AMU - Chemistry - 2001


Transcript of AMU - Chemistry - 2001


2. SECTION I Single Correct Answer Type There are five parts in this question. Four choices are given for each part and one of them iscorrect. Indicate you choice of the correct answer for each part in your answer-book bywriting the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) whichever is appropriate 3. 01 Problem 1.2 of Mg (At. Mass 24) will produce MgO equal to: a. 40 g b. 4 g c. 0.05 mol d. 40 mg 4. 02 Problem Electro-chemical process is employed to extract: a. Sodium b. Silver c. Lead d. Iron 5. 03 Problem A compound whose molecule is super-imposable on its mirror image inspite of containing chiral carbon atoms is called: a. Optical isomer b. Meso compound c. Diastereomer d. Enatiomer 6. 04 Problem Which of the following substance render water hand? a. KNO2 b. NaCl c. HCL d. FeCl2 7. 05 Problem The heating of which of the following gives pure chlorine: a. Bleaching powder + Hcl b. NaCl + MnO2 + H2SO4 c. MnO2 + HCl d. PtCl4 8. 06 Problem When mercuric iodide is added to the aqueous solution of potassium iodide the: a. Freezing does not change b. Freezing point is raised c. Boiling point does not change d. Freezing is lowered 9. 07 Problem In the radioactive change Z PAZ 1OA Z 1 RA 4Z 1 SA 4 The radiations emitted in sequence are: a., , , , b. c., , d., , 10. 08 Problem The common ion effect is shown by which one of the following set solution: a. NH4OH + NH4Cl b. AgCN + KCN c. BaCl2 + BaNO3 d. NaCl + HCl 11. 09 Problem Which of the following indicates the charge on colloidal particles? a. Tyndal effect b. Brownian movement c. Electrophoresis d. Electrolysis 12. 10 Problem For precipitation reaction of Ag+ ions with NaCl, which of the following statements is correct? a. G for the reaction is zero b. G for the reaction is negative c. x for the reaction is zero d. [G] = [ H] 13. 11 Problem which of the following represents homogeneous catalysis? a. CH COOH C2H5OHH CH3COOC2H5 H2O3H2SO4 Ni b. Oil + H2 saturated fatV2O5 c. 2SO2O2 d. none of these 14. 12 Problem Hydrogen bonding is maximum in: a. Ethyl chloride b. Ethanal c. Triethyl ether d. Diethyl ether 15. 13 Problem Which of the following molecule has highest dipole moment? a. B2H6 b. NF3 c. NH3 d. BF3 16. 14 Problem The half-life of a radioactive element depends upon: a. The temperature b. The pressure c. The amount of the element d. None of these 17. 15 Problem The energy of a photon is given as, E/ atom = 3.03 X 10-19 J atom 1 then, the wavelength ( ) of the photon is: a. 0.656 nm b. 6.56 nm c. 65.6 nm d. 656 nm 18. 16 Problem the best conductor of electricity of a 1M solution is: a. phosphoric acid b. acetic acid c. boric acid d. sulphuric acid 19. 17 Problem The reaction of calcium with water is represented by the equation:Ca 2H2O Ca(OH)2H2 What volume of H2, at STP would be liberated when 8 gm of calcium completely reacts with water? a. 0.2 cm3 b. 0.4 cm3 c. 2240 cm3 d. 4480 cm3 20. 18 Problem The rate at which a substance reacts is proportional to its: a. Active mass b. Density c. Volume d. Weight 21. 19 Problem The ion that can not be precipitated by both Hcl and H2S is: a. Ag+ b. Pb2+ c. Cu2+ d. Sn2+ 22. 20 Problem A solution of copper sulphate is: a. Decolourises litmus b. Acidic to litmus c. Basic to litmus d. Neutral to litmus 23. 21 Problem The alkali metal which acts as a nutrient for plants is: a. Acidic b. Basic c. Neutral d. None of these 24. 22 Problem 100 mL of 0.1 N HCl were mixed with 175 mL of 0.05 N NaOH the resulting solution will be: a. Acidic b. basic c. neutral d. none of these 25. 23 Problem Atomic number equal to the: a. Atomic mass of the element b. Sum of protons and neutrons c. Number of protons in the nucleus d. Number of neutrons in the nucleus 26. 24 Problem Which is the lightest gas? a. Helium b. Oxygen c. Hydrogen d. Nitrogen 27. 25 Problem Number of neutrons in heavy hydrogen atom is: a. 3 b. 2 c. 1 d. 0 28. 26 Problem which of the following is paramagnetic? a. NO+ b. CO c. CN- d. O2 29. 27 Problem The most abundant element present in the earth crust is: a. Al b. Mg c. Ag d. Ni 30. 28 Problem Non-stoichiometric compound have the properties of: a. Electrical conductance b. Isolation c. Insulation d. None of these 31. 29 Problem Natural rubber is: a. Poly vinyl chloride b. Poly chloroprene c. Poly fluoroethylene d. Poly isoprene 32. 30 Problem Benzene diazonium salt is represent as: a. C6H5NHCOC6H5 b. C6H5N2X c. C6H5N=CH__C6H5 d. C6H5NHCOCH3 33. 31 Problem The product formed by heating sucrose with conc. HNO3 is: a. Sucrose nitrate b. Oxalic acid c. Citric acid d. Lactic acid 34. 32 Problem When nitrobenzene is ruminated, then following kind nitrobenzene is formed? a. Mixture of ortho and para b. Para c. Meta d. Ortho 35. 33 Problem Which one of the following has maximum acid strength? a. p-nitrophenol b. p-nitrobenzoic acid c. m-nitrobenzoic acid d. o-nitrobenzoic acid 36. 34 Problem formaldehyde can be distinguished from acetaldehyde by: a. ammonical AgNo3 b. ammonia c. Fehling solution d. Schiff reagent 37. 35 Problem The amount of electricity that can deposit 108 g of Ag from AgNo3- solution is: a. 1F b. 2A c. 1C d. 1A 38. 36 Problem molal depression constant for water is 1.860C. The freezing point of a 0.05 molal solution of a non electrolyte in water is: a. 0.930 C b. -.0.0930 C c. -0.930 C d. -1.860 C 39. 37 Problem when formic acid or oxalic aicd is treated with conc. H2SO4, the gas evolved is? a. CO b. CO2 c. S02 d. H2S 40. 38 Problem Which of the following products is obtained by the oxidation of propionaldehyde? a. n-propyl alcohol b. Propanoic alcohol c. Formic acid and acetic acid d. Acetic acid 41. 39 Problem Proof sprit contains about: a. 10 % alcohol by weight b. 25% alcohol by weight c. 40% alcohol by weight d. 50% alcohol by weight 42. 40 Problem When vapours of an alcohol are passed over hot reduced copper alcohol is converted in to alkene the alcohol is : a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. None of these 43. 41 Problem 2-chloro-2-methylpropane on reaction with aqueous KOH, gives X as the major product X is : a. 2 methyl-2-propanol b. 1-butene c. 2-methylpropene d. 2-butene 44. 42 Problem The correct order of acidic strength is : a. K2O > CaO > MgO b. Na2O > MgO > Al2O3 c. CO2 > N2O5 > SO3 d. Cl2O7 > SO2 > P4O10 45. 43 Problem In P4O6 the number of oxygen atoms bonded to each phosphorus atom is : a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1, 5 46. 44 Problem Phosphorus undergoes slow combustion and glows in dark. The process is called : a. Phosphorescence b. Fluorescence c. Chemiluminiscene d. Photochemical change 47. 45 Problem The solubility of AgCl (silver chloride) in 0.2 M NaCl is given (Given Ksp AgCl = 1.8 x 10-10) a. 1.8 x 10-11 M b. 3.6 x 10-10 M c. 7.2 x 10-10 M d. 9 x 10-10 M 48. 46 Problem Which of the following will have largest pH ? M a. NaOH100M b.NaOH10 M c. HCl100M HCl d. 10 49. 47 Problem1 The enthalpy of the reaction : H2O2 (l ) H2O l2O2 g is 23.5 kcal mol-1 and the enthalpy of formation of H2O(l) is 68.3 kcal mol-1. the enthalpy of formation of H2O2(l) is : a. -91.8 kcal mol-1 b. -44.8 kcal mol-1 c. 44.8 kcal mol-1 d. 9.18 kcal mol-1 50. 48 Problem an -particle is identical with : a. electron b. proton c. neutron d. helium nucleus 51. 49 Problem The IUPAC name for the compound a. 1,2-epoxypropane b. 1, 2-propoxide c. propylene oxide d. 1, 2-oxopropane 52. 50 Problem Ni Which compound is prepared by the following reaction ? Xe + F2 673K a. XeF6 b. XeF4 c. XeF2 d. None of these 53. FOR SOLUTIONS VISIT WWW.VASISTA.NET