American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)

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Transcript of American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    M E R I C A R T I E I S T

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    V o l.


    N o .




  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    I n T h i s I s s u e . .

    N E W S

    N E W S C O P E

    P R A Y F O R P E A C E

    G O D

    T H E M A G I C S E V E N

    L E T T E R S T O Y E E D IT O R

    B O O K O F T H E M O N T H

    E D I T O R I A L

    T h e S t a f f . .

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    The news presented in these columns, which

    fills approximately one half of the magazine, is

    chosen to demonstrate to you, month after month,

    that the dead reactionary hand of religion is al-

    ways with you. It dictates how much tax you

    pay, what food you eat and when, with whom you

    sleep, if you should have children, if you die in

    concentration camps, if you are segregated in

    some manner from other human beings, what you

    read, what movies you see, and what you should

    or should not believe about life. Religion is

    politics and always the most reactionary politics.

    W e editorialize our news to emphasize the

    above thesis. Unlike any other magazine or neto s-

    paper in America ~~we admit it

    e H U R C H V O T E S T A X G I F T

    Although America's churches have been for

    many years tax exempt in violation of the legal

    and constitutional principle of separation of

    church and state, one church in Des Moines,

    Iowa, has decided it wants to pay something for

    the services for which others are taxed.

    N e w s

    fees for exclusive stories and pic

    father is still employed and the fam

    be faring very well without tax relief

    that available to anyone and everyone

    Roman Catholic family should be si

    base discrimination against all oth

    especially families which are larg

    Fischer family.

    Just because predominantly Rom

    Canada favored the Dionne quintup

    reason why our country should favor

    cause of the actions of nature, and b

    are Roman Catholic. Many people in

    States could use a special tax relief

    their group - particularly the aged

    fixed income.

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    the defense of a fellow preacher whose life was

    threatened after he said there had been applause

    in a Dallas public school classroom when a

    teacher announced Pres ident Kennedy had been

    shot. Each minister has come up with the name

    of at least one high school student or teacher

    who had witnessed cheering in the Dallas class-

    rooms when the shooting was announced.

    The threatened Methodist minister, Rev.

    William Holmes made his statement on a national

    television program on November 26th. Within five

    minutes after the interview the network's station

    received an outpouring of telephoned threats on

    Mr. Holmes' life and a warning that the station

    would be blown up. Police threw up a protective

    net around the station. Five squad cars went to

    the minister's home, shut off his telephone, set

    up a guard on the grounds and took his wife and

    two small sons to an undisclosed place. As of

    December 2nd the family had not been allowed

    to return home.

    Neither of Dallas' two newspapers has re-

    ported any of this--the bomb threat or the mur-

    attorney who was a disciple of Robe

    soll, agnostic leader. Walser, who

    ficer in the Union Army, went to

    after the war. He became the Barton

    superintendent of schools, later

    attorney and then a member of the

    A land speculator, he dreamed of

    of churches where a man might purs

    of thought or belief without interferen

    plaint. He acquired land on the prai

    east of the Kansas line. Libera I's C

    became the site of a large pavilion

    theater, with an open stage, and a w

    trac k.

    G. W. Baldwin, an Atheist finan

    host of other Atheists, agnostics, f

    and later - spiritualists, joined

    Walser established the Instruction

    the Liberal Normal School and Busin

    which later merged with the new

    University. Classes were held at th

    Mental Liberty Hall. Famed medium

    seances in Spiritualist Hall.

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    bership encompassing Hthe majority of the

    town's 612 residents.

    W E I N S I G N I F I C A N T F E W

    Rev. Albert Cavanaugh, minister of evangel-

    ism at Central Methodist Church, 1875 North

    Central Street, and Hev. C. Vaughan Rock, pas-

    tor of the First Southern Baptist Church, 1202 N.

    Third St., both in Phoenix, Arizona were asked

    recently if Atheists are more outspoken against

    religion than previously, or whether they have

    become tranquil because they fear social sanc-


    Atheists probably have a harder time today

    getting a platform. People just are not interested

    in listening to them. , Mr. Cavanaugh said. lie

    said Atheism had never been an important. move-

    ment and he dismissed U. S. Atheists as an in-

    significant' group. He added that social s anc-

    tions against Atheists have decreased in recent

    years. He felt that An Atheist would enjoy


    if society used pressures against him. They're

    oddballs, anyway. He was not convinced that

    the Russian Molcke n Christian H

    Jumpers faith. The driver contends

    tor Vehicles Code deprives him of

    tional right to freedom of worship si

    believes photography a violation of

    of the Bible:

    Thall shalt not make unto thee

    images or any likeness of anything

    heaven above, or that is in the ea

    or thai is in the water under the eart

    The pastor of the Old Romanski

    which Mr. Shubin is a member explain

    Molokans migrated from Czarist

    19U5 to 1914 to live in a land with for all. The main body of th

    grated to Los Angeles and the ma

    sect lives there.

    F R E E D O M O F T H E P R E S S

    Protestants United of Washington,

    month released a statement in reg

    difficulties in purchasing advertising

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    A L L I A N C E F O R W H A T

    The United States is aiding Columbia's Pub-

    lic School system through the Alliance for Pro-

    .gre ss . In 1962 the aid was $3,500,000 in grants.

    In the public schools Colombian children are

    taught to hate and sus pect Protestants as en-

    emies of the Fatherland. No Protestant may be

    employed as a teacher or Principal in the public


    A recent study by the Evangelical Confeder-

    ation of Columbia reveals that the public

    schools there are more parochial than the pri-

    vate schools of the Roman Catholic Church in

    the United States.

    Many North Americans, including non-believ-

    ers, are concerned over this aid to the Colom-

    bian public schools as they are presently organ-

    ized. They and we believe that aid should be

    given in accordance with the United States

    principle of separation of Church and State.

    ation on the ground that he would b

    persecution if forced to return to

    But, under the ruling now given b

    Supreme Court, He must be deporte

    slavia and face trial for crimes again


    Artukovic is a Catholic and he ha

    to get Catholic support such as Luk

    the former supreme knight of the Knig

    umbus. Yet, the Vatican has recorde

    officially over the wholesale murder

    Protestants under his direction. T

    bishop of Mostar commenting on the m

    Small wonder ... the conversion o

    dox to Catholocism has been a compl


    the Lord had granted the competent

    more understanding and the commo

    car.ry out the conversions with mo

    less violence, the number of Cath

    have increased at least 500,000 and

    lics in Bosnia and Herzegovina would

    from 700,000 to 1,300,000.

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    purpose of the clinic was to have been to help

    families who rely on the Hospital services

    (those on welfare) to have the same family plan-

    ning advice available to those with greater in-

    comes. Those who asked for it would have been

    given instruction in contraceptive methods, in-

    cluding the rhythm method which has the ap-

    proval of Roman Catholic authorities.

    It was assumed that the clinic would pay for

    itself in a practical way by cutting the number

    of deliveries of babies handled at taxpayers



    pense by the County Hospital. The obstetrical

    department is overcrowded, a condition which

    threa tens its accred ita tion.

    Dr. Karl Meyer, head of Cook County medical

    institutions said that space could be made avaiL

    able at the hospital complex for the clinic. Med-

    ical authorities believe family planning is part

    of good medicine. And so, in an unbelievable

    move Cook County Board members deferred ac-

    tion, unanimously, until after the December 1st

    deadline given by the donor - thus killing the


    I n this manner they declined to talk over the

    arguments in favor of the clinic or even to put

    that we quote them in full.

    The revolution in ethical thinking of Prote

    tants has occurred with such speed that m

    Catholics seem unaware that contraception is

    longer in Protestant eyes an evil thing, but m

    be a good, virtuous and even holy action,

    manded by the changed conditions of modern

    and commended by the vast majority of phy


    The failure to recognize this revolution in P

    testant ethical and religious thought leaves n

    a few Catholic laboring under the erroneous im

    pression that their views on contraception st

    reflect the moral concensus of virtually t

    whole Christian community.

    It is this cultural lag-the failure to appreciat

    the radical change in Protestant thinking--tha

    partly explains

    their occasional recourse to t

    police power of the state to suppress contracep

    tive birth-control practices, advertis ing a


    Father O'Brien noted that there are 300 d

    nominations represented in the nation's re

    gious life and they must learn to live together.

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    A W A K E W IT N E S S E S

    Awake is the semimonthly magazine pub-

    lished by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Socie-

    ty of New York, Inc. (117 Adams St.k Brooklyn

    1, New York) The Watchtower Society is the

    voice of the Assemblies of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    In Volume XLIV, Number 16 they print a four

    page article titled Bible Reading - But Not in

    School in defense of the Supreme Court De-


    They ask how the decision stands in the light

    of the Holy Bible and answer in this vein:

    For true Christians it (the decision) merely un-

    derscores what the Bible clearly teaches-that it

    is the parents' res ponsibility to teach their

    children true worship. This is made clear not on-

    ly in the Hebrew Scriptures but in the Christian

    Greek Scriptures where fathers are told: Go on

    bringing them up in the discipline and authorita-

    tive advice of Jehovah. (Eph , 6:4; Deut. 6:6,7)

    Christians are not to sidestep their God-given re-

    s pons ibil

    ity ,

    trying to turn it over to schools or

    . When children are coerced by law

    tion, custom or other pressures to exp

    cept a faith that is neither theirs

    their parents, their humanity is denied

    When men are turned away from G

    because of the color of their skin, th

    ity is denied. When men, women and

    cause of their color, are berated, b

    bombed for trying to vote, to get an

    buy a house, or be served in a pu

    their humanity is denied.

    The letter, entitled Of Judgment

    c iliation was signed on behalf of

    by Rev. Silas G. Kessler, moderator

    hundred seventy-fifth General Assemb

    Rev. Theophilus M. Taylor, Secret

    General Council.

    A N D T H E U . S . C O N G R E S S

    Proposals in the House of Represe

    force a vote on a Constitutional ame

    mitting prayers and Bible reading

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    prisoner's right to receive the Holy Quran, bible

    of the Mus lims. The petitioner, Thomas Cooper,

    age 31, who was sentenced to two one hundred

    year terms ten years ago after a tavern killing,

    had asked the court to be permitted to receive

    Mus lim literature.

    Appeals Judge F. Ryan Duffy brazenly fts-

    serted the denial was based on certain social

    studies which purport to show that the Muslims

    are not a religious movement, but one dedicated

    to the overthrow of the white race.

    L O V E T H Y N E IG H B O R

    In Seattle, Washington, an ordinance has been

    proposed for opening housing so that discrimina-

    tion because of race or creed would beprohib-

    ited. Opposition was expected, but the type of

    opposition and the direction it has taken is un-


    Rev. Thomas W. Miller, minister of the Cal-

    vary Bible Presbyterian Church, has appointed

    himself 'the voice' of the conservative religious

    B U T T H E f t E A R E S O f l , 1 E S A N E C

    Canon John Poarce-H iggins o

    Cathedral, Church of England, in

    icized the


    this fall as a record

    wrong history and unfulfi l.ed propheci

    I cons idc.r the pre seri. use of the

    by the average Christian teacher to

    greatest obstacles to hunan brotherh

    terracial understanding that exists.


    He as ket' his re llow clergy if

    help but ask theruse lve: what ev

    have that the Bible is any more or le

    of God than any of the other anc in

    of the world, or even ot any other

    s pirational contribution or record

    know ledge and experience.

    There is too much fo.rgy pleading

    argued, am or.g Christ ian r.polog ists ,

    defend either the r.uth or icy of the

    authority of the church as the prop

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    collect $10.3 million for new buildings and en

    dowment for that Catholic College. The millions

    sought in direct gifts is supplemented (Sister

    Maria Renata, president of the College says) by

    the $2,550,000 loan the college received in June

    from the federal government to finance the dining

    hall and the first residence hall.

    Now the announcement has been released

    that Studebaker Corporation is quitting South

    Bend, and in fact the United States. The last

    day of scheduled work was in the third week of

    December. Since South Bend's economy was

    dominated by this industry, we worry a little a-

    bout the church college's drive. If they cannot

    milk the now-unemployed-ex-Studebaker workers

    will they go back to the federal government for

    more loan money to complete their building,

    and thus dip into our pockets and yours?

    G O O D B Y E D R . S I L V E R

    We can, with confidence, say 'Goodbye' to

    Dr. Silver, for he is certain now to be booted out

    of his job as professor of history at the Univer-

    In the past year many preachers

    ministerial groups have made courage

    but the church as a whole has placed

    with the status quo, he said.

    O U T O F T H E IR O W N M O U T H

    If one sits bac k and observes the

    generally convict themselves out o

    mouths. For instance, a year long

    just been completed by Rev. Conrad

    executive secretary of the Luther

    Board of Theological Education on th

    Talent of Divinity Students.

    The study has uncovered a serio

    academic talent among Divinity st

    Bergendoff reported:

    We have long lived under the

    that the ministry has attracted the

    college graduates. It comes as a sh

    fore to find in all our seminaries th

    1962-1963 only 117 students out of

    an average of A from their college.

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    At the same time he appealed to bishops for

    a greater' severity in the selection of student

    priests to prevent deplorable defections of

    some ministers from the sanctuary . He reiter-

    ated that those called to be priests must live in

    v irgina I chas tity and be ready to sacrifice

    not a few legitimate desires of nature in order to

    faithfully fulfill their tasks of good pastors.

    While talking in this vein, Pope Paul did not

    explain the papal cultural policy of nephews

    and nieces . In recent history, since it is vul-

    gar for the Popes to acknowledge their sons and

    daughters as their lusty predecessors did - open-

    ly - the custom has arisen to designate their off-

    s pring as nephews and nieces.

    The fornication producing the children is

    most probably 'virginal chastity' with a 'magic


    B U T T H E M E T H O D IS T S

    But the Methodists were unhappy with their

    flocks Bishop James K. Mathews, of Boston, in

    Board believes (sic) that road mon

    paving roads, driveways and parkin

    our churches and schools is one of

    most appreciated ways of spending o


    The County has done ... paving

    improvement at each of the followin

    during the past year (1963):

    Mt. Bethel Church, Lime's Spr

    Mt. Zion Church, Verbena Methodi

    Verbena Colored Church, Verbena B

    orium, Clanton Church of Christ, P

    ley Baptist Church, Bethsalem Bap

    Kingdom Hall, First Baptist Church

    Pinedale Church, Jemison Church

    Big Springs Colored Church, New Sa


    Plans are either complete or in

    to place many more of our fine churc

    paved roads or do driveway and

    work within the next six to twelve

    They are as follows: The Oak Grove

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    O N L Y IN B A L T IM O R E

    Maryland is an infamous state. It is the home

    of Cambridge where the National Guard had to

    stop racial riots and Gwynn Oak Park where

    civil rights were defied and even clergymen

    jailed en masse. It is the site of the legal and

    physical harassment of the Murrays for three

    years ..... and so, wouldn't one expect a Consti-

    tutional Prayer Foundation to be spawned there?

    Wouldn't one expect the Superintendent of Pub-

    lic Schools to be one of the incorporators? That

    is exactly what happened. Francis Burch, city

    solicitor who fought and lost the Bible-Prayer

    case is chairman and co-founder.

    In something akin to a second grade movie

    plot, the Foundation is staffing names on its

    Board of Directors. William Randolph Hearst Jr.

    editor-in-chief, The Hearst Newspapers, an-

    nounced his support of the foundation recently.

    Also, directorships have been accepted by:

    **His Excellency James Pike, Bishop of the

    Episcopal Diocese of the State of California.

    **Governor Love of Colorado.

    **Governor Fanin of Arizona

    **Governor Carvel of Delaware

    **Attorney General of Maryland Thomas Finan.

    E X P L O IT T M E L IT T L E C H IL D R E N

    The National Information Bureau, the n

    leading advisor on philanthropy recently

    an evaluation of Boys' Town, Nebraska,

    a tone of discouragement it advised that

    Town has refused all requests for audited

    cial statements and budgets. Said the NIB:

    Requests for information have been

    pletely ignored. It continues to fail to me

    minimum standards of your Bureau. It

    Actually, Boys' Town is so rich that it

    barrassed to give out financial statements.

    estimate of the worth of Boys' Town by

    ities in the field range from $24,000,00

    $40,000,000. The Boys' Town accommodate

    bout 900 boys. In other words, it has asse

    at. least, but most probably in excess

    $30,000 per boy.

    Some years ago a legis lative inquiry

    charity rackets showed that more than

    all money received at Boys' Town was go

    to the hands of the solicitation promoters.

    then, Boys' Town has discontinued the

    the high pressure promoter, but not the u

    his technique. Boys' Town does its ow


  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    N e w s c o p e

    Congress has passed and President Johnson

    has signed a one and a quarter billion College

    Aid Bill.

    The bill, authoriz ing money for grants and

    loans over the next three years, was passed, 54

    to 27, over the protests of senators who objected

    to its provision for aid to church-related colleges



    ivers ities .A

    A floor fight on the college aid bill was led

    by Senators Ervin

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    Business Machines (IBM) Corp., and United ten years. J. C. Cantrell, their execut

    Fruit Company Wine, Beef and Trading Stamps , .tary says their lease-backs are an

    :}: 'hedge: against inflation. These pro

    St. Andres Church, Chicago, owns Holly-


    eluding super-markets and service sta

    wood Roosevelt and Sacramento EI Rancho ho- vided 17% of the foundation's 1962

    tels purchased for $10 million. come of $2.8 million.

    St. Benedict's Monastery in Snowmass,'Colo-,

    rado raises Hereford cattle' for its own use, but

    markets about 300 surplus head a year at the

    Denver stock market.

    Christian Brothers of California (owned by

    De La Salle Institute) largest manufacturers of

    commercial brandy in the United States, claimed

    exemption from profit taxes because it was a

    church and the property belonged to the Pope:

    U. S. District Judge Sherril Harlbert, Sacramen-

    to, California, on July 24, 1961, stated that the

    Internal Revenue Service had been too lenient to '

    religious orders by adopting a regulation exemp-

    ting subsidiary corporations owned by such or-

    ders and he ld the winery liable for $489,000 tax-

    es for years 1952, 1953 and 1956. The winery

    appealed from this Federal Court decision.

    Three Bloomington,' Illinois, ch

    First Baptist, First Christian and Se

    byterian started a hotel business w

    spending a penny - using the X mon

    membership pledge manuever outlined

    g inning of this article. They purchase

    Biltmore Hotei from Hilton Hotels Co

    (Hilton is pledged to put prayer back

    The hotel was then leased back to t

    tion. The last heard, the profit to th

    was $450,000. This hotel is in Dayto

    The First Church (Congregational)

    mont, New Hampshire, operates a lau

    .~ .

    First Methodist Church, Chicago,

    operates Chicago Temple. ~'22 stor

    rented commercially'to lawyers, 'pro

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    786 acres and 14 industrial buildings for invest-

    ment and development purposes.

    Many of the Mormon bus ines ses are set up as

    separate corporations, but most often Zion Se-

    curities Corporation handles the business enter-

    prises. The Mormons' pride themselves on pay-

    ing property and corporate income taxes, but the

    Church pays no income taxes on d ivfdends from

    business activities.

    A religious sect called the Self-Realization

    Fellowship, operating its own bus iness direct-

    ly, made so much money on the Mushroomburg-

    er Restaurant in Hollywood that it opened an-

    other one in Encinitas, California.

    In Milbank, South Dakota, United' Brethern

    Church sells bread and cheese.

    A religious press prints for Scott Tissue or- -

    ganization in Harrisburg, Penna.

    A religious press prints Top Value Stamps in

    Original value of real estate

    paid by Catholics

    Original value of real estate .

    paid by Protestants .

    A run down of tax exempt prop

    churches looks something like th

    percentage given as that percent

    able property.





    New Jersey

    ..... 14%

    ...... 14.9




    We have one question. When ch

    merica have 'gift' incomes alone of

    ly $4.5 billion a year, when they h

    from businesses -- really only touc

    bove, why should they need thi

    windfall from the College Aid Bill?

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    P r a y f o r P e a c e

    by Jack B rady

    Jack Brady has been in newspaper work most

    of his adult life and published a newspaper of

    his own for nine years.

    After many years of research and observation

    of the Priest-King fraud, Brady concludes that

    the very foundation of today's so-called


    zation is founded upon fraud and exploitation.

    It is Brady's opinion that it is man's pocketbook

    that makes man an animal of note, and without,

    the pocketbook, man would go through life as un-

    noticed as a den of ants.

    of the church. I remarked that

    Empire of the German nation no

    and that conditions had changed.

    to his word. The Pope assured

    Catholic subjects would stand by

    solute fidelity in good times and

    And they did. The Roman C

    gave wholehearted support to the

    dorsing its ruthless methods and

    aims of the Junker class. Its C

    so called because it happened

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    Central powers would win, and changed it ~

    course only in the last few months of the



    This position of the Roman Catholic; church

    was in line with her policy. Thus the Homiletic

    and Pastoral Review of May,


    states, Ail

    sorts of private individuals may feel that a given

    war is unjustifiable; but that is scarcely enough

    to justify them in refusing to fight and. undergo-

    ing the consequences therefor. Roman Cath c-

    lies in the United States who have claimed con-

    scientious objection have had their claims voic-

    ed by the courts on the grounds that their church

    did not support their position .(3) No wonder,

    then, that Abrams, author of Preachers Present

    Arms , said he was unable to locate a s iuglc

    priest who had scruples against World War 1.

    That the major blame for World War II must be

    laid at the feet of totalitarianism, and es pec ia l-

    ly Nazism, is well known. But not equally we'I

    known is the fact that the Roman Cathol ic

    church played the leading role in Nazifying Ger-

    many. This, however, should not seem s ingulcr

    in view of the success of dictators in Italy, Spa in

    I'ope Pius XII did not reconfirm t

    n.ent, Pope John XXIII did so, much

    sternation of the West German governm

    German Roman Catholics (9), but pe

    Adenauer, as he, when Lord Mayor o


    sent his congratulations to

    s ign ing the Lateran Treaty, telling

    name will be written into the history

    Homan Catholic church in golden lett

    Further, it was a Roman Catho


    mpf le ,

    a man of learning and

    editor who took Hitler's manuscript


    Kampf and spent months in rewriting


    it. so as to make it an effective

    for Nazi propaganda.


    Particularly vital was the role

    Catholic Center Party played in Hitl

    rower. I ts chancellors, Dr. Bruening

    yon Papen, together with its head M


    l prelate and professor Ecclesiasti

    at Bonn paved the way over a period

    years for Hitler to take over. (12)

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    lira, and recognized the Roman Catholic church

    as the State church, in turn the Church made a

    number of concessions to Mussolini (13).

    These Concordats gave Mussolini and Hitler

    great advantages. Each held the Roman Catholic

    church to its side of the bargain. Especially use-

    ful to the Dictators were these Concordats in

    World War II. Then history repeated itself, for

    the Roman Catholic church again vigorously sup-

    ported the war on both sides.

    The foregoing should be sufficient to show

    how much the Roman Catholic Church is re-

    sponsible in relation to the two World Wars and

    the Nazi and Fascist terrors.

    Does our present Pope really mean to pray

    for peace?


    1. The Case of Dr. Bruening, Bernh

    pp. 15-79.

    2. The Vatican and the War, Camille


    3. Hitler, Konrad Heiden, p. 10.

    4. The Christian Century, Nov. 17,

    5 .. Wiesbadener Tagblatt, Feb.



    6. Die Weit, June 11, 1960, p. 17

    7. Commandant of Auschwitz, Rud

    p 17.

    8. New York Times, May II, 1960,


    9. Minneapolis, Minnesota Star, Nov.

    10. Hamburger Fremdblatt, Feb. 12,

    11. Hitler and I, Otto Strasser, pp.

    12. Lewiston, Maine, Evening Journa


    13. Documents on International Affa

    pp. 216/241.

    14. Documents on International Aff

    pp. 442-452.

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    Reader's Digest

    for October,

    lS3Q .,

    carrie: a

    reprint of a December, 19'f6, article on sev m

    p.oofs of God. The Plain 'I'rut'i, Fe bn.arv , 19;'0,

    c.irries a similar art ic le which offe: s seven s

    U- proofs. Let's examine the] 1.

    Number 1 - Natural Law. There are de fin te

    immutable laws that govern the umvers e , Lavs

    require a lawgiver, therefore God must have

    wade these laws.

    Comment: There seems to be a c nfusion

    between 'laws' and laws '. Nat r 1 lav.s , s

    as gravity, are not legislated into e. istence like

    traffic laws. Nor can they be revoked.


    sc i-n-

    tist observes an apple fall. After sufficient such

    observations we call this the 'law of gravity' It

    is merely an observance of something that has

    happened enough times in a certain way that we

    can be fairly certain it will happen in the same

    manner next time. A human made law tries to ;:re-

    vent things from happening.

    The first error is one of logic - an attempt to

    compare apples with oranges (natural with human

    laws). The second error is the assumption tl. it

    God must have made the laws. Why not a Murti m,

    s utes all sorts of facts about it.

    You see, he says, if this thing di

    live such and so, it would not exist, ther


    must have given it this quality.

    Consider this: did you ever notice h


    ors es legs are just exactly the right l

    breach from its body to the ground?

    1 gs were shorter they would not touch, a


    .ey were longer they would dig into the gr

    1 he legs are exactly the right length, there

    (od must have given them to the horse.


    course, but it is the basis of many relig

    a .guments , such as the two we have just e




    3 -

    Animal Instinct. Geese fly s

    hhe winter. Homing pigeons have built

    dar. Instinct keeps animals alive. God must

    given it to them.

    Comment: This is the horse and legs


    again, in different clothes, No proof

    f red for anything. There is just the blunt

    rr.ent God did it. God should sue for sla

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    Number 6 - Economy o f nature. It is so amaz-

    ing how God provides checks and counterchecks

    in nature to prevent one species from overrun-

    ning the earth.

    Comment: Again? The same argument de-

    serves the same answer. There is an added c om-

    ment. The checks provided (by what?) have not

    been adequate. Many species have become ex-

    tinct, and at the moment man is very apt to over-

    run the earth. He should get out of bed once in

    awhile and try to make this a better life for liv-

    ing, not make more life to crowd out living.

    Number 7 - The idea of God. The fact that

    man alone of all creatures can conceive of God

    must prove his existence. Since- our minds are

    bound to our environment we cannot possibly

    think of things which are not in that environment.

    Comment: At long last, we are given a dif-

    ferent argument. It is so obviously fallacious

    that we need not spend much time with it. Man

    has conceived of all sorts of things that do not

    exist, such as: goblins, witches, flying dragons,

    Santa Claus, bug-eyed monsters. Thinking of

    such things in no way proves their existence.

    One can conceive of having a beautiful mansion,

    a million dollars in the bank, and one's own pri-

    vate rocket to the moon. This is a far cry from

    deteriorating does not indicate that it

    made simultaneously, or that it was 'm


    2 -


    This is the claim that eve

    in the universe operates in a certain way

    sign requires a designer - hence, God.

    the basic argument that most religious

    use. Let us examine it once more.

    Comment: Logic infers that if a comple

    like the universe requires a designer, me

    cause it is complex, it must have been d

    by something more complex than it. Henc

    had a designer, ad infinitum.

    It is claimed that the universe operate

    does because it was designed by God.

    ample: the moon circuits the earth in 28

    not 27 or 29, but 28. We can even pred

    the phases of the moon. Because the moo

    consistant, it is claimed that it must hav

    designed to be so. Stop for a moment an

    imagine any motion of the moon about w

    would be impossible to claim a design.

    moon revolved around the earth for 1

    reversed orbit for 3 hours, rushed offjto

    6 weeks, and behaved very erratically,

    this disprove design? Not in the least

    would simply say,

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    thing and it will not hurt them. Have a drink of

    arsenic and then pray that it will not harm you.

    This is 'kind of' drastic - but they say they be-

    lieve in prayer.

    Not one of the arguments given is valid proof

    of the existence of God. The usual re tort is,

    All right, if you do not accept any of our ar-

    guments then you prove that God does not exist.

    Now isn't that just like a Christian?

    said that God did not exist. I simply s

    was no evidence to indicate such an e

    If the Christian says God exists, then

    him to prove it. So far, he has not don

    spite this fact, priests and ministers

    take money from their flock under

    tenses. They falsely claim that the exi

    God has been proven. It has not.





    (Act of October23, 1962: Section 4369. Title 39, United States Code)


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    i PUBlISHER (Name and address)



  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    l e t t e r s t o Y e E d i t o r

    Dear Editor:

    The magazine (November issue) inc luded

    some comments from a Russian journal about the

    inculcation of Atheism in Russia, but no edito-

    rial explanation made it clear to your readers

    whether you favoured the inculcation of certain

    ideas (Atheism) and not others (re l igionism ) by

    the coercive power of the State.

    Put simply, I am a devout believer in the non-

    existence of God, but I want awfully to be free

    to disbelieve in my own way, and I would feel

    every bit as coerced in the Soviet Union (more

    so, even) being made to disbelieve after the

    Marxist dialectical pattern, as I feel coerced

    and violated in my freedom here when my kids

    are forced to mouth the sickly putty-pieties of

    the masses from social, not so much political,


    Bette Chambers

    ness of the Christian scheme of salvatio

    become clearer and stronger with ad

    years, and see no reason for thinking


    change them.

    This is cited in

    Rome e


    the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln,

    lished in


    by Thomas


    Harris, B



    S. Army, and member of the

    Commission which tried and convicted

    spirators to the murder.

    Other quotes from this source

    L incoln

    was an avowed and open infi

    went further against Christian beliefs, d

    and principles than any man ever heard.

    T. Stewart, Lau: Partner.


    Lincoln were asked whether he beli

    God, he would have said


    do not know

    God exists'. William H. Herndon, Law

    (The enclosure was an article from another free- if we could be of any help. Perh

  • 8/10/2019 American Atheist Magazine (January 1964)


    thought journal, and we quote it here, changed

    to suit ourname.d.qorporati on.) - ..


    t ~: :~ > .~.: , ._,. _

    . : : 4 t i : 1 .- r


    1~-~;i~;,: ~-~~. (-~;:~ /~ ~ I:~ ~ ~ :;=: :~. ,

    We have received from. time. to time iqqtiirjes.

    from our re;ders ~regarding' i~8tj~ills and Ct~~ta_':

    ments. Sam'e:~iend's have' to'ldu~ that tl; ey have

    remembered us in 'their wlllsand~want tobesure

    that such donations stand up incourt. '.-;' .

    - . . .~ : ; .; : f - ;

    The correct wording of such bequest is:

    could be drawn that beneficiaries w

    their leg acies


    proof was

    trustee that-a humaniet funeral serv

    vid ed this

    practice: o f

    personal r



    b e


    . We would -: be happy to hold will



    ihai:: burial services or w il


    to hQspltals,O r cremations were c

    each individual desired. After all,



    and our wishes should b


    give and bequeath to the Freethought Soci-

    ety of America, Inc., a non-profit organization,

    incorporated in the State of Ohio, the fol lowing

    monies, personal .o r real property ............... : ... A A Isit observing the national o

    to be use'~ by the Soc iety to,


    fre . ..; ,;., 'Dear E d i f 6 f ; r :

    . ~ ~ --