An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National...

An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006, astro-ph/0610520
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Transcript of An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National...

Page 1: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids

Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University

Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1Park & Lee 2006, astro-ph/0610520

Page 2: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Table of Contents

Introduction & Motivation Analytic Model

Key concepts & basic assumptions Mathematical framework Main results & implications

Numerical Test Voids from the Millennium Run simulation Comparison: numerical vs. analytical

Summary & Future work

Page 3: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Collection of bubble-like voids separated by filaments and sheets

Voids occupy 40 % of

cosmic volume

Voids have very low density

Introduction – The Universe on the Largest Scale


Hoyle & Vogeley 2004

void regions

Page 4: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Introduction – Origin & Properties of Cosmic Voids Originated from the local minima of the

initial density field

Page 5: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Expansion only – spherical shape

void galaxies


Page 6: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,


Come on! voids are not spherical at all …

Come on! voids are not spherical at all …

Shandarin et al. 2004

Page 7: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

MotivationWhy? well, it should be because of the tidal force …

Why? well, it should be because of the tidal force …

Shandarin et al. 2006

Page 8: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Strong tidal effect – non spherical shape

Page 9: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,





Spherical case Nonspherical case

Page 10: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Key Concept

Void spin angular momentum, J :

m: the mass of a void galaxy x: the position of a void galaxy v: the velocity of a void galaxy




Page 11: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Mathematical Framework

The Tidal Torque Theory (Peebles 1969, Doroshekvich 1970, White 1984)

Tij : the local tidal shear tensor Iij : the inertia momentum tensor

lkjlijki ITJ

Page 12: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Basic Assumption

For the case of voids, the principal axes of the inertia momentum and the tidal shear tensors are maximally misaligned with each other:

sqlkpsjlsqpslkjl IITTITIT

preferential alignment of J with the intermediate principal axis of Tij

Page 13: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Mathematical Framework

Alignment of void spins with local shears

Lee & Pen (2000, 2001)

kjikijji TTJJ ˆˆ5



8ˆˆˆ T

JJJ /ˆ TTT /ˆ

Page 14: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,









strong spatial correlations between neighbor void spins

Intrinsic correlation

Intrinsic correlation

Spatial correlation

Spatial correlation

Page 15: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Main Prediction

Void spin-spin correlation function

Rrthe two-point correlations of the density field smoothed on the void scale, R



2 rxJxJrV







R r

Page 16: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Numerical Test

Millennium Run Galaxy Catalog (Springel et al. 2005) CDM cosmology (m=0.25,ns=1,8=0.9,h=0.73) A cubic box of linear size 500 h-1Mpc 809848723 galaxies at z=0

Void-Finder Algorithm (Hoyle & Vogeley 2002) The number of voids identified: 24037 The mean effective radius: 10.45 Mpc/h 13507 voids with more than 30 galaxies

Page 17: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Numerical Test

(Lee & Park 2006)

Page 18: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

(Lee & Park 2006)

Page 19: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,



m1 (Lee & Park 2006)

Page 20: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

(Lee & Park 2006)

Page 21: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,


A new concept of the void spin angular momentum introduced to quantify the tidal effect on voids.

The linear tidal torque theory used to derive analytically the void spin-spin correlations.

The analytic prediction agrees excellently with the Millennium Run numerical data points.

Page 22: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Key Concept

Void ellipticity












xxI jiij




Page 23: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Basic Assumption






Void ellipticity is related to the eigenvalues of the tidal tensor as

Void forms in the local minima of the initial density field:








Page 24: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Mathematical Framework

)|,,( 321 Vp

);( LRp

Page 25: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Mathematical Framework

The distribution of {1,2,3} (Doroshkevich 1970)




3375),,( 3132212




3211 3132212


),,,()|,,( 321


VV p


Page 26: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Main Prediction

The void ellipticity distribution

EVL RR 3/1)1(

Page 27: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Park & Lee 2006Astro-ph/0610520

WMAP 3rd year

WMAP 1st year

Page 28: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Numerical Test

(Park & Lee 2006, astro-ph/0610520)

Page 29: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

(Park & Lee 2006, astro-ph/0610520)

Projected Images of Voids

Page 30: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

(Park & Lee 2006, astro-ph/0610520)

Page 31: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,


The Zel’dovich approximation used to derive analytically the void ellipticity distribution.

The void ellipticity distribution depends sensitively on the values of the key cosmological parameters.

The analytic prediction agrees excellently with the numerical result from the Millennium Run simulation.

Page 32: An Analytic Model for the Tidal Effect on Cosmic Voids Jounghun Lee & Daeseong Park Seoul National University Lee & Park 2006, ApJ, 652, 1 Park & Lee 2006,

Ongoing & Future Works

Application to observational data SDSS void catalogs

Evolution of the void ellipticity distribution as a probe of dark energy equation of state (Lee 2007, in preparation)

Void-supercluster alignment connection as a new clue to the filamentary cosmic web (Park & Lee 2007, in preparation)