Amaze 2012

IIPM Presents The Annual Festival 2012 AMAZE “Free Your Mind” On the theme



Transcript of Amaze 2012

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IIPM Presents The Annual

Festival 2012AMAZE

“Free Your Mind”

On the theme

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• Amaze is one of the biggest management and cultural fest, earmarked for the finest seasoned talents around India’s top colleges.

• This year we come along with the theme for free spirited youth of the nation, “Free Your Mind”.

• We are providing this platform to showcase your talent once again.

• IIPM family cordially invites you and your college for the annual festival, AMAZE 2012.


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• Debate – The War Of Words !

• Maneuver – Watch Your Step !

• The Big Boss – Best Manager !

• The Crazy Frog – Ad Zap !

• JAM It !!! – Just A Minute !

• Scavenger Hunt – Where the Treasure Quench Your Thirst !

• Hodgepodge – Where clutter makes sense !

• Fashion Show – The Attitude Begins !

• Mr. & Ms. Amaze 2012


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#1 DEBATE – The war of words• Stop thinking, start talking!!!

• It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.

• Cry, shout, plead… Prove your point in the prelims and debate against the top finalists. Get a chance to let people hear your opinion.

• The Debate have majorly 2 rounds Prelims & Finals.

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1. Each team should consist of 2 members of the same institute.

2. Each team will be allocated a team number, 1 day before the event.

3. Preliminary Round (Day 1):

Team with Odd Number (A) – Speaks For the motion

Team with Even Number (B) – Speaks Against the motion

Order of speaking:

4. Team A (Member 1) - Team B (Member 1) - Team A (Member 2) - Team B (Member 2)

5. Each participant speaks for 90 seconds. (1st buzzer- 60 seconds & final buzzer- 90 seconds)

6. Each team can raise 1 question to its opposing team at the end of the speech of both the teams.

7. The short listed finalists will get through to the Final Round.

#1 DEBATE – The war of words - Rules

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• FINAL ROUND (Day 2):

1. Each finalist will be allocated a number as soon as the result of the Preliminary Round is out.

2. Participants with odd numbers will speak for the motion and those with even will speak against it.

3. Each participant speaks for 3 minutes. There is negative marking for those exceeding the time limit. (1st buzzer-2 Minutes & Final Buzzer-3 Minutes)

4. Either the judges or other finalists can interject once at the end of the speech.

(Please Note: The topic for the finals will be mailed to all the participants 1 week prior to the event; however the motion will be informed as soon as the result of Preliminary Round is out)

#1 DEBATE – The war of words - Rules

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• Remember dream and work to live your dreams. Dance to free your minds and be who you are!

• This is a part of the cultural activity where you can rock the beats from Kolaveri Di to Gangnam Style!

• This dance competition holds 2 categories, Group dance as well as individual.


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• All western & Indian dance forms are invited.

• It's not necessary that you represent your college, your team can come as a private entry.

• Duration of performance should be 5-10 min.

• There is no restriction on usage of props. But it's not allowed to use any kind of Hazardous props.

• Team should carry their music in a CD which is in audio format. Every team should carry at least two CD's.

• The Prelims will be on Day 1 and Finals on Day 2.

• Top 3 Individuals & Top 3 Groups will be chosen from Prelims for Finals.


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• Participants would be judged on the following basis:

1. Relevance of Social Issue Highlighted

2. Connect with audience

3. Costumes of participants

4. Energy level of participants

5. Choreography of performance

6. Expressions of every team member

7. Coordination among team members

8. Confidence of the participants

9. Judicious or sensible use of props


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• Some succeed because they are destined and some succeed because they are determined.

• “I am seeking, I am striving and I am in it with all my heart…” If you have that attitude, deliver it and prove it that you are the Big Boss of all.

• A manager is not a person who can do the work better than his men; he is a person who can get his men to do the work better than he can…the quest is on so come here at IIPM and showcase how well you can do it…


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• This is an individual task game, therefore qualifies only one person per institute.

• From Round 1, one person will be chosen per college. Registration for the team is on first come first serve basis.

• It might involve a few outdoor activities that need to be acquired to win the same.

• The game will proceed for a time period of 2 to 3 hours and will have multiple rounds.

• The entire process of qualifying the round will be told on the spot.

• Round 1 : Group Dynamics |(1 grp/clg)|(5-6 members/grp)

• Round 2 : Time Management (Individual Task)

• Round 3 : Multitasking Skills (Individual Task)

• Round 4 : Creativity (Individual Task)

• Round 5 : Convincing Ability (Individual Task)


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• Being crazy isn’t enough! Follow your inner moonlight, don’t hide your madness.

• It is a 2 level event where the 1st level comprise of the Print Ad and the 2nd level is an A/V Ad along with the Radio Jingle.

• Free your mind, imbibe your ideas n let your selling skills get unleashed to the audience.


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• In the first stage participating teams will be asked to flip through a magazine to choose a print ad and will be asked to better it keeping the theme of Amaze alive.

• In the second round, 1 product will be given and they would be required to design an advertisement (Radio jingle and an AV commercial) for the same.

• Each team can comprise of 2-3 members of the same institute.

• Participants are required to bring their own laptop with the desired software for making the advertisement.

• Points are awarded for concept and creativity more than technical expertise.

• Teams that do not wish to use technical equipment do not stand to lose points for the same.


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• Find something only you can say!

• JAM is all about your communication skills, your control over the English language, your syntax and fluency. In other words, its about a lot of English-Vinglish!

• If you are confident enough about your English, then go ahead and JAM IT!!!

• Rules to be disclosed on the spot by the JAM Master. Stay tuned!


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• Steve Jobs said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living some one else’s life.” And we say, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it finding some one else’s clues.”

• It is a Treasure Hunt game where several teams participate in groups of 4-5 members per team. They are assigned a set of clues for each team via which they need to reach the hidden treasure in the least time possible.


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#6 SCAVENGER HUNT – WHERE THE TREASURE QUENCH YOUR THIRST• A maximum of 10 teams are allowed.

• One team per college. 3-4 members per team, no less; no more.

• Teams are registered on first come, first serve basis.

• If any team fails to appear on time, their registration will be passed on to the team in waiting list.

• The goal is to collect as many items as possible from the given list with the help of clues, in the allotted time.

• Teams who fail to be in time are marked as disqualified.

• Items can be gathered in any order.

• No re-imbursements will be provided for any sort of purchase/damage/loss/travelling etc.

• of all the rules, with individual signatures of the team members.

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• Do not pick the clues of other teams, if picked mistakenly; keep it back on the same place. Remember you are being monitored by our squads.

• Use of any kind of technology is prohibited. If caught, the team will be disqualified. No further discussion will be entertained.

• Return the items, borrowed during the hunt.

• After the collection of all the items or maximum number of items, each team will be given 30minutes to solve a Jigsaw puzzle & provide a 2 line explanation for the same.

• Any other external assistance other than the team members will lead to disqualification.

• We are not liable for any losses of the team member’s belongings during the event.

• Teams have to bring their own vehicle if required.

• Violation of traffic rules will lead to disqualification of the team.

• Each team have to fill the declaration in agreement


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• “The world is but a canvas to our imagination…”

• And creativity is intelligence having fun. Here we challenge not only creativity but resource management skills.

• Collage Making it is. It is an abstract art created on a chart paper on a particular topic with the limited resources provided per team. Followed by a one page written explanation on the collage created.


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• Collage Making Time- 1 Hour

• Paper, Magazines, Glue, Sketch Pen / colors etc. are provided by the organizers(us).

• Each team must submit a one page write up on the theme of their collage, neatly printed or handwritten in A4 size paper, along with names of all participants, professor and institute.

• Theme – Free Your Mind, Particular topics to be given on the spot.

• Extra points for neatness.

• Disqualification- On exceeding time or deviating from the theme or unsatisfactory explanation to jury.

• Creativity is one of the important factors.

• 2/3 member per team.


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• Fashion changes, but style endures! Style Is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn!

• Fashion show is one of the event people always look upto and cheer from the core.

• It is all about Glamour,Style,Walk,Confidence,Attire etc,but the most that matters is ATTITUDE!


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• One team from each college,consisting of not less than 12 and not more than 14 participants.

• Two rounds:

Round 1: Common theme for all the teams

Round 2: Project your own theme.

• Evaluation would be based on

Theme Presentation

Couple and Team Coordination

Attitude,Style and Confidence.


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• Mr. & Ms. Amaze gives you the perfect platform to showcase your talent, style, presence of a bold & beautiful mind… So come and mesmerize the audience with your charisma… The selection of participants will be done through preliminary screening.

• Point to remember is, in order to be eligible for the titles, you need to be a winner in minimum 1 event or at least runners up in minimum 3 events. Gaining this title is not a cake! You have to earn it!

#9 MR. & MS. AMAZE 2012

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• You need to be Winner in minimum 1 event or Runners-Up in minimum 3 events.

• After the qualification, Round 1 consist of the Introduction and Talent Showcase.

• Round 2 consist of Q & A with the panel of judges and then the final winners will be declared.

• After the declaration of the results, no further discussions will be entertained and the detailed results will be kept confidential.

#9 MR. & MS. AMAZE 2012

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• Since the theme is “Free Your Mind”, it must be purely work of originality from the minds of the students, staff, admin staff, faculties etc.

• Everyone has hidden talent, what is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it heads.

• Let it be a Contest, open for all in the Institute, except for the Top Management (Training & Events Head, Academic Dean/Assistant Dean & Dean of the Institute) as they’ll be the Decision Makers for the winners.

• The winners and runners up will surely be getting a gift hamper.

• The Contest will categorized as per the type of products received. Posters/Banners, 3D Models, Quotations/Articles/Poems, Street Play etc. It is up to their creativity and free will.


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• It might include Poster or Banner Making. A set of random words can be written on small sheets, be folded and mixed together. Individuals can randomly pick one and then they can use their creativity and “Free Their Minds” to make a meaningful poster or banner out of it.

• Similarly, 3D modeling can be done on particular topics. It may include wind chimes, globe with a different perspective, electronic gadgets with unique and out of the box features etc.

• Topics can be related to nature, peace, harmony, mind, body, soul, fantasy world or anything picked from everyday life.

• This contest can be group or individual based and winners will be declared out of the lot and no special group wise or individual category will be declared.


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• The tentative average amount is 5lacs. (The figures below are approximate in INR)

• Certificates – 5,000 INR

• Brochure & Invitation Kits – 10,000 INR

• Judges Gift Tokens – 5,000 to 10,000 INR

• Bouquets – 2,000 INR

• Winners Gift Hampers – 25,000 INR+ Kind Coupons (10,000 INR) + Cash rewards (25,000 INR)

• Choreographer for Fashion Show/Dance – 50,000 INR

• Costumes for Fashion Show/Dance – 30,000 INR

• Gift Hamper for Décor Winners (In house) – 5,000 INR

• Venue Booking – 80,000 – 1,00,000 INR

• Snacks & Beverages – 30,000 to 50,000 INR

• DJ/Music – 15,000 INR

• Stationery – 10,000 INR

• Miscellaneous – 50,000 INR

• Remaining Balance – 1,00,000 INR


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• As our theme stands “ Free Your Mind”, Our main targets for sponsorship should be from Health,Sports and Entertainment sector.

• Brands like Abs,Talwalkars,Kaya Skin Clinic,VLCC,should be pitched on Priority basis.

• Also Entertainment Hub like Inox,PVR Pictures,Games zone should be pitched.


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• Target Sponsors should be pitched by making them understand the theme ,how it connects to their Brand.

• Target Sponsors should be explained the benefit of the sponsorship to them and to the Audience and or Customers.