Amicus Plato Sed Magis Amica Veritas

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  • 8/9/2019 Amicus Plato Sed Magis Amica Veritas


    Daniel Medvedov•



    Ching - Chapter


     Amicus Plato sed magis amica Veritas


  • 8/9/2019 Amicus Plato Sed Magis Amica Veritas



     Even if William Scott Wilson is my dear friend,, we have our differences at Chapter Onetranlation from Chinese

    • Amicus Plato sed magis amica veritas Plato is my friend, but Truth it is more

    •Tao 1..........................................................The Way that can be articulately described

    is not the Unchanging Way.The name that can be said out loud

    is not the Unchanging Name.With your mouth unopened, and things left undefined,

    you stand at the beginning of the universe.

    William Scott Wilsontranslation of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching

     Daniel Medvedovtranslation of Lao Tse’s Tao Te Ching

    Tao 1

    Call It as you please

    It is not always called like that Name It as you want

    It is not always named like thatWith no original name things are not existent

    With name everything does exist

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    I lived with the Tao Te Ching  some thirty years, day by day. Erudition does not

    allows you to understand what are you translating from an ancient tongue. Onlycontemplation may gather for you some trends, some fathomable insights. So, this is the

    last  translation of the text [Wang Pi text] but not the least .I would like to show here my deep regards for my friend William Scott Wilson,

    himself a translator of Tao Te Ching . With Justin Newman, we found together sometracks of the philosopher way in Kyoto, and take it with us, returning at our homes, at our

    housewives, at our children, washing dishes and preparing a breakfast.

    Wang Pi text

     Last but not least Translation

    Amid noise and haste, I finished the Chinese text work of the most translated old

     book of the world.This is the last  but not least  Tao Te Ching translation.

    Even if I begun this labor some thirty years ago, was finished, certainly,yesterday. So, it is the last one! The sea is sea till the shore . . .

    A new translation of an old text is like a new born child: You have to love himentirely . . . You can’t say:

    “ . . . this lower lip, Oh! - I don’t like it, and the right ear either, I have to cut it down . . .”

    So the text: it is a whole. Nothing to eliminate, nothing to dismiss . . . Youhave to accept it as it is.

    If crooked, there is a reason behind . . . Might be our crooked thoughts . . .I speak my truth clearly and quietly. I exercised caution in my interpretation of

    heavy words, for the world of translation is full of trickery.

    I took kindly the counsel of old and young (like Wang Pi, an 24 years old guy) allof them erudite men.

    But, translating an ancient book does not allows you to understand what there is

    said. In order to make old text shine, you have to understand first, and then, you mayshare it with others.

    But, so to say, you need to practice hard what there is proposed between lines andstrokes.

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    Later, with God will and grace, who knows, you might be able to reach some

    glance and deep insight.All translation deserve attention.

    In order to not become vain and bitter, I would not compare my translation with

    other’s ones. With all its sham, drudgery and broken words, all translations are a beautiful labor. . .Therefore, take it as a new glance through old holes !

    Deep thanks to my friends William Scott Wilson, Dr. Justin Newman, RichardStrauss Esq., and gratitude to my master and mentor Su Yu Chang, Master Liu Yuen

    Chiao, H.H. Nan Huai Chin, Professor Kao Huai Ming . . . ! 

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    Yin-Yang Tai Chi


    You may call it Way

    But is not always called that way.You may name it with a name,

    But is not always the same name. No names at the origin of heaven and earth.

    There are names while myriad things do appear.Always calm, with no desire at all, you may see the mystery of things,

    But ever desiring, thousand things, you only might see their shape.

    There are two entities, existing at the same time,Together they grow, but have different names.Each one is a mystery,

    And in this mystery, there is another mystery,Gate through all marvels.

    ( The two entities . . . )

    Tao Te Ching: A commentary

    •Chapter 1

    If you say that “Tao can be talked about, but not the eternal Tao” it is an oxymoron.The Tao is exactly what you call it as Tao.

    If you sat that “names can be named, but not the Eternal Name” it is lake having noconfidence in your proper name as a person and existential subject.

     Not quite so: “as the origin of heaven-and-earth, Tao it is nameless” - just because ifthere is no name you need not to call it, there is no necessity to claim a name.

    It is not because Tao might be called ‘the mother’ of all things” is Tao not, “nameable”.So, as ever hidden for our superficial glance, we should look at its inner essence present

    in trivial things:As always manifest, we should look at its triviial outer aspects.

    These tways of seeng wo flow from our existential source - the Self - , though we mightcall that source with so many different names.

    It is what we call mystery.The Mystery of mysteries is like a door and a spring of all essence.

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    The first line of the Tao Te Ching has been always a problem for translators, because ifyou do not understand what there is said, you can not explain it, nor translate it

    accordingly to Lao Tse meaning. How can we ignore anything that can’t be talkedabout? Not precisely “ anything” can be given a name - but certainly everything has a

    name and everything might be named with a name, whatever name you want to use in

    order to name it. If you pretend that Tao can not be named and that what you call Tao isnot the “eternal Tao” you enter in a big contradiction with the quality of the SublimePrinciple - you are doing the opposite of what he says that it can be done.

    As a common reader and as a common translator, we are expected to possess a certainway of ‘knowing’ that are quite different from the usual competence. We need words

    and sound in whatever language you desire to call it in some or another way, just usewords and tongue, - you need not need to find something else.

    . We just need to understand. When we understand we can not only know things, but

    certainly use it in an energetical way.

    We use to stay and stop much in the labor of thought and with it occurs that we miss the

     point.Being concentrated is called meditation.

     No, the origin of “heaven-and-earth”, it is not “nameless” - there are no names in that

    origin of heaven and earth.And even more, if you say that ‘the mother’ of all things, it is not nameable. Your

    audience muht think that all of this is a sort of nihilism. Name it - your name is veridic, truthfull and certain.

    Dare to give a name to the Tao in whatever way you want, with whatever name you are

    capable to find in the arsenal of the subtle names of your language.

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    .!LAO TSE! 

    •Tao Te Ching

    The Last but not Least Translation by

    • Foreword

    I lived with the Tao Te Ching some thirty years. Erudition does not allows you tounderstand what are you translating from an ancient tongue. Only contemplation may

    gather for you some trends, some fathomable insights. So, this is the last translation of thetext [Wang Pi text] but not the least.

    I would like to show here my deep regards for my friend William Scott Wilson, himself atranslator of Tao Te Ching. With Justin Newman, we found together some tracks of the

     philosopher way in Kyoto, and take it with us, returning at our homes, at our housewives,at our children, washing dishes and preparing a breakfast.

    •Wang Pi text

    • Last but not least Translation

    Amid noise and haste, I finished the Chinese text work of the most translated old book of

    the world.This is the last but not least Tao Te Ching translation.

    Even if I begun this labor some thirty years ago, was finished, certainly, yesterday. So, itis the last one! The sea is sea till the shore . . .

    A new translation of an old text is like a new born child: You have to love him entirely . .. You can’t say:

    “ . . . this lower lip, Oh! - I don’t like it, and the right ear either, I have to cut it down . . .”So the text: it is a whole. Nothing to eliminate, nothing to dismiss . . . You have to accept

    it as it is.If crooked, there is a reason behind . . . Might be our crooked thoughts . . .

    I speak my truth clearly and quietly. I exercised caution in my interpretation of heavywords, for the world of translation is full of trickery.

    I took kindly the counsel of old and young (like Wang Pi, an 24 years old guy) all ofthem erudite men.

    But, translating an ancient book does not allows you to understand what there is said. Inorder to make old text shine, you have to understand first, and then, you may share it with

    others.But, so to say, you need to practice hard what there is proposed between lines and

    strokes.Later, with God will and grace, who knows, you might be able to reach some glance and

    deep insight.All translation deserve attention.

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    In order to not become vain and bitter, I would not compare my translation with other’sones. With all its sham, drudgery and broken words, all translations are a beautiful labor.

    . .Therefore, take it as a new glance through old holes !

    Deep thanks to my friends William Scott Wilson, Dr. Justin Newman, Richard Strauss

    Esq., and gratitude to my master and mentor Su Yu Chang, Master Liu Yuen Chiao, H.H. Nan Huai Chin, Professor Kao Huai Ming . . . ! 

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    1.You may call it Way

    But is not always called that way.

    You may name it with a name,But is not always the same name. No names at the origin of heaven and earth.

    There are names while myriad things do appear.Always calm, with no desire at all, you may see the mystery of things,

    But ever desiring, thousand things, you only might see their shape.There are two entities, existing at the same time,

    Together they grow, but have different names.Each one is a mystery,

    And in this mystery, there is another mystery,Gate through all marvels.

    ( The two entities . . . )2.

    All in the world recognize the beautiful as beautiful.So ugliness disappear.

    All recognize the good as good.So disappear evil.

    Therefore, being and non-being produce each other,Difficulty and ease bring about each other,

    Long and short delimit each other,High and low rest on each other,

    Vowels and consonants harmonize each other,Front and back follow each other.

    So the sage abides in wu-wei [unattached action],And carries out the wordless teaching.

    Myriad of things he make,Has no attachment to them.

    Therefore, he produces without possessing,Acts without expectations,

    And accomplishes without abiding in his accomplishments.It is precisely because he does not abide in them

    That he never is attached to them.3.

    Do not exhibit your talents,Then, you will not make others sad.

    Do not show your treasures,Then, will stop others from the intention of stealing.

    Do not see desirables things,So you will not become agitated in your heart.

    The sage,Makes void in his heart,

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    Fills his belly,Weakens his desire,

    And strengthens his tendons.The same for all,

     Nothing to look for,

     Nothing to be desired.Acting with no action,Then, nothing is left to be done.

    4.Remain between yours eyebrows with the Verb,

    And do from it a practice.Might not be easy.

    Like in a maelstrom,You will come to the origin of all things! Blunt your sharpness,

    Untangles your knots,Harmonize yourself in order to shine,

    Unify yourself, as being mist.Steady calm, as you would remain like this forever.

    The Self is Son of Nobody,Archetype of Prince Charming ...


    Heaven and Earth are not kind,They regard everybody as puppets.

    The sage is not kind either,He regards all things as puppets too.

    The space between Heaven and EarthIs just like a living bellows:

    If empty, it fills itself,If full, it empties itself.

    Saying many words,Is like saying nothing.

    There is nothing better than silence . . .

    6.The Self is an abyss, and never dies.

    Lives near the mysterious Soul.Through the gate of the mysterious Soul, He enters life.

    The Self is the root of Heaven and Earth.Everlasting, like a thread with no end,

    Even used without exertion, never ends.7.

    Heaven last forever, and Earth is eternal.What is the reason that Heaven and Earth are able to last forever?

    Is because they do not live looking for their proper interests.Therefore, they are always alive.

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    Hence, the sage consider his body “after”,And so, his body is “before”.

    He is external in his body,And eternal internally . . .

    Therefore his body lasts.

    Just because he does not takes himself seriously enough,He is realized in his Self.8.

    The highest goodness is being like water.Water is good because it pushes everybody and do not press anyone.

    Adapt herself to all situations, and goes always to the bottom, where nobody wants to go .. .

    Look why there is so few ones who are searching the Verb . . .You have to feel at ease in all place,

    To have a deep heart,Do good to everybody,

    Steady trusting what you say,Dispose well of things if you are the Master,

    Considering all things good,You have to be straight and precise.

    The elevated vision is not opposed to anything,Therefore nobody complains . . .

    9.Instead of holding until full, is better to stop.

    If you pursue attacking continuously,You would not be able to defend yourself.

    If you fill your house with gold and jade, You will not be able to protect it.Boasting of honors and fame brings you near sadness and despair.

    Do your business and then forget it.This is the King’s Road of Heaven.

    10.If you try to concentrate your Self and making it one with your body,

    You would be able to feel yourself steady and compact.If you dedicate yourself to the practice of focusing your energy till a flexible tension,

    You would be able to be like an infant newly born.If you clean and purify your secret insight,

    You would be able to keep yourself whole.If you have love towards everyone and endure society,

    You might be able to reach the non-doing.If you succeed to open and close the Gate of Heaven,

    You might be able to control your sexual desire.If you may understand clearly the four universal principles,

    You would be able to understand void.Help everybody, feed them, nourish them,

    With no intention of binding them.Do, act, without asking them anything at all.

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    Always, not only in special events.This is called the “secret power”.

    This is called Mysterious Virtue.11.

    Thirty spokes make together a wheel.

    But what matters is the void between,that the cart is useful.Clay is shaped into a vessel.

    But what matters is the emptiness that the pot has inside, and therefore his usefulness.Cut doors and windows to make a room,

    But what matters is the emptiness that there is inside and so, the room is useful.Therefore, doing is the goal,

    But, in being void and empty where we find the usefulness.

    12.The five colors dull our eyes.

    The five tones weaken our ears.The five flavors confuse our taste.

    Racing and hunting madden our hearts.Possessing rare treasures brings us about strange behavior.

    Therefore the sage regards his belly, and not his glance.He lets go that is far and takes what is near, at hand.

    13.Accept grace and humiliation as a surprise.

    Because suffering and misfortune only touches your person, not your own self.What do I mean by "Accept grace and humiliation as a surprise"?

    Grace elevate us,Disgrace lowers us,

    And loosing them is a surprise too . . .So to say, you need to understand grace and disgrace as a surprise.

    What do I understand by "suffering and misfortune only touches your person”?Suffering exists because I have a body. If I would have not a body, where could suffering

    find an abode?Like that may I understand “What is suffering is the Person” [the body]

    Therefore, who considers important to sacrifice himself for the benefit of the world,You can loan him the world.

    But who loves everyone as if they were his proper Self ,To this one, please, offer him the world as a gift.


    Shape without shapeImage without figure

    Evanescent illusion,In receiving it, I do not see his beginning,

    In following it, I do not see his end . .Cherish the ancient sayings,

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    And you will have in your hands the reins of the present contingence . . .Eyes could not see it,

    His name is No-Form . . .Ears could not hear it,

    His name is No-Noise . . .

    Hands may not touch it,His name is No –Body . . .Triple unfathomable quality,

    Which deepens into the One . . .What lies outside is not bright,

    What lies inside is not obscure . . .Is moving without cease, unknown,

    Until making an entire turn,In the kingdom of no-Things. . .

    15.The ancient adepts of the Verb,

    So plenty of goodness . . .So subtle and with such a secret depth . . .

     Nobody was able to make their portrait.But I would try . . .

    Void, like a valley,Obscure like deep water of a lake,

    Who may change so fast from opacity to clarity,In a glance, without blinking?

    Modest, like a guest,Considerate, like a piece of ice about to melt,

    Genuine, like an uncarved stone.The one who in this path do not try fulfillment,

    Is not consumed by time passing.16.

    Reach the supreme vacuityAnd keep yourself quiet.

    In front of all agitation,Like before an anthill of things,

    I would contemplate their return,Because all things after flowering,

    Return to their root.This is called quietude,

    It is called returning to its destiny . . .Returning to its destiny is called constant,

    What is always so as it is.Knowing what is always so as it is,

    Is called illumination . . . Not knowing what is always so as it is

    Is running like a blind man towards disgrace . . .Who knows what is always so as it is,

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    Embrace and reaches plenitude.He would be straight,

    And being straight is to be sublime.Being sublime is to be celestial,

    And being celestial is to become one with the Verb.

    So, your entire life,Your body will remain out of all danger.17.

    The Great Master,Make himself always small.

    Afterwards comes that he is beloved,And praised by his disciples . . .

     Next to it comes that many are in awe of him,And so, disregard comes next.

    If you lack confidence in others, no one will believe you.The sage is opaque,

    And a man of few words . . .He makes his labor and all become prosperous . . .

    “Look, this is the fruit of our own work” – they say . . .

    18.When the Great Way was left,

    Were born affection and duty . . .With logic and philosophy,

    Were born thousand hypocrites and fake sages.From disenchantment between all in family,

    Was born compassion and father’s love.From chaos and conspiration,

    Was born loyalty . . .19.

    Put away your knowledge and cleverness,People will benefit a lot, from that.

    Put away your sense of justice and loyalty,So, love of father and son

    Would grow again. . .Put away your desperate search for money,

    So, thieves and deceivers would promptly disappear.Even if these three precepts are useful in order to govern,

    It better to take simplicity and embrace the spontaneous . . .Reduce all commodity of your person,

    Take charge and put a rein to your desires . . .20.

    Forget "learning" and there will be no care.Is there, by chance, much difference between "yes" and "no"?

    In what differ positive from negative?How far removed from each other are "good" and "evil"?

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    What is promoting fear to others, has to be frightful for myself, too?What an oxymoron and such a deep nonsense!

    Everybody scream and enjoy themselves, as if they were in a carnival, or in a theme park. . .

    I alone remain placidly imperturbable,

    Like a new born infant who has not smiled yet . . .Aside and weary, like a homeless . . .I alone look so defenseless.

    So naive am I!Such an idiot!

    Everyone looks so negative, so negative . . .But I keep silence, keep silence . . .

    Everyone with their business,I alone restrain myself,

    Savage and stubborn . . .Why am I so singular?

    Because I know how to nourish myself from my Mother . . .

    21.Great Virtue, in a natural way, is to follow the Royal Path and nothing more than the

    Royal Path.To ordinary people, this Royal Path is just a fantastic illusion, phantasmagoric illusion . .

    .But there, in that Royal Path are contained the forms ,

    In this phantasmagoric illusion of the Royal Path all things are contained,Crepuscular miracle,

    Where essence and solid promises stand . . .From immemorial times, his name is deeply printed upon the contemplation of the

    Principle of all things . . .How may I know that everything was quite like this in that Beginning of All Things?

    Just like that!

    22.Fold yourself and you shall remain entirely complete!

    Incline yourself and you would be straighten . . .Be void in order to be filled,

    Old, you shall be rejuvenate . . .Posses few, because this few will bear fruit . . .

    Much, this much you’ll loose . . .The sage embrace One in everyone!

    He is a model,But do no exhibit himself and suddenly,

    Shine!He does not justify what he is doing,

    In order to be exalted . . .He does not glorify himself,

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    And so his credit grows . . .He keeps in silence his achievements,

    And because of that he maintains himself,He does not compete and so, he has no rival.

    The ancient say: Fold yourself and you would remain intact . . .

    Are not words in the wind . . .Remain complete,And everything would come to you . . .

    23.Do not speak much,

    Search for fluidity,A tempest does blow just a morning,

    A downpour lasts only a whole day.Who does make wind and rain?

    Is Heaven and Earth.If even Heaven and Earth labor cannot last much,

    What may we say upon people deeds?Who sow the Royal Path,

    Becomes One with the Royal Path . . .Who sows Virtue

    Becomes One with Virtue . . .And who woos Loss,

    Becomes One with Loss too . . .Who becomes One with the Royal Path,

    The Royal Path itself protects him.Who becomes One with Virtue,

    Virtue itself embraces him . . .And who makes himself One with Loss,

    Loss itself receives him . . .Lack of faith calls the unfaithful ones . . .

    24.Stand up on tiptoe,

    So, you would not sustain your body.Walk with wide steps,

    So, little distance is trodden . . .Who shows off,

    Loose his brightness.Who gives reasons to himself,

    Is not appreciated . . .Who promotes himself,

    Will loose all merits . . .Who takes delight in his achievements,

    Prepares his ruin . . .All this do occurs in order that people acknowledge the Royal Path . . .

     Needless ornaments are just leftovers . . .Everyone did savor this . . .

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    The one of Royal Path,Pass straight across all of this,

    And never care for such matters . . .


    There is something indefinite, but complete . . .Born before Heaven and Earth . . .Silent, with no limit,

    Independent and untouchable . . .Going thorough, tireless . . .

    Everywhere . . .Let’s call It “Mother of the World” . . .

     Not knowing his name,I call It Royal Path,

    Missing some better word I call It Great.Greatness is extension,

    Extension with no horizon,Return, one more time, go and fro . . .

    So, Royal Path is great,Heaven is great,

    Earth is great,Man is great . . .

    Even if Man is one of the Four Grand of the Universe,He follows the rules of the Earth,

    Earth follows the rules of HeavenHeaven follows the rules of the Royal Path

    And Royal Path follows his proper rules . . .

    26.Heaviness is the root of lightness.

    Serenity is the leader of the unquiet . . .So the sage, just walks all day,

    And never quit his heavy load.Even if there are splendid landscapes,

    He remains quiet into his Self . . .Oh! – You, with thousand carts,

    Why are you thinking that the world is so light?Light behavior loose quickly its root,

    And so, anguish begins controlling you . . .27.

    Who walks well, leaves no tracks.Who speaks well, has no language faults.

    Who counts well, does not need abacus.Who locks well, does not need a lock,

    And indeed, nobody may open what he has closed . . .The sage remains always ready to help everybody . . .

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    With no exception . . .Who bind well, has no need of knots,

    And indeed, nobody might open what was tied by him . . .This is called “following the Light”.

    The Man of Good is the mold of the negative man,

    And the Negative Man is the material of the Man of Good . . . Not considering yourself important,In this lies the Magisterial Work,

     Not considering Money important,And not exposing your wisdom,

    Looking as being an ignorant,This is the Subtle Secret . . .

    28.Know in you, the Masculine,

    But look for the Feminine . . .Make yourself an abyss of the world . . .

    Being an abyss of the world,Makes you One with unfathomable Virtue.

    It is like returning to little infancy.Know in you the Whiteness,

    But look for the Blackness . . .Make yourself a model of the World . . .

    Being a model for everyone,Is like walking with unmovable Virtue,

    Is returning unto the No-Limit . . .Know in you the Glory,

    But face boldly sudden misfortune . . .Make you valley of the World . . .

    Being a valley for everyone,It is to have plenty of Unmovable Virtue,

    It is returning to simplicity . . .The primordial stone,

    Is a completed labor, already . . .Therefore the sage,

    Take the uncarved block as a model,And even if he is a Master Sculptor,

    Don’t even think to touch it . . .29.

    Whoever wanting to grab the world and use it,Goes directly to ruin himself . . .

    The world is a Holly Grail,Which can't be grasped,

    And which you can not use . . .Who pretend to manipulate it,

    Destroy it.Who take it,

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    Lose it . . .Some open the way,

    Others follow . . .Some have high ideals,

    Other no one . . .

    Some are vigorous,Other weak.Some are steady,

    Other fall down . . .Hence, the sage avoid all excess,

    All extreme . . .All extravagance . . .


    The Man of Power,Who maintain himself unto the Royal Path,

    Do not look to control people with military force,Because pressing with weapons, ask a response.

    Where weapons shine, shine rancor . . .And misfortune, always follows combat.

    So, the man of Good defend himself,In a decisive way, no more . . .

    He does not conquer by force . . .He is decisive,

    With no pride,Decisive,

    With no arrogance,Decisive,

     Not provoking,Decisive,

    By necessity,Decisive,

    With no desire to control others . . . New things become old ones . . .

    And without the Royal PathEverything disappear,

    Loosing the Royal Path . . .31.

    Sharp weapons are tools of disgrace . . . Nobody loves it,

    And the Man of the Royal Path disregard them . . .For the Man of Good,

    Left is a position of honor in domestic affairs.And in war the right side is used . . .

    Because weapons are objects of misfortune,They are not instruments of the gentleman.

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    If necessity does not put it in his hand,Is peace what he yearn for . . .

    He never rejoice in victory,Because so rejoicing, is to rejoice unto the massacre of men . . .

    If one is so rejoicing in killing people,

    How may one ever make progress between them?On auspicious time, left is the honor side . . .And the right in disastrous occasions.

    In war, cavalry commander stands on the left.And the commander-in-chief stands on the right.

    Considering then war, like a funerary rite,Where so many ones find death,

    Is justice to be in mourning . . .And so, is justice that victors bury all whom fell in battle, with silent funerary rites . . .


    Eternal and nameless,The Royal Path is found even in the small things.

    In his pristine simplicity, Nothing in the world may overcome It . . .

    If kings and rulers could follow it and embody his principles and grandeur,The myriad things would follow naturally on their own,

    And from Heaven into the Earth would fallA rain sweet dew.

    People, with no pressure or entanglement,Would follow naturally on their own.

    When institutions appear in the world, Names make adjustments to everything.

    And when names do appear,It is time to stop . . .

    If you know when to stop,This can avoid danger.

    Royal Path is for the World,What is a valley for the stream,

    What is the Ocean for the river . . .33.

    Knowing others is to be informed . . .Knowing himself is illumination . . .

    Overcome others is to have strength.Overcome yourself is to have power.

    If you consider yourself contentYou and are a realized person . . .

    Who walks with sure steps,Is the lord of his desires . . .

    Who remain in his place,Would maintain himself steady . . .

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    You may die, indeed, but you would not disappear.Look what is eternal longevity . . .


    The Great Royal Way is overflowing like a wave . . .

    Who might say:Go to the right!Go to the left!

    All beings rely on It in order to live . . .And It,

    Refuse nothing to anybody . . .It brings to completion his duty,

    Asking anybody nothing in exchange . . . Nourishes and feeds all creature,

    Without tying them down . . .Being so discreet,

    All return to It, in a cycle,With non-stop . . .

    And because this,It is Great . . .

    So the Sage, disregarding his proper dignity,Makes of his dignity a splendor . . .

     Not taking in account that he is Great,Because of that, all what he makes speaks about his deeds as great . . .


    There is a Great ArchetypeTowards which

    The proper World head for . . .If you keep It as a model,

     Nothing would harm you,And peace, security and joy would be yours . . .

    Music and pleasure attract everybody,But the words of the Royal Path,

    Being so lean and with no taste,Are gazed, but not seen,

    Are listen, but not heard,Are used, but not understood . . .

    36.Before you want to close something,

    You have to open it.You have to put steady,

    This what with you pretend to penetrate . . .You have to make soft,

    That which you want to squeeze . . .You have to recline,

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    And after to raise up . . .So, first to give,

    In order to take . . .This means “something hidden in the plain light of the day”[the black dot in the yang


    The gentle overcomes the hard,The soft cancel the coarse . . .To the fish, would be even better to keep himself in deep waters . . .

    And the country‘s secret weapons,Should remain in the shade . . .

    37.The Royal Path is always doing nothing . . .

    And for this same reason, everything is already done . . .If kings and rulers would follow this, Everything under heaven would naturally change

     by itself. . .If, by chance, some desire does appears in this perfect arrangement,

    Simplicity with No-Name would know how to realize it . . .Simplicity with No-Name and beyond all wish,

    With the same, “No-Desire” and Peace,Would, indeed, fix it . . .

    And All-under-Heaven would become naturally settled.38.

    Superior Virtue is not virtuous . . .Therefore it is Virtue, indeed.

    Inferior Virtue never fails to show its virtuosity,And so, there is no Virtue at all . . .

    Superior Virtue does not "act",And because this, needs nothing to do.

    Inferior Virtue “acts”,And, so to say, is so busy with his actions . . .

    The Superior Goodness “act”,And so, nothing remains to be done . . .

    Superior Justice “act”,And so, i is so busy with its deeds . . .

    Superior Courtesy “act”,And so, it is so busy to make of everything a ritual. . .

    If nobody pays attention, it stills insisting to . . .Since old times it is said:

    First, look for the Royal Path,And then, look for Virtue . . .

    First, look for Virtue,And then, for Goodness,

    First, look for Justice . . .First, look for Justice,

    And then for Courtesy . . .Courtesy is the fountain of sincerity but,

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    Truly enough, is the cause of disorder . . .Intelligence is the flower of the Royal Path,

    But truly enough, is the threshold of ignorance . . .So to say, the sage dwells on the solid,

     Not on the ephemeral flower . . .

    Grasp the fruit, and disregard the flower . . .Throw away that and pick this . . .39.

    There are what in the past have attained unique wholeness:Heaven attains One, and become clear . . .

    Earth attains One, and become steady calm . . .The Self attains One, and with it spiritual power.

    The Valley-Streams attain One, and then filled. .The Myriad Things attain One, and then multiply themselves . . .

    The Ruler attains One, and then governed the world . . .If Heaven would not be clear would become dust . . .

    If Earth would not be calm, it would fly away. . .If the Self would not be powerful, would be exhausted . . .

    If the Valley-Streams lacked fullness it would be dried . . .If the myriad things lacked life multiplication, they would vanish away. . .

    If rulers would no be eminent, lacks he would fall down . . .Hence, Modesty is the root of Greatness . . .

    And the Low is the fundament of the High . . .So to say, Kings and Great Men call themselves,

    “Nobody”, “poor”, “beggars”. . .It is not, by chance, that they understand modesty as the “fundament”?

    Excessive honor is like dishonor,Because wisdom is not to shine as a jewel,

    Or to sound as a stone-drum . . .40.

    Return [24 Hexagram] is the principle of the Royal Path . . .Subtlety is his function . . .

    All things in the world arise unto Existence,And from Existence return unto Essence . . .

    41.When an elevated man hear something about the Royal Path,

    He strive to practice it . . .When a mediocre man hear something about the Royal Path,

    In part, he look for it, and then forgot it . . .When inferior man hear something about the Royal Path,

    They have a big laugh. . .Would be not indeed the Royal Path if those guys were not laughing!

    The ancient ones said:The Royal Path of Light, looks like darkness . . .

    The Royal Path of Progress, looks as going back.The Royal Path is straight, but look crooked . . .

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    And Supreme Virtue looks like an abyss . . .The Brilliant Whiteness seems obscure . . .

    Abundant Force looks poverty . . .The Big Square has no corners . . .

    The Big Cup fills slowly . . .

    The Great Music is silent . . .The Great Cipher has no figure . . .Hidden and with No-Name,

    The Royal Path sustains and fulfills everything42.

    From the Royal Path comes One . . .From One comes Two . . .

    From Two comes Three,And from Three all things are born . . .

    All things carry a Shade,[Yin}And a Bright Light [Yang] surrounds they all . . .

    They all charge themselves with Harmony, Through their deep breathing . . .Who, by chance, wants gladly to be “Nobody”,

    a “poor devil”, a beggar” ?Yet, kings and rulers use those names to call themselves so . . .

    Who wins loose and who loose, wins . . .I teach what I was taught:

    “To the violent one, violent death is waiting him”Whoever one said that, let consider him my Master.


    The softest thing in the worldWill overcome the hardest.

    Only Void has no fault . . .In this do I recognize the efficacy of no-doing.

    The lesson of no-wordAnd the efficacy of non-doing,

    Has no equal . . .

    44.Which is dearer, fame or your body?

    Between body and reaches,Which deserve your esteem?

    Which is more painful, gain or loss?Who much wishes will be cruelly frustrated. . .

    Who much accumulates,Accelerate the loss . . .

    Being satisfied with a little,Is to stop misfortune . . .

    Knowing where to stop,You will not be in danger. . .

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    If not so, just forget to be long-lasting.

    45.Supreme Perfection seems not perfect . . .

    His utility never ends . . .

    Supreme Plenitude seems empty . . .His usefulness has no limit . . .Supreme Rectitude looks crooked . . .

    Supreme Ability seems clumsy . . .And Eloquence seems mumbling . . .

    If you are always worried,You would suffer of cold . . .

    If calm, you would not loose your heat. . .Stillness and rest are world’s tenets . . .


    If people of the world would be willing to trod the Royal Path,How much rapid horses would be used to work hard at sowing . . .

    But as so few ones are unto the Royal Path,War’s fierce horses fill leisurely the stable . . .

    There is no bigger crime than to excite desire. . .There is no deepest despair than being insatiable . . .

    There is no major vice than ambition . . .Who estimate himself content . . .

    Would remain so, forever . . .47.

     Not going out of your door,You may know the World . . .

     Not looking through your window,You may see the Milky Way . . .

    Further you go, more unprotected you are . . . So the sage,With no move, change . . .

    With no glance, give names . . .With non-doing, realize . . .


    To Know is to add everyday, something . . .Following the Royal Path is to renounce everyday to something . . .

    Decrease and more decrease . . .Until non –doing . . .

    Through non-doing, nothing remain to be done.Renouncing to everything, is to win the World.

    Looking for money is to be unworthy to win the World . . .

    49.The sage has not the same heart, indeed . . .

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    He trust who are trustworthy, and also the untrustworthy . . .So, confidence grows . . .

    This is the sage, walking easily with the world,Chaste and unknown,

    And his heart accompany the world . . .

    Everybody look at him and listen to him,And he treats all of them as his little children . . .The sage is never the same . . .

    He behave as it would have hundred hearts . . .Is good with the good ones,

    And is good too, with all them who are not so good enough. . .So, goodness grows . . .


    Exit is to live,Enter is to die . . .

    Thirteen accompany you all your life,And is accompanying you at death, too . . .

    How could it be so?People believe that thirteen has to do with death and not with life.

    And waste all their life in this . . .But the one who knows the art of taking care of his life,

    Does not fear and is not afraid of tigers when he travels, Nor has he fear of the enemy’s weapons in combat . . .

    Rhino does not knows how and where to plant his horn in him,Tiger does not knows how to scratch him,

    Sword does not knows where to wound him,Why?

    Because all,Do not find in him,

    Any mortal place . . .

    51.The Royal Path gives them life,

    Virtue raise them,Internal Guide takes care of them,

     Nature improves their vigor . . .This is why all things,

    Unanimously,Cherish the Royal Path . . .

    And worship Virtue . . .This is not because cherishing the Royal Path or worship his Virtue are imposed to them .

    . .Is something natural . . .

    So it is that Royal Path gives them life,And is the same Virtue who takes care of them,

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    Sustains them and grows them, nourishes them, comforts them, and gives them shelter . ..

    Giving life and nothing asking in return . . .Doing his labor and nothing expecting,

    Guiding people with no pressure,

    What is this if not the Mysterious Power?


    World has an origin,In which I see the Mother of the World.

    Whoever keep straight to the Mother,Soon would know the Son . . .

    And knowing indeed, the Son,Returns to the Mother’s lap . . .

    This one would never find any danger in his life.Close all exits . . .

    Shut all the doors . . .And so you would come unharmed to the end of your life . . .

    The one who opens all exits, and multiplies his needs,Look at him, at the end of his life, with no shelter . . .

    One who may concentrate his sight within,One who learns to give way,

    Is a master of the Force,He uses Light,

    And returns to himself ,His Internal Sight . . .

    So you might take care of multiple troubles,Cultivating the Golden Mean . . .

    53.If you had wisdom, just a bit,

    You would walk the Royal Path,Straight across, with no deviation . . .

    Royal Path is even, and straight,But the mob take a short cut . . .

    The wide ways are kept clean,But the valley is full of thistles,

    And the barns are empty . . .Look at this ones, how rich are their clothes,

    So sharp their swords, hanging to their belts . . .Overblown by their food and drinks . . .

    Replete beyond their needs . . .Thieves roads, but not the Royal Road . . .

    54.What is well planted,

    Cannot be uprooted . . .What is well gathered,

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    Cannot be dispersed . . .It is thanks to this Power

    That the son, and grandson celebrate, indeedThe ancient ritual of family . . .

    Cultivate in yourself the Power of the Royal Path . . .

    And so, would become evident.In family, this Power might become abundant.In city, this Power is continuous . . .

    And in the entire country flourishes, indeed . . .In the world, this Power becomes universal . . .

    So, know the other, knowing yourself,Know the Family, through Family . . .

    Know the city, through the City,And the world through the World . . .

    How may I know what is the world?So !

    55.One who posses the Power,

    Is like a new born child . . .Wasps, scorpions and snakes, pay respect to him.

    Birds of pray do not touch him . . .Wild beasts do not attack him . . .

    He has the bones firm,His muscles are smooth,

    But his grip is very strong . . .He does not think in sexual matters . . .

    But his male member might become very tight,And his life force is plentiful . . .

    He can scream all day long,And never feel tired . . .

    Because he is in touch with perfect harmony . . .To know this harmony,

    Is to know the Golden Mean . . .Is to be illuminated . . .

    But with rush everything is lost . . .To activate in excess your powers is to drill a hole in your life . . .

    To waist your vigor is to accelerate your fall . . .All of that is called the wrong way round of the Royal Way . . .

    Is to walk backwards in search of death . . .56.

    Wisdom might not be to speak,And to speak, might not be wisdom.

    Brick up al exit,Close all opening,

    Smooth all sharp edge,Untie all tangles . . .

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    Unify your LightClean all stain . . .

    In this lies the truth of the Mysterious Self. . .If you get near, you frighten it off . . .

    If you try to benefit it, you damage it . . .

    If you try to honor it , you ring it down . . .Because there is nothing , in the whole universe, Noblest than It . . .

    57.You govern a state by the spirit of rectitude.

    You sustain a fight by means of unexpected blows . . .But is with no-action that you gain the world . . .

    How do I know?So . . .

    More restrictions and prohibitions,Poorer the people . . .

    More sharp weapons,Everything in a mess . . .

    More astuteness,More are seen strange fruits . . .

    Multiply laws,Bandits would multiply too . . .

    So the sage,Practice the non-doing,

    And all grow by themselves . . .He cherish quietness.

    And all take by themselves the straight path,He does not undertake no project,

    And by themselves people reach prosperity.He does not feed any desire,

    And by themselves all return to plain simplicity.

    58.With a silent ruler, very silent,

    People become simple, very simple.With an arrogant ruler, very arrogant,

    People is cynical, very cynical . . .Disgrace hold inside the Grace,

    And the Grace might become implicit disgrace.That One Who see from the Most High, would say:

    Walking straight and taking a short cut,Are different ways . . .

    The normal becomes extravagant,And the Positive, Negative . . .

    It is from the night of times, back,That Man became lost in his way,

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    So, he sage is sharp, but he do not cut . . .Inclined, but he do not fall down . . .

    Straight, but not unfair . . .And shine, but his glare do not blind . . .


    To govern people,And to serve Heaven, Nothing better than Frugality . . .

    Frugality bears concentration,And concentration produces economy of power.

    This economy of power may break down all obstacles,And who conquers all obstacle,

    Would reach the secret shore . . .Who reaches the secret shore,

    Would become Master of the Kingdom.And would enter eternity . . .

    Look what I call the Royal Path:Deeply rooted,

    Firmly planted,Fountain of Youth and vision with no boundaries. . .

    60.Ruling a Great Country is like frying some small fish.

    When you consider to lead people with the Royal Way,Obscure demons will become dominated by Bright Angels.

     Not to say that Brightly Angels have no power to dominate by themselves the Demons,But then, the demons would have no right of bothering humans.

    And don’t even think that they would loose their power . . .The sage do not ask demons to punish anybody.

    If these two invisible celestial powers do not fight ones against the others,It is because the Force keep controlled in a common direction.

    61.There is a great country down there,

    Where all waters converge . . .It is the Feminine of the world . . .

    The Feminine conquers by his softness, Conquers by acquiring soft allegiance andaccepting all . . .

    If a Great State is lowering itself in front of a Small One,Precisely because this, it conquer it.

    And if a Small State is lowering itself The conquest will not prosper in contingencies andcomplications . . .

    What does desire a Great Country?To increase, unify and feed its subjects . . .

    And a Small One?To serve a patron . . .

    It remains clear that both take advantage with this mutual comprehension [of evident power]

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    Placing oneself below,Herein lies greatness . . .

    62.Royal Way,

    Treasure of all things . . .

    Treasure of the good-oneRefuge of the guilty-one. Nice words make you respected,

    Good actions make you honorable.And the guilty-one, what?

    Why to dismiss him?So, even though there are great treasures, Brought in by teams of horses at the coronation

    of the emperor and royal installation of the three ministers,All this is not as good as staying quiet in meditation, where you are,

    And so advancing in this Royal Way.Why did the ancients so value the Royal Way?

    It is not because this Way is found by everybody who looks for it and that his powerexpiate all faults?

    Certainly, Yes . . .And for this reason is the treasure of the world . . .


    Do with Non-Doing.Make with Non-Making

    Taste the No-Taste.Make the small great,

    Give a name to the few.Respond to negative deeds that others have, by chance, done to you, with virtue.

    Deal with difficulties being content,Handle the Great, beginning with small parts.

    So, the sage never try to do something greatAnd because this, all what he does, is great . . .

    Speaking lightly is having no word,And believe that everything is easy

    Is to create thousand obstacles. . .Therefore the sage believes that all is difficult,

    And hence, all is quickly solved at his hand . . . .64.

    That which is at rest is easy to grasp.That which has not yet come about is easy to plan for.

    That which is fragile is easily broken.That which is minute is easily scattered.

    Handle things before they arise.Manage affairs before they are in a mess.

    This thick tree I embrace was in the beginning just a tiny seed.This tall tower of nine floors arises from a brick.

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    A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.Who makes, whatever he makes has to be destroyed.

    Grasping, you lose.So, the sage do nothing,

    And so, nothing remain to be destroyed.

    He do not grasp anything, and so,He has nothing to lose.When people are carrying out their projects

    They usually mess it even before reaching the end.Be as careful at the end

    As you were at the beginning.So, you won't be disappointed.

    This is the reason for what the sageDoes desire not to desire . . .

    Dismiss rare things,Learn how to un-learn,

    Teach others how to moderate their excessive thoughtHelp everybody to live upon their true nature

    And do not force and press anything.

    65.The ancients who were familiar with The Royal Way,

    Were reluctant to emancipate people,But rather preferred to keep them simple.

    Why people are so difficult to rule?It is because of their excess of arrogance. . .

    Therefore, if you use arrogance to rule a state,You are a robber of the state.

    If you renounce to your arrogance in ruling the stateYou are a blessing to the state.

    If you understand these two laws,You have already a rule and a model.

    If you keep them always in mind,May give you a mysterious Virtue,

    The deep and infinite powerwhich makes all return and grow,

    With the Great Harmony.66.

    What is the reason that makes Great Rivers and Ocean be greater than valley streams andrivulets?

    It is because they are lower than the seconds . . .Would you like to be a leader over people?

    Then begin to place yourself as the last.When the sage is positioned above,

    People do not feel a heavy load.He is in front and they do not feel his hand.

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    They never resent him, nor leave him,They even like to push him to take the lead.

    Since he does not contend, No one contend with him.


    Everybody say that The Royal Way is Great,But certainly enough, to nothing is alike. . .Because precisely of his greatness, is similar to nothing . . .

    If by chance there were something that were similar to it,Time ago that would have become small.

    I have three treasures that I cherish and hold:The first is Love,

    The second, Frugality,The third is the modesty of not daring to put myself ahead of the World . . .

    With love I might become valiant,With frugality, I would become generous,

    And with the modesty of not desiring to govern,I would easily become the Supreme Chief.

    Who is pretending to be brave, not having love,Who wants to become generous, not knowing frugality,

    And who wants to be the first, Not accepting the last place,

    This one is in danger of death . . .Love: agent of victory in fight . . .

    Strong shield of defense,To whom has love, Heaven protect him and makes him an armor of his proper love . . .

    68.The Great Leader never expose his weapons.

    The true warrior is not angry.His goal is to conquer his opponent,

     Not to escape the confrontation.To make good use of everyone abilities,

     Not accepting to be under their command.Certainly enough, to have the power of non-contention,

    And having the ability to engage people’s talents,It is called the ultimate in merging with original Heaven.

    69.Golden words of the Strategist:

    "Never be in the lead, allow them to attack you first”“Instead of a little advance, I do prefer to retrocede much . . .”

    This is called “Advancing without moving”Progress with no struggle,

    Preparing without showing off.Capture the enemy with never confront him,

    As raising an invisible sword . . .But there is no greater danger than under-estimating your opponent.

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    If I under-estimate my opponent,I will lose that which is most dear to me.

    Therefore, when opponents clash,The one who waits about, will be the winner.


    It’s easy to understand my wordsEasy to practice it,Yet few ones understand them,

    And even less, practices them.My words have an origin;

    My tactics have a principle.My practice has a strategy

    If people do not know this,How anybody might know who am I? Since there are few who know me,

    And even less the ones who follow me.Wearing coarse clothes,

    The sage hides a jewel in his bosom.71.

    To see knowledge as no-knowledge,There is nothing better . . .

    To see no-knowledge as knowledge[thinking that you know when you really do not know]

    This is sickness.Only when you are sick of being sick,

    Can you be cured.The sage never feels himself sick . . .

    It is his sickness that is sick . . .In what concerns himself,

    Everything good and well . . .72.

    When people do not fear danger,They are able to confront a big danger.

    Strive that your abode not become uncomfortable,Do not disregard the place where you live,

    If you have no disdain for it, you would not become weary of it . . .Thus the sage understands himself,

    But does not shows himself much.He is gentle with himself,

    But do not consider himself important.It is something deep inside what he loves,

     Not the external . . .

    73.The most bold will find death.

    Who exercise caution remain alive.Among these two, one is beneficial and the other is harmful.

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    Even so, who may know how Heaven takes his charges in our faults?The sage guard silence toward this matter.

    The Way of Heaven is to win easily without struggle.To respond well with no words,

    To naturally come with no special talent,

    Heaven's Big Net has vast mashes,Yet nothing slips through.74.

    What need is there to agitate the specter of death in front of these who do not fear it?If people were afraid of death, everybody would have take enough example from they

    who are executed for violating the law.And how could happens that they still dare to break the law?

    The Big Executioner stay always there, ready to kill. . .To kill into his account,

    It is none of your business . . .It would be like cutting wood instead of Master Carpenter.

    Cutting wood instead of the Great Carpenter,There are few who will not cut their hands.

    75.The reason people are hungry

    Is because their rulers eat in excess . . .This is what produces their hunger.

    If people are difficult to govern,Is because their rulers are importunate them most, in their own business ,

    Because this, people become rebellious.If people do not fear death penalty,

    Is because they aspire to live in luxury.This is the reason for what people do not fear death.

    So the Sage, do not pretend to live in luxury,And do appreciate much the value of life . . .


    A living being is born soft are gentle.A corpse is hard and rigid.

    This gentle bough so flexible,Would wither and dry up when die.

    The hard and stiff follow death.The gentle and flexible soft follow life.

    This galliard army would not reach victory . . .This superb tree shall fell down . . .

    Arrogance and insolence are low . . .But modesty and gentleness are sublime.


    The Way of HeavenIs like stretching a bow.

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    The top is pulled down,The bottom is pulled up.

    Excess string is removedIf more is needed, it is added.

    So is the Royal Way of Heaven,

    Cuts where there is excessAnd add where there is lack. . .But the way of people is different:

    They have no measure, indeed . . .Take away from ones in need,

    Exalting the flattering ones . . .Who can be able to offer the world his surplus?

    Only one who walks on the King’s Road.Therefore the sage acts,

    And do not take in account any expectation.Finish his work but does not abide in his accomplishments.

    Because he does not pretend to appear as eminent . . .78.

     Nothing in the world is softer than water,Yet nothing is better at overcoming the hard.

    This is because of his void that it allows such amount of continuous charge . . .That the soft firmness and flexibility act over the hard!

    Few ones ignore that but even less ones practice this!Therefore, the sage teach how to carry the whole heavy load of the country,

    This is to be the lord of all temples of the Earth,This is to be the King of the World.

    Straight words look crooked.

    79.Forget about all your complaints,

    Quite before, you need to conquer your faults . . .You may reach the shore of peace,

    Only by doing good . . . .Therefore, the sage accept all trickery,

    Without asking anything to anybody . . .Looks like virtue being straight and claiming your rights . . .

    But that one who posses the virtue of void,Ask nothing to anybody . . .

    The Royal Road of the SkyHas no affection,

    Therefore, always takes care of the man of good . . .80.

    There is [somewhere] a small country where few people live,They are great warriors, but do not show off their power,

    Are valiant people who are not afraid of death,But they do not like to wander afar . . .

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    Even if they would have ships and carts, they would never ride in them.Even if they would have weapons and armor, they would never use it.

    They would help themselves carrying things tied with ropes and knots . . .They find tasty their simple food, even if it is frugal.

    They feel at large and calm in all place,

    Their clothes are rough,Their abode is small,This country is very close,

    So close that you may hear sounds like the song of the cock, and the bark of a dog,And even so, most of common people will grow old and die without visiting this [secret]

    land . . .81.

    Sincere words might be not kind . .Kind words might not be sincere.

    Goodness do not need to be offered . . .What it is much offered to you, might not be good . . .

    The wise man might not be erudite,The erudite might not be wise . . .

    The sage keep for himself nothing . . .More he offers to others, more has he of himself. . .

    More he offer of himself,More has he of himself . . .

    This one is the Royal Way of the Sky,To push and not press . . .

    It is like the Royal Way of the sage,Act, and do not bind yourself to nothing.