An Ant Under an Empty Swing

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Transcript of An Ant Under an Empty Swing

  • 8/8/2019 An Ant Under an Empty Swing


  • 8/8/2019 An Ant Under an Empty Swing


  • 8/8/2019 An Ant Under an Empty Swing


    The windows up and its warm

    There is a brief lurch in the ants stomach as the car sets forth.

    The ant turns to its captain

    A chiselled tower of an ant

    Sporting a shadow on its mandibles

    A paunch of an abdomen.

    It turns its head

    And in its regard of the other

    Tiny solar flares, like the birth of stars

    Erupt in the captains eyes

    Only to once more be dull

    Eyes back on the road.

    Theres a flash

    Theres a flick

    Of the eyes of the driver back to the side

    With an occasional click of its jaws

    As if chewing on some thought.

    It is warm

    It is stuffy

  • 8/8/2019 An Ant Under an Empty Swing


    Our worker seems to be sticking to its seat

    Faded red seat

    Holding like a lover in the heat

    With the cracks

    With the sweat

    With the little flecks, that stick to the worker

    Like industrial dandruff.

    Click goes the worker

    Click click comes the answer

    (a little fast, but audible)

    And a leg points at the glove box.

    Look close at the leg

    See the tremors?

    Like the buzzing of a bees wings

    Or the spasm of a cold winters chill.


    The leg trembles back to the safety of the wheel.

    And the warm red ant

    In the worn red seat

    In the sprayed blue car

    Bathed by the sage sunlight

  • 8/8/2019 An Ant Under an Empty Swing


    Seems not to have noticed.

    A leg un-sticks from the leather

    Released with the same reluctance

    As that of a jealous lover

    Trailing little motes

    That dance in the heat.

    Thunk goes the lid and in goes the hand

    That grabs at the drink that will quench the thirst

    Tsst goes the lid, out comes the gas

    Up to the mouth tipped to the throat

    Sweet is the juice

    Cool is its caress.

    Bitter it becomes

    Cloying now the taste

    Swimming is the heat

    Panic behind the eyes

    Loosening of the muscles

    Lolling of the head

    Releasing of the bottle

    And falling with the speed of one stepping off a cliff

    Into midnight.

    Frightening shadows in a world of mist

  • 8/8/2019 An Ant Under an Empty Swing


    Muffled sounds like half remembered echoes

    Once heard.

    Breath is a difficulty

    The dream has a smothering quality

    As colours slowly marry with the shadows

    And the world once mores in focus.

    Thump thump

    Thump thump

    Its heart is like a hammer in the ants head

    There is damp earth under its cheek

    Try crawling

    But its legs are tied together, like a hog trust up for the spit.

    Try to speak

    Leather thongs bind its jaws together

    The taste of stale sweat upon their surface

    And a dull ache starts to pound in its many ankles.

    As the fog fully clears from its senses

    With only crusted eyes and the taste of something sweet in its mouth as an aftermath

  • 8/8/2019 An Ant Under an Empty Swing


    New noises filter into the ants appreciation.

    The hollow slam of a car door

    A jangling of keys bred with soft padding footfalls upon moist earth strewn with leaves

    Followed by silence.

    In this moment there is beauty

    Birds singing benignly in the trees

    Sights of terrific bloom

    And all bathed in the refracted light off of a billion waltzing grains of pollen.

    This beauty is set to be brief

    For the sullying sound of a key penetrating a lock

    Tempered with mechanical mechanisms releasing

    To the sound of an opening boot

    Violate the scenes natural harmonics.

    Oh the butterflies

    The worker rocks back

    And forth

    And back

    And forth

    Imprinting its body in shifting furrows on the ground

    Dents that the earth will quickly forget.

  • 8/8/2019 An Ant Under an Empty Swing


    The reward

    For this elephantine effort

    Is a searing of wrists

    And a hard won view of feet under the dormant vehicle.

    The action playing out behind the car

    Comes to the worker as sounds being choreographed by a shuffling of feet.

    First the sound of an unveiling tarpaulin

    Followed swiftly by its union with the ground.

    As the tarp

    Has its contours matched to the world

    This realised by the worker

    As an appearance and disappearance of feet beneath the metal latticework of the engine.

    A suspension

    A turn of feet

    The sound of grasping

    Metal hitting metal

    Another turn of feet

    With a walking away into the shadow of lost perspective behind the rear left tyre.


  • 8/8/2019 An Ant Under an Empty Swing


    The sound of metal sliding into un-protesting earth

    The click of a carapace onto alloy

    The exhalation of exertion

    The small roots of the world being pulled up

    The pitter-patter of dirt raining back down to land

    The sun blazing threw the canopy to bask in the cars azure enticements

    The little boy listening to the rhythmic rise and fall of the shovel

    The butterflies

    Ah, the butterflies