American University Professor Fired for Reporting Rape & Death Threats

Fired by American University for Reporting Death and Rape Threats January 12, 2013 This web post is made by people concerned by the rapes and deaths of girls and of young women on university campuses. As is seen in the Steubenville, Ohio rape case, law enforcement and public authorities take sexual assault on women lightly, labeling female victims the guilty party. Mails below prove that a renowned US university does not acknowledge or act on rape and death threats when alerted in writing, but fires the professor reporting the threats instead.


This web post is made by people concerned by the rapes and deaths of girls and of young women on university campuses. As is seen in the Steubenville, Ohio rape case, law enforcement and public authorities take sexual assault on women lightly, labeling female victims the guilty party. Mails below prove that a renowned US university does not acknowledge or act on rape and death threats when alerted in writing, but fires the professor reporting the threats instead.

Transcript of American University Professor Fired for Reporting Rape & Death Threats

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Fired by American University for Reporting

Death and Rape Threats

January 12, 2013

This web post is made by people concerned by the rapes and deaths of girls and of young women on university campuses. As is seen in the Steubenville, Ohio rape case, law enforcement and public authorities take sexual assault on women lightly, labeling female victims the guilty party. Mails below prove that a renowned US university does not acknowledge or act on rape and death threats when alerted in writing, but fires the professor reporting the threats instead.

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From: James Goldgeier [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 4:50 PM To: [email protected]; Lori Handrahan Subject: Dear Lori, Despite my repeated requests to minimize the impact of your personal affairs on campus, you continue to send communications to me and others at AU about non-AU related matters. Your persistent communications have convinced me that you and the University would benefit from releasing you from your employment obligations this semester. I hope that you can use the time to address your affairs. We will provide you with your salary and benefits through the end of your current contract in May, but you will not have any employment responsibilities for the spring 2013 semester. Further we do not anticipate needing your services for the academic year 2013-2014. Kindly vacate your office and return any keys and other university property to Alicia Cummings in the SIS Hub by 5:00 p.m., Friday, January 11, 2013. I thank you for your service to American University and SIS, and I wish you the best in making a transition to other employment. Jim

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From: Lori Handrahan [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 7:50 PM To: 'Daniel Nichols' Cc: 'James Goldgeier'; 'Phyllis Peres'; 'Lauren Weis' Subject: FW: threats from Waxman Dear Director Nichols, Another email I received this morning on my AU email. I get these kinds of out of the blue emails and phone calls from total strangers nearly every week telling me they are enduring extreme threats from Waxman because they posted support for my daughter on the Saving Mila Facebook Page. I have not shared all of these with anyone at AU as I was told to stay quiet and keep it all off campus. I have tried very hard to do that but I have no control over my stalker. I thought I might start sharing these so you are aware of how serious the situation is.

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Best, ___________________________________________ From: Kimberly Wigglesworth [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 6:53 PM To: [email protected]; Subject: This Is Kimberly Wigglesworth You Know I have gotten death threat and rape threat because of Waxman people. From: Lori Handrahan [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 8:45 AM To: 'Kimberly Wigglesworth'; Subject: threats from Waxman Kimberly, I don’t know you, who you are etc. I am sorry but not surprised to hear you are the target of Waxman’s threat. He has been making threats to anyone who has any contact with me for four years now. I do not manage the Saving Mila social media and have not been on Facebook since last April. All of the social media for Mila’s rescue is managed by some wonderful, dedicated people outside of America. We have had reports for over a year now that anyone who

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even posts support on Saving Mila Facebook receives threats from Waxman. If you are getting threats including death and rape threats from Waxman and his various alias (I’m not convinced there is anyone else but Waxman and different names he is using) you need to document and report these to the FBI immediately. As I said, everyone has received threats from Waxman for years. So far law enforcement has refused to hold Waxman accountable. It appears he has the protection of some dirty cops and lawyers at Maine’s AG and USAG office. I have to assume in exchange for something. The FBI agent whom I have made reports to is Agent Tanya Sturgil at the Washington Field Office 202-278-2000. In fact, I just made another report yesterday. You can report as well to Robert Lowery, Director of National Center for Missing and Exploited Children: 202-615-3319 [email protected] Ask him to do his job. This will be my one and only communication. Wishing you the very best.

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From: Lori Handrahan [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 12:04 PM To: 'Daniel Nichols' Cc: 'James Goldgeier'; 'Phyllis Peres'; 'Lauren Weis' Subject: more cyber stalking at AU today Dear Director Nichols, More cyber-stalking was just forwarded to me by a friend. They went after my students and former students, again. @AU_VSII telling my students that I am a child abuser. It is the first tweet at the top of the screen. As I said this is incessant. I’m only made aware when someone forwards me information or I am copied in. Given the recent news in Ohio, I believe this is an issue that is affecting our students here at AU and one that we, as a community, must take positive, pro-active action/policy on. I’m looking forward to working with you to investigate, stop and prosecute the crime as well as to help formulate a campus-wide policy for AU entire community on cyber-stalking/harassment Many thanks,

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From: Lori Handrahan [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 11:33 AM To: 'Daniel Nichols' Cc: 'James Goldgeier'; 'Phyllis Peres'; 'Lauren Weis' Subject: RE: cyber stalking update Mr. Nichols, I’m sorry to hear you’re under the weather. Thank you very much for such a quick and kind reply. Looking forward to discussing whenever is best for you. There is no pressing rush. This has been going on for a 1.5 year now. My goal is just to handle this in the best possible way for all involved and turn something negative into a positive. That is what we do in int’l development or, at least, what we aim to do. Rest, be well, and best wishes for the New Year. From: Daniel Nichols [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 6:29 PM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: James Goldgeier; Phyllis Peres; Lauren Weis Subject: Re: cyber stalking update Professor Handrahan, Thank you for your email. I was on sick leave today

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and it is unclear if I will be in the office tomorrow. I will contact you upon my return to work so we can discuss how to best address this matter with the appropriate law enforcement entity. Best Regards, Dan Dan Nichols Executive Director University Safety Programs American University On Jan 2, 2013, at 6:22 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <[email protected]> wrote: Dear Mr. Nichols, I wanted to let you know that following your advice, I called both the FBI and attempted to make a report to District PD today. First the FBI told me they do not handle this issue and to call the local police. I informed the FBI they did indeed have jurisdiction. They kept insisting they did not and asked that I make a report with the local PD and call back if I had problems. Office Manuel Rios came to campus to take my report. As I already knew because I have both researched the law and listened to AU’s own radio station, WAMU, do a report on this ( Tell Me More | WAMU 88.5 - American University Radio Carla Franklin was cyber-stalked and bullied for years by a man) Officer Rios told me,

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after many calls back and forth with his Sgt. the local PD have no jurisdiction. The public safety who came to my office with the DC Officer today told me it would have been better if I had reported this to Public Safety and kept this internal/on campus. I told him I agree one-hundred percent. I had tried. I showed him the email you wrote to me instructing me to report this to the local PD or FBI. I’ve also been over to public safety several times and been told, off the record, that other female faculty have been cyber-stalked (nothing as bad as what is happening me I was told) and AU refused to help the female faculty obtain the technical information embedded in AU’s cyber structures to identify her stalker, press charges and end the stalking. I’m copying Lauren Weis, Director of AU’s Gender and Sexuality Studies and manager of the of Friendly Faculty List. I ’ve also reached out to Carla Franklin to see if she would come and speak at AU. Ideally, Carla Franklin might serve as a consultant for a group of faculty, staff and student representatives and public safety to address the issue of cyber-stalking on AU’s campus and design an effective response. It is concerning, but not at all surprising, to hear other female faculty are victims/targets of cyber-stalking. I ’m concerned about our student population, particularly our undergraduate female students. This has been a horrific process for me and I would very much like to turn this into a positive learning experience so that other female students, staff and faculty do not have to go through what I have and so

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that AU puts in place a policy that effectively handles this issue. “Be the change you want to see in the world” is not only something I am supposed to teach but something that I am meant to show and encourage--starting with the world around us our AU community. I’m certain AU is not intending to sweep harassment stalking of our female population under the rug. There is an opportunity to handle this in a beneficial way with positive outcomes for all involved. Wishing you the best for the New Year. Blessings, Lori Handrahan, Ph.D. School of International Service 202-885-6571 From: Lori Handrahan [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 2:50 PM To: 'Daniel Nichols' Cc: 'James Goldgeier'; 'Phyllis Peres' Subject: cyber stalking Dear Mr. Nichols, Thank you very much for your reply. The issue is that non-AU people have been cyber-stalking and cyber-bulling me on AU’s cyber-campus, Facebook, emails to faculty, students, and school

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administrators like the President’s office. My lawyer and I cannot report this crimes that has gone on, consistently, for a year and half because AU has both (1) the technical details and (2) the evidence of these crimes. I am not aware of how many emails have been sent to faculty and the President, how many times the Facebook has been hacked, etc. I’m only made aware when an AU friend forwards these to me. I have received emails from the cyber-stalkers saying they “emailed half the faculty.” I have had students receive these emails and come to my office in tears. So I have to believe that the stalking/bullying is more extensive than the bits and pieces of evidence that have been forwarded to me or that I have been copied on. Therefore, I’m asking for AU’s assistance to gather (1) the evidence as well as (2) the technical evidence, embedded in the stalking that only AU can collect, that has occurred on AU s cyber-campus. I would very much like to turn this into a positive learning experience. If I have been the target of cyber stalking/cyber-bullying using AU’s cyber-campus I am certain this may well be an issue (perhaps already is) for other faculty, students, staff in the future. It is a growing crime and there is growing awareness of the crime.

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I think/hope AU can use what has been a difficult experience for me to ensure it is not a terrible experience for others in the future. I am most particularly concerned about our students. Kindest, Lori Handrahan, Ph.D. SIS/ID From: Daniel Nichols [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 2:33 PM To: Lori Handrahan Subject: Re: meeting? Dear Professor Handrahan, Without addressing each of the statements or characterization in your email, I would advise that if you feel you are the subject of cyber-stalking, bullying and/or harassment by non-AU persons, you (or your lawyer) should make those reports to the proper law enforcement authorities, such as the FBI and the local police. Thank you for contacting me. Dan Nichols From: "Lori Handrahan" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]>

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Date: 12/03/2012 11:23 AM Subject: meeting? Dear Director Nichols, I went by Public Safety and was told you were in 255 down on New Mexico so I swung by your office but you were out. I would like to make an appoint to discuss the cyber-stalking, bullying and severe harassment that I have been the target of via American University’s digital/virtual campus for the past 1.5 years. I’ve pasted in only a few samples. In fact, I have no idea how many emails have been sent and how often AU’s Facebook Page has been hacked and smeared but I know it is has been wide-spread. I’ve had students receive these emails and come to my office in tears, I was pulled from teaching in Costa Rica last summer by General Counsel out of fear the cyber-stalking would bled over onto my student’s Facebook pages, etc. AU’s General Counsel office had made a decision, as it was explained to me, that I was to simply ignore the cyber-stalking/bullying. Ignoring such severe cyber-bullying has only resulted in me, the target/victim, being increasingly isolated as my colleagues, apparently, continue to receive these message and in the absence of me being able to provide an

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explanation (I was asked to stay silent by AU’s General Counsel) I’m now told that colleagues are starting to believe the horrific smears/stalking. If AU has no plans to gather all the emails and Facebook postings that comprise the complete set of evidence of cyber-bullying and reporting this serious crime to the FBI, which has jurisdiction, then I am, at the very least, requesting that AU help me gather this evidence and provide it to me and my attorney so that we may report this crime to the proper authorities at the FBI. I’ve also reached out to AU’s Friendly Faculty List of over 150 faculty to see how we might use my case study as a learning experience of how AU can better handle cyber-bullying/stalking in the future for all of our faculty, staff and students. It is a serious crime with very damaging results to the targeted victim. I never understood why teenagers across the country are committing suicide when they are the victims of cyber-bullying. I know understand very well and I would like to turn what has been a terrible experience for me into a positive learning experience for all of at AU. Warmest, Lori Handrahan, Ph.D. SIS/AU 202-885-6571

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From: sarah tyrrell [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 8:12 AM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: Lecturer Lori Handrahan Mr Kerwin, I am AMAZED that the self titled "Professor" Handrahan continues to be employed by AU. Are you aware of this recent federal ruling against her? Pay particular attention to fact no 93, This woman is allowed to influence students at AU? Please read attached Ombudsman report to fully understand the level of Handrahan's lunacy. I will be sending these files through the regular postal service as I've cc'd Handrahan on this , so she may contact you to tell you not to open my attachments as they contain viruses, as she has previously done to stop people from seeing the truth.

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My fellow child advocates and I will continue to contact AU and possibly media outlets until we get a satisfactory response as to why a mentally ill woman is allowed to influence students at AU. Regards _______________________________________ -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 10:38 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Raising awareness about your coworker Lori Handrahan from <[email protected]> The following message was sent from American University Content Server: Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1913 / Virus Database: 2409/4920 - Release Date: 04/07/12 _____ _________________________ From: Sarah Tyrrell [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 10:04 PM To: [email protected]

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Subject: ?? Do you not REALISE what you are DOING to Mila????????? A simple google search of Mila space Ma shows her full name in the top ten! You are VILE. You and everyone else know it is a pack of LIES . How can you continue to use her like this? Sick,twisted demented woman. Are you STILL that bitter that Igor left you? Can you not put Mila's welfare ahead of your own agenda? I have spent the last 3 hours screen shotting EVERYTHING. You WILL face charges for going against the court order in which you AGREED you were endangering Mila. You are the lowest of the low. You cannot get away with this for much longer.

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I look forward to the day that justice is FULLY served. Oh I got your lovely FB message from your proven fake acc, Too much of a COWARD to talk directly. Oh and by the way,,You are UGLY inside and out and your voice is irritating as HELL...FACTS. ______________________________________ From: Christopher Ying [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 9:34 AM To: Lori Handrahan Subject: Fw: American University - Supportive of Ethnic Hatred and Abuse??? FYI Christopher Ying Program Associate International Development Program American University ----- Forwarded by Christopher Ying/cying/AmericanU on 03/20/2012 09:32 AM ----- From: "George Lincoln" <[email protected]> To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Date: 03/19/2012 10:24 PM Subject: American University - Supportive of Ethnic Hatred and Abuse???

To Whom It May Concern: This past weekend I was asked, by an associate professor, to view an internet campaign which they found morally reprehensible and of grave concern that the University oft mentioned

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would suffer the consequences of association to this professor who has authored and permitted the authoring of these sites. After a weekend spent reading the information posted, coupled with the actual court documents, I decided that I had an obligation to report such appalling behavior before a fine institution found its integrity in question. The author of these sites, one Lori Handrahan (PhD) has continually written that she has the full support of American University. I find this difficult to believe, as a school with obvious interests in international rights and economics would not aggregiuosly support ethnic hatred. Furthermore, I am hard pressed to believe that an academic institution would support the chaotic ramblings of a guest lecturer with an obvious mental illness, or would wish for their school to be associated with an attempted kidnapping and subsequent abuse of a child. On January 27, 2012, Dr. Handrahan recorded an incident that she describes as occurring at her child's daycare. During this conversation, Dr. Handrahan openly states,within the first two minute of this recording, that she had attempted to stage an abduction of a child by a "child rescue" group and when that failed she attempted to abduct the child herself, in the presence of numerous witnesses. These witnesses report a harrowing, terrifying event in which a pregnant woman, referred to by Dr. Handrahan as "that Serbian bitch", is assaulted and which described a young child, terrified, pinned to the side of a car in the wet, freezing sleet. Please see the recording here

Page 20: American University Professor Fired for Reporting Rape & Death Threats and the police report located here Later in this recording, Dr. Handrahan can be heard calling American University, mentioning staff by name, and requesting that her student's assignments be posted upon Blackboard. American University is once again associated with this distasteful internet campaign when Dr. Handrahan places motions upon the internet, clearly identifying American University as her employer, as located in the motion for sole custody that she posted online. On this video recorded by herself and placed on YouTube by herself, Dr. Handrahan appears to be in her office at American unviersity, while equating her custody battle to the Civil Rights Movement, ethnic cleansing and Kony 2012, as found here On numerous occasions, Dr. Handrahan has associated American University with what I can only call a campaign of hate, stating that American University is quite supportive of her efforts. I find all of this quite perplexing. Why would an institution of higher learning, with schools focused upon public affairs and international rights/economics, allow such tarnishing of their reputation by a visiting lecturer? How can a University condone substantiated abuse of a child or the attempted kidnapping and assualt of this same child by a visiting lecturer? By Dr. Handrahan's own admissions she has engaged in

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several criminal acts in the past months while under the employ of American University. I must also admit that I am appalled that any institution would support the media campaign undertaken by Dr. Handrahan, which provides concrete evidence to the well educated that American University has in its employ a guest lecture who is quite clearly paranoid, deluded, hysterical and unable to distinguish reality from the distorted fantasies existing in her own mind. It is apparent to myself that American University must be unaware of Dr.Handrahan's substantial postings on the world wide web as I cannot imagine such antics would be endorsed or condoned by any institution. Thus, I felt it impertative to contact your institution as quickly as possible, through whatever means necessary. As a fellow academic, I believe it is our obligation to uphold the standards of our institutions, and present ourselves in a manner which only commands respect It is my sincere hope that American University will strive to encourage Dr. Handrahan to seek the mental health counseling she so obviuosly needs. Were this my institution, I would recommend that we cut ties with Dr. Handrahan at once, and work to contain the damage already caused to my institution's reputation. Sincerely George Lincoln, MA EdD PhD _____________________________________

From: Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 2:09 PM Subject: RE: Raising awareness about your coworker Lori Handrahan from

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<[email protected]>

Please see the attached SS. Sarah states, "I emailed half the faculty...."

From: > Subject: FW: Raising awareness about your coworker Lori Handrahan from <[email protected]> > Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2012 12:24:41 -0400 > > > FYI > > Not sure what this means? This was sent from AU Content Server? Did they hack AU and send this out to everyone on AU's emails? > > > -----Original Message----- > From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] > Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 10:38 AM > To: [email protected] > Subject: Raising awareness about your coworker Lori Handrahan from <[email protected]> > > The following message was sent from American University Content Server: > _______________________________________

From: Sarah Tyrrell [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 6:54 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [SPAM] lol

Now whos trolling who? FYI - Sorcha Ni Thiril is NOT an alias you ignorant fool. It is my name in Irish. ALL my Facebook friends have changed to their name in

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Irish in honour of a murder victim here.Trust YOU to think it was because of you! Hahahaha. Ever the narcissist. Thank you for giving me a whole album by the way, hopefully a few of your more literate "fans" will read them and realise what your about. It's everything I have wanted to say all year on the page.Although your main supporters are clearly as unhinged as you. I see you have a couple of new FB identities and are busy talking to yourself again LOL. It is a shame you block EVERYONE who knows the truth. Its sad that you are not only exploiting Mila , but others who are genuine victims and are easily manipulated by your BS. All you have to do to see Mila is seek treatment. How many doctors have said you are mentally ill? More than one, one in another country even! So if you want to see your child so bad, why not follow the court orders? It has ALWAYS been in your hands. You chose not to come to ANY of the custody hearings, you chose not to even take Milas calls for a YEAR, pretty quiet about that to your deluded followers aintcha? This is what your life has been reduced to? On twitter and fb ALL day every day instead if using any legitimate channels to see Mila. Where is the jury you are asking for? I would love for your case to be heard in yet another court. You are a liar. I would go to the ends of the earth for my daughter. You do nothing offline. You are no mother. Stick this in my little folder would you please? Pretty please?


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From: sarah tyrrell [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 11:08 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Christmas Gift

Just sitting here having a sleepover with friends talking about your crazy ass. Speaking of friends, you may want to get some in the real world ..All distance themselves from you in the end though huh?. Bless your heart..For all the shit you spewed about me.. For all the lies you tell about me.. And everyone else....I have put together a Christmas Gift for you. It will make its debut Christmas Eve...You can't refute this much evidence with your usual 'It's ALL lies!!" claims. Also, y'know how we've built up pretty good friendships with some Anons..? You know how you are trying to convince us you haven't been running the FB page? Caught out..Again. Tsk. The only people you can fool are vulnerable victims and crazy conspiracy theorists. Thank God the family court,the supreme court, the federal court ALL saw you for what you are .And Mila goes ANOTHER Christmas without you becauae you refuse to follow the court orders. PS More lies out of you..I've been involved with this for just over one year. NOT 3...yet... Merry Christmas.

From: sarah tyrrell [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 4:28 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Merry Christmas

Page 25: American University Professor Fired for Reporting Rape & Death Threats Giving you the gift of fact and truth on this special day. It is still a work in progress mind you. Love, Dawn,Amber,Kristine,Inesa,Julie,Corrine,Ashley,Ellie and of course, myself. Happy Holidays : )

We think/assume this is one of Waxman’s personalities. We need the FBI to get the technical details to prove this is Waxman, if it is, it is major witness tampering.

From: Judy Potter [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 7:30 AM To: carl baum; lori handrahan Subject: RE: Mila Molenko

neither do I

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Fwd: Mila Molenko Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 12:22:23 +0000


I'm not going to respond to this--I have no idea who this is: _______________________________________

Carl Baum, MD, FAAP, FACMT | Associate Professor of Pediatrics | T 203.641.TOXI (8694) |

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Yale University School of Medicine | Center for Children's Environmental Toxicology | Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital

Begin forwarded message:

From: sarah tyrrell <[email protected]> Date: January 16, 2012 7:10:27 EST To: <[email protected]> Subject: Mila Molenko

Hi Carl,

In relation to your medical opinion of Mila Molenko..Where you said the worrying levels of meth in her system should be investigated. That you found a"lethal dose" of meth . Did you mean street meth as is being implied on Lori Handrahan's ever growing website.? You are quite famous on that site! I don't know if you are aware of this.

I am confused as to why another toxicologist stated that that the meth present was not that of street meth as it only had the L component?

Could you clear up this confusion for me please?I am a child advocate working on Mila's behalf.

Thank you

Sarah Tyrrell.

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ckerwin <[email protected]> is AU’s President Neil Kerwin

To: [email protected] Subject: Fwd: More Saving Mila concerns From: [email protected] Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2011 15:42:06 -0500 Oh, and this as well. This site is not helping your client, Judy. But you won't be able to convince her of that, I am sure. How very, very, very sad for Mila that her mother is spending every waking hour on this war instead of on loving her child.

-----Original Message----- From: Mjwaxy <[email protected]> To: megc <[email protected]>; ckerwin <[email protected]>; jhoard <[email protected]>; taylor <[email protected]>; lwong <[email protected]> Cc: aumedia <[email protected]>; igormalenko <[email protected]>; Igor-Malenko <[email protected]>; william.j.schneider <[email protected]>; William.Stokes <[email protected]>; Janice.Stuver <[email protected]>; michael.kearney <[email protected]> Sent: Sun, Dec 4, 2011 11:43 am Subject: More Saving Mila concerns


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Here are more responses from Saving Mila followers, discussing murdering Igor Malenko, kidnapping the child and fleeing the United States to hide in Iran, of all places, and violently harming Michael Waxman. This site is animating loose cannons to say, and perhaps do, bad things, and AU should distance itself completely from it, in my view. This is not going to end well at all.

brandyowen says:

December 4, 2011 at 9:58 am

I understand what you are saying. This brings me back around to Karen McCall-Haslet.

Seriously, if a mother KNEW UNEQUIVOCALLY that her child was being repeatedly raped, what does she do when the courts tell her to give her child to the rapist?

I am not saying I would kill my child, BECAUSE I would kill my ex-husband and sit in prison, if I had to. No doubt about it, I am street wise enough to know that courts f__k up. Not all of the time, but they do, it is a game of who’s lawyer golfs with the judge and I ain’t “playin” when it comes to my kids.

Corrupt Judges says:

December 4, 2011 at 3:47 am

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We need to have a conversation like you brought up Brandy about what alternatives women have when faced with these situations. It becomes paralyzing because the courts have so much power. I believe a lot of mothers consider running away, but realize the US can find them wherever they go – even in any country. I know some have thought of political asylum – even in Iran they are seeking it b/c of how abusive it is here. That is actually very unknown and secretive, but is done.

Maybe you can start some articles or forum for that kind of discussion. Mothers are desperately seeking a way to protect their children from abuse and there’s no where to turn.

Corrupt Judges says:

December 4, 2011 at 3:49 am

When I said “even in Iran” I mean that I have heard of western people seeking asylum in Iran. Of course, the news won’t cover that b/c Iran is our national enemy. But it is bad when abused women and children have to seek political asylum with our country’s national enemies in order to escape abuse.

And more comments about Michael Waxman on her Facebook site:

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Andrew Unkefer He deserves to be put into slavery in a third world country. Jail isn't justice enough for something like that. If I saw him, I'd be the one in an orange jump suit behind bars. I can't begin to understand what you feel right now. Stay strong!

Friday at 6:52pm · LikeUnlike · 1Saving Mila likes this.

(emphasis added in bold).

Word to the wise, AU, distance yourself from this site immediately. Frankly, if your students have been involved in its creation, you may have to shut the site down in order to avoid any civil, and perhaps criminal, liability for the actions perpetrated by followers of the site.

Michael J. Waxman, Esq.

One Monument Way, 2nd Floor

P.O. Box 375

Portland, Maine 04112-0375

(207) 772-9558 phone

(207) 772-9567 fax

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