Alumni who have supported the Annual Fund, EITC, OSTC ...€¦ · Alumni who have supported the...

Alumni who have supported the Annual Fund, EITC, OSTC, capital fund, endowment or any combination of these various efforts are listed below by class. Spouses of deceased alumni are listed in the appropriate class affiliation. This list includes all gifts and pledges received through June 17, 2013. Thank you! Please advise the Development Office of any necessary corrections. Gifts can still be made through June 30, and the final list will be published in our annual Report of Gifts in the fall. * deceased 1934 Julian Alexander 1935 Elizabeth J. Aron 1937 Edmond H. Heisler Virginia Solis-Cohen 1938 Alice J. Boeshore Richard P. Brown Oliver S. Crosby Jane O. Staman 1939 William Bates Willard S. Boothby J. Seth H. Cruice * Robert C. McAdoo 1940 L. Talbot Adamson Robert W. Dale Robert J. Harbison Nancy M. Long Richard H. MacNeal David R. Matlack John S. Price Peter Randall 1941 Norman L. Barr Perry C. Kelson Frank P. Louchheim Walter G. MacFarland

Transcript of Alumni who have supported the Annual Fund, EITC, OSTC ...€¦ · Alumni who have supported the...

Alumni who have supported the Annual Fund, EITC, OSTC, capital fund, endowment or

any combination of these various efforts are listed below by class. Spouses of deceased

alumni are listed in the appropriate class affiliation. This list includes all gifts and

pledges received through June 17, 2013. Thank you! Please advise the Development

Office of any necessary corrections. Gifts can still be made through June 30, and the

final list will be published in our annual Report of Gifts in the fall.

* deceased


Julian Alexander


Elizabeth J. Aron


Edmond H. Heisler

Virginia Solis-Cohen


Alice J. Boeshore

Richard P. Brown

Oliver S. Crosby

Jane O. Staman


William Bates

Willard S. Boothby

J. Seth H. Cruice *

Robert C. McAdoo


L. Talbot Adamson

Robert W. Dale

Robert J. Harbison

Nancy M. Long

Richard H. MacNeal

David R. Matlack

John S. Price

Peter Randall


Norman L. Barr

Perry C. Kelson

Frank P. Louchheim

Walter G. MacFarland


John M. Donahue *

Francis H. Loughran


Sevill Schofield

Minturn T. Wright


Louise B. Beardwood

George E. Davidson

Margaret Emmons

Ralph L. Goetzenberger

George J. Hauptfuhrer

Joseph H. Kenworthy

Joseph L. Loughran


H. Leonard Brown

Rodger P. Cheetham

T. Frank Decker *

Clint Ely

Laurence B. Huston

Robert R. Irving

Barbara McKinney

Robert W. Schneck

A. Richard Teller

Herbert R. Williams


William B. Ashmead

William Balderston

Philip M. Dougherty

Frank R. Gould

James R. Keiser

John F. Kling

George H. Kurz

Benjamin H. Linton

Irwin L. Park

Wilson S. Ross

Max Welborn


James C. Balderston

Edward C. Driscoll

Caroline B. Fritzinger

Charles S. Ganoe

John C. Gregory

Frederick W. Larson

William F. Matlack

F. Stanton Moyer

Robert B. Parsons

H. Randolph Schofield

George S. Stewart

Alan T. Willoughby

Edward A. Woolley

Joanne A. Yutzler


Frederick S. Allen

Philip J. Baur

Pauline H. Bell

Edward B. Collins

John L. Finney

Lawrence C. Hardy

Avery R. Harrington

Anne S. Klenk

Robert P. Levy

George S. Meinel

William E. Miles

Franklin T. Osgood

Thomas Paff

Lincoln Roden

Charles H. Schaefer

Robert F. Taylor

Walter H. Waechter *

Thomas S. Williams


Peter A. Benoliel

J. Walter F. Blizard

George C. Fuller

Ann N. Greene

Byron G. King *

Thomas B. MacCabe

Peter J. Meehan

Carol K. Park

Harry E. Richter

Casiana O. Ryan Schmidt

Jack V. Scott *

Lowell S. Thomas


John S. Alsentzer

Richard T. Claus

Whitman P. Cross

Bruce C. Kaercher

Christopher W. Parker

Bruce W. Rose

George J. Sudlow

Louis Wiegand

H. Curtis Wood


Richard W. Aberle

Natalie O. Barnes

Allen M. Barstow

Leonard A. Bracken

Wayne G. Brown

A. Cope Garrett

Donald L. Greene

Nelson R. Hartranft

George C. Henrich

Donald R. Kardon

William H. Kingsley

Jay M. Neale

Charles S. Parmenter

David N. Weinman

William W. White

Arthur P. Woolley

Robert B. Zubaly


Arthur U. Ayres

George C. Corson

John R. Crompton

Shirley Davis Roediger

George L. Deming

Clifford W. Donahower

Frank F. Embick

John L. Graham

Howard T. Hallowell *

David M. Jordan

William A. Loeb

William J. McGuckin

Philip Price

David E. Smith

Robert Y. Twitmyer

Alexander A. Uhle

Joseph B. Van Sciver

John H. Wagner

Charles M. Waygood

Charles F. Wuestner


Donald O. Baumann

Richard L. Daugherty

Jeanne D. Fisher

Daniel R. Furman

Richard L. Geyer

Richard P. Graff

Gilbert L. Granger

Philip E. Lippincott

William E. Lutz

Clark K. Riley

Joseph S. Torg

Harrison G. Wehner

W. Robert Wilson


Barton L. Gledhill

John P. Green

Carl N. Kunz

James A. Lehman

Evan W. Michener

Yannis S. Stephano

Nicol C. Taylor


Charles D. Achenbach

John J. Bevan

Charles Clayton

William S. Colehower

Harry L. J. Garrett

Earl W. Glazier

Robert L. Gray

Richard M. Lehman

John L. MacWilliams

Steven J. Munzer

Drew C. Smith

Owen B. Tabor

Thomas M. Twitmyer

John Weingartner

Richard N. Westcott

Arthur J. Wise


Bernard E. Berlinger

Michael Birtwistle

Peter F. Cooke

John D. Corbit

Robert R. Cryer

Ralph S. Hirshorn

Joan McIlvaine

C. Richard Michie

Julius B. Rauch

Martin B. Schneider

James F. Tetzlaff


H. Carl Albrecht

J. Peirce Anderson

Kenneth J. Barber

Peter D. Barnes

Thomas W. Budd

Philip L. Cohan

G. Allan Dash

Gerald A. Hedges

Donald M. Kerr

James V. Masella

James G. Masland

Benedict Saurino

John E. Singmaster

William N. Tanner


Richard J. Braemer

Ann Buck

Stanley L. Buck *

Carl H. Burkhart

Harold T. Commons

Joseph G. J. Connolly

John E. F. Corson

Michael E. Cushmore

Bradford M. Gearinger

William A. Graham

Robert M. Harting

Ross R. Hibbert

Edward T. Horn

Robert D. Morrow

Stephen J. Ruckman

Richard S. Thatcher

Edwin A. Weihenmayer

Rodger C. Wichterman


William E. Chapman

William M. Davison

David Evans

R. Ford Hutchinson

Nelson J. Luria

Robert J. Pope

Thomas A. Ralph

Henry S. Rogers

Thomas D. Watkins

S. Anders Yocom


James M. Arrison

David H. Bishop

John Churchman

Samuel H. Francis

George W. Hemphill

George F. Ingersoll

Herbert N. Johnston

James E. Morrison

Richard R. Rulon

Joseph A. Silvaggio

Robert E. Ward


Jacob G. Bumm

Anthony J. DiMarino

David L. Geyer

William E. Gretz

Richard P. Hamilton

John J. Hohenadel

J. Freedley Hunsicker

F. Howard Maull

Duncan M. McFarland

Randolph Pyle

Leonard C. Schwarz

Rudolph W. Struse

Jeffry H. Tindall

Raymond W. Vickers

Herbert S. Winokur


Claude H. Bennett

Martin Boyer

Louis F. Burke

Sandra Crittenden

William F. MacDonald

David S. Mattis

Kevin A. McKinney

F. Stone Roberts

Lindley C. Scarlett

Thomas F. Strickland

Albert B. Wilson

Janis P. Winder


Charles L. Burrall

Robert E. Brickley

David K. Crosby

Jacques P. Fiechter

Noble L. Gable jr.

L. E. Haines

Steven P. Hannes

Franz H. Kaufmann

Martin Krasney

Charles Kurz II

Doulas S. Little

Thomas H. Magid

Richard J. Scarlett

Robert H. Spigel

Warren Wiegand

Charles L. Williams


John A. Affleck

Jeffrey D. Barr

Stephen M. Cushmore

Stephen K. Dome

Peter B. Hamilton

Benjamin L. Hayllar

John T. Long

William F. Lotz

David P. Montgomery

James G. B. Perkins

Laurence M. Russell

Jonathan D. Stanley

William B. Weihenmayer


Frederick F. Gretz

Robert B. Hearn

Charles W. Huntoon

John F. Hutchinson

Robert B. Jordon

James Kleppinger

William R. Kramer

Stuart A. McFarland

Harry E. Nothacker

William B. Pitt

F. John White

Howard M. White


Stephen A. Bonnie

Craig H. Fischer

Stephen R. Gretz

Martin J. Harrity

Carl H. Hill

Richard W. Holmes

Bruce M. Kirchner

J. Gregory Luckman

John T. Ort

Joseph S. Ort

Stephen B. Russell

Allen F. Steere

David M. Waelder


Robert C. Buckley

Harry S. Cherken

David T. Duff

C. Bruce Dunn

Charles S. Goodman

Carl F. Haeussler

Mark Hankin

John P. Knox

McKinley C. McAdoo

Thomas C. Oxtoby

Gareth W. Rosenau


Robert J. Fass

Bruce C. Gill

Peter E. Helmetag

Edward E. Marshall

David W. Oxtoby

Timothy A. Rice

Richard E. Stanley

Dale P. Van Wieren

Samuel M. Wilson

Kenneth J. Young


Richard A. Balderston

William B. Carr

Robert T. Crowley

William D. Fulton

James P. Harbison

Thomas H. Lee

Richard D. Mellor

Louis G. Peirce

Thomas M. Sadtler

Robert M. Smith

James H. Spigel

Richard T. Steere

David Zimmerman


Stephen A. Conlon

Russell R. Dickhart

John E. Gardner

Robert S. Kiefner

Donald A. Lentz

Dewitt H. Montgomery

James H. Shacklett

Jonathan H. Sprogell

Warren J. Wilson


Randolph C. Barba

Peter E. Doms

John J. Foderaro

Peter S. Given

James A. Grundy

John R. Harbison

R. Keith Helmetag

Roger S. Hillas

Charles S. Kaesshaefer

John B. Kitto

Frederick H. Landell

Alfred R. Loughran

William H. Resch

Charles L. Roberts

George A. Rosskam

Michael Schaffer


Mark S. Aitken

Bruce K. Balderston

George A. Buffum

John W. Burkhart

David B. Crowley

John M. Doelp

David B. Driscoll

Edward W. Enoch

David R. Gilkeson

Lawrence E. Gubb

Lewis H. Johnston

Lawrence S. Klein

Stefan-Matthias Pulst


Richard L. Baer

Frederick H. Bartlett

Stuart F. Conston

Michael A. Golden

Kirk D. Hartman

Scott L. King

David W. Leebron

Karl B. Salus

Robert J. Sands

Irvin G. Schorsch

J. Craig Shields

Peter G. Spitzer

Daniel B. Taylor

Philip Wachs

Charles J. Webb


Blake M. Christoph

J. Peter Davis

W. Crawford Elliott

Albert M. Greenfield

David S. Jonas

Andrew S. Klein

Steven F. Koltes

Robert K. Kurz

Scott B. Perper

David D. Rosskam

Craig J. Sabatino

William S. Skinner


Rodney B. Colen

James C. Garvey

Wayne A. Jerdan

W. Jeffrey Meier

Robert L. Nydick

Geoffrey H. Shields

Robert C. Shields

Hugo D. Smith

Shanin Specter

Allen L. Stretton


D. Jeffry Benoliel

Paul R. Billig

Jeffrey T. Harbison

James E. Lemonick

Howard S. Parris

Harold L. Segall

Brent Sherwood

Nicholas A. Sommaripa


Douglas L. Greenfield

Paul H. Hough

Samuel W. Levitt

James R. Malone

Robert S. Miles

Robert L. Thomas

Stephen H. Topping

Robert J. Wilson


Theodore F. Decker

Robert S. Egan

Elliot A. Feinstein

Michael F. Iademarco

Sterling H. Johnson

Bruce W. Kirst

Joshua M. Leuchter

Michael K. Levin

John F. Loughery

David H. Neff

Patrick L. Rendon

Andrew J. Rodgers

Wynn H. Segall

Russell P. Sharples

Nathaniel E. Sher

John F. Somers


J. Michael Chaple

Stephen J. Kron

Patrick E. Lynch

Gregory J. Rubis

Edgar R. Seydel


David M. Amaro

Nathan J. Blum

John B. Caras

B. Graeme Frazier

Charles J. Goodman

Edward Greer

Jeffrey S. Klein

Peter S. Klein

Daniel H. Kropp

Jeffrey M. Lotman

Steven J. Molitor

David N. Wilcots

Caesar D. Williams


Christopher A. Bruck

Vincent P. DellaValle

Edward A. Foley

Daniel M. Hoffman

D. Holden H. Hummel

Andrew J. Kramer

Joseph F. Lipski

John Matzko

John A. McMillen

Michael H. Monheit

Karl S. Murray

John W. Nancarrow

Raymond Ragland

Anthony R. Resch

Reginald L. Royster

Jerome Slotkin

Dean E. Weisgold


Howard J. Bashman

Karen A. Brown

Louis D. Davis

Robert Hellings

David J. Kurtz

Brian W. McCloskey

Andrew L. Miller

Kenneth A. Murphy

James C. Neely

Christopher D. Roak

Benjamin E. Robinson

Robert L. Rosania

Paul J. Slowik


Ruben Amaro

Alan S. Block

Robert P. Bowman

George E. Brockman

Timothy J. Cerino

David L. Cohen

Warren J. Constantine

Steven K. Gerber

Benjamin M. Glassman

David R. Hassman

H. Richard Holgate

John L. Iademarco

Anthony M. Jacquinto

J. Brandt Joel

Torsten J. Kreider

Benjamin E. Long

David J. Loren

Thomas F. Monaghan

Mark D. Rosser

David B. Rubenstein

Andrew J. Rubis

Jonathan Rudolf

John D. Smith

Mark W. Tanner

Andrew E. Vye

Timothy M. Wall

Sean M. Weston

Eric M. Wilcots


Brinton M. Brosius

Richard B. Commons

Joseph DiGiovanni

John Fabbi

Andrew C. Jacobs

Peter Lubowitz

Christopher J. Maguire

Robert T. Myers

J. David Scially

Marc B. Shipon


Jonathan H. Bari

Michael S. Blume

Michael S. Cohen

Joseph F. Doherty

Michael E. Dowling

Brian J. Duffy

Matthew M. Killinger

Thomas D. Kramer

Anthony J. Lewandowski

Joseph Livezey

Kenneth G. MacMahon

Timothy J. Maguire


David A. Healy

David M. Jaspan

Steven M. Jones

Stephen J. Kim

Marc R. Lisker

Rebecca T. Miller

Howard S. Zipin


Leon D. Caldwell

L. Mark Christman

Robert W. Frieman

Barry S. Goldberg

Jeffrey R. Havsy

David E. Jokelson

Adam M. Koppel

Timothy W. Morrison

Webster U. Walker


Joshua F. Brockman

Craig R. Cubbin

John P. Fiore

Thomas A. Gennarelli

John-Paul Gomez

Benjamin W. Jones

Patrick H. Keane

Daniel D. Killinger

George J. Maley

Handsel B. Minyard

Keith T. Morris

Gregory D. Palkon

William L. Rotko

Generoso C. Rullo

David M. Shipon

Stephen W. Simpson

Timothy J. Tarpey

Michael Trenteseau


Christopher D. Ball

Kent M. Davidson

Brian M. Donaghy

Kenneth A. Fox

Graham E. Michener

John S. Michener

Kenneth C. Murray

Mitchell L. Simon

Neil B. Tanner

Justyn G. Tokarczyk

John W. Wilson

Stephen C. Zieger


Brian D. Kitchell

Gabriel B. Ledger

Barry J. Markman

James D. Phillips

Stephen W. Rinaldi

Adam Skwersky

Richard W. Smith

J. C. Spink

David G. Vahlsing

Thomas A. Vizza

David E. Wilson


David L. Cohen

Peter H. Cordray

Daniel S. Donaghy

William A. Gallagher

Timothy W. Nolan


Stephanie B. Carson

Rachel S. Dyer

Blake B. Goodner

Stephen P. Horne

Aaron S. Kesselheim

Michael J. Rudolph

Julie M. Van Sciver *


Anne L. Chen

Megan A. Duffy

Drew A. Morris

Trevor S. O'Driscoll

Victor S. Olshansky

Edward J. Yaeger


Andrew Duffy

Denise I. Friedland Cohen

Lisa Slowik

Megan L. Wilson


Ilana H. Eisenstein

Hercules Grigos

Megan E. Kafer

Hugh A. Meyer

Thomas H. Scott

Brian M. Walters

Stephanie T. Walters

John H. Whipple


Meredith K. Buckley

Carla Hetzel

Kathleen N. McCoy

James H. Shacklett

James Tyler Simpson

Andrew S. Thompson

Jeannine W. Vender

Adam Weinstein

Eganne S. Wolfington McGowan


Stephen D. Bruno

Scott J. Etish

Stephanie P. Sidlow


Dallas W. Alexander

Alice A. Bullitt

John J. Ellis

Andrew F. Evans

Christiana Gallagher

Katherine C. Hayes

Rodger R. Matthews

Elizabeth K. O'Neill

Jill M. Rafter

Jesse T. Rendell

Marshall D. Roslyn

Jaime A. Ruth

Daniel F. Ryan

Patrick A. Sasse

Melissa C. Schuck


Dana A. Bate

Joseph K. Chaffin

Latrisha M. Chattin

Peter J. Farnese

Mark D. Hecker

Anita A. Idiculla

Colin M. Kelly

Matthew B. Kessler

Joseph O. Larkin

Kathleen B. O'Donovan

Margurite P. Palmer

Alison B. Peet Dowling

Margaux G. Pelegrin


Rachel A. Berman

Brian M. Cash

Victoria J. Darmanin

Daniel K. McKenna

Mary C. Rogers

Robert T. Simpson


Kenneth J. Devenney

Jennifer H. Diamond

David C. Peet

Curtis O. Townsend


Philip F. Balderston

Chelsea K. Erdmanis

Thomas P. Farnese

Christopher A. Lins

Michael K. McKenna

Robert L. Nydick

Andrew Stein


Meredith L. Albert

F. Henry Bartlett

Dominique A. Browner

Brittany H. Cook

Benjamin J. Cooperman

Jennifer N. Cooperman

Chad A. Flores

Lindsay M. Galvan

David E. Gaunt

Robert C. Hitschler

Geoffrey G. Karapetyan

Jessica A. Kolansky

Mason B. Lane

Lara L. Lechtenberg

Dain E. Lewis

Ali W. Mabsoute

Louisa M. Macy

Anthony E. McDevitt

Alexis G. Mercado

Samantha S. Mitchell

Meredith S. More

Francesca R. Murasko-Blank

Miki Omori

Matthew T. Ryan

Bradford R. Shields

Amy K. Trooskin


Devon L. Erdmanis

Laura S. Kaesshaefer

Megan E. Kaesshaefer

Alison B. Kessler

Peter W. O'Keefe

John S. Peet

Sarah Rogers

David Sullivan


Jessica Balderston

Lincoln R. Bartlett

Caroline F. Braun

Immaculata Ermocida

Matthew Eshelman

Evan Footer

Michael MacDonald

Gregory Nydick

Marc Spagnoletti

Mindy L. Zacharjasz


Emily Bartlett

Blair Braun

Rachel Dowling

Katherine Siegmann

Drew Speranza


Mark Adzick

Ethan Alderman

Elizabeth J. Bak

Jayne Bernsten

Samuel S. Biddle

Pat Brady

Michael Butler

Thomas Caramanico

Amanda Davis

Katie Delaney

Daniel Drufovka

Brett Falkoff

Max Feldman

Laurie Finer

Ashley Flores

Samantha Fretz

Drew Fullen

Julia Garden

Rebecca Garden

Billy Goldman

Beth Gottehrer

Brooke Hall

Shannon Harrington

Ross Harrow

Ryan Hoffman

Audra Hugo

Jonathan Hulting-Cohen

Dylan Isaacson

Scott Israelite

Nathan Joslin

Ryan Kang

Benjamin S. Katz

Ricky Baska B. Lynn

Ellen R. McDevitt

Robert McInerney

Anne McKenna

Sarah Miller

Alexander R. Moss

Eric Muller

Kiera Murasko-Blank

Robert Nation

Conor O'Neill

Charlotte Revol

Jeremy Robinson

Dara Scarborough

Eric Schwartz

Casey Sharbaugh

Ann Strackhouse

Elizabeth Strasbaugh

Steve Suway

Brian Teuber

Megan Thompson

Timothy Walling

Marguerite Walters

Sam Weinrott


Blaise Fullen

Megan Garvey

Joseph C. Gembala

Scott Kaesshaefer

Jeremy L. Maurer

Kyle A. Maurer

Alexandra L. Olsman

Elizabeth M. Spagnoletti

Derek H. Speranza


Robert D. Amaro

Daniel P. Carr

Benjamin Cooper

Matthew Galvan

Kyrie Georgiou

Becky Kriese

Laura A. Kurash

Noah Lebowitz-Lockard

Kelli Meyer

Khaaleedah A. Smith

Carolyn R. Vahey

Joey Volgraf

Allison M. Whip

Brittany L. Wohler


Ryan T. Brown

Nicole Cantor

Megan C. Delaney

Jillian Falkoff

Hope M. Fullen

Brian Garvey

Laura J. Kroculick

Gregory T. Laudadio

Brian Mendel

Juliette G. Snyder

Elizabeth L. Thom

Sydney Weinberg

Austin B. Wood


Andrew R. Amaro

Emily R. Apple

Mary K. Auchincloss

Michael A. Baron

Danielle Bembry

Adam J. Garnick

Robert Golden

Michael S. Goldman

Andrew C. Grabowski

Jennifer M. Israelite

Mackenzie L. Kramer

Jenna E. Maurer

Ellen L. Pighini

Margaret Rollins

Alexandra H. Rosen

Julian R. Salkind

Jorin S. Schug

Blaine A. Steinberg

Jessica G. Stone

Kimberly A. Turner

Madeleine W. Williams

Kahlil A. Willis


Clay Bryan

Shane J. Carr

Marc D. Gottschalk

Anna M. Kurtz

Alexander Palladino

Giancarlo Regni

Tess Reinhold

Samuel I. Rowland