local Read).

    . .. ... . .. va.~.ab!er.!h~~.~i .nt . . -

    Variables list broadcast

    ...... .... . . .. .. .. Variables ... . .... . . . list .... and . ..... location . ..... .. ..... . known.. ..... .~ - c - - v m -se : variable value

    Server Client

    ...-I ..... .. . ..




    - on ATCvariablevalue I I I I

    -:\{# list broadcast Figure 4. Aperiodic traffic (summary)

    Aperiodic variable transfers mechanism. The transfer of an aperiodic can occur at any time (on request) once the Master starts the network. The aperiodic variables are also declared by the variables owner, but this can happen at any time during the network operation (asynchronous broadcast). A variable can also be deleted. A dedicated asynchronous channel is allocated, without any bandwidth (the channel number is associated to the variables declaration). The channel is an asynchronous stream that is broadcast inside the asynchronous traffic. This service is based on a client-server production model : a node (the client) requests the value of a given variable to another node (the server) which completes the service by returning the variable value to the client. The request is broadcast on node 63. The variable is returned in the dedicated asynchronous stream channel. Thus the aperiodic variable is made available to every consumers, which will record the variable value. This avoids several requestlresponse sequences.

    5 Conclusion and future work

    5.1 Conclusion The Application Layer enables the Firewire

    technology to achieve the main expected result, which was to have guaranteed real-time exchanges. It also makes the application scalable and independent from the variable location, since the Master automatically computes a valid macro-cycle before starting the network operations. It offers other useful features for real-time application development, such as a better comprehension of the whole application and the possibility to check and validate an architecture or a distribution of the data.

    Therefore, the implementation of this Application Layer gives to Firewire new perspectives outside of the multimedia field. It gives Firewire the ability to be used in the industrial activities by easily and rapidly developing or porting test applications. Finally, associated to such an Application Layer, Firewire represents a strong contender for the current fieldbuses, at least in some areas, like tool-machine or short-range industrial network. For example, about 30 axis of a multi-axis tool-machine can be managed in lms. control loop.

    5.2 Future work New functionalities and services may be added in the

    future, for example the definition of an bccurate mode in which the possible start cycle skew would not be allowed anymore. This could be useful for system for which skew must not occur (eg. motor position). The use of asynchronous transactions shall therefore be controlled, thus preventing from any asynchronous transaction that would last longer than the remaining bandwidth. Such a goal could also be achieved by using


  • judicious local timers on producing nodes. Some guidelines or profiles may be published so as to define application-specific types of variables and their behavior. The spatial consistency of the distributed database should be more formally covered: a variable can be used by several applications, each of them having a local copy of the variable. All local copies of a given variable should be consistent network-wide. This property is not evaluated in the current implementation of the AL.

    An Application Programming Interface (AFT) should eventually be provided, in order to give access to the AL services through high-level languages. This would give a good understanding of the available services, enables faster development cycles and improves the maintainability of the application.

    Finally, the performance of Firewire combined with its Application Layer must be measured on the field in many real-world applications.












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