Ambassador Jr K-2 Mac - NASA · Ares V 381 ft Ares I 325 ft Statue of Liberty 305 ft Orion 10.8 ft...

9 090909

Transcript of Ambassador Jr K-2 Mac - NASA · Ares V 381 ft Ares I 325 ft Statue of Liberty 305 ft Orion 10.8 ft... 090909

Ares V 381 ft

Ares I 325 ft

Statue of Liberty 305 ft

Orion 10.8 ft

Altair 32 ft

Elephant 13 ft

Locomotive 32 ft

Apollo landings

Possible landing sites

11 12


15 17


North Pole

Aristarchus Plateau

Rima Bode

Oceanus Procellarum

Mare Smythii

South Pole

Mare Tranquillitatis

Central Farside Highlands

South Pole - Aitken Basin Floor

Orientale Basin Floor

Orientale Basin Floor