American Pageant Ch. 12 – the Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism

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Ch. 12 The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism

On to Canada over Land and Lakes the war of 1812, largely because the widespread disunity, ranks as one of Americas worst fought wars the regular Army was scandalously inadequate, for it was ill trained, ill disciplined, and widely scattered it was supplemented by the even more poorly trained militia, who were sometimes distinguished by the speed and therefore leaving the battlefield the offensive strategy against Canada was especially poorly conceived had the Americans capture Montral, the center of population and transportation, everything to the west the would of died, but instead of laying the ax the trunk the Americans frittered away their strength in the three prolonged invasion of 1812 by contrast, the British and Canadians displayed energy from the outset when several American land invasions and Canada were again hurtled back and 1813, Americans look for success on water control of the Great Lakes is vital, American naval officer Oliver hazard Perry managed to build a fleet of green timber ships in the shore of Lake Erie the Navy captured a British fleet and a fear against engagement and made the redcoats retreat despite the success, the Americans by late 1814 are far from invading Canada. They were grimly defending their own soil against the invading British the United States provoked war behind the protective skirts and Napoleon, was now left to face the music alone as thousands of victorious veteran redcoats began to pour in from the continent into Canada 1814, 10,000 crack troops of British prepared for a crushing blow into New York because of the absence of roads, the invader was forced to bring supplies over Lake Champlain I want to battle commanded by Thomas McDonough challenged the British snatching victory from the fangs of defeat the results of this heroic naval battle were momentous, the invading British army was forced to retreat

Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended the second formidable British force, numbering 4000, landed in Chesapeake Bay advancing rapidly on Washington it easily dispersed some 6000 panicky militia and the invaders introduced capital and set fire on most of public buildings including the Capitol and the White House the British Lee appear before Baltimore but was beaten off by defenders at Fort McHenry Francis Scott Key, at the detained American anxiously watching the bombardment of Baltimore form British ship was inspired to write the words of the Star-Spangled Banner a third British blow aimed down New Orleans menaced the entire Mississippi Valley Andrew Jackson was placed in command against the British advancement the overconfident British, numbering will some 8000 battle seasoned veterans, blundered badly they made the mistake of a frontal assault on to entrench American riflemen and the attackers suffer the most the most devastating defeat of the entire war Jackson became the war hero of the West man for man a ship for a ship, the American Navy did much better than the Army overall, American craft or more skillfully handled, had better gutters, and were manned by crews burning to avenge the numerous indignities the Royal Navy have finally retaliated by enforcing a naval blockade American economy, including fishing was crippled

The Treaty of Ghent Czar Alexander I of Russia, hard-pressed by Napoleons army and not wanting his British ally to figure away his strength in America, proposed a mediation between clashing Anglo-Saxon cousins in 1812 Czar Alexander I brought five American peacemakers of the Queen Belgian city of Ghent the British envoys made sweeping demands for neutralized Indian buffer state in the Great Lakes and a substantial part of conquered Maine Americans rejected the news of British reverses in upper New York and Baltimore made London more willing to compromise occupied with redrafting Napoleons map of Europe revenge against the upstart American offspring will be sweet but expensive the Treaty of Ghent signed on Christmas eve in 1814 was essentially an armistice

Federalist Grievances and the Hartford Convention as the war dragged on, New England extremists became more vocal Hartford convention was called in 1814 when the capture of New Orleans seemed imminent the convention demanded first, financial assistance from Washington to compensate for lost trade. Second, constitutional amendments requiring a two thirds vote in Congress before in embargo to be imposed three envoys from Massachusetts carried these demands to the capital Washington but were pursued by sneers and jeers of the press overwhelmed by the glorious news phone New Orleans followed by Ghent the Hartford resolutions turned out to be the death dirges of the Federalist party

The Second War for American Independence war heroes emerged, especially Indian fighters, Andrew Jackson and William Henry Harrison manufacturing prospered behind the theory wooden wall of the British blockade the war of 1812 may be regarded as a second war for American independence the industries that were stimulated by the war of 1812 rendered America less dependent on Europes workshops 1817: the Rush-Bagot agreement between Britain and United States severely limited naval armaments on the lakes Napoleons final defeat at Waterloo in 1815 brought the old world to a rest

Nascent Nationalism the most impressive byproduct of the war of 1812 was the heightened nationalism the change of mood even manifested itself in the birth of instinctively national literature school textbooks often British in an earlier era, were now being written by Americans for Americans a revival of the Bank of United States was voted by Congress in 1815 a new national capital began to rise from the ashes of Washington in the army was expanded to 10,000 men

The American System nationalism likewise manifested itself in manufacturing by nationalistic Congress responded to the harassment of small industries by passing a new Tariff of 1816 the first tariff in American history Institute are primarily for protection, not revenue nationalism was further highlighted by a grand and those plan of Henry Clay for developing a profitable home market American system has three main parts. 1. a strong banking system which will provide easy and abundant credit, 2. protection tariff behind which Easter manufacturing could flourish 3. A network of roads provided transportation because attempts to secure federal funding for roads and canals stumbled to the responsibility of the government, Congress voted to distribute $1.5 million to states for internal improvements. Pres. Madison sternly veto this measure as unconstitutional

The So-Called Era of Good Feelings James Monroe was elected president he straddled two generations: the bygone age of the founding fathers and the emergent age of nationalism the era of good feelings has been used commonly to describe the administrations of Monroe the era of good feelings unfortunately was something of a misnomer It was a troubled era: acute issues of the tariff, the bank, internal improvements, sale of public lands were being hotly contested sectionalism was crystallizing in the conflict over slavery was beginning to rise

Panic of 1819 and the Curse of Hard Times 1819: much of the good in this one out the good feelings when the paralyzing economic panic descended it brought deflation, depression, bankruptcies, bank failures, unemployment, soup kitchens, an overcrowded pest houses known as debtors prison over speculation in the frontier lands was the largest factor contributing to this catastrophic the bank had United States was forced to foreclose mortgages on countless farms and it is viewed as a kind of financial double the panic of 1819 also created backlashes in political and the social world the poorer classes the one suspended men and their families was severely strapped in their troubles and was sown the seed bed for Jackson democracy

Growing Pain of the West the explosive expansion to the West was simply a continuation of the generations old westward movement in addition, the siren song of cheap land the Ohio fever had a special appeal to European immigrants land exhaustion and odor tobacco states where the soil was mind rather than cultivated drove people West as well

Slavery and the Sectional Balance sectional tensions, involving rivalry between slave South and free North over the control of the Virgin West 1819: Missouri apply to be a slave state but the House of Representatives denied the plans of Missourians by passing the incendiary Tallmadge amendment which stipulated that no more slaves should be brought into misery and also provided for a emancipation for slave children Southerners saw the Tallmadge amendment as an ominous threat to sectional balance the North was becoming wealthier and also thickly settled an advantage reflected in an increasing northern majority in the House of Representatives the future of the slave system cost Southerners profound concern, burning moral questions also protruded, a small group of growing anti-slavery agitators in the North seized the occasion to raise an outcry against the evils of slavery

Uneasy Missouri Compromise deadlock a Washington was at length broken 1820 of that long time-honored American solution of compromise Missouri was admitted as a slave state and at the same time, Maine was admitted as a separate state so the balance between North and South was 12 states each although Missouri was permitted to retain slaves, all future bondage was prohibited in the remainder of the Louisiana purchase north of the line 36 30 neither the North nor the South was acutely displeased although neither was completely happy the Missouri compromise made President Monroe so popular that he received every electoral vote except for one

John Marshall and Judicial Nationalism McCulloch v. Maryland involved an attempt by the state of Maryland to destroy a branch of the Bank of the United States by imposing tax on his notes John Marshall, declared the bank constitutional by invoking the hemorrhage and doctrine for implied powers at the same time, he strengthened the federal authority in a slap at the state infringements when he denied the right of Maryland attacks the bank Marshalls ruling in this case give the doctrine of loose construction of the Constitution Cohens v. Virginia Cohens was found guilty by Virginia court of either legally selling lottery tickets Marshall defended federal power and Virginia won throughout John Marshalls term as supreme justice, he repeatedly reminded states that certain powers belong only to the federal government

Judicial Dikes Against Democratic Excesses Fletcher v. Peck or roles one Georgia legislatures swayed by bribery granted a 35,000,000 acres to private speculators. The next legislature yielding to an angry public outcry canceled the cricket transaction but the Supreme Court, with Marshall presiding, decreed the legislative grants was contract (even though fraudulently secured) the decision was perhaps most noteworthy for its further protection of property rights against popular pressures Darthmouth College v. Woodward was perhaps the best remembered of Marshalls decisions. Marshall ruled that contracts are protected by the Constitution against state in motions if John Marshall was a molding father of the Constitution, Daniel Webster was expounding father Marshalls decisions helped create a stable, nationally uniform environment for business

Sharing Oregon and Acquiring Florida Monroe administration negotiated the much underrated treaty of 1818 with the Britain this pact permit of Americans to share the Newfoundland fisheries with the Canadian cousins this multisided agreement also fixed the big northern limits of the Louisiana purchase along the 49th parallel Americans wanted to acquire the semi tropical Spanish Florida as part of the United States Jackson was sent to Florida on a pubs-tomp to clean up some noobs. He ruthlessly took out all Spanish expansions exceeding his instructions Cabinet members voted to punish Jackson except for John Adams Florida Purchase Treaty Spain ceded Florida as well as Oregon in exchange for America abandonment of Texas

The Menace of Monarchy in America after the Napoleon nightmare, the autocrats of Europe been a together in a kind of monarchical protective Association determined to restore the good old days by stamping out democratic tendencies European rumor hinted that Russia, Austria, Prussia, and friends acting in partnership, or presumably send powerful fleet and army to revolted colonies of Spanish America and restored their autocratic Spanish came to his ancestral domains many Americans were alarmed, sympathetic to Democratic revolutions everywhere Share one Latin America republic arose from the ruins of monarchy the cell of the word push of the Russian bear, from the chill region known as Alaska had already publicized the minutes of monarchy to North America British Foreign Minister approach American minister in London with a startling proposition: when not the United States combine Woodburn on a joint declaration renouncing any interest in acquiring Latin America territory American minister, liking instructions, refer to his superiors in Washington

Monroe and His Doctrine sticker Terry Adams was suspicious of the British offering British feared that aggressive Yankees a one day see Spanish territory in America perhaps Cuba which will jeopardize Englands possession in the Caribbean if Cannings can seduce the United States to join him in support of territorial integrity of the New World Americas own hands will be tied a self-denying alliance with Britain will not only hamper American expansion but it was an necessary concluded Adams Monroe Doctrine continues to basic features: non-colonization, nonintervention Monroes strategy is to sit back and macro his forces while waiting for the rest to fight it out in this world FFA

Monroes Doctrine Appraised the monarchs of Europe were angered at Monroes doctrine President Monroe was concerned with the security of his own country Monroe Doctrine was largely an expression of post-1812 nationalism energizing the United States Stimulated isolationism