Amazon S3Vol+12+(1855-… · AnlMae aWly When rha lOund i. put. I'll ~ lOme widow ill lonely.col,...

.--- - _ ... -_ .. ----- .---.... - _._- .. _----- Kit «,.,itk't lt 1'11" j;,1 ( 8vi1;;..t.W'oltfd1tM1:uchraefiJled!{u, ¥ul tluiy 8'UU"U fI are) with: ,1 he 8pint ,of bell'H Mr{ j I J " 1 begs, the quNtion wben hlf :deol&rea, ' • Let , ' -- -----------------. --_._. -_ ...• ----- !silniee. that the} tq; for- 'li1te for . . rat,v.1Ia_both l IhieYeII, _.ains, ,aDd lheir "IEIIUlSM. ,If ach8lD88 ofr til)}eaee _ould nevm:JJe reristed, It kingd,qm is not 0( or , 1 ' ..... _lili, andilOci811lCould not governed like, the."kingdoma oft tai, wodd. There B,re.fl}w, J1lilltakes ill religion of IIWre 8t8lld. month.' ' lWh f .ball· &aTe; hinJ! to reo that hl/isQhjeets are forbiddlln to figbt. ./ J;jqme serious collee.quences intemperlte zed • .sort the:,wIIBp.0UB.1ana emces -of ,tbieves, men, .$omll communities, 80me cliurclleif-$ome P OP" seems to h .... had re"erence 10 tbie false ase"'11\Sl711bd IjlOterl,< arid ducend to their, <!' f 'u" plane,nftdftdl1:autagOiJism, bue, as. for our. nattona, set example non·re- zeal in tllat of' hill poelic prayer where we aliaUlreJ,t 011 moral me*ns fnr,'II',. 'I matance. If Chl'istianity only l'ijE leome I 1 come I wUnlmy fra.lllllm!t.tb, Tq.,bliJH field., ,leaUer !lealb • I. 'eOn in cloud. M11b1C\! iJ Uatd when IlIut.onD Wlil fond; My lDercile,. Sball cijver' tb'e 'Ianil With cl!aiu of ice -rid a .DOWY 'clbad. I flleeu each mount in,my Nlbll!M gmap, -41id iJi!fIT ; ADd MOlt oai' at my Doli will Illlilie, :AM "(UI ru fetter tile lItreImand lake; y I - , he B1I1' : I rbleMng I [Ind' llFotecrioll of and .ubjects to in ve is "Let qoHbii weak, unknowing haJld, tlie.e'l1baU,iead: UlJJto tbe:citake or· it better thaI! IID-yrmher religion in that fBi' The dO:rl'1I WithjfeoOt'te (rowa: ...Je It Br}'J","gD fiaU:'!Uke. UNIVERSAL PROVIDENCI'!'(}}t:-GtJDI I l'r .. llmelhy bolts to tbrow; W8'lkaow thatJiloe blood of thl! marl"rll'81he W S d ffi ' , , I nd the I nd ., speet I bat' nation ever J' ueli e 0 enslve And aei d"mnot'OD rou a. seed the,elmrchl,aad cannot doubt that thll ,. On each J judge thy foe." , wo!ld will ba, aided by the satrlllclJ. Let war t None. When Mr. B. thinks defensive charged his Jew,isl1 brethren .itb pOll- loclety llCt upon this principle; ami be animal. wlor justified by Chdstianity. wherein does he Be .. ing this zeal. when be admitted.. the,)' the divine spirtt of loye towVd.911 malte Cbristianity IIny better than pag.nism a zeal for God" bllt 31.,.1 WU'iKIt'IIC- iflneml8l, 'iwd' '"t have no doubt that tbere Can be poiot t'b aoy war for which Its ,'ilbef· Gording to knowledge. 'Will be fawerJUJit.l'ellJ aanll8iM, and riolers, tors did not enler the plea of defense f The J f b k ' Ii 'T I "tbllb'there IIrftDCtW"witb an the instruments invasion of Kansas bv the" boroeJ'!rufiian8 I' ehu, one 0 I 11\ 111gB 0 .. j wU.ue- of .deatlI relied upon (or protection. It mlly J ci'dlldly a man of Ihi, IIlanlp, 1 In his lIelll lOr excite the laugb of, the unreflecting to say, was to defend their propertYI as well to the TIotd, he seemed t6 think it woulil be jua, • You migbl'aB welli read the Bible to buff'a- aecure luxurious pssturage fOr tbeir biJfeds to aavance reform. by meant, not loa a.,:lo"ihose, fellows :who follow Atobinson while tbe free soilers are defending- tbelr elcepting deceit, or even murder. andillcingfello\t j' but the 'COmparison is a to that soil, Thus both claim defetJse. Tbat A ,.1 ,h.. q I f b' r h th - beastlY-,llIIe, and places on a level with the fre&-state men havelJl right to live in Ran. 0".---8e ue Q I' lOy 8 ows. at uo· a forothe .putpose 01 justifying his dEl- der tbe cloak of zeal for the Lord, he was atruction. This is not to be in tbe spirit of eas, is true, So Paul had a right to live in aiming to gratify his own ambition. Bnd to HIm who camll to seek andilave the lost, even Jerusalem or Damascus, Still, when he could Bechre, b)! his borrid barbarities and murders the most1degraded. In what manner Christ not stay longer without using brutal force, ufety to Jlis 'throne, (See 2 Kings, 9th and and his,Apoaties would have heen seen going left. The whole body of martyrs, perhaps, 1 0th chapters,) dowil to tluHndians, bad they been living at h d 'ht t I' t tb f that, time) it is not difficult to conjecture, in. a a fig 0 Ive, even a e expense 0 Suoh IIfll tbe circ\1mstancea, many umucb the weapons of their warfare were their murderen, but the'! did not. It must which J;Ileo arel placed, that re80rt is had to not carnal. lind liS they had no fear of those be remembered, that Christianity professes questiOll8ble in order to extricate who kill,the body only, J?id the Indians look to stand on higher ground than naked j!tstice, , themselves ,from difficulty, or to gain some uplln WIlltam Penn and fullQwers R9,IQad. It has announced to the world that evil can d rI h h ' because tbey had no deadJy weapons 1-or apparent goo. ;::,uc was t e case with the I vere thAm atm t if th d' d be overcome with good-that suft'ering, even h I d N ," os as ey were eml·go 8. I'll rud lit aIflhl IfI>" cuq bidden _to _ AJid.filltbe m willI" Mv'ng _ Aiid wben lOme pitgtim alonei'.iitn\t! rtt1J!ad hu.J.tilho the fntzen grDlllld I LV') J "rA!ld: •• '. w,lI h .. litter hltt!'OlItiir • . t' 1;1 1!II:ride the gale to: die rouin§"'; ;. rl ! ere 1Bi11' ... Ibll my be; , II wort awbi e WIth the reeling millll, : crulh the ,hlp with. fearful bllllt, .. " And mock at the Pl'!lyer •• They utter there, AnlMae aWly When rha lOund i. put. I'll lOme widow ill lonely.col, Where peace and plenty inh.blt not, Where the lIame on Ibe eold hearth diel, Heeding not teRn, nor cold. nor erie.: l'lIleiz", the fund child, Rave Ibe ever 10 wild, And bid her look 'l¥'here tbe Victim Iiea,; I'll clothe the earth with my d*zzlinll.been, And who .balllive where my uacll-l' .een t The leave •• hall r.n Bnd the bird. take wing When first approacbeth the Winter King: A wond WIll go onl Witb about, Beware, beware or Ihe WIDler King, AN INCIDENT. :urllans w Q sett e Behev- !'". oftheir loving spirit 1 Ids stralJge, unto neath, ia the Burest way to gain the vic· Ing lhey wete the appOInted agent8 of Hea. ltil8 shocklDg/ tfiat at this late day Mr. Beech- tory over an enemy, It thus becomes the The Rev. J obn H. Gode, B mIssIonary in ven to plaut Chrislianity there, they often er sh?uld exult, in view of ,thtt 'sanguinary transcript of the Divine government. It Neblaska Territory, wdting from Omaha resorted to deeds of cruelty and aeatb, wIrlch cxplous the fieTce vld BUfllane the lherefore designed that the church City, on the 7th of J 8l1uary, mentions the fof. even Judaism cOllld hardly sanodon-mucb poor IndIans. who were regarded by them as govern only h.v thosc dIVIDe priuci.ples of rea· lowing incident that occurred while attending , . no better than • buft'alos,' to be hunted 10 The oftbe abuti- tbe!r extermination, and. blood is yllt son, moral mesns, Buft'eriug for trulh's sake. a religious meeting held in the State House gmees of lhat country, the burPIng of whole er,mg to Heaven-ror. relrtbullon, With whal painstaking fur the good of enemies, and, in that place:- villages of those wronged red-men , was done a gusto he says, • The Puritans used to carry necessary, death in behalf of the I behevo and love the sentiment, that from \I zeal for tbe :Yon!. The error of those .their: muakets and tbeh: Bibles with them to So whcn the real church becomes universal, 'moral eft'ort II ever i&,lost'" Occasional and Puritans lay in Ihe fact tbat they mistook churcb-the o?e for inside .work, and the all kingdoms ruled by physical force will have unexpected incident\; tiJrough pa't life have , • , other for outSIde work,' Rlstory shows us contributed to the !je'.ltiwent, One Judals.m :or ,CbnstJamty. So also the deatb the result of this polfcy, in cbaracters ot fire passed away, and the kingdom of hea,ven be such just occurred. Last evening-Sab. Blr,eOn penailles mfltcted on those wfetcbed ones de. and blood.' Contrast with it the pacific COUI se triumphal. Therefore it stems to n::e that bath-was cold and stormy, The winos were nominated witches, was a zeal for God. more of Penn !ind h. associates, lind the CODse- until the consummation of that event, every raging fearfully. Still a few were lound at in accordance with Moses than Christ. quencl!s flowing therefrom.'; Christim may expect that he may be called the place of worship, nol, however, without Th b b · -f M G hId h' b b If aom!! "marks of injury froID the ,frmt. ev.t!n in But eVIlll the nineteenth century has not e a ove are t e vtews 0 r. arrison, upon per aps to B,! own IS I<e In ea. k f th ' the short wal rom elr lodgings, During u9hared in the fullness'of tbe G,l8pel dispen. a man whom the church calls infidel. and un· of Ihe cause. Let us all thell be careful, lest, the period that elapsed before the service sation, Modern Cbristianity seems to partake worlhy of membership ill ils body. In reply in 6howing our zeal fur God in the Kansas commenced, a gentleman to whom I had been- much ofanelent Judllism, Even Christianiz. to tbe above, Mr. Beecher says:- troubles, we be too much liko Jehu, who in· sly introduced, seated himself by my ed slanlY falIa fat' behind that of Judaism "" THere hava been two parties among 'l-ited Jehonadab to ride with him in bis and inlroduced a conversation in BU\).. Jewi8b'lIlrYitude forbade the recovery J)f 'tCbhrist fit rom thfe in h . res]:!ecthto chariot, and see his zeal for the Lord. Istanl:e as follow.4: I. Do you recollect, i'\..lhe , ," dC' . , , e rue 1n ent 0 tlst \I tetc lUg 10 t e of 18-, to /lave traveled by stage fugltl'9'e, but mil Elrn hrlsuamty, as' ulumat- matter tlf phy.sicl1.1 wrce in eelf-defenaf>. One Mr. Beecher says that the the countiel of - and -, in ed in the Fugitive Slave Act, not I only sanc. party, (and it haa. beeD numeric:ally the minor. have been" numerically the minorilY," But of 1-1" .' I do," Wlll\ my rElply, tions the rendition of slaves, but imposes ity, but has ,very writers in its what of tbat 1 Have not feal Christians al. " You gOl on haara at 'the vUtitlt"of .. ilIHi.uhlg fines and imprisonment if one refuses to aid serVIce,) bold that illS wrong to ose force ways been " numerically themmority 1" at. 'l: I,!e :nigbt.took Q, eeat ou{eide self defense for the p te t' f .• wun t?J'e driver, and rode to 1" iu catching tbe fleeing bondman. So in . -:. ro cion 9 snclet!es. trt.\(j worsbipers of God were numericall v tha I h , re or for defell81Ve nanonal wars; that men are J .... f!lmjlm er it perfecrly well." ". You con· 8pect to war. J seldom. if ever, pre· to repel wfong only moral means, and minority in the reign of Ahab. But wbat of versed freely and familiarJy with the qrivllr .ented a more warlike appearance thllD now when these fail, that then they are to suffer all that 1 Wben one can chase athouSBlld, {lit the,wal' and gJlVO rill'd lome mOfil and rotlrer,W1iJe do Christian nations. Evellthe few in Chriat- panell)'" and h'i!roieaHy." [Can any two put ten tbousand 10 flight, ia there not religions advice," "r haVll some reconec.IJftl"ea.r d h ., doubt lint that eh I"t d th A I tion of this also." " Well," Hid !he, "1 aih en om w 0 mamtam what 'lleems to be tbe ' 'r 8 an e post es much nearer an equality of power than miglit I I . h' f'J ,. tho& 11 "The other party, (continues Mr, b d the )'Dung man wiJ(I w .... then Have ,c,ut.,lqn pam teac lOgs 0 MUS on these suhecta, B rinher) .... .:t tli ' "e Buppose 1 If God be • often w,sbed to t.nO-w who tha' Btranger WIlA, J 'h" ,J e",,, I u-UU ey are an Immense maJolllY 'I , .,.,. are generally cl8ljsed ,!Il hllu,ls, ethical writers and commentators, beheve every thing besides, will it not follow, that I haveydesired to IQeet him that.l,m'g}lt ¥ive salasrs, Quakere, &c., by way of that no man a wrong, or avenge the numerical minority of non·resistants are my thankS, and now l have ilie opportu· 1 ,w these, remarks by,tead. himilelf, fur thir'1iake'of1!'rarifying his temper. in fact on the side of the maj<Jrity, if so be nity." I only add, tbat .the gentleman refer· Yet tli y Ii Id tli t 1/1 d t1 II bl red to 'is now tbe liead of a family, a renula· ing Wm, L. Telba ks Ofj lH We: U a 8e • e .18 B owa e, they are on the aide of Christ 1 It may not r I-W>l.,.l, { ., and aefooslve'wats are JUltJfiable." ble member of the MethodiBt Epiaco.e al B<echer 1 S" qf Mr. Beecber maintBns that" the use of be amiss for numerJcallJl8jorities to consider jUld occupies ip '-be in settling the Ka'bs88 question: :And in order ph"Sl' '... 1 .... ' 'th th this, el8e tbey may reasou wit bout their Iiost. re. Often bave I fled from \hQ. t<New' E[Ij:!lsliJd,' , ;' I , Il. "'" \m of;) ... .. rJance 'WI e T S bb t ., , II IIssoci ations .. iosr 1a " a crowde Ibe of. thll n.ecorder may judge l$w of l\lv&, ,than -is II parent', cha.stising a rue a a anaos are Just now numenca y refuge deck." admir whIch of tI16'vlew..... or Beecber's wilh A rod, I»' a magistrate's condemning the minority, (and some think that minority scenery hy day or by night, and BoUght rl!iSelll1ble -accords most ,wltb the'vlal/) tGtlcbing. €!f a I CUlprit to a. imprisonment fup- biB is growing beautifully lesB;) yet none can dis. drop a word into the earJJf relttetllPlJtEl Jesus, I bJg'lellve to make a few extracts ... iones" Mr B lh til' th t pUle but that they may be considered in thq unpobabe4 ;l'his the firft , ' b • b d b b •. ",.". '''I' a 111 e ,presen ma,ority wben reckoned with tlill Lord of tlie f 'l f' M .rom Bru,c,les pu hs e y t em respectIvely. "Qndition of the would regard the 0 rult, -- , G "1' ,"-, Sabbatb, r. saYllt:. of in fflat (Mr.. Gar· THE'MDNEY LENJ)ERt " I adrt,J1t, that If It be nght to desh'oy hu- rieon',,) il111'hich lhey deny the right of Mr. B. sfi'ys: II There have been two par· man lard any T,e8ort t? murderoull eelf-defemle 8S a 'bid upon rlltlCality ties Dmong Christiane ·trom the begiuning in weapvns In defen$e hfe and, llbertl.,w-hen >l' '", respect to the true intent of ChriBt'g teaching these are'in peril-then the aeltlers /'In,! tyranny. It IS llie deVils ooctrme, and It , f' " , '1.1" fi m the mailer 0 phYSIcal force in self.defense?' of are fully JlIlItijjed employing Inure tOdqe. bene t of satan, and of M Snarp's rifles against the Miuoori banclits his. minions !hI! world." • Now. If history be reliable, r, Beecher is mis· thirsting for their .oki9d. 8!ld in de seemll to me, that all must admit that Mr. For there is no fact better eSlablislied l shlroYID!{ as mallY of them as On lison's view coincides nllll:ret with the teach- perhaps, than tbat the primitive Christiana t at pOlllt we hflve no controversy, But we • I all wars, and refused to participate Insist on tbe inviolability of human life j on IDg and pracllce of C9 rlst than that of Mr. - A mercb!ll/l aat io' hie I-W'D1CJD eilsll1Nhl!re, room, with...a n troublEd 4J1on,hill face. A few Ihousand dOllars had just been paid, which he now wisbed to re-Invest, 13ut l it wile darll Winter of 1854, I date long: to be xememoored by tbe bUNneBs worfd. h"llinit :1>!lI!1U" the dUly of returning g'lod fin evn, at what. Beecher. And Beecber declares in them, even although their lives had to pay Ii d h · forfeit, They understood that thll- Ghrist- h '''OllIlllllefliial etver azaf ; I e :mnif1l,e Of that tbe viewlf of; Mr, ,Gauls!jll/t as ulaeea. t eu he martyr, 'ptrd to thm of armed rtlutanqe; BistRot are It tid on rascality and ian profession forbade even their enrollment to billie tbe hidden "'IIU on taking thJ sbield of faith, putting 011 the d h Ii d " '. alJ warriors J ehuisw and Christianity are gtlleral wreclt could be !It!1ticiipated. whol m xf G d d' II ..... H' tyranny. an t at suc a octflne the devil s Th h e,ar or v 0, an ,0 o .. mg IS ex. , incompatible and irreconcilable with each e merc ant '" ample. 'who , whett he euft'ered, threatened doclnne, am. at a 1088 wbat to think. W 8S ditalions. which were every !Dtl'lnelni not, but lidl'dftiitied Blmaelfto hin'r'Who judgetb nov Cbrist, and were not tbe Apostles other. s ••• G. more UDsatisfactory. He conld easily lening' u, lin' example that-we early Cbristians, non·remtants to the extreme ASSYRIAN DISCOVERY, money;at for" or fifty per ceot;, bllt , shOuld, foll"" io hI, stepa.' We maintain. And was their practice a bid on rascality end of uprjjl.btl\elJl! would never allQw biw that it the assumed rigbt of man to 1 A d d'd b h h d' It is stated that Colonel Rawlinson, who is to take edvaoll!ge ,ot Il3 s ' Aiend's f!llcessit,y; tllke,tb61ire ,of his fellow man at discretion, nIt ey t e of at present engaged in prosecuting the 4is. beside •• were be QIsposeo to lwd It, whom OQ tbe of necesaily, duty, personal tbe devil t And would conduc! lOure to coveries commenced by and BOlta, cquld he trust? At length a silent voice or ,tbe genetal welfare, \bat all the the \)eMSt of satan and hIS minions j aod in exhuming from the-mounds of the long· whispered to his sOlll a liltle text of Scripture, tyranny. violence. and bloodsbed in the .rld Mr. Beecher says: H In the present con- lost rival cities of N meveh and nabylon, tbe about "lwding -to the Lord." A warm emallll,l4l. as ft(}1\IS a founlain; dition of the world, he would regard the instructive remains of Ihis once gigantic pow· glow stole over bis- heart. and a ray of light hence, to .ake life ,acred til all calel is to ,." , er, has lately discovered in a state of preser- po his, miRa. , that cure _UJ{hMe and render therper spread (Gam.ons) what is believed belhe mummy No fear of loss petrat'ioltifnPOI$lble. 'Wbere no fuel is, the aense, as a premlUml'n rB!cahtyand tYJ:lUIny." Nebuchadnezzar. Tbe face of the rellellious 1""H.,It';rii ,- file Roath out.' But I would if the prllsent condition monarch of Babylon. covered hyone of tbose "Wlltl threaten,-the lives of the honest set or-the world is worse than when Christ taught gQld masks usually found In A9syrian tom lis, of Kan ... f Who .hne invaded tHefr and nqnore&istance' Mr, Beecber is described as very handsome-tbe Jorehead terrttory, uSlltiled Ibe relna of government, . d' I d' h " 'JJ h high and commanding. the features'm,.rK.iil committed robbery and mqrder, and sought IP Ir?ct y a mils t at .11 time WI come ,wen and regular. This interesting relic of rernuteL to .Wl_!! I every freCldom·I(l\l:iog spirit 1 th,e of Mr. GarrllAPI'IjS,8 p'OIhl'eslStant, antiquilY is (or tbe presllot preserved io thoee will be rlgbt and expedient. museum of tbe Easl India Company.- Of ,hI'rver, wbo the- self.evident t\ Qught knQw, notbing but Christian the mighty empires which have left a h!lman belDg wub nOIl.reslstance will or cao bring tbat time impression on the memory. nOlle bas an e,rlgbt to life-not believe" in "I " . pletely perished as that of Assyria. ,.-!fJlUTI'1 the .hi'rulDe·· Qr war und II' ab!}W. t 1/110 vam to expect thal preP!l'l!. h b - h ., ,,",, er a cIrcumstances. . t an two t ousa.... yeara ave gqne ... ol.',,, ... !"." I' No i thpse who .coft' at princi- tJOll for actuaI8(l1£ defense wllh """" ... 1,1 'be two" great cities," \,JllleCl:'1" pl,es are ready at any lime to (orce, will, either socially, ' theit -I J\nn "',Itll 'Ward ,BeeCher in el1loaiting politically, bring about such a of thioge. have crumhled i8 merellJt moonshine to of non·nl- trace of their existence, their lalla 'and r::. 1 II.tance, the whole world IS at peace. gotten. A chance traveler, Layard, riding .. r. . "a, y j' thrbugh the Mesopotamian valley, discovered to' d catd' all IUch murderous We QfXWlP!lranCe when tlie burl€d city," Bnd with a auccm ,.nll- the Image o( Gfd, there "111 n9WI!g .!9 tbll appetite, immortalize hla name, marred tlYsrn, to retu!", lit' SlrrerJ wben I IWOOdy: de.ired tbe book Dr QI'Vball8i for l1t thllL,tlauf'be No-it I. 'wh 'ftb' e .. ij et 1ft luft'eringllfrllm II hen. t-...!elliileael, Wlaat-,:. , .... el! c om _, of'the 8 wild :lbeJilml1'"be-l[ tlJet ftood, tbat'tt1e 10 h'«l,been ira. !ileitrSt."qI:llllpAn,. a •• .. , 1 81.e, 14 lI' .. a1 .. no\ ilia re.dl \ct dil rather lhan return' lilA/or put io de,iIi, even:6 1 'baae .fller-'.,".,; ," _elb ,

Transcript of Amazon S3Vol+12+(1855-… · AnlMae aWly When rha lOund i. put. I'll ~ lOme widow ill lonely.col,...

Page 1: Amazon S3Vol+12+(1855-… · AnlMae aWly When rha lOund i. put. I'll ~ lOme widow ill lonely.col, Where peace and plenty inh.blt not, Where the lIame on Ibe eold hearth diel, Heeding

.--- - _ ... -_ .. ----- .---.... - _._- .. _-----Kit «,.,itk'tlt 1'11" j;,1 '}~ ( 8vi1;;..t.W'oltfd1tM1:uchraefiJled!{u, ¥ul tluiy ~!'t, 8'UU"U fI '·m!"lltutr~ are) with: ,1 he 8pint ,of bell'H Mr{ B~llher

j I J " 1 begs, the quNtion wben hlf :deol&rea, ' • Let

, ' -- -----------------. --_._. -_ ...• ------~~-are'dqiI~dd !silniee. that the} :a~er tq; for­

'li1te Stepll~i'Pi-ar.'WbeB dY~1 for m~rdeters, . . rat,v.1Ia_both RI!ci~, l IhieYeII, _.ains, ,aDd l~oten, ~1IOW)tbat lheir

"IEIIUlSM. ,If ach8lD88 ofr til)}eaee _ould nevm:JJe reristed, It ~ beCIli_,9Ilris~'1I kingd,qm is not 0( or , 1 '..... ~xctpt,bl'montl _lili, andilOci811lCould not governed like, the."kingdoma oft tai, wodd.

There B,re.fl}w, J1lilltakes ill religion of IIWre 8t8lld. month.' ' lWh f .ball· &aTe; hinJ! to reo that hl/isQhjeets are forbiddlln to figbt. ./ J;jqme serious collee.quences tb~n intemperlte zed • .sort I~ the:,wIIBp.0UB.1ana emces -of ,tbieves, men, .$omll communities, 80me cliurclleif-$ome

POP" seems to h .... had re"erence 10 tbie false ase"'11\Sl711bd IjlOterl,< arid ducend to their, <!' f 'u" plane,nftdftdl1:autagOiJism, bue, as. for our. nattona, mu~t.,.r8t set t~e example o~ non·re-zeal in tllat p~ of' hill poelic prayer where eell'~, we aliaUlreJ,t 011 moral me*ns fnr,'II',. 'I matance. If Chl'istianity only fQrbi~s' i~

l'ijE WI~RX[NG, leome I 1 come I wUnlmy fra.lllllm!t.tb, Tq.,bliJH y~,Qr field., .9~ ,leaUer !lealb • 1If~1C!1r I. 'eOn in th~'ragged cloud. M11b1C\! iJ Uatd when IlIut.onD Wlil fond;

My lDercile,. b~nd Sball cijver' tb'e 'Ianil

With cl!aiu of ice -rid a .DOWY 'clbad.

I flleeu each mount in,my Nlbll!M gmap, -41id jlr~ vaI~ iJi!fIT ~Qld .rm.~f~p ; ADd MOlt oai' at my Doli will Illlilie, :AM "(UI ru fetter tile lItreImand lake; y I - ,

he B1I1' : I rbleMng I [Ind' llFotecrioll of and .ubjects to engag~ in oft'~nsi ve w.~s. :w,ba~ is "Let qoHbii weak, unknowing haJld, tlie.e'l1baU,iead: UlJJto tbe:citake or· it better thaI! IID-yrmher religion in that fBi'

The ~q wlllloo~ dO:rl'1I • WithjfeoOt'te (rowa:

,w~ • ...Je It Br}'J","gD fiaU:'!Uke. UNIVERSAL PROVIDENCI'!'(}}t:-GtJDI I

l'r .. llmelhy bolts to tbrow; W8'lkaow thatJiloe blood of thl! marl"rll'81he • W S d ffi ' , , I nd the I nd ., ~ speet I bat' nation ever J' ueli e 0 enslve And aei d"mnot'OD rou a. seed Q£ the,elmrchl,aad cannot doubt that thll

,. On each J judge thy foe." , wo!ld will ba, aided by the satrlllclJ. Let war t None. When Mr. B. thinks defensive ~ul charged his Jew,isl1 brethren .itb pOll- loclety llCt upon this principle; ami be animal. wlor justified by Chdstianity. wherein does he

Be .. ing this zeal. when be admitted.. tha~ the,)' ~l~, the divine spirtt of loye towVd.911 malte Cbristianity IIny better than pag.nism ~ad a zeal for God" bllt l~.t 31.,.1 WU'iKIt'IIC- iflneml8l, 'iwd' '"t have no doubt that tbere Can be poiot t'b aoy war for which Its ,'ilbef· Gording to knowledge. 'Will be fawerJUJit.l'ellJ aanll8iM, and riolers, tors did not enler the plea of defense f The

J f b k' Ii 'T I "tbllb'there IIrftDCtW"witb an the instruments invasion of Kansas bv the" boroeJ'!rufiian8 I' ehu, one 0 I 11\ 111gB 0 .. ~rae j wU.ue- of .deatlI relied upon (or protection. It mlly J

ci'dlldly a man of Ihi, IIlanlp, 1 In his lIelll lOr excite the laugb of, the unreflecting to say, was to defend their propertYI as well a~ to the TIotd, he seemed t6 think it woulil be jua, • You migbl'aB welli read the Bible to buff'a- aecure luxurious pssturage fOr tbeir biJfeds ~16abte to aavance reform. by an~ meant, not loa a.,:lo"ihose, fellows :who follow Atobinson while tbe free soilers are defending- tbelr elcepting deceit, ,cruelty~ or even murder. andillcingfello\t j' but the 'COmparison is a to that soil, Thus both claim defetJse. Tbat

A ,.1 ,h.. q I f b' b'~t r h th - beastlY-,llIIe, and places ma~ on a level with the fre&-state men havelJl right to live in Ran. 0".---8e ue Q I' lOy 8 ows. at uo· a ~rute. forothe .putpose 01 justifying his dEl-

der tbe cloak of zeal for the Lord, he was atruction. This is not to be in tbe spirit of eas, is true, So Paul had a right to live in aiming to gratify his own ambition. Bnd to HIm who camll to seek andilave the lost, even Jerusalem or Damascus, Still, when he could Bechre, b)! his borrid barbarities and murders the most1degraded. In what manner Christ not stay longer without using brutal force, ufety to Jlis 'throne, (See 2 Kings, 9th and and his,Apoaties would have heen seen going left. The whole body of martyrs, perhaps, 10th chapters,) dowil to tluHndians, bad they been living at h d 'ht t I' t tb f

that, time) it is not difficult to conjecture, in. a a fig 0 Ive, even a e expense 0

Suoh IIfll tbe circ\1mstancea, many tim~s"in umucb a~ the weapons of their warfare were their murderen, but the'! did not. It must which J;Ileo arel placed, that re80rt is had to not carnal. lind liS they had no fear of those be remembered, that Christianity professes questiOll8ble m~s in order to extricate who kill,the body only, J?id the Indians look to stand on higher ground than naked j!tstice,

, themselves ,from difficulty, or to gain some uplln WIlltam Penn and hl~ fullQwers R9,IQad. It has announced to the world that evil can d rI h h ' because tbey had no deadJy weapons 1-or

apparent goo. ;::,uc was t e case with the I vere thAm atm t if th d' d be overcome with good-that suft'ering, even h I d N ," os as ey were eml·go 8.

I'll rud lit aIflhl IfI>" cuq bidden _to _ AJid.filltbe m willI" Mv'ng aI.~!. _ Aiid wben lOme pitgtim alonei'.iitn\t! rtt1J!ad hu.J.tilho the fntzen grDlllld I

LV') J "rA!ld: •• ~,1ge ~rr,ll,,,0'!ll" '. w,lI h .. litter hltt!'OlItiir •

. A~l!lllinlaugll:atthlldi.m.'l;iOuIIIJ t' 1;1

1!II:ride the gale to: die rouin§"'; ;. rl

!ere 1Bi11' ... ·lcri~ Ibll my wel~0\':le be; , II wort awbi e WIth the reeling millll,

: crulh the ,hlp with. fearful bllllt, .. " And mock at the Pl'!lyer

•• They utter there, AnlMae aWly When rha lOund i. put. I'll ~ lOme widow ill lonely.col, Where peace and plenty inh.blt not, Where the lIame on Ibe eold hearth diel, Heeding not teRn, nor cold. nor erie.:

l'lIleiz", the fund child, Rave Ibe ever 10 wild,

And bid her look 'l¥'here tbe Victim Iiea,;

I'll clothe the earth with my d*zzlinll.been, And who .balllive where my uacll-l' .een t The leave •• hall r.n Bnd the bird. take wing When first approacbeth the Winter King:

A wond WIll go onl Witb ecboin~ about,

Beware, beware or Ihe WIDler King,


:urllans w Q sett e ~w Eugl~nod. Behev- !'". aCdOun~ oftheir loving spirit 1 Ids stralJge, unto neath, ia the Burest way to gain the vic· Ing lhey wete the appOInted agent8 of Hea. ltil8 shocklDg/ tfiat at this late day Mr. Beech- tory over an enemy, It thus becomes the The Rev. J obn H. Gode, B mIssIonary in ven to plaut Chrislianity there, they often er sh?uld exult, in view of ,thtt 'sanguinary transcript of the Divine government. It Neblaska Territory, wdting from Omaha resorted to deeds of cruelty and aeatb, wIrlch cxplous ~f the fieTce vld BUfllane ~gainst the lherefore designed that the church City, on the 7th of J 8l1uary, mentions the fof. even Judaism cOllld hardly sanodon-mucb poor IndIans. who were regarded by them as govern only h.v thosc dIVIDe priuci.ples of rea· lowing incident that occurred while attending

, . • no better than • buft'alos,' to be hunted 10 I~BB Chrtstla01ty~ The massacr~ oftbe abuti- tbe!r extermination, and. w~ose blood is yllt son, moral mesns, Buft'eriug for trulh's sake. a religious meeting held in the State House gmees of lhat country, the burPIng of whole er,mg to Heaven-ror. relrtbullon, With whal painstaking fur the good of enemies, and, in that place:-villages of those wronged red-men, was done a gusto he says, • The Puritans used to carry necessary, death in behalf of the ofFen~er, I behevo and love the sentiment, that from \I zeal for tbe :Yon!. The error of those .their: muakets and tbeh: Bibles with them to So whcn the real church becomes universal, 'moral eft'ort II ever i&,lost'" Occasional and Puritans lay in Ihe fact tbat they mistook churcb-the o?e for inside .work, and the all kingdoms ruled by physical force will have unexpected incident\; tiJrough pa't life have

, • , • other for outSIde work,' Rlstory shows us contributed to sl~englh\ln the !je'.ltiwent, One Ipl',on*E~,f Judals.m :or ,CbnstJamty. So also the deatb the result of this polfcy, in cbaracters ot fire passed away, and the kingdom of hea,ven be such h~ just occurred. Last evening-Sab. Blr,eOn penailles mfltcted on those wfetcbed ones de. and blood.' Contrast with it the pacific COUI se triumphal. Therefore it stems to n::e that bath-was cold and stormy, The winos were nominated witches, was a zeal for God. more of Penn !ind h. associates, lind the CODse- until the consummation of that event, every raging fearfully. Still a few were lound at in accordance with Moses than Christ. quencl!s flowing therefrom.'; Christim may expect that he may be called the place of worship, nol, however, without

Th b b · -f M G hId h' I'~ • b b If aom!! "marks of injury froID the ,frmt. ev.t!n in But eVIlll the nineteenth century has not e a ove are t e vtews 0 r. arrison, upon per aps to B,! own IS I<e In ea. k f th ' the short wal rom elr lodgings, During u9hared in the fullness'of tbe G,l8pel dispen. a man whom the church calls infidel. and un· of Ihe cause. Let us all thell be careful, lest, the period that elapsed before the service sation, Modern Cbristianity seems to partake worlhy of membership ill ils body. In reply in 6howing our zeal fur God in the Kansas commenced, a gentleman to whom I had been-much ofanelent Judllism, Even Christianiz. to tbe above, Mr. Beecher says:- troubles, we be too much liko Jehu, who in· sly introduced, seated himself by my ed slanlY falIa fat' behind that of Judaism "" THere hava been two parties among 'l-ited Jehonadab to ride with him in bis and inlroduced a conversation in BU\)..

Jewi8b'lIlrYitude forbade the recovery J)f th~ 'tCbhrist tian~ fit rom thfe Cbhe~n~ing inh. res]:!ecthto chariot, and see his zeal for the Lord. Istanl:e as follow.4: I. Do you recollect, i'\..lhe

, ," dC' . , , e rue 1n ent 0 tlst \I tetc lUg 10 t e of 18-, to /lave traveled by stage fugltl'9'e, but mil Elrn hrlsuamty, as' ulumat- matter tlf phy.sicl1.1 wrce in eelf-defenaf>. One Mr. Beecher says that the non·resistan~ the countiel of - and -, in ~he ed in the Fugitive Slave Act, not I only sanc. party, (and it haa. beeD numeric:ally the minor. have been" numerically the minorilY," But of 1-1" .' I do," Wlll\ my rElply, tions the rendition of slaves, but imposes ity, but has raoke~ ,very abl~" writers in its what of tbat 1 Have not feal Christians al. " You gOl on haara at 'the vUtitlt"of ~,I~fie.t;" .. ilIHi.uhlg fines and imprisonment if one refuses to aid serVIce,) bold that illS wrong to ose force ways been " numerically themmority 1" Th~ at. 'l: I,!e ho~ilofthe :nigbt.took Q, eeat ou{eide

self defense for the p te t' f .• ~ wun t?J'e driver, and rode to G~'8:8tation 1" iu catching tbe fleeing bondman. So in . -:. ro cion 9 snclet!es. trt.\(j worsbipers of God were numericallv tha I h , re or for defell81Ve nanonal wars; that men are J .... f!lmjlm er it perfecrly well." ". You con· 8pect to war. J u~atsm seldom. if ever, pre· to repel wfong only ~ moral means, and minority in the reign of Ahab. But wbat of versed freely and familiarJy with the qrivllr .ented a more warlike appearance thllD now when these fail, that then they are to suffer all that 1 Wben one can chase athouSBlld, {lit the,wal' and gJlVO rill'd lome mOfil and rotlrer,W1iJe do Christian nations. Evellthe few in Chriat- panell)'" and h'i!roieaHy." [Can any two put ten tbousand 10 flight, ia there not religions advice," "r haVll some reconec.IJftl"ea.r

d h ., doubt lint that eh I"t d th A I tion of this also." " Well," Hid !he, "1 aih Pi:pi!~le en om w 0 mamtam what 'lleems to be tbe ' 'r 8 an e post es much nearer an equality of power than miglit I I . h' f'J ,. tho& 11 "The other party, (continues Mr, b d the )'Dung man wiJ(I w .... then Have ,c,ut.,lqn

pam teac lOgs 0 MUS on these suhecta, B rinher) .... .:t tli ' "e Buppose 1 If God be • majQrit~ 8gaina~ often w,sbed to t.nO-w who tha' Btranger WIlA, J 'h" ,J e",,, I u-UU ey are an Immense maJolllY 'I , .,.,.

are generally cl8ljsed ,!Il hllu,ls, Un~,er~ o~ ethical writers and commentators, beheve every thing besides, will it not follow, that I haveydesired to IQeet him that.l,m'g}lt ¥ive salasrs, Quakere, &c., by way of ~eproacli., that no man -m8:y~alil!t9 a wrong, or avenge the numerical minority of non·resistants are my thankS, and now l have ilie opportu·

1 bave!~uded ,w these, remarks by,tead. himilelf, fur thir'1iake'of1!'rarifying his temper. in fact on the side of the maj<Jrity, if so be nity." I only add, tbat .the gentleman refer· Yet tli y Ii Id tli t 1/1 d t1 • II bl red to 'is now tbe liead of a family, a renula·

ing Wm, L. Garri~'n's, Telba ks Ofj lH We: U • a 8e • e e~8e .18 B owa e, they are on the aide of Christ 1 It may not r I-W>l.,.l, { ., and tha~ aefooslve'wats are JUltJfiable." ble member of the MethodiBt Epiaco.eal B<echer1 S" 'mora~ e~c~cy qf ~~iWp'.''>riffe8 Mr. Beecber maintBns that" the use of be amiss for numerJcallJl8jorities to consider jUld occupies &Be~ ip '-be!8k~1l!'i'owhi";"."'!a in settling the Ka'bs88 question: :And in order ph"Sl' p.l-~-fc ~ '... 1 .... ' 'th th this, el8e tbey may reasou wit bout their Iiost. re. Often bave I fled from \hQ. p;~ t<New' E[Ij:!lsliJd,'

, ;' I , Il. "'" \m Il,~~ of;) ... or~II, .. rJance 'WI e T S bb t ., , II IIssoci ations .. iosr1a " a crowde tha~ Ibe rea\le~tI.' of. thll n.ecorder may judge l$w of l\lv&, ,than -is II parent', cha.stising a rue a a anaos are Just now numenca y tak~n refuge ,,~~ deck." admir whIch of tI16'vlew ..... Garrrsj)~. or Beecber's ~ild wilh A rod, I»' a magistrate's condemning the minority, (and some think that minority scenery hy day or by night, and BoUght rl!iSelll1ble -accords most ,wltb the'vlal/) tGtlcbing. €!f a I CUlprit to a. Jif~' imprisonment fup- biB is growing beautifully lesB;) yet none can dis. drop a word into the earJJf e:rt~\Bnd relttetllPlJtEl Jesus, I bJg'lellve to make a few extracts ... iones" Mr B ~.:J.:J lh til' th t pUle but that they may be considered in thq unpobabe4 y~otq. ;l'his i~ the firft i~ , ' b • b d b b •. ",.". '''I' • -...~. a 111 e ,presen ma,ority wben reckoned with tlill Lord of tlie f 'l f'

M.rom Bru,c,les pu hs e y t em respectIvely. "Qndition of the Wl)rld.l'~ would regard the ~ 0 ~an, es~ rult, -- ,

G "1' ,"-, Sabbatb, • r. arrt~on saYllt:. 8p~d of ~lIcp,prindipI1!8 in fflat (Mr.. Gar· THE'MDNEY LENJ)ERt " I adrt,J1t, that If It be nght to desh'oy hu- rieon',,) 't'M~/ il111'hich lhey deny the right of Mr. B. sfi'ys: II There have been two par·

man lard ~n any ca8e,-,t~ T,e8ort t? murderoull eelf-defemle 8S a ~emfulh 'bid upon rlltlCality ties Dmong Christiane ·trom the begiuning in weapvns In defen$e o£ hfe and, llbertl.,w-hen >l' '", ,,~, respect to the true intent of ChriBt'g teaching these are'in peril-then the lOlfajid~ aeltlers /'In,! tyranny. It IS llie deVils ooctrme, and It , f' \~; " , ~ '1.1" fi m the mailer 0 phYSIcal force in self.defense?' of Kan8a~ are fully JlIlItijjed iJ~ employing wou~ Inure tOdqe. bene t of satan, and of M Snarp's rifles against the Miuoori banclits his. minions tbrough(lJl~ !hI! world." • Now. If history be reliable, r, Beecher is mis· ~ho ~re thirsting for their .oki9d. 8!ld in de seemll to me, that all must admit that Mr. For there is no fact better eSlablislied l

shlroYID!{ as mallY of them as pos~lble. On lison's view coincides nllll:ret with the teach- perhaps, than tbat the primitive Christiana t at pOlllt we hflve no controversy, But we • • I all wars, and refused to participate Insist on tbe inviolability of human life j on IDg and pracllce of C9rlst than that of Mr.

-A mercb!ll/l aat io' hie p~vate counti~, I-W'D1CJD eilsll1Nhl!re, room, II:n~ioul. troublEd loo~ 4J1on,hill face. A few Ihousand dOllars had just been paid, which he now wisbed to re-Invest, 13ut l ~Iru"r. it wile tb~ darll Winter of 1854, I date long: to be xememoored by tbe bUNneBs worfd. h"llinit lUi:ill'o!ldll:qlIlpal~i}\8 w~re '~dll'~ :1>!lI!1U" w~m~:

the dUly of returning g'lod fin evn, at what. Beecher. And _1V~e'.l.J\lr. Beecber declares in them, even although their lives had to pay ra8lio'ttri~hlg Ii d h · forfeit, They understood that thll- Ghrist- h '''OllIlllllefliial etver azaf ; ,o~ I e :mnif1l,e 8'Up~t!l Of that tbe viewlf of; Mr, ,Gauls!jll/t as a~! I'''''.~M'''' ulaeea. t eu

he martyr, 'ptrd to thm of armed rtlutanqe; BistRot are It pre~ium tid on rascality and ian profession forbade even their enrollment to billie tbe hidden '~""'" "'IIU

on taking thJ sbield of faith, putting 011 the • d h Ii d " '. alJ warriors J ehuisw and Christianity are gtlleral wreclt could be !It!1ticiipated. whol m xf G d d' II ..... H' tyranny. an t at suc a octflne I~ the devil s Th h ~011thl\led e,ar or v 0, an ,0 o .. mg IS ex. , incompatible and irreconcilable with each e merc ant '" ample. 'who, whett he euft'ered, threatened doclnne, ~ am. at a 1088 wbat to think. W 8S ditalions. which were every !Dtl'lnelni be(:o,~iIDg,II.~h.en, not, but lidl'dftiitied Blmaelfto hin'r'Who judgetb nov Cbrist, and were not tbe Apostles other. • s ••• G. more UDsatisfactory. He conld easily righteol,l.I~; lening' u, lin' example that-we early Cbristians, non·remtants to the extreme ASSYRIAN DISCOVERY, money;at for" or fifty per ceot;, bllt , shOuld, foll"" io hI, stepa.' We maintain. And was their practice a bid on rascality end of uprjjl.btl\elJl! would never allQw biw that it I.,fro~ the assumed rigbt of man to 1 A d d'd b h h d' It is stated that Colonel Rawlinson, who is to take edvaoll!ge ,ot Il3s' Aiend's f!llcessit,y; tllke,tb61ire ,of his fellow man at discretion, tyrann~ nIt ey te~c t e o~trme of at present engaged in prosecuting the 4is. beside •• were be QIsposeo to lwd It, whom OQ tbe g~\l~d of necesaily, duty, personal tbe devil t And would th~lr conduc! lOure to coveries commenced by La~ard and BOlta, cquld he trust? At length a silent voice .ar~ty. or ,tbe genetal welfare, \bat all the the \)eMSt of satan and hIS minions j aod in exhuming from the-mounds of the long· whispered to his sOlll a liltle text of Scripture, tyranny. violence. and bloodsbed in the .rld Mr. Beecher says: H In the present con- lost rival cities of N meveh and nabylon, tbe about "lwding - to the Lord." A warm emallll,l4l. as w~er ft(}1\IS ~rom a founlain; dition of the world, he would regard the instructive remains of Ihis once gigantic pow· glow stole over bis- heart. and a ray of light hence, to .ake life ,acred til all calel is to ,." , er, has lately discovered in a state of preser- po his, miRa. , Ye~, that cure _UJ{hMe ft~t!lIIIes. and render therper spread ofpeace~rmclplell1n ~hat (Gam.ons) what is believed ~o belhe mummy No fear of loss petrat'ioltifnPOI$lble. 'Wbere no fuel is, the aense, as a premlUml'n rB!cahtyand tYJ:lUIny." Nebuchadnezzar. Tbe face of the rellellious 1""H.,It';rii ,-file Roath out.' But I would inquir~. if the prllsent condition monarch of Babylon. covered hyone of tbose

"Wlltl threaten,-the lives of the honest set or-the world is worse than when Christ taught gQld masks usually found In A9syrian tom lis, tl8r~ of Kan ... f Who .hne invaded tHefr and practic~d nqnore&istance' Mr, Beecber is described as very handsome-tbe Jorehead terrttory, uSlltiled Ibe relna of government, . d' I d' h " 'JJ h high and commanding. the features'm,.rK.iil committed robbery and mqrder, and sought IP Ir?ct y a mils t at .11 time WI come ,wen and regular. This interesting relic of rernuteL to .Wl_!! I ~t every freCldom·I(l\l:iog spirit 1 th,e Ylew~ of Mr. GarrllAPI'IjS,8 p'OIhl'eslStant, antiquilY is (or tbe presllot preserved io 'h~,~~"as,.di!li&tiaifi,iid'lln~~ulldeclt:!ed~.,,'r:-JUueeJiiilll';;fuI SIl~e}';DOt.. b~nd ofnolrre.jsta\l~not thoee will be rlgbt and expedient. M~; Beec~1 museum of tbe Easl India Company.- Of ,hI'rver, wbo ~J ~pqo the- self.evident t\ u~h.,that t~e Qught t~ knQw, ~h~t notbing but tr~ Christian the mighty empires which have left a l~:[,l,nln Cr~J>~5i~"belnd?wl!devery h!lman belDg wub nOIl.reslstance will or cao bring tbat time impression on the memory. nOlle bas an .~~, e,rlgbt to life-not believe" in "I " . pletely perished as that of Assyria. ,.-!fJlUTI'1 the .hi'rulDe·· Qr war und II' ab!}W. t 1/110 vam to expect thal preP!l'l!. h b - ~ h '.:.-'.;:.~';"~ ., ,,",, er a cIrcumstances. • . t an two t ousa .... yeara ave gqne ... ol.',,, ... !"." I' No i )b~!.'B, thpse who .coft' at t~a princi- tJOll for wJITd~r actuaI8(l1£ defense wllh """" ... 1,1 'be two" great cities," \,JllleCl:'1" "'~i~n;~'f,,;ft~1i~iv;~1~stbeibrE' pl,es I>~ pe~e, ~nd are ready at any lime to (orce, will, either ind~vidual'y, socially, ' theit hp:u~:y,,~LDd -I J\nn "',Itll Ir!~' 'Ward ,BeeCher in el1loaiting politically, bring about such a .tllt~ of thioge. have crumhled

:~a~rf ~Be\~:,19~~~eifl;he:!, :;1~he~n I~ i8 tli~ merellJt moonshine to tal~ of non·nl- trace of their existence, their 8ite~ lalla t,lli~~'tlM!ett 'and exampl~, fi~om r::.1 II.tance, "~Iln the whole world IS at peace. gotten. A chance traveler, Layard, riding .. r. . "a, y j' thrbugh the Mesopotamian valley, discovered cbil~h60 ~ to' d catd' all IUch murderous We m~lttl~I>l':elqalk, QfXWlP!lranCe when tlie burl€d city," Bnd with a auccm I,;-r~_"~o"~:,, wea~olte; ,.nll- I?',te!~e the Image o( Gfd, there "111 n9WI!g .!9 e~iJe tbll appetite, immortalize hla name, hla)t~)lJjjnei~ced:(11 :\lir~~~.~.~i~:~t;(~iH howe:v~~ marred tlYsrn, .~d to retu!", ~leSlrint lit' SlrrerJ wben I IWOOdy: de.ired tbe book Dr QI'Vball8i for clIl'lln'f-:tio~ld ,K.~~. l1t thllL,tlauf'be No-it I. 'wh 'ftb' e .. ij et 1ft w~icb ~b~;6~'nti!~~j~,IiltJ~i-~\I~J,~::~''th~,y luft'eringllfrllm I I hen. t-...!elliileael, Wlaat-,:. , .... el! ,~81! m~' c om _, of'the wo:rld~ 8

wild all~h""'t~ :lbeJilml1'"be-l[ tlJet ftood, tbat'tt1e S?l?_~ ~_f_tl/e ~dtd18 10 rift'l~pl~!~oJIi J':=:!4j~~=~~~:~~i~:~ ;~5~ii~i§~~Mi~ h'«l,been ira. b,ht~j !ileitrSt."qI:llllpAn,. a •• _ta~du~ .. , J~ \~a 1 w~~!l m~n 81.e, .1I1,it~lm ~1;~;I::~:;~;~:!~'~~;:~::ii!e:~=;~~:~::~~ 14 lI' .. a1

Obriet!llke:~ l.~ .. ."jrQl\~"_ J~~:Jre no\ l~ .~(eii It~~~~1~'~~~i;:ru:tr~~::.~~~== ~II![J,~: ilia re.dl \ct dil rather lhan return' lilA/or put io de,iIi, even:61 'baae .fller-'.,".,; ," _elb ,

Page 2: Amazon S3Vol+12+(1855-… · AnlMae aWly When rha lOund i. put. I'll ~ lOme widow ill lonely.col, Where peace and plenty inh.blt not, Where the lIame on Ibe eold hearth diel, Heeding




166- THE SABBATH RECORDER, MARCH 27) 1856. . -'"'",

~bt ~ahhntk l1tratbtr. DONATIONS. th(l young men laughed, so it is now; we ex· 2. But, I am a Itout unbeliever in the spiro Rn. W. R. WILLIAMS, n. D.-The New ~~l ¥LIGIOUS ~ELLIGENCE. -=:: \ - . claim,'Huw is the most fine gold become dim, itual origin of Ihese phenomena, eilher by goOd Y'Ork correspondent of the B08toifailY I~~~ Recorder of March 20th, notice is and tlie ch~rch become as a wiJdernes8t How spmts or)ad spirits, or allY spirits whatever. Jourllo.1, has the following notice of • elll'i-

New York, Marcia ~1, 11!l36.~ IIke~t'8everal "Donation Visits n< made t~ is It-that oli'r ml'ssI'on~rI'es 'labor an ","4Y"ay fior This resliJqQJI~, I have borne again aQd again, - 'A, I " upr. in ptivale aila in publIC, by speech a'n'd oy' nent scholar and divine:- - ,: y ","';;3, ' p"stors of Baptist churches. h d .

ne,li~ecntive Committee of Ibe AlOe' c n JJ!~le Union-the ~.soeiation orgalJiz~ ~ purpose of malung a new ttanalall

of the Bible, to supersede King James' von Jo!!~b!l!d~ ..!lJlleeting mO....IIthL,. At tbe I:;; meetmg It was reported that the expenses f the work in February amounted to, "earry 83 500. T!!..e venera1!Je~ W lJI Colgate. E! t~e !reaaurer, te)Ide, edliJ~ resigl18tiun, ~: slgmng 08 a ~8son th~ lnfirmities of auvanc. ed age. Dr. Eleazer ;parmly was elecled hll

.~rcllea'~~The ctmJmlttee that reporll frOllt lime to ~lIejJ t~f progress of tbe traoslauon announce; that"lhe vers!)\! dF-the New T '

Edllora-GEO B. 1l1'TER &. THOMAS B. BROWN (T. B. B. '" • • • • mont s ao years with 80 little success1-that pen. And they who represent me as believ· " Rev. Dr. Williams, of the Amily street ~!!2'!'~ "'bC ... roDIII!dllorialCoDt.mIttitil • ""h~a~:YJSlt8,,-lt seem8,!ausfl\ctorYr,~fmttgft . . L fi • d' . B h 1

T. ~ , I "OUr"mllll!t~rB preaetr ye.B.t':'a ter yell' Ing In mo ern splruuah~m, wllhQut,a.oy lYIust Cbul';!l r~a~~6c,/l; Jl.CtllrJtJast nigbtil1 J'~l:l,~~JI.~,Y (, P.) 'I' WM B.MAXSON(1r .••. ) pecuniary results while the "social features" d h = Y I 'i' 1""~!)I;It(T ••• I';), J .N V'JUI~J. (II.V.II) • ' , an our ~ret~ren and 8ist~rs pray alld hand warrant w atever ID tlulh. The substallce his'own church. belore th~ oung 11: en's J • AI, ~N C') A B. Btl U!i:lK (4. B ••• } or them are highly commt'nded; and the re- out their money with a liberal Iiand, lstill the of Ihe .. commullicalions " have quile turned ChrislIan Associalioll. No man .tllonds higher

Brill.b CorreopondeUo- JAIlES:l.JIEGG. - k' I d that" such V'''''D- h the stomach of my fahh. Nor do the.results of in thIS city than Dr. Wljliams, though he is =====j~jf=TI'fi:'=;Pn=nn~i====~== mar 15 very proper y rna e, ..".", c urch is becoming more and more like tne fi h' h . fi N

1\1 f1 (t!l 'ti [n 1- i ,,/1' when properly condncted, often lead to pleaS- such alt ID ot ers IDcllne me 10 it; for, one of Ihe most peculiar men that lis a ew OuaAc~.\rNTi'-Th't~elftli:Wl1l' world 1 ,:Ero)l tne'htlQi!1J6~tlllember in the 3. Althougb many ~incere and excellent York pulpit. He isa very learned mall; but

If IoJllo18 than .. _- qrt· .. ··' .. cnmn •• !e. BJ! I 10 th. end of ant and profilable intimacies between the church to th d' h d k 'd dId b I . J .. I . f h d H -,.,.~.,- - = .. ",-_.. ~ ~ =_, ~!J.ever.~~ _!!!..!_ e es • .' prl . e an peop e 0 e leve In mo ern spmtua I.m; no orator In any sense 0 t e wor. IS '"iiltotboaewboow.thO .. tablilbmen~ families of pa~tOIs and those who, exceptfci.r I' --~- - • - d' lliMlIi}j b -W'" ~ If Ii .." bl d . ""'-~ by .\i'tlialll() OliO ne.,1Io'\n do"bta,fta Ili8 .Iltl. dllilJ 'CCOUD~ h • Id k d' "popu arlly reigll supreme. The cry is, an at 5 t ere ma1 -ue -some W!r llVe vOIce li-"J~e ir,"'II.'ii 1t:1I.~m." ... -'--mMti"'Ii't' -A'iI (,/ ille .. blllolou,Lttl> be paId b'ofDie thevolume c)ooel It t ese occa8l0n.s. wou eep at a Istance. Money, moneY{'m6ney.' I The elergy, Instead been. broufgbt by Iitlho a beliedfof the &r:ipiurjies. hiS rledfu:allo H' make ~~_e~ort,; as! Mrfis, C1ilck balbeenprbPo .. ~'" II!P!I.out,al~ "fdue"IIh~",doflhe PJease add to the list of" visits" one made fl' .. yet, In so ar as ave ha 0ppprtulllue, or wou ~ay. ., spe ....... hlie a man IIr gone ~!1,I~m •. and. .. wt If ,wlth,~. D_xl AnDual Report of the Pub- to Rev. N V Hull, pastor bf the 1st Seventh- 01 eahvmg the peeuDlary bUSInes8 of the- observing. it has seemed to weaken, the puld with the consumpUun i it is :painful at Urnes, \1.hIDg Soo1e11,10 that th. m.mbero moy e,l1mal. for .hem- C lUrc to the lay ~r\ltlirtm. ,llS' the A postle "f the BIble upon the conscience and Ihe at- In the extreme, to ,pear him. A husky Wh18-"Iv •• lhe volue or tbOl. 'llnpaldr.ceoun" whIch 10 •• rlou,ly day Baptist Church in Alfled, on the 18th gave d rections, or to persons qualified and fections; and to substllute diluted sentiment- per is all that,can be heard at first, and but

. . h fB lament IS n"w In suc a etate 01 forwardn

~mlilUTUi our OjJerotloIII. II •• d",I,able that the 11.1 ahould Inst. " and as an I'ntI'mall'on of whllt the peo· h I' -" I d . d f h fi h d h I k '11 f h' 00' h' IIlho,! II pooalbl •. II" , J C os en for that pllrpose undertake to do all a I~m aOlt tediOUS p atltu as Illstea 0 t e or t e eat· I e su neas 0 I,B, a Itory,

1' "'\" 1! pie of Alfred understand by .. properly ~0I1- Ihe duties of the memb~rs ellPe t lb' IDS pi red trulh_ And the general adoptIon nf nothing would he heard lit all • ....:He t'ISes jn

that Us pubhcation may bel eJ:pected bero~ae the ensutng May anni~el'8aries. e

oJ ". Frqm J /IJIuary to ..:ful'yllbout fifty personl

ducted" .1008tl·on VI' I't please publl' I-. the ' b b f h' h P adormg th" modern spirituahsdc"Poctrtnes. 1 should his pulpit BS one OV"I borne with, lassilude, ,. uORAL GOVERN 1IENT AS AFFECTED '1 s s, e'l lOr money y t e sweat 0 1 e row th b J'. , .IIl!l Ii 1I • • an en rejlard as no better I an a march 01 InfidelIty and siuking with fatigue. He. gives out bis ,~Br CHRIST'S MEDJATLON-,NU. '4. 0 oWlDg programm:- ask us to hand the money bver to them to ex ill thp' garments of FaHh. Without doubt, text in a whisper. HIS manlisctipt, written

have bee~ ~lIptized in connection with Ibe Prome rnI8SIOII, 80me of tflem men of talent and promiee-. A nallve teacher at Toungqo seJ)t information that 37 new zaysls for preach­ing and teaching had jU8t been built, In con. lIection with that station, in dIfferent Villoge!

with the hope lhat they would BII soon b~ occupied by suitable teacher.. No less than Ihree thoussnd Karen converts were Wailing to receive the ordillanc~ of baplism. "The inlelhgenceJ' says Dr. Dawson, u\WIIS OVer. wbelmmg to our poor faillting hellrts. It ie as marvellous as the ehowers of diyjne grace poured down at Pentecoal"

IJt, -The Providence qf God indicates the modi

tying lOfiuence whIch thu mediation of Christ has upon tbe government of the world. It is eVIdent from the Scriptures, thll:.t the dispen­aa,nons of divine providence are managed witll especial reference to the redeemed. To ac· compllsh their good •• , all things work to·

gether." (Rom. 8: 28.) The Apostle's rea ~ sODln!!'. in thIS COllDeC ioo, is worthy of notice

His "ecr~ration that" all tltil'gs work together for good tQ, them that luve God," is fuunded upon the dIvine purpose concernIng the saints. God hils .. predestmated" that they shall al1 bear "the image or hIS Soll ;,. and having

.. predestinaled" this, he .. calls" them by hid g,ace, ., jusllfies" them unto etj!rnalhfe, alld finally .. glortfies" them. If they love God,' they are already" the called aecording to Iils purpose," and are also Juetified; 10

th~t the parlicular .. good" in slor~ for tbem i, I heir cunformJly 10 the image of Christ, and their glorlficaliun with him in heaven.

To bring about this " good," "all things" Bre made to contribute. The preaching of tbe Gospel, the affi ctlOns which befal them, the 108ses which they incur, the poverty whIch

pinches them, the oppreRsiolls of the wicked, the assaults of Satan, death itself, in a word every thing, tend, under the wise and pow. erful dIrection of the Almighty, to this great result. (See 1 Cor. 3: 21-23) The ful lowillg SCllf'tures may also be tuken &S bear­

ing upon this p"int~ Deut. 8: 2,3,16. l! Cor. 4: 15-17.2 Chron. 16: 9, Pi 34: 15,16, N ah. 1 : 7, 8. Ps 37: 18-24; together i'lIth alllhn'e pasEages which declare the refimng, asncdfj ing itlfliience of" the sufftlrings of this present Ume."

Had man never sinned, affiiction8 had not entered mto the dispensations of prOVidence, nor made liny part of them. And after he sinned, even on the supposition tbat he was ,to remain on the earth and propagate hIS .pecles, yet if the Redeemer had not inter­posed for his salvatIOn, the affilctiuns of life could not have tended to any such result as they are no;" made to with respect to God's chosen. But now, not only the Borrows grow· ing out of the.Apostacy, but the" all things" embJaced in the Providence of God, are made

to "work together" in order to the epil·itual and eternal good of the Eainls. And Ihat "all things " n,ay contdbute to this end, the man­agement of the UTllverse is committed to H,m

who hus underlaken ttl redeem ,tM (See 11: 27 and 28: 18, John ~, 13: 3, and 17: 2, 1 Cor. Hi: 27, Phil; 2: 9-11.

1st. The pecuniary results were highly pelld. The brethren, thinking they are not those wlio have represenled me as a spiritual In a firm band, is laui on the BIble. His head satisfahl,9ry. I the mOst judtcious persons to use it oien re- 1st, have done so honestly; but, wUhout any is brought down so low as to'alm08t touch

2d. A hymn was sung by the choir. fuse to hand over thereby shoWlDg'th t th foundation in fact. Truly yours, hIS paper. HIS arms extendlid, and he 3d. Prayerw8soff.Hed by Rev. Mr. Wash- h b ' d a ey H. W. BEECHER. grasps the elld~ of the pulpit eu.hion wilh ave ecome very covetous all ungrateful h h d d ..

b fAd d Ii h h ., . eac an. An save as he occasionally flses urn, 0 n over; an a ler anot er ymn I have thought somellmes that I would at- BLESSING INFANTS. when very much implessed. and raises buth

was sung. Elder Hull gave his views of U pr~. tempt to show Ihe contrast between the course I hands. he keeps the recumhent posture to the perly-conducted donation visits," of which the pursued by the clet gy in the days of the' The followmg extract from a letter of Rev. close. But his eermons are of the highest following is a synopsis: 'Apostles and that of mndern times' but a G. W. Lehmann, a Baptist pastor in Berhu, order. His imagery iS80rpassiugly fine; his

He said such visits &bould always be so hinHO the wise is suffiCient. I 'td k Prussia was communicaled to Ihe London ~houghts bold, .origlnal, an~ most. beautifully conducted as (0 aI'd other I'nstrumentalt't'e" of . wou as, Ok 'st' Ti ~ b S· C II' E Ealey ex preMed. HIS audience IS held ID a hushed '0 whIch of ~he Apostles Hired out to a burch 1"1 ~an ~me8 y Ir u Ing . ar • stillness to the end. No one moves, uo one Ihe Gospel in promoting the glory of God to preach fllr a stipulated sum, satisfied him- It wtll be perused Wll h interest by all of our coughs, no one seems to stir. The stillness and the salvation or soul~. They ~hould not self by deltvering a discourse or two of one readers, and espeCIally by those who were IS painFul; one can hear tbe clock tick; And be the scene of gluttony and frivoltty. such as hour's len~th on tbe Sabbath and ,wit~ring favorably impressed with the views on the the UlJlversal movement at the close of tbe would tend to brmg the cause of Christ into b h ' h subject of blessing mfants Bet £t.rth in our sermon, indIcates how c108e the aU..6ntion has

On Sunday, 'Marcb 18th, being tbe appoint. ed day of .colI'munion, forJ.Y. perBons were received into Rey. Mr. Cu,rer's church, in New YOI k, os tbe first (rulta of a revival ' whIch bas been .enjoyed by the cOhgregatioQ for eeveral weeks. .. Tb'e reception of the converta to membership with tbe coureb"

d a out I e house tbe remainder of t e week 1 columns by the late Dr. Fahnestock:- been. The congregation is usuall,. small. but IStepule, and to give occasion for criticism What Cbristian brolher in that age labored very select; and some tlf the first literary

by tbe ungodly. Minister and people should six da)s of the week to accumulate property U Finally, I come to the suhject which en· men of the cIty and State are found in the so conduct that they could cunfidently a;k for hImself and children, satisfying himself gaged our attention in our conversation at congregation. Washington Irving is selm God to bless the occasion to the conversiun your hotel in Cologne-I mean tl.e hlesnl1g amollg Mr. Wllhams' hearers, when he is in

• .1- ' wrItes a correspon .... nt, "was a scene of el' ceeding 80lemmt1. tind filled Ihe crtiwded 8S.

sembly with grateful joy. The inquiry.meel. IDgs are largely attended, and thll wOlk gIVea blessed promise of being only bogun."

with occasionally handing out a few shillings of irifants. on wblCh you desired me to make the clly. Rev. Dr, Skinner, a Presbyterian of souls, and so that the remembrance of it d II b Id h h h f h' h h I Id h h h or 0 ars to UI up t e c urc 0 W IC e some stalements. wou say, t at w en I e and Professor in the Union Theological Sem may not hang lIke a cloud over the minister was a member. while SIckness and poverty question about the true and scriptul al mode lIIary, has a pew ID the honse, and on each the next time he enters the desk, to teach the met him at every corner, and the cry of the of baplism was mentioned, among the many Suuday Dr. W. preaches to a 'fitting audl­duty of dOing all that we do to the glory of needy was coming up to the throne of God 1 dlscussiuns agallJst BaptlSIS' views, tbis was ence, though few!"

The American Missionary says that I~e Rev. Mr. Hotchkiss, who has been laborIng among the colore(l people of Canada, meet!

God. All sltould'go away luviug God more. M b also a very Important pOlDt-what should be y relhren, can the Judge say to us ID the done with iI,fonts, seemg that wilh tbe Jews

and loving the mmister more, as the faithful last day, "I was an hungered, and ye gave there was a ceremony at tbeir birlh. (ubserv oracle of God to'declare the whole tl uth. It d . d d I . hid b Ch' . me meat; thirsty, and ye gave me drink; a e ID ee on y WI! rna es, -an t e nstlan should 1-e an oaca,ion offeedl1lg the 80UZ, and stranger, and ye took me in; naked, and ye feehng seemed to require a simIlar oue in our not the body. Donation viBils, thus conduci' clothed me;' and inasmuch as ye have done time and ClfcumstanceB. The passage, Mark ed, had been the means, in the hands of God. . x 13, 16. of course, was urged to tbe utmost;

It unto one of the least of my disciples, ye but It would only prove Ihat the SaVIOur spake of converting souls, while others, conducted have done it unto me 1" L. P. B. on that occasiun a blessing on thoso children on the more popular plan, had brought deep It appeared to us, then, in yielding to Baplist dISgrace on the cause of Christ. for whIch all SERMON ON THE SABBATH. views, that such an act (oflaymg on ofhand~ the cuntributions in the wOlld could not atone on chIldren, and • praywg over them. and

To th. Edltor. of the Sabbath Recorder .-. speakmg a bleSSing on them,') though not After this statement of his views. Eld. Hull Before me hes the fOllowing skeleton of a directly mswuted by the SaVIOur, yet could

gave a brtef, but most affecting history of hIS sermon preached not long since by Rev. N not be against hiS intenlions, seeing he hi!\! Chdstianexperience, into which the tnals and Colver, pastor of the 1st Baptist chu'ch, De self had ac ed on th.s rule. the JOYs oflhe Christian mtnister's lot entered ",Accordingly, we agreed upon such a

tCOlt, Mlch , and published in the liIlclligan praCl1ce, and at the beglllDing 01 our church most conspicuously. ThIS truthful narrative 1'1 t "IT ld .

vlll'll zan Iura • III Berhn, nearly twenty years ago, It was lit-ehcited lears, not only from the eyes of him Text-M'I k 2: 27. lroduced. and nlBny doubls and scruples, es-whose experience had been balhed iq tears, PropoBllion-" The Sabbath as a divine pecially of twelve mothers, were thus calmed but eyes unaccustomed to weep involuntarily provi~lOn for an abiding necessi'y of man." We Indeed enjoy much blessing on such oc­filled wllh tears. Those tears flowing to- I k fi . f h casions, and I am happy to say, that at the

n spea 109, rst, of the instllutlon 0 t e present reVIval amollg' our chtldren, whIch the gether were indicatIons of the union of heart S hb h . k d a at at Cleatlon, II was remar e - Lord vouchsafe. to gIve OB, most of the lIew between pastor and people. which such an oc- 1. That from the beginning it was a provi- converted and bapl1zed children are such a. casion CQuid nut fall to elicit. sion for our tace. G~n. 2: 3. God sancllfied, were in tl1l8 way consecrated to the Lurd-

Eld. Washburn f"Howed in many interest. i. e, set it apart folr man, thtt race. Very Indeed, the very fir-t winch was cotJverted . d fi wal one of those. However, there was pre IDg an pro table ilIustralIons of the mIDis good. Nubl" teslimony this to the diviDe vallillg also wllh us a ftlehllg of a want ot ex ter's calling. and heartily concurred with Elcl origin of God's holy.Sabbath. I'liClt I"smulion. and thelefure a dallger of H. in his views of "properly cOllducted dolla- 2. It was so recogmzed by the law of Mo- fallilJg lOlO our own devices, which feeling tio71 vuit8." Between these exercises, and ses. Ex. 16: 5, 23. All true. ". I was with various of us 80 slrong that they at the close. the choir discoursed much sweet 3 It was so referred to by the Prophets. abstained frum the meutioued practice. Grad-

• .. ually tbe l!rowlh of our chUl ch, from a very mUSIC, and afler the blessing of God had been Isa.,6: 4, &c. Very good. , • Illtl" balld uf lwelve or Borne twenly to three invoked by "our beloved pastor," we all weQt 4. It was so clalmfd by Christ. Mark 2: or f,ur hundred. made the perf,rmance," a home, thanking Gud for the Gospel, and the 27, Rev. 1: 10. This is grand. church meeting inconvement and much hkely faitbflll ambassadors who prnclalm It to us In remarking, secondly, upon the Wei of to reinstate Inlallt b.ptlsto. Therefore we trum week to week. D. E MAXSON. the Sabbath, it was observed- ventured to perform t~e act of blessmg our

THE STATE OF THE CHURCH. 1 It meets a demand for ahernation in our

nature, both of body and mind.

• with much success. Mr. Hotchktss lays he LIBERAL LEGACIEs.-The late Mr. Asa fears tbere has been one man ",kIdnapped"

from Canada recently. under the pretense Hopkins was born February 2d, 177f}. in the that be was a fugitive from justice. This IS a town of Litchfiel~, Northfield SocielY, Ct., mode of regaintng their fugitive slaves proc. wherEl he spent a very useful life. He died ticed 80me years ago by slaveholders, but m New Haven, after a short reSIdence there, put II s(lQt to by the British goyernqlent.

October 31st, 1838. He left the use of his A new museum is pro.i'!lcted in London. II property to his Widow during ber Me, direct- is to be clIJled the SCflptural Museum; and ing hIS executor, after her decease, which oc. its purpose is to afford a series ofJllustratiuDI curred December 1st, 1855, to pay certain of Bible history, geograpby, and maDners,

embracing all the various departments of small legacies to his surviving sisters, and to Bibhcal knowledge. The Earl of Calches-distribute the balance of his estate as follows: ter is President. and the Rev. D. Edwards,

To Northfield Congregational Society, $3, Secretary. It IS proposed to e8tahhah a libra· 000; to the Church of said Society, $300; ry In conn~on with the Museum; and allo ttl his na ive ~chool dIstrict, $600; 10 the to organize...,..eourses of lectures on the-topics BIble SOCIety, $5~; to the A. B. C. F. M., Illustraied by the articles ib tbe Society'S $250 ; to the American Trac·t SocIety of Bos colleclion. ton, $250; to the lIlisslOnary Society of Coo· There are 119 American and English mis­necticu., $250; the residlle, amounling to sionaries in the PaCific Island,; 45,929 com. about $7 000 to the aforesaId Congregational municanlB, and 54,708 pupils. Thie wonder. Society of NO/thfield. ' ful success in the missIOnary efforts 01 barelJ

• a single generation, is an earnest of the im· KINGS SHALL BE NURSING FATHERS -Mis- mense harvest yet to be rea"'ped among t~e

sionalles Dawson and KlUcaid. of the Amer· mIllions of Asia, Africa. Austraha, and Poly­lCan Baptist UDlon, in Burmoh, have recently neSla, when once the Bible and the hvmg

teacher shall be found heralding 1:he Gospel Visited Ava, Where they were very kindly re- In all the different tongues and languages uf celved by Ihe King. HIS Majesty asked them tbe Eastern Hemisphere.

when they would bring their families and It is stated that in the Andover Associa. make liis royal city tbAir bome. When they tion of Congregaliollal Ministel8. embraCing replied •• , Not tillS year," he expressed disap- eighleen churches, fifteen oflhe number have pOIntment, and told them he would pay all dl.solved their pastoral conneclion wirhlD lee Ihe expenses of their lemoving. So?n after than five years, and four ofthem bave chang. ~e sellt lhem a thousa~d rupells, sa) Ing that ed tWice WIthin lbe same period. SIX vacan. It was only an expressIOn of good WIll, and_ cles have occulred duling tbe PBSI four out of re'pect fur Ihe memury of hiS royal months' and the only th~e ministers remain. falher, alld not to Impose any obligations 011 lng nnd;sturbed, are Rev. Messr8. Blanchard' the teachers., When h~ Ielt, he expresse~ a of LoweJl, Clark of Chelmeford, and Pbllhpl very kind WIsh fi,r Ihem. to. r~turlJ 800n wllh of l\IelhuelJ1. ' their famlhes. The mISSIonarIes feel encour

I wish to offer 80me of my views on tbe Eph. 1 : 21, 22. 1 Pet. 3: 22) Accordingly, situation of the Church of Ihe present time I he must reign, till the salvatIon of his people rhe religion of Jesus Christ dlff~rs ID nearly ehall have been fully accomplished in their every essential pomt from all other systems. resurrecliun and glulificatiun; nor will he The Great Head of the Church was not d~li~er lip the kmgdom to the Father, to be ushered into this world with regal pomp and admiDlsttfed in any other manner, till his splendor, surrounded by wealth and affiuence, mediation shall bave brought to pass this courling the association of the rich and hon­

gralld I esull. orable of the earth; nor was he it,fluenced

2. I( is the poor mal,'s release from the opprllssions of cupiJlly.

3 It is the Cbrlstlan's rerease, with surety, frpm worldly toil to spirItual e. Joyment.

,"fallts, not any longer In our meeting place, bUI ID Ihe bosom 01 the famIly. There, gen erally. the babe hes on III~ mother's lap, and a number of relatives and m~mbers fU,rrund her; I then mduce the lather 10 pray first; glVtl an address on an appropriate SCllpture pall.sge; and. lay 109 on of hauds, I pray my­selt; aud close wllh the beuedlcuull. But I ought to slale again, that a goodly number of OUI member. do not iuv'te me fi,r such a per­f"rmauce. Huw far this practice is fullowed In other churches. I canhol say, but I believe that those in Pruss III, which mallJly sprung uut of our church ID BerlIn, fullow our ex·

aged in the belief that tbe time has arrived A correspondent or the Notes and Quertea III the pnlVldence of Gud to commence the .8A-)e, The ouly words in Enghsh for the fir~t Ava mlssitlu. day of tho W,eek, before the eXistence of Purl'

• 4. It is G"d's ordillance day, when he waits ~o be spoken to, and 10 ppeak to man.


a tauism. wele Sunday and Lord·sllay. Tbe AMERICAN BOARn -The Journal of MiI- former of these expre8sions was used by uur

sioM gives a statement of receipts of tlte Saxun ancesto-n;...; \titb all' Teutonic nalion! The latter ~a8 adopted from the Chmuan American" Board for fifteen years, which dis-form of Suuthern Eurupe. Saturday, In

closes Bome unexpected facts. There has Italian sull retains the name of Sabbato. The been considerable advance in the annual in- word for Sunday, in RUBBlan, means resur· come of the Board daring this periQd; yet 'reclion. •

a the greatest amnunt given in anyone of the The Directors of the London MissioDary HEALTH OF BRO. SAUNDERS.-Bro. Charles yeals was ID 1842, when the donations Societ] have heard of the death of a yenerable

Whut is sometimes called "pecial provi- by the gliueting pomp and splendor of earthly dence, a8 dlsli~gujshed from general, seems kIngs and potenlales, to deviate from the to amount to this-that God's plan or method course he had designed to pnrsue ... When

• ' 'of dl~penslDg his prOVIdence did, f,om a\l he commenced hi. career as a publIc teacher, eternily, contemplate the spirnual and ever: he passed by the rich, the learned, (In this IS8til,g good of hIS people as .tI.e great point world's wisdom,) and chose fur hIS associfleS­to be c ompassed. A~I things were arraliged and active agents, poor iIIuerate fishermen, in the DIVIDe mind, therefore, alid so a!lju8t~d and although he had worlds at hiS control, and rel.ted to one another, as to carry out and might have furni.hed his followers with this desig'n j and l therefore all thlDgs, as they bbundance of gold, he never condescended tralispire in the histury of the world, are ae- to use 8uch vile means; but. destitute ~t'purse tually w01kilig together to this end. There or 8C1ip. sword or IIlaff. he sent them on thetr are a tbuu-and thllJgs which, taken singly or misbion of saving sinners aud relieving the 8S isolated facts, ao not tend to the good of diSlress -of the neeJy. Thus armed. he sent God's p"hple; but taken in theit relation to (hem fortb to meet the haughty Scribe and 1(lIle anotber, are made to II work togetner" stubborn Jew, with the gracious promise, fi ). ''th' 'J ' or thiS pur.poee. e "peclll Iy:or partlcv- .. Lo. I am with you always, even to the end

Remarh-l. The Sabba It is disregarded. whetber by indlvitluale or nations, at their own cost ar d pelil. Query-D ,es any body know how Bro Colvel 8ppropnates the Sahbath Instituted in the beg41millg at Ihe end of the

fi,s! week of time 1 D"es he regard or dis· I egara it? And if the latter, may it not be at his cost and ppcil ?

2. Sabbath despIsers are man c;orrupters. The virus of moral lepr<IBy is in the crime of II~ desecration. It is a revolt agamat God and nature. 'Hear, hear.

3. The Sabbath is entitled ~to sanctified

uses. The Pharisee and Llb6l'tine alike per· vert it to purposes or mischIef Sure enough.

N ow, what is there peculiar about all this 1 It was preach~d on what we are wont to calJ a SU'lday evening, in honor of that day

Really. was there ever any thing more posi­tively [Jut of joibt than thIS subject. and its reference, and application. Bro. C. has talk. t;!d all the way through jllst as\houglt Ihe first day wos the seventh. What an absurdity!

Saunders, one of our mlbslOnaties at J aff~, Palestine, has suffered much during the past year f. om diseased eyes. From a letter just I eceived from hIm, we learn that h" has near­ly recovered from that difficulty, and is able 10 devote most of his time and energies to his labors. Very little has as yet been ac­compli,h~d ID that deparlment of tbe mission

of which he IS supermtendent, as he has been laid aSIde by siekne~s. He also reports the mombers of the mission as in good health. II has been greally feared that the locality tbey

had selected would pI ove too unhealthy for a

amuunled to $277.495. Tpe largest amount Missionary. Mr. Davis, who landed in T8b~1I oflegacles occuned m 1846. wh.en It !eilched in 1081. and died in his work at Papara ID

$63437. The greatest deht eXISted ID 1848, August last, in his 85th year. He dIed on wh"n It amounted 10 $59,891. In 1851 the Sunday morning, having prt'ached on Ihe pre­debt am~unte,d to-(l;43 999 .. T~e r01!l..1 am<liint cl)dmg ,Sunda),,; thus callt'ld to his rest a~d 01 dunattons In all tbls period IS S3 544 314; reward aftei 55 yoars of mi88ionary labot \U

of legaCIes $471,195. ThQugh there has been P61ynesia. an illcrease, the amount of donations in dif 0 b d h h' C b "- C t dt . h b fl' n oar t e s Ip anar e,ore rons a , ferent years as een very uctuanna-. h 1 h ' I h r ~.

• t ere were, ast year, tree on y t at pro,b.-ed Christ, but now there are between BIllI

LIQUOR'SELLING ON SUNnAy-On the 19th aad a hundred; more than hal~,of tbese can of March, the New York State Senate passed lejoice in the parduning love of Christ, and the following Act, which is strangely enollgh have the witnes8 of the Spirit-results attU' entitled ,/ An Act to secure the better observ- butable to the labora of Nelson. RyJlDg, ance of the Sabbath in the cities of New Lindaliua', ",nd other sailor rni88ionaries.

missionary station. York<and Brooklyn :"- _ ~ It i8 now said·that the Protestants of the 1. B. \ " Russian empire are allowed to have Ihe BIble,

lari(1I of diYlf,le providence with regard to the of the world" In what age, or nnder what aalDlM, would therefore seem to imply nothing circumstances, have the lab"rs of bis follow

, m&te t'han th'; God's general providence em- ers been attended with such success 1 On llraces the spiritual ~nd everlasting good of their first roturn, they informed him that even ~!p. 'pe~ple as the particviQr, definite obj~ct in the deVIls were subject unto them through his

i~". . name. So great had been their illflueoce, I t1leoc~, the rise and fall of empires, deao- that hEi informed them that he saw Satan as I.tiJIg'wars, commercial activity, '1gricultural Itglitning fall from heaven. The sub.equent th~.Wt.'th'~ ,con8truction orraihoads, the opera- history of Ihe church furnishes abundant proof :~i~I"14' the printi\!I'pre~s. the Ilegislation of that his disciples followed the example oftheir 'Clivilian.~ die administration of justice, the great leader. The Apostle who is so of len ~~eolion of 'djjll~ges and school., improve- quoled &8 lin example for mental training and Blahtil in th~ art~, together witb' ~very thing sacred wisdom, drank deep into the spirit of r IIZ \I:\q I b ' ',... f 1h I la . . ',' d' d h' b h 1:)' W'Mh t e ~Rllaltlon 0, t ~ ~or 18 affect- his aivine Ma81l'lr, an cauUone IS ret rjln

ad ~h1iica)I:)', n'lorall)'. Qr,pohll~ally, are con- agaiQ~t their partiality: for the rich. He ask­&t:olled, br,dered, and directed, wiih reference ed," Do not rich men oppress you, and draw t'o fhll oi'le'piL~ric\I1al',1. defirJite ohject, as em you b~rore the judgment seal, and blaspheme llr.eeil til GlJd~ ~reat' and ullirpate purpose the worthy name whereby ye are called 1"­Jf groriM8~ b~~~'!f through his Son J eeul lind inlilfms thern that God had 'chosen the

Ch 1• t I r I < poor of Ihis world as heirs of his kingdom. r 8 '" ,i 'r , ' U) 'jl • I 'I li'o~, itlia~.P' johviGua tbat, when men The Scriptures abound in proof that the dIS-

come to render their- final account to the ciple of Jesus Christ has too much 'befie'vo. l\l:'tUeltif 1A.)lf tbi!lr C'onduct ~ii r'el't~ tolibe lence to bec6me rich, or to remain so after

!~dUlii~~rip6'r tJ whiJliJI#.6vtd'elike 1:{aa be~n his :conveTsion. (0

111 ~nw.'t<." , ,\ I.; I' ~ • ," • h Cb I. f b J8",-",~,,,l11l>6 broll~htl under ,p,tew. The hI conlrasllng t e \lrc,. 0 t e prllS!lljt

pli~le~inga !<Jf, J ~~Imel!. I w.ilt. P.e 8r~".4nl day with that ot:' the apoalOr1C- age, my object upon Whil bu b'~1!l 'be proiid'euee 01 God I ill not to wound feeling' or iJnpug/t motives'; "li1ftita, ~~y, Inde~(W thib [Jud8ili~t 19m hi bt1~; 'la or old, *bell complu1og ~b1a'SE!c~nd &he CQ1tIllmntGlwII ~t'hU ptoYiilclll&.: T,.: ir: temple wiih u1i ~r.~'ih~ o\d)in~n Wgptw"hile



• No rerson sballseJl, or elCp,ose for sale, any if tbey can gel it; but the scarcIty of tbat REVIVAL AT MOUNT MORRIS. N. Y.-The strong,'spirItuous. or intC'xlcllting liquors in bread of life i8 very great, and whole VI~

New York Ohro"icl" learns that the church Ihe cllies of New York :or,Brooklyn,! on Sun- lages of Protestants are' found, which bave nol r ,.... L" C N Y day. Ally violauon of tbe proviSions of tbis a sl'';''le cop-and among one hun~red and at l'< ount morrIS, IVIDgston 0., . ., un- . h b did . d d -'0 • "

act IS ere y ec ate a rnl~ emeanor~ an twllll'ty' ohildren 81aembled-t a churcb, n(l/ der -the care of Rev. DaVid Bellamy, is again may be trl' Ad by any ''''ourt of Sp I' IS'"

" v ec a ,ee· one hlld ~yer eeen a Bible or a Te8tamen~ enjoying a sweet season of revival Several sions in said ciues, and, if (dund guilty, sllall have been hnpefullyconverted, congregations be punished by a finellot lellBlhaniten dollara ' Duringthepa~tyearth~numberoiorda!Ded

Rev. Henry Ward Reecher having been large and solemn, and the work is spreading. 'nor more than fi!iy ~ol!ar8,. or ~Y imprison- miJsionaries in lhl! selvice of the AmellCilP represented in various parts of tiJe country as I ,. bl b . I' f ment ID the pellllel)lIalle5 In Isald cOlintles, Board was one hundred and six fivt', and lbe


n many respects It resem es t e reVlv~ s 0 not less than ten days nor morA than sixty num' A~ of III A mbers add...;) to the cburch 11'11 a convert to the faith, of modern spirituahsm I d • I I' h f h h ... , u~., ~ - ear ler ays. parncu ar y In t e act t at t e days, or bO,th, in the d.lsc.retion, of the court rOnf!een "undred,and eightv-.aven-makIPg

-and having received many letters "of in· I d I h . f . h h h "''' ~ b I know e ge 0 t e conversIOn 0 one IS t e before whlc suc cOnVICll?n ~hall be h,d. an .. verage of a httle more tban nblO meDi er

quiry, or of expostulation, or of cO:lgratula. means of arousing and convic ing another. ' ,I 1 a ' , ..\ I f,O each mIB$iQoary. I .

tlon "-has made public through the Independ- In one rural distrIct connect~d with the cburch, • THE SUNDAY ORDINANCES IN BROOKLYN.-, Two Obineseevallgeliat! from Hong~KoDg mt his answer to one of those letters, which almost every house has been VIsited by the On the 18lh of March, the City Court, Judge have reached Melbourhe, AU$tralia, wbell is as follows: SpIrit, and ODe or more converted. ConVlC Culver presiding, was engaged itJ tbe trial of are already congregated 30.000 Chinell!, aid

, BROOKLYN, March 15. 1856. tions for sin appear to he deep, clear, ond Thomas Townbee the keeper of a public where others are comin~ in swarm'. aod h8~ DEAR SIR :-Yourletter asking me whether thorough; but the. seaso~ _of distre.s .has, in houee, for selling liquor on Suodeys, in viola- entered on Mi~8ionary wo~k .moD.g I~e~:

I am a believer in modern spiritualism, is but all cases, been brIef, being t"\lowed by a , ., .. • countrymen, WIth' the Scnpture. ID I e 'one of a number which are before me. Alld leady receptiun IIf the Gospel plan of mercy. lIon of the, CllY ordlDance o~ the eu~e.ct. hilnda, and hallowedi!teal in their hearl!. by publishing both your inquiries and' my The church.. is much encouraged, and hope The'suit was brOO'ght by. the Ctl~ aUthOrities T~~ rUm?r of a unioll between tbe TheO' reply, it will sprve to dlsabustl other perBoIIs for great things. for the rec~very of certal!! fines IDcurred, by \o~ical Schools at Ylllp' }nd East Wipdaor/ who have been told the same stories whIch a .r('pea\e~ VlOlallon8 of said, qrdlllanc!l./ The " s'hrou ht out a co' municalion frolll Ibe

. I d' • hI-. h' d ' .. lJ'~n.e IS charged' on the ~O\h Pec.ember, ',LtJ", ;8 r;n • • • that are clrcu att! In rour nel~ I'~r 00 • THE BROOKFIELD ACADEalY commenced a 'I' - h d' S d" d oJllcrrs pf the latte]1 aemlnary. lIatlDg . d

1 I have flO d,jubf tWt lhere are curious' 1855. and on all t e prece 109 • un, ays Uf- , ili 1 w d b t it bas fatl~ and' surpI isillg phehb'rr1tlna witnessed in J)e~ term 011 Flflh-day, March 20 h, with ing the year) makic/g 5~ counts' [nl1i9t- r.u~, he rei:s~ t a~:~I~ma'il~h~ U mu'llt DOW tl1 If Spir.rlual ci\rcl~s," ouile worthy 6f scientific ,Prof. A. R. Cornwall, A. B • Principal; Mrs. ment. ''The case was gIven to !hd JUry Il~d?r ~~ Jai ,t i Ig '. tit ~ion on Itll ol;! 'basi" I

" d . [(I t. \ f Th I h ARC II P 1 ~·f El'.... charge of the Court; and a verdIct tor, pl&i'nhif ~ I n a q.,,,e Inl u ,'" , utie.ntIon an 11llleS\lgatlOn. e fact t at • . ornwa, receptl'ess; if ISS 1-.-." • ~ d' bo t II If I D - 'R L d \V h' D D 1I10r 01 impll~ure is pften:lmixed wltli sUell exhIbitions, Potter. 6 I7raduate of 'AIr, ed Academy. and ;vasd rel1~erefin' ~l i: th~ 8uam o'r all~81000ur. ~- t'L Got"'! eolta~ It U1tgtoo.'1 ~hu:c:h. NefF

'd j' , ., , .. (. " I L~b "., 0;> .., ... ~,n ant was T .. 'i f. ...- uto"o ""ongll88a Ion '. all ,I a~ l1I~nYtJ,p"~rl'pa..,.,.,~c ::~r' ItQrs a~e lD other able and ap~{II\'ecl te~ch~~. Andrew', • ' )() l" L.ur ' h8s been ,indUCed I-.I.r dte urgent dell" part Of wholly aeslgnfng men. d es not alter ..' f hL , ." ud! J'." u< J , 11~ • -' '.. I W,~./l ," y, , . ba ':3. riOD (11,d tl ,l,;, ", h1~j Ih 1 Ii" I ",nll_ oW'I' 1'" 1..1 ,,' B~bc!,>ck 1S ~rll!!JId~nt" fJ L e · ... rusleep. a An IDtere8tl~ reVIval of religIon is in pro- If hl8'penple to '"I ra..-, lilt '"I gill ':: ..

Ie ,lact, t aL e ~ eilomenawl nesseu lD • n ffi d- I S -, n'h' , B "i I' C !! I ... · i Ij fl h l8boD4IhalfceDtprl)ofhltl'''-tli~se 'c\rcl~~ are ofiet;-sill'~~ a8'h11,geJne,el:~el -Ho8l!a B. Olark,l Secretary. #Oostoo cella greB8~ Inr t e ~8t. ~lil at htuch, i;)~~ en' • ...-rvppn tit, ',_ " v' ."C,' fll~ l~ "~a'J I'"' Ix':;})'" I e') l,3001,1'" d B kfi Id M disoaCo' N'j" hlaua 1011 ""', I ,(" U ,~), -"I lorli .. " ,,~!, II ,nuJ"! (".>()J " DeeD a equate y accoun a lor." .ress, roo e I a ',.. • • ,

Page 3: Amazon S3Vol+12+(1855-… · AnlMae aWly When rha lOund i. put. I'll ~ lOme widow ill lonely.col, Where peace and plenty inh.blt not, Where the lIame on Ibe eold hearth diel, Heeding

~rntfal ~nfdligrnrt+ ~unsas News. The lOal,lguralioD of the Dew Free,.State

Government was qUietly accomphshed orr the Proe~etIIR~S In COD~re .. luI l!eek. 4th lOst. Charles Robmson was sworn iD as

SECOND DAY, MARCH 17 ~. Governot, II!DQ W. Y.'Roberts took the oath In ,be SENATB, Mr. Duuglas reported~'bln L ' " 'M I f h S 'T'h

i K as leuteDtant-u-overnor 0 t e tate. -I- e aulhonzmg the people of IIPaas to: form a 'r • rll 1 r d L' I

uegls ature was diiJ,y prgaDlze i lejlteDant Slate government. Mr. Cla,t~ made at Governor lioberts presldmg m the Sena~, speech no the Clayton.Bulwer treaty', \he and T. A. Mmard beIDJlelected Speaker of course of Gr~at Britain in re .. ard to it, the the House. Governqr Rob~nson delIvered a proposed Pacific Railroad, the Importance or brief maugural Address upon .takmg the oath

IntelOceaDlc' canal aeross the J,sthmus of of office, and aflerw;lrIJs sept ID ~IW .first Mes· an • b ' " l" I sage. The Governor takes strong ground In Panama, the Traoslt ompany s dlflicuny, OppOSition to the PreSIdent, WP.OSe, s)leclal fill19bustermg, and,General Walker, who:n he message and proclamanon lD reference to tbe BlIgmallZed as a ruffian, buccaneer and pirate. af&jrs of Kansas are discussed critically and Mr Weller intimated bis mtentlbn df.glVlng felriessly, The Goyernor exp,oses tbebolluw­biB vIews With regard to General Walker's ness orl~e pretence that ,the acts oftlie boglls

fi • B II Ii TemtoTlal Legislature were blndlDg upon the character on some oture occasion. I s or people 'Of Kansas, and aDimadverts upon tbe the Improvemilnt ot ~he St. Clair and St. Mary PreSident's declaration that a regularly organ­rivers, the mouth of Ihe MiSSissippI, \od the Izeil resislance to the decrees of that body harbor of San Diego, were passed. The ould be an act of treason. Fllcts and pre· correspondence on the subJect of the back cedents. are clted(11) t,he Message, to s~ow that

of General Scott was received. It liVery the people of Kansas are wholly JU8ltfied 10 pay the course they have Been fit to pursue, and volumlDouB. The 'Var Department allowed that the Free State movement IS not a mere the General but ten thousand dollars for sr- party movement, but that all parlles 1D ,the rearages, whIle he claIm. forty thousand State uOlted In the formation of the Consl1tu· d,,\lars. uon under which the new State orgalllzalJon

In the HOUSE OJ' REPRESENTATIVES, tbe bas been effected. diSCUSSIOn on the Kansas contested election The followlDg is the closlDg paragraph of case was resumed aDd continued until the bour the Message:-

ohdJourument. " It IS understood, that the Deputy.Marshal TIlIRD DAY, MARCH 18 •

In che SENATE, Donce was gIven of a bill bas pTlvate ,instructIons to arrest the memhers to IIIcrease tbe pay of Members of Congres8 of the LegIslature and Lhe State officers for A bill waslDtroduced to regulate the appraise. treason, a8 soon as thl8 addres8 18 reCeived by ment of merchandise. Mr. Houston made a you. In such an eve~t. of Cllurse, no resist· Beech condemnatory of the dOings of the ance will be ofl'ered to the officer. Men who Javal Board. Mr. Clayton and Mr. Bayard are, ready to defand .the.IT own and their cO,un­defended Capt. Dupont and Mr. Butler, and try 8 llonor wltb their hves can never object Mr. Mallory al80 s oke 10 defense of tbe to a legal mvestIgatlOn IOto thelf aelIon, nor Bard p to suffer any pUDlsllment their conduct may

o • ment. We should be unworthy the consUtu-In tbe HOUSE, tbe Kansas debate was con· ency we represent did we shrtnk even from

tlnued. Mr. Smith (Va) opposed tbE! resolu- martyrdom on the scaffold or at the stake, tlOn to Bend for persons and papers. Mr. should duty require It. Should the blood of Granger said give the Committee full power Collins and Dow, of Barber and Brown, be to examlDe the facts; tbe country demands insuffiCient to Quench the thirst of the Presl­this; let tbere be no dodgmg. Messrs. Hall dent and hIS accomplices 10 the bollow mock­(Iowa) and Lake spoke agatnst ahd Barbour ery of • Squatter Sovereignty' they are In favur of grantlng the request of the Com- practicing upon the people of Kansas, then .!lllttee. Mr. Damrell defended the M&88a- more Victims must be furDlshed. ;Let what chusetts Aid Society. Mr. Enghsb should not w1l1 come, not a finger should be raised agamst vcte to give tlie Committee the unlImited tIle Federal authonty untIl there shall be no power asked. He was Willing to havl\ tbe hop,e of rehef but In revoluttoo. The task subject mvestlgated by a dlslDteresled com· ,mposed upon us IS a difficult one, but, WILO

mISSion. FOURTH DAY, MARCH 19 mutual cc;operattoQ, and a firm relIance on HIS wisdom wbo makes' (he wrath of man The SENATE passed the MilItary Academy

ApprOprIallOn Bill, and conSIdered for a praIse hIm,' we m2y hope to mBugurale a whtle the DefiCiency Approprlallon BIll. Mr. Government that shall not be unworthy of the Clayton concluded hiS remarks on Central couotry and the age m whICh we hve .. Amertcan alfain, in tbe course of which he A dIspatch dated St. LOUIS, Tuesday, took occasion to deny, on the authOrity of the March 18, says: The Kansas correspondent PreSIdent ortbe Nlcaragna Transit Company, of Ihe St. LoUIS Democrat, writing from Tc; tbat there was ever any act on tbe part bf peka, March 8, says that 10 JOlOt sessIon of that Compllny whICh In any manner encour- the Legislature on that day, Gov. Reeder was aged Walker's movements In Nicaragua. elected U OIted States Senator Oil the first

In the HOUSE, the debate on the applIca. ballot, (SIX years,) and Gen. Lane on lhe non of tbe Commitlee on Electtons for power second (three years) Each candidate recelV

ed 38 votes-66 members belDg present. to send for persons aDd papere ID the Kansas h J h 4 h contested electton case was concluded, and The Leglslalure, w Ich orgaOl~ on t e

IDst, was sull 10 sessIOn on the 8lh, and the 6nally 1\1r. Dunn's proposIllon, III heu or the letter makes no mention of any antIcIpated OrigInal reaoluuon. proVldmg that the Speaker 8hall appolDt a Committee of Three of the time for adjournment members of the House to proceed to KaDsBs --------and take testlmqny, was adopLed by a vote of FATB OF THE MURDERERS OF LOVE10Y-101 ag"lnet 92. TillS plan pro'ides fOf an 8p~rOprIauon of $10 000 to pay tbe expenses of ihe Commltlee, and requests the PreSIdent to give them military protectIOn, lf necessary.


In the SENATE, Mr Douglas made an elab orate speech on the Kansas quesllon, prIncI' pally 10 answer to the mmorIty report by Judge Collamer. Mr. Trumbull rephed to some of Mr. Douglas's personal remarks Mr Sewa~d submmed a sub.tHute for Mr. Douglas'S bill for the admiSSion of Kansas as a State. Mr. J allies reported a bill to pre­vent frauds ID tbe collecJlon of the revenue, and making Important cbanges 1Il the taTlff. Tbe Senate adJourned to Second-day.

In the HlJusE; Mr. Campbell reported the N)lvy Appropriation btll. Mr. Benson. from the CtlmmIttee on Naval Aiflllf8, reported the

:. Senate hili for tbe construcUon of ten sloops­of war, with amendment providlDg that tbe Secretary of the Navy may, In hiS discretion, cause two of them to be buIlt with SIde-wheels, with a vIew to the greatest attaInable speed, After a speech ob Kansas, by Mr. Benton, the HOUM! adjourned to Second-day.

A correspondent of the Ravenna Democrat, wnung from Alton, I1hnOls, says.

" AD old aDd IIJtdhgent clttzen, formerly of the East, who was present at Ihe death of LoveJl)y, Slated to me that as he WBS acquaint ed wllh the two men who shot him be resolv. ed to mark thelT nfie"t hIstory The filst, a Dr Beall, went to Texas. was taken by the I ndlaDs, and chopped to pieces and dIVIded among the tnbes. The other man by the name'nf JennIngs, went to New Orleans. and 10 an affray 1D a gamblmg houst! was cut to pIeces wuh a bowle·kmfe. Thus peTlshed the miserable murderers ofLoveY1Y.

.. The fall of LovejOY was the death blow to the growtb and prosperity of Alton Many busme's men became dlsgusttd, and abandon ed tbe place, and otbere wbo were seekmg homes and bUSiness places 10 the West pass­ed It. Thus for more than twelve years, Alton was a hiSS and a byword. and It IS only very r~cently tbat It bas exhlhlted sIgns of hfe Bnd growth. It 18 a fixed fact 1Il tbe mmds of the people of Alton, that no such occurrenCb wuuld be permuted to transpire to theIr midst agam."



company of men f(om New Haven, Ct, are The mammoth 1Iteamer Persia arr.lved at abotlt to .start for Kansas, to found a free CIty

New York on the 20th March, With later but tbere. They are mostly church members,

not Import~nt news from Europe. and all men of good Btandlllg m commuDlty.

In the British House of Commons, Lord On the 20th inst. a publiC meelmg was held at Palmerston announced tbat tlie prehmlDanes New Haven for the purpose ofral8tDg money of peace had bellD signed by all the represeDt to prOVide the party' wllh prpper weapons of aUves of tbe several pattIes 10 tbe Parts I" d £ II t th "b d ruffi s" Peace Conference, and hIS tOD\I appeared to se ,. e ense galDs e or er an • lolDly a hope, and Inspire a general coni. Se~eral f1!ldresees were dehvered, one of derlc;, in tbe eatabhehment of peace. The ,whlch was by H. ,W. Beecher. Motley WBS speecb of LouU! Napoleon W8lI madted by. a subscnbed to buy twenty seven Sharp's RIlles SImilar character. The Conference Bull con· at $25 each, and Mr_ Beecher pledged the

• houee sit,tlDg, but the nature or result ?f lis PI mouth Church for twenty-five more rifles. debber.lIons are DOL permitted to transpIre. y •

A debate baa taken place in Parliament ()n The Iram wblch left New York at 12 the subject of Cburch rates In England, and o'clock, March 19, on the Hudson River a motion III favor of abolmon or Jhe Impost RaIlroad, was tbrbWD fcom the track when wu cam~ by a large majonty-Lord Pal- about three mIles below Albany, by the break-merltoll and the membera of hla Government Ii Bu&tainlOg the rates. A new measure of edu 109 of some of thTe TUfinnmg gear {lf

d tbe rat

cation \Jaa introduced bJ Lord J olih Russell, passenger car. he rst and sellOn passen b • d r I ger cars were pltcbed down an embankment but ae It. proposes t e IDtro uctton ,0 re IgIOU8 G B

as well as secular education, It IS not lIkely to 1Il10 a field, land 109 bottom up eorge. sccceed. A tevere and !litter attack was Woodbridge.{)f tbe LegIS mace on Lorda Ra lan, Cardlga,n. Lucan, the lature, had botb legs broken. Joseph Ranney, Duk f C b d g if G SLDlpson by of Greenbusb, one leg broken Reuben Elha,

e 0 am TI [e, an en. 1O st;on of New York, Injured Internally. A Mr. EI-Sir De Lacy Evans, who exposea g bs from Fair Haven N Y ankle broken

d L' bl 1 Ih bdlty and cor ' , • ., an ,orCI e IlDguage e ma A ladv name unknown was severely burned

• 5%UL SO .2 ,~

"- ;a&:7 THE SABBATH RECORllEJl. :MARCH 27, 1,,6. SUMMARY.

On Monday, March 17th; the New York Juvenile Asylum sent 01£ its fourth detach­ment of children, seventy-five III number, to comfortable hpmes in the West. Th9Y Wllre sent by the El'ie raIlroad to D~nvIlle, Ill., where they are prOVIded for by a benevolent sOCiety organized for that purpose, ana where they rernalD UDtiltbe arrangements for sendms each cblld to its speCial destmatton can be completeil Every famIly into whicb any of the children are reeeived pay their fare of travel, bind tbemselves to provide for them and treat them well, teach them to read, write, and CIpHer lhro~gh compound IDterest, and give the boys, wlien they have atlalDed Lhe age of tW<"nty one, a BIble, a 8U1t of new clothes, and $126, and the girls $50 at tbe age of elg~\een

Annther acl has recently been passed by t\\e General A8sembly o~:V IrglDla to prOVIde for the more eife'1!ual protectton of .. slave property" In tbat State. The ostenSible ob· Ject of the law is to prevent the abduction of slaves by means of Nortbern vessels DaVlgat­Ing tbe streams tnbutary to the Chesapeake Bay i but whether It WIll have any otber tendency tban \0 rum tbe already hmJtl\d commerce oftbe State remalDS to be seen. The pIlots are reqtnred by It to search every vessel nutw~rd bOUDd, to ascertalD whether any fugJlJve slaves are on board, and for makmg thiS search they are to exact a fee of five dollars from the vessel, wbether there may be any thlDg wrong or not I

An Immense and most enthUSiastic KBJl8as m~etlDg was held at MIlwaukee, WIS., on the 6th March, E D. Hulton 10 the chair, the object belDg expressed 10 the call, to ~~iBe money and men £oJr Kansas-" money, to reheve the present neCeS811leS of those who Bre now there; and" men," to swell the hosts of freedom as cItizens of the new State. The meettng was eloquently addressed by Gen Pmne. Wm Dawes, Vaughan of Cilleago, and others, many young men pledged themselves to go, and a subscnptlOn was raIsed of nearly $3.000, of wblch the Chall man gave $600, four other gentlemen $100 each, and eight $50 each, &c A Kansas EmIgrant AId Society was formed

A brighter day IS at last da wnmg for Kan­sas. So much endurance, so much herOism, as the Free State inhabItants of Ihat terrttory bave exhibited, could hardly fall of accom­phsblng Its object Simultaneously with tbe orgamzatlon In Kansas Itself of a Government based on tbe new State CunstHu!Jon. the House of Representatives at Washington has resolved to send Ihllher a commIttee of lls own members clothed with ample autborlty to IIlvestlgate the wbole po\Jtlcal blstory of that terrItory since Its first organtZallon, and to lay bare the mean frsuds and the gross Violence of which the Free State settlers of Kansas have been by turns the vlc!Jms

A colhswn occurred between Iwo frelgbt tralDS on tbe Baltimore Bnd Pblladelphla Railroad, Oil the night of March 10, near Havre de Grace George GodwlD. tbe con ductor, 8nd WIlham Todd, brakeman. were killed A drover named Flynll was IIljured The col115\(>n occurreu at Aberdeen, at about 10 P. M. One of tbe tralDS left BaltImore at 6 o'clock, and the other, an extra frelgbt train, about an hour afterward The advance traIn was delayed, waltmg for the wall tram to pass, and tbe usual Signals were displayed, but. III consequence of the thick snow siorm. they could not be seen by the engmeer of the rear tram-hence the cothslOn

The reaclion 1Il the freIght bU$IDe88, COD­seqnent upon the recent lung,cODtmued e~. bargo, IS completely glutung tbe several forwardmg hnes between Boston and New York. Tile Sound sleamers, between the latter City and New Haven, and In fact all the Sound steamere, are reaptn~ Immense harvests The Haltford and New Haven RaIlroad IS completely" overflowed"

Land Warrants are 1D acttve demand, with good supply. Messrs. F P J a1IJes &; Co. quote:-160 Acre Warrants, selhng at $1 16 per acre 120 " .. 1 10 " 80 " "1 16 .. 60 .. .. 1 10. .. 40 " .. 1 20 ..

A hne of first class steamers IS ahout to run from Quebec to Lleverpool. It IS now pf(~posed tu etund the telegraph from Que bec about 700 mIles, to Forteau Bay. on the StraUs of BellJsle. ThiS IS only 1878 miles from LIverpool, Bnd 122 miles nearer than Cape Race, the nearest pOlOt ID Newfound­la~d. and could be 8SSIly reached in SIX da~s, so as to send all Important news at once to Quebec, and Ihence all over tbe continent.

The Ilolporteur p.mployed by the Reform Tract Society of ClIIclIInatt writes from Law. rence, K T, Feb 21: .. I was to da)',. In the neighborhood wbere .resldes the Widow of the martyred Barber. She IS as mconsolable as ever, and It IS the oplDlOn of her neighbors tbat she Will gneve hersBlf to death. Tbe Widow of the mart red Brown IS a ravIng manIaC, caused by mtense grief"

The latest acc~unt from Mexico says tbat General Comonfort left the capital on the 29th ult., to put himself at tbe head of the troops and 48 pIeces of artillery. The Revo­lutIOnIsts at Puebla were about 80,000 strong. The officers who led the revolt at the Castle

The late L, R...Leavell, a wealthy cllIzelJ A meeting of promlDent eltizen8. was beld or Elkton, Ky, !:iy win provided for the eman- at Buffalo, recently. to cODsid .. r th; s~bject of cipatt9n of several ,.t kls .Iaves, aod disposed tunoeli'!.g. the Niagllra A committee was of tbe enlIre reSidue 'of' hi~ Ia,rge estate-88ld apPolDttJd to prepar\l a memonal, or bill, lo to be wortb at least 8200,OOO-to tbree .or be presented to tbe L~gl8lature, puytng for four of them, wbo, by the prOVISIOns of the the passage of an act autborlzIng till! formation will, are to be removed to the city of N e'1 of a company for the purpose of constructin~ York as soon as practlcable, I a tunnel under, or a br~tlge over, the ~!agartl

On the- 3d of March, Ref, Dr. HOUj!e and ~Iver. (; lady 0[ Newark, N. J" Bnd Rev. Andre" B. Neuher En~land<1Io\l France can approacb Moree and lady of Princeton, ~Ied from RUSSIa In the cheapness of 8ustaIDIDg their New York, ID the 81ltp Robert B. Forbes, 8S arOllell. Russia could support four soldIers mlSSIOnaTles to Slam. ThllY S811 Ihrect for and 8 half ror one EnglIsli soldier, tbre& and BataVia, Java, and from tbe»ce will go to ten-twelflhs for {lne Frenclil two fol' one SlDgapore, Chill a, and thence to Bangkok, Prusslan, and on6 and five-thirtieths fbi' an Slam, their d\lstlned field oflabor. Austnan. c

DUTlng the year endIng June 30, 1864,' The mtelligence from Nicaragua IS utipor-Great BrualD and Ireland bougbt of the tanto It IS alledged that GeneralWalker !Jas U OIted States property to the value of $160,- 8e~zeJ the properly of the :Ac~88ory TraD~it 000,000, exclUSive of what was taken by the Company, annulled theIr charter, and granted Br\tlsb culollles and dependencills, France a new charter to anotlier company. l Bnd her colomes took mor~ Ihan $33,000,000, AustrIa, $1,903,600; RUSSIa less tban half a million.

The Mt. Pleasant Obaerver states that a / bed of Cannel coal has been discovered a few mIles south of Salem, Iowa. The velD IS, at the openlDg, four feet and a half thIck. The coal is equal to Kentucky Caonel coal, bemg set on fire liy tbe bla!e of a candIE! and burmng up, leavmg but few Bsbes and but a small quantity of other !natter.

A letter dated Coast of Africa, Feb. 3, re­ports the lOBS of the whaling schooner MountalD ::iprmg, of ProVlllcetown, whICh was capSIzed ID Cmtra Bay, Jan. 8. Her master, Capl Y Ilung, a boat.steerer named Center, Bnd a cahID-boy Damed MIller, were Baved; all the rest on hoard pertshed.

The census returns show that there are iu St LoUIS SIX hundred and forty-six manu­factories, emplo'ytng eleven tbousand and seventy-two hands, and haVIng an aggregate capttallllvested ofnme million seven bundred and eighty thousand two hundred and tblrty­five dollars.

The sblp Potomac, Capt Sweeney. from New York for AustralIa, sprung aleak, aDd was abandoned at sea Jan 13, III lat. 1 deg. 4 mID. S., loug. 32 deg. W. The captalD and eleven men reached tbe C03St of BrazIl five days after; tbe mate and five men took a boat and bave not slDce been heard of

Tbe researches of the late Professor Ed. ward Forbes have rendered It probable that there was a Ume when Ireland, the Faro Islands. Iceland, and even toe Azores, :were connected 'together by con t!Duons tracts of land.

A man Darned HUhter has been fined 31,. 000. and forfeIted six slaves, at New Orleans. for solhng Ihem in sueh a manner as to sepa­rate mother and chIld, contrary to the laws of LOUISiana

Leverton Thomas, the wealthy Citizen of Washington Co, Pa., lately convlcled at Pittsburg of forgery, and sentenced to the peDltentJary, bas been pardoned by Governor Pollock.

The Hartford Bank, at Hartford, Ct., reo cently redeemed a 32 bIll that had been In clr­culatJon for fifty-two years.


New York .IIlarkets-Marcb 24, 1896, hku-Pots $6 00. Pearls 8 00 Flour and Meal-Flour, 6 75 a 7 00 for common to

good State and M(clngan,7 12 a 775 for varIOus grades uf OhiO 8 50 a Iu 50 for extra Genesee Rye Flollr 4 00 a 6 25 Corn Meal 3 50 for Jersey. Bnckwbeal Flour 1 12 a 1 50 per 100 lb.

Gram-In Wbeat nOlblOg 18 dOlOg and pnces are nom1Dal Rye 1 12 a I 16 Barley 1 ~O B 1 30 Oat •• 34 a 38c for Jersey, 38 a 40c for State, 41 a 43c for Western Corn 2 to 3c lower, and butliltle dOing; a lot of wblle Soutbern 6roogbt 67c Pro~",on.-Pork, t4 75 lor pnme 15 87 for lDess.

Beer 8 25 B 8 75 lor pnme, 9 25 8 11 00 for country lDess. Lard 9l a 101e Dre .. ed HOJls 8~ a 9c. Bot­ter. 18 a 21c lor 01110, 22 8 25c for Stat. dalnes. Obeese 8 a 10~c

.J '..;<

, !ltnd nf&IJ.I'.d IWatet.CII~, ,', OJ od I THIS e.tablllbment. for 'tb'e c~re·J3('ObroIJJ1>I..

<l8Iel,ir'conductbd bv H.P. BUIIDlcK, M 1), 'tbe facihtlellD tbiB"'" O~re ,r 101\ the an"".,.rol trktIDeJtt ot D'-"Iol the LIYer, ~pllle, Nerve. Kllm'ij,.D/ .. easel, JlroncbulI, InCIpient CODlnmptlun', &c'l are J¥)l excelled lD any eltabl,"bm~Dt. P811e~tI w"'bav~the benefit of .kjllfol HOIDeoPtltbl6 preocrlpllono-llb .~ vantage {oUDd ID but few" Water.ouret" Blped.1 .IUlnllon Will be 8lVI!D 10 dlle .... cbmmollly cIII,d .ur/pclIl. clUe •• 80011 Sl Hlp DIJeolel, W bU~ l!well\l!l" Oancen, (ID IheIr early: ltage .. ) aild Clrle. 8IId "Necru. 811 of bone I j I t I I

Connecled w!th tbe e8tabUlhmenloJi a Dental 8hcip, where .11 !lalla 10 that prolelROD wIll bllSUeLGood \0.

AddrelB, H P.1l0RDIGK; Alfred, :Kllegany.'co , N. Y.




Ifill, .. ".. f

We are In the ,,.'" "eart of the but .ut ... ot the VnlOD for tbe 8I1ce.B.lul prolecotlon of the Subtcnp. don Book Trllde, a8 te8/llDony of wblcb We needlu!y refer to \he unparalleled 10ccelS 01 our agentl ({~riDg tbe pasl year, InllDy of whom are sulllD onr \!atpl6}. Our boob are 01 a cbaracter calcolattd to lecllUV'ur os and ollr agents the k'gkell COtlfideRCe of Ibu·eed. 109 COlDlDUDlly, and we Wlab to engage tbe .erl1~e. 01 Ihose only wbo will help Us 10 ,uda,,, It. Our proxllDlty to tbe field 01 lubor enaol .. UI to attebd perloually to Ihe .1 our agent., and fiJI their orders Bt short nOllce, a&_ log Chem lUll dlll.y. and heavy expense 01 Ir.Dsportalloo Irom tbe eaate,D clUe.. Men of energy and buslDesJ hall". Will find tble a work worlhy their attentIon All conllD'u"~ ... tlons prolDptly STEARNS &.I:I1'10B8.

To l'eraona ont of EmploymeDI. An Elegant Gift for a Fatker to flrenile to kll F .... ,!,

@"Seudforonecopy ani Iryit among yourfr,encla...4J



Thl, u.eful Book I, de.uned, If we can lorm an oplDlon f,am Ibe Nollces 01 the presl 10 bave 80 un. precedented cICcolitllon In every ooollun of onr'JWld. spread contInent, and 10 form a dlBllDct era 10 tb ... Ie 01 our works It will, no douht, ID a few yearl be corne THE FAMILY BIBLE OF IHE AMERIOAN PEuPLE

W Tbe most liberal relDoneratIon Will bs allowed 10 all persoos who may be plea.ed to procore lob.cJI berl to tbe above From 50 10 100 tople. 11181. e ..... ly be Circulated and Bold ID eacb of tbe prlOclp.1 cille. aDd town. of toe limon IT WILL BE l!OLD B1 SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. '> i

Andrew Jackson Donelson says, ID a pub­hshed letter, tbat he was not the adopted son of General Jackson, but that the latter was h,s uncle, guardian and frIend f'rom mfancy General J ackaon's adopted son bears the old hero's name, and IS now hvmg at the Her­mItage.

r;j'" Appllcauon should be made at once, a. the field Will be 8000 occupied.

r;i" Persons wlshlDg to act .1 Rge\it~, and Ifo a.aI'e =,."";=""'============,,,;;;~ I bUBIOe8s can sebd for B speCimen popy

llIARRIED. W On receIpt of tbe e.!abhBhed vrlce, SIX Dollarl,

Hay-1 18 per 100 Ibs See d.-Clover 13~ a 14c TallolD-IO n 10!c

The Kansas League, 229 Broadway, N. Y., give nottlle that tbey Intend to dispatch a party of settlers for Kansas five !tmes a month, VIZ, ID 6rst·class IralllS on the 1st and 16th of each month, or ID second class traIDS on the 1st, 10th Bnd20th of the month.

The New Haven company bound for Kan. S8S, already numbere above tWI' hundred pereons. and Will be orgaOlzed as a Chrisllan church hefore starlIng on theIr Journey They wIIJ'\te amply prOVided to commence at once with till tbe materials of a thnvmg and happy town

A. Kidder communtcates to the Independ ent some account of a reVival ID Fliendshlp, N. Y: AbOllt twenty-five had untted wltb the CongregatJonal Church, and others were 101endIDg soon to uOlte. Several had Joined the MethodIst anu Bapttst churches.

The SanDnah{Ga.) Republican states that several companies of emigrants from tbat Slate are about to start for Kansas, but that few, if any of them. are slaveholders, and that no slaves accompany them.

Another attack bas been made by the In­dians of Soulh Plonda on tbe settlers on the Alafa, aoont tlarty mIles east of Tampa. Four men, one woman alld tbree cbildren were brutally murdered and scalped,

Thirty one bodIes have been recovered from Ihe Delaware fIver, near Philadelphia, slOce the burning of tbe ferry·boat New J er­sey. A number of persons are yet ml89lOg. and It IS thougbt tbat tbe number of hves lost wIll not fall much sbort of fifty.

Cbnrches are being bllllt in Paris as stock speculaltons. The sbares will he convertible, hke those of the Rentes Quotallons WIll be governed malOly by the popularity of the preacber and quahty of the musIc.

Sarah, a negro chIld about eIght years of age, the property ot P. A Clayton, of Culuw­bus, Ga., was recently kIlled by wounds 10-

Bleted upon her head and body by Mrs. Clay­ton.

At a Kansas meetIDg ID Albany on Thurs· day, March 13tb, after eloquent speeches, a subscrIptIOn was raised of 84,94.0, of whIch Gernt Smith gave 83000, and E. C. Delavan $1000

Tbe American Almanac thus dtvides tbe populatIon of the globe; Europe. 263617,-521; ASia. 620 000,000 ; AfrlCa,100,OOO,OOO; AmeTlca, 67,706,882; AustralIa, 1446,000; Polynesta, 1,600,000; total, 1,060,169,403.

Seven of tbe eight Judges of the Snpreme Court of Mlcblgan have affirmed the constitu­tlOnahty oftlie Probibitory Liquor Law of Ihat State, which is similar to the law of New York.

By Eld H P BurdIck, 10 Homellsville7March 10, the elCTORlAL FAMiLY BIBLE, wnh a well buODd 1856 JOHN BEEKER. of Cattaraugos 00 , to MISS NAN. SnbscnpllOo Book, Will be carefully boxed, aon ilir­CY BURDICK 01 HOfDeUsvllle w.rded per expre •• , at our nsk and expense to aDY

bentrallowo or Village In the Umted Blales, ~ceptlDg By tbe same, March 13, 1856, at the Alfred Hlgbland Lbu.e of Callforma, Oregon. and Tax... ~ Watercnre MATH!.W POTT.EK to Miss SARAH HEMP" HILL all of Hartsvdle ti'" Orders respectfUlly soliCIted For fnrther p _

ncnlar. addre •• the sub.crtber (poBt pa,d l At Alfred Center, March 20 by Eld N. V Hnll, Mr. ROB elIoT S~RS,

JARVIS S KENYON to l\lt" LYDIA SWEET all of Alrred. 181 Wilham Sfreet, New York. In New York on Ibe 22d IDst, by L Crandall, Mr r----."........,,-----~-'---;~-...:.......l..

TIMOTHY QUIGUY to MISS HURlJ;~ JiOVISA VANDER- lIIerehaD1 Tallorln, EltablJshinellt, BILT


In West Edmeslon Ot!ego Co , N Y after an IUnen of etghl days, BUJAMIN F BURDICK, aged 36 years Tbe subject of th •• nollce experIenced rehglOn ID early hfe, bnt bad never pot aD Cbrlst 10 the ordillance 01 baptIsm HIB mlOd bad beeD Ireqoenlly called up to IhlS duty but timidIty, and 8 want ofeullre ellnsecra tlOD 10 God had prevented blm Tbls neglect he deeply regretted, and salmen y promIsed God If He would spare hIS hie be would publicly own hiS Sav loor l:inrmg hiS .tcknes. he reJOIced ID tbe bope that God h8d, for hu Son •• ake pardoned all of hl8 wand erwgs H,. la8t daya were .pent In cl<bortlOg b18 friends to II:J1thfulness and 8tDllereto repentance He leave. aD afflicted Wife aDd tbreeso08, with a Dllmerous Circle of relatives and frIends, to mourn bls sudden de­partore In bls deatb sOCIety b8S Joot an active mem ber, a kmd cltlzen sud the poor a warm friend May Ibl. allhcnve prOVidence besancttlied to us a\l L M C

In Hartavllle. N. Y, Marrh 6th Mr. FAI'Nr BUR­DICI[, Wife of Stillman BurdIck, of eryslpe~, after an dlnel58 of five days, aged twenty years SIX months and eIght days

In Hope Valley R I, Marcb 13tb, 1B56 of dlBea., 01 tbe braID, WAYLAND ROGER. son of Geo B. Bod Lllcy E. Lanphear, sged 2 years, 8 Ulllntbl and 9 days.

In Verooa NY, March 191b, 1856, GEORGE NELsOlf, Ivn of Albert and BOl!brOnB 0 .Babcock, aged 8 montbs, aDd 7 days

LETTERS. H P BurdIck N V Holl, D E Max80n, C 0 Lang­

wortby, 0 W Langworlby H \V Randolph, S S Gns­wold, P S Crandall S D Pelty, W PIg_ley, AM Weet (refurIl and excbange,) D P OurtIs T G Rdley, Abel Sullman C Ii. MlDor. J L Boyd, EphraIm MlI18oD, Wm F Randolpb, Zebolon Scnven -RECBIPTS. , ~ All payments for pubUcat!ollB of the Society are .. lmow1-

edged from week to week 10 the Recoroer PennD! Rddmg • macer the receipt of whicb .. uot duly scJmawled(ed, .hauld

gl'''e u.s early Dotice of the omiuion.

lOR THE!ABBATB RECORDER: G F Randolpb. Plainfield, N J $4 OO-to vol. 12 No. 52 Wm Woodmancy, RockVille RI 2 00 12 52 G H Burdlck Walworth, WlO 2 00 12 5~ Clark P MaJ80n • 2 00 12 52 WelcolDe B Orand all " 2 00 1,!- 33 W Plgsley. Tlratt, III 3 00 13 6 J R Shaw Alfred 2 00 t2 52 J H BurdICk " 2 50 12 52 W J Bnrdlck " .' 1 00 . \ 10 2/i TbolDas ChalDphn, Alfred Oe~ 12 5~ John Woolworlb " 2 00 13 52 Milo Bordlck " 2 00 13 34 ManliDl BII8h, Olear Creek 2 00 12 52

rOB TBB BABBATH-SCHOOL 'l'ISITOR' JOlbua Clarke, Brookfield Manlins Busb, Clear. Creek


GIlbert F Randolph Plamfleld N;1

$2 00 25

,VlI,LIAM M. ROGEIlB. TrellUrer;

Every R~ader

T HE suo!cnber, bavlDg sold bleIDlereat In tbe firm ul A D 111awonh & Uo. of I'lalulield and local

ad Llmsell at tbe corner 01 FullOtrlmd Pearl It I eelt, NeW- York, 8. Mercbant Tailor and Mauofactorer of all kmd. of C1otblUg, would respecUully mVlle bl'. friends, aDd as many other. as feel dlspoBed to Btod,. economy, to give blm a e.II, reehng aa.ured Ibal hIS experlenee 1D tbe bUSlne .. wdl enable 111m 10 do bel­ler lor bls cuslomers tbon they can do lor IbelDselvIIJI He WIll employ tbe be.t 01 worklDen, aod I!IV~ to tbe busn,le.s hiS whole auenUOD

ClotJu, Ca.",mer., and. Ve.l"" .. of the late.t pat tern., conBtantly all bond, OlJd mlde to OTder III tile mOBt approved maDDer, at obo,t nOtice.

Also, any persons W IBblDg cOUlDg done fo~ theIr friends at bvme by oliservrng the lolJvwlDg d,rection., can be accommoduted WIth any aty Ie lbey wllb.-

Coal Mea.are-!st. PlaCing the measure al .lId:.1 bODe of neck, down t~enter of arm or liboulder. tben to WlllSt above tb'!Jfip, and length 01 coat 2\1: From seam 01 back, gIVIng Width 01 back lben to elbow and lengtb of .leeve bendmg the arm ID rlgbt aogle. 3d Breast and wallt, DOting the pMltion, whelher StooplUg l'l!ward or extra 8tralght

vue-lst From socket bone down front, w-,VIDI! • lenglb of vest 2d Breast aDd walll mealuTe'.

Pallt,-lot. From i1lp bone to th.ghJolDtanokne; and lenglh 2d WSlBt, hlP, thIgh, aud kbee

A1.o, any penon~ WI.blDg to avaIl tbelD18lvel Of my assistance In selectlDg a ~t"'ck of Clothlllg or otber marcbandlB •• 'ilIll find me at my office every day, II .. cept Ilabbslhday. All ordeToltbankflllly received aDd atlenJad 10 Wltb dIspatch

Terms, cash on dehvery E B TITSWORTH, Merchant T&I'lor.

I:i" I can accommodale a SabbatanaD WIlb aD ollice mmyroom:" I-'

, , qr~£ ilabbllt~ StU1l'~tr,

.!'vb_ Weekly • u Tert/ll-f!l 00 per b" .. a, 'I' .Adr~e "

T"~ ~abbat4 Rteorda- ,. devoted. to the e](pomticm snd 'lDdlCallon of the VIews and mllyemeD'- of the Bevenlh-day!Japttst Denomtnauon It a:ml to. p~ mote Vital piety BDd vrgoro8a benevolenlactlon, iir lire same tl1D6 that It urge. obedience to tbe comm ... d­menta of Gull and the fli/lh of Jilts.. It. coluwn. Illl open to tbe ~dvocacl of aU relOnnatuu meaour .. \vJlIch seem likely to Im~ove tbe conditIOn or .11C1etY, dllfol. knowledge, -reclaIm t60 inebnate, anil enfrau· eblle tfie J!'ad. In lit Llteraty aDd IntehlgrllDe D.partmeula, care." !<jken to fornish mal!,er aiI.pled to tbe want! and \allel of evety cia .. .of leaden M a Rellgtons and Family Newspaper, It 1I1ljlended th"t tbe Recoriler .hall rank l!IDong tbB' best


of Sao Juan ue Ulloa had been sentenced Tbe boiler of a steam !law-mill tn Oakdale, ,;-xnLL please nOI1Ce Ihe advert18emeDt descnpllve VV ofMR SEARS'SPlOTORIALIFAMILYilIBLE,

and oeDd lor tbe Pnnted CatelogI!e of all oar nlnstnt. to be shot. IndIana, exploded on Friday, Mare;h 14, kil\" A farmer, !lamed Buck, was murdered at in~ four pereons and woundlOg three others.

hlS reSidence neal MorJlsvIlle, Madison Co, T.he buIldmg was shattered to pieces.

N. Y., on FrIday nIght, March 14tb HIli bndy Judge Burgoyne, of Cin~innati, has decided was found on Saturday mOrDlDg, borrlbly that a Commissioner bas no constitutIonsl mangled, With a bloody axe near by. A man right to act ID Fugitive Slave cases, and tbat who worked for deceased, and who had had all such acts are null and voill. 1

some difficulty WIth hIm, has been arrested Rev. Dr. Thomas E. Bond, prlOClpal editor on SUSpICIon. of the N ew York Ckrutzan Advocate ani/-

ed Work. ' ~ To the "R.bat~d 10 Che great art of lellliig

B~"'k8, we won d say, Ibat we present a 8I;heme for I 1D0ney maklDg which 18 fSI better than all the gold !Dlllel or CalifornIa aDd Aoslrall8

@' Any peraou WIlblng 10 embark lUtbeenterpnse, w,lI r18k little by 18ading to tjJe fnbhlher $25, fOl' wblch be WIll l~cdvll sample ,CoPIeS of Ibe varlp'1lI wotks (at wb~relale pnce.,) carefully lIoxed 1D11ln:a, snd dlrecled, aftoroing a very hberal per centage to t1ie Agenl for IiiUl'ouble. Wnh theae he wdllOOD be able 10 ascertam Ibe most lalealole Ind order IlCl;9rd . f h E I b 'I' Y tem Ru - , , ruptIon 0 t_ e ng IS mlll~ry s 8. by the stove. Many others were shgbtly m

mnra of a dl880lullon of Parhament were sull Jured. Among the passengers ID the first atl08!, but tbey are not rehable. car whoellCllped lOJUry were Rev Dr. Osborn,

In Ireland, tbe Tipperary JOlOt Stock Rev. C. Phllhps, and Rev. S. Van Duesen.

It IS reported tbat the steamboat Alabama, Joumal, died Jail week at Ips reSidence m plying on tbe Red RIver, bas been totally de- New York, aged seventy-five years.. stroyed; that the boiler burst, the boat touk A Legislative Committee recently Visited fire, and was burned tothe water. A number several tenement bOUSe! in New Yotk, in of persons were IDJured, aecordmg to the a~ one of which they fOl!Jld two bundred arid

IDgly. Address (po.t paid) •• ROBEltr SEARS, Pnbhsher,

181 Wilham Street N_ York.

Bank had failed for £{OO.OOO, ofwhleh .£200,- • 000 Wall an overdraft of the late Mr_ Jobn The editor of tbe Cinclllnatt Gazette has Sadlier, and the remaining £200000 18 satd seen a'note from Gov. Morehead of Ken to be connegted )9ith hIS dlfficultle~. k dd 8seed ro rhe agent who was em

'rl ',f.- T toe y. a r COfent uar en beatre has been destroy- pl*ed by Gov Clnlse to proceed to Frank.

ed by fi"'tT~ atid \fie ~Uins have been VIsited tlJ foi~demand the return of the slave ,!oman tbe Queen ed YlrlOUR of tbe nublhly. TJie ",W liad murdered her clitld iu ClDclnnatl, 10888ustaiuei! is comllnted at.£1 00,000, '£16,- but who bad been ~ent by ber mester, 1\1r. 000 ofwblcb III covered by IQ'urance. Gaines; 10 A\-kll.ns8sl be/oTB tbe requiSitIon

From the continent, tbe moet Importlnt could be served ID !tue form of taw. 'Gov_ iDtelligence felales to the eJpected arri~al of Morehead expresses bls extreme "regret Bnd a Dew 6Clon of tbe Bonaparte family. Tbe tnili~natioil lit the COllr8S taken by Mr lIear relatives of tti~_'fretJc&· Emp!.6!a ~a~e Gaines, lIud fJa~ that the slave shall be r~ left SpaiD lor Parilm order to lie prei(ent at turnedl abd- tlilt lJRjasurea have a1reidjlieeD * I:,I!~ , takeD to caUil her titDmlb ~ Lr

" ' e ~

CIIUDt, ani! several are mlsslIIg. ei%ty famIlII!!l

The CmClDnalJ Pru;e CurrentpublIsbes full children, from ,the NQW York returns of the pork tradem tbe West, and also Children's AId Society. were d'spalcbed to of the shipments EeaL Tbe mcrease In the W stem homes Marcli 19th. The parting

Dumber packed up to the present tlll\ej as w~ a touching ;ime. Good luck to them. ';h~' O .. rill ia daiped ll~.rci:'l!0r a~b~t\-compared with last year, IS 343,000, and the , 1iOOI. IIIid contai ... Millie IIbd'ti, :~~D lOcrease In the shipments east 166,000., Rev. Jqhn Pierpont. WIthin t,.,o years pUt, "be Dext Quarterly Meeting ot'tbe Eleeotif4i 'gbiiia ~ oi'<h~ary occuloH,ud to IOch.peciII 41.

I hill! traveled 2li 000 mIlea, and lectured fi'l'e; oCtile SetentlHlay Sapllit BdocatlOD SoCiety, ... 11 lie ill tlcit:1HIIf or~ f.'"~~ eJJDlt •• rietT 4C The contract for building twenty miles of . bIll a week ~n an ayerage. i Mtl Pjerpoatl fheld ~~J1l0 8e,.enth 8t.1 NI!1fj Vcrk, 110 Che c8\1ii<lar A ~UlDber or pi_ aa'f!~J. t9-1!JCW -1f.IJ~-

tbecSiiebOygan aDd Fond du Lac Railroad, DIg "Q wards pf7O:<)Iears ohge. " oCApnl 1856. «;D D~r.n~atJ!O .tfIOCk, A.~~!t. iiblp;tojlelber WIlli l' rep t'e","~ ~D~' >ft". from Sbebnvgan to Greenbusb bas been Jet 18 DO P , CO!D,lllitlee on ilie 100000tjon ur UJt! • elIlOtm\'l~ M J;; clolid til thii'book. Ie olbPtuti ii' \iij~ •

- , Tb N - Ii ("t - r (Ct:) ,a,.li -=1. A le"B"and 1'heoloblcar~lDlDl,,", 'WII ,. =1:2e • b-- ~ fl '" ni - ! '~ .• I'\ n"l r. to some Eastern contractors ~r meaos and e orwlC )Jo~rl? 1r\ . _ r~lIe.ith8Jtre ~lWbi'cb.lllllMimdelhe'lll r ;_e - c'. c ' '''' '!> ~ •

energt By the terms of tbe contralCt, tbla yery marked ,,;na ,ratJfjlafe~~: Ii~ttfrhs ~'de~Ifn.~P A~f&'t.ttelldancP(P(,tk6'_ or b~= ~'P:e~.::,.c=l~= porlton of tbe work 18 [0 be in rwming order interestexi!i~~ m~it ~~~ \ m ~ I ) 1 J ~ ~ ~~~,~\jd!fhi!t 0 waf'rtbBD Bee.~ F!f'~ 8R~J ~f4!'!~ a ~ _ III within oDe'1ea!~ ~ Gtl aulle p~utffi~ (1 00 ~Il)' ',,-r;!, "\. I " .nt ti., . C41,) " '!lll'!! 11" \ ","le70~~n d"

..., .-, I- \

Page 4: Amazon S3Vol+12+(1855-… · AnlMae aWly When rha lOund i. put. I'll ~ lOme widow ill lonely.col, Where peace and plenty inh.blt not, Where the lIame on Ibe eold hearth diel, Heeding


• ~""!'" \ 11'nn "'W'''''


, , had tbe wagon. In order that he saw I have seen m'sla;tl!(fa:t'lge tbiilg'S; might the team..after die flIght or tbe one that bas left a 'de~p,IBi' nhpiresliion

" ',! teameter, fell also Into tbelr ballds Froth the my wemory thall the dull, im~;as8i~~l ~u~c~ conC8'alment aft'orded by the busbes It was which that wor~ out heap'nf'migR"V

r VuierJIP fl at Baalkwul ImpOSSible to tell the extent of their loss and plece of mone'y and was lost. 1\'O:'IIJ.'-lCliDcI11lled. relnforceilients did not arnve on the ground spoke to all the five In everyone mterest

The robatire \i811~1i ot:O~lq Carpeuter. undt a)1 hllur aher tbe Captain left It and the and CUriOSIty were as exhnct as 10 the first wbo w~ so ueh be10vea by'ijte wliole com InaltlUs lIad camed otrlhelr dead and wound They were all dull and langUId No one! mand; creaifd a moat paf~1r eenslitlon ed. accordmg to tbelr custom They knew made any sort of profeSSIon or complallltl no Ther; Will ~ tiuJ:r"ln, QE Dlen ~o arms and ~ that I had escaped tb camp, and tbat relDforce- one cared to look at me no one thanked me

art statted olt onIoot at u~~tt tIme In ments would SOOD be at band, and tbey lOst Wben I caPle to the tlilrd, I suppose she saw ftie ~ea~ ~m" !l tar , ~r;ij'1 o~ W~I8k and 00 time ID gemng away Lleu(eoant Rey that my compaDion and I glanced, Willi a :new water, and a v rbou g of cold turlte , ~hlcb no\ds found one of the mules eull hltcbed to borror upon us, at the last two, w.ho bad bid beea ."alli': for me, eo far re~ved me, the wagon and an arrow st1ckmg In bls Side, dropped agalDBt eacb other lD theIr sleep and that I ito jeil~Y; wlt~ a fresh horse, to but lie was not serIously Injured by It Pieces were lying hke broken Images She said slie J.~.n~ ~Ieut • lle otds and Williams. of harness were scattered along the tratl A beheved they were young 8lst"r8 These hut Sa'I.~~ wbo! hois! I had, clalm'ed the small bear SkID, wet WIth blood, \lIId several the only ,words that were ollglnated phvllege '(jf ruJ It hImself. When tbey ar~lcles ofIpdl8n wearlllg apparel, and arrows die five I ~ ~ 1Wtil!; 1 ~bed the hill tn tbe Tear or were strewn about the ground where the con· • tli' carilp, to !!:b thelf progress It was Iltct took place The Earthquake nl Jeddo. Jllat 11_ wheo 1 lIsw the CaptalD, to my These Indians were a band of Apaches tradmg vessel wblCh arnved at San '1Nit eu'l'pr1se \iii welJ a8 dehght slowly ndlog and, as we leArned by foJlowmg their trail from Japan, reports an earthquake In, and 1 ~.'n down to meet hl~ He BUP arterward theydhad observed uSfi 10 the morn In the Island of Nlpbon on the 11th 01 No ported a bloodv band hiS horse was bllledmg mg aa We passe up the creek rom tfleIr con b I h h h f J

J, LI vem er ast, 10 W Ie t e city 0 e<hlo Buf from an artery In the foreleg cut, and hiS dogs, cea ment 10 one of the cenona near the fered tbe I J~S of a hundred thousand houses at bls horse's heels, were of a cnmson color fort, and they descended and crossed and lhllty thousand inhabitants from head to foot The sight Was sapguw,/ valley keeplOg themselves concealed 10 Japan IS a volcantc country Ever slUce It Indeed 1\'1'Cullocb followed on foot, limpIng bottom of the ravme, from which seated has been known to Europeans, earthquakes wlLh an arrow wound 10 the foot the If horses, they could Just observe ou have from time to time occurred tbere, and

"Is It pOSSible, CaptalD, tbat you have es movements, and when we entered the no longer ago than last year there happened -~"'d·" He held oul hl~ hand to me, and they crossed the creek Bnd passed along va " '\ b h II b b b h one by which the Town of Simoda our troaty as !l4 If he W88 bad y hurt I exammed the tel to were t ey were seen y t e port m tbe Island of Nlphon, was greatly dam wound, ODd aMuret! him that he was not- Captain at noon There they walled unul d d

.. " II b h d I" h d age an a RUSSian frigate then 'ymg In the .. The raa"als were determllied to have old our.u num er a elt t e grove an b b II d bl d T dd " d b I h ar or tota '/ Isa e .. e 0 was reported Drivel'," said he, .. but I was deter milled on open groun , were t lere was no c ance to have sull'ered somewhat from that shock, 'hey.hould not, while I could defend him" of escape Tbelr dIspOSItions were well and wllhout putttng ImphClt rehance In the At tbe camp I proposed til dress tbe Cap\alD's made, and the whole plan of attack showed extent of the mJury II Hlcted by 'he present wound, but be told me 10 save Driver If ~ great lIagactty, and would have been success onl', we may well beheve that lL has been very could An arrow bad transfixed Ins leg and ful In cuttmg 011' every man lD tbe party, serIOus

• +em ttCTrnr ¥ ; m ... ;:;:t,

across.t on tbe Ice 1133 Tbls year the river Po, m

frozen from Cremona to (fie sea, the casks contalOlng It, and lnE',~r'~e •. c~p :>J_.:.L a loud report

1216 Tbe river Po was (tozen (0 tbe deptb of .nzteelJ feeL

1234 Tbe Meillterranean was over, and a whole plOe forest the cold

1282 Tbls year tbe snow was 80 dellp ID

Austria that the houses were entirely bUried beneath It and many persons perished

:1292 Tbe Rhine was frozen over, and the snow IS represented as belOg of an • enormous depth'

1323 Tbe Baltic Sea waB frozen over 80

as to be passable for Silt weeki 1344 All tbe rIvera lD Italy were frozen

IDvere~ an artery. and hiS hre was fast ebbing were It not that they wanted victory too In the case of earthquakes m Japan, the from thEl> wound A compress and bandage cheap They are not I!1Itlsfied to get victory, IDJury done 18 almost always aggravated by arrelled the blood and he waaled down to unlcss It can be had for nothmg But, ~he fires, common everywbere on sllch occasions tbe corell. With lDsttuctlonl to the Orderly tQ fact IS, that In a greet maJonty of cases t ey but to whICh the Japanese are pecuharly IITa.bIm aU the water he would drmk WhJle would bave been left m possession of the hable from the eXllll5sIVely combustible char 1 w. dreSSIng the Captain's hapd, through field under tbe circumstances Two days acter of tbelr bUlldlllgs which with the ex wblch an arrow had pa9geiI, be told me the after tbIS all'aIr, a tram of wagons bound to cept on of a few anCient stone castles are all pa1tlculara of the attack FOTt DaVIS which had left our camp but a bUllt of wood, wltb Windows and partitions oC

over loe,ner

At the moment In whlcb be reacbed the few days before was surprtsed by a large paper, and covered with varnish which makes team wblch bad stopped to adjust the load party of IndIans and every aDlmal was carned them stdl more combustible lng, be saw the Indlansl99uIDg tram the wood oil', amountmg to sixty SIX m broad day hght Jeado IS a great City, all the princes and directly on our tracks, and approachmg to -the men nut finng a shot lD their defense nobles of the empire are obhged to malntam wlt]jm two hundred yalds, open to the right ThiS was my first Sight of an IndIan In Texas establishments there It IS pOSSible that a anll left to enCircle the httle band Their although I had had sucb convmclllg eVidence hundred thousand houses may have been de Intentio~ waB tOltamptule tbe party accerdmg tbat they had more than one of me I shall strayed but the alledged loss or ltfe IS we • &0 their custom, run down the foglUyes and be glad to know tbat It will bethe lasl I had hope exaggerated The Japanese houses afe Dr. Dwlgbl Dud lilt DennIe take tbelr scalps and borses But tbey bad rathtlr dlo by wtld beasts, than by the hands not of a kmd to crusb the IIIhabltants by their As Dr DWlgbt was traveling through New

1349, 1392 and 1408 The Baltic Sea was frozen over In each of these years

1384 Tbe RblOe and Gulf of VeDlce were frozert OTer

1423, 1426 1459 In each of th~se yeaTS tbe traveling from Lubec to Prussia was per­formed on the Ice

1620 TQe sea between Constantinople and Iskodar was passable on the Ice

1670 The cold was mtense throughout Europe

1681 ThiS year the cold was so severe as to spilt whole forests of oak trees

.... elltt,qordlnaryman to deal With Captam of bemgs who possess all the ferocity uf tbe fall, and those who penshed must euber have Jersey he chanced to stop ata stage hotel,ln G Immedlatf,lly ihsmounled. as did Dennen Wildest beasts added to tbe cunDlng and been swallowed up by the yawnmg eartb, ur one of ItS populous tOWIIS, filr the mght At a • nd Beardall, and gave orders not to fire cruelty uf man f have 10Rt their lives In the flames or lD the late hour of the same mght arrived also at the until tbe sanges should approach so near as I had promised to my fllend Dr Nott 0 crash and confUSIOn mCldent to such an oc IOn, Mr DenDle, wbo bad tbe mIsfortune to to make a 8ure tblDg of each shot Several Mobile, a skull of tbls tnbe If I could get It, currence learn Ii om tbe landlord that hiS beds were all rlRe shots were fired by the Indians at too hut I think I would prefer to send him mme, The most recent accounts whIch we have paired wllh lodgers except one occupied by long :range to ao any executlOb, but by whlcb whtle It IS at my disposal, than to pursue such of Jeddo from per~onB who actually saw It the celebrated Dr DWight Show me to hlB the1 ho ed to drawlhe fire of our men~ wben etbnologlcalmqumes at such risks are those given by Herr Herodnck Doeff, who apartment, exclaimed Dennie, although I am thet WD~ld have clarged m upon them, and The next morning two parlIes were sent reSided In Japan from 1797 to 1815 durmg a stran&.er to the Rev Doctor pel haps I can ~1'1!,~hed them before they could reload. out under Lieutenants ReYlolds and WII which he tWice or three times VIsited Jeddo bargam wllh hIm for my lodgmg Tbe land Dlsappomled In thiS they wllhdr-ew a short hams one to tbe crossmg of tbe Pecos and aDd !.hat of J F Van Overmeer FIscher, who lord accordmgly waited on Mr Denme to the dIBtance, when our men started on with the the other to follow the trail But the partIes went to Japan soon after D, eft' left It and Doctor's room and there left him to m[ro mule teary. but the Indians, havmg secured being on foot, aud a dnzzlmg ram havmg that of Dr Phtlhpp Frans Von SIebold who duee htmsel£ The Doctor althougb m bls thelfi8mif\af,. now returned to tbe attack on fallen durmg tbe D1ght, making the walkmg was at Jeddo four years afler Fischer In bls mght gown cap and shppers and Just ready foot The teamster bemg unarmed, acted very labOrIOUS, the pursuit wall abandoned "Recollections of Japan' Doell' deSCribes a to resIgn himself to the relreshmg arms of on tbl! ~dvlce of Be ard all and abandoned hiS TblS Wa& the first ralO that I had seen ID two terrible fire which occurred ID Jeddo ID 1806 somnus pohlely requested the strange lDtru team, and fled for safety ;0 the creek, uncon montbs, durmg all that I1me the sky haa while he was In the City It begun at a dlst der to be seated The Doctor was struck 1C,l0usly follpwed by the two savages who I been almost II not quite cloudless A nortb once from tbe mn where the Dutcb lodged at with the hterary phYSiognomy of bls com pan­eupposed had ktlled hun The position of erly wmd hse occaSionally broken the monot about 10m tbe mormng At 1 the Dutch Ion unbent hiS austere brow, and commenced the Oaptam was m the grass, whlCb skirted any of fine weather and rattled our tent took the alarm and began to pack, at.3 they a literary conversallon Tbe names of Waeh­the creek a few rods wide, beyond tbls the ropes and stiffened tbe locusts that clime m Hed On runmng mto the street' says ,"gton Frankhn Rmenhouse, and a host of ground rost\ somewhat, and was covered wllb mynads wah the first north wmd, and made DoefF.' we saw everythmg In Hames There hterary and dlRungUlshed characters, for some th&- thm Scattered bushes of which I bave anotber blanket comfortable at UIJlht. In a was great danger In attemptlDg to escllpe by lime gave a zest lIlid mterest to their conver already 'spoken few days I shall be agam upon the road to runmng before the fire, we therefure took a ijatIon unIt! DWight chanced to meotlon the

1690 Scot and thiS year was VISited wltb an awful snow storm, which lasted lhlrfeen ,,''''"'U • days and fllgbts during which lime DIne tentbs

The Indians approached under cover of leave a dreary country and a pleasant camp alantlng dlTeclton through a street already name of Denme tbe bUBhes, rtllng to let fly an arrow, and 1m where I have experienced many kmdne99eB burntng and thus succeeded 10 reachlOg an "DenDle tbe editor oC the Portfolio, (says medlatel bldm a 1m before a Sl ht could and cordial greetings, tbat one )'o'lll look for open field It was studded WIth the standards the Doctor m a rhapsody,) IS the Addison of

'lII be draw! upon gth!m, ~Ild all the wghlle they In a ~and amoog the crowded1 '~te;t~ of of princes wbose d welhogs had been destroy the U OIted Slates-tbe fatber of Amt'rlcan

were In srgbt, Jumpmg about In tbe most Israel ed, and whooe wives and children had Hed Belles Let!ers But Sir, contlOued he 18 It Iprawllng and ungrllce(ul attitudes, at the thtther for refuge We followed their exam not astoDlshmg, that a man of suoh a geDiUS

SntrerID~_ of tho Poor Ii d' Ibid b d h If lillie time yelltng, to frighten tbe men from pIe ana marked out a spot WIth out Dutcb ancy an lee 109 s au a an on Imse to thelf 8teadmess In aim Our men dodged the DICkens, In hiS Ho~eltold Words deSCrIbes flags We had now a full view of the fire tbe lDebrtaung bowl, and to baccbanahan Irrows successfully, untll the IndIans ap- ID bls IDlmttable style one of the scenes of and never did I sell anythmg so tern6c The revelsi' pwached wuhm fifly yards, wben they began wretchedness wblch may be seen Dlghtly 10 terrors of thiS ocean of Harne were enhanced 'Sir said DenDle 'yon are mistaken, to return the fire. by the heart rendmg cries or the fugmve wo I have been lbtllnately acquamted with DenDle

tbe streets of a crowded metropohs like Lon- fi I d I k Dennen and Beardall were mUSICians to men and children" ThIS fire raged ull noon r Hev~ra years, an never neW or saw

Company K and from boyhood had served don - the next day when It was exun'!uIshed by a him mtoxlcated '

of tbe sheep were frozen to death, and many shepherds lost theIr hves

1692 Wolves came 1010 Vienna, and 01

tacked men and women, oWlDg to the IDtense cold and hUDger

1729 and 1730 In one uf these years another snow storm vlslled Scotland, 10

whlcb about twenty thousand sheep and many shepherds were lost-" by a slOgle day's snow

1776 ThiS year the Danube was frozen over fivefeet thick helow Vlehna

Scotland was the scene of anotber terrible snow storm lD 1794 whIch IS the most extra ordinary one of wblcb there 18 any record In one slOgle mght snow fell to tbe depth of elgbt or ten feet, and m some places tbe most 10flY trees were enmely covered By thiS one mght a storm seventeen shepherds lost their hves, and thousanda of sbeep. beSIdes other ammab, were destroyed One farmer alon13 lost fourteen hundred sheep Afier the storm had somewhat disappeared, there were found collected together (by lis violence) In one spot, !.he dead bodies of till Dc men; one woman forty five dogs, three hones, DIne hlack cattle one hundred snd eIghty liares, and one tbOusand eight hundred and forty sbeep

The above cont8lDs the most remarkablil accounts of severe weather lD the old world, and some of tbem could bardly be bellevl'd were they not well 8uthjlntlcated by tb.a blstorles of the tllnea They contrast ilranglll" wl!h the weather pf tecent times thllr~ and of the present, In tbe new w(ldd, unlIl tbe WIIlter we are noW PllMlllg out o£

in the army OJ! thEf fronllers, were expert .. On the 5th of last November, I tbe con fall of ram The hotel of the Dutcb was on • Sir, ' IIays the Doctor, 'you ert I have Jj~oter., and cool 88 If It were only deer that dllctor of this Journal accompamed by a fllend fire wuhm five mID utes after tbey had lelt It my mformallon from a parucular fllend, I they had to shOQt. Bea[dall felt the brush uf well known to the pubhc aCCldentallyatrayed The palaC;t0f thIrty seven prmce13 were de am confident that I am rlgbt, and lhst you are an arrow, and saw the Indian who shot It, and mto WhttE:cbapel It wllB a miserable even- stroyed be we ght of fugitives broke down wrong' lhsregatdmg all otheTS, be held bls rtfle to the 109, very dark, very muddy and raIDlOg tbe famous Ipon bas, or Br dge of Japan D~nDle noW mgeDlously changed Ihe con- The. Use of Tobaeeo, spot where he saw him dlBappear behmd a hard Thf,lre are many woful 81ghts m that (across a fiver winch runs through tbe city versatlOn to tho clergy, remarkwg that Doc It 18 to he hoped that a crusade may be bUlh, untIl be rose aiaID, when he fired, and part of London, and It bas been welf known and from which all distances throughout the lors Abercrombie and Mason were amongst commenced agslOlt tobacco at some future the IIIvage fell without sendmg hiS arrow to Ilie lD most of Ill! aspects for many years Empire are reckoned,) so tbat beSide tbose our most distingUished divines, neverthelesp, day which may lead to a general abandon Tiere .eemed to be two Indians )"bo Were We had forgotten the mud and raID In slowly burned to death, many were drowned, mclud he conSidered Dr D Wight, PreSident of Yale mebt of us use It IS a (toltftll source of evIl 1Iecorated wllh whistles and wblch tbey used wa)kIDg alc ng and lookmg about us, when 109 a daugbter of the PrlDce of Arva. Twelve College tke most learned tbeologlan-the to young Bnd old, and IS oramall nullty. save to aUmQlate tJielr men to the attacK, and tbey we fuund ourselves, at 8 0 clock before the hundred hves were Bald to have been lost nrst logICian-and the greatest poet that to grlltlfy a morbtd appelltS and amusB' a SIngled {lut the Captam as particularly wor workhouse Crouched 8gamst the. wall of the [N Y Tribune ~mertca bas ever produced But, sir can vacBnt hour Uncle Toby has enbsted bearttly

--Ayer'. Chmy Peeloral, FOR tbe raplu tur. of OoUgb8 HoarleJIel.IlBroc

chins Whooping Ooullli Oroup, Allbms Ind ODD lamptlOn Thill remedy has won for ltl.lf "".b n6tc rletl' for Its curea of e~ery vanety of Pl1lmouilry d I­eaa.1 tbat 1t I. entIrely unnec ... ary to recoonl Ibe eVldencea of Ita vutu'" 111 8ily commuDlty wher., It baa been employed So",.,de 18 IheJield"I 1I1U~lal ne88~ and IU DumerOUI the cue. of Ita turel lhlll almust every lectioo'OC the touDlry aboundllll person.., pubhcly koown who have been reetored from alarm ng and eveo desperate dl.ew. of tbe lungl by III UI~ When once tried III lupenonly over' e.qry 0 her medlcme of Ito kInd 11 100 apparent 10 eBcape oboer YlItion, and wbere Its VIrtueg are known the publ c 110 longer beotllte wbat aotldote to emplo)' Cor tbe dll tr .... IDB and dang,roul aff'ectlonl of Ibe pulmonery organll wblcb are inCident to our chmate And COl billy In formidable attack, upon ilie luoga, but fOl tb. mdder VlII'lelle. of Cold. 00v810; Ho",. ... nell ot' aod ror Chlldrell If is- tbe pleltanle,! ani! .lIleal mel! clUe tbat can be obtained

As It Has long beep In conatBDt nBa tbrougboutWU IBction wB1leed 001 do more tban'lllliurlt tbe peop, lie qual ty I. kep~ up 10 tbe ben Ibat It ner lul~be'l and that tbe genull\e BrtlCI" 11-

Sold~twholelllllelD New York by A B &D Sun, retail by RusIITO* CUItIf' & 00. aud by all Drq8 gllla, everywbere


Loeal A!e.t. for the iCCIIlder.

NEW YORK f h f h tlnued Den me, there are tralls 10 hiS cbarae, b d d b d thy 0 t elr regard Olle 0 thl'm was a uge- workhQuse, 10 tbe dark street, 011 the muddy 10 t IS crusa e, an says many or tblngs of.

framed fellow. wbose varmllholi-colored face pavement stones, wltb the ram ralntDg upon Reasons for GrowIng Ruta Bagas ter unbecommg so grilat and wise a man of the slaves of the weed He lbmks Its use a 1~~~:.~f:~~'f,~L'C''''C)rth:, •. bore more mahghl!y than he had ever seen them, were five bundles of rags Tbey Were TurnIps, botb of tbe Swedish aud common the most detestable deSCription-he IS the Sin expre9ged III a human countenance They motionless, and had no resemblance to the varieties. are cultivated to a much greater greatest bigot and dogmatist of the age I ' • I knew one who Bald • Sir, I can hear no advanced upon him at flgbt angle9,launchmg human form Five great beehives covered extent In England than In thiS country A 'Sir, ' said the Doctor, .. you are grossly more, for all you say on th18 dlUglS true, and tbelrarrows from bebmd their Circular shields with rags-five dead bodies taken out few years ago we met with a statement to the mistaken I am Inllmately acquamted wltb O1Jts me to pieces I have beeD a slave to The Captam beld hli horse and shot-Eun hy graves, lied neck and heels and covered wIlh ell'ect that tbe annual value of the tutDlP crop Dr D Wight and I know to the cllntrary .. twenly years, and shall die B slave, the left hand, and In hiS right hl8 slx.sbooter, tags-would have looked hke tbose five bun of England WIth a population about the same " Sir, ' says Dennte .. you are mistaken, I my son uses It, I Will diSInherit .111m J' pOlaung tbe latter at the chief alternately dies npon wblch the ram rained down 10 Ibe as that of the UOIted States was somewhere have It from an Intimate acquamtance of hla, was consclonsness of slavery Bnd SID

He had already fired .three shots, and bl' public streel • What IS this l' said my com IU the vlcmuy of 20 mnhons of pounds Bterl whom I am confident would not tell an un I knew an excellent cleacon, wbo truth .. antagonuts had a~vanced to twelve paces panIon • What IS thiS 1 'Some mlsereble 109, or nearly equal to $100000000 About D I Inveterate • chewer,' who on rel!dili)t

from him One arrow bad Btruck hiS borse, Pllc pIe shut out of the casual ward I think,' Ihe same lime the turmp crop of tbe United 'No more slander," says the octOI', " passage which bids us glorify God, which was rearing and plungmg, one lIeVl'lred laid I (Mr DlckeDs then deSCribes IllS IU States was so IDC IDslderable that It was not am.~r ftlgb~, of ~hom ~oD speak I;' 1\'1 we eat1fr drlUk, said to hiS Wife, • I the strap at hIS shoulder, which held hiS abot qumes m the work bouse He f. und tbat tbe Included or reported IU tbe CeQs\llj Returns of n too exc alme ~~D1e, am r. glOrify God IU the use of tbl8 pOison' belt, another transfixed hiS boot from behind, women were sbut out Simply because the 1850 at all AccordIng to the abOlre estimate, De~~le, of whbom you /rnko b ht b dropped It once for all, and became a puslDg between tbe sock and bls leg, tbul he house was full) We wellt to the ragged and the Gensull Returns of the Agricultural e astoms meut 0 r wig may e and happier man Here was the drew out wltb h\9 oth!lr foot. a founh plerceq bundle nearest Ihe workhouse door, and I Products of tbe IT OIted States, the turDlp cr JP better conceIVed than told Suffice It to say, neSB and renunciation of SID-a ceasmg hlB b,.U1qbllfeil huming coat, and passed touched. It Tbe rags begall to be slowly of England not only exceeds that of the latter they mutually shook bands: and were ex~ evtlm one form

he h.lltllia glfti, by "bleb tbe force of the wae nnsbrouded-the head of a young woman the largest crops which we raIse ActordiDg • ellslsved (0 bls snull', he sOlmetia"" rep~)\'Etd ~1f' ViM arresteiI trom pU8lng lDto hll of tbree or four and twenty as I should to the census of 1850, the wheat crop of the Mendln~ RoMa a neighbor wbo wal a drunkard At le~lgtlll "I~~ I, WBII 11 crttl'cal mOlllellt for him Judge gaunt wltb want, and foul with dirt, Umted States was a little over 100 000 OOU The veteran editor of the Massacbusetts tbe drunkard said to him, • If you wtll Heilii.rI .abandoned aU hope or saTlog hiS own but not naturally ugly • Tell ~,' said I bushels, whlcb at $1 per busbel would make Ploughman thmks roads sbould be Improved up your snuff, I WIll give up my rum' hr., .. nel became "lDtBn!: onfy on selhng It stoop1Og down, • wby are you IY10g here l' the value of It Just equal to the estlmate1l bargalU was made But wuliln forty eight • .,adl If bls nexCsbot falled he was lost , • Bellause I can't get 1I1to the workhouse' value of the turnIp crop of England In 1850 10 early sprlDg He says - houn tbe clergyman was In perfect angUish W le'(l!lfecJ hIS 'iliftol upon tile fierce chlef In Sbe spoke m a falDt, dull way and had no the hay crop of the U lilted States was 13 • A hule gravel spread on ODr roads early for hl8 snnB: He sel a spy over the drunkard front of him, wllo etooplid, tile more perfectly curiosity or Interest left She looked dream 838642 tons, and thiS at elgbt dollars per 10 tbe Sprmg IS so motat that It IS soon trod to watcb for hlB downfall When &old that to protect bls body 'WitllitiIJ ,btela, when, by tly at the black sky and the Calling ralO, but ton would agam be about of tlie aame value hard anll remains solid through the summer, the fatal cup had pa9ged hIB lipS, he flew to Ii 'llddk mhement of the-pilltol, be broug/:tt It never looked at me or my compaDion 'Were as tbe turDlp crop of England From these but If applied In June or September, It hes hlB snuft box witb tbe fury of a maDlIIC made 'tb co." 9:le <ltber chler. w/:to waa .;,lollOg upon you here last mght I' • Yes, all last D1ght data It IS very obvIOUS that thiS crop IS much loose and IS a nUisance In the highway tIll hImself tdlOtlC, and died a fool I Tell 11-8 ~i~ .,tlllaii .pear. and sttuck blm {UlllD the and tbe D1gbt afore, too' • Do you know any more hIghly valued lD England than I1too.tbls another season We bave every reason WhlCIl was tbe greater drunkard7 Or, as eIIeIt;beforebe t'ould r81se hillbleld' Then. oftheae others? 'I know ber nezt but one country, and mucb more extens\Vt;ly culu therefore, 10 favor of mend IIg tbe roads early sm IS the POIDt 10 debate, wblch: W88 the

I ~rqpp'i~g hi. pIstol, he was about to try the she was here last D1gbl, and she told me sh~ valed ID tbe season More leisure, easier labor greater sIDner 1 ~"tt of (be sliot In hiS gun upon the .hleld came out of Essex I don't know no more We were led te make tlie examur.ltton of better work, and tbe use of a good road The lime would Call me to tell of men, o.I-.. ,,~her cbtef, but be was already stretch- of her' 'You were here all last Dlght. but the Census Returns, &0, the results of whlcb through the whole summer season lD heu of Christian men, and CbrlStian mlnle1llrs. who edlRit dead. In irlliil8 ferocity aod palOt A you bave not been ~ere all day 1 'No Dot ha~e been Just stated, lD consequence of a heaps of mud and mortar that surveyors used have renounced tbIS SIO U tbey reOOUDce (ltber cmt1dp from Delmen'. gun laid blm low all-tlay' • Where have yo\)' been -all Jay 1 VISit latll1y ~,de to aJl Englisb farmer, who to make a show of w(lrk, and to whIle away SIDS, and who, with tejuvenated health alld JOlt at tbe moment lba£ be Was about to • About the streetB ~ • Wbat have Yllu had ~8 .0\Dewh~t celebrated for ralslDg ruta-baga the lIme, whIch has been allotted to them, to Jubllant hearta, ble99 God for tbelr escape .prIn' uPQn tbJ!: (laptal~ It w .. s tbe work to eat t' • Notbmg' • Come' eBld I, and other root crops He bas raised crops of get TId oftbelr hIghway taxes from these" bonds of IDlquny "' of & moment; and all was as husbed abOM" ahltle You are tired, and bave tieen ruta:bagas averagmg over 600 bushels per Now, lettlre old dlstmtcsystem be pursued, Uncle Toby thlOke also that the use 4, t~elD al ,c,ID! tM~r I atorm Tbe wblttle and do"not quite con81der )l:hat you are acre, for ~Ilveral years, and notwithstanding or the Dt w mode of lettIng one surveyor do bacco IS tbe parent of numerous no wogu lOuoded l();the cbarge, and our Dlen tp Ul. You hav., had somethlDg to that he m,kes as WIdely known as pOSSible the whole bustness of road mend 109 Letthe aud adduces tbe followlDg facts 1II .tood ready fo meet anodier attack, but. dly Come I tblllk of It' • No, I what he Jilteems 118 ~be advantages and re work be seasonably done, 1!.nd when)t WIll tlOIl lB'(e~the luribng breath of tbe dylllg chiefs, Nottllng but 8uch bits as I could commendattons of tbls crop, sull very few of De of snme use to the pubhc T-bls'-carung .. Documents relating to the State Reform bitt IDdifNon wu given orthelt belDlln ab9\luhe market look pelghbors have ever been tnduced to try of mud or any other substance tnto the high- Scbool at Wes,boro, now he befole I

PVIl.l.aZli WUIlLY

By the Smnth-day BapllU ~n'lr.bIR~ KoelllJ

tb. , etIIlt7. :bared her neck, up agam to raise It. ThiS seems truly 8urpnstng con way m:rSeptember, October, or No:vember, 88 aee lbat of the whQ1e number ,0r,.younllf'crigli.1 The mulMeam, dllnns tliefigbt. had 8ttl,- ~Iryou had a llilHlDg some Bupper and 'Idenng that the recommendations whtch he we often aee It done, IS but a nUleance. a naI8~now: ID thiS eatabhslill)ent. 290 of li~ij~;il~lf~~~;i~~

ed 011: 8!@i~" ImODgli tbe bunes, to the a lod~ng,8bould ypu wHere to ~et 111' gIves of thIS crop do not fall much If any balow cheat, lind a, squanderlllg(lf the pubbclDoney ~ad used Tobacc9 be~9ret,J(~,iDJ("\"".":"'f l i111U~c. ot.~Jejjl IDIodred ,,,,,de. ",beli: 10 • Y" •• I could dp,,that' It, then' I put a dozeo In number Of t,bese we remeDlber We were much pleased, last y,ear, ~G see I thInk an In8trucUv~ !~Inery. bataQ ro .. fronr till coocealment ud Jed ibe 1II08e1 Jollt her band ihe feebl, roa8 tbe fflH?wlng aa t~e most ImJ!ortaut. nUJDeroljS ~I.trlcts early ellgated 1n mjlndlDI fJct@. the eame 10. kin4, :ll!!I,(lJ,;.ml~i; l~~1ir~:~:]~~:~~i~;~~~ ~ gIf itlpytb. ~.u.,; ad 1_ Capaai1Elelt. ,.ad WfJIIt away Sbe thanked me 1 ljfg~ are" 1'!l1'1 J!r9,6table 01' re tlrelr. ro~, and dOIDg real ~rYI~ to ~bf ~\l~ thare. I, ,,!~qj)tllJlI,~~m~i.i h.ittw.ilen.

!W •• ., • ., .1ID~Ucm :to_Jil .. • ,,-qK< ~ Dever lo.oked at me, ptelLe~ awry in tli~ mu munerauve crop, as liP. 'Cf~ will gpoeralli pubhc Instead or rendermg ~ trav.ell~ IIItlr recolel1, BeIiaalI'" bDiW~~\ICh b .r,tile BIght, 10 tbe ItrlDge.t manDer I eyer produce from 500 to 800bualiels, wltb an elt. worse through the summer. Towns bavenow