Amitabh Bachchan Chart

Amitabh Bachchan (Film Star) Date of Birth – 11 – 10 – 1942, Time of Birth – 04:00pm, Place of Birth – Allahabad, India Few parameters related to strength of Horoscope Mentioned below: 1) Jupiter exalted and Vargottama in Sign Cancer in Natal and Navamsha Chart. 2) In Natal Chart Jupiter placement is in the 6 th house of service and Jupiter being the Natural significator of ancestors thus giving indications that Native ancestor’s career background was also in the service field. 3) In Natal Chart Jupiter exaltation in the 6 th house of Service and having 5 th aspect on the 10 th house of deeds + As seen from 10 th house – 7 th house in Natal chart and Navamsha Chart becomes the house of Public and Placement of Saturn (Being the Ascendant lord) in the 4 th house of Natal Chart giving indications that native will provide his service to the common man and woman and will be appreciated for his skills through hard work from time to time + Since Saturn is having 3 rd aspect on the 6 th house of disease thus also giving indications of health problems from time to time.


Vedic astrology Amitabh bachan Chart

Transcript of Amitabh Bachchan Chart

Amitabh Bachchan (Film Star)

Date of Birth 11 10 1942, Time of Birth 04:00pm, Place of Birth Allahabad, India

Few parameters related to strength of Horoscope Mentioned below:

1) Jupiter exalted and Vargottama in Sign Cancer in Natal and Navamsha Chart.

2) In Natal Chart Jupiter placement is in the 6th house of service and Jupiter being the Natural significator of ancestors thus giving indications that Native ancestors career background was also in the service field.

3) In Natal Chart Jupiter exaltation in the 6th house of Service and having 5th aspect on the 10th house of deeds + As seen from 10th house 7th house in Natal chart and Navamsha Chart becomes the house of Public and Placement of Saturn (Being the Ascendant lord) in the 4th house of Natal Chart giving indications that native will provide his service to the common man and woman and will be appreciated for his skills through hard work from time to time + Since Saturn is having 3rd aspect on the 6th house of disease thus also giving indications of health problems from time to time.

4) As seen from Ascendant Saturn is placed in the 4th house of Family having its 3rd aspect on the 6th house of service, competitions etc., 7th aspect on the 10th house of deeds thus giving indications that native belongs to middle class family and have to work very hard to make his position in the society. Jupiter exaltation in the 6th house and aspect on the 10th house of deeds, reputations etc. and also on the 12th house of foreign countries giving indications of positive results from the 6th house which will help the native in increasing his name and fame in the society as well as in the foreign countries.

As seen from Moon Sign (Libra) Jupiter exalted in the 10th house of deeds (Gaj kesari Yoga) thus giving indications of auspicious results from different areas through his aspects and placement.

As seen from Sun Sign (Virgo) Exalted Mercury causing Budhitava Raj Yoga with Sun giving indications of positive results in professional life. Sun, Venus, Mars placed together giving indications of health problems.

His KAAL CHAKRA (ASCENDANT + SUN + MOON) in respect of professional life becomes strong.

5) 5th house is the house of previous birth deeds and the results which native will get in this birth can be studied through D 5 chart.

In D 5 chart 5th house becomes (Sign Libra) and its Lord Venus is placed in the 10th house (Sign Pisces of Jupiter) and Jupiter is Exalted Vargottama in the Natal chart and Navamsha chart thus giving indications that the native will get the events in this birth as happened in his life in the Previous to Previous birth and make his career in the Cine world where he get the share of his name and fame as per his previous birth and previous to previous birth good deeds. + In D 5 chart Jupiter and Venus have exchanged their houses Jupiter in 12th house (Sign Taurus) of foreign countries, hospitalization, losses, next birth etc.

Please note that Sign Libra in his Natal chart is the 9th house of Previous to Previous birth deeds (being 5th from 5th) and in D 5 chart it becomes the 5th house of Previous to Previous birth deeds and also its Lord Venus is Placed in the 10th house of deeds having exchange with Jupiter giving strong indications that Native in Previous to Previous birth, and also in Previous birth was in the field of Cine World having a share of his Name and Fame with blessing of his Ancestors (Jupiter being the Significator and Venus being the Lord of 9th house of Ancestors in his Natal Chart). For juniors and his colleagues he is an idol, teacher, Guru in respect of his skills which he demonstrates in the service field.

It has been observed that in case of repetitive life cycles of Prayashchit Karma events do engage in the same manner / situation so as to see how native will deal with those situations by taking corrective measures which will help them in washing of their bad deeds so as to get Moksha.

The parameters mentioned above giving strong indications that all these events which occurred in the life of native in this birth have already been occurred in his life in previous to previous birth.

In Repetitive Life Cycles there are 3 important parameters and various sub parameters.

Main parameters mentioned below:

1) Native in this birth will face the events in the same manner / situations as has been faced in the Previous Birth.

2) Native in this birth will face the events in the same manner / situations as has been faced in the Previous to Previous Birth.

3) Native in this birth will face the events in the same manner / situations as has been faced in the Previous to Previous to Previous Birth.

Thus 3rd point is inter linked with the 2nd point and the 2nd point is inter linked with the 1st point. Important point of observation is that events occur in the life of a native in this birth has already been occurred in his Previous to Previous birth as per the strong parameters present in his D 5 chart. Planets move in Anti clock wise direction and Signs moves in clock wise directions. Thus counting of houses to read previous birth is done in anti clock wise directions and to read next birth is done in the clock wise directions. Thus as seen from Ascendant 5th house becomes the house of previous birth deeds and 9th house becomes the house of previous to previous birth deeds and Now again as seen from Ascendant the 9th house becomes the house of Next birth and the 5th house becomes the house of Next to Next birth. Thus in his next birth all the events occurred in his previous birth will occurred again in the same motion / speed in the next birth and the events occurred in this birth will occur again in the same speed / motion in his next to next birth.

For different horoscope of the native there are different rules and principles related to the events of birth (previous, previous to previous, next and next to next etc.) which we can use for study purpose. Please note that each native 9th house becomes the house of next birth that does not mean their father is becoming their ancestors in next birth.

General Rule is that In this birth events will occur in the life of a Native in the same manner / situations as occurred in his Previous to Previous to Previous Birth (Point 3 as mentioned above).

Please note that as per parameters present in the chart of any native we have to take decisions while doing analysis of the chart that whether the native is getting the events of a 3rd point or 2nd point or 1st point as mentioned above taken into consideration different astrology principles.

In Amitabh Bachchan Chart of repetitive life cycle D 5 chart giving indications that in this birth he is getting the father who already becomes his ancestor in his previous to previous birth etc.

Shri Harivansh Rai Bachchan (Father of Amitabh Bachchan) Poet 27 11 1907, 05:23am, Allahabad.

In Natal Chart of Amitabh Bachchan Sign Libra becomes the 9th house of previous to previous birth. In his Fathers Natal chart + in D 5 chart of FatherAscendant becomes Sign Libra thus giving strong indications that his father of this birth is his ancestor in the previous to previous birth. + 5th house (Sign Aquarius) of previous birth of Natal Chart of Shri Harivansh Rai Bachchan (Father) becomes the Ascendant of Amitabh Bachchan in this birth thus giving strong indications that Amitabh Bachchan was his Son in the previous birth also.

The above parameters shows the strong bonding between the father and son as father also playing the role of ancestor from time to time in different births such bondings / strong relationships are come under PITRA KARMA YOGA.

Thus in next birth Sh. Harivansh Rai Bachchan becomes his ancestor and not father. Please note that as seen from Ascendant Amitabh Bachchan 9th house becomes Sign Libra of next birth giving indications that his father becomes his ancestor in his next birth and he will get the same events to occur in his life in next birth as already occurred in his previous birth.

Please note that this is the common Sign movements between Father and Son rare cases as found in different repetitive life cycles.

If Father or Mother Ascendant becomes Sign of any houses (like 1,5,9 or 2,6,10 or 3,7,11 or 4,8,12 and their Son is also getting the Ascendant as a Sign in the same combinations as explained above in the given real life example then such kind of relationships come under repetitive life cycles of PITRA KARMA YOGA.

In Repetitive Human Life Cycle such kind of cases are treated as special cases.

Having such a strong bonding between Father and Son but still they are not getting Moksha

Now the role of Saturn (Karmic Planet) comes into play. Please note that in Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Amitabh Bachchan, and Abhishekh Bachchan Natal charts Saturn being the Karmic planet having its important aspect on the lord of 11th house of guidelines of Religious Court of Law thus giving strong indications of debts which occurred in their life in different births.

In Amitabh Bachchan Chart there is a Relative debt and this is associated with Ketu and it has been observed that Ketu in all of their charts have badly afflicted the 9th house and 5th house with the support of Saturn thus creating obstructions in getting them Moksha, giving losses, health problems, death etc. from time to time in different births. 2005 hospitalization occur in Saturn Antar Dasha and Ketu Pratyantar Dasha.

Ketu is also the significator of Spirituality and plays important role in Moksha and in their life Ketu has given mix results bad results more than good results.

In Amitabh Bachchan Life Ketu Vimshottari Dasha runs from 2007 2014 giving health problems to the native due to his previous birth Karmic debt.

Death of Amitabh Bachchan in Venus Vimshottari Dasha.Terms like Repetitive Human life cycle and the guidelines of religious court of law, and Moksha are the important part and concept of LAW OF ASTROLOGY.

Legal Administrative Work (LAW) of Astrology where each and every good and bad deeds done by the native in different births is taken into consideration before giving him / her next birth or Moksha.

There are different stages covering important parameters which play important role in giving Moksha to the native at present I am working on it.

At present I am also working on the concept of Law of Astrology.

RegardsPosted by DHIRAJ BAKSHI at 8:04 PM Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Monday, December 27, 2010Case Analysis Report of a Native

Name Amrita Pritam Writer

Date of Birth 31 08 1919, Time of Birth 01:49pm, Place of Birth Gujranwala, Delhi

Unhappy Married Life Parameters mentioned below:

1)7th house of Marriage in Rahu Ketu axis in Natal and Navamsha Chart.

2)Saturn placement with Sun in Sign Leo having 10th aspect on the 7th house of Marriage.

3)7th lord Venus gets debilitated in the 11th house (Sign Virgo) of Guidelines of Religious Court of Law having its 7th aspect on the house of previous birth deeds giving indications of results as per previous birth bad deeds.

4)7th house of Marriage is in the Nakshatra of Mars and in the Sub Sub of Venus. Mars gets debilitated in the 9th house of ancestors etc.

5)Venus becomes Retro and is in the Sub Sub of Saturn. As seen from 7th house her 10th house (Sign Leo) becomes the house of In Laws Family where Saturn is badily afflicted by being placed in his enemy house and also with the Sun.

6)As seen from Ascendant Saturn is the lord of 3rd house (Communication) and 4th house (Family) and being placed in the enemy Sign Leo in 10th house having its 3rd aspect on Moon thus giving indications of her disturbed child hood. Her Mother death took place in the Year 1930. She is the only child of her parents.

Please note that 5th house becomes the house of previous birth and as seen from 5th house her Sign Cancer (9th house) becomes the house of previous previous birth. In order to study what happened in her previous previous birth due to which her married life gets disturbed in the previous birth as well as in this birth we will take Sign Cancer as Ascendant.

Parameters related to what happened in her previous previous birth mentioned below:

1) As seen from 7th house her 8th house becomes Sign Leo where Saturn and Sun is placed thus giving indication of unhappy married life in her previous previous birth.

Parameters for Disturbed Married Life and Childhood in Previous Previous Birth mentioned below:

Please Note that Sun is the Natural Significator of Father + As seen from Ascendant Saturn is having 10th aspect on the 11th house of Guidelines of Religious Court of Law where Ketu (The Child) is placed in negative Sign Taurus + Ketu is having the 5th aspect on Venus, 7th aspect on the house of previous previous previous (3 times) birth deeds and 9th aspect on the house of Marriage + Venus from debilitated Sign Virgo is having the 7th aspect on the 9th house (Exalted Sign Pisces) of Ancestors. + Lord of Sign Virgo (Mercury) is placed with Mars and Jupiter and Jupiter (Ancestors) is having 7th aspect on the house of marriage and 9th aspect on the house of ancestors. + Her 9th house (Sign Pisces) is having 6:8 relations with Saturn (In enemy house) and Sun + As seen from Ascendant Saturn is having 3rd aspect on the house of family thus giving indications of disturbed childhood and the impact of the same can be seen on her married life as per parameter mentioned above.

Thus all the above parameters giving indications that after the birth of her child, her child remains the main reasons for her ill treatment which she has shown towards her Father in law. In previous previous birth she has not taken care of her in laws and her communication (3rd house) with them was very bad.

In every birth Saturn had engage her in Prayashchit Karma so as to wash all of her bad deeds. Since in this birth again her married life gets disturbed thus as seen from Ascendant in Natal Chart Saturn having 10th aspect in the 12th house of next birth where Moon is placed thus giving indications of her next birth as human being so as to do Prayashchit for what she has not achieved in this life as per expectations of God.

Please note that in order to understand the entire horoscope of a native proper study of the repetitive case of Human Life Cycle is required. As you are already aware that we all have taken so many births and there are so many good and bad deeds we all have done in several births. Hence it is not easy to study all our births good and bad deeds so the focus is given on the previous birth and previous previous birth deeds.

It has been observed that in case of repetitive life cycles of Prayashchit Karma events do engage in the same manner / situation so as to see how native will deal with those situations by taking corrective measures which will help them in washing of their bad deeds so as to get Moksha.

She received Jnanpeeth and Padma Vibhushan in 2004 Parameters mentioned below:

1)As per Vimshottari Dasha system Sun Dasha and Venus Antar Dasha in 2004 were under operation. Sun and Venus exchanged their Nakshatras since birth giving indications of honour and fame in their periods and sub periods.

2)In her Natal chart Sun is placed in the 10th house (Sign Leo) + Jupiter exalted in the 9th house and also the friend of Ascendant lord in Natal chart + Ascendant lord Mars is placed in the 9th house (debilitated Sign) and as seen from Moon Sign these planets are placed in the 10th house of Awards, name, fame, recognitions. Being in Kendra from Moon Sign Mars debilitation finishes. As seen from Sun all these planets (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter) are placed in the 12th house thus causing different Raj Yogas for the native. Thus her KCD in respect of her professional field becomes strong giving indications of name, fame and recognitions before her death as per previous birth good deeds.

3)As per D 9 X D 10 interlinking charts her Ascendant becomes Sign Libra where Sun and Venus is placed + Mercury and Rahu is placed in the 4th house (Sign Capricorn) and Ketu is placed in the 10th house (Sign Cancer) + Jupiter being placed in the 2nd house Sign Scorpio is having 9th aspect on the 10th house of recognitions through her deeds. These Parameters giving strong indications that she will excel in the writing field or say she will become the famous writer. + Saturn and Mars placed in 11th house Sign Leo having 7th aspect on the house of previous birth deeds giving indications of delays, frustrations in respect of receiving honour, recognitions or say fulfillment of her desires. In Inter linking Chart Moon is placed in 12th house (Sign Virgo) and is receiving 9th aspect of Rahu thus confirming of her to become a famous writer.

4)In D 10 chart Jupiter being Ascendant lord gets exalted in the 5th house of previous birth deeds thus giving indications of name, fame and recognition in professional life as pre previous birth good deeds of the native.

Her death took place on 31 10 2005 Parameters mentioned below:

1)As per Vimshottari Dasha system Moon Dasha Moon Antar Dasha Venus Pratyantar Dasha Ketu Sookshama Dasha.

2)In her Natal chart Moon was placed in the 12th house and Venus in Navamsha chart was placed in the 12th house of next birth + Venus is also the sub lord of 8th house (Sign Gemini) and Venus is in the Sub and Sub Sub of Saturn who is in the Nakshatra of Ketu and Sub Sub of Mercury and Mercury being the lord of 8th house of death in Natal chart is placed in the 9th house (Sign Cancer) of Ancestors, God etc. thus giving indications that her date of death was fixed by the Divya Ancestors taken into consideration her previous birth bad deeds in different areas of life cycle like marriage etc.

3)As per Jamini Principles Rudra Planet in her chart was Jupiter which gets debilitated in her D 8 chart in 8th house of death. In D 8 chart both Jupiter and Saturn have taken full control. As per alternative method of Vimshottari Dasha system Moon Dasha Libra Antar Dasha was under operation during 31 10 2005. Sign Libra in her Natal chart becomes 12th house of next birth and Venus its lord is debilitated in the 11th house (Sign Virgo) whose lord Mercury is placed in the 9th house of Ancestors with Jupiter (The Rudra Planet) thus giving indications of her death being fixed by the Divya Ancestors.

Divya Ancestors is the term used and explained by Lord Brahma. Their role is very well defined in the religious books by Lord Brahma.