AMidwest ugustinian - the...

“One Mind, One Heart” IN THIS ISSUE Federation of Augustinians of North America 50 Years in Peru Diocese of Tulsa Honors Augustinians Two Augustinians Profess Solemn Vows Province Welcomes Two Affiliates The Midwest A ugustinian Augustinian Inaugural Gala this April! DETAILS ON PAGE 9 Brother Basler, O.S.A., Solemn Profession of Vows PAGE 10 WINTER 2013

Transcript of AMidwest ugustinian - the...

Page 1: AMidwest ugustinian - the Chicago Province, I really felt as if I had come home in discovering Augustinian

“One Mind, One Heart”


Federation of Augustinians of North America

50 Years in Peru

Diocese of Tulsa Honors Augustinians

Two Augustinians Profess Solemn Vows

Province Welcomes Two Affiliates

The MidwestAugustinian


Gala this April!DETAILS ON


Brother Basler, O.S.A., Solemn Profession

of Vows PAGE 10


Page 2: AMidwest ugustinian - the Chicago Province, I really felt as if I had come home in discovering Augustinian


I hope your Christmas and New Year Holidays were enjoyable. We now find ourselves in the depths of winter sometimes with the post-holidays blues and cabin fever. If this is true, I hope that this issue of The Midwest Augustinian will give

you some moments of good news to lift your spirits. And if your spirits are high, I hope you enjoy this issue just as well. There are many reasons for us to rejoice and be filled with hope. In the fall, two young men made their solemn profession: Brother Robert Basler, O.S.A. from the Midwest Province and Brother Craig McMahon, O.S.A. from the Eastern Province. Their parents were affiliated to the Order; this is the highest honor that we can bestow on a lay person--to make them members of our Order. I am also pleased that Bishop John McNabb, O.S.A., who ordained me to the priesthood nineteen years ago, has written an article on the beginnings of our Peruvian Missions 50 years ago. We look forward to honoring him and his successor, Bishop Dan Turley, O.S.A. as well as our Prior General, Bob Prevost, O.S.A. who also spent many years ministering in Peru, at our Gala on April 26, 2013, The Solemnity of our Province Patroness, Mary, Our Mother of Good Counsel. The response has been great and tables are filling up quickly. I hope you will plan to join us for this special occasion. And finally, a word of thanks to all who have made a gift to our Annual Fund Appeal, which runs through June 30, 2013. These funds help us to continue to care for our elderly and infirm Augustinians who have given their life in service to the Gospel, to our new seminarians (See Vocation Promotion Poster on Page 17), and for our Peruvian Missions. If you have not made a gift, but would like to do so and be partners with us in our Mission, please contact our Advancement Director, Michael Gerrity at [email protected] or 773-595-4035 or visit

Sincerely in Christ and St. Augustine,

Very Reverend Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D.

Prior Provincial of Midwest Augustinians


The Midwest Augustinian is a publication of the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel. For additions, or to unsubscribe, please contact the Province Advancement Office:

Augustinian Advancement Office5401 South Cornell AvenueChicago, IL 60615

PHONE 773-595-4008FAX 773-595-4004EMAIL [email protected]

AUGUSTINIANSProvince of Our Mother of Good Counsel

Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D.PRIOR PROVINCIAL


Rev. Richard J. McGrath, O.S.A., Ph.D.PROVINCE TREASURER




Rev. Michael J. Slattery, O.S.A.Rev. Thomas R. McCarthy, O.S.A.Rev. Richard J. McGrath, O.S.A, Ph.D.Rev. R. William Sullivan, O.S.A.










Page 3: AMidwest ugustinian - the Chicago Province, I really felt as if I had come home in discovering Augustinian


My journey with the Augustinians began in August of 1968 when

entering Mendel Catholic High School as a Freshman. I cannot believe how terrified I was of Father E.J. Dodge, O.S.A. who always threatened our Biology class with the classic words “settle down or stick around.” No one ever wanted to “stick around” with him after school so we always managed to be quiet and attentive most of the time in his class.

“Section 3,” as we were called back then, was a very “spirited” class. I believe much of that spirit came from classmates like Mark O’Hare and Terry Brantley who had older brothers already in the school on the Varsity football team. Mark and Terry seemed to know what they could and could not get away with because of such “advanced” knowledge from their older brothers. Something else contributed to the spirit of the entire freshman class that year when we sold the most World’s Finest Chocolate in school fundraising. We were always the loudest class at the pep rallies so the other classes always seemed to give us a difficult time.

There was one singular event that gave the whole school something to be rowdy and cheer about in December of 1968. That was the time when the Varsity football team won the “all city” football title at Soldier Field by defeating Chicago Vocational under the guidance of head coach Lou Guida. As a member of the Mendel Marching Monarchs, the band was at every football game of the season during our Freshman year. It seemed as if we played the Mendel school fight song over one hundred times during that magical year of 1968. Winning the title that year boosted the morale of the school and made Mendel a force to be reckoned

with in football after that. I was lucky to have other memorable Augustinians throughout my four years at Mendel including Fathers Jerry Nicholas, O.S.A. in Science, LaVern Flach, O.S.A. and Bill Hamill, O.S.A. in Mathematics, Bill Sullivan, O.S.A. in Theology, and Brother Thomas Taylor, O.S.A. for homeroom.

There was one Augustinian instrumental in sparking the flame of faith leading me toward the beginning of Augustinian spirituality. This person was not a teacher but the moderator of a group called the Knights of Augustine. His name at that time was Brother Michael O’Connor, O.S.A. who was later ordained a priest. I remember attending his first Mass at Saint Therese Little Flower Church on the Southside of Chicago. The Knights of Augustine were a secular third order responsible for service oriented activities at Mendel during my junior and senior years. We collected toys, for example, for a Christmas toy drive for under-privileged children. There were also fun and memorable trips in the winter to the Augustinian Seminary High School in Holland, Michigan. Many of the guys enjoyed playing basketball in the gym and tobogganing outside on the snowy hills. During one of our trips to Holland there was a dinner prepared by the Augustinian Peruvian nuns that we called “tuna surprise” because it was

a tuna casserole laced with cut green olives with pimentos and black pepper. It was definitely unforgettable and gave us something to talk about on the trip back home.

It was graduating from Mendel in 1972 and moving on to Loyola University Chicago which made it seem as if the Augustinians really prepared me for college. I remember coming back to Mendel and running into Father Jerry Nicholas and admitting to him that college studies were difficult. He smiled and said, “Welcome to the real world.” It was also Father Jerry Nicholas who greeted me once again after 35 years to the “real world” of Augustinian life on July 31, 20zt . I returned to the Chicago area after living and working in the Los Angeles area as a Theology teacher and Catholic deacon. After spending fourteen years with the Jesuits of the Chicago Province, I really felt as if I had come home in discovering Augustinian community living as a candidate, postulant and pre-novice. St. Augustine is often quoted in saying “our hearts are restless until they rest in thee.” During this past year living and working with the Augustinians at Providence Catholic High in New Lenox, Illinois, I realized I found what I was looking after so many years. I am living in Racine, Wisconsin now as a novice of the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel. God is good all the time!

By Deacon David Miller

How I Found The Augustinians

CHICAGO, IL: Deacon Miller, with his Augustinian Community from Racine, WI. The Novitiate class is the largest in 25 years

Page 4: AMidwest ugustinian - the Chicago Province, I really felt as if I had come home in discovering Augustinian

4 The Midwest Augustinian | WINTER 2013

O ne of the most successful endeavors of our Midwest Province of Augustinians seems to be what is now the Diocese of Chulucanas in

northern Peru. I have been asked to write something of its 50 years of growth from humble beginnings in 1964. I do so very convinced that it was an “adventure of faith” begun after months of planning led by the Provincial, Fr. Francis Cavanaugh, O.S.A., two former Provincials and others who wanted to respond positively to the request of the Holy See to do for Latin America what the missionaries from Europe did to evangelize North America.

Once the Holy See promulgated the decree of establishing the Prelature of Chulucanas in 1964 and the naming of the first Prelate, an invitation was extended to Cardinal Meyer of Chicago to officiate at the first Pontifical Mass of the Prelate at Tolentine Center in Olympia Fields, Illinois. I well remember our visit to the Cardinal for what he asked of me, namely, “Are you willing to spend your life as a missionary to Peru?” I vividly remember searching for an answer because I had not even seen Peru, but I had been assured that because

the area had been assigned perpetually to the Order of St. Augustine, another person could replace me. In fact, my former Canon Law teacher had assured me that this could happen if necessary. I later learned this not to be true as the jurisdiction was assigned to me, not the religious community, but I chose not to reveal this to contradict what with good faith we were told.

What I initially found when I arrived in Peru was a letter from my mother written in her own hand which assured me “your father and I believe that if God is asking you to do this, you will never be short of personnel and finances to accomplish it.” This proved to be true as the first volunteers to help arrived from the Philippines and eventually from 15 nationalities and finances solicited from many sources, but especially in the beginnings from the U.S.A. and from the Church in Germany known as ADVENIAT.

The first three Augustinians who responded affirmatively to the request to work in Peru need to be remembered for their generosity. Fathers Connie Lehane, O.S.A., Edward Champan, O.S.A., and John Burkhart, O.S.A. proved to be excellent missionaries who also appreciated the help of three Augustinians of the Michoacán Province of Mexico who arrived in Peru to help establish the mission.

My assistance at the third and fourth sessions of the Vatican II Council was a great preparation to help me know more

By Most Rev. John C. McNabb, O.S.A. Bishop Emeritus, Diocese of Chulucanas, Peru

Augustinian Missions: Celebrating 50 Years in Peru

CHULUCANAS, PERU: Bishop John McNabb, O.S.A. on his recent visit to Peru, greeted by hundreds of parishioners of the Cathedral he founded many years before

VATICAN CITY: Blessed Pope John Paul II blesses Bishop John McNabb, O.S.A.

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5WINTER 2013 | The Midwest Augustinian

about the universality of the Church. It is something I will always treasure! As I returned to Peru, my fellow missionaries repeated what they initially told me: that we were way too few men to meet the challenge of evangelizing the three provinces [counties] of Ayabaca, Morropón, and

Huancabamba in the Department [State] of Piura even with the help of the Franciscan Fathers from Sicily who staffed three parishes of Huancabamba, and seven diocesan priests formerly of the Piura Diocese – a total of 14 priests.

As I listened attentively to these wonderful men, I seemed to be inspired by something I had learned from the Vatican II experience. I told them I agreed with them that we were too few but that the problem had a solution and it would be this: We will teach the Peruvians to evangelize their own people. This would be harder and longer but it could be the answer. It was based in what I learned form the Council documents namely that every baptized person has a right and

an obligation to participate actively and not just as spectators in the work of evangliezation, the mission of Christ in the world. Therefore, our best investment would be in the PEOPLE, not in buildings. We arrived in Peru to promote the Peruvians, not to replace them.

With the help of Sister Margarita Chavez and Fr. Porfirio Diaz, O.S.A., we started a leadership educational program in which some 800 men and women participated over the early years – all chosen by their fellow citizens in their villages. The Better World Movement heard of our program and asked to present their program entitled New Image of the Parish (NIP) to our pastoral council. The result of a ten day session with them resulted in unanimous approbation of their training program which we adopted with a commitment on their part to accompany us in the training of our people. With the help of Fr. Arthur Purcaro, O.S.A. as Vicar of Pastoral Programs, the NIP program was not imposed; rather, I waited years before all the parishes were involved in establishing it. By the year 1990, all the parishes had as a common pastoral program NIP and the former Prelature was recognized by the Holy See as the Chulucanas Diocese with some 23,000 laity collaborating with their pastors in the work of evangelization.

In conclusion, we were called to learn as new missionaries that we no longer thought of ourselves bringing Christ and His message to others, but rather recognizing in our people the presence of Christ in the Peruvian religiosity and developing the presence of Christ in them! Among many important by-products of our pastoral program was an increase in Peruvian priestly and religious vocations that have replaced us as missionaries. Así sea! (Thus it may be!)

Augustinian Missions: Celebrating 50 Years in Peru

ROCKFORD, IL: Bishop John McNabb, O.S.A. published his memoirs Led Where I Did Not Plan to Go in 2012

CHICAGO, IL: Bishop John McNabb, O.S.A. offers his blessing during Mass at the St. Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel



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6 The Midwest Augustinian | WINTER 2013

O n February 21, 2012, the Prior General of the Order of St. Augustine,

Fr. Robert F. Prevost, O.S.A., officially established the Federation of Augustinians of North America (FANA). The Federation is comprised of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova (East), the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel (Midwest), the Province of St. Augustine (West) and the Province of St. Joseph (Canada).

In forming a federation, it is important to note that the autonomy of each province remains, as it has been. Each province is under the leadership of its own provincial; each provincial is autonomous in dealing with his province; and each province retains control over its own finances

and internal affairs. The Federation of Augustinians of North America has been established to collaborate in specific areas.

The notion of a federation has been under study by provinces in the United States and Canada since 2007. At the 2010 Chapter of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova, the Prior General, Robert F. Prevost, O.S.A., addressed the Chapter. Noting that the Chapter was one of the largest in the Order, he called on members to move towards the future to meet the challenges that will be presented, reminding them “to strive as brothers” for collaboration among all provinces in North America. During the Chapter, a proposal for federation among the provinces of the United States and Canada was considered, along with those areas where such collaboration

would benefit provinces. The areas of “common interest” proposed included:

• Vocations• Formation• Communications• Development in Support of

common Ministries • Missions (foreign and domestic)• Peace and Justice• Latino/Hispanic Ministry

Ventures• Research & Planning• New Initiatives• Budgeting for the Federation

After consideration and discussion, the friars passed the proposal.

While the establishment of this Federation facilitates collaboration in areas of mutual interest, there are examples where such collaboration

VILLANOVA, PA (left to right): Very Rev. Gary E. Sanders, O.S.A., Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Very Rev. Anthony M. Genovese, O.S.A., and Rev. Francis Galvan, O.S.A. formed the first Federation of Augustinians of North America

FANA: The Federation of Augustinians of North AmericaBy Kitty Sheridan

Reprinted from The Augustinian magazine, Volume VII, Issue 1, from the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova

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7WINTER 2013 | The Midwest Augustinian

already exists. A recent example is the appointment of vocation directors over both the East and the Midwest Provinces, as announced and highlighted in the 2012 spring edition of The Augustinian. However, history shows collaboration had been in practice during the founding of the mission in Nagasaki, Japan in 1952, which was co-sponsored by the Provinces of the Midwest and the East. While the mission in Peru was founded in the 1960s by the Midwest Augustinians, when Peru became a Vicariate, friars from Villanova serving at the Villanova mission in Chulucanas were “loaned” to the Midwest Province. Under the Federation, this intention to collaborate in identified areas of mutual interest is formalized.

In establishing this Federation, the statutes called for the position of a “Prior of the Federation,” to be elected by the four Prior Provincials from among the current Prior Provincials. On April 2, 2012, in a historic first meeting of the Provincials of the Federation of Augustinians of North America, the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Prior Provincial of Our Mother of Good Counsel Province in the Midwest, was elected for a two-year term. The other Prior Provincials (Fr. Anthony M. Genovese of the Eastern U.S., Fr. Gary E. Sanders of Western U.S., and Fr. Francis J. Galvan of Canada,) comprise the Council for the Federation’s Prior. In his role, the Prior of the Federation is primarily responsible for convoking meetings, presenting matters to his council for discussion and for maintaining a record of minutes.

Assisting the Prior of the Federation is the Executive Director of the Federation, Fr. J. Thomas Pohto, O.S.A., of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova, who was elected to this post by the Provincials during the April 2nd meeting. His responsibilities include the oversight of commissions appointed by the Federation council,

oversight of any assignments given to individuals by the Federation Council, and the organization of non-council meetings convoked by the Prior of the Federation. The Executive Director will also present matters to the Federation for discussion, and identify emerging areas for future collaboration. His responsibilities also include advising the Federation council about any difficulties met by those commissions and individuals, as well as Augustinian boards, that have bearing on the workings of the Federation. Currently, a budget is in place that was approved by the Federation Council. The Executive Director will be responsible for preparing the annual budget and implementing the budget, which requires approval of the Federation Council. In assuming this post, Fr. Tom, formerly the treasurer at St. Thomas of Villanova Monastery, will relocate to Chicago, where he has also been appointed the Prior of St. Augustine Friary.

Matters brought to the Federation Council by the Prior of the Federation are only approved by the unanimous consent of the Prior and the Council. As the Augustinian Provinces in the United States and Canada look to

the future, they are establishing a mechanism to expand on areas where collaboration has existed, and the Provinces, through the work of the Federation’s Executive Director and the Prior, will consider new areas that benefit all Augustinians of North America.

Editor's Note: Since Federation was proposed and agreed upon by the Provinces in North America, the government of the Province of St. Joseph in Canada has been suspended. The Province is completely governed by Prior Provincial, Fr. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A. and his Council. There is no longer a Provincial Superior in Canada and therefore, no membership on the Council for the Federation. The Federation Council is comprised of two members only (Fr. Anthony M. Genovese, O.S.A., Prior Provincial of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova in the East; and Fr. Gary E. Sanders, O.S.A., Prior Provincial of the Province of St. Augustine in the West). Fr. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Prior of the Midwest Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel, remains Prior of the Federation of Augustinians of North America, with Fr. J. Thomas Pohto, Executive Director, assisting him.


Kitty Sheridan is the Associate Editor for Communications for the Augustinian Province

of St. Thomas of Villanova, headquartered in Villanova, Pennsylvania.

Photos courtesy of Bryan Smith

Rev. J. Thomas Pohto, O.S.A. is the first Executive Director of FANA

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8 The Midwest Augustinian | WINTER 2013

F ather Jerry Knies, O.S.A. was born on the Southside of Chicago and spent his earliest

years in the Hyde Park neighborhood before moving to Mount Greenwood in the First Grade. It was there that he found the “militaristic formation,” as he describes it, that followed him throughout his formative years. Beginning with his first day with the sisters at Saint Christina Elementary School, Fr. Jerry’s education was mixed with a rigid set of rules that provided him solid academics and a strong character.

From St. Christina, Fr. Jerry then went to high school with the Irish Christian Brothers at Leo High School on 79th Street where he excelled in academics to the point that he was accepted to Lake Forest College with a scholarship. However, he chose to turn down the scholarship and to

accept the opportunity to find out about priesthood and the Augustinians that he admired like Fr. Ted Tack, O.S.A. and Fr. Phil Foley, O.S.A., who preached at St. Gerald, his home parish in Oak Lawn, Illinois.

Fr. Jerry describes his formation while in the Novitiate as a “God was in charge” period of time. When he was at Villanova University, all of the lay people were studying in a different part of the college than the candidates for priesthood and brotherhood. There was no mingling. When he came to the Novitiate in the Pabst mansion in Wisconsin, he was surrounded with holy humble friars. It was there that he realized the importance of prayer and reflection and developing a strong relationship with God. It would be this relationship that was consistently growing stronger that has sustained him throughout the rest of his years in the Order, and influenced him in his pastoral care and ministry.

Fr. Jerry was blessed to be assigned to Rome as a young friar; he arrived just as Blessed Pope John XXIII was elected to the Papacy. Of course, shortly thereafter, John XXIII called the Second Vatican Council. Fr. Jerry said this breathed new life into the Church and put legitimacy to what he and other Augustinians were already feeling. From that point forward, Fr. Jerry describes the theology of the Church as shifting from a “Jesus and Me” theology to an “Our Father” theology in which people were collectively better able to understand, describe, and relate to the mystery of the Trinity. “The functionality of ministerial activities,” Fr. Jerry says,

“continued to improve all the time after Vatican II.” Every day, he had more to look forward to.

Since those years, Fr. Jerry has tried to turn away from his rigid formation and more toward an opening of the doors to allow the Holy Spirit to work. He has been able to do this in his ministry as a teacher, a counselor, and several grueling years as Personnel Director during the sex abuse crisis that was exploding in the Church in the 20th Century. This was a great challenge for him and for his faith, but he persevered through it by finding a balance in the anxieties of the individual accusations and situations, consoling and reaching out to victims, and serving the Order.

In recent years, Fr. Jerry feels blessed to be the Prior of the community in Racine, Wisconsin at the North American Augustinian Novitiate. It is there that he is applying his many years of teaching, his personal and collective Augustinian spirituality, and his challenges as a friar to the novices as they begin their formation as friars.

By Bernard Cissell

■ Born in: Chicago, IL in 1935 ■ First Profession of Vows: 1955 ■ Ordination to the Priesthood: 1962 ■ Currently Resides at:

St. Rita of Cascia Parish, Racine, WI

PAST MINISTRIES INCLUDE: Teacher, St. Rita of Cascia High School, Chicago, ILTeacher, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, ILTeacher, International College of St. Monica, Rome, ItalyDirector of Retreats, Tolentine Center, Olympia Fields, ILVicar Provincial / Personnel Director, Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel


Living Biographies: Rev. Jerry Knies, O.S.A.Last year, Prior Provincial Fr. Bernard Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D. assigned our seminarians to visit some of our various communities across the Midwest Province to interview some of our elder priests and brothers. Doing so allowed them to learn more about Province’s history, as well as about our current parishes and schools. The following is an excerpt of one of our seminarian’s reflections on his interview in Wisconsin.

RACINE, WI: Rev. Jerry Knies, O.S.A. (center) blesses the Baptismal Fountain at St. Rita Parish with Rev. Kevin Mullins, O.S.A. (left) and Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D. (right)

Page 9: AMidwest ugustinian - the Chicago Province, I really felt as if I had come home in discovering Augustinian

To reserve a table or sponsorship, please call Becky in the Province Advancement Office at 773-595-4008 or email [email protected]

HonoringMOST REV.



His Excellency Raymond Goedert,Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, IL (ret).

His Excellency Joseph Siegel, Auxiliary Bishop of Joliet, IL

His Excellency Edward Slattery, Bishop of Tulsa, OK



Sponsored by Hon. Francis and Mrs. Kathleen Rooney U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican (ret.)

Hosted by the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D. Prior Provincial

Augustinian Inaugural Gala

Special Guests Include



The Solemnity of Our Mother of Good CounselThe Hyatt Regency, Chicago, IL | April 26, 2013

Major Underwriting and Sponsorship Opportunities



Gala Journal Program Book Opportunities

(8.5" X 11" FULL PAGE)


Individual / Family / Business Listings(2 LINES MAXIMUM)


Tables & Sponsorship Opportunities

ST. AUGUSTINE TABLES – $5,000Preferred Table for 8, Full Page Journal Ad, Prominent Program Signage

ST. RITA OF CASCIA TABLES – $3,500 Preferred Table for 8, Prominent Program Signage

"IN HONOR OR IN MEMORY OF" TABLES – $2,500 You name an Augustinian, Parish, School, or Loved

One,Table for 8, Program Listing

ST. MONICA TABLES – $2,500 Table for 8, Program Listing


His Eminence Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I.,

Archbishop of Chicago, IL

Page 10: AMidwest ugustinian - the Chicago Province, I really felt as if I had come home in discovering Augustinian

10 The Midwest Augustinian | WINTER 2013

&News NotesTwo Augustinians Profess Solemn Vows

Two Augustinians Join Midwest Province

CHICAGO, IL: Brothers Robert Basler, O.S.A. (left) and Craig McMahon, O.S.A. profess their solemn vows to the Augustinian Order

Mrs. Elena Basler joins the Augustinian Order as one of our Province's newest Affiliates

O n Saturday, October 13, Brothers Robert C. Basler, O.S.A. and Craig M.

McMahon, O.S.A. professed their solemn vows to the Augustinian Order at the St. Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel in Chicago, Illinois. Brother Basler professed his vows to the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A.,

Ph.D., Prior Provincial of the Midwest Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel, and Brother McMahon professed his to the Very Rev. Anthony M. Genovese, O.S.A., Prior Provincial of the East Coast Province of St. Thomas of Villanova. This ceremony was the first in recent past to celebrate joint professions between Provinces in

the United States. With their solemn professions, we also welcome our newest Affiliates to the Augustinian Order: Mrs. Maria Elena Basler, Brother Robert’s mother, and Brian and Marjorie McMahon, Brother Craig’s parents. Both Brothers are scheduled to be ordained to the Diaconate in January 2013.

T his past Fall, Rev. David Vargas, O.S.A. and Brother Homero Sánchez, O.S.A. joined the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel to become some of the newest solemnly professed Midwest Augustinians. Fr. David, born in Puerto Rico, was a part of the Augustinian Vicariate of the Antilles. He now serves as the Associate Pastor at St. Rita of

Cascia Parish in Chicago, IL.

Brother Homero was a part of the Augustinian Michoacán Province in Mexico. He just completed his fourth year of Theology, studying in the Augustinian formation program of our missions in Trujillo, Peru. He is scheduled to be ordained to the Diaconate with Brother Robert Basler, O.S.A. in January 2013.

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11WINTER 2013 | The Midwest Augustinian

Augustinian Inaugural Gala: Co-Chairs Announced

Jack Vlazny Affiliated to Augustinian Order

LA MATANZA, PERU: The current chapel of Parroquia San Agustín (St. Augustine Parish) will serve the parishioners until a new church is built

MRS. RACHEL RONE Rachel’s connection to the Augustinians began as the sibling of a St. Rita of Cascia High School student. Her brother Mark, class of 1986, has always been proud of having graduated from St. Rita. In 2008, she and her husband Bob Topor, class of 1985, married at St. Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel. As they prepared to marry, Rachel had the pleasure of getting to know both Fr. Bernie Scianna and Fr. Tom McCarthy. These relationships have helped her to develop a

more personal connection to the Augustinians. She currently works at RBC Wealth Management as an Investment Associate. She works with clients; providing them financial advice, analyzing account performance, helping them to prepare for retirement and creating a legacy for their children and grandchildren.

MRS. ANNE BERSHBACK Anne’s connection to the Augustinians stems from being a lifelong member of St. Clare of Montefalco Parish in Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. She has been very active in the Grosse Pointe community, having served on various commissions, worked as the Assistant to the Principal at St. Clare School, and she has also served on the Parish Council at St. Clare. She is married to Don Berschback, an Augustinian Affiliate who graduated from Austin Catholic Preparatory School.

Together, Anne and Don have had three children. Anne is a very committed Catholic and has a close association with the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters in Monroe, Michigan. This February, Anne will be affiliated to the Augustinian Order in Chicago.

HICKORY HILLS, IL: Jack Vlazny (left) became an Augustinian Affiliate and was also honored as the Friends of Tolentine's 2012 Man of the Year

E arlier in 2012, Bishop Daniel T. Turley, O.S.A. of the Diocese of Chulucanas,

Peru, named Parroquia San Agustín (St. Augustine Parish) to be the 22nd parish in the Diocese. The parish, located in the desert town of La Matanza with a population of 13,000 people, has been a chapel for many years and home to a group of Augustinian Sisters. Mayor Nelson Mio Reyes has devoted a plot of land for the construction of a new church in the town square; the current chapel will serve the community until construction.

The Midwest Augustinians of the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel founded Parroquia San Isidro (St. Isidore Parish) of Morropón, Peru in the 1960’s and continue to serve there today. In addition to serving the city of Morropón, they also serve dozens of other small towns and districts, such as La Matanza. The Augustinian Community of Morropón has agreed to administer Parroquia San Agustín in its early stage.

Augustinians Serve New Parish in Peru

I n the Spring of 2012, the Midwest Augustinians announced the Augustinian Inaugural Gala would be held on April 26, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago. We are happy to introduce our two Co-

Chairs for this event, Mrs. Anne Bershback and Mrs. Rachel Rone.

O n Thursday, October 18, the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D.

inducted Mr. Jack Vlazny into the Augustinian Order as our newest Affiliate. The affiliation took place at the Tolentine Friends of the Augustinian Order's annual fundraiser in Hickory Hills, Illinois, when he was also honored as the group’s Man of the Year. Jack is the group’s most recent President Emeritus and currently serves as the Vice-President, in addition to serving as the Chairman of the Mendel Alumni Association.

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12 The Midwest Augustinian | WINTER 2013

Diocese of Tulsa Honors Augustinians and Robert Sullivan Family

TULSA, OK (left to right): Bob Sullivan, Jr., Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Jeanne Sullivan, Bishop Edward Slattery, Rev. William Perez, O.S.A., and Rev. John Sotak, O.S.A.

O n October 4, 2012, the Diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma honored the Midwest

Augustinians with the St. Clare of Assisi Award. The award recognizes outstanding service to Catholic education within the Diocese. Bishop Edward Slattery and Mr. Todd C. Goldsmith presented the award to the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Prior Provincial of the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel, Rev. John Sotak, O.S.A., Prior of the Augustinian Community and Director of Augustinian Mission, and Rev. William Perez, O.S.A., longtime teacher and graduate of Cascia Hall Preparatory School in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The Augustinians began serving Cascia Hall Preparatory School in 1926 at the request of Bishop Francis Clement Kelley to open a Catholic school for boys in Tulsa. Rev. Francis Driscoll, O.S.A., who had been serving as the President of Villanova University in Villanova, Pennsylvania, founded

Cascia Hall and served as the first Headmaster. Later in the 1980’s while Rev. David Brecht, O.S.A. served as Headmaster, Cascia became a co-educational school and also opened a middle school. Our current Provincial Fr. Bernie served as Headmaster there for 13 years from 1997-2010. Mr. Roger Carter serves as the current Headmaster of the school.

That same night, the Diocese honored the late Robert J. Sullivan, Sr. and the Robert J. Sullivan, Jr. Family with the St. Francis of Assisi Award. The award recognizes exceptional support given to Catholic education within the Diocese. Robert “Bob” Sullivan, Jr. accepted the award from Bishop Edward Slattery and Rev. Monsignor Gregory A. Gier. Bob Sullivan is an Affiliate of the Augustinian Order and also serves on the Advancement Council for the Midwest Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel. The Sullivan Family’s involvement in Catholic education and service to the

Church is rooted in their Irish heritage and the lives of their ancestors. Robert “Spike” Sullivan, Sr. was asked by the Bishop to head a committee of four laymen to identify and acquire a site for what is now Bishop Kelley High School in Tulsa. In the 1970’s he established the Sullivan Charitable Trust with the straightforward objective of “providing poor children with a Catholic education.” Spike passed away in 1999, and his son Bob continues his legacy today. Bob has chaired three Catholic school boards in Tulsa, conducted numerous fundraising drives for Catholic Charities, and currently chairs the Saint John Health System Board. He and his wife Jeanne have six children and ten grandchildren. The unmistakable family trait of service to the Church, and especially to Catholic education, is sure to continue as time goes on, modeled after the examples of their forefathers in Ireland almost two centuries ago.

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13WINTER 2013 | The Midwest Augustinian

O n Sunday, September 23, Rev. Richard J. McGrath, O.S.A., Ph.D. honored

Wayne & Barbara Klasing with the

Cor Unum Medallion. The award is the highest honor that Providence Catholic High School of New Lenox, Illinois bestows upon members

of its community who embody its inscription of "One Heart in Family." The award is given annually at a brunch following the President’s Mass of Thanksgiving. Nominees are selected based upon their extraordinary service to Providence Catholic High School, the Church, the local community or in recognition of accomplishments in their professions.

In addition to his outstanding service to Providence Catholic, Wayne now acts as the Chairman of the Advancement Council of the Midwest Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel. He has also been actively involved as a parishioner of St. Jude Parish, an Augustinian parish also in New Lenox, for over 16 years.

O n Saturday, November 17, the Italian American Executives of Transportation (IAET) honored

Rev. Anthony B. Pizzo, O.S.A. with the Humanitarian of the Year Award in Addison, Illinois. The award recognizes those who have made substantial contributions of time

and resources in keeping with the mission statement of the IAET, which includes assisting in educational programs and scholarships, enhancing the image of the Italian-American in the community, and promoting cultural awareness. Fr. Tony Pizzo is the Pastor of St. Rita of Cascia Parish in Chicago, Illinois.

Rev. Tony Pizzo, O.S.A. Receives Humanitarian of the Year Award

Wayne & Barbara Klasing Receive Cor Unum Award

Augustinian Seminary Alumni: Our New Province VolunteersOn Tuesday, November 13, a group of alumni from our Augustinian seminaries gathered to begin planning a new organization to volunteer for the Midwest Augustinians. Mr. Patrick O’Connor, a 1970 alumnus of St. Augustine High School Seminary in Holland, MI, initiated the idea of the preliminary group with our Augustinian Priests, Brothers, and Province staff. The group met at St. Rita of Cascia High School to discuss how Augustinian spirituality has shaped their lives and success, and how they can begin to make a volunteer movement by organizing retreats and leading community outreach projects. More is sure to come following the group’s initial development.

NEW LENOX, IL: President of Providence Catholic High School Rev. Richard J. McGrath, O.S.A., Ph.D. presents the Cor Unum award to Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Klasing

CHICAGO, IL: Nearly two dozen alumni traveled across the country to meet at St. Rita of Cascia High School for the first meeting to organize a new volunteer group for the Province

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Written by Mr. Wayne Klasing, Chairman of the Province Advancement Council

A couple of years ago, consultants analyzing the Midwest Province’s fund raising efforts recommended that an Advancement Advisory Council be formed. I was asked to join this group. Before I made my decision, I wanted to review the consultant’s final report and recommendations. It was truly an eye opener. These fine men who have done so much for others through their service as pastors, teachers, school administrators and missionaries had not done enough to secure their own future. The working friars and the donations received were not sufficient to support the operations of the Province and the retired and infirm friars. Because I had recently participated in starting a community foundation, I thought that my experiences might be of value, and I agreed to help.

Many positive things have happened since then. The Province has enlisted an experienced advancement professional, Michael Gerrity, who has developed and, with Fr. Bernie Scianna, is implementing a comprehensive plan to stabilize the Province’s finances through a larger endowment fund, increased annual giving, grant seeking and the Augustinian Inaugural Gala. Staff has been added to assist this effort. New members have volunteered to serve on the Advancement Council and share their expertise, time and treasure.

The former Tolentine Seminary has been sold and the funds added to the endowment. Province offices have been moved to a more convenient and economical location. The Midwest Province is cooperating with other Provinces to consolidate some functions for cost saving efficiencies. The high schools operated by the Province are healthy and increasing their financial support to the Province. Vocations within the Province are increasing and ordinations are resuming. The mission in Peru is thriving with many vocations. Donations to the Province are growing.

For the love of God and all His children…

Make Something Lasting and Good Happen Now!For more information or questions please email [email protected] or call Province Advancement

Director Michael Gerrity or his staff, Patrick Murphy and Becky Schmitt, at 773-595-4008.


Mr. Wayne Klasing, Chairman

Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Prior Provincial

Mrs. Anne Berschback

Mr. Donald Berschback

Mr. Robert Biolchini

Mr. Matthew F. Coughlin, III

Mr. Mark S. Hacker

Mr. Gregory Jania

Mr. Anthony J. Lauinger

Rev. Joseph E. McCormick, O.S.A.

Mr. Robert Sullivan

Mr. Mike Zunica

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15WINTER 2013 | The Midwest Augustinian

"I give you thanks, my honor, my confidence. I give you thanks for your gifts, but I ask you to protect them. For as long as you protect them,

they will develop and be perfected." – St. Augustine

Thank you to our Newest Donors

Welcome to Our Newest Restless Hearts Society Members

W e would like to extend our warmest welcome to our newest donors. The following 31 first-time donors have recently joined us in financing our top priorities this past summer, from September 20 through December 7, and will be recognized again in our Annual Report. If your contributions are not properly reflected in this report or

if you see any errors, we apologize and ask you to please contact the Augustinian Advancement Office at (773) 595-4008 or [email protected]. Please keep them in your prayers:

We would like to thank Ms. Ardith Goodroe, Mr. Michael Manning, Mrs. Anne Berschback, and Mr. Donald Berschback for informing the Augustinians that they have named the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel as beneficiaries to their estate planning. We welcome them as the newest members of the Restless Hearts Society by doing so.

Addendums: In the 2011-2012 Annual Report released last September, we had not included a generous grant made by the Thomas W. Dower Foundation. Their gift made to support our missions in Peru includes them in the St. Augustine Circle, a group of benefactors contributing $5,000 or more a year.

We would also like to acknowledge Mr. & Mrs. Neil Parkinson of Cambridge, Ontario, who donated generously to include them in the St. Rita of Cascia Circle, a group of benefactors contributing between $1,000 - $2,499. We extend our apologies and gratitude to Ms. Mary Hartigan as well as Neil and Sharon Parkinson for pointing out these errors.

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Adams

Ms. Agnes Araijo

Mr. Reginald Badowski

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Brodnicki

Mr. George Brodnicki

Mr. James Clark

Ms. Maria Diaz

Mr. Philip Dunne

Mrs. Elvira Escalante

Mr. Eugene Joseph Farrug

Mr. Ryan C. Gandurski

Mr. Bruce John Hattemer

Mr. James Hopkins

Jose R. & Laura B. Media Foundation

Dr. Eileen Knight

Mr. Thaddeus Lazowski

Mr. Miles Lombard

Mrs. Joanne Manka

Mr. Joseph E. O'Connor

Mr. Michael Murphy

Mr. Laurel Nash

Dr. Mario Perez, O.D., P.A.

Ms. Maria Teresa De Z. Meyer

Mr. Ralph Sopchak

Mrs. Jill Marie Stratton

Mr. Ed Udovic

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vavra

Mr. Michael Verone

Mrs. Lissa Wagner, Jr.

Mr. John Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. James Werner

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Why a Bequest or Any Other Planned Gift?

“From Don's grade school days at St. Clare of Montefalco, through high school at Austin Catholic High School and continuing through our marriage in 1966 to the present day, the Augustinians have baptized, married, and buried members of our family. They have been a source of spiritual

development and a constant source of abiding friendships. We have been truly blessed by our good and gracious Lord in so many ways and our testamentary donation to the Augustinians reflects just a small

part of our gratitude to all of them for journeying with us through these years. It's really the least we can do; we encourage everyone to reflect on how these men have impacted your lives - and then show your gratitude by joining us with a monetary or legacy donation.Thanks be to God for our Augustinians!”

– Anne and Don Berschback | Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan

“My wife Barbara and I have included the Augustinians in our estate planning to help ensure that the good works of these dedicated men will continue long after we are gone.”

- Wayne Klasing | New Lenox, Illinois

“I grew up the product of a broken home, in poverty, raised by a single parent, my dear mother, in very tough circumstances. Thanks to the Augustinians, particularly Fr. Martin O’Neill, now

deceased, I was able to attend the Augustinian Academy in St. Louis. My family could not have afforded that school without the Augustinians’ help. That experience came at a seminal moment in my life. The Augustinians molded me, educated me and blessed me further with a scholarship to Villanova. They

changed my life totally. That is why we are pleased to put the Augustinians and the Province in our wills.” – Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Elizabeth Manning | Thornton, Pennsylvania

“I do love the Augustinians very much for they have enriched my life for many years. I consider them to be good and dear friends who have brought me closer to God. The Augustinians at St. Matthew’s,

where I have been a parishioner many years have inspired me to be a better Christian. I was very pleased to put the Augustinians and the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel in my will.”

– Ms. Ardith Goodroe | Burton, Michigan

When creating your estate plans, please remember the Augustinians. There are many easy ways to give after funds are needed. You may give through a bequest in a will through a fixed sum or percentage of your net estate or by naming the Augustinians as a beneficiary of your IRA, retirement plan, or life insurance policy. For more information please contact Province Advancement Director Michael Gerrity at [email protected] or 773-595-4035. All inquiries are strictly confidential.

T he following donors, all members of the Province’s Restless Hearts Society, have all named the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel of the Augustinian Order in their wills and their estate planning. They have agreed to share their reasons for doing so in the hope of inspiring others.

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17WINTER 2013 | The Midwest Augustinian

Hershey, PAPre-Novice

Andrew Mihailoff , 32

Indianapolis, INNovice

Bernard Cissell, 36

Los Angeles, CAProfessed

Nicholas Porter, 28

Villanova, PAPre-Novice

Greg Grimes, 29Westchester, NY


Craig McMahon, 33

Urbana, ILPre-Novice

Joe Siegel, 41

West Des Moines, IAPre-Novice

Nick Mullarkey, 26

Morelia, MexicoProfessed

Homero Sánchez, 27

Chicago, ILNovice

Dn. David Miller, 58

Quincy, ILPre-Novice

Logan Cox, 23

Ponce, Puerto RicoProfessed

Bienvenido Rodriguez, 48Anaheim, CA


Philip Yang, 32

Choluteca, HondurasPre-Novice

Javier Aguilar, 27

La Vega, Dominican RepublicPre-Novice

Elizandro Contreras, 33

Los Angeles, CAProfessed

Mark Menegatti, 29

Chicago, ILNovice

Fr. Brian Barker, 52

Chicago, ILProfessed

Fr. Rich Young, 48

Brooklyn, NYProfessed

Joe Murray, 55

Saint-Louis-du-Nord, HaitiNovice

Estimé Frader, 31

Los Angeles, CAPre-Novice

Maxime Villeneuve, 25

Philadelphia, PANovice

Bryan Kerns, 23

Cebu, PhilippinesProfessed

Richie Mercado, 33

Austin, TXNovice

Joe Ruiz, 38

Buenavista, MexicoProfessed

Dn. Fernando Lopez, 52

La Vega, Dominican RepublicPre-Novice

Nelson Garcia, 22

Barranquilla, ColumbiaProfessed

Carlos Medina, 26

Buff alo, NYPre-Novice

Robert Baiocco, 40

Schweinfurt, GermanyNovice

Christian Rentsch, 32

Park Forest, ILProfessed

Robert Basler, 42Mexico City, Mexico


Agustin Gonzalez, 31

Williamsport, PAPre-Novice

Colin Nardone, 21

Wichita, KSProfessed

Stephen Isley, 25

Iriga, PhilippinesNovice

Aldo Potencio, 38

Augustiniansin Formation Men of Heart

Last year, Rev. Th omas McCarthy, O.S.A. announced that he would be devoting his entire ministry to serving as the Vocations Director for multiple Augustinian Provinces in the United States. He is implementing strategies to use social media and vocations awareness in our parishes

and schools with Assistant Director of Vocations, Sr. Ardis Cloutier, O.S.F. He is also teaming up with Rev. Jorge Cleto, O.S.A., who serves as the Director of Hispanic Vocations. If you know anyone wanting to learn more about a vocation, please contact Fr. Tom at 773-776-3044 or

[email protected]. Spanish-speaking men may contact Fr. Jorge at 305-474-0591 or [email protected].

“Strengthen me, Lord, that I may have your strength. Give me the grace to do what you command,

and command me to dowhatever you want!”

– St. Augustine [Confessions 10,31]

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18 The Midwest Augustinian | WINTER 2013

Keeping Track


Born in: Chicago, IL in 1928Graduated from: St. Rita of Cascia High School, Chicago, IL in 1946First Profession of Vows: 1949Ordination to the Priesthood: 1955Past Ministries Include:Teacher, St. Rita of Cascia High School, Chicago, ILChaplain, Little Company of Mary Hospital, Evergreen Park, ILChaplain, St. Francis Hospital, Blue Island, ILChaplain, Palos Community Hospital, Palos Heights, ILChaplain, Mercy Residence, Olympia Fields, IL


Born in: Chicago, IL in 1922Graduated from: St. Rita of Cascia High School in 1940First Profession of Vows: 1943Ordination to the Priesthood: 1948Past Ministries Include:Teacher, St. Augustine Seminary High School, Holland, MIPrincipal, Augustinian Academy, St. Louis, MOProvince Counselor, Province of Our Mother of Good CounselPrincipal, Mendel Catholic High School, Chicago, ILPastor, Immaculate Conception/St. Henry Parish, St. Louis, MO


Born in: 1917 in Boston, MAFirst Profession of Vows: 1938Ordination to the Priesthood: 1945Past Ministries Include:Teacher, St. Rita of Cascia High School, Chicago, ILPrincipal, Mendel Catholic High School, Chicago, ILDirector, Mid-South Mental Health Center, Chicago, ILPrior, St. Clare of Montefalco Parish, Chicago, IL

Last Fall, the Province Health Care Committee recommended to the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Prior Provincial, that the Blessed Stephen Bellesini Augustinian Community of Franciscan Village in Lemont, Illinois move to St. Anthony Home in Crown Point, Indiana. The group initially moved to Franciscan Village in 2010 during the closing of Tolentine Center in Olympia Fields, IL. The goal was to provide those needing extra care with a comfortable and humble setting where they can live together in prayer and community.

In contrast to Franciscan Village, St. Anthony Home of Crown Point, Indiana can provide medical assistance to those in assisted living and can also provide private rooms at all levels of care. Additionally, the state of Medicare and Medicaid in Indiana is far more financially stable in Indiana. The move is being made slowly, first for the healthy care community, and then those needing assisted and skill care as more beds become available. Mrs. Marge Gleason will be our Province’s new Professional Care Consultant, who will work with those at St. Anthony Home, as well as St. John Stone Friary in Chicago, IL and other communities as needed.

The following seven men from Franciscan Village have collectively contributed over 400 years of service in the Augustinian Order:

CROWN POINT, IN: St. Anthony Home Chapel provides space for daily worship

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19WINTER 2013 | The Midwest Augustinian

This Month's Current Events

January 2013

On Sunday, January 13, 2013, Augustinian Brothers Robert Basler, Craig McMahon, Mark Menegatti, and Homero Sánchez move toward their next step in formation by being ordained as Deacons. Brothers Robert and Homero are from the Midwestern Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel, Brother Craig is from the Eastern Province of St. Thomas of Villanova, and Brother Mark is from the Western Province of St. Augustine. The Most Rev. Bishop John R. Manz, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, ordains all four, in addition to a Redemptorist Seminarian, at St. Rita of Cascia Parish located at 6243 South Fairfield Avenue in Chicago, Illinois at 2:00 P.M.



Born in: Bronx, NY in 1917Graduated from: Augustinian Academy, Staten Island, NY in 1935First Profession of Vows: 1938Ordination to the Priesthood: 1945Past Ministries Include:Teacher, St. Rita of Cascia High School, Chicago, ILModerator, Chicago Inter-Student Catholic Action, Chicago, ILAlderman, 15th Ward of the City of Chicago, ILDirector, Diocesan Pro-Life Committee, Rockford, ILDirector, Diocesan Moral Decency in Media Committee, Rockford, IL


Born in: Chicago, IL in 1943First Profession of Vows: 1965Past Ministries Include:Cafeteria Manager, Augustinian Academy, St. Louis, MOTeacher, Immaculate Conception/St. Henry Grade School, St. Louis, MOBusiness Manager, St. Mary Parish, Rockford, ILParish Minister, St. Matthew Parish, Flint, MIAsst. Director of Pre-Novices, Augustinian Midwest Priory, Villanova, PADirector of Novices, Province of PolandCampus Minister, St. Rita of Cascia High School, Chicago, ILPrior, Blessed Stephen Bellesini Friary, Lemont, IL


Born in: Cleveland, OH in 1944First Profession of Vows: 1968Past Ministries Include:Parish Staff, Immaculate Conception/St. Henry Parish, St. Louis, MOSchool Staff, St. Jude Grade School, New Lenox, ILCaregiver, St. Nicholas of Tolentine Monastery, Olympia Fields, IL


Born in: Chicago, IL in 1930First Profession of Vows: 1950Past Ministries Include:Vice-Principal, Mendel Catholic High School, Chicago, ILVice-Principal, St. Rita of Cascia Catholic High School, Chicago, ILPrincipal, St. Paul the Apostle School, Joliet, ILAssociate Pastor, St. Joseph Parish, Pekin, ILAssociate Pastor, Divine Savior Parish, Norridge, ILPastor, St. Peter Parish, Douglas, MI

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Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel5401 South Cornell AvenueChicago, IL 60615-6200


The Midwest Augustinian

St. Jude in New Lenox, ILJanuary 14-16, 7:00 P.M.

St. Margaret Mercy in Naperville, ILJanuary 20-22, 7:00 P.M.

Our Lady of Mercy in Aurora, ILJanuary 27-29, 7:00 P.M.

St. Columban in Garden Grove, CAFebruary 4-6, 7:00 P.M.

St. Mary in Mokena, ILFebruary 10-12, 7:00 P.M.

St. Patricia in Hickory Hills, ILFebruary 17-19, 7:00 P.M.

St. Julie Billiart in Tinley Park, ILFebruary 24-26, 7:00 P.M.

St. Christina in Chicago, ILMarch 4-6, 7:00 P.M.

Our Mother of Good Counsel in Homer Glen, ILMarch 10-12, 7:00 P.M.

Resurrection in Wayne, ILApril 14-16, 7:00 P.M.

St. John Neumann in Irvine, CAApril 22-24, 7:00 P.M.

St. Raphael in Naperville, ILApril 28-30, 7:00 P.M.

St. Matthew in Flint, MIMay 4-5, 7:00 P.M.

Come See Fr. Tom's Parish Missions!

Treasures Faith

If you are alive... If you are male or female... If you are young or old or somewhere in between... If you are a bishop,

priest, deacon, sister, brother, or lay minister... If you are married, divorced, widowed or single... If you have said

yes to your vocation or if you are still wondering what it is... This parish mission is for you.

For more information or to order your set, please call Sr. Ardis Cloutier, O.S.F. at 773-925-6600 ext. 6650

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