American Revolution


Transcript of American Revolution

Page 1: American Revolution
Page 2: American Revolution

The War for Independence

SS8H3 The student will analyze the role of GA in the American Revolution

a. Explain the immediate and long-term causes of the American Revolution and their impact on Georgia; include the French and Indian War (Seven Years War), Proclamation of 1763, Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, and the Declaration of Independence.

b. Analyze the significance of people and events in GA in the Revolutionary War; include Loyalists, patriots, Elijah Clarke, Austin Dabney, Nancy Hart, Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton, Battle of Kettle Creek; and the siege of Savannah.

Page 3: American Revolution

1754 – 1763

Page 4: American Revolution

Timeline of EventsLeading up to American Revolution


of 1763


Quartering Act


Stamp Act

Townshend Act


Boston Massacre

Boston Tea Party

1773 1774

Intolerable Acts

1763 1767

*Click on the event name to learn more!*


Sugar Act

Page 5: American Revolution

Proclamation of 1763

Click flag for timeline

•The colonists helped the British win the French and Indian war.

•This victory gave England the land west of the Appalachian Mountains, all the way to the Mississippi River.

•The King made a PROCLAMATION or an announcement in 1763 that the colonists could not go past the Appalachian Mountains.

•This Proclamation angered the colonists since they also helped fight for that land!

Page 6: American Revolution

Sugar Act of 1764

•The first piece of legislation passed by Parliament that was intended to raise revenue in America.

• It put a three-cent tax on foreign refined sugar and increased taxes on coffee, indigo, and certain kinds of wine.

•This was one of the first instances in which colonists wanted a say in how much they were taxed.

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Quartering Act 1765

Click flag for timeline

King George III sent British soldiers to the colonies to “protect” the colonists from the French.

To pay for the protection that the colonists were receiving, they were required to provide supplies and barracks (housing) for the British troops.

The colonists were ordered to provide housing, food and transportation. This was a way for the King to put an indirect tax on the colonists.


Act 1765

Click here to re

ad the Quarteri

ng Act

Page 8: American Revolution

•The Stamp Act was a law passed which imposed a tax on all American colonists. It required them to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used.

•The Stamp Act required all legal documents, licenses, commercial contracts, newspapers, pamphlets and playing cards to carry a tax.

•The money collected by the Stamp Act was to be used to help pay the costs of the British soldiers who were in America protecting the frontier.

•Colonists boycotted British goods in order to get the Stamp Act repealed.

The Stamp Act-1765

Click flag for timeline

Example of a stamp

showing that a colonist paid

the stamp tax.

Click the stamp to learn more and to see other examples!

Page 9: American Revolution

Stamp Act Congress

Colonists met to discuss the new taxes and what they should do. No one from GA attended because the legislature was not in session.

“No taxation without representation!” - James Otis

Page 10: American Revolution

Townshend Act-1767

Click flag for timeline

After the Stamp Act was repealed, a man by the name of Charles Townshend imposed an indirect tax on items such as lead, glass, paper and tea.

Townshend hoped that the colonists would not notice the price increase.

This indirect tax was collected at the sea ports before items reached colonial stores. Therefore, when the colonists went to buy these items, the tax was already included in the price. (Unlike the Stamp Act, where the colonists were aware of the added tax)

The colonists did recognize the indirect tax and once again boycotted British goods. Colonists were extremely upset with the unjust form of “Taxation without Representation!”

Click the tape to watch a clip on the Townshend Act!

Page 11: American Revolution

Engraving by: Paul Revere

Boston Massacre-1770

Click flag for timeline

Click the newspaper to read the March 12, 1770 edition of the Boston Gazette reporting the

Boston Massacre.

•Tensions were growing higher between the colonists and the British soldiers.

•On March 5, 1770 a crowd of people gathered in front of the Customs House and began harassing a British soldier.

•The soldier called for helped and nine more soldiers were sent.

•Insults and snowballs were thrown at the soldiers and in the commotion someone yelled, “Fire!.”

•Many shots were fired and when the smoke cleared a total of 5 townspeople had been killed.

•The people of Boston were furious and demanded that the soldiers be tried and executed for the killings.

Page 12: American Revolution

Click flag for timeline

Boston Tea Party


On December 16, 1773 the Sons of Liberty, who were led by Samuel Adams, dressed up as Mohawk Indians and headed to the Boston Harbor.

These Radical Patriots quickly and quietly boarded three different ships arming themselves with axes and hatchets.

The group disguised as Native Americans threw 342 crates of tea overboard, destroying the precious British tea.

This act of defiance made King George III furious and he told the Patriots they would be punished!

Page 13: American Revolution

Intolerable Acts ~ 1774*Due to Massachusetts’ constant resistance to parliamentary rule and as

punishment for the Boston Tea Party, the King and his Parliament passed a series of laws to limit political and geographical freedoms. These laws were called the Coercive Acts or Intolerable Acts.

1. The Boston Harbor would be closed until the East India Tea Company was repaid fully for the tea lost at the “Tea Party.”

2. Quartering Act was extended to publicly occupied buildings.

3. British Officials could not be tried in colonial courts for their crimes; instead, they would be sent back to Britain to receive punishment.

1. Colonial charters, which stated rules and government set up, were annulled and British Governors were in complete control of town meetings.

2. The border of Canada was now extended into the western colonies of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Virginia.


Page 14: American Revolution

First Continental Congress1774

The American colonists banded together to fight back after the British enforced the Intolerable Acts.

Representatives met in Philadelphia to try to figure out a compromise that could be made with England.

Congress voted to cut off colonial trade with Great Britain until Parliament abolished the Intolerable Acts.

Congress also decided to begin training men for war, fearing war with England was inevitable.

King George III and Parliament did not acknowledge or respect the requests of the colonists.

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Click on Paul Revere to learn more!

•The British soldiers marched out of Boston to seize the colonists’ gunpowder and firearms in Concord, Massachusetts.

•Paul Revere helped alert the Minutemen that the British were on the move by hanging lanterns in the church steeple. He also rode through the town to warn that, “The British are coming!”

•Although the Minutemen were ready for the British in Lexington, Massachusetts, they were out numbered and defeated.

•Messengers were able to warn colonists in Concord, Massachusetts and only a portion of the supplies were destroyed.

Page 16: American Revolution

Why did the Colonists go to War?

By 1775  the colonist had grown tired of being unfairly controlled by King George III and his parliament. As the "mother country," Britain expected obedience from her "children," the colonies.  The colonists believed that they had certain rights which Britain should respect.  Each side refused to give in, which led to an all out war and eventual independence for the colonies.

Page 17: American Revolution

The War for Independence

Page 18: American Revolution

*Now that you have read and reviewed the reasons for the American Revolution, click on the different activities to see

how much you have learned!

The Road to the Revolution

The American Revolution Interactive Quiz

Boston Massacre Secret Agent Case

Interactive Crossword Puzzle

Glencoe: Causes of American Revolution Self Check Quiz

Page 19: American Revolution

“Test your knowledge about the American Revolution, and

see if you can navigate your way to independence. Every correct answer gets you closer to liberty!”

Click the map to begin your journey to liberty!

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Page 20: American Revolution

Lesson 4: Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party

Lesson 5: First Continental Congress

Lesson 6: The Minutemen and The Battle of Lexington and Concord

Click on the picture and go to QUIZ for the following lesson topics. Each event can also be reviewed by clicking LESSON on the website.

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Page 21: American Revolution

Boston Massacre FILES

You are a secret agent and have been sent on a mission to find out what really happened

on the evening of March 5, 1770.

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Page 22: American Revolution

Interactive Crossword Interactive Crossword PuzzlePuzzleTake the crossword puzzle


•Fill out the puzzle using the terms from the word list. If you need help, click on the box labeled “INSTRUCTIONS.”

•When you finish, click the “CHECK” box and see if you met the challenge!

Click the crossword puzzle to begin!

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Page 23: American Revolution
Page 24: American Revolution

British troops killed 5 colonists in the Boston Massacre.

The colonists were ordered to provide housing, food and transportation for British soldiers

Colonists refuse to buy tea and some disguised as Indians throw 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor.

Parliament charges taxes on papers/documents to pay for the French & Indian War--pay tax, get stamp.

Georgia founded by James Oglethorpe and the Trustees

The War between Britain/Iroquois nation/colonists vs. France/western tribes begins.

Parliament levies taxes on stamps to pay for the French and Indian War.

Georgia becomes a Royal Colony ruled by King George II and Royal Governors.

France is defeated by Britain and the French and Indian War ends.

The King made a proclamation or an announcement in 1763 that the colonists could not go past the Appalachian Mountains.

Parliament removes Boston’s self-government, closes the harbor, and forces colonists to house British soldiers.

Charles Townshend imposed an indirect tax on items such as lead, glass, paper and tea.

The first piece of legislation passed by Parliament that was intended to raise revenue in America by taxing sugar, coffee, indigo, wine…