

Transcript of Amfbem.givethanks.nov2014

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The word thanks is a word of gratitude that if JESUS found it necessary to use; we too should make use of it as part of our vocabulary. Throughout the generations of life mankind have considered the days of life to be either holy or just another day. Nothing significant about it. Oh sure; we may spout out the “I’m blessed to see another day” but in the manner it’s said; do we really believe it?

What’s important is that thing that is in the hearts mind to each individual that makes one gives thanks and truly mean that.

You see the person that honors each new day; a day that has never been seen before; a day that has never been experienced; a day that you get to start all over again. Is the person who honors the LORD.

I’m always amazed at how people can eat and never think to give thanks to the LORD GOD for whatever type of food or snake is being eaten. Many don’t realize that this is a true heart revelation that you don’t honor the LORD GOD.

There are so many reasons to give thanks to the LORD; how about if you have decided to abstain from anything that has been a challenge to you in your life. Your abstaining is a reason to give thanks to the LORD GOD and to show honor to HIM because you are only fooling yourself if you believe that you can abstain from sheer will power.

The essence is this; that none of us live to ourselves and we owe our gratitude to the LORD daily.

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Accepting and believing in CHRIST JESUS; we have escaped the sting of death. Sin draws mankind to death; it’s the reward we were given from the devil and those that continue to sin; who refuse to accept and believe in JESUS; you remain under the law which condemn and fills you with guilt.

But those of use who are in CHRIST JESUS and CHRIST JESUS is within us; we give thanks because we have victory; we are no longer victims; we are no longer condemned; we no longer wake up and go to sleep feeling guilty of anything. We have been set free through JESUS.

We stand firm; we are immovable; we are vigorous; we are united with the LORD because our efforts in HIM are not in vain. And so we give thanks.

Oh, what a gift to have from the LORD JESUS. Freedom; salvation; grace; love; mercy and many more. I wrote a few attributes but the true gift is CHRIST JESUS HIMSELF. In HIM are too many gifts to call to remembrance.

You know the Word of the LORD GOD tells us that we are to think about HIS Word daily; day and night and that we are to give thanks. When doing this I have found it impossible to do the following. Think evil thoughts of others; speak evil of others; seek revenge or retaliation of any type and it keeps you from being nosey.

When your mind is occupied with the Word of the LORD GOD then you will find yourself giving thanks for everything to the LORD GOD the FATHER in the name of your LORD JESUS the CHRIST.

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I’m learning; I’ve not gotten it altogether right just yet that

everything I do and say is to be done in the name of LORD

JESUS. I will be the very first one to announce that there

are days when my mouth will get me in major trouble

because I have mental triggers that I’ve not yet been

delivered from. Such as; I’m challenged with those who

practice ignorance; non-listeners and talkers when another

is speaking. And I hate deceit in any form.

However, in knowing that I have those challenges; that does

not give me reason not to show my gratitude to my

FATHER in the name of my LORD JESUS. I do; because I

realize that each moment and day is ruled by HIM. Yes, I

mess up at times but I learn from them and move on so I

give thanks. I don’t dwell on my short comings.

Another form of giving thanks is to pray. Don’t freak out;

most people cringe when the word pray comes up because

people have made prayer so spooky. However, prayer is just

a simple conversation between you and the LORD GOD.

You can either pray a prayer of thanks which is often times

a one-way conversation. Or my favorite prayer; the two-way

conversation when you speak and you wait for the LORD

GOD to answer you. And this maybe where most people are

missing it; they so often think that the LORD GOD will

speak to them directly like you are having a conversation

face to face with another or via a phone. Often times HE

answers with remembrances of scriptures. Then there are

times when you will hear HIM speak directly into your

spirit and those are the utmost coolest times.

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In conclusion to thanks; there are four living beings who

they are have never been made clear. If they were angels the

Word of GOD would have made that clear; so because the

bible in every translation has not provided a clear

understanding neither will I. They give thanks to the LORD

JESUS constantly. And every time these beings give JESUS

glory, honor, praise and thanks the twenty-four elders fall

down on their faces before JESUS and toss their crowns

towards JESUS as HE sits on HIS throne and worship


Those who are standing around the throne are angels; the

twenty-four elders and the four living creatures. And they

are all on their faces; giving thanks; glory; praising and

worshipping the LORD JESUS the CHRIST who is sitting

on the throne.

So you see we have so much to give thanks for; JESUS is not

dead; HE is sitting on HIS throne and if those who are in

heaven are giving thanks to HIM don’t you think we too

should be?

Reference Scriptures: Rom. 14:6; 1 Cor. 15:57; 2 Cor. 9:15;

Eph. 5:20; Col. 3:17; 1 Thess. 5:18; Rev. 4:9 & 7:12.

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Did many of you realize that the day that we celebrate is

really the day designed to give the LORD GOD thanks?

However, if that’s the case everyday is thanksgiving day.

Now here is a wee bit of history; in 1621 in Plymouth the

Pilgrims who began to colonize here in America from

Britain were shown great favor by the Massasoit Tribe and

these Brits were very thankful for their favors. Hence the

day we know so well as Thanksgiving Day.

So in essence thanksgiving is a grateful acknowledgement

of favors; especially to our LORD GOD.

We must be reasonable and gentle. Understand that the

LORD GOD is always near. I heard someone share this

story and it made me chuckle because the analogy used was

just so profound. We as humans must apply this to


When seeing an apple tree and it begins to bud. We never

see it struggle to grow it’s fruit or trying to change the type

of fruit it will grow. Why is this? Because the LORD GOD

has supplied this tree with all it needs to be an apple tree.

All it needs to do is stand there and be one. No effort on its

part. Let me dissect this all the way down so no one will

miss anything.

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First you have a seed and in that seed you have the tree and

that tree has too many apples to count. Year in and year out

that tree once it comes to maturity will produce apples.

It has no other choice; there is nothing else in its make up

designed for it to do but be an apple tree, not a date tree,

almond tree, cherry tree or any other type of tree. It can’t

even be a daisy.

So with thanksgiving; it’s branches are raised up high to

bear much fruit.

Here is one more analogy; birds are free spirits. They fly

here and there.

Never once have we ever seen birds look distressful about

not having a home / nest. Never have we seen birds not

have a meal.

Now I know you may say it’s because birds can make their

homes in trees or anyplace high and they will eat just about


But did you know just as the LORD GOD gave birds the

ability to make their homes; HE’s given that ability to us as

well? Also birds are hunter and so are mankind.

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Birds build and nest but they never stay in their homes for very long. Birds are hunters and depending on where we live we may see them hunting or if we are city dwellers we find them scavenging.

Humans on the other hand have gotten so evolved that they’ve forgotten what it takes to build a home with our own hands. After all it can be done; we limit ourselves believing that it takes someone with degrees to do something. When Sears introduced ready to build homes in the 1920’s-30’s; those people who took advantage of building their own homes didn’t think that they could not do it. And some of those home are still standing today.

Humans must move out of the I syndrome and be like the animal kingdom and be about the we syndrome. Those that work together are more successful.

This is where family comes into play. Family is our own pack; our very own clan. But we don’t work together we work against each other. We are not giving thanks for family because we don’t have a sense of the meaning and how to operate in true thanksgiving.

We are to let the LORD GOD know what we stand in need of and just sit in peace; waiting for HIM to supply us with what we stand in need of. HE’s not going to allow us to starve; not if we belong to HIM. HE’s not going to allow us to be homeless and without clothes; not if we belong to HIM.

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Have you received the LORD JESUS as your personal

LORD and your personal Savior? Most people don’t realize

that there is a vast difference thinking that once JESUS has

become your Savior that HE is your LORD. This is so


For years JESUS was my Savior and their were many areas

of my life that HE was not LORD of. Only because I had

not given HIM permission to deal with me in those areas of

my life.

JESUS had permission to save my soul but HE did not have

permission to take away the depression, the anger, the

fornication, the hurt and pain, the scars, the


Once I gave those over to HIM; deliverance came and I was

set free from the oppression and I began to see much

clearer. It was then that JESUS became my LORD and I

was truly able to say with confidence that JESUS is now my

LORD and my Savior.

So once you’ve received JESUS as your Savior begin to

receive HIM also as your LORD. It will save you some heart

ache if you were to do this in the same day. But if not; on

your journey before receiving JESUS as your LORD you will

come to realize what it means to much is given, much is

required. And it will be here at the end of the rebellious

journey that you will learn to give thanksgiving.

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When JESUS is our LORD and Savior it is easier to live;

1. United with HIM

2. To remain deeply rooted in HIM

3. To continue being built up in HIM

4. And confirmed in our trust of HIM

Just as we are being taught in the Word of the LORD GOD.

This will cause us to gush out with an overflow of

thanksgiving towards our heavenly FATHER for the LORD


In previous pages I wrote that people will abstain from

various type of things that is a challenge to them. However;

for anyone that desire who is a child of the Most High

GOD. Want to eat anything that the LORD GOD created

for food; be it from the air; any creeping thing; from the

water; beast of various shapes of feet and plant life. If you

like it and you have given thanks to the LORD GOD for it;

then eat.

Everything created by the LORD GOD is good! Nothing

that has been received with thanksgiving is to be rejected.

The Word of the LORD GOD and prayer makes the food


Reference Scripture: Phil. 4:6; Col. 2:7 and 1 Tim. 4:4

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”AMFBeM an evangelistic ministry that travels throughout all of America teaching the Good News of JESUS.

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Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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