Amazing facts about plants part 2

AMAZING FACTS ABOUT PLANTS 1. Lotus in the national flower of India. All parts of lotus are edible. A lotus flower opens in the day and closes at night. 2. Corn is produced in all continents of the world except Antarctica. A corn ear has about 800 kernels in 16 rows. 3. Chillies are widely used to keep Elephants away from crops. Naga Viper is the world’s hottest chilli.

Transcript of Amazing facts about plants part 2


1. Lotus in the national flower of India. All parts of lotus are edible. A lotus flower opens in the day and closes at night.

2. Corn is produced in all continents of the world except Antarctica. A corn ear has about 800 kernels in 16 rows.

3. Chillies are widely used to keep Elephants away from crops. Naga Viper is the world’s hottest chilli.

4. Jute is biodegradable. Jute bags can last much longer than plastic bags and decomposes naturally. Jute is a vegetable fibre.