AMeerq~ LA.;3o,i Co~ P4-2 · - -_--r_ - -_ .. i~-= -~~--uc~'·~"Plr-»!we Hter tos ~ 8IO Dear Mr....

'--- .. -.-· LA.;3o,i &>-;._

Transcript of AMeerq~ LA.;3o,i Co~ P4-2 · - -_--r_ - -_ .. i~-= -~~--uc~'·~"Plr-»!we Hter tos ~ 8IO Dear Mr....

'---.. ---------.-.-~-----,.-.--, -.-· AMeerq~ LA.;3o,i Co~ P4-2:_~ &>-;._

-ID-replyplea...,­reter tol 880

DHr Jlr. Frya

- . ' :. ' :

·~JUN ·.141944

Sino• ay reply to tour reo•nt l•ttv to the Pre1ldent oono•rnlng tlllporaey hanna ln the Uns.t9d · statH fO'l' retugeu. th• PrHident hu taken aotton

- tilr th• Htabl11hmnt or RD Baergenoy R•tu&•• Shelter -at Fort Ontario. ()nego, ... York. I .. 1ure JOU· will b• 1ntere1ted 111 reading thl .attaohed oopiu. ot -th Priit1dent1a r•o•nt .. 11ag• to.Oow•11~ hi• .• oable-gra. ot June 8j 19". to Aabu••dor iO'bert Mu1>h7 1D AlgieH, and hia .._randiill ot .ttw. aailll date to th• agency head• aonoerUd th•.-~~utl()Jl ot thit plan. -

_ Jiit t.Jc~ .t.h11-oppi,rfuntty t~ tliNat 70µ again tor the 1Dterea1i whi"h you have exprHHd.J.D thie matter. -- - - · - - - -· ·

... Variall Fey.

Very· truly 7011ra

J. W. P•hle Bxeoutive Direotor

lxe°"tlv• S.ore~, .U..rioan Labor Contertnoe on

.International Attalr1, 9 kat 46th StrHt, ... York 17, ... fort.


,. '

- -_--r_

- - _ .. i~-=

-~~-- uc~'·~"Plr-»!we Hter tos ~ 8IO

, ------

Dear Mr. ~:

four letter of Aprll '7 ~ 1944, to Pre1ldent ROosenl\, concel'llln,r the pllghtotrefug••• ln Bv.iicfiJ"T~ hal been reterNd to !Hi. - -- - - - · -

- -

Th• Var I.tug .. Joar4 19 d.01nc · ne17t!llne la lt1 pover to pl'OT14e tpeldT and etteott .. retoue pro,raml to_ .. .,. th• peneou .. d lllnoriUee of :Europe.and to flail henn1 ot-reh«• tor \Ilea. - ·· -

fe17 t1'Ul7 70\11'1 1

tsiMedl J.- w.Pebl•

'• Wd•~e-_ l:xec_uu!e- Dtreotor

--~r,J·tf - .. ··••······ .





__ _ __ ~-c _!!l'.~~!!a!lll !"equest~d that. !_:_.f'o!'War~L~h~:; a_tt~c:h~.d -to y_ou for reply.• It was given to. hiril by State 'within the past week._-

At tachrr.-ent.

-J -l ~ ~.


.. ~-----~< ,~-~~ =i ---~ -~ -

...... u

- _ __;: -::r_

,- ) . - - _,- - .- c - - . - ·/

~ - Presi-dfuit Franklin D. Roosevelt ;_~;',The White House •:J; ~ ,~aShi~ton, D~O.

; J.tY- de'& Yr. President:

One of the moat tragic aspects of the recent ocrupation by German forces of Hung~{ and one which has received f'ar leas _att~tion than it-deservea cin t~e papera, ··is the ataf;e of' many huil.dreda of thousands ocrewish- and otAer refugees from Hi tier terror. whocwere thlls ~trapped there• The roµndUR~has alreaey begun, and it wiU not be many weeks liefore,a)lbut.:an insigriificE111_thandful;~_of these,~_;. latest Victims of Hazi barbarism are e~ther dead or in concentration camp~·

Yonr procle.mation w~~in~ 111~ 6a'z1; ag~:irist bif~i)9.fous ~ctal 'like . your· proclamatioii--setting up the_ War Refug-ee Board, came as. an:-.. inspira­tion to all those men-of good willJ;hrciughout the world on \\nose hearts the fate of the refuge-es has we1ghed so heavily.

l'loUld it not. be possible now, before i~ is too late, to arrange a joint action with the other nations of the Western Hemisphere and perhap~ · with those of the United Hatione which have available C()lonial ar.eas, to bring these refugees in Hungary to safety before it is too late?·

Such an act would not onzy save the lives of thousap.ds of men, women and children who are otherrr.lse doomed to rapid or slow death, but .it jould also be a great act of statesmanship, inspiring in the minds of people through the world a neJJ and greater confidence ip the purposes and the disinterested intentions of the United States and its Alliea •


. i I

. . . :____;: ____ ~~---.,,

~--- \.---:--=_o-:-~:..~:--•,__,_::___·~:'-:~'."""--;--·-:~--= __ ---·:- ~ __ 0_ c._

1 :--:~_i~'

i.ocv11,. co.r.Tlttt.O: Rap.~ce1 .\b~m.;;;,ci. . 'oavia oobinskf • a1~1 •• :s; Gold~,~ "Jo.~~ Green ; wi1lian>~ri;.~;, ;.(3;;,,,0•1;i.(~,},;~f,,~ '•touts li•IJ;~.~ ~~~~-Sh~L . :Xf , - Motlj;ew W~fl • Mem.b.rr.: Raphael AbromoVifch ·.Jrvir.g Ab~rr'"' NOnn~n An;eU • LVigi AntO~ini !_~iegftied AufhC.User ;·e.~wi~h~ Ba:~k:e ~ __ SO_lo~'g,l1 _8cirl.tn_X"JC?Jeph_8o-s\.in ~, ._,. -~ ~:; .,

_ :Omu Becu .. Yfilliorn ~~a_ ··Alfred Btcvnthal • Paul B_riUenden-.;_Hcirwy W. Brown • -~lirie_ M. Borns_.-J:~. Chamberlain;~ ~olho~ Chanin·~ John. L. ~tld~.t_M .. J. c;q,1d~I . .-.:-_ ~--~ r-· ---~-~ -~~-!ey~~d ~D~i~I~~~ T ~~~:--·_-~,~\: -~~ ~ottwo!~· • -~-~d ~om~:~~ ~Cuc ~~:~}_t'~~~--~-~~~-;_:JU!~: o~~-~-\~t""~~ao~:~:j~i~:i~:C£,~;o~~~~.{~~#~)-~--':

~~~c~frir:~~1:;t,:t; ··AMERICAN LABOR CON FERE N (:E ~°o"J.';~:1~:~;.;~;~~;~~:J · .. D.Gideor.:S.: CGnlon S. Golde• . ON lN TER NAT I 0 NA L A ff A I RS. ·"'"Al)'.i~·J.,i;nson'• Alexand;f; Kofi~:'··· • --~~f~~~~~/·:~~ri"t~ ----_-_-- --~- -_ .- .-- ~---· __ "----.-_ .. ___ -_._::~~~-~~(-~lc~0~':d1~"H~~~~ _-·Ii/ e.mref;:;0~°.t.~: ~= . 9 EAST 46th STREU, N~W· YORK l7, N; Y, . . Tel.Plaxa 3·9172 ' ::~~!'. J.1~;,."J. \:g; ~b~:f.'. . . . .

-~- ----=--~~~~ ~G~~~"!uM~-~~_!;so5n~ - ~i~_lia~ ~~~·-~"~~Nn~~---~-=;Dovid~ ~u~i~tky,--~i~ltai_r~an Varlan~F!~; E~t~-~~·'.~.-t~,_:·~:-:,\t~!-i>;.t~·{:w;~~s ~~=:!,~~;-~- -~-.-·. :_~ ~ -~ -~~----Ad'of~'l U:w-~ .-Ge?fs~ 0. Lfr.'11, ft.-M. llti~lver • _J. Mancha\-. Sr. Mcndc?,9t1 • /\bro!iatn M~llct, rtieda S. Miller .. I. M.-Mi~koff .• Nalhalii~1.f4, Mfol:Off;; lt.,~d~s.Mitc;~el_I'-· fraeeo Modigliani• A. R. Moshl!t • Hc!ts _P. Ueiuer • Joccb Pat• Selig Perlman· Emil Rieve t J.Sa!wyn SehaPiro ~ R~J~Scline1Cfe~an_• f._ ~;Si;~ft. Sanf~rd SchWqri :.'Sol9mori:-· - «1 X..'lvcJtt .. Toni ._Jc;.eph SbapJen .-loris Shi~Un_ • J. !·Shotwell • Geecge H. Shuster ··~Oris_ Simons_ ·.Atilt S~oua .. O~org~ Soule_•_ Eudieiio_ St~tey._. Ftiedr1~:Stamp~6r ~art Statl'··=f1ans Sta" ! Adolf E._ Stttrmthol .-~o~~ S-.-eetlcr.d_. Philip Taft-~ Lazare Teper t Tho~e ~ f:eder1d: Urilhe)' •' PQulV1giiaLli ,-Marl: YJahrllot.·J.-Ray: ~in~~ Wah\ - Rc_but J. Watt:_ J~b Weinberg • Wil~f_om Witfte11 ~ Somue1 V(olchok: • Mo~ew V/Qll: Yflodimir S._Woyt~~sl:)' Wu~nderUC~ ;_ Marzo-tj_tsly ~ ChorJe~S, Zlinf.nerman

....... s

l!r. Peter 1'ieinstein nooin BOl:c 255 BroadT1ey !few York;• ••ew York

near Yr.:1refostefol. - __ j.

By th~ way, F~o11der H y6u/n!iv~:giv"ezi· iny~.tlio\.ignt .tfth~ possibility of setting uP "free port" areas in Alaska-if you can It get permissfon to: do-so in the" Uiirted States itself?· · · - -

Secreta:r-.fc Ickes wf1s~foter~sted in th~ fdea·.asJ.o!lg ago as September, 1959. Yoll.:::could get full on the possibilities froc his office.


l/ - 0 7 w

t:;:~ Varian fry ) E.xocutive Secretary




- -'~ ' : '- - - ---- _- - ---· - - - ·-__ - •• - - - __ -- ._ - - • - - -- --- - c ._ - - -

.&euflwio ColrimfitH: -Ropboe! Abromovjlch • Darid Dubinsiy' CJ;nfon_S..Golden·, John Green ._vfifllom Green .•.George M. -Harrison ; Louis Hollander ;Jame.T.-Sho Mottb.-.,, Woll • Membon!Ropbael Abromari!ch --- lrvfr.g Abramion -. Norinan Ar.gel!• lulgi Anloniol ·• -Sleg!rl.d Av!haui.i • _E. Wlghl BoHo.; Sof"!'lon Sarkin.; Joseph lo Oniu ~ • W!Hiom E. ~ • Alfred BrounlhoJ • Pou! Brlueode.o • Harvey W. Brown • EveUne M. Burr.s 'J. P. Chamberlain ,·Na!han Chanin •·John L, Childs' M• J, Cold_ J;s; Coi>df!Tle. Pol Conroy_• George$.. COunts •frock R. Chmwoitb •_Oarid Dollln •Ma% Donlsh-. Her_,,, David .-Jules Deloe\• F9'nandode loi Rios iGeorge Denike ,John D.-.ey.DovldDubin•lJ-,lsroel _ -_ -_ . _ .'_ ·- - ---,: - ~ - - - -- - :- - . _ : - ·AdolphHelcl·ElihoreM.Herticl-

~Fr":~c.e::."~""!°1. ·tt."t; Alla ER I CAN-LABOR ·-:C 0 NF ERE NC E .- ~:~~~1~:~;d· .st;:,~:~ ~:G:::d .. iJ:r~:~-.~iL_- 0 N I NT ERNA TI 0 NA L AF FA I R'S ~~c~0A~'K~1i:'. .. ~;'.~i'.. ~1:.

. Fron\ D. Gra~om •John Greeo - - - - - - - - - _: __ . _,-_ :· _ ' : c: Bedor •.Leo Ktzi'Cll, Horry W.

- r';g~mfe?.:.'Gr;;.~"t.~. ~~~~- _-9 EASr 46fh Sl'!IEEl, ~tw 'l'ORKJ7, N. Y. - - :-Telo-Pl~ra3~9u2~~~~:'. r.:.."!;\::"?A~~~"P'. --- __ c ff:~.;'/


~~;~~",,;;~;.~;1;- WiUio;,;-Gr~en, C_bolrmon _ _ David Dubio1l.y, Vlce:-Cholrmon -_:.--- _Varlo,n fry; f•ecuflve Sec'y ~.°,kl0'. 0;,~·~~:~• 1.i::J l~:~; :..:~t:°'.~ ~: }J~.; ~ii~;.:~~',';;..j: ~;;;~·P~f"f~1%'r~1:.~ -_Ae:tt1'R'1'Z..~: 1~~,s~r~1~~~;~;;~~1;·R~•~ ~~.~!~!;~;. 1~'f'.1~.·J~~1~: ~J~r.~~ $,~~~~Y: J!l~<J::1~. 5ch"on • Tc.,i Su.d•r. J..eph S~oplen • torls Slii•\Hn : J. T. Shoiw.11 • Ge:r•• N. ShoJfor • Hor.i Simens • Arne Sl.•ug ; George soul•-· Eugen• ·stolor , Friedrich Slompf<r Moti_Slotr •_Hons S!ou-fager, Adolf E: s .. rmlhal : Monroe 5.,,.,lond • fh!!;p Taff • Loioro Teper, Fl~r!nce The'!'• 1_Fre~erlcl Um!iey, Powl_\'lgnaux, Mork Vishnlak, J, Ror· -med"':"""· 2cbertJ. Woll


Jcsoph Wm.berg· WillramWimm. Som eel Wolclrcl ·Mallhe·,.. Well: WlodrmrrS. Wo)11~scy,Frredo;under,1tclr 7MaxZorltsly,CJiorle_sS.Zimmumon

Mr. Lriurence Lesser 'liar F.cfugee Board _ ifain Treasury Building _ Yiashington;· D.; c. - -

Dear·blr, Lesser;

Mey lHh, '1944

By 'liaj- ~ I wonder .l.r you ~ve given any thought to the possibility of· setting up "free; port" areas in Alaskd.ii-you can't get pe1':nissfon ·to do so i!_l the United States i:l;self?

.Secratar-.r I ckea1

was in t~rested in- the ideaas long ago as -;~eptenber, 1939, You could get full details: on· the possibilities from his office,


!;:~ Varian b'ryv '\ Executi•ro '3ecretu7

____ --;z>~-'>W,~%, •.

- £,~;.,.~ti~.: liaP&ael ~,,;,;;~ich~ o.;.,;d Du bl Ml, • etin100 s. c;.1d.n ;.Joi.•<;,..,. • ~iliom <;,..,,. , Ge"'"" M. Harri,. •• i.~,li~ _ , .~~rf t~:Sho..,...1(" • ;, Matth9' Woll • Munbe:rr. R.Ciphael_ AbramoviJch _~ -,,..~·icg Abr~mson -_NOmlon Ar.g~I • luigi-An_rot:tilli,.-- _Si~&ied A~cu.-ser_ ~ ~Wight ~kq--.:_~IQ'!'-OJI lotk1n -~, J~Ph Bo~t\~ ~-Omer 8eeu-. William E.. Bohn • Alfred ~rounlhOI • Pa111;i •Harvey W. 8rinin .._Eveline M. lu~s •--!· P .. Oam~~loin·~ ~al~on Ction!n·-~~Jolan L Ch11ds ! M. -J. ~1d'!'eJ,G: · .. -J. 8" ~dliffe • Paf <;onroy • -GeOrge ~· Cov~ts_ .. Fto'.'l: _R~ ~ith.· David D~llin -; Ma~~n!~-- H~nry_Oavld ":_Jule~_~\:~\:~~ ~~nando d!! !oslt.~os,~ GeOrQ~,'?~ntl:~ !~a_{;-_.:~-· .-·)}

~r'.,~~Q~ .. o~~~t.·.'~~- -/M-- ERICAN LABorf CONFERENCE ·t~.i~H~lf~~.~li~:~a~Jil~~v~; ~;. P.Fre-1•C.J.Fried_nch 0 HarrJ __ -='A:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _-____ _ .-__ -·_--- ________ -----. · Horry-_~.Hc:rw:al'cf.·-OKOr:_Jasti-; __ · ..

g;,~:G'~,id>~~:t~~~ .-.-_ 0 N I N T E RN AT I 0 N A fTA F FA I Rs~ i -~~c;?~~'K':.11.:'!"~t~~·i'..~1': ' Frarii: o. Graham .. .Jchri ~ - - - - - , · - - -- - - - . --- - ,. · .. ~ker .•·-~eo K_nydi ~ .~o_rry .~~._:__,--x-

-Williom Gmo • HOyim G•ee.•- - 9 EAST-46th STREET,- NEW YO_ RK 17, N. Y. T I p{ 3 9172 [aJdler_ • Hany·;.Lang • 9icdi.~'.- , be111 • Feliks G""' •A; 8. Halo,; _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ - e '. -_OZ .. __ .. _ _ lange • Algilmon Lee • Ab_ba-P.-V,. ~~rri;~ ~im!~i!etM: ~~r~so~~- -_ ,~~liam Gr~~-~·_Cb~it~ti~ _- ~~ -D_avi~ D~btnsky, ~ice.('.~Cri~-,,,~~ · :~ _. j~o~~:-~-!~• f.w~~~·~---~'iY ·: _:· rn~,k;er:-b;;t~~~~~~:tt~,;:f ::~

. Adotp!I _Lr,.-e. Gecrge~O..~Lynclt~. i. M~Maclver. ~_J .. ~c1sµ,al ~St. Mende!scn.~ Abtohatn .. M:iller:;.fti~a S. Mi~ler· •I_. M; Minlo~f-.~ Nol~1-0niel·M.: Minloff··· Broa~us ~tid\e_ll-:-~-:-·­ftorM» Mc:digliani .. A. R. Mos.'ier • H~s P. Heisser • Jacob.P~t • Selig Perlman • Emil Rieve _t J.~1Wyn Scha_plto ! Roso Schn,tder~an • F. ~· $~11 _•_Sanford SchWd11 • So19rriOh. · ' · Sr.Jrw0r£. kni Se..icfe1 ~-Jc;~p.!9 S~apJe.n •loris ShiV.Hn. • J~ T. ~!'iotwell • Gedge U. Shulfu • ~oni SimPns. • Atrie S~aug • George Soule-~ Euge·~e Statev •_ ftledrkb StC.mpft(. · ll.>:1rk Sterr, Har.l ~foudir:ger ! Adolf E. S!i:nn_tha1 • _M.~nlU'. ~-..eetlcir:d ._Philip Taft• Lazaro Teper_: FJorerico Thorne!. ftederid; U~bey "i. Pcul VJgnaw i. Mark Vishntok ~- J~ R.ay~. rr.~dV/o~L"i. P.c.l:ert J. V/atl -J~w,:ihWeir.berg. WlllicniWi~etS • S:im1iel Wo~cho\:_ • Motthev WoU: WCo_dimirS. Woyt~ns1y •.f~iedoWunderlich o MoxZ~::ir!hk:Y.t_CharlesS: ~i~~etm!J;n :

..... JU

Mr.; Peter \'leiristein Room 801 255 Broad!'W - _ New Y,ork, New York

Dear Mr. Weinstein;

L!ay 4tll, 1944.

This is just to Co!lfirm the message 1 left for you iffth Mr.L~sser yeiiter~·~

·-~·.,,,,-- ' .. - , __ -- - - - -•-- -_

CorP:Orcil- Harold L. Oram' s serlai ilil.Jnber is"52348720, and lifs A~ ad~?ss i.s Hdqr~. B~cy., 76 Divisiort. Artillery I Camp IJCCoy, \' .at present he js in New York· on

_ furlOugh~ His address hero is 8 West 40th StEeet1_and his. telephone number I..Acl!:a_wanna: 4-~520.;

I don't think you could p0ssitlly;find a bettf!r man for the J!>b you have in minq.


i::c·· Varian Fry --, t;xecutivo Secretaxy

r f

- : -,~ ·r,

! I l


g . ,. '3

: ~·.' ~ ... ~.1.0•. ,..::.---;- "") . 0 t o £. 7 ·.. _ . . §72- . --·~·

;i.,·f ( ,q· CY . - -_,., ~ r. (:J - . ·_~90,:J~


lJr. Lawrence B. Lesser, Assistant .i;;xecutive Dfi:eator War Refuge_e ·Board Room 164 Treaauxy Building Yiashington,. D •. c:.-

April 10th, ·lS44

:;:a:.. · .. · ... 1 "-P,nder :J.f you Will make it a point to let mecknow when defifilte decision ls taJcen>abouLthe proposal to s13.t up offfOe' of the i'lar Refugee B.QarcJ. in Lolidcin~ ·

a. an

;·~' : If ~l!ere iiJ. aey-.chan~~-of my g()ingcat ru.J., I wolild naturally ·· be.:: lik~vto·know as far_ in advance:Jls possib:J.e. ·

Cl! 0


t:_C Varian Fry., \ Executive Secretar.f


~kllfiv1d;~olr~mttf.•/Rcip,.~~1-Abrofnovfrcl. .~- D0Vid"D"'.bi~ ". Ciintcft s._Go1den~ -i- John Gr~~-~-Wt!t~a~· Gre~ ·• -~eoree·~~ H-~triio~~,. L~Ui~ ~ol_Ji:ant!,;r ~-~~~~.I~ sh~i~ll .:· Uo!ihew Wofl ·_M_amberr. Raphael Abrolr!avitdl ".- lrYing Abramson_ .. N_°'!ncn Angell • LtJigi Ant~inh Siegfried Ji,ufhat-ei ~ E. Wi_gh~-Balle -.·salo'!lon BOrUn ;, _Joseph: Baskin_.', Omer Becu ·-YlilJicm E. &bn •Alfred Srourithol • Pf'.lul Briuend~n •_Hatyey YI._ Brown • Eveline M. SornS .- J. p. Ch~mbertai~ -:_Nclhcn·'J!'hn.~_Chilcfi-; Mo J. ~1dW'.ef.1_ __ J. 8. Condliffe_- Pal Ccr.rl?J. G~~ S. Counts. Frarik ~_._Cto!!Wcif_~ • David Delfin_• Jl.tix D~:mis..'1 • He:nry _Davi~-~ Jule~ _De\:oc~ ~ f!:tnando de-los RT~ ~q;eorg~ __ Qeftlke '!:Johft-=: oewe1. ~avid Dubi:-*1' ~ lll'acl . _- - -- / -- - :.._: . - - ,~ -- _ - - · - = - - -_ - : -,Ad_olphHeld -~Un__?re M~_Her~c~-_- · Fcfob«g. Emt ~a•;1cl. Joho AMER I CAN.· LA B·O R co NF ER EN c E lou;s Hollander • s;docy:Hook'

- P.Fr~·,_.c.-J._Fti~dr1ch ·Harr-f: _ _ - _: __ ,- :_· ____ . _ - . :_. :- ___ ._ _ Harry P. __ Ho~ard.··_9_sc~r,Jasii.

g;,~;~,ich~;~:~~~~~~ 0 N lN TERN AT I 0 NA l AFFAIRS ~'.:':~,~·~~~,i~~'.o.M~~·r'.. ~~1~· -Fror.l;O.-Grafi~m· .. _Jo.'inGreett -.__ _ _ ____ - - _-~ - _-_- · -. - -- Bed.e,-~,leoKrzye_k_i~-H_~;:mY·W. {,

·. ~~o·mfe?;~~,: .. t;t~.~= 9 E~ST 46th STREU, NEW YORK 11, N. Y; •. TeJ. PL~%a3-9t12 ~~~:'. ;._,~!.,1. t~!9• A~~~'(.'. . t -_:_-----:~;,~~-~~-~G~~~~T~~r!i;.~wiifu;"m Green~-~afrJ!tan _ -- ~a~i~ ~~btn!kf, Vic~:-Choirman ; _- V~-~~dn.~~-' -E~e~~~!v!.~'-~Y._. ~ }n~e~. 0~~1~-~~~~~ M!1.0 L~t,};··

Ado!J:.h Lowe-. Ge-ir:;;i~ O. t., R. M. ~.,odver • J.-MatvJiaJ • $z._ Me!'.del~ • -Abroharq Mi~ler ~ fricda S. M!lf~r • J. M.-}dinl:clf'.-Ua1bon!el M.'Minlcff • Bro-Odus Mifi::heU· 0

Ftor.eo Modiglicir..i. ~ R_ Mes!'ler • H1;u;s P. Jac.cb Pal_• Seti; Perfman •Emil Rieve 1 J.Sahrtn Schapiro-, RosoSchneiderinan .-f. R. Seott .•Sanford Sc.h·arz. SQlomOn' Schwan. Tc.r.i Se::.det • J1;0~ph Shopfcn • !oris S..'iii!ili."I • J. T. S!'tctweH • Gc:;rge _U. Shu1f~r • Har.s Simcr.s • ~ne Sloug • Georg~ Soule • Eugene Staley • ftiedTkh Starii.Pter Marl:: SJo~ • Hara ~Adolf E. S1~rmttal • 11.ouce S.-eeJlod • fhilip Toft • la tars Teper~ Florence Thcrr.o- ~ ~red~1r;k Umhey-? P_4:111l Vian?·ux t Mark Vilhniak-~ -~. Riiy~_ m_c~.d'Wa!ii-•• f.c.he~I J. Wc_lt. Jci~~ V/t-ir.berg • Wil!ic-m Wi~us. S'Jrr.;.:el Welchd • Malth~._. Woll; Wiodirr.irS. WO~int\:y!ff~ed'o Wuri~erl~ch ~ ~-~~arllsk\'.'~C_hi;irle_sS. ~imme~man·

Mr. Joseph Friedman Rooml92

· Main "Treasury BUilOing Washington; n.c~


D!!a?' Mr• Frlec1man: .

March' 6th, 1944

·1n another envelope, lam ~ending yo~ some cOpieitor thk' issue ofcthe Nation which-contains-11\Y .article .on the _

rconaul.s' at Work." YoU_Jll!JiY want topass copies araund to your cone-agues on the Board.

As I told you the last time I saw you, all these stories are literally tIUe Unfortunately.

rincerely !~

06..>...~~ Varian Fry' l

vf /rh

- ----_/ - - <--- -· - . - - -- - - -· . _-___ •. c - - _- -_-____ _


.... 0

Room aoa1 - , - · - 9 Ea5t 46tl1 street, __ _ . _ ''

New Yol'.k 111 New York

Mr. J~sephFrieiiman War Refugee Board Washington, D~ c.

~.- ·-Dear Yr. Frfeiiman:

I. should like to mllke a-correction on th~list 1 s~t you last - weEik and a_dd_ a te1f m6re names to it. - . -. -

--Tlle c0rrectioninv~iV_e~ltetnN0~•·1r, \l!het~, by" mistake, l g~..;aut.·~ lgnac Slmltz. as 'an expert.~on Hungary,~Jtl!E!-reaa he is actilaJ4r a : -

- .representative-of_the Cz1fohd8lovak labe>r_inovement.- -

On Honey and Denmark_! referred yJu to Mr. Arne• Skaug but since _ __ writing you I havEi learned that Air~ Skaug i'S in Loridori. ·1 therefore

c suggest that you get_ in touch with Yr._- Gunar Mart~n:, Ro.181 ~0rwegian -Broadcasting .Service, OORockefeller ]'laze, New YOr]C·Citv'~~. -_ - .

On Poland, in addition to Mr. Feliks Gro~s and Jlr! Wladimir Malitio~Skl1 whose names 1 gave you in lllY' previous latter, you sholtld also conftlt Sz. Uendelson of the Jewish Labor Bund, 175 East Broad'W!\}", New York ,__ City. You know, of course, that the Polish labor movement is divided into two groups, tlie so-called 11Polish11 .(or nott-.Jewish grolip), and 'the Jewish labor movement of Poland. ldr. Gross and Yr. Malinowski repre­sent the non-Jewish labor movement, Mendelson the Jewish.


On,Austria l ought, in addition to Dr. Hannak and Dr!'11Sturmtha1, to have referred you to Mr. Friedrich Adler~ Llr. Adler is head of the· I Austrian Social Democratic Party. He now lives at 50 West 106th Street, ! New Iork Oiv. ' 1

Since Mr. Del Vqo represents the pro~cViet elements among the S~ish ·l•--emigres, and there~er, perhaps equally important, elemE11ts.or tho Spanish emigration which are less frien~ to the Soviet Union, :,. I

. think it iii only fair that the War Retugee Board sbould consult these . people too. 1 have already given you the name of' .Mr~ Ramon Araquiatain, but 1 should now like to add to it the. name or Dr. Fernando de loli Rios,


. the former Ambassador at Ylasbington of -the Spanish Republic. Dr. _de los Rios _ is now living at 448 Riverside Drive, !iew York City. lie is ve-ry well · .P";,. informed on the Spanish underground. · _ _-_. '};v_-~}I· -

1. -

1,PV- 'w'-~ j .

. .

ll~~ J~sePh Friedman

l nope these additional suggestions will be of use to you. -~ 1:::\.ra,

Varian id.· · 1 vf/rh

..... o

. r



I I i ; i


__ J ' ! '

1. ·· Abo;;.t the problem ill g~~=

Miss Sheba Strun.Sli;y, . ..·· . internationBl Rescue & RE!liet' CoDllllittee . . '2 Weat 45rd Street · · ·

Hew Y<>rk, Helf York.

- --- - - -

2. About Ho?'1f8iTo&nd Denmark:

-llr. Arne SkBug . _ - . . .· c . . Honregian Govern111ent D:l,sability: Services 80 Broad Street - . . . . . . Helf York, Hew York .

is. · About Hou&rlci: -

Ur• Boris Sapir · 6&-65 Booth Street Forest Hilla, L~I.

4. About Belgium: ___ -- - -----_ -

~- Jti1es DekOck -~.'Belgian· 1nto_riilation seffiaes

5. Abo'llt Germ.aey:

6. About France1

7. About lt~1

· 247 Park Avenue · Hew-YorkrHew York

- Sfegfrl~ AufhaUser · Labor Division Hew World Club 67 West 44th Street Hew Ycrk, Helf York

Paul Hertz 68-29 Burnsst.reet Forest Hills, L. I.

Yr. Paul Vignanx 524 West 76th Street Hew Iork 25, New York

Yr. Vanni Montana

Rudblph Katz. . . . GeJ;111an Labor Delegation 557 West i 72nd Street : Hew York 52, New York

Paul Hagen 120 East 16th Street Hew York, Rew York

Italian Dress & Waistmakers Union 218 West 4oth Street Hew York, Hew York

8. About Hunga17: Mr. lgna~ Shultz 526 East 80th Street

New York; Hew York

- 1

r f.

I :I·· . ·. j

i 1···.

- . ,· --

- ·2 _._

9. -About Poland:_ - "it. Filikil Gross

- Central & Eastern European Planning _ Board · -. _ _

ll West 42ild Street -_ - New York, New York

io. About .cz~<$0s].ovllk!a;

.;. Mr~ Siegfried Taub . 1l West 87th Street New York, Hew York

ll. About .AUatr1a;

Dr~ Johll J. -HannBk 515 West 97th street

- New York, New York

12. About Spain:-~..,_ ~- .. -c • • _

_ _ -Miliii ~ ArB.quistain ··Free·wor~d Ino-.:::: -

8 West.40tihSt;reet Hew York, Bew York -

~~- Wladimfr R•' ~8.l.ino~skf ·_ POLAND FIGHTS . - . . 55 West 42ild street -Hew York, New Iork-

Dr• Adolf' Sturmthal, Bard College . · . - .·.·-...... ·· · - .. Annandale--0n-Hudson, New York

. -